PC 05-02-73 i
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�. `TJ :�,�,�. ,�.-, ,� r� ;'1 ; �n'C�_`r� , -,}„ _� � 1� - ( , . "}?'' ��', ��� ` ...t� �p.J,,� - �r���,�
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1��'j,?� r}:. . ,.�i1 :> > �: i � , ? tl:; � �;; , �i. �':_�.._ ,.� .. , G a i ��LL �
Cli P i ,�' 1' 1::: i ) , C /1L �. �' � .? �:,''v .l �^�
�tl° !T1 8_. C=i�.�.E'_:, I-O O? ._.� CJ�' C..'i�:.l.",_.�?::? i_�i1Li. _'T2iit:71 dt. 7.,. � !�1i„ �
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��� 1 i. ?JreSE'.Il� : �1:i�?'1S y G �"O 5 �c^] i "_:: � �� t ,�r'?i2 � �'.I). ;1�.;:t �lli_ }1:'ilui::: � •
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J�:7�f �)2"t?�E_-I�t' `. �.t j� �.Fic',cL 1�., 1�ill
I`i.r_ecto1 .�i ' i an.^..i?, a�.�a I� �v� .>�;.�n.t �isk �
t��;S ] Si.cl?�i. �.+ `," t i:tO�i n" 1 - 1_ \
�1.Y�°C: �'�.C:l" O� 1 "cL7" h S �t � ::'_. :. _ �Tl Ar ` E:Y� i
,�1.C�ii1� I�ilt.�, OL 7�i 3i"'>E_' ii'Ol.!.. �i�1_. .:)V-_Cii
T �
�i:J::C)C ..cZt�� i�l�:_r!17��;:1 �..'.):, � .
Yt' �I.I:C i'E.�?'.I.�?.�
].. F::T,'E--�EAR C�1FIT.�i., i:�iPi;:�VE'�:E�dTS FR_��;;�.'�r
T�iE n1SilI11I2� �)1_Y'GCtOT' `=c`31�� t:�12 i�l.c1�71.11�� C� !:�1t 1:'I! �lc._ L£'_Cc�_lVE'� �
�JYE'_V1CUS C�OCl1.�.�I1f�S Y`E'�21��1�; l�hE,' C�i �tu� �. �' �_:=�'.�F'_Tl�:' ;�YO?I�:i'1�
� t' r '.t.t, ` ,4 '-L r • \*: ,, �
±:ia adc.-�t tii� Ci_�} ..ir..lger has �.s.�.0 a sia��. report .�ii ,�;.. 2.,
�°13, on the sa.«P sub;ect.
GJiil?71. iVE`�.i.�.S 3�lC�Q IlO�J Cft(?il t�ilS � ?dl�_� �t? T:'.\'1E.'..'Ca`�. ��iTl� C3I'..� �;�i1::Y:?.1 �.Ii.:"�
acld�t-on� 811C1 G��'.Zei::,.OT1S ve ?_13Q° yearly ii:� C�_�;y '"ali3.�e?" S�l�i� :.[� i `-:t1��;i:l.C��"1�
is ciesigned se �.t ean be updated �=early; ar,��ually, z-ou c?r:�p =a ve�r � ar_d az�s�:er:�:
and add a ne-:c y�ar. . Ho��aever_ , once a bond issu� is passed far a i
give,i ite�:i we ar. � locked in on that item. , yor�d rioni�s cat;:i�t: be �
e�penued Lor alternative i_te�:;.s. He further statecl t:.��-t :�L t:z�_s tir�'
it appears we have suff ici_ent personnel in thi_s Program; l��.s cnly
concern was the in.flat�onarv estimate.
Comm. Nellis ashed about details of the phras� "otner lI1CoP.t�?�� �
The City `iana;er said that, for exa.r_iple, the Hi�]_ton tirst phas�,
• if 50% occupied, �aould re.ulr. in around $5C,0�0 ier 5�ear to tile
City . Sales tax and pro��rty �ax a �;eneral �ur:3s . i:e sa�d we
CIlCl IlOt anticiF�a�e ariy ogen sgace m�ney, ariQ '.v+' Zl�'.v �:riO:r' t.il«� �n'8.S
a pretty good guess.
P��� 2 ,
�.�, ..
There fol�o�aed an in-depth discusaion of the SCii:.'DULE OF CAPITAL
ITIP�OVEfi1ENT PROJECTS - Category: Parks, on page 12 of the Citizens
Revie�,,t ConuniCtee Report for Capitai I*:iprovements Program.
