PC 05-07-73 '( „ ( � Ci.L �� 1� �..�.t. ?� . I�l�'�'J.� �{?:;� '�'orxe ��veuue, :iiY��.•rt'�.�.a, .:a:i�_�a��._ . . 1j•��e. �t .:.t'_.:.F'�i:::: G:JG�'Lfr:J.�S � I iiT.i�UsE5 OF iri� A:J��:�.t���� RI:GLrLAR :I��TI:�C; J1' 'T3.iIa L'I..A::ai�Tlid.^, CO`_i 1ISSICi� HLLJ Oi7 i�'1Y 7 a 1�� 73, II�1 TIIIs COUi:.r,IL CHL1.� II3L�� CITY Iic'�LL C�:'E-�'iZid'J, �l�L.I� 7'��I.!'� TiZe meet�n� r�aas callea to order at 7:35 P�: by Ch�i.i'r�an Buthenuth, �tJLL CE1LL Con�n�. present: Adams, �att�, Ilellis (�:00) ,:;`1Ce.�.�e and Cnai.:mar. t3uthenuth � Cor;un. aUsent: iyone 5ta�i presenL: Associate Planner Co�,1an ' �.ssistant City �.ttorney Lerry Econor.mic Consultant Arnold � Jirector �- Planninu and Jevelo�r:�ent Sisk (a.-ter . Cout�c.i1 �IL PUT3L�C ii�A::I.�rS: � � 1.. GZT�Y �P C�.iPEr�! 1.�T0: Pu'�lic Heat°ini to consid�r 1.')73 � Comprel�e;isive General Plan. �Jallco �'ark not included.. s a. Consideration o'�: �2.3 acres o�y progerty 1.oc:�.teu wit hzn the southeast quadrant of SL Creek 31.�7d. an:i �=r:.a 13 € Sunnyvale-5arato�. :::oad - Area ;30. 1`3. T�Ir. Cowan gave bacl��round of area to be consi.der�d. Chairman Buthenuth aiinounced the cor.�ission would be discussi_n� � residential alterna�ive for �eneral plan study. I.E property a�.*ners desired to tallc about othe:~ a�ternates, the commission would listen. � iliscussion in Plannir_.g Coin�:ission would be residential alternative. Otner alternates have been placed on some of ttiese properti.es. ?�1r. Cowan pointed out the aprroximately 53 acre� bein� consi3ered, Zonin� is Planned Jevelop.nen� witii various land use intents. The majority of the pioperty was zoned Planned Jevelopment with coinmer- cial intent witiz some s._�aller areas planned fo- multiple fa�r.ily use. It c�ras noted that Councz.l preferred to see the northern portion developed in large bi.ocks ra�h�r than in smaller parcels. Torre Avenue zxtension �vas d�.scussed. It was ascertained this exten- s:Lon is includecl in tne Capital Impro�:•e��:ents Pro`ram. * ! - PC-95 MINU'IES OF THE TIAY 7, 1973 ADJ. REG. PI.ANNING COrff�tISSION M'TG. � Page 2 Mr. Coc•aan pointed out several things for Commission to keep in niind:� street pattern as it affects the property; geographic location, this corner being focal point of community; ownership pattern which is quite fragmented. M�. Tom 0'Donnell representing Cali interests, said one developer woul.d like to put in Tow:1 and Country Center ��ith two r.iajor tenants, Center would be a hi�h fashion type use and in keeping ��ith a regional center. They are now ii� a position to develop 26 acres and