PC 05-03-73 l;l:"'Y �'F C�`�`�':`iI`10. STI�TE OF Ci1;.1FOR�`?7A PC-94 =4_t?300 Torr_e Av�nt.te, Cuperti-�o, Ca]_iiornia 950.1�+ Page 1. �'elep; ��ne : 2 52 �1 505 ifli�IUTES OF TE;E ADJOII:�NED� ?Z�;�;UI,rtR ^tt:ETI'_�IG 0� 1�IF, i'L�`��1NING CO`T`iISSIO HELD UN �1�Y 3, 1973 , IN T:iE COUNC 1T CHA'�T`3F.K, CITY HALL � CUc 1.P.TI1:rJ , CALIrOR:�1IA SALUTE TO THE FLAG The meeting was opened. at 7:34 P.M, by Cl�air,•�an �uthenuth. ROLL CALL Comr.l, presenC: AdaYns, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Ke2f=�, Chair?�an Buthenuth Co;ru�n. absent : None Staff present; D_rector of Planninr, and Pevelop:;tent Sisk Assistant City Attorney Terry • Assaciate Plauner Ca�.a.z Economic Conssltants �resent: Bob Arnold S teve Levy PUBLrC HEARINGS: � 1. CITY OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearing to consider 1973 Corlprehensive General Plan. a. Consideraticn of S.S acres of �ropert,� located adjacent Area �E5 to and nort'rierly of Stevens Creek �oulevard approxitnately 100 feet east of Phar La� Dr2ve - Area No. 5. There was a brief resu�e of the format being used �_r. discus�inQ Neighbozhood the various vacant properties within Cugertino . At this 'tir.le, ir.ipact� of emphasis is oeing placed on neiohborhood i of residentia]_ residential alternatives. At the end of this series of discussions, the i�::pacts bein� consul.tants will complete the study ��ith a citrcaide poiut of vie�v. studi�d no�a Area ,�t5 w2s identified on tne r.tap by the Plannin� Director. It is Pronertv o���.ex relativel� vac.ar.t proaert; at the present ti�-.e. Ch�.irm_an vuth �IlUt not �resent', asked if rh� property ot7ner ..as in the audience. The Director �ut t.TaG said the oc•_�ner had indicated on the telephon� t�iat he �7ould not �e not�.fied preser.� at this meetin� . a � PC-94 r1INUTES OF TH1: ADJOURNED PLANNZNG COMl`1ISSION MEETING OF iti1AY 3, 197� � a ? . R1-7.5 as one Comm. 0`Keefe proposed R1--7.5 as one alternative, to conform with the alternative �exi.sting neigliborhood. FD Residential Comm. Nellis �ou1d also like to consider a plann�d developnent resi-- 8-10 units per ldential use here. Comm, Adams agr�ed, since there are only two • acre la.ccesses to this property. Corim. Gatto felt that 8- 10 units per acre would be a good dansit;� here. Developer i_n Mr. rlorton Rhein, 5488 Dent, San Jose, representing the Lake and Land concert �,aith Development Company, said they were willing to conform to the Plannin� the alternatives Comr,tission's alternatives for this property. Area ��9 b. Consideration of 12.7 acres of property located within the soLtheast quadrant of the inter_section of Scenic Blvd, and Stevens Creek Blvd. - Area No. 9 This area The area was identified on the map by the Planiling Director. He said purtially � n it is predor.tinently , to the west , County R1-10 siiigle f a*nily zoning . flood plain There is R1-7.5 zoning alon� Phar Lap Drive. Tnis area :aas next shown i:� relation to the fluod plair_. No.liability Chairman Buthenuth asked what tr.e City�s liability is for issuing build�ng permits in a flood plain. The Assistant City Attorney said there woulc� be no liability. The underlying rationale of �ne courts is to restrict or lira:Lt developMent of a flood plain for the health, safety anci welfare of the people. . :?lacicbe Farm Co�m. Ne11is a�ked iL this area was indicated as a poss�bilit;� fcr proposed open an open space area. She was told tne onen space planred for this sgace area was the Blackberry Farm area. Stocklmeir �ir. Louis Stocklmeir, 22120 Stevens Creek Blvd, said he tias property property , west of Scenic Blvd. and progerty north of Stevens Creek Blvd. T?�e Planning Director sai� only Mr. Stocklmeir's home site is within � the property under discussion at this meeting. Chairman Buthc.nuth said he could a�so liscuss his 5000 sq. ft. triangle, co:mnercially . zoned property on Stevens Creek Blvd. True flood plain '�1r. Stocklmeir said rhe F1ood Control District should have done should be geolo�ical stt_idies of �he arza here to historically locate tiie true . st:ucii�d f:lood pl.ain. I�e said t:e Oai: D`11 I�arms area has a lo�aer e_le•aation than his property and it has withstood this past winrer, which was an exc.epti.or_a11y rainq season. • � MINi�TES OF '1'�IE ADJC)L'RIvEl) I'I_AN:�1Ir1G GC�1��IISSIOiv MEETIivu T�1AY 3, I973 p�_g[ • Page 3 i�Ir. Stocklrneir said he has been consi�er�n�; developin� a sub- S3.ngle family division on ?�is property a�ljoining Iilacl:berry F'arm. T1any proposals �e�,�1opment h�ve been considerc�d. 