`ie.�_orial Parlc I1ez�orial Park Develov:r,ent : �tevens Creek Blvd.
Cor.u?i. Nellis said it apneared there �rers some difFerenres of opinion
as to the location of the conu-iunity center a.nd �•rhether or not the�e
should be tFro co:rimunity centers, as �aell as the lecation of the offices.
Mr. Carrol Phillips, 10471 Lan�dale, said he ��;as Ch.airman of *he
Parlcs and Re]_ated Tuildings Subcomn:�ttee. �ie said this ivas a side
, issue, and tlie unauthorized corresoondence pertain� to land the City
does not o�m.
General Chairr. Chuck Snyder explained ho;� thf� c�.:�!�-ttee� an��. su�-
com�at�ttee5 were. �ormed. :ie said both sut�car.unittee input.. �aere included
in the brcwn book.
`laintei:arxce It jaa� Urought out t'riat pa,e 3 indzcates a�ark maintenance �r.an and
cosrs go o�.Z recreation l�ade COT��il Gatto asked �ahat haaF�en: co n�aintenGnce cast��.
aft:eY• the five Vears, Th� Cit,� `�fana�;�r sa:id this i;s an on;oi_n� expense
a�d has i�een pro j ected.
I.1,4*�=;t)_�l� :?f CI1c11Xi11SI1 Pl1L�lEI�U1:�"i �YOU;�}it Llp 1:CtE Clll�'_Si.:l0i1 Of ��1L'L'i1t?Y Oi 21i?� the 1�,4',[ltlilg
D� Anza � of the tennis courts a_t De Atlza shou:l.d be Yut oF r i:or tt�e �resent tii�le,
IE?11:i�`_ C� � L'ri� �1. WP ���Y G. ;ll�YSril:t�° Ot ,1CC2S��w!,1�.1t� t0 i=he I�?t�J.L1C. `���?�' ��i7'i�S 3P..�
iZ� C1"t.J.t �_OIl P:Y;'CtOY' S�31C� t11.� Stiu.f� ` ii�. = I!lt?� ��71.�i"? t't_'� D'c' E1P_: -3 �-.°.C71_P_ . .
I�o��thill B_stric�_ has no ��!oney to li�;iit: the courts. ';�e could h<�:v� a
Y_'E.C:'LE',Y'OC3�_ %j.PJL'E?E'i:�.P_Tlt r''1tt"1. �:l:E.'T;l. TCIP._`� c�.]:E? ii!JU'_Tl�� i.`'.:'-'_J Cc?Il ic1Yt' �_C�Tl�zt' ?_Il
�::Cl� COSt: �•Jlrll �^OtIlE.S ObCc71T1E?C� t�1TOU�:1 dOI1c�L:i._OT1S � c:�C. :it'. �aLQ t�13t: J_�
� Lhc. .Planning Co�;mi;�sicn a�r_ees phi.lcsophi_cal1.�, �=in a;reement can be
��'OL i��C� OLlt: .
Used t;y other. Chairr�an Buthenuth noted Lliat Le Anza is so close to, and ttsed 'cy ottier
j�r�_sdicri�ns �urisdicr�.ons, a..id he wcr.�ler�d c�rh� �tiould get the bene�its cL th� liu:.ts,
Tiie C�_ty �tana�;er said we 4•70L11� have, ta_���e scheduled For CunE�r�it.o citir�:ns.
� IIe nated the Cai:�r:iittee reco�ninended tllis not be a bcnd �r.e« .
Corlmo �;e11is askt�d� if the �'arlcs and Recr���t ien Ce���ission are in aar� ;ment
GJtt11 tlleS�' T"�:.C.:LT:lE'I1C�3t1'. �r�i° D ��_rector Sc'ilcj ti:F'_ �.Clll'�1-iSSlOi1 '(1�S Y2Jl��i:_',Ci
th�_s docu�ent . 'I'iz�; are presently tr. �.-� ng t.; e;;tabli�h T,r_ior i.t�es .