with caopera- ' tion of other land owners �his whole 52 acres could be developed in �ompatible uses. He pointed out this-is the hig.hest c�ensiCy intersection in the Val•ley. Chairman Buthenuth said this property has been cor_sidered for commerc3.al with professional offices being an alternate under stucly at this time. Mr. 0'Donnell said he assumed the commission was talking about high density residential and r�rondered what deiisi�y would justify �building aparCmenCs against tremendous noise at this ititersection. He said Cali would continue 'F?l��l I3l"�5@Ilt usage rather than develop residexttial. . i4s. Juanita �IcLaren spoke for Torre family taho had not received notice of n :H�tlIlg . She said property owners and developers are ready to pro- caed with regional c4nt::r bu�.lc�ir.g, plan� liaving been submitted ,to Council and Y��nning Commission. A member in the audience questionec� method of notif.ication to pub].ic � regardin.g these meetin�s. fIe said pro,perty otaners feel the study of 4 8 and 12 units per acre of residential development is ridiculous and the stuc�y stioulc� be abanc�oned. A re�idential of 30-40 units an acre might warran� cons�deration. Ft�rther discussion was held on this point. Mr. 0'Donnellsaid it �aas diFf icul�C for him to see why people would want to l.ive on Lhis busy � corner. He rejected a professional off ica complex as being economically unfeasible f�r t�ie Cali in.terests td consid�r. Comm. 0'Keete referred to � P,and Corporation survey that de*ermined Santa Clara Va11ey's principal use in do�-m.town area uras recreational rather th�.n com�mer.cial.; i.e, x'estaurants, theaters, cultural events, etc. Restaurants aiid t�Yi�a�ers caY� mix �aith residential in a planned development. Gorrm�. Nellis noted concept of theater comes under um"orel.l.a ro:nmercia]. . zone, such as ice skating rink or anything t��at i� recr. eati.ona.l. but is a commercial venture. r1r. Cali nated t�iey �ia�i been t�arkin� under burden of taxes and o1d-fashioned plant hoping the City �rou.ld come � up F�ith sometli.ing cahicti would enable i:he:m to mave their iacil:ities. ( ' t , DZIrNTI,S OI' TIIf: A1.AX 7, 197:3 ADJ. RLG. PT.li:�iN1�r�JG COI�:.^1ISSION �1TG. p��,.c��� . �'��€��' ;3 The posGibility of eli.rainaCing 'l"orre Avenuc cxtex��:�cn and combinir..g ( two parcels was discus5ed. ConLm. Ga�r_o said ii� t_he :interest:. of �;etting residenl�ial input to the consultanrs ht was p�'oposir:g nur�bers insi:cad of density factor. ��e proposec� a study of 1,0a0 living un,i�s o�z the 52+ acrese � It was suggesLed mixi_ng; zoiling, part being coirunercial �nd par�. being I high density. It was also suggested that .:�f Torre Avenue t:'asn't extE:nded an.d wi.th pla�zting in resideiltial area in southeast quadrant, per��4ps thi�� could he a compa�Cible study poin�L tor revietr tll�t wouJ_d be reasonably viable.