PC 05-29-73 �
��t �.)i_ ...:J� �:'i�./ �• 111'�� v� �:�l�i."��..I�iV.:.i?. } ."�
. i
1 �� 1 ��� �I��:iZ Y'E_' liV;tlitl:� ., �;il'iG't r.,. � l F__1.�.� O?'J ��. � i�?>�t' �
`1'Y..l.L��ilr � ZSi--L:.!�'�S
i°tI?vU'J'L� OF I'1�r: RT�(;U:_,�'�,: �;;; �' 1";G ti`r' `� ;i�; FLl�.��,`1I2�;C; C0:?1t �:�SIOi�
1�EL•D 0�1 riA`T 29, J_ ° i 3 1:.\ '.t'H.t: C;i?Ui�:C; � i_ C�ii'i1;I'.EZ ; C I'1 Y Hi�f.�T�
CTJ�'l;I.TI:v�, , C'AL1 FO1,��IA �
. �
Ct2�ir`ri'18I1 ��Ut�1P_Tlll.t�l Ot��'.11E'.Ci t:�l�' I:1'�'E'.tJ..I1� �L ,� :�?S ��,'1i� �•7i�11 �LlE `
Salute ta the I'ia;. �
� .
�.O::liil� �Y'E:SE'llt � f�G2^'.�i � �i<ltt0 � Tvel�.l$ � Q �7 :u�)� �C.�'i31r[T�nTl �
���L henut.h �
Cotr,���. absent: Noi�e � ° t
. �
Sta.ff. pre�;E�nt : D �.recto7- of YlanninJ �rid Dev�_l.o_� �:�.,rtt S�sk ;
��sistant City �"�tt�,rney :C�rr�, �
tLssociate Planne�.� C;oti�an {
Trafiic E�Z�ineer Gr �gg . �
i�iint!te�� of Re �ular. I�leetin� of rfa � 14 1973. �
� � 5 � ±
C}iairman �uthentith n�te� on ra�e 3, tne � .��ere carried �+-�) �
because of absence oi orie con��iiss�oner; Cc�m�. Gatto noted tl�e sa_,ia
c�*as t?-u` on page 3. �
Com�n. Nellis questioned Com� Gatto's stater.:ent on rage 7, paragra.�h�
2. The word '�:,ur.p]_us" shou:Ld l�e cl:anLed to "budget".
Comm. T�ellis sa:i.d on Page 10, paragraph 4, "Seven Srrings Far_c'�"
should t�e c!ian�ed to "church property". . '
Chair.man Buthenutti re�err.ec? t�� t�aae 9, paragraph !+. This �s ta
read "The alternate. for open space �,�as deleted• arid the altern� tes
were to be ��.4 and ?_6 units per acre."
P1�ved by Co::�a. G�ztto, 5ecati<leci bv Cor��ut. Nel_Iis, to approve tl�:� i
Minutes or `iay 1.� , 1_9% 3 �is c�rrect� . !
rioC. io=t c«ri: :.ed , /}-0-1 �
. �
1'C -10? MINUTES OF iiAY ?_9, 1973 PLF�VN_'::;C CO`�IISSTON :�1�ET1Nu '
�'S�E ,Z •
Cor�?:�, Gattc suggestF�a attactii��ig exhibits which had bE�en reterred t.o in
tl�.e meeting to tne c:�in�ites for future clarity.
� i�iinut-e� �:;f the '•`ay 9, I973 �.d;jo�_irned Regular Meeting.
Co;nm. Ilellis referr�d to pag�� 6, paragraph 6, pointin�; out this should ,
be Crossr�ads ZII LID. The next sentence should then be deleted.
Comm. Nellis said �n page 7, paragraph 3, the last sentence sho�ld read .
"The Planning Commiss�on agreed to leave it in the year s?ated".
Moved by Corr� Nel]_is, seconded '�y Comm. Gatto, to approve rlinutes of
May 9, 1973 as corrected.
Motion carried, 5-0
Mimites o� the Mav 10, 1973 Adjourned Regular Meeting,
� Ccm:��. Gatto noted an page 5, raragraph 2, it should read "40 units to
� ent?_re narcel".... Also �n nage 5, paragraph 8, it should read "4J�
ur.�ts tot�l"and "130 units total"
j �h� psge 7, �aragrarh 2, second sentence "per acre" should be del_eted.
. y
,��me pa�e, paraoraph 3, the iast ? i_r._e s'�ould rea� "4.5 Ln�ts a�s�.gr.ec�
to er�L.i.re garcel".
Ce:nn�. Nel1�_s noted oi� pagP 6, paragraph 2, "extension'' should be chan�ed
tu `'extensive" . '
Moved by Comm. Ne.11is, seconded by Comm. G�tto, t� approve :�inutes or
N�ay 10, 19?3 as corrected.
rl�tion carried, 4-�-1
Minutes of t�he �1ay l6, 1�73 Adjaurned P.egular Meeting.
Con�,n,. �a.tto noted on pa�e 3, last l�n: shou.ld read "....floor cc�ntro]_
� On pa;;e 7., par�i�;rap� �, the :>econ:i =�ine :_,ho�ald reaci "thrau�,h otYie�
� f ` ' 7t '
ne.i�'rlbo�nooc'is to get t.:� nea_g}ti:orhooci shappLn� ���nt.=,rs..