�.i1�Lr'T118I1 .5'11�,�C'�er S�11Ci 'C�1P_ SL1rJC.0i:!I!llttE?? ?.:SJ_4�T1E?� i:t'•_i.S 3'i;j)'?T1S�'711_.L���
s COIl.• <'�}}Oi.lf� �:;Il _.�Et_L?7j;5 c�ri�i ��"1L' D1.T'P_Ct"?i �lri�j 1"eiY�Sei1�=?t�_VE:..g '�f Y.}1E'
�c�.LiL:� flI1G izE.'Ct�C'.8t:1C)11 �.OITtIi11SS:LC11 c3CLE'_�1,lEC� IrtOS� �7� tti�,�E,' ":CE'�:1[1:fS.
�'i l!(:y i 11t1C�i Y1� l.�la �Yl?l��il �Llt 7l�-'P.L'lt�l CJUl�/�E.Y'C?�j I:e hi?i?E?7: i21. ! 1.112�_�. ,`':iS'"' J.l1S .JOI'�.C� �E? ti12 Uf?�r
�.;�ter � ���:y to f:inauce� tli.i:; - :,rc;ec� in 1.973-�74 rL'he Ci.r..y �fana�c�r s�i=d the �:c�nding
7 � ' L �a 1_ater dat� .
ot tliese pro_jec;.�� c<� � be scuei-i_�<1 �,
� ' .
. . ;
� T 'L. ('i t t? ,� �i �, �r t fT Ur� .r�' ,.t z (, ± .�, � �
M��U1 ;S J� 7'�i�, ��J.iQiif�.`�.;7 l �,r�:�, d ���,.� l.�),��,.:_ >> ; U,� ;Tii� OI' ;�L�i 2, 1. �73 ; x�.�-.�_,
. � � '<:t; - 3
't ,n. f� � - � n� 1� , �..�� - � �,.. L -� T 1- ' -
�:�:)t .:� liY CC)i«�il. ac3�1_O �,:Oi_;� ]�-'� i. .'l, T';t.l� r0 �if�tE:E' e':.iC�1. 'i�it'c_ iZ 1t Lc.?11t1:_,
1°%3- .�.974 l.i�;nt, �i, oi t �;e lle Ani� Gc,il.e�c t�i�_l��x e���r. t �. � c_c�� ii. � i 3-74
� � ��ot�cn c�.rl:�:.�d, 5-0
TSerior:;.a7. Par1_c .A.�1 : _t�:-�z� , ,;tevezls C��ek fsl.-ci . �
1�?;.'. i�c?3"�CS 3IlCi F�E.CYc.2l :�:iIl �)�YE_'.CLO;_ S;3 iCa t:.'it? i�i'0I'1C1lik� Cj:"3f� r.Yt? � P�Y!< � S ".J�7�" �'1'.�
C)F_'.111�� FY'E'_i,aLC?(1 c?.1: t�iC L t.i.T'I� �=02' ct11. ❑L'r t:1:'. CUI:?;i.li:l;.t�' C�;?I'ttf'_:�' �Yc3�:.'.Ltl;* �
area. �
Co�:�r�i. IIe�_la.�= fe1.L tite 'Ionta Vi�ta ?ar:� shcvl�,i talce prececlerice cve;- �'Ior,.i.a Cr �,st�, k'<�:-',
t�1C.' T'le�:?o7'i��7_ Parlc �CI�IL1OTl �E'CcllS�_' :�Ili� �GE.'1.`; tllE't2 7_S `c'r �'Y2;'.r�Y ! f
11��C2 t�l?i ° . �
Th� Ci.ty r1an�.�e.i sa_id ��:�� 1:�ight �•Ja11t t.o c�n.sider sz..11in� t_:Z� bonds ��e:]. bci:d� ;,,
iii increments, once t;lte�� are aut;�or_iz�d. �LLric�z��_ent:
. �
�'..131.1I.`L311 i5lltil�T'iLltil 2.S�riPCl tOI" CQ?",'Ti�Tltti ��C`i;? L.�;fl �3U:� i_t.I7Cf . �1'iiE'I'C'_. �
�•Te� e noi�e .
� Zt G•?3S ��rCU���1t C�lit tiiclt Lt1E t�?.SE'ti8� 1 C�:�_hT.'lOIlU:i �r ?'E�'1l()Y�c31 L�21�: � r'i.i=;c':•�:ll
taill. bc 'a jo �Ilt 2f�Ci"t: �J��.il �:�'i° GC�10C.��_S. ' j(i�_2.^?JTIQ�:
Stevens C7"�E'.i� � 3I:�iC : ��:1_i1��WOit�"1 PY] VF�
It was noted by Cha�_r��an. Ii�:theniit':z that Ste��en:� �re�?. �ct �1_ and �
� a.r_k will be titilized h}� the sc�ool dur=iri� sc��o�? �]zour�: ,
Chairman }3utheritLth �ske,d for comments £ro-;: ti�e auo�ienc-=. T'�ei:e
�aere none<
Cai:?*�. 0'Keeie said �b;� not developin{j tne park. p adjacent
to the scho�l. , it puts an extr.a load an the sci.00l s.