< Mr. Arnold said as f.ar as econamy to City with commerciai, resic:ential or industrial, the fisc�l return to City and schaol district would rioC be much different. He. a.sk�d t,rh��t the corur_issior� �aould like �o see on that corner. Comm. 0'Y:eefe said this was the tiub of the Gi�y and shou.l_d hav� � maximurn use in terms of h�urs useci< Put:tir�; people cn t�ie street:s in a socia7. context is periarr.:ir�g an impc�rtant f:unction for. th.e Ci.ty. Ci.vi.e.; sht�u7_ci not di.e 3t 5:00 F.P4, ar,d an weE.kends be�ause of the developmenY with resrrict�d uses C»" fllI1C�7.OT1� Comm. Nellis said s�e loo�:�c� a� th� Ca1i property i.n terms of To�,m Center image. She sug�;ested a prof.essionai ofLice a5 an aption �aith pos5ibly a:�utu.r. e hospital l.ocated in Town Center . PSr. Arnold 531c� �1P would like t� get idea.;: of specif�_cs of a].teYnat�s from Planning Comr.iission. jtirhat zs being laolced fer i.s neG� concept � of neighi�orhood impacic anc� (:�1�'3.:"�CtP_Y uf the City. �,rhat d�es i.t mean to talk in certain niz'nbers? Gloul.cl comniission mer.i�ers like to see a high rise corner or is this a ieaction to property otaners ��ho say they can only get Lheir mone.y uu� of: L progerty if �t is hi€;n rise? He said the City would Luy L piece of pr.uperty and do ' whatever they wanted to toith it . What t�ould a residen.t:i.al are� cn this very importan'r. ^orner ot the City �f CupErtino do for the C�.ty? Couun. Gatto said 1., OOQ came in antici.pation of type of density i:hat would be put �n tliat piece of praperty in iiis opiniono Inter�sity of. activity is peaple moving and having activ:ities thE>r.e tha� geneia�e that type of movE�m�nt . For th 7.5 y any residen� ial use oii this piece of land would have Lo be ver. Lical . `Llie ciev�lopr�lent and intensity of development should be one uf the highe�t �)O1.I1�S :in the City. Open areas between concentrated areas were discussed. • � : ��C--95 r1IIN'1"LS 0�' 'l1i�E .iE1Y 3, 1973 11ll.J. i;E;G PLAI3NING COI��IISSIC2d P�1TG. I'a�;e 4 " Corlm. � 0' I:ee £e said .residential. migl.zt be a contra.s t to Gemca 4nd I�lervy:� developr,:enCs and not so lieavily automobile orienr_ated. tiould o:�fer a ch�ice o� living style. � � Cliair_�:�.<ari Uutlier�utii r�oi:�d discussicn taas r._erlclin� to�a�.t�:d some type o� . hi�h�r derisa.ty mu.ltiple �esidential, � ;:fr. Arriolcl t,rarned con�.