��n p�.�;c 5, paraaY 3, Cha:.rma-� B�_�th��r�uth w:ist�t.d t.,� <idd to the last
� SC.'-'_1LE.'�7CC-. ��clii� i�Z<311,''�:11f rOIlLCi"�5�,�_CTl Si:i!UI.C� �_l��E' r�"11S ?.Ct[;O accaunt'�
$ .
3 '
� .
$ '
. �
�i7:NUTkS OF T1iE :�AY 29, 197� PL^,I�NI"� COT�L�IISSION PiE�Tl;�G VC--1C2
1'a.ge 3
Comm. Pvelli.s added I�er endorse�nent of ai:tacn?aer_ts to indicate
" nyighborh�oci:� anc parcets are lie�n� covered.
;�:oved by CO:^Tll :�atto, secondecl ��y C.^,nun. 0`Keefe, to appi-ove
Minutes of May 16, 1°73 as corrected.
rioti_on carried, 4�-0-1
Minutes of A1ay 1.7, 1.973 Adjourned Re�;ular N.eeti.ng. �
Comm. ivell�s nated on page 7, the last �,�:ord of the first iine
"not" should be deleted.
Cor�ml. Gatto said on page 3, paragrapl� 7, seccnd line, the taord
"than" st�oul_d be added between "densiLy" and "on".
Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Com�. Gatto, to a�eprove
' ilinutes of_ ��ia}- 17 , 1973 as correct.ed . �
riotion carried, 3-Q-2
POSTPONE�iEi�1'TS : None '
1. CITY OF CUP�RTIPJO: Public Hear�ng to consider 1�73
Comprehensive General Plan. First Hearing Continued.
Mr. Sislc reported tt�at staff had started the first round of dis-
cussions with major property o; Emphasis rela�ed to traffic
consi.der«tion. They h�d hoped to begin discussi_ng core area
and traffic conce.rns this week. However, because of overload
discussions in depth could not be held this evening. A rep�e-
. • sentat�ve from Ba}T�hore Properties had flo��n a consultant in frcm
Chica�o to give a presentation of work to date.
• rir. Terry said this is a cont.i.nuation of public he3rings concerning
Cupert:ino's General Plan stud;T, and the commission is �ree to he�r
what��ver infor.i�iati.�n is deeried appropriate. �ie said the staif i:;
in the proc.ess of e�.Taluating traf_f ic in£orm3tion beiii,, �resente.d
to them aiid wondered if it �aould be appropriate a.t this time to t:ea
�?C--:L02 MINI?TI�S 0� THE MAY 29 , 1.973 PT.I�^�NING CO�1x�1ISSIUi>1 i�Lri.T�LNG
?a�e 4 �
Baysi ProPert��es prior_ tc s�udy by staff . Gener��? outline of_ pro�ram
and St�idy •plan l�a:� heen �c.> s;,�ltht�r varioti_is i_nfor-r.ai:i�n and ha�.�e I>re_�ented
�)y COL�Sll� t111r8 i0T' CCI'iS'_(.�E.'Z'�it1011 8I1C�. ;..'��1�.U.?.t:�OTl� 'u11Q Flr t:�lcl�i.�. `�T'l�? have
C1_r:i'LEIl 1I1(�Ut . j�E_' SiiiC� t:�tE'_ CiJ:�?:T11SS i.OI1 COU�.CI .ti�3Lt Lltit _�� they il"ci,�. C:;lI1b1I1C'U
input i:rem City staff as related to the over-a11 t� 11f�c patteri: and then
liave r.eports frem .:.nt�ere:sted parties o� could near theni now.
rlr. P,irrel Leoriard re�resentiitg Vallco P��r� said th��y ha.d done a lot of
� on these isst,ns also and their con�ultants wouid �•aeico:�e an opFor-
' tuniCy irivolvi_i? equal time. �le falt i.t �aas �roper to have tllese ite:ns
� discussed at same time o�ith City consultants, riaria�.i and Vallco consult-
ants all being present.
r1r. .ioe Eurke representing Bayshore Properties said they had been pre--
? pa�ed ror a considerable ,tir.•:e for thzs presentation. He understood
� staf f`s situat but telt thny sliould (1) hav OD�7 ortunity to pr�sen�
� find.ingU of traff;.c analy�is, and (2} c:�pper_+�un�.ty to te�_I abcut flc�•� ancl
what they were piann _ng to ,�o .
Chairr:la�� Buttier.u�lz noted they ��rere not prenared a.id tize presentation
� cc�oul�: have. to �e repea.t later on tahe;� tra� fic ccnsultants and sta�f
��aauld ��e :raking �resentations. He felt it ��ould b� d:i_sad.�ranta�;eous ii
� it ��re not done al�_ at once.
