PC 05-24-73 S
. L
Cl:'I'Y CF CUPL:R'CI,'v0 , STt�i`I, OF CALIFCjiZ'`di�': ; PC•- ��I
i��300 T�rre Av��nue, Cupc.rriiio, Cati.i:ornia F Page 1
� 'Ie.lephone: �52-45Q5 �
c��, .
HELD ON �:!�Y 24 ic73 I:N TI�E COiINCIL CHA��i?iER, CITY Hr'�LL, f
The first portion of_ the meeting �aas held in the Library Conf_erence �
Raom. Cha�x�;an Buthenuth call..e3 th� meeting to or�er at 7:37 P.r1. F
xo1,L c�L . � .
Co:�?m. present: Gatto, r?e17_is, 0'Keefe, Cha�_r:aan Buthent�th ;
Com�. absent : Adazas �
Staf ` present : Director of Planning and De�Telo?��ent Sislc �
Assistant C�ty Attorney Terry
Assflciate Planner Cc�aan
� Associate Planner Laurin �
. N
Cansultants Bcb Arnold 5
present: Steve Levy �
� .
1. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider 1973 A
Coriprehensive General Plan.
a. Presentat?on of Fiscal Information - Economic �
Mr. Levy, using charts, orientated the cor.imittee to neaning of �
figures analyzed thus far. One thing that was apparent �aas there �
was not much range in terms of fiscal. impact on residential a2ter-
natives. It would appear the General Plan.���culd cor,le to 3 points:
(1) Ghoices of residential on blue and red areas
(2) regional shopping center ?nput (not quite complete
because of traff ic costs)
• ' (3) 190 acres fairly concentrated in center of town called
the core area
Ciioices for core area that have been discussed are:
- (1) high res.�dential
(2) areas alI goinb corsm.ercial
(3) basically industrial and mixed
p�;_in;, r2INUT�S 0�' TH� MAY 24, 1973 �'1llJUURN�D PLAIINING COr:h'I:LSSIOr1 ME�Tt:��G
�'age 2 .
tdith rega:d to fisca7: analysis of shoupirg center, Pir. Levy said they
I had met taitn £ir�, sanitatior. and policy off?cial5 r_c ge� additional
cost to City. Ir. answer to Co�m. Nel.lis, I�Ir, Levy sa:id they had not
yet reflected specific cost iteins becuuse tne� study was not at a stage
wh�re roads could be set and this woul� 1�e a verq big item.
In explaining how the figures had been arrived at, Mr. Levy said the cost
of services �.s essez�tially people; how many people it takes to supply
services. Comme Ne11is noi:ed then the higher the population, the
higher t costs. .
. Zmpact on Fire Department: there wi1l be added cost necessary with
anv min�mal level ci development. With any of the General Plan alter-
natives, the .r.entral fire district will increase its annual cost by
$550,000.00 a yaar *o i:he to�a1 district. Cupertino's �hare is 17%.
, it taas sugg;es�e� Cupertino have its o�rrn. fire district. Mr. Arnold
� noted it was n�� the additiun �f companies that would change the -
� fire ratings; it w�s the adding oi manpot�=er. Mr. Cowan noted
commercial users v�ould benefit more than residential. users in terms
of better rating.
Palicing center vrill cos� an estimated $73,000 more than residential
f area. One point st by Sherift office waG having the police
{ leave their cars Co patrol center. Cot�Tn. 0'Keeie notec? tha� while
i s�me crifi:eria dic� not in£l�.tence deJign it;seli, they are a cost rac�or,
Mr. Arflol.d said that i� had been strPSSed �by bo�::� firemelz,and polir_emen
' t:hat prcper ordinances ar�d desigr. of sprir.kler faciJ_iCies taex�e of great
a �
' i:�portanve.
� T�r. L•evy pointed out four points:
� .
i (1) Choic.e of residential no� going to s�•�ing nn any number in
fiscal; �,ai.11 be decided essentiall..� by character of neigh�or-
� hood r�lative to valley infiYl a.id development critaria in
the f oothills .