�ai.ssion to assume theze woul.d 1�e no bi� d�zf:Eerence v £iscal..l.y as far as tl�e Ci.ty and schco]_ dis�ricts a��e concerned. Chair^�a.n �uthenuth said whate•.Ter 2oning was decided upon, the developers x or prope owner..s ��ould be dccidin�; whar.. t� builc�. Plann:�n� Co^tmission`s role was to set 1ar�d use; not to design trhat �•�ent on Che pr�perty. rdhen asked about extent of stuciy on proposed project, I�Ir. Arnold said � tiiey were t.rying to g�Vt air�o�.nt uf sules i�er square toota;e. �Ie said � tl.iey �v�ere also raork_i.n� on� tra!:L ;aith startling resul.t:s and on fiscal, � whicYi had also produced surpris�i.nc; result.s. He said Lhe Liscal is �rildly � di�terex:t. T.t was sui:ur�arized that al1 property sl�iould be tied to ;ether, trai:iic � should b�. studied on 1,0��0 un:its i:�or entire acrear e r.esiciential, and � st��eet f�atterr_s should Le considered. , �'_�ea i7o, l�+ � b. Consid�rat�_on of 33.7 ac.res oi property �.oc �ted �aithin the north�- � �����st quadraiit ei Stc��,°��:ns Creek �ioulevard ancl �'tellin �_:oad - ! �3.� 1�� a ��• � � _ . i a _. F :�r. Co��rnn po:inted uut az�`a und�r co�?.s:i.der�!f�ion, l-I� noted L:�e C'::<.pita_L ° 'J.P.11�r;�Vf.i:1.'?Ili: .L�1.:O,�.;Y'�3i:1 1.S COI1S1.(jE'_Y'_rir jJll'LCi12S:Lllv �3TL t1��ii1_tlOI1S.L J c.1CY'25 � '� ` , � f:or 1����n�o,-ia1 Par1cM � � :ir. Sa� ch said t�riey �a.re plann:i_ng to bu�.1d a� a den�it.y of about 5�an.its � per <<cr�. Tile fro�it 1?. acres liave bee,1 tlie Sllii)ECt o♦_ many discu_.sions, s ���ar_y stud:ies have can�;�incea ti-�er,i tllat res.i.�.enti.al :i_s ,iot fea.sible. � IIl€;YC?3S c'1i1t� L��',;.e:�S ila� li�PI1 1�.]_an.ned .�or both U2.TC�iS. � 8 1:t ��ras sur,gested �iiat mul.tiple r.esiden1:.:? 41 would be lietter. t�t�i�. single � � iarai:Ly unit:,s r�e:�� ta tite pa?:Lc. Zt ��as fel.t most p�trl:.s a-.e a ure�din� ; ;rouiid �_c�r prob.lems-. L�oise fr�ctor shou�d also b� a consicl�xa; ion as , � th�;:e t�r�.2i be ,�ct�.viti.es ir. i�a7-k tini.il l.ate at ninl,t {�.� n;-:ny eT.��n=ings iiz t:he sum�:er. � � A to?•��� cl.u:�ter o:� 1Q units pc:r acre' e��as cliscu;�sc�.d �.;it�i an alterr�aC.e � o�: mt�ltipJ.e r_es:��ar�nrial oL 1G-?.0 unit:� per acre. � � 7r �d.:.� nut.eri sir!.s.).� ia._7.:{.y c�ndc,. in.��Li7us dca�� Cetaer youn�; ia:s�:_i�.ies which ��oialcl �,i<al�.ti �. �?ii::'eren�:e 1Z1 sc;iool cli:;tr.i_ct i.:u�.