'Che portior. zmmediatel.y eas� of 5cenic proposed for Drive and west of ��ie �lood plain line is pr.esently zoned P.1-7.5 property . and the are,a desi�nated f.lood plain is R1-10,000. He has con- ad�oining sidered pr.oposa]_s for a�;�l.f course, single family homes anci a $lackberry I'arm cluster develapment. He believes singl.e fa�x�.ly homes in the $50,0�0 to $65,00� range taould be the most compatible here. He said he �aould like tn get a concessionax-y ag�eemen�_ on the flood I.>l.ain matter. He said he woulc� lik� to hold �this portic,n op en. � In regard �Co Mr. Stocl:lmeir's property to ±�he t�rest of Stevens Creek �lvd. which extends to Carmen Road and border.s 5cenic Blvd., Mr. Stocklmeix said this propertiy was.zoned for multiples some years ago in an agreement with the ��ityr I� is approximately 1.5 acres. The property-across Stevens Creek i31vd. is zoned c�mmerGial. and contains approximately °000 sq. ft. He feels that property coulc� serve a commetcial purpose. The access would be from Cupertino Road, not Si:evr-:ns Creek B1vd. � There followed a discussi�on o� Che Stevens Creek Plan Line. IIe S�ockl.meir answer��i Conun. Nell.is that zf we follow the plan line prdpose� by coir.cnerci.al rir. S�ockl.nieir i� ti�i�.l oblitera�e his c�nt��►`rcial praperty e�tirel;,�. property He said he has a counter proposal to offer �o th� City: He also has a parc�l across Cupertino Road from his commercial property that he may consider residenti�l or he may wish to use it as parking fQr the commercia]. property across �Che street. Mr. Bert Avery, Av�ry Construction Company of_ rlountain �riew, said Avery apartment he is the owner and dev�lopex of the Glenview Apa.rtment Complex co��lex pr.oposal - across from lle Anza. He said if access is avail.able to Stevens Creek Blv�. from Mr. Stockl.meir's pro�erty he would like to pro- pose an apartment coinplex similar to Glenviek�. The iso].ation and the shape of the 1ot lends itself to an apartment complex. The topography is quit.e changeabl.e.. some 40` difference in grade across the proper�y. It is l�rge enougli so something innovative can be done with it. I�e f eels the unique, shielded position of this proper.ty is des_rable for his proposal. Z'he property is too steep to lend itsel.f to a single iarail.y development. He is thinlc- ing in. terms of 16 units per acre, the same as Gl�nview. � Comm. Nc:].lis asked the staff what imgroveinents were made by the Fl.00d plain need flood plain wher. Uak Dell ��as put in. The answer F�as: "None." study Thp Plannin.g Direcror said this whole matter of flood plain will have to �be studied. Alternatives t�tius far: r�sidential, single family ' R1-10 R1-7.5 . s - PC-94 MIr�l3TES OF THE ADJOURNED PLA�INING COAf�1ISSI0N ME�TIriG MAY 3, 1973 Yage 4 Chaizman Buthenuth said we have heard from residents in Tionta Vista arza who wou�ld like to Iiave this remain single famil; . 12 units per Co�nm. Gatto said Cwo factors �hauld be considered: I) The golf ccurse acre ad�acent to this property obv�.ously will remain pertnanent open space; and � 2) The inceiztive motive to reCain the flood plain. He added that the terrain and shape of t]�e property make it hard �:o design a typical subdivision her.e. He believes 12 units per acre is a logical alternative • to be considered. open space Comm. Ne11.is did n�t believe this should be a typical subdivision. alt�rnative She believes 12 units per acre would be too high. A.n impnrtant factor and to cousic�er hsze is ��siden[ial property below the dam could be very 3 unit��per �a�$erous, in case of an earthqualce. She would iike one alternative acre clustered her� i:o ue open �pace.. She would also like to consider 3 units per acre•clustered. Comm. 0'Keefe did not feel that 16 units per acr.e would be compatible with Che area. Comm. Adams asked if all the traffic would be funnelec� out 5cenic BJvd, to Stevens Creek B1.vd. Low cost Cor.�.�i. .Adams �aid Lhat if_ tae are considering lo�y c�st h�ausing, this mig�it !�ousing be a place to have it. Com�u, 0'Keefe said tot�r incoMe houses raould need bectet access to services. Com.m. Adams pointed �ut that th:is pro�erty is an15T about 4 nr 5 bl.ocks from the Monta Vista cammercial area. C,lose Co park Comm. U'Keef� observed that this property does tiave proximity to Ste��ens :: school Creek �'ark anci St�z�ens Cr.eek Schonl. IC does h� ve certain unique - tactor.s. R3-16 Comm. A�am� said he would have .less objections to �� high density develop- ment h�:re be.cause of it's remoteness. R3-16 was also agreeable to Chairman Iiuthenuth. SLocklmeir's ` �r. ii�nuel Gonzalet,, 102.3b Scenic Bl�rd., sa.id he o�ans the prop�r�y at n�ighbor's �-he sauth end of the Stocklr�eir