I (2) ti;rorking number on Center not decidea; mig'nt be reduced with
� I road cost, which isn`t known and will also depend on who
picks i` up. Thi� is not a total evaluai.i.on of center since
con� es�ion and othe7- impacts liave r_oi. �eer_ d.iscussed,
(:3) Hatring a center in eitner lccatir�n, w;_11. neec; to a�.scl2ss
I several �;✓ays iz�r_orne could be use�i.
� � (4) In c�eL t��}ietllei comr�er.cial or in��isi.rial, cem�ner.cial
� wiiJ_ Trr;bab�.y i,e t�h�:��d �ri �.mPaci: s:i.gnif �.c��nce, t,f�aL ��ai.11 �t�e
the effECL o�F *fie ��1dit�i.onal money?
`'�Ii�IUT�;S OF� 'r'1-I1� ?`1�.X 24, 1973 �^�1JOU�_NL:� �:F?i.TIi�G 7F' PLA1�1vTNG C0�`'�`iI�SIOiv'' � PC;-101_.
� _.F,e 3
_ •�
i�:� . Arno�_d the� point.ed out a r u�:covered in d=scus�ions ,
w�th the Sanitation ll;_strict. ;
�a_� ALTR:?S`L c7.� Ca�3C�_t}� IlOC�1 3IiCi �ti�lll �1c3�T(_' tJ ��lly' �=!O?"L: ' ,
- if
cap�c� t}� f_rc_�: 5an Josc� _,i_3nt,. �
(2) �vi_:tl have tc inc��ease s:��e oi outr"_a1J_ ].:_ne betweer� ��
" ;
Curertir�o anu Sarz Jose plaut. � �
. ,
Cost �f �utfall l.�ne :�s est:imated at 3 or �4 lnill�.on do7_lars. �!
A morator:_um c�n constr�iction in Cupertino ta Yi��ld cf.� any increas� �
in san�t.stiori cost ;���_�s d.�scussed. It was pointed cut tnis would ,
be an ertei:�;ency c:;nt �r�;ency and ��Tculd not chan�e �:�ene_a1. �"i.an. �
r1i-. �lrnelc.i sai.d the Federal goverr�:,�ent is very concerned about ; .
outfall - �i_ne fY�m Sar� Jose to �a.n Franci_sco Ta� and -:�ere de-�andi_ng '�
the �:�hole p'ant be cYianGed for better prccessi_n�. Then every:.ne
�aouJ_d have to absorb add� tional c�st ar.d t1:-_s ��rculd have no�hing ;'
to de �oitli alternatives for �-ene� P1an. �
Mr. Arnold ayso poir.ted out sanitation or�'�•? em create:ti i� Cupertino !
were to annex ch.urch prore:.ty and zone it �or ov�r. 15�v un�ts. Ii� �
answer t� Com:r.�. 21e1 iis , he sa�.d this prob�.e1� would not apply� to ;
any other hil_Ise �
After further discussion, Chair:nan �uthenuLh nated add�_ti�nal costs ±
for �an_itz�tion d:_stric� shouid b� reflected at some po�nt �n the �
study. a
Cozan. Nell,is aslced of water dirtrict 'r:ad been contacted ;n light �
o� new sanitation situation. 2�:r. Laurin said the ���ater district �
had infor;:��d h�~� they had exte::sive netG?crks zhat could take care �
of any add� ticn �aithin reasonabl.e 1�m�its , ctilith onl� minor connect-
ing lines put in. Cha:�rman Buthenuth askeci of Cuper_tino w�ter coulc�
expand �vitti�ut C�ty aid. Mr. S�sk said discussions to date indicate;;
the} could keep up with growth, but Public "t,'arks would be contacted `
further. ,
It �vas po�nted out these tYiings should IlOt be considered a bl�ck �
to g,rowth; they were merely natural outgrowths of expansion.
r1r. Levy noted ma�or di£ferences in foothills; single-fa:aily
detached units which. represented the low der.si.ty and sorte for:l
of clustering �ahich represente� the high densit.y. The}� liad not
distinguished between 1600 cluster un�ts or 1600 singl.e units. It
was no*ed cluster. would be sJ_ightly less in terms of City cost
because af_ savings iri some roads and servicing.