Comr^,. Gatto suggested T;e r.zig'�it get a bei: �er urice �i �•�e do the
�rass in both parlcs , and ���heii we can s have th.� buildi.n�;s .in both �
parks cor.istr.ucted. . �
Comm. 0'Keef e�aould li ;e to have t�he t.r. ees r.lans_ed as �oon as
possible; this wou.ld malce a contr=;_Uution +�o tize :ei_p�hbor.l�ood.
Conc]_usion e It was decided to r-�ove the Ttonta Vista Park � Vo�s 'lonta Vist.i P��i-;>
Avenue and Locic�aood Drive, to 1974-1975 fiscal. year. ?-:uved up 7_ y��a�
s -
Page 4 �
Indian Village Lincia Vista Park: Indian Village
Tlie City Manager reco:nrnended one year delay on this to a11ow time for
Levelop in' preparatien of the plans. Th2 .E'arks and R�creation Director said this
1974-1975 will be used for day camps, etc:.
' Comm. Nellis said if something has to be moved ahead a year, this ��ould
. be the one it�m to delay development on Uecause Lind.3 Vista Parlc does
at least have some faci_lities,
�e�troom Chai rman Snyder sai_�i th�re �aas ccnsidera'ole discussion on vai�dalism
�:a:�<ialisin that has been experienced iii the restroo.��. After �ome discussion,
� �_t was decided Uy the Planninp Cozznission tt�at "cer�:�unity keys" to the
restroo�s are not the answer. ChairMan ��nvder said that ���hat the
St:bco,;uni_ttee is really savin� tlere is t?iey request s����.e thcught be
givcn to the van�3alism proble:� iahen desi�,nin�; Yark re:>trooms. The City
i�ianager added tiiat so�ething is being c-rorked out t•r.i.ttz the She
Denartr�ent and Pol�ce Reserves ��_n re�;ard to aatroli.n� tnese -�arks.
Cor,1;-i. Adai��s a�ked �:Jliich park has tize c•�orst �_ricideilc.�� oC� vandalist:l.
'The Parks and R.ecreation Dir��ctor said Portai �.'a,_k caoes. T:ie City
�*�ianag:�r_ said , however , that t;t.;.s does r.ot neces.-ar:i 1y ref:lect on the
nei�_;hborliaod since tliis pa.ri: is a1,�o use�i by peoplc� outsrde th� nei;;h'�o~hood,
tiE :3CjC�2�i �173� t�1��7 �r'2 �JOY'?C]_I.f� C:�lti: r�"1L �t1Erl.tf �S �'�'»�lYt:?lErit t0 tT`•' t0
f nVQl.:I Ti�tl1T8 �J�Oi�.iE'T:1S LC'fOI'=�'. �.1°Y'�� �_S a'_Z� �lltt:l°.i" :'1P.Vr?ZOT��;.t?11t.
T1ie Dii:�ct��r said tliat ne.tt ���ar L'i��. bu:i.tdi��gs T>>i1.L be fLoc�d-1:'tgi�ted,
�i011Cc17SUS O f Oj:1.i1s.OT1 ; i.'11� i�_L�ili1�T1'_; (;O;?I'!1J. �i�=1!JTl C�*?C'-Cli_'Ci t0 T�CO^t;T.1GI1C�
�he dev��lopmenL' of. Lt�e Indian V:ill_r��e ai_ Linda �Ii,.t_a Faric be mov?ci ahead
� to 1974--1.975 o-r 1.ai:E�r . .