>act. � � � � • � ' . I d � � � . i�1T2vU7'ES OT TI1}? T4f1X 7, I913 nllJ. RI:C;. i'I.ATaI���NG CC�i`1:CSSION �1'TG. Pc,:--95 Pagc ti It taas :;u��Lsi:ed tliis t•�ould be zn exccl.lent ,~�ite for the e]_dcil.y � since the�°u t•rot?ld bc LransnorLata��n clos� by, it is `�•aithi.n �:1 ciist:ance of t.li� �'o�r U�t:i.c�e, com�ni��r.ca.al. ai�d parl; site. Comm. GaLto s�id it general ��tan ca.lted icr hi&h densi�Cy, Lhe � ordinance t�ould have to �e changed. An audience mexnb�r �ugge:>ted Y1.annizig Coiru:�ission shoul.d pursue an atlult co::�ununity tor the eldErly, as th:is t.oulct UE: a most desirable local:ion foz the.m. B1.ock gianrs to cities under t�le S���_cal Revenue Stiarin� Bi.11 � � was briefl.y C71.SCU55E?CY • Chairnlan Buthenu�h pointed our tha� pxapvr_ ty o�c4ners coul.d r.iot be forcecl to build retiremeilt con�unit}�. Conmi. O�Keefe said if Cr,ristia7zsr�n pr.operty is residential develop- • rr�:ir, he coulc� see few �ise.s ot_her than ehtensian of inemox par:�; or I co:lunercial. He £elt i�. �was a gooci concept to have a�lult r.omm��ni�y I across f_rom thc� coll.egeo Chairman But}�ent?th stu.�imarized: (1) lf pr.operty is divi.ded and Chr� sri�.nson a11.o�•7ed. t.o develop area as resiclentzal., 12 uni�s per j , acre, �:hen Saicli pr.���e�ty sf��oulcl �be eyten.sioil of inemc�rial. pa.i-1: ar con�n�rcial. (2) SCt,tdy shoulcl explore hornes for the e1_de�:ly. Comm. ivelli � said she F,�ould lil.e (] ) consider. the pa:�si�bil_ity of 35U un.its �n entire parcel �cahicl� t��ould �e s:i.nnJ_e f�mily c1_uster �yp�, appro�.imatE:ly 10 units per ac.ra and (2) 6�?0 units _�:oi- mu:i_ti.pl� � us� at 12 to 16 unit.s per acre, and (3) 1,OU0 ur�it� foi Ll�� parcel which Caould be a.pproxirna.tely 30 unaus per acze•�,yith possibl.e app?�oach to elder].v . Mr.. Fitzgerald saicl 33 acres t�aitl� 1, 000 units tabuld cali. �or 6 stor:i..es �vith undergr�7und parking. T� t�aas opincd i�hat putting � stories nc�xr to mem�rial �iark, col.le�e and res�dential ta�uld �estroy nei�;hbonc�,od. Comm. Ne11is s�.icl �'tie t��as tliinking in t�Z1iiS of 3 stories, not G. • Ratianale for commerci.��1. �tiras �hat �o�nmercial center would serve a br.oad 'area. De�isi�y at G1.en Brook apartments and Christi�nson development �f_ it went through o,roal.d pro�vide reasonable: access and . eliminate need foL autiomoUile traffic to some rlegree. It was noted a develop��r. had made a research ancl ar,y buildin� less than 40 unit� an acre would be econr�m. unfeas�ble. 1 PC�-9S ?ililUl'l�5 JI' TH� ���.Y 3, 1973 tLDJ. ?�Fsr;�. ULt�i�1�:r_�IG Coi•L''I7.SSI0�I i�t�G. �'age b , ' ,�.fter. i:urth�r d3_r:us:,i_on, tne c:csmission pr�pos�d a study on Clie uasis of: 350 un�_ts oi ;;�.ti�.l.c: lami.ly u�•Tel:lin�;s Vnct 50Q uiiiCs aii;l 1,OOU un:its of multiple �ami].y. Cl�,air�n�:n l3utl�erivt�� #:l�ien cal�.c�a i�or �Z t�:i? �,�i.nut_a re�.