�r-1t�1 � ?�1INU'�'ES GI' TH� .�t�Y 24, 1973 �1DJOURNEI� PL;'.NNIN:� CC��i�iISSI0P1 MEETING
.' a,, e 4 �
� Mr, .1�no�d exFl�i:�ed t;:e r.ext procedural step. Co�:::�. i�ellis reauested
a - . . �
� iizi:oru�:_;t i.ou re1��il a_�,�c:. ce �ahai, ot.h�:.r cegi cnat eer�i�er�, r�alce per sn,�.�are
fooi.. A r1_�s:_u.ss.:_on of ir:�p�c� oi rQb�ona.L shop�ir.�; c�.iter oi �r
� -
�; �hcppi:.�; areas ensued. :11r. :'�rnold �x,��-essed his o,��n.�cn Cli=�.t� a YP�i_Jitc3.i
� shapp.iz�; center �•TOt�I� nrooa��ly c�ra_T� more reaional c rath�r than �
i � discourage �t; Ct���e�rt�_no has a.Large sub�-regional Taa,_icet.
N .
� Cc�<<r,. Ne11is said s �nce 'tl.e di_scussion had seemed to l�ave expanded to '
„ General Plan study, she woul3 iike to in�k� a�u�;;e�ti.o� r�ga�ding
�; agrieul.t�.�ra-� use in CupFrtino . She said r1r . Pc.rer Lert , r�,lv� s�r �c�
� Cour.ty of 5anta Clara who worked tor the State D�pa o� r.�ri_cuJ_tural
� N 'tzad ofi�`red to do a survey af_ Cu�ert�no and r��ake a report ��itl:out charge.
She propo;ed that lie be a5ked t.o do th�s. Ccm�:�to �'Kee�e �ecor_��d the
;i preposal. and it �:v��s tii�ani�: otis l_y agreed to have rir� .� �slc co«�,�:3ct �Ir. Lert ,
�� Ccm�-�. U`Keefe noi_ed tiule J.ine should b� cons�idered a
h .
� Ch�irinan i3uthe�nutti anr.ounc�ed a break at 8:55 �>�. �.�it:[L meetin, to
k reconvene in t;ot�ncil Ghamb�rs becau5e o.E rnl.:_�ers o�= ti�eople atten�iin;.
,; _
I� �'.ilC.' :'_��_'r1L'i'� Z'?CO?1VF_'T12tj. LTl t�1C.' C.OUT.0 �_l viZ4i'?i��r".�J' c.,�-.t i;i5 �.�'L.
!' t�< �ci�tir_��ed Disc_.issior� C^ Resi�'e��t_ial. .Alter_ra���ves —
. a F� ��+:.hi1� Area
�1�2E: G�^,..i:ITI"'_1" �2i:: .'P_C^•GiPl-L'?I�j_;'C� �., ��.f-f tOY �ii: �OC!j j O}"i J.t C1,1C� dCI1P_ 1?1 �_t.n..
iT�!�7!'t:) j::iltt 1_'�lf� i: i(? 'a'i10.L2 :il1E;:�� :'�'."i ;�{ i''JCL ;:�1_.LS �_.i_I 2 �r;�j '?�i"5T?P_Ct: �.t7E..
`? i'�.7'. �.C;�ddll `-TC1Z'� =? '�C1F't �il.l:!'�;i<�? j/ O{_ ti-.-i �, �
<� :, ; his �� t. e ���.�..o. ,
,? .