� � Ti"L. �LS'c�'. �O�li��c:� 011.0 IP.S1(�Erit.i.c3_L SL"llCly �:a:�th e �`L L71il.t�� ,5
i3' Tl y� C�.�3r � R4.L1_Pg', a.11 7_ritE'_i: ii1 StUdy* G�il@ until J �?I1t1�i.Tj�. I�.� Stl•^��S�2Q
� St3Y�:.?1�T OTl core �YE�? Tt1t1TSC%ly rilbr'it 2S 1 jJOSS� '
� ln ir:sF�er to G��mu�. Nell.i_s, �1r. '�urke sa _d he :�as I�r�_ �?r.ed tc d��cuss on
� long s�and�na ex;,ertise as buiidLrS of sh::�pir.g ce��_ers ��n< i1�.S'tOY�' o;
tnis �arti_cular ��tc. �ie sa-�d sl�op; �n; centers ar. �roc:ucts of man;�
� L�ir. � urke �s�:ed �_� �he com_�ii_s�:i,��i would lilc.e to hav� wrwt�er� :c�ater:ial in
prepnration of Ttiursda.y�s rnt�etina. Ci•,airman �uthe�iuth said they C•,'JLi�I_�
�.;E.lco��.e any info�.-�:idtion sub-�,.irted througil scaff.
C�.;nlm. Gat�o sugFested hea��ici, backgrcund, leav�n� teciin.�cal a,�rect unt�i.i
; Thursd�iy. rir. Te�-ry poz.nted. ^ti� tlie co��nissicn could �;et � o cio-:��
� Il@8riI1;; �YP_C1.6E a7t>�_1C� tl.'Jiic; =9t1E:1 OVE?Y"•-c L �. illriCt:LOil Of CCP1R11.S:;.'_0�1 C-JB.S
creaticn and �or�,i�.tion c�f Ge�er_al. Plan.
� A d.iseussion vi1 Tahether to tie`.r so�;.e part ei isay.�?:�.,re Pro.�e�'t�_��s
� pre.:3ent«tion t'r:en. follottied.
� i1Y I3��rk� then W! t�1i.�Y'E?:�,� �ll;+ T't.CI11GSt: t0 Jc? :1°S�':j y LiC'il.' =1�:� i?E'. i3O!_i1.C1 T10� l�c�
Q�}L}�3C:i;1VE? C3I1(?U.��Il 3i�Q ?1CL �,E3�' i_11�:0 :���E;C.i_1_:�_` r01.11�S Q:L "�YO,jc'.C�.
r '
� •
� '
� �'� `C ' aF �J )`t t - i - �. .}. �
i!1..1� � � t..J {)I' �I�}jt': .I��.l. L� � .�.�- / .3 i� �_�.� _.. _. l�'.)���. 1�.5."_ ..)JJ .' I..C�. . �_.e._ � e }:��� '�.�)�
? -
G 1' ` _ C? �)
! .
7Ti. S:_Si� 611f�n�f?.St' "ciCi Il�i __11'-. t:'��'. {. �C ^.'�775:'_� r.�.1]` i� .VC '?VE�i ��_C?;' Cf: :
1;r:12" !t dOP..E � C' C' 1�.G �^:l.i: �l �i Gli: S C I Ci1.l �i,l:l �'•.Il :,'f, r' r,�'Y' 1 �:J(] . la�:'r�r JlrlilE'
a_�i��ol_tie� sl be he,��i'd. *
� .
'1•`1 . L(3011c2Y.C1 "_1�`tt.Cl �:�1(_' �.'1�}� }:�3:i 1?E;�-i1 i!iE't--LCll1.Jl'.F� J_?7 i10t: ��?'::_il.�;'.1,.•^.., �
_. �
'�%3Y1.71"Il '<7S1C] �J;?I.� CG 11"1 :??' Oi?C t:i`.2 .'_:i �.. L::i�.SiOilf :1(-:'..'i7 .. ^.liL �. _�C. E
�LE.' Sc.l_(1 11E `:•;%',`_; `v; l.l_ �...11F� i.C� rY` LO }:",':�l', t:�C;l'.1.,+_C�.r.:�S .1�^. i�E: ���lil'.�,`iC��?V
btit S�id l�e t i�.ou ; ht p� c�per ap�ro«c�h was get�in�; Z1l p ��_;�1� �
ii1�O2''?i3t'.:�17 y c;l�.'C? ��_1 T�<.X.'L1P_� Fi?7 :3�1�;'(�1 ti�'_'ilt} ��, E'Y.d.711' �. c_Tl<1 �
i:E:1Ct c�i�C� CCi�l['. lil .Jii_ii C_)P1P:i1";;!Ji._ .�.uLP.�1�i.1.. 1�1"t�J.�i.., riGc.. ._1'�_, �
S�1:)ll1.Ci l�G c'ii.LE'.Y' .�i11�J �_. fLtiy ilc�;-;t.�' ':CU�l2' ,.� LIl i'��Y�:.L'i:('� i
`��i1tiYSVC3�� t:00 SOO:Z. �
C��:�,. Nellis �a-�r� he:- u;lderst�.:��_i�.: was that a c.ec:�sion nn r.f.g_i.onal � .
shopping c:�ntex �,�otil.d bc �._ade �r-�,� t_� .J��ly �.. �,
�'•Sr. � Te:. s.lid t;ie.rc is no spec.`:___.._�, 2�pl�c'ai_�.,:>>>. �o:_ rc>viE,�,r o£ t
C:�ll??�Y"P_l:('_T1S'..��. T�:..:.1. `I_._..:�1T:h ��^,78-,.C=:� T.}' �37^lli". C'�;?li�cYC=i�;'t_ 'LOIiiT'i� �
_ �
Zu21�i L1SE_ E'�_<_'.i?:E'_T'it' 177 �ir'?�E'2"ct� i'].3i? � 1 �..� _S' � L}1.�?Z t:11E? Cl :.:>�:.r('tl�i1
Of I:RE�: CO l:..v�E.'E' f:0 . c�.E' :j:LSt1l7C�...C:ri OT= �.[1<'� � 4?.;��. ' �'
t� }?E_�il � .