��ss, t:iE.'£i i'�p. .l� `. C. �%OT131C�E1":.11:iU11 Oi �.�F.7 c1CY05 0.^ p:rop��rt;� .I.00;_li:t.(1 W1_t�llll tll� SOUt'll�•i!lEt: . ��nd sotiLh��."t quac .C'di1L3 of the inters�ctian o� Ste11 i:o��d atid llomest�:acl �'a<�.cl -- E1r�a. :lo, 19. � • ' . � � i�Ir. C;oc����G noted �r. or�er. t}� is ?� ��;.zJ.}* fr;�;;n� ni�ed , �rea :i.s now zo�ied ; coin�,>e�-c:ia1. One pr.n}�.Le._. �aifi.li �,o_;���:ercia � is the cor.:=�:ex'cia1. a,-ea �r� ' �i�� r��.-ti�; is ar_oG�.c:r ccin.;r.�rc.iti�l ���ant-ed % lt �ras repc�rted tiiat �runs�•ric�. � Corp�r�itzon is cori��ide.riit� puLting ir_ � i�c�; a� 1.ey next Lo the � �p�1:tr.t��.rtl:s. �It ��.is noce�. there ara se�,��r.al arar.rr::ents I.II ar.ea � are sho*�ring a _ �-1Cl vacancy :Eactc�r. , � Co,�usi, 0''_�eaie said, he did nat see re.�idcni:i_�1_ for ;;hcse, tyao ��arcels. � i ' 'irL c�].±:ern��.e asF� c�� qua�;i�1,t�;�1.ic raa� sug�"est�ed; this ��7ould iilc]_�.de k cilurcii, sci�oc, �; c:ur.serY, io<igr�, etc. ' � j il.i , 1�_:f•i 7 (� I:13Uf3 ;i.E_ Slii�Fi�?S i..�:1011 �11ctt: ti�� �171117.21� �'.�_IIT:�",.:iS.^>�LOII Z ll�_3 �$11QL11.:7. r � T:E;:��'ai_TL COI1Slw�r.f'_?LL _?iY:I:'OSS �17E' } JO3T�C�� �i7n'� SC:OIl�_C�. f;E�f: tOU;�'(1('7" p7:i c�rit.er.ia � ._^.:; r�i; ��;i�l,j 011� 1.1,�'�E'_ 1..`'� C:1G;.:l::Xl O�,'f'Z' i:,llOt�t"?.4:::.' ci.IiCl. 1:'E?1C:1'1?.•�'''C� ��:G"_': �:1:'ii� l.l:i:.' lS i {�!1f (�i;C1S�_OCl, � t a �rJfi?i1. (i'��C.O �illnc-t''.�tF�C{ t;.'11;1.4 ].li� . S7_C�Pi7.C:fr t?V(=1"� .1.�t:�'�.F: j� �� 3 � � �>.,-, _ Lead c>;� c.�n � 1 � ��rC� � ."iLl!� C'_V� 11/ I.1r�..�.E'. t�.�r^. y L�lE: (�,r.: Gi.:i�_��Xl S lt`Jl..l.Ci ac' I:?::� E:: ;'�. i 1,,., � 1 t _1 C:l �.� Y.�'S�C�c._t�J..3_ i + - • 1 1.SI1' 1� e3. t'00c� USE3 �111:� 11C'•i: Y;G.1: �ilCO =it:C.'.C'_.:_�.0 Z011lil�?� �l(_ t:ii.l.S Y"�.t.i:�', J 4 � C,on.��, :�l�l_lis �a:i_cl 511e :���.ti1d l:�.lce l.:�� hr,vc� 12 unics p,:r acre c��ri�ider_•ed � yl?1 �='R'i_S SL�E'_. (:Ji'lIll, i.)�i`,'-�F:iE �l!;7':' _'c�y �;C;il;.'.�5, CB.i:f:0 � t �Tl � �;�li<'i7.Z'i1cl.I1 � Bj.:thi:tluth ��:i.s:a;;reed. i :'.i:���. 15 � � 3?ootnills, — 15;, _ t�.7:E'_cl 1.:�� il?..S �J�E'T1 'I.O:1CC.1 c3: _1',.'_C{ G4�'Ilt�l: 11�:5 �C?IjUC�.S��?CI �.. �G' � ZC)li:?C� (��Vil STJL3C!' ; 1�I.0 ;_l? .•!;1.: CIJ i�'�'.E' J.00l :'.ii t.t� Wi:l��.t:_�l��l" Qi i).D� %i11;� � rL C) ll l tl �, Z�i O ll �.:�. 1 i'} E' ;_ T? ;> Ll Y. �.'. t.i a� :� .i. i: E? (� 7�i 11 C1 lL 5 E.. � 1.�. C•J�l:i IlOC^c.C� T�O�i.�:l_l_�_I:":i ��nC!: J_)$C:' t:1.E:1:'7F:11(= itci.l ��('_?1< i?I)i�TO'.'