;� A lezi ;tn_y di.�r.t��.:; �;:i ��as he �_d -�r:_�-�. r�;;ar<? ,�a s:Lopn �lens�ty t:,�:�ul_a
4; as a tc�l. to c.:>>�:_ve :?t�::�bf�r o� un�.ts �ri� o��j��c�_ a.�n :�a�. tJ.z�t it= doe�
1` !1vt 4��2�Z t0 ?"E?;�� :'.c3��1C��1; j' �`t- ].i1I'cC� . c�1 �:�� � �Y_'i= iY�O�:' �,'i'.111. `T�?�/P_.iS
i l"E4��:iYC �� C�C';'�101?:'.c�ISr T!�.,t_r�'Y'1'. Lil !��`-T.I:F1Y�� C;%i.P_y^?ly 7_.... 2_`i:�1111���'_��T
i - �
G;� S � Sc'1 , ,:'c `_.P_Y' �1?1� Y.'�cl� ?'.Ci;fSt , tJ:l� Y'.?f2Y�°Ci .�:�.
f � l��.a,t_f�:13?7 �U�_.tl'' ]"i�!_c_l �,'-?.lC? tYP_<tt l'3�1r --<.-ii �O ��C ;�;=�_n^�{-3�! cli..�_ �T�F�::
�� G?7'� 5�01�=- Cj2:::� �_.:�' 1.��L'ii�U_��3 �J=�.`� �7��i]})`iL`.�...� �.:fZ'r.? �;3� 'E'.S� ;ra`j' G doi:���.7 Ll:.
� l� 1 � �
��v"iITI. _'it�C: cii'.0 i.� I�C'E? �f_' �zS� ..G'i� ,'� C.C:7�11. i��C'.1_�.iS .=E?.�. t %l-- 1".:3�_E.' ".°t�i:%i� �_OTl
�� i+701i1i�. t2�itlE3 r'J L:�LI?li?. LU �:'s81CF� it �31.Y' �I? �. CiC�li.li:u�J�_(' � C:;^_•'j�iCLlil,j `Oi
�'. il: c'1:::.� Ll�i�:Lil� ��C;'. �1.?'lt'.Ill�::l_Pj.
N .
;! �.O:i!�Tl . llf? L�_i�� SFa1C! ^IlCn �jY'�3:.11.I'i�? j c1CCES;� . i:i� i f _ i:_lE?;-' ,3I1C�. ��g��lY.:'7:LCC? C}12.t
i7il'y'F,1Cc1..�. :.�7di _iCi.FJ,y' _Sr �.0 i; _ C:1.LiS1Cj.(y �v.'�'P. � i: �)E'. i:;l�?.Il_, ��� 3.Y�t .'t`�L � �l. -.CT'E!
rt�a_!_i��t�c ra�i;_;� m�_:;}�i: I�e I ta 3, r��the� L�i�:�n :t to 5�
1; �Si:7�' oi ^tJt1S ?i" 1iiJS l,S�;'JC_1.,:1rf� �?.L;a1!i1F�l` t� :Ll!:' ;.il _.t�c: 3 7�@S'�.�.Ilj:�_:t'..^.Tl
:; _ , ` -
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±_ .3 `i_LG�° 4.L[1S : j_ ;� .` �l;l;,- 'J<< . !:il :.1_':.d �)2C'�1 1`t._ :i{_' . r _ r�"�i . , O: _ ..'�.�' i�_
_ , . � ty
�..:i.iill.l�.%1 })3S1C3�.L� S3V6 Wi1�?Ct �^:.x ?Ill.Cc':;�_ .3L'`L- � ,_ C1=-�."CF7.`�c 1�`L•�?:;57��'�
MINUTLS OF T��� Ml�.Y 24, 1973 All.TUURI�Ell PLAI�NIPIG COTi�1ISSI0N r.EETING �'C•-10i.
� age 5
In addition other cxiteria are needed: t,�hat ?cind of cor.ununity is I
wanted, how to aeci.dc nunl`bers, eL'c. A?1 necd i.nvesti.�at�on�
Se�Tage is o:�e of most i.�r.por.ta.nt factors. In• some cases tlier.e
should be a l:i.mitation of secaers and acces�. Some area.s have
been indirect.ly sut�sidizec� ��y tax.payer wneri City and County remade
a road after a landslide. Another il�direct subsidy might be
school buses. � I
In answer to Comru. hellis, he said the Candy Rock area, excluding
Se�en Sprin�s, under current or.dinance would be allowrecl 13�F '
single-family units; undar Los Altos Hi11s ordinance, I96 units;
using conventional. zr.�ning would a1Zow 274 units and slope density
formula woulci a11ow ?54 units. C1ust_ering t�:ould alloo� l�l uni.ts.