� Horse :ZaLlch Fark D�-�v�lop�^ezzt :
";-,-�� ;rticE�s r_o `l'he P�rks and R�creat7on D?rector ans��Jered Ce~��:. i�'Ke2f� t�,at they �,�ou_ld
�_._ cse :�ia.r_ch. ` l.i.:t� to ;�ove t?ze par��: otf;_ces to the Hoi•:>�� Ranch to tlelp L�revenr_
vandal:is.l rn�re ar�d to acqt�a�.nt: citiz��15 ;•.i.t}: th�� par.ic. T�ier�� is the
� � �GS�1 ti JL�_lty ��lc`i� t�tl�? D�:Ti7 it:�iV i�E? P_1c�f�E? �_17�p 1 i`;�'Etl_:[7� �,1.<3C° i0Y' ti1� SE'?7"LOT
c:i_t:Lzens. The $2.5,G'(.ZU IIUU r�.o:ley �.��_11 not be receiv�d until nev^1o�1�:ent�
takes p:L�ce . f\r t;1is ti;:e , t�ie ��i icc-�s ��ou:td �e t.h:� f arra l��,i�>•, and the
mil.l: b<.r.n ,aoul�:i b� tiie restr.oa�ns and inFOr_nation c,_,ut�r.
Ci��a;_. Buthenuth askE�d � f cr com,nents z ro�n tt.e at.td:ienc� . There �; er_ e
I1�:1�? .
- . . .
, ..
. �'il�' .� .1? CO11:?�iE'-,:i10T_t C�L'C:_Cj�'C� i=0 Z'<' il0'I"z>'_' p�_:L1C11 C�E'.�VE`.�_':?T`?�i.C'lli= EOT
' 197�--:L,'77.
� ?�1I'�]U�E` �'F , i'�:ii�: -'�LJOUR'�"�'') 'PL,��� T �"" CO'";^.iT.;,SIO�; `•"I'=� OI' �Ai' � 1�73 �'��-93
, ,,:, ��i�l. �_� ,
� �' � 5
i' � ,
GaLdcn GaI-E� i�iin:i��ark: Al.v: s Driv�
j`Z� 1�.1'..L1.11?.`� :�81C1 tt13C 1]�SJ..Cc2� �_V � t-tl�_' r2ct::0:1 tt?;..5 ?:'��S pllt Oi:t �:C) ��YC�i�Ii rc'itE'_
1_�i77` _�S �:c:C,:iL1:iE Cll'..'_l_t-.11�) L'i'_:.LC�E'_:1 Cvll.�. T��°,i. JE,'L�' L1LL�_� li?A T.11?�1,�
Ot ��1P ])di:FC. 1_Y_. ;;1�1 1)C'_ U�:�:: 1`�:J::LIj �Jv' COUilt:'1 i-�' ;1t���IIt.-:. T�.G'Y'@
�O�_i_O'.:'E'_C� SC^lE' (�1SCllSS10ii a:)^Lt <.�c'.i.E'_r'_:1�� i::l"iS { i" i::�? `'Ct�nr�U1�. `
The �'arks D:�r.c�ct�- sa�.d he �:�oul�i 7.��ce t:o tiee i� -xzc�iuded Y�ecat�.�e
i t i_s i.nc �:�ded ii: our Opc�n S.�<�ce E1e�_„ei:t . It ccul.:� al��:a. � he
d�J.ete:.l at � later dat.e. Tlie Cit;� :"��na�;er s�i�_..�i ti�at ii it: =s
included �.n th� ?;ond _� ssu€� it c3n't be de]_:�i°d . He su ,. �`�s �e�d
Y.°C'.OS?111'I.:L71<; _i. Jll� IlOI. T�i.O��Z'�ii!?lI1.R .ii� i_1� i::(' (,.. .�-_...;iS:L011 '.i1.Sil��i t0
i?�;VE lt T:P.V-L�\�'eCi 1;.e2>t Vf-'a� . �
iZZ S, i1. �1ciY'c`�":1P SS1G C'?E� �il e�c�ll!':1!7,� 8L'OUt. I1C� :iE.'f?CiS t�E?7'2 v �
, i
�?�e Gl.so �a:`-u so.:.e land ��as been dedica�ed �_i: c��-njunc.rior ,._�ti: th�_:�. �
Mrs. Ju�v Te.nu~ar.l:, 2�7�1 Sco£_�c:ld, said t'. ,s t?i� ::ect.ion oi ��:_._�-,h dens�.t�-`�..