orchard. Iie is concerned that he c��an�nts ma� be �ox�d in :if this go�:s to apartments because his L-shaped lot just hss a 28' wide str.ip go:ing to Scer.ic F51vd. 7'here is Lhe poss�bi7.ir_y he may gurcha�e som? additional property from I�r. Stock:lma:ir, �a.rthquakes Mr. Stociclmeir wanted Cc discuss Comm. Iv`elli5' poinY_ about the matter � of ear.thquakes. He said he was app�inted t�o �t.udy the effect of earthqu�kes :�n 5anta 13arbara, so 11� t�el.ieves he is qualified. Ther.e is one de��d � i<i�s7.t :i_�ne :i.n S�averis Creelc. He ,is. well acquainted w�ih the tffects " Uf t:tze SanAndreas qual:.e �_n 1906, H�� said the dam is vuJ_neraUl� to . � ear.t'n�uake �ateral �u�ve�ncn�. HQ said ��� have 1 ��I��l1SRI1Cl s of people � iz.vi:�g below the clams iri �anta C1aYa tiG:�.l_ley anc�t i�e is concernecl about (:heir weifare. Mr. RY�ci.n said that r:r.itii we get r:i veriti.ed report frorr� the Geo�ogical St�i��y pF�o.ple no firm deci:;ion shot�l.cl be made. He believes t.Iie hi�li clensity c�n.:�ide;.ati.on sli�ul.d bc: kE�pt. opeti. C�iu:�l. Ne1_l�_s said tl�at Lhe 3 alternativ�s are: 1) apen space,; Z) �?irE:' tlalyr:� p�r acre c�.ustered; ancl 3) mu:tti�:>le J.2 t.nits per GcLe. - �TT 1'JT� ' i�J 0� i'IIJ� !1I),IOURIv::D rL!\i?1v;:ivG C();:'i1.::;I�?i� i:Ei;7'I'C;:? NIAY 3, :i.913 P L.�c?4 .L� �l ^ t'_ 5 r. � Considerat�on of 11 .6 acj-es of k� l�acated at the Area �-`1C� e.aste tet�ninus o1 '_?��I_:n Av..i�.u�� -- Are�u No � 10. T�iis pYCpert;- presently c��annci by `r;�ard Cru.��p anri Assoc�.��Ce� ,�aas Id.er:t7_f� cat=:.c�: ^o;_r_ted out on cne r:1��F.� b�� the 1'lannin;� Dircctor. He s�zd th.e. of r�'operty r.lajer�_ty oi these Ll.b acres are i��t :rithi.n tYle C�_tv l�_�r.its, al.thou�h they are adjo�.a:in€ the natur.al f:lood �lain are4. MY . �Z�i�' CLll-':l� 9 pOX h��+ 3 CLlzi�'Y'� :.I10 � �'�'_p:"E:SEi1tE;:1 �va rCi C}'11TIli� .?.1"tC� Tl'� :�.' DYO��O:>cll �. _� ��SSOC1c1�E'S i3t `ti!1-S P.l°Ef=111 `Ti12)' ±:OiE'.S:'_� 'r(,'S1Cl�i1�13� 1I5� OIl t".11�.5 LC,J2)" :i2IISit}' �YOnE:Y �` �r�l°C.' c1T'C' C,Uri,`::�(�E'Y:'.T1` �F6 ll�?1tS �7� tnL: �;PI 3C: E'. iI1 8. cluster raY_h�r than the or�.gir�a]_ p�on�saJ_ ior 6� unit�. D:ie to • the untimely death of T�ard Crump, t:nE� or.;�ina1 t^r�t_at.�ve n_a.�� , expired and ttiey are just r.o,v pr_epar^ci to c�nssideL develop?,_��t. pl�ns for thi.s propF�rty . Acce.ss to tiz�s propez t}� is from Scenic Blvd. Comm. ivell. c�as assured that this property ��s not �_n our op�ri space plan to connect ��rith the lierse F:anch. Mr. Rich Olit�er, oi Divicl�nd Industr_ies, ans;:•�_rf��. Coinm, 0'Keefe The :�ror•osal. t�a t the appl_. cat ion 1s b_�s ?_ca�.ly � er 3-�e•3ro. �-� , 2-:.�atti ho�es , i geared to narr-:ed La-r:�1. �.es with possi_bly one ci1i1_�i, Triey :vould like to lz3ve coiis�clered the existin�; zonin� oi 5.5 ar�d 4/acre � as alternatives. This is i�ot i.�z tt.lc £lood �1a �n, except po�sibsy the lc�:ver tip. They �aoul.d conszder th�.s port:icn for recreati.onal use. I Conur;. �'Keefe com;�,�r.ted Lhat this is certainly an �deal site �a�_th parks, open space, and access to ele�n�n_ta�y and junior h�gh schools. It �aauld appeal to the ycunQ f'amily. ResidenCi.al alternative for Area No. 10 = 4 Fer acre. 4/acre A,°e� rE10 a1.t . d. Consideration of 190 acres af �r.opzrty located on e�ther side of Saratoga-Sunr.}-vale Road bet:��een Ho��estead P.oad a�1d Alves Brive - Area No . 12. Area ;r`12 7'1?.e PlunninU D_i_rector located the nL:o?e en the :�.ap. It i.nvolves boti� the e.a_st ar.d �aest si.cle of Sarato�;a-St?nnyval.e Roa.d. ' mh� re ? s an apprcved PD on the �.est: side , P.notiie ite^� involved on the caestnrly �ide %s �n assQ:�s�.F>nt d:�stri_ct a The o:aner oF the donut siiop �aid he ha�, been i�� bt�siness h�re i or F.a..:;t r; �i� ^. -,`9 lfi VE?3T'S �3i:d �lE'_ caant C1 t0 kno,•r 4J�7�3t t�1G Clt�'t S r�.c�i1S 1rEy' tt18L �vll.l �Ilt?.'i <1 _Tl aU�y �:'.7C' affecr h;.:1, Tiie Y�.ar.nin�; Dir�ctor sa�_d t:�e r..roperties along the east side or Saratcga•�-�iu��n�r�ale Road ar: beir��; h:�ld in ?beyance unti.i completion ot ihe �Ft;era.l plan. � � 0. p('-9�+ iiINUTES UF `LIIE EIDJOURNi�D PL[1t�INiIVG C���IMZSSION i1�I�TING OF l�`�Y 3, 1973 1.' _�. �; e b . �o residential Chr.�ir��an E�utl��enuth as?c��d t1�e prok,ert�� �:aner ;:hat type r=_:;_i.dential u;e fnr clonut �;hop he could cn.v_isas;e for h:i.5 pr_operty si it slt.^.,u1.d go to r.esic?ential. :�Y:OL�+?.:C��/ �j11� C10Illlt r'�10� OW11E.'r .,�.�C� �lE? �:; i10t: 1T1L:E_TP.5tc'C� J.Il �I2y t�rE'. r?� T"C'.�l_Cj:i1t::Li�1. � on Saratoga-Suiinyvale Rnad . �o residential Mr. Lloyd Pav.