Excluding high ridge,
Chairman Buthenutti then opened the meeting to the public.
Mr. �iarold Ashton of_ Kaiser Properties said they haa made a pr_esen-
tati_on last week regarding the use o£ ttie o1d quarry area of their
property. He requested that this property, and other hillside
� property, be considered each on its own ineriCs. H� tnen introducad
his architect, Mr. Steve Cazzero. Mr. Gazzero said slope density
as a rool doesn't allow for individual analysis of p or �
for taking advantage of land poter�tial. He gave reasons �hy they I
consider their parcel to be unique and �ne benefits that could be i
derived by the City from a1lot�ring a development such as they are "
suggesting. If slope ordinance used as they only tool to evaluate
land, it wi11. prec_lude any new development; needs flexibility.
He said they had done a slope density study of their property •
with the following resul.ts.
20.5 acres are in the 0- 10% slope ,
9.4 acres are in the 10- 20% slope
12.2 acres �re ir� the 30- 40f slopc: and should not be touched '
£30 acr_es az�e in the 40% slope and over and sliould not be developed
Mr. Gazzero £elt t.hat once a iium�er v,*as establi�hed, it wou]_d '
preclucle and limit good plannix�g design. He did r_oi� feel any
number should be attached to the ordinance; every piece of land
should be � udged on ot.*n merit . '
pC;--1 Q1_ MINtJTES �F TH�, riAY 24 ,�.97 3 An.TOliRNI�D I'i,�1NNING CU�•`i11� S5ION �SEI�TING
P3�E' J
Cosnm. Gatto �aid there ar� nroblems inherent iii h�_1lside di�cussian arici
1z<.,d heen bro�_�ght out v�ry iae1l. Ttic�y shoulc? no�,r br resolved so the
Ce����Ltee �oulc; ge� vn ta :�neci�ic nur,�bers.
One problem is that every �oarcel is uiiiq•a2 and any �ood de�i�ner can
CCiri� �1D W�tl1 W'113� t11C oc�ner considers 2, �nlCr't�ly pY0�705�11. HOi4��V�I � �
an aggregation of very goocl schemes can total up Co a very bad
� solu�ion [�1it:Lout an over-a11 hilly:ide scheme, ti�cre �s no taay of
y evaluatin� indi.viduai pioposals. Ther� are two ways o� comin� ug °
� taith �his over-all dev�lopz?ient scheme oF the 11i11s.id�. (1) The
� City bu;�s t'ne e�itire h_�lside. (2) Leave in pri�vate sector and
� try tc �evelc�p some approach tha� allows each property o,aner to
� have �r. equal chance to develop.
� Co?�u Gatto Lh�n spoke of clusterir.g develo��,:ient. Ther� are advantag�s
� to i_he City; Ci�y reLa�ns aclditic;na.'� space w�tn less disruption ro
` i:Utt:ral terrair.. There are nlsa ad to c3eveloper; ccsts are
� reduced, density increases because o� road areas �.nd ilills?des are
t difi�.cult to bu�ld on.
� It is absoiutely v?tal to get an over--all idea ef th� c:�aracter of.
° tl,e hillside ?n or�er te have a stan�ard to Tati;_ch eachh ,r,ar.ce.]_ can
� be rel.atec�.
• � �'�"L'. :�.i'T:CiCi i�c?lflt:�(1 011�. �iT? OVtY It:i�lu1.�E' �13i.1 ?�7^111Cj b2 1?�C2uS2.i v
4 �ohetiier th-�� h:_1lsice ��ra.s pu�lic or px��va�e svctor.. The dec:��lon to
Y hE; ??2u��E' �_S 't1:J;J l:0 �£�P1: t.12 �Y�V::I.t? l:iE'_::(:;OY t0 'c'.CIii�V(� ti12�": OblZCtiz�'EG.
} .
= ue �aid 'i:�:. '�_�rry .�ad a�iv�_sed t��.�re �.re tec'�r,:��lu�.y t� ;et ���ivat�
i ��ntF���pri�e tv ;:c�.ieve pt:b].ic object_�•�es. �
t .