3T7� }10':,' S��E.0 �_1 J_C �TOL .. ...='(i t0 ��E'l. � l
It cvas dec�ded t��:t tr=_'�iic =r^_L'ac_ �_>n core a �,Toul_d b� i�earci �
T 1`�:9ti,' -��- 3I1� 2._1��C:1�' �O'_�C�::. 3_:011l.i� 1 J:: 1 ^��"�'.�;i:iit., �
Con;m. Nel_�_:i� suggested c�Lit�nu'-ng :�iils?.de st��dti� u:zt�1 ai:���r �
Tll1 V l. S}lE'_ i�lt t�1C'. CJ?i.'.t1iSS"! OTl �1�;U 'c7T1 lli C�E'_Y:�t�iI7d -T1?' c:I:i0I1�;
" . c`1S �U C;E,'IlE?7"al jJi_yII> ;?�IE; SL:.�`��RE'_St�",Ci 'rL`7'T.I�1lF� illll �
� fi r+. r ' i i 7 r 't 1 (` :� �, �
c.�t.etltl:?il .C) COT� nYE�'n .'lll� Cii=-i.i_C'_:�C:`_� zoi__r T'eG ,1�.1_lulClc �
discuss�_oi� af ;-er ,1uly t. , � � �
Cot� Catto agreed t'ri�_Le �s a concensus oi o��inion on hilZside; onJ_y �
tI11I7�, ZSCL'.7.11� 1S 1111i71UF_>LS. �':i1n:1 �i'.`.d�l pY'OVii�C:S rC'illt�Stf'_(� 11.ii^Ci'1=i-' e
t_ion, com�nission can pro nu���bers s}iortly ti�er��a.iter. C=�n s
arrive S� SOI11e �.EVE_�. Or :aGC1S1017 COTICUTY�Tlt1�'� (;�'1c1i.T;:.<i?Z �:t_1Ltie�ll!��1 �
noted there inust be ::c�me indic��ion on cor,m��rc�.al area by J�l�.y 1. �
After di.scussion, C��1�. 0`i�eeie �oved, seconded by Cor:�m, u�tt� , tc �
caiiti;zue to aieeti.r�v of Tliursday S i�aay 31. � ,
iiotiori cazried., 5-0. �
� •
2. Ex�ens�.oTi of Appl.:.ca�_i.on 23-T�t-77. of I.arl. ; regor}�. �
1�1i. 515� C1::Lf".� tI�(: Sll:i �l'Ct �7�.?�l ?.7.1'VIi.LVPCi �i Y_'C-'.`JL1i�S � � \' r� �1 �70 �
�, - - t C '_ j 1. I _.. C' !_ ., . . �
ac:res 111�0 t�JJ 1_Ci �i.Li ; 3�'L`('. �:;�YCL' ��: Z77_ ���' il 1. LI_i::Ci 2" E<::i125 01 �
�C'.�T13it L�3I1}�''1T�i. �t ���OU�C� 1 J�' �t1E'_ COTI'i(:11.SS1.011� i CC.'L1S'_Ci^c.i_%1�1.UII Oi �
cly�j).;_1CciTli: t ti Ci'1.i.,Sr,Ct7t.'f_' tOt•J�il'C� COi.li'�� E'CiOi! �:r iE'CC:�'Ci�it_ ..._.. �... t�lE'_ �
i1t�� �1�2" C�E'.`LC.l.i;l:_T1_L.� :�CiC' SSlC)I1_. �
i'C-101 �iINUTF.S Or^ TH� .�111L' 2y, 1973 I'I.,A�`1NIN:� C0;`u�ILSSIO�i riEL'1'tNG
Y��,e b
Th� appl icant �aas no t in the aud ience .
Mz•. Cowan noted the two single--family lots �ti�ouid not interf�re �•lith
decision on Genera? Plan.
Chairman Buthenuth said he would abstain as the applicant was a •
neighbor. . .
Comm. Adams sug�ested continuing application to allo�a applicant�to . �
be heard. However, tre next regular meeting wiZl be past the June 6
expiration date.
After discussion, Comsn. Adams moved to grant a 90 day extension on
existing Application 23-TM-71 expiraticn date of June 6, 1973 in
order to allow applicant an opportunity to speak to comsnission.
Sec�nded by Comm. 0'Keefe.
AYES : Comm� . Adar�s , Gatto , Nellis , 0'Keef e
NOES: None
ABSTAIN:Chairman Buthenuth
rlotion carried, 4-0-1
+ 3. rfodification oF Site Plan - 6-U-71 - Vallco P2rk, Ltd, (Hzlton
• � Hotel)
�?�`r . Si_sk gave brief background of appl_ication. iJsing origina� master
� si.te plan and rej;i.seci site plans, he po �n±:ed out modifications bein?