�so said he n�s 9Q' frontage on Saratoga->unnyvaie Re�?d il��� �ZL�Il27�c� �d j=.cent t0 tr'i2 C�OIlU� SiiOr. �ie 1_S I?Ot 1T1t2i�St� in teS1.�P_Il�lal. llS2 of his property. '�aria�li rep's i�ir. Vic Riches, of P,iches Research, Economists and La.nd Pla��ners, sa�_d statt�:nents tze was rep the ?�'ariani pr.o1�rty. F?e - 'r_evieTaed 'n.is tiles of , the past C�a�lve y:�ar_s reg:ird;_ng the 'Iariani pLoperty. ln .I_963 the P1ar�riing Co�nmi.ssioii r`co�u�iended r_�.� �'[ariani peonle come in and aek f_or PD zon�ng. A cempendiiir;l z��n:�n>; r.iaps, dat�d 1969, clearly sho;as a11 66 to 7U acres de•.:igr.ed aa� sho- to be co?��r:ercial. ;?e said the '�ar_ �an� M��LI brochure �•:as distr�bu�ed throu;' • �.t: Cuoertino an_. Lhe T � , , �i �..�. Cozinty, Si O[+;1Tlg r.F12�.0 proposal., i�lUCi t1i:12 E?t�0�'t ci7(� I�OTIeV �135 been �penC 211 7I.c_IIriiil` tt'i'LS COII'.TR�.'YC'_�ll �jE'.VE.'1OnTi1E.'11L. rJE?O�iBtl^Il are �OJ.?7�? o� ;v�ith �.�.ior shcps ar_ t'.zis time. Lafco and r.e��h�ori_n� jurisdictions a.11 �za;�e used ttie comT�ercia� fra_=�� oz reference :iri �F�.,;;?ra to th�s �'_•'Ure'Yty . ��� S31t1 t���,t hav r'. 4?1VE'_11 T10 �12Cllgil.� LO Y'251�:'T11=1a� :,iSe o{ this property. ���'�1:�?E'_Y'C�E.l l �1r ��Tl rT.'�Tl°T� Of �.L?"lfr'r P�Or�EY�tiE'.S� ��aY�itO�u sa_'td t :E..' t�.'�1;= rP��'2SF_11t1i1� ;.�sc u,,e 'tierP �� ia��ily ��,:�th property adjo�_ri.�ng the ;°�ariani prope He helieves the � best �ise for th`se a acres is co-,��:er.cial . It is surr��ur.�:'e� by � CCIRL!F??"C1S�_. T17E-?j% 3YE� IlOt yc t�1 Y;__ J� til:,' 1T%it �cl?7?_ C�C'�:�.L.^,�ri?11t ^_1.1'.'_• . Frese:�t zon-�_r�g ;_s R3--.�_6 �,nd R.1-l_�, :�nd ttle �r v!)PL ty r�;nt r.�.oT•� ;_s ;_�i sub- �7�3TS�:I1S1 St�1:1C1!Ii:tli"ZL llSE. lt iS �,"P_Y'�' �)OS�IDLP_ t�12 CiCilLir :i�17� �i1C� Pavzso anci th_�s p:co.pert;- co:i? :i co:nbin� �,�it:�: a ccr 3evel^� �.�:�nt . T�:,is is �,�ery close tc� t'ie huh of the Cit��. ;��fi°. Pav�_s� G<��_d his �ro_�t�rty nas ocen cc�;:?:�e.rci.a= sirice 1�11; he cr u�}:ier a aor.- c���f ormin� ��s�: per�nit . . ''�r. Raa:�dy F�1k, 1G135 ��_�:.T,2r_en, C��rertin�, sa:id iie 'nas .� r>:�.ece oi ;�YOt}E'_Y'ty OTl `'��i� e�i �iTl��.l1 I�1:1.V� �?i.1Cj S��.Y'3tOU�i--Stl'=�I;y'Vd1P �t���t , 1 �_.� :10. i_nterested i.n resid�nt:�a1 u��e of his ,.rop '�r. Dwi;;ht Dtirkee has p� c�1 S�u� R.oad r_;n the -�,est �:�=.C�:,'. 't�C I��1�`_ev:�� _t: .;otil_d t7:_ `J�r'� lOOL:l.;��l �_:") CC:CI;i:�_C':c_'i uTl`Itfl._Il�� ti J'.it � CCr:ili'_YC,7._�.1.. i�::. L;3S 1__�V�'_:� Oi? t}71.;, f%Y_OTJ�'YtV :a� � 17:LS �:_�'�� ;,l?1C•' �t � � c'1 1_LCt.L.�.' tT,�O—Z�li1C.' Y:7�2C�, t�E' Il��:i r�11'F?(? YPiI�'.�i.1 (1I:1ZtS �.:iCi �i?;= Ci;'il llOI1E' � Fi@2c'. If.:. 1S ci�.l�(�.���,/ :::�21Ci1 LJ?" c'�'����)Y"CI[.ei1tS� i;P_ G?O:.IiC� �liCP_ t0 C13`Jf_'- i1F1Ci. i��� s �:-ttr st� -:� � '�s�u�._�t _a� S t:,ttt . �.th L:.� �� ._;�i ,;a � r�: `, o � pro�� _. . _ _ a<. _ s.�. ent tti .y can t � ai:ford tr�, i 1 ! � . i . ; _ . ; . ��iNUTT� OP 'I'I�i? L'.7),IOLIi:i�t..a i'I.[�Pvi�'LN� C�;�.'�I�SSlOh :°i��.LTIN:� T1A�1 3, 7_973 �C-- �'4 , � Pa�;e 7 Chairman Butlienuth as!:e�l if: th�; .: tias a�Lv u,�e other ti.an com�:erc�.a o�, this prot�ert-y . ;�r. D�:r�.ee :a:i.d tllere .��as not. rIe :=�.zd fihz� e is no �_se po7lut��n here; t:i;_.a i:� �c, rlac� ror. '.oT!,:�s anymor.e. ;�� believes th� Ci_t�- ot Cu�_�exti_no is forci�g Li�em out �� tiieir ho^:es . - Dr. J. F. B:'o���n, 20958 Peppe:tree Lar.�, sa_�d �;e and ti�s neighbo.r.s Costti too n��! - o ��t� parallel r •� cil"P_ _1.i.VO1.VGC� i_Il S CO?.^.i;l�'T'Ci3� C�'Vc^_i0�1i:i�-i1r �2S"-Ci O:1 Stic.�. � iJl" T°�=t E:I1t_=:i i_no S�.ratoga-Sunnyvale Road. Phas� I LID is r.lr. eady tak�ng place . Bandley Drive is alreadv under cons T��e 8.7 acres �djoining Durkee ground has a nice agricot orchard oxi it, but . t:e�• can`t continue tn�s use oecause oi the road cutt.�nv throuK.h the property :i� t�el.=ieves this rroperty i� outpriced for any type resident_�_al use. There is coT��^.ercial u�•�.�;e aJ_1 alvng � Highoray 9. Ttiose in business aiong t�ere, �•.ouid �.:_lce to see Saratoga--Sunnyvale Road i-:proved. Th�s is a:. entrance to the C�ty Tne street im�rovements are costing :auc�:zn�re than est-mated, to satisry aesthetics and the recuir.e�lents af. a hig�-class, commerc�a develop�:ent , Chairman Buthenuth asked if he �:-ou1d consider officas or i��ustrza 0: fice:= ceuld � use. Dr. Brown said he �aould consider ��f�ces, but the cests �c�ti= be cor_si�:areci are above ir.dustrial p�ssib�lity. � �1r. Pache�o, 20320 Hil?