�IIE n .'.t�% y FT1.i �ne Cf ��1� 111Qi.E:jt Ci"'.73ii:�.C'.:.. 1:?� �R�_V .l.i?1 c`3V?l.� li7C;�.:c? ttY'E'�:
_:it>le is op��n space. Th�� i.s t�ie lo:��st .�nco-::; arF�� -._n Lt:e C�tJ. �
Th�s tyoe oi r_t�-��on lias tne leas+� _..ob_ i--t.; . C,�r_.,. 0'I�:�FL�_ said ,
' �12 rGCO�P;_'L�'C� r�lE' .^.E'E'C�. t1E'_I=£�'� �]llt_ .�Q C31:_1J�� C��:'�'t'.70p �:'�lc'_i1 tilt' �
'�JL"O??^.A t� 1` ?1!:t �d�t111.?1 "Ui: jUY1S� i_Ct 1".':t.
IL [3�S C��C 1CIE'C� L�71S ��.Tqll1 Cl ��O 117t0 ��L'I1C 1 0��1 c1i:1�?'<°�j al:C� rlOt f�C`_ L ''T.:.I' '_i 8.i �'.
CIE'IFLeG�. UT'_i?�C'�rr�'-"1'�
Fa ��chac�l N� ��h�oriz�od Parl: e Fat �ri Sci��
The Yarics Direcr.or. point_ed out r_hat. t=:is :s cio�;:_ to `ier�aiial \Te=i�,hbo:�nc: d=.�;
�=�.? thi.s i.s �he rea��on for cutt i.ng it cl��:�� suc,st�:�_zt��17.y.
:.il`c11YII1c1T1 13i1t:lE.'lllit�tl I1O�E.C1 t�i;.t �.t `.i�?S Cll� 11�::T� �; '_il �'.<31� . ;12
questior.ed tJ.ze r�eed for all tnese �?'��':; since e:iost peo��.-ie 'tzavF� 1)eiete, t���`s '.r.
the�r o=.-.Tn BrQ. �ie wondered if tiie i?BQ's ar.e t:.he cent�r of ci 1ot ��'ari_a Park
of ttie vandal.�sr�. The Con.mission dec�ded to rec.��:enct d�letic>n
of the F�BQ`s here,
There �vere no co..snents from tize audience.
t�Ti.� sor. Parlc. Expansion: Wilson Sclioo]_ `�'ilscn Paz':
The Pl�nning Cor.lmission decided nat: to commeat on this ite-�.
• Comm. Nellis aslced :tihat tne ot�ject�ve is tor having thre.e golf U�lf ceurs=�s
cour�es (Llacicuerry Far.m, Deen C1iff & Churclz nrepert;�) . The City
T�na�;er said ttz� tYie Stevens Cr�elc Flcod Pla�n :�rza r.�ust re�a�..n
��s open s���ice, Comm, Neliis said that tlie objecY.ive is not to �
have tlire.e municipal gnlf coursES. Ttiere has been discus�:icn
that since l�eep Cl.if; and Elackberry Farm are �.n the flood plain
area they s?iould remain in open space use. TherQ is the poss-
ibility rhat they coulcl be combin�ci into or,e larhe g.o].f course,
otaned anc� rnar.aged by the City. As to t�ie Church property, ii: i�
unclear w�hat would occur here. There has been discu,sion with
the developer as.to a possible gulf ccu in the faulC zone ar�a.
i'age b .
Por.�tal Park �.xpansion: Portal Schaol
There were no sug�ested changes here.
Seven Springs Ranch: Neighborhood Park
No suggested changes here.
� Heney Cre�k Park
No suggesLed ctianges here.
Municipal. Go.lf Course: Church Property
No �uggested chan�es liere.
�omerset Sq. Somerset Square Park, �'hase II
['ark Phase II The Acti_ng Director of Public Works recommeud'ed tliis project be delayed
„change in f.or one year or piaced in the unprogramr.ied sec}ion to allow time for
plans studies tn be completed on possible otl�er uses such as noise baxrier.
An earChen �erm would talce up a large portion o:E i.he P,G. & E. easement
ChaC is notv anticipat�ed for playground a�.tiviti��;�. T�ie CiLy ilar.ager.
r.��commendec� this park come ouC oi �h� g;eneral .f.ui�d and �ZOt be bonded.
�iCv/State 1`1L. Bob Goiiz�l.e:�, 10461 Stokes Av�:nue, does r.ot Fee�. a on�--year delay
`� is necessar� lte �aid �he.re t•;i11 rt�babl� be a oint a.ree:�.enC bettaeen
; oint agx�ec�tnant .� • F � J t�
� � the City an�l 5tate ixi re�;a�'d to t�ie berm.
�� Cha_� r.man �u�lienuth r. cconsuendecl nto`a�ing this bacl:, to 197�+ and paying