� req�iesced at this time, �oh� ch are placement of parlcing structures on
� Pr:ineridge SI1C1 tvolfe Road FYOIltB�.�'2S addir_ion of �:th �l^or en lana:�_ •
� structiire raisir� grale difierence iror�L rree� ra-�p to top ��f
; structure by ar. arid�_tional 7 feet and al.t�ration of traffic fJ_ow
� � lead ing to :�.a in lobby .
� If �iic� commission c_onsiders Lhese chank:es to be majer rather than
� �...inor, the ?~.atter can be sct�eduled for a ptiblic h�aring.
� Mr. C.r,�;aan explai.ned design modification as opposed �o change �n
� land use intensity.
Gradin¢ : �1r . Co:van said both parkin5 structures 1or;�er levels ,vili
� be depressed. The ��YTal�e R�ad structure b�� �?bo!�t 10', The �'runeridQe
parki�.g structt��-e �aill be about 1' abcve top of. cur'�. .
Circulation: Because o£ rar�pin� and park�_ri^ structures, cars �a�]_1_
have to circulatF� a.� pe��.;neter r^ad. �ta?�f is�con.cerred abour stren�;th
of str_ucture; su��;e.:,te.d standpipes ve placec? with�n t'��e to� ct structu7.e,
�; .
. �
T•illtiUl'}sS OF Ti-�_r M[�:i 2�, ?°i3 FT_.r�il'Vi�1I'�'� C�:�'::;°1I;;�IOi� '.��sLT:CN� � PC--lOI
� P2�e 7
Lanai : :1.� . �.0�+1ai1 Sn1C� ti�E�XE.' 1..`=� � 7� C3J_if (_'I'E?T'ii'_E 7_Tl �'lE'1.�:1t, Of Ci� �'
_ y
'�zt of � �
ra.~:p ;and t.�p o'� �tructtire. ��e,_�� ;,truc tu� �'=7 �-. .�'+o �_f e Roa�i
arid Prtincr�dgc; Ave. p� ecents �.i� 11 t dif �ere�.�c _�n rrade fru �.? :�ower
and upper 1eve�..� Frot�l lJol.i:e Road tlie only vieTa will be po�:tion cf �
balcony arour:d de:.k. Jrivin� aro�ind Pruner�d�e E1verlue the ent_re
struc�ur.e ��a� 11 be v�_s�.h1.e. �
In answe:' to �omn. Nel7.is y TIr-. C��a�. c�zanges i last pl«n �re �
the ad1�_ti:n of 18-20 roor.i�, ��aotlier. level or_ lana'i secti.o;�. and � �
�ir.otl leve]_ on the toT�rer_ (this ].e�e]_ �yTi1I be t�n3er�ro�.:rd) . �
In ans�aer to Comm. Ada�s , rir e Coj.tiTan e:�r,lained p��rkinM ior. nubl_ic .� .
in relat�^.nship tc persons registe� aL hotel. Mr. Co��an noted k
f.nis is a i�ni;ue hatel. in that i� is ;_��re or. less c�s,ncp��lit.a.z G
in an su�,urr�a:� setting. �
Mr . Burrel Le�nard , 15165 Pruner _�d�P Averiu� , Cu^�rt� no , t.hen �
introduced h:�s assoc��.tes wh^ �tiould also be an��aer �_ns an�� que.sr.lons �
from trl� COi?L�11SS1GI1. 1:?2}' c aere i`Zr. T'iSU:';_Ce T�ilI1S� :`i.T. �1 :l�ael �
� Flynn and �ir . Bi11 Tagg . �
Mr. Leonard ��oted the di._�erences are m�r�ii�a�. nnd ari�e f,_o�r; concret�
work of tec'.znical constr.uctio�:s f_ro:n sinale l�ne conceprural_ ura,ain;;?
� T �� i c ,,.. � � �Y•Y- )
t� C�iO11bZP. li.ne �aarkin�, drawir�gs OOt�-g2 C1�.�l��c...CeS �.i_c? F•�.� i3FS � •
2`/',. To�aer is the same s:�ze i_n length and wi:�t:z and toF e�.evatior� =
s��e or 1o��,�er; lanai S3i�E in length and width �nd to� elevat�on not �
ever 3` hiGner; the eating and me�'ring build�ng ���e in lenatn and s
. �-aidth and top elevati.on a littl_e lo�aer. Changes co�e fro:i many �
technical_ adj»st�ents. Excavatien incli�des �,Tork on enti.re 21 acre� �
�nd addresses -'tself to best so�utzon for ulti?:!ate develop:�ent of
hotel and adJacent buildings. �ie then gave a detai�ed. repott oi �
and reasons �or changes. , �
Mr. Leonard reminded tYie co:nm �ss�on �rhen studyi_ng eleva�ions that �
they were �nde�ed to sea level, not �round 1e�el.
It was then 9:25 P.M. and Chairman �uthenuth anno�snced a b
with meeting reconvenin� at 9:35 P.I1.