�ride D«ve, Saratoga, sa.id he cvas repre- Tax�s are senting tt�,e Redrigue: property, and i�as been �.nvolved �:�ith this �roh property since 1.962. FIe sa�d these peoYle have r:ade a commit�ent to the City and to the County Assessor. Taxes are �rohibitive. Thev don�ted .6 acre to the City ior ��alle;� Grean Dri.ve. He said it is very difficult to think abottt anythin� other than co?�mercial zoning her_e. They presently are �aor�:ing on a prop�sal for a restaurant, lar�e store, financi.al lendin� institutions and so�:e fr.ee-standing stores. Thi�s area represents tize �ate°aay to Cuper- tino. It also represer�ts the gateway to S�ratoga, ?�`onte Serzno and Los Gatos. They are strivi_n; for an integrated develop:r�ent on their property. Mr. Gary Stolces said there is no corRnarison between the Vallco Assess:^.ent too Park and this ass�ssment district in�regard to the costs these high for , property owners must bear. He said thex e �s a lot of industr ial industrial use property pou can r�ove onto that does not cost anywhere near as rauch as it c�=ould here. tir, No�r Bil.lat�ralla, reprPSen�in� property o�•mers of four acres F.�r and noise southwest o£ the prouosed Lazaneo Drive, said we r�ust cons_der the pollution reality of the :�ituat�on and �easi.Uility of alternatives. He agreed tnat the dol.lar investr�e.nt here makes o*_her thati co�imerc�?1. use imposs�ble. He said air and noise pollution are very serious and can cause sccial problems. � � - �'C--94 MINUTF.S OF THE ADJ�URNED PLANNItiG COrTNIISSION ��ETING M1�X 3, I97� ��� g � :upertino Mr. Itsuo Uenaka, 1S449 Via �ladrona C�urt, Saratoga, saicl the Cupertino _:�:rsery Nursery on Sarato�a--Sunnyvale Road was staYted some 2S y2ars ago�as ` a small concern. T_i.ey have ;rcj�,�n a��d developed as ttie City has grown and developed. Last fall they were invited to joint Assessment District ��2, and came to the City to as'�. for. PD zcnin� with corimercial ' use. He said they plan to contznue their business �.�ith o.r without � Mariani Mall. �e�arks of a Mrs. Alma Dippel said she is a consumer, not a land owner. She i.s consumer, not concerned about the tra�f ic and pollution on Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. a deveZoper ;,lith r,zore comtnercial it �aill get worse. In develoring these conunercial � pro�erties, the developers have a�responsibi.l_ity to help �olve some of the pr'oble�.�s they are causing. She urged that one conditicn of ttieir development should be to solve the problem of traific. Vested ri;hts Comm. Nellis asked the Cit;� Attorney �ahat constitutes a cori, to zoning. The Assistant City Attorney anst��ere�i that this has to do �aitii the area of vested rig,.ts. The property o��mer does not have v�sted rights until a bui_Lding per�it is issued and a �ubstantial ar•.�.�unt eF the development has been cnnstructed, There are no cases, to his knoz�ledge, where participation in a 1oca1 iTnnroveme�t district gives - the ;�roper*yo uwner vested rights. �3 un.irs/acre Com;n. CTatto said the points brought cut by the peoale at �h?s z�?.eetin� -�or� 190 ac:.'°s are �Jel� takeri. However ,�he rlannin�, C �mm�ss:icn needs to sttidy . 1500 living alternatives in case the co�mercial developnent does not reac�i fruition. �1iT=�tS 111 i.l`e `rilE_'V need t0 i�riOCJ C4113t t13DPf?I1S CO i.T_'�tt 1C � SC1:001 S y �3L"ICS � etC .� �� tire 190 acres �z the propert; stiould �o res. T.ie_re are ;: a number of diverse property c�,mers here, and •he su�.ge.:�ted an overall 8 ti�iits per ac.re �or all 19U acres, giving 15QC living ur.�_ts here. Comm, Nellis a,�r�� _d ttlat this si�.cu.lcl� b2 one alternative, but not r:ecessarily as a � :in �nu� . .� ��� =is `� C_��n,�., 0'Keefe said he would consider 8i acr.e as m:_ni-:�um. The history of ��.iled for t��e us�g.a_ of_ th�_s ai:ea leads h�ir- to hel;_eve a r..�_� oL �o.K�.e '.{ind is � indicat�d. This is i.o cor:.��_t.� cn t'�e part o� the cor�:r,�rc:ial, but on1;. data to oe sttic�ied by t�le co� sultants. Com�, i�Tel� is su�t;�sted 4/acre and 12/ncre shoul.d �lso. �e 5tud.ied, far comparison. Mr . Levy said he �ti°ou]_d �;� ;_nter�:�ted in ?-.��� in� ?��-.ree resident�a=L alternatives to censider here. it ;����!�id be irnp��rtant to specii:}� the kincl c�f u1iits, ;�1 '` 4/<�cr� and Or.e a:lte : Iialf in Rl ta:� tY: 4 urits per acre and �:3 � 12;'acc-e :;a.l_£ i.n R3 a� 12 �zn i_t.� n�r acr�� , . .._ ... al���rr::�.r-�v�� � j�.Ui'I:?"i. �12�.�.LS 1ZOi`-_..1 t�l�:.� c�j�c?L'�t-''lc^_T.1'�S �v011�.C� k?'`Ilc�'FitF_' r_1QL Z.1�aFL1C Oc!.Cc3li;>� � C::i'"i �' `.JGUl:� �(' .:',:1 Y':: ilC1_1tS . � i M:f i'dti I T;� OF T1Ii: !1T'JvliRN;;L 7' �. �.:�ivl.; �G � �. i'`iI ``� I.O�v .,'LTIN� �L�`�° 3, ] 9� 3 FC-9!