( ctl";C! Il1t�S.`_ ! �G lful�ic'_IP.E:lit:E.'C� , i � .�.L CJ�3t� j)�'O�)'J�i^C� �CI :If�.Vr'_i_CJ�: �ii'JC,'Y' 1;J1'Ll.) "1 ��.f ��(itti��l�?i�l �.�i�)Y_:l_]:i�:;� .�.:'7lic..1 � !+0 �c.:ii.,�s to Lh�� acr�=. <�nd t�:r� t�i._i_�.s to t:l,,;:� �.i.�;�ez• �iaz�t::ic;n, � ! � � � � � I S MINLITES OI� T�II� T�TAY 7, 1�373 �liJ. RI. �. �'IaAt��l��J:TvG COi-1'�1I557�OT1 MTG. PC--�S Yage 7 Topo�raph}� ].enc��� itsr:.l.f tn open s��;ce oUt:a:_cir o� service area. 'There �re p�iys� cG]_ ctii"f ir.u],ties t��ti.i.r.h �*i]_7_ rn::i,e Lhi s ar�a hard to deve7_op . A proposal �aas made �:o consicier �.l�e. entirc� parcel o� J.S��, ��nd 15B as a w}.o_le, w.rith 20U 11211�5 <ncl 400 uniL�.a on th� entire par. cel . Chairman Buthc�nuth st:�g�;e�ted an a1tE�rnate c�f 15A, a flat area, being devel.oped �_n ��:ir�c;l� famiiy �f 7, 50U ar 4 units t.o an acre with J.5T3 be�_ng opan 5pace. Mr. Cow�.n said it would be anvant��eous t� the City ta have it . considered �s one parcel.. Ar.ea 16 Area 16 Tl.zis area i.s higlil.y L�-a;mer�ted tait�h i�arcels ran�ii.�; f:r.om an^ !:o � 8p acre:;. Larger acreage i� �_n t2i� upper I�ori:a_ori. T��er�. are 378 acres ir� total area �•rittz tl�e aver���;c: slopc about '�0°0. biscuss� en �,>as r.e1u conc�rning PPC regoz�L anrl srah:i.li ��� of land, 1 Specif ic geo]..ogical. r. epor_ t s az e needec:u . � Soiy report covers j�ti:ilclir�g sit:^ f-�r buildi.ng sL���uctute and th� geolo�;ic�:�1. r�port inc tucsE� a st of so:i.l . , . ( .I�ault lir�e:s, .str�i:a ��nc�. make-ul_� of: hil.ls �,Tere cliscuUsed �s weJ.l a� I possibi�.i �y of mucl slicles and tre.lnc�r� e 3 t�;as noted L l�t,r had � recently bce.n expa.l7u�:.d t� cover. mud slides aad o.ther se�_smic acti��ities. I Geologists �ake saYi,nles af soil to detc.rmir�e strata, buC t.�iey C�11 � say def3_nit�el�� tli:�� a s�_te is safn. Eari�hqual�e� are mar_e dataag:i.nt on level grounc� tha�i hzllside. On� zeason �or hi7_ls in 5aratoga sliding taas that btiildirgs b].ocic��d drain��z�,e an<1 *he hil.l� became sa�C.ura�Ced. Comm. Ne11is �aid s]ie �oas absttiining �5 commissioner since �ier family o�an�d �n acrG:; in tliis area. � ' As a property oG,mcr, �lie descri.b�il the terrain and plails for. I develepr.ent plus difficiilti�s for buildinfl. • .( It was noted geal.ogy is .zot �n exact scic��ice, 7'he cornmission shoul.d � s4t dens=i_ty and reqiiire a geclogical r.eport h� prov�_decl L C�.ty �efore a`t�uildin� pe?-Tnit t��as issuE�cl. This �7nu�.d �t�e for �he protection of �he buil.der as t�-ell as �he G:�tti . . � ' , � I -- i �'{�-�S P1I2i�UTES OF T�i� ?