Mr. Maurice 3ohns, project architect, then answered questions of
• � the. co�::missio:�. '
Tru:king :�i7.1 go around .peri^:eter road and �_nto service area. He
� explained tt�e landscapinb to conceal service area which i.s 9' below
G�'olfe Road i��ith di�f:erential �_n �rade of 7' . �
In answer to Ch<�irman .',ur_henuth, rir. Johr.i sa.id no r.lore than. tops �
of cars on upper J_evel. of parkinp; s�ructure �tiy-oul.d be see:� fro:� �
t�7olfe Road. `
xi;-1 02 MINUTES OF Z'�iE N,.AX 2'3, 1973 P �.�iv?JING COMMI:SSTON MEE1IPdG
PaSe 8
Cor,L�i. Gatto �uest�.oned no berm on �;���J.f F� Road . '��r . Johns said this taas
� because it �aas sa i:ar belo�a �rade and trees :;�;-e already existing u.l�ng
� tlier�. H� :�ssured tlie com:.lzssiori ti�at �aisua:i?_}� it �aould be pleasing.
� Comm. NO�i.l:is asked about set-oack fror.i ;�:olfe Road of. park:.ng structure.
. 3
� T1r. Johns said there was a 30' landscaped set ��e also said this
9 ��.as the ultir.late siz: of two pal_king strucCures; no furti.er add�_tions
� �oere planneci.
{ Com:�. Adams noted that the perimeter road �a.�s t;ao laiie and the ra:.ps
were one ;aay. Mr. Joi�ns then spoke to a poss�?�ie second entrance.
rir. Johns spoke also of future planned additi:�n of t�ao to�aers, a.nd
' � gave a detailec; description of parlcing as ultimately �lanned.
3 `
� A discuss�on was held on•wh�tl�er this was a mcre intense land use.
� �
' i�.r. Leonard said it was imperative to be�in �y puttin� lcinds of parking
�� wc►ere it beZongs in regard to service. It T�.�as _ntended to serve �.ndustrial
� users durin; che day and hotel �_u�sts at n�.;:�� w_th ��verlap of use �_n
� hotel p�rk�n; in the pcol oi parlc �_ng in ��i_ddle o� comrlex. �:e fel.t it
#:��as we1l concealed parking in useful places.
- In d:.scuss�n,; change in f��otage, :;r. Johns said .:,ain ui��erences :�,-e:��e in
4 wher-e th� broa:,i clasets, laur_1ry, storaue, chiller=, truns�orriers, etc.
` �,xpans �on in foota�e was to acc�:.odate .-�r?:_n_; of hot�� �� tna� e�.c. : thi:�;�
� has its , place and is r_ easonably ia?11 conce:�led .
' Mr. =�lynn said a r�: had bee�: ma:ie ir. �'. fi��ures oi co�+.:ee �
shopj it was ��as;.cally the sam` s:"_z.e as ��:�f_�.na:t_ pi,zn.
r Circt.lat�.on and traf:Fl_c pat�err�s :�:�re then d Trafi :.c En�G ineer
� �r=�gg used a sche�r ztic dra�:�in�� an�� site ;�1aii �to 5how propo:;ed trafiic
� flot�:. �
5 ' •
; Chairmaii B�.!thenuL noted +_he, probi�ni of int�z�nal c?_rcuiation with
� park�r_�; si:ructure. He suggest��.d staif �i�zd de��eloper_ �ho�iic: di�cus�
� and resolve this.
. �
� i'TI' Leonarci �1Z� `L�l�J �:.YC �� �1TIP.:_T?� C�il St3}�;:ll.tti_T1? 3"':»_1C�3t���i]. V�7'V .
e -
; SGOTl tOT �. Y'2CY'E.'�3t�:�:7cZ�_ i1S�. clii�� �)tUDOSli1-; �O estend '::uner�- E�.Ve;ltl�
� ?��eS� O.f present rE:Y'�1=i.P_dL'10�1, .,'_ril�il :y"t�.�:l 1� ;�et .1� GS ;1 Ce":°'�^l"�lZ'y'
! c�xpedi_t�.rg. By Lhe fi:ime the ,io?:�1_ is open carl cont�nur, ;.;e�4: en I'rune-
ridf;e !�venue an1 theii use r;_�;cit ttirn.
� a _ • � �,�Y •
w In 1�_scus��.,.z� lert liand tucn � C�r�m, G��tto, �-- , G�:i� noted 1r���.�e�:ay.
s O'_ i1E?SJIE'.1:�- `��CIC:IYC� 1S t(.`lJ C10��t' tJ i'�01.7_P_ c.il(� O.r�1P.Y ,_,- :�Il���_ . ��S:1t CO t?.�
? Ci:O�:_i �'_/'�:1-F1C ��Of:! �'_E'_`..11_E'_tt <3C::=0:�;> t�:c 51.YE�E'-i_, i70tc �_ tY_'.'il :_�C 1,.5'
# fY'E'E'it JI _E_'i1�ECl� TJ_v�.t: t.�12"i1 ]I^.p';['�"c1lli: r�;3ti;�'_Y' tt1<il' Lt?_:t.
� •
� +,• � � ( ' -('`� '`1 �� � . Z��� � ��T,%a� � �:1'� �� '`" ! � �,. i T1 '"i,1,�j L:� � t�r--�` UL
.1I1,uTE }� .F, `,'�'' � r ��.,.� .1 .,,:)..� �� Ci � : -
} , ,, c.
�_-;c� ..