� L?. �_�?'t;�Ct1y C'_:_.;C�:�SlOI: l�?�.ai:l�il� r(�5 Of. �IY'iVdtE.' SeCt'OZ
i �:ch�.e�„�_ng o;�jecti�7e �aas r.e1a.
+ �.�1c3�T"i"1SI1 i?ll��_l.�.Illlr}1 I1c)�E'.!� <3 COAilt'�,ZC'tc?i.y p:l_ann�� c'1CC^Sa (�2'�% Z
�;nast i.m1.;:,lta��t:. Co�mmm. t)`�ee�e sa:�d a lar�e n���<<��_r ef_ units, no ��atcer
E 11J�^7 i�iG.�.ci�°� ��;JCll� Cl ii�V�� : S�.�'11i 1_C':i"lt: iIit��`ciCf:. �'l6� �E�_li= t�"iL' SCdl"Y.�II;:
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� :3 = i?
?'•'[<; , Jar_ki� �?a11. s_�oke of a n:la.� she li3d ,��r?-:ed out en tih� �7ypot�.es � s 3
tll�lt t11E'. �;1.1.'� �JOlJ�T,�li ��lE: �lJ_l� _.;1_.1(_'.. .��i0 , ;n j = t�l�. : 1..tE' �:�'Z y �
. _ f
�E'L'YdJ_1"1 C�E.tE.'Y'ITilTlr`.S '::�1:3r C�.11 i1;'� ��Tl� 1.�,'E_'::?S-.l't".�T D�:7:i1S 'Cl�;; 2c, lil8:1`;'' j •
pitr<�.1_ls as sl,>;:� d4nsi_t5�. P��,.:�;.�_n5 roa:;s arci dens: t.� �:T�thou±_ i
� .: ; ,- �
CO11StI'�'_1T'iLS Oi: 1IIG'_L'J_(ILla1. 04Ti1°_T;�kli�7 P.li.�;ll� ^Y"JViil�? i;Tt'�t. �1C�V'-211tic'�€;2, •
. �
�is. '�ancy �aJ.1_an sa_�ci si�e c:�ncurred wi�ri ;�ir. ��nold. It was t.he i
r_es�,e��sibil..�ity c; t't�is bo��� to sa;� "triws i.� :;n�t �ae_ �tia�.t thr, �
�1_LI �-S_::C, t0 1c;;I _�.1�Ct. `�.'}1C' _�� �:1;�1T1� �C1_3rtl'.?E'.lit :%O'11G� t:l"1E?1? ��1"O— ''
vide intnzt us to hc�� to ��,,:I.�rn�.�t: t':�at pliilosc�:���.c.z:! rlarE; t1.2
prir��te sect,�r shotzld co :e up with a�_ternatives of how it cou]..d be dolie.
Th�,. __s a ph,-l-oso�nic��-� -.��t��_ t,e:_n�; ci.�:al_t .,�th or. a pl��nni;zx; J.evE�:L, z �
Ho.a many peo,_�1e is cciisidervd a reasc>nable r;.urab�r ior ttie �ahc�=ie �
are.a. t ,
�T tC'_?" f ti�-t'ner CI:�.SCll'_;S=i.OP_ y �,IicLi.Ti?t8.I1 }illt�7:'.11L1L}1 sug;�ested ��� 02. � OIIle �
,. � � • ,_�� �� ,- a `
�ercenta cr l.:�t�c tc b2 l�ft in und- t�_ir�:�_l �.re,�y no xcads, �
. p
�U:ZCI'_I7k� �c3CjS y d��air�a �i c3Y'C.�S � P�C. i;0 C��'VE'I.O�i:Y:i_IIr O� Y1.G'��P-�. i
CGT;liii. T'v;'_11:_S 'P_i� t�11S CJ011�� �e L'O� 2E'_SC7'=l-Cl. Ri1C�. 3T1`? I1t1i71'.�:� `
��ould be pre�iature. Sl�e su��,���.�tect tai.lc �:�; ab�ut ��;�� ae o` d��rel.cp- �
ment �nd �n�er,s�.ty o:� d�vc�lop.r,:e� _
Chaixm.3n Buthen��tn lef.t �t l�_;20 t',i�f: � y
A very lengthy dwscuss�en of slcpe d�r.s:ir5* ;:�orrr��il;. �,�as held. �
• �
- Co,a,^,1. Nel?�is sni.d she acreed slope d�ns:�ty forn�iila m.zst be con-
triveu � o� large 1ots, but in a clu�tered ap?�-euch this ca�ul�
create probler��. She u�ed the blac�.b�a:-d to �le:�o��stra��. 4
Comr��. Gatto suggestecl applyin� the fori:�ula on an incremental �
basis se flat areas and hill areas would be tre�.ted as dif£erGnt .
pieces of lar.d. Lising bl.acicboard, he shaYoed ho�a t.akin� se�arate
areas �aithin the site, assi�ning slope c?ensity on each an�� then
tot�lzng �,�oulc. a11ow for uni.que sha��°s . It �•;ou�_d Yermit. pr�perty
to be divided into zones and th�n•density cemputed. on :ach zane.
rSr . Lawrence �ii.i_i o�: the Catholic Church properf�y spcke to t112 �
differences of opinion on cl_usterin�. They are havin�,a :�tud5�
rnade, bur. or.e item is de�inite; the hi11 country will be le{t
in a natural state coith the e�ception of hilcina and �edestrian �
trails. In ans :�e.r to Cor.lm. Gatto he saiu there is one acces.� .
off f.reeway _nt°rse:,tion. and another. pos:� �.uilit.,;� farther u.r_•
F�orhill. next '�c �:��e.str?_cige. As to i11Clll stri.al LsaE,e, mavbe
som�thing lil:e Star_for�l R&D; pri_nlaLy int�rest is residenLial.
I'C-101 TiINUTES �F ��I� MAY 24, 1973 �'�DJUURNED FL�„�;:1N� Cfl�uiTSSION riEETING
Page 8
Mr. Bil.la�:•a11a said he thought ie �,�ould be hard to get nrvperty owners '
to�etlYer and l�aving City buy pronerty raighC t�e good trorl rr�ny points u.�
vi�w, `?'he City coiilcl put so *.�uch on tne �:arket each year and sel1. it
at the best price to the deveicper Grith the best plan.
Comm. Gatto r.eferre3 to thre� objectives on f irst page of inemo.
(1) IC was deter�ined that hillsides shou:Ld be maintained'in as �
close a natural state as possible. •
(2) In those areas where dev�lop�ent is to occur the�density
should be Iot,;er'than th� density on the valley floor.
(3) That density should be rela�ed �o the physiographic features
�f the Z� nd, prir�aril;- slope steepness.
With these as a foil, he suggested exa�;tining numbers and question of
private or public sector in achieving phil.oso�hical statement. This
was unanimously n�reed upon.
With regard tn priLaf�e c� public sector, the com.mittee a�,reed thay
f�lt it should be 1_e�t i:� pr:ivate sector.
Af ��r coz�.�id�r=3�:ian �i:i_sc�,�s iou, the r_o��:a;i.,.�ioiz asrced the staf.f u�
� pren��re Cechni�a:L data �.o�: dererz;inin; application of slope density
forriula for hillsicl+�.
�fter �urthe:. cliscussion regarczin� ir�pJ_er:`:�tation, :it �; tinanir;�usly ,
agreed by the cr��.���_:tes t_n r�d�ourn �o its r.:gula� �eetir:U on Tucsc�ay,
��fay 29, �973, aC 7:�� P.'1, kitki a.z ad yiOt:A.neC� r:.e�tind scheduled for
Thursc�a}t, riay 31, 1973, at %:30 P,M. 2•_etitir; adjcurned at 12.3� P.M,
/s/ J cYzn ia. 1; ;.t� h eYlutl:
Chai.rman _.__._.._ __._..�._ .._._�_._
' T ' r R�cle�:
/ .7 L'�': l�: s A
,.�_._ _... .� .� ... ,_._.'__.._._.M_���..._, �.....- - »..�...
� Gity� �Zerlt