�LAY 7, 1973 ADJ , i�?:(�. �LAl;?VIr�C CQ:P`tISSION P1TG. Page R - 'iir. Ar�iold askeci �ai:a� was th` cr•itcri�, sub�ect to rrpurL r�qui�ea:.z�nts, fox- d�cj_d��ng oz; � cc�rta�.n dens::.�:y of resi.dezit:ial zn this �rea. PPC �.s i�����c�i on �ubji.ctive �t�a:Lysi� of 1�c� 5 acres pex un�t, c3epending on sl�i�� :_ t��egn::s�;. � �OIT'r1aS'.':].U'_: 15 �l�71T1� �U E.'5��1�?.Ll`.��7 OVE?x'a�.1. C�E:I:S1tY .i:1C1 50IRE.' �OY'?:�l.l�ii • i.� tercis oi ::]_o�e.. .:aclz decis�,an should be defined uy the si�e itself , i�ie difEc�rf�.nr_ials ir, pt�bli�� taarks COS�S r.f dif.fei��.�t de.�sities t:�iare considc:red. Clusr.e? �;rp� de���� ��as d:'t::�c:us�;ed � s� r�eans or nav�.r,g fewer roads cu� i*_ito }ii11s. Tt t�,ras tha corcens,us tlia� e�_ci�: ��pp? ic•�.t�_on shoul.d be cu�::::tdare� or. � ]i.C�1V bas l:� ��:t.?iC^ L�It.Y'v :li.'�? 50 T?l�illy �7"O�E�It'y 0�.�°?7E'_?"S clili.� 50 ��any di{�eren� topo�;,-arlii�s. Carn. :Ielli.� su��;��si.td al.lowi_r.; a i;on�_:s i£ c1us��r ty�pe �b,_�ilct�.n� prol�osed. . � l'tT:. ::T':;{��� CZ S�tiCl ,:U C'.C:7�;%.C,�E.'I 7..t CQ�...'Z? ��. CO`.�I: t�lE', �..1'_i:y �I1j�t:�l1.T1� :�.-�'.L t0 3�_.ZO�ti GE'...'r'cl.lIi �<.lil�.; . q1' C E�'��£,',�_c:�A��.:t���1�: 1?"�, ._CJ�:Ji.:{ll_�.� SM Y�Jil�? i.. f ,r:Ul_1.�.!, ti�27_X' • G�i01.C¢: i� �. � �' ' �]' . .�. : _.t.�!3 1 1:.5 3 �!.� �.: C�' t',;1 ll � UY_ F' f ' �. �1 ._ wC.4'�. .,. i 1 �i r1 r U� 2"3: j� O:C �c;i.�l , t'Ce� S'"�.�. z. 1C�1 p3Y'Ct..�. x... S � � ' � ' -' - t' : i ' r t- �" tG }�t _�riVcS�. St..I)dl.il� .1.�%. Q ri1.T?�L1C`? ?ti.:.�_L t?c:VFt _O :�: ��1. i;!'tl.� Ol.i... � ����P.G"i� i:CIl.'�..P.;� C.�.''5:,:._.i.1C���.i�T? :LVi� Ts:i.� ��.ti 'v;�::: Ct 5C?: "' " � . zt Y';'.? '��E.'S�L'Cl • l.0 4 .L ::3:JC.LI J Sl.. � L):'tc.�.7.'� �iE'. 'r.',i1 UICI. � t`.O :i��C;1� .f°.':.Z��.C�:�.�j i.,Q f1=�_1� S1i1!. 5P_':c^�z'ut� .�i07Il i ZQ11t'.• E � ' For l:lY�ll_ t:C LiJC:�;�.l.Z�;�'.1:� t�:f_' FL"'O't)GS:�11 ?ti'::i'i '�:I;CIE'. ;60 :�4�7.�ij' �i7U ��?7i.tS <�T1C� .SC1t7 llIllt:.3. 1'i:: v Fi!"ii:Ji�� 8?1C1 r'i;(�'�E: 'vi;::t1�.0 :1C•� }JE� ':.'.t_;c;�i (J.:i:.�x'�Z'c I7Ct� OIl �'i1�� � �:.1�(.�il_ . .Ii:� mt�,�t.;_���; t�;;:.s a.i �c�urn�•Z to ��;�.,7nesda;�, i!zy 9, 19i3 ,.t 7:30 F.�t. in the u:��.�r.� i]_ i:iz:,TMbr.:� r� a:ld ':i'hu:�:: :.':ay, Liay 10, J 973 ;� t r'.3: 00 :.,�1. '1`rt�c� ri��etin� adjourr:E��ti at 1.1.'�8 ..��i. i . �`:L"T'}',� 1 : f\L'I'ti(�VI:D : /�,/ ti�?t��.. :�?,��l;�r /s/ Tol��; tid. I3utnen.tith _._'—______._�_ _._------------._.._____.___.-------- �,:L�'V �,.LE'fiC —_._._---• ---- �;il�3:l.Clll�itl —_^ ` � � .