I`TT . I..E�'Jil�li il 5S�(� t:it<'. t.Y�uf 1'.� t(.Ci1T1:LCu.Z7_.�'.].2S COL11Cl l)E'_ YCSCiI'.'�'.'� , �
Te.chn�ca] ��eo��le { r�r; �%a11co ; iic et t�'a� t:ard and C'_t:� can c.o�e
up �a�_th ��ns��.er 1_cz� bef cre h�tu l i � �pe."c�-i . '
' -� i c f r S_ "c r.0 ..:���r�:�E' COf'i S�7'?L •
Coinm, r�d�.r�As questi_o�ie�l i_urnb�.r- o park�n� i..t�... _
, r1r. Joli��s :;a;d t}iere �1�-e 2:,3 .�e�.ts i_n coi f=ee 5h�� an<< 200 i��rk}.nt;
S�r3CC'.S . �Jii12 S:�Oi} �_`. iC�lt �OI] 0�- G?C S�L'2"iy ���r�:-;..1'li� .;_iLE'. C.C)i11Ci �E' � OC}tEi�
?_`�: . Johns aslced if di: ive<<ray t.o F,�:�-1.ett-P:�ckard r��re close.d , cculd
a left ha.:�d tar.ci be �.otten into si.te; it ��;oul.d 7 �e teasi_bl.e.
Co:cm, �?�.l.l:�s suggest.ed condit�oi�.�n; it and 1_ea it t-o staf i ax;d �
GTal;.c.� to rese�.rch 1e: t turn. Coul�. be re::c1•.�ed on >>taf�: le���l�
Coi�:.-�. uatta noted City has th� r�;s�e^�sit;il� ty to proti�ici� safest
particui�.r way t_o biing tra;fic into s�_te; e7.ice or, s�_;�e, ;.t �.a�,s u.,; :
tc deve�o»ex tc �r_ovwcle circul�:.tion. �
• ' �
i•�.r .. T�_ hns saicl the traf. f i_c stu;i; : hc;�;s it do�� taork .f_or buiid_:_�1 ; Q
fuilctic;nS. �
�lfter �� detailed discuss_�_on o�: traf�ic pro�l_e� an1 respersib�lit_:_�s �
�ir. Leonar�' a: �ed for a�provai. c;ith ccnrii.ti�n inter�.al circui=�.t_�.o?i � .
does n�t beco?:1e � pro5ie�: on "Y•urierid,:,e Av�n��e rie �a?.d tiiey .Zeeu �
Corme se_?se ef direction as ta Tahat City ::.s �:�;ree�.�le to t:nt:il. R
s� meth�.r.g oet �e.r w� d�veleaed ; u�ould I�_l.e to a�-o �d �o.�:�_�lete
.standstilJ_ over ;natt.�r t,�;�ich ;s a techn�cal on�.
After s4:i1.1 further discuss�cn, Cont:�. �?�J_l�s mcved for appr�ova]_ �
of rlod�rication ct Sire Pla.i -- 6�-tT-71 -��th ccnd? t-_c;is 1 thrc���;t�
18, and condztion. 1S: A left turn must b� provid�d to �he �7u�n
entrar�ce t: t::e :��te1 site t�� the satis _on of t��e City
Engineer . Seconded '�� Cor�u�� � 0`'r:eef e. �
AYES : Cnr.� . A<iams , Gatto , Ne.J_1 is , 0'Kee£ e a�.d Cha�r���.an �
�uthenuth •
NOES < Ivone
Mc�tion car.ried, S-0
4. Environ�ental. Rev.ieu� Conl�ittee - Rec�r�?n�ndati.�n for Negativ�,�
Declarations :
?C-iu? `.iTNUT1:S UF TtiE `1A'� 29, 1973 rL[1?�i�iLi�G COi�I"IISSlOtI i�[F.�TING
1'ar_�� lt�
(a) Pr�jet:t Narie -- ICe;is�_ng�•�n Estat.as
tip�1_�c�_nt - EstaLe :�c.�.es , Inc.
� Lcca�icr� - Ea�.t4riy oL `'axine Br.�.v� a�_ its �rtte�sect;_cn
. t,�:_LI� I:oruestea3 Itoad
Acreage -� Conta�n�ng a;�nr�:�i�afei�� 3.9 acre�
Present - R2-4 .25i (Res iciential , Bu� , sin,le-st�ry
zon_;.;:Zg construetion)
Discretionary .�ction Requesi.ed: App1=_cat�_on has been iiled
for Tentative ��.3� a;�proval
to d�vid� sai.d �roT�erLy :.nto
� eleve : lots
' Mr. Sisk explained the Env�_ron:r Impact rul-�ng �.d co:~:��:ented on
� recor^r.�.endation made to the P1allni.i�� Co�mniss.�on by the F.n��iron:�ental
� Re���ie.� Co.::mittee. Th�s 3ction wo�,ild a11o��a ��egar_=_-v�� De��-.��at�an to
� be +:iled �•�i_th the County Clerk sayiiig propo_a._l. does �at h�.z-e sig.n?f�-
� cant ir�ipact on environ^?ent and woulcl then oe ,:roces.�ecl in nori�:lal
� t �S�:] OIl .
The reco.nr.e:idati�cn c`: t}�_e Env_i.ronr^entai Revie+a Co:��•�mi_tte� :-��s ror
j a SOl2�1d I�cdTx'1�;' r:iC�jS:.;E?�_1t �.`".Ci �:TEE'.°•�c�.�' �'OUtC-'. �5 •_iS Cte�E?L'.1i.T1E'C� �! 8��1}%:i1Ca�.
� � L ;
SLiY�:"`�� O�i ttl� �tE3 `c1P.C.� C�lZ r�'t.E?I1L1.011 Oi 311 i;:�itilTe tY'P_2:= Oil til-L' S1�c'
; w:�_th �rchard trees be�_n; p;_ovided o.� e�.ch .]_ot.
i �:LtCY d'�.iCll(3.�1OT1. COilliii. C�31'f:O iic!1f'. 3'?ln�:i_C�?� r_n -�_r� �'�_ �nn-�
= = � �•t�
� i);_�ector to .�ssu� �'e ;.•��.�v� Deciar�ticn ���it�? cc .:t��tte� reco.�::�,eLidar.�_on
; . �
on 1..���1-73. Seconcl�c± b�. Cc�r.�;n, Aclams. �
:i - .
� r
, �-1c�t ;on c�rr-�ed, 5-0
s tb) Appl �_cant -- .Ja�.es Hcrbe:lt
, Location -- F,asterl� sid: of :t�iic�rest� �r:'_���a a�;nvo
j l�� :fC'E� I1011�'. G2� ��1F? .i?.1t.E.'r':�� O� � I�! •-'
; _ �.'.. __ _� � i, t- o t
3 Dr. ive and C�-e�cent R:.a�i '
y �1c.rea�e -- `The ��repe �t:y cou� a�_n-. ;� r-' ,0 i 0 _ i� t.
� U1."C�'� t1Ct�Oil '.ZEC�U�.�''.:E3C1. �:ili� 4�(3 Gi� 7tTiC?• >:;� (�o.i,. �7 i1�iS
� ��eE_.� .f i.led f r��.:i C,�a.ity R_1 :.0 t�
' � C=L;a Ri.-7.S
� �ir, :>isk no�eci tt�is is an o1d lot ��.. 3=c':�';:i.-�'-�rc O:` _i_0,000 :�a. it, �n
� :�'.�'I,�' fCl.t �•;=.�.�1111 til�'_ '�E'"d�?il Ut f1�V-'-r��� c3I��Y�_..ci��. TL'.Z1.i.c'�tl�,%:' _'�1�3*k� a�I�Y'C��fe
� �I.�i'.° Gi1L'1.1:'ilt..�:�311ti <1_� H�.V.L.t'�J (;Oil:Iit; t:L�C'_ YZPCJT!'1':'Gll.i�i l : C)Il ?ic9.:i f 0i F3t ;�__O'•�'c 1.
� i , -" i � �. � � �� � ' � i � i _ . � � �... -�
rY0'...C,E'C� :3�t.�t13tP c;E.�:;Gr.3,,U t.'.:� ptOJ=�_C'tZ�.� ��[:L_'1 C:� Cr_,_��YLCLt�,..i. n�.Sv
�� [1'L` L'i,i�f.� SO_...� i_II':E .>t ���'�� _^I1 �R,� i E'.� '�CLS tif� .. �<li_ .3.iCi �liC)'1:_.� L.�C� tOY
� a�>prova:i pr�or �o .i_5�.�:�.c�c�, oi: �;ny hu�;_ct;.n�„ r-:_.-.it.
.1 -
? UJ�ill"1. r'�C�<3[il:i, TilOV`U f=0 i"E'l:Oi!IlilE'_IiC! ;1L "�iOVci� Qi. '3'.i�7�_1.C;?.f:::l_C;Il G•I'�t1-73
i . �:>
� :'LtiZ CJI1C�1t;'-01.1d OL ( ?IlllittE'_�. SE'C� i)}' � .�_„ (i ,�G.G.���.
� . � ; to t io �_t C.;l;. .- ._._ cl , 5 J
� •
: ril�l�CES OF THE MAY 7..9, 1973 �'LA:`;:�I::G Cn'�{'S1�SIO�v '.f::,:TI;�G s'C-i0?
p �:� e 11.
Co�nT. Ne11�.s reported br`efll on a meetin� of th� ?:illside
Subcc::L.�ittee wh�.ch she had attendeci. Tne :�iontebello res�.dents
have forr�ed a lan�oT�:ners association, and t•:ere quite u�set ��ith �
Hillside Subcor;.�nittee proceedin�s.
Mr. Sisk cor.imented brieTlr on a discu�sion of riici-Peninsula .
Park District� cor.cern�n� Lhe �athciic Churci. hillside �roperty. �
He also re��nded ti�e co �~�-ssi:;n that ::r. Peter Lert �oould be
speariing to the� on 3une 7, 1973 re�ardin� agricultu:-a1
possibilities in the Santa Clara �Talley.
Chairrian Butilenuth adjaurned the leetir,� at 11:35 P.�1, to the
meetz�g of Thursca��, �'_ay 31, 1973•at 7:30 P.�1. Commiss�_on menbers
unaninously a�reed.
/s/ John W. Buthenuth
Chairman "
/s/ Wm. E. Ryder ,
City Clerk . �
. .