� ' P�ue <; Comm. Arla�:ls sa�_d �hat if tht: ea:,i s.ide ar Sarato;a-Sui7nyvale Road R��s�der�t:;_al c�i� idC''YE.' t:0 fi0 �>lI1�J E? i:c�.i:;1�.y �1�7C:it?;> ti1F'_�' '':�O:iiCl }�E CO:iI':)c`1t. i?:I.G' 1J1t�1 tiC E.'<l`�l : 1Q�'' pf �.�-'t �xisti.�_n�, nei�,hborlioc�d �_n tli;.t area. Oc1 t.iZe ;�e;�t s�_de, there -:oul�3 be .��..ore ir.lnact becau �e Lher. e. =i_;> � lat_ ni co:f,,,l°rc��.al there no�r. C;omrr.. 0'�;ee�e cor�rnc�nted t�at =n ��rder to dF�v�1c: th;s P.l it woUld Un�_ 'ue pl.an havc to be develo�ed :_n a un �•�ay because of the �;reat eost of :zeec;_e;t t�ip land . � 11r. nii"I701.� dS1:E�Cj th2 t�1.alilllTl� C�Oli2�1' SS1_.'_:11°� � t:) COI1SidE�'7' CJj10 tiOL1G �r:�'O �C.�iG01.� CT car e that thi.s goes r. es:�c� eizt �_z1 . C�T_r�i, (�'?:eef e sa�d tl�.ere a:-� tl�cu::Iit . peopl.e who �aou_'•.d 1_ike to retaii: a quiet , suhtirban t��ne environ�.ei�t Other ,�aould l:.ke to see t.his c'ievelo��ed co�:�tercial to xr,ene� ate tax revenue. Co��.i:::�. Neilis sa.=d it h�� to do -:�th t.he cl�aract��:- of tt�e Ci-ty as a cTn�l_e. Input � resi_dential ���o��:ld increa: e t:h.� school populati«n; co��mercial �.�ould ��nerate no�:�e and traific. Comn . Gattc sa_.d there -•�ould be a rippl.e. ef i ect en t.he nei�nborhoc � to the east ; i.. e., the lar�;�r the develcp:nen.t , t,zc� �; reater iz-:r ac*_ Ri ;;��1e erf_ �ct on tize ne�ghborhood and t'r,� rreater rad.i_us at� ected. C�mm. 0'Keefe asked ii ther�� s be an �_ncentive �.,_ ih ���ent Inc_nt�ve neccied ' re�idential �ahere tiiere are 1�;-esently viable busii�e-�e� tlia� cut�la be urgra�ed. He fel_L L :.-ould be. no inc.ent�_ve to improve *�1e urea. Th� npi.gnborl ;.ao�,�ld re�ain r,robably the sa;:�.e :��t� e, on tl ot:.ez liand, tr:e �erier�:�"1 ar�a .�7aL�ld be upzraded if given an i incent �_ve . A iad}� in the audier.ce, who did not ide�ti.f�� her:�e� f, said. tk�e Neitne� resi.de�:- community is not ful�.y represented at t':ia_� r.eeti_i:, becau�e ±.Yley t;_ai i�o� received no nc�tice. Thev dori't Caant mo:-e tra�ric cenerated. �ii�� co::s��_ercia�_ said sh� can`t see. this area as either residential or con.?nerc�41. suitabl� here Mr. Jerry Fitz�erald, )_019i �;orth lllaney Avenue, said ir_ i.s not �conc;m;_cs dict,3�: realistic to of.fer these property o,ane 4, 8, 12 or even i(� t���.its o�he� thar� per acre, He stated t:nat � �r�ll never see residential on thi_s res:d`�tia]_ use property because of econor.iic:� . At 30 tcf 40 units per acre , you might get a response. The prop�r_iy r.uns about $20,000 per acre. � P•1r. Arnvld answered Ger:i.*�. Ivell?_s that w1�en �the consultants revie.�� Eccnomic this th�y definitely take econo�::c teas:iuility into car�sider.aticn. Leasirilitv There could be a very serious legal problen� relatzve to the ta,_es ��ill be studAed pecple have been paying on thei_r properties for the past se•aeral years. Mr. Riches caanted to pcint out that this 3rea has already been � comi��e:r-c.i.al . rIe said no house in thi� C:.ty r,ays it5 �-�ay to the sci�aol. tiistrict. . T ' _v_91� `1I:dUTES UF THE �1DJOURNED I'LP.NNI:dG CG,�TI�SION i1�ETIPdG MAX 3, 1973 �aze 1Q � ��:.� ci.al to Coi�un. Adams sazd �hat points �:ade during the last three hours on this �__ :• on the prorerty have been ��,�e11 taken. l�o�a ;a� could put a"Bel A;_re" rc�sidential - �st s�.de ��f s�ct�on alor?g Saratoga-.=�}nnyvale R�ad .is ha;.d to envisage. You ar� iLot :�a �oi;z� to see the cor��;.erc�al on the ��est side ot Sarata:,a-Sunntn�ale �cad .,un.1� Ro�d go a��ay. He questioned ;ahether. or not. the t'�.cee resid�ntial al*�rii.�tives • fer t'.zis area are even �.�orth erhi]_e consider:�n� IIe �aould like to . consider half in cer2�erciaJ. and haif at 16i �.cre as a stnr.ting point f.or discuss�on. This brin�;s us back to the ori�i_r.al 8/acre propcsed by Comsn. Gatto . Re�ident�al �Sr. Gary Stolces a� �,�h�n the Y�anning Comm�_ssion has hearings scheduled �=ter:z:�tives fc�r residential a1_ten.a�ives in V�11co Park. Chair�nan Puthenuth said =�r �'_illco tark there may 'o� sor.me areas in Vallco Par.ic that could be considered for residential and asked the staff to schedul.e thi5. Zi & R_3 foi �ievc�d by Cemnz. Ga�to , seconded by Cc�n�an. Ada_-:s to onl�- consider ane =re� 12 cor.ibir�ed alternati�re �or Ar�a No. 12: H,�lf to� Rl zasi;t�ntia� an� half for R3 a,arement-type develo��-�ent. ?•��tzon carried, 5--0 � Chair:�an BuY_h2nuth cal_l�d a zecess at 11:27 ?'.�`i, TLic� ::e=�r�i�? L�co��:�;.=r.aci � ar_ li :33 P .�i. e. Cons:idarat�_oz� o� 5�cre:.; ef ���o;�e l;:�ated ��:it��:.ri tLe � so�atl�east ouadranr of t'_re a_i�i_ersect � cn �f Pala :��_s �_a R�ad _`_rea > and Stevens Creek _Elvd . - ^:� ea ?`v'o , 8 , Discussion:� of Ar,n�s �3 and 21 �aere co-r_I�ined . ` t, Consi.deration ot 24.4 acres lorated ���;thi.n_ ti}e :���r�h�•?est, ttie nort'.east �r,d �l�e so�.it!i.ea::��- corn�r o?: i:h� inte ot •-'"�a �l F�o _hill �lvd . and Ste�nns Creek ��:i_vs. -� Area �To . 71. __��� propeL ry� =�rVas S and 7_1 ��rer� iocateu on tl�e .��aT�, Atto cn� ?:c h t��� G. .�«n=���T1 ,_�: Ci.t.;� ._� , s-i;d he �aas represenr_i_nq t?ze ��rrt�erty or�rrier of t.��� T� �z ",c �.st c_or�;.er L.' :1.[Il f�'Lli'_ �;v`(11C11 iS CllirE'_:lL1V 1.I1 t.flE? L'(�l1TlL�� �t1t11^i1�.;I1 t�t i:' �,, TiY�''>E'Ti_1� a.C� _'c� :tlt� �3: DI 1CRL1..'?11 1T1 ti12 �,� r'✓ Of (,'tl')i'2: t:lnn I.OL" DY'F,/.t,it . [i�_' `�� _Ci il�S -' t:l� 1".1 011 '_.[1 �'JY �P.?�:iY'V COi10E:Y(1 1S t(� �.�1_V2 t11� F�.l� 11 �?'; r�.��`:' �t �!iSlOil .iil li- . N1°C i� i:c �� f, � 1 ;,�, i r i' r �7�' :� � -� r- � .... �. �:_�i�t,v r,7o�._rty o���zer 5 st���., �o;nt. Lt. � z. � .. c�i� �� �_�1�� �;, e r�;��rt} � �t0 Y't�P«iill ITl t�"lE? :l1:1lL�iE'_C� COIlC��tiilil :S_t. �.`.� 7_P _,1=� (;011ll.t�,' UY'�t0 LL'E' � i 1T1�0 L�� t,1t)7 (:i �ll�i2��L1.i10 <��(1Ci I.l'1;��2'aC�E: �.1=. l'-lc.'�.i7' _�I C�111II:�)_I1P, ZS f�0 C�E'VE.'�-Op a 11E'.1_;;�1�.^�"�"IOOC�. COI1V: l�"_I?L<: t,s'O? ;<?� ..._ .'_t=E'. � � 's F r�T�vu�ri:s oz zfl�: E�:u.;uU�<��z.� r-I,Az..��z?��c :;a..�;r54zora :�TZ:i�rT.,c r��1r 3, 1�73 l�c--91► I'age 11 ?�ir.. Ivoar Pil1Z4�all.a ss.i.d h-i.; �.zLex•e,>t :i.� i.iz liLc:r� ,��:'l east �f Lher , Coir�_��e7-c i a1 Mobil st� cioi�, at t?�e soutl.��r,st r.oin�:��:. 11� ciski:d fo a aefinit:ion needed :in of th�: ��.>orcl "via��:l�:". Coin�n. :�`t��_c�c� sa:i_d hi.; deLiri�_ticn. woirl_d. Le Area r�2I sameti�ir�s; t?iat �unct�_crs f.�r i:h�� co�.�im!�nity; sr�mc.,t.h.;.nt; tl�.at ;oould l�e an. i.m�>rov��m� �t� , ;�i�°, L�? ].1.�:t �.a stres.,ed r_he po�i.nt of the s�ria�..s �>oc:i_��3_ ej=f�c�t:; c�f: �z;�i�c a;:d ai:� �o]_ltitivn. IIe be]_iev�c�:� thr�r. e i.s a ne:ecl foA� thc� f ive ,_ic7��.s pj-e.>c��� �"�.y •r..oned cu�run�re:i.��.l. t�o service tl�� ar.eae rTr. C,hris l_,ou�l�].in, I.os E�lto ;, sai;1 ]ie rE�presented a s7�al� piece Coir�.�ler,�ial of prof>>:rt�y con�_i.:ti.iig o� on�. acre an3 tohi-cli J-/3 of it 13as bec�z� needed in th� dec?icate� ta ��:e City. Tie. i:ew�s the �n.ti_rc: va.cant area s}�oul�� b� area inte�;r.ate.u. H�: feels thi5 is a b�od �-�re.a for comam��rcia7., basc�d on Cl�e Cat:holid �.t��ix-cl� p:-c�perty nropo: <d de�,°ul.opn;ent. Mr.. Dan Shuman, �f Cal�T��K>tern, wanted to spea.k re�arding a11 t�ie Rl and R?_ propez�t�y� in A�:ea o anc� �a nortn:i_��n �f Ar�a 2J . �Ie sa:i.d �he� �ti��u]_d considE:rat.ior. like tt�� ]'lanr�:in� Cornn�i�sicn _ta cor.sidcr R7.-�-7,5 as an a7.ternative Pr�P�sed hy for tli:..= �;��rtion east oi Pa10 Vista whilc. tliF� port�ian �iesterly of developer Palo �'ista be co�.si��r.ed as R2 some of �,rhich is px�esent:iy zoned comrnercial and R2. ' Mr� Iiilla�1a17_a said or�c� nf the reasons th� pecple �outl af him PoinLs of view had i:a go t_� residenti.a7 ss t:hey co:il_d not stand the pr�ssu�e� d�.ffer 41Ya.E�ii y;�u downgrade �. a�eigY�tboi�liood shr�p�pi�.io �rea ycu ta�.11, �..n QfLect, ht� fcrca.i,g the ne�g3 :i.n L area to driv� fartner fr�r. t:hese :.;e7-vicG�:-� s He sa.icl L are other poi.nts of view tc� ��e considered than just t1iF econom.i�>ts' � iheir viet�s differ fYOm a social scier�tist's pnini: o� viet�r. T1r.. r>hu7tlar� sa>>d they aie not aver.se to hav:i.r:,�; t1:e com_ne.:. use nn the frantage, Ann An�;er, r'tont�z ��i;��a said she is vezy riuch conc�rned about G�tn�aav to th� Stevens Creelc �lvd . f. orn the railzoad to Footh711 Blvd . She would Foat�iills like to see co��:s�,rci_a]_ zoning from the r.ailroad Lo Or_ange Avenile, a:�d ce �idential. on both side� of the str��:t fram Oraxzge Aventie to Footni.il Blvd. �ne snid this could be cal�ed the �Gatetva.y �o the Faotli:ills. Con.m. Nell.is asked hota the widening of 5teveris Creek �1vd. �ai11 affect tliis corne�r. T7��re is the chance that if �ae ta:iden the road, i� m.ay wipe out i�ir. Billauralla's property. Chairrna�;, Bur.h��nuth f�ela there shauld be some type of neighbor.hood Convenience ctr convenienc:e cent�r in tlia� area... it i.s a long way dot•mtot�m. needed i�z area H� woulc� like thir tl�ought iticluded in an alternate. Conun. 0'Keef_e also beli.evE�s Lhere is ne�.d f�L pc�rh_a,ps a str�r.e anci a gas � s�at:ior� i�.i that area. , t t'C-9r+ TIINUTL� 0� T:iE EIDJOUR�1?,D PLA�'VNtNG CQMI�'�1S�101`1 :ir:ETING t°lt'1Y 3, 1973 :?a��� 1.2 , Coru�i. Adams concurred that for study purpos�s, ::hat nortion could be �.;:�;��rci_al need cons�dere�l commerci.ai. ?-Ie said lie could :�.ot. envisa�e the nortl�w�st :_:1'�:'l� ' cortter c1:-i Y'F?S1Ci"I1t1�..L. �CTUSS til�' St1"t'_2t Cj�.":��Oi7c.J__t�'� �3 t:()Y'�:1 �)� lt siiould U� coT�side�-��d far cer�mercial �ad tiie balance tor resid.^ Llt:.c`il. , or al.l co,���-�erci.al. ';o ?ccess t:o . T1r. �-Ianson saa_d tlley �aer_e askecl to hive un access ri�;hts to Footh�ll �; :�ti� �11 B�vd. Blvd. anc.l to iunnel the trafEie cnto Sil.ve�: Oa1c tv�ij�. Cf thi� is still � tne case, they may •�:rant to consider th�s ', or .r_esid��ntial . `,s��:_�, 8,� 21: Comm. �atto pro�osed the f.ol]_o�.�in� alternative: .. %:C,_ P_S COIILll. ' • � � i�cres R2 ' 6 of 24 acres as cc��merc:ial 13 acres a,� R2 �-eslde:zt::ial � y Cansider_ati�^n Of �.7 SC1"°S O� pl"O??E'_1 tV IOC�3.teci ��*it:llltl t'cle , northeast a�id south�-�:�� cor�ze�s uf t�e �n�er�c�ction of ----.',� 22 . � ;�`cCl�ellan R.a�l an;1 F ov�..� �.il ��1vd . _'�rea No . 22. � . � ``.=. �ester's St�li.a h�s±�er, iJ8�0 �tevens.Cariyon Roa.d, said :.�i� �-�:ns til� ncrthe��st �_:tt'. cor.ne f�ir^_Y'�. 5't"it' '. d�C�'i1t �'JTl �:O ��I� :.�J. `��1;� �_!.?1- 2I1C�_E�3V0? :-_i: �12I' _:1P.'t°C�l::itE 82'2'r?„ C�lE.' Su�_� .�i1E' i.)�•')U;��.?t .._?1 ti:2 Qll�?(:Y� ail�i t ic �Oli ; - - i CC�I�I"_;t3 i:0 i.tic: C1�.j�. :�l?E S<i_.Cl T��:��'i Cl�u xiG1:i1 .1�� .T1 �.Ot.�?.�.i?1 tv _i;tl �L`%i?C� � Ul�'�2 : 11� rCl�'.j� ,r�iIli� f��!C1Y C�;T11 .LC:tl°. l�IISLilc' >_ d� '_.O'�'..�11t:. �il�' i.S i CIl C�I.E? :+Q� CJ1CiC? i'=)L��...OR Ot �ii:E'_V�?1S �,:'t'_�yOL� '?Oc3j, + - � , �.��i�:3t� 1t:E:?::l R COi:?i1. ��1�L0 f P.F; ) 1=ii LS �S �1 .,: i;i i_�. .(stlt)'.1� �l �7 �.E�C(' t:13C �t :_117Ui.:j 7;;� � hai��]_ed .:�:- a sep�+� «te .itea?. , L s - .� ;�': ;.LE'_::°S �i.S ����1��1.Y'Illcl ±?uthen<<th f�e1.l+�V?� � t "40ll1(1 1'£'�_��l.E' l;1CY'2 I_�) 7'£?c;1-Cl;'_11�_i.�?.l _ <1i1:i'_Yi?2t.1_'✓E'- ( � iilll)1_E:;{. '. 22 �:'1' � Cl L:iCIIS �10T1 J i_� �:?:3:i Cit'.l�l. j" rl i.0 ('�.�'� `. �)-":'7 :�( , 22 L'L (' t 1��1 � ;tLll"�'=.' �. .."�;i'..Y ii0^l ;�;:L'i!1 t0 Y�li_��, <:1;�OL1t: 1�i1i1 Uf�E'. )_.lE i.�i�.11_...�.,1.0i1 _ilc.j I?!)�. tt.'_R�<. CCi�it.c?i.C1aL .-.. _, _ tuc,y ���s v �_able 'r:2re e � r � \.Cl.�:ll.: i,�F'.�.1. �_5 iL�.�.L�ll �t1<:. , iC� 1 f?? t. �.L:c� t .L.�:in •->F� .i. ,1-,•rl r"' t.� �' ' 1•.� �'�., ( . t0 F ,_t t_ii . �, i P-.. �'.' O.nc.I. �:.T. OL ._� 1 . , - ( 15 r::1P_::' �-:1'_7C� lIS@ �.�i I.;E?:12'� �� i_;=�CU`i3:'(i. f 1 ' 7 � -r ...._.11llC' V{ .�...� , -( �c`i � �!_�:?� ���. .. t� . '.!'.. _ .. ? n"; 4 lt c�ec.�� �. tri� �c-�°a � r- �.e��� u i..d co t i�. n 'z-_ C� i� ce ,. .1� i11��;� , � iZ'JO':l : Cl .f•'�T' �1 _- y i`i"1�;r % y .1.`3� � �:t. % .��� . �1'l. .:i� �;<3 _..;i � 'i1A ._ Jt7, ' _..�:� F _ _ - ' - � 1 l ��f U�. ;1:.!. . C'l � k'i. .T�il'. �.t�. CUI1i. _.liL�`_ G11 .� _(1 i� :i �.. �'i` i _ i i .3 �.,i. . .�1� i� .1'f . ., � ' . _ � 5 i � r tne Ccr.z�iciL C�i��- . � � ' 9 � . , � : ��, . �. Ti1NUl'i:S Ui�' TIl?i ��1)70i;x?i�i?1) T'T :`i:;N:�:� ; C;0?�::-I]:5�;1:O�I �SJ�I;�:i��� �i�'�Y :3 1973 � PC�94 ° Fagc 13 L Trf�' IIV� �Zli�� i�U51tii}�Ja � L. rlont�bello Ri.ci�;e 5tiudy -� F.t.car:n:�encia��c,t�. t� C:it;� Cour�cil The 4'.�seci.ate I�lar�r:er sa:i.d t?���h :�r� ord.er. t:o ma}:e a recor:sle:.dation ; b3� tlle ISth, t:hE �'7_annii��� Co�.:-u:i.�;:>ion would i:ave ro r.,<�ke a detc�r-- � t�inatio: ,.t this r;�eet:ing. He �aid t��e staif recorrsi�n;3� �'11tez�ta�e A. T1�� s i.s recor�ncnded by t}lc: Pi.ar�ning Polzcy Com�ittee. Comm. I�:eili.s abserved �hat Alrer•;zate A �ho�-s perr�aneizt open space. � A?_tei-::�te :� The. Gity Council fee.ls that if: we �,*ai�t open space we sl�ould be ;; prc�pos� � able ta pz,�r for i.t. The r:la.:i.rium resident. apportunz_ty areas ;� are Sevc�� SprinE s ��anch and the Vc�:;s pr.operty. The City Council. `y searned to thir.l: tiier_e i.ii�7it be a�li.gher usc� i�r the churclz pro— '. • gerty, t��ith its gentle slope. • Mov�d �y Comm. 0'Kee.fe, seconded bq Comm. Adams to adopt Alternate � A`lt:ernate A A, Tfontel�ello Rid�e StLlCtjr PJ.f:ll� f.or that azea that fall.s outside � adoptel �he Cupertina Urban. Service Area; those areas kTithin the Cup�r�ir.o � Urban Servi_ce AYea fall within our General �'•lan. AY�S: Comzn. Adams, Gatto, r��iizs, 0'Keefe, Chairrnan Buth�nuth '' NOES: None Motion carried, 5-0 ADJOURI��i�i�IT Moved by Cor.un. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Adams to adjourn the Ad,journed to me.eting ta :ionday, iiay 7, 1973, at 7:30 P.M, in the Conference �1ay 7th Room. The meeting adj ourned at 12: 58 A.i�i. riotion carried, 5--0 AFPROVED: /s/ John W. Buth Chairman ATTEST: /s/ Wm. E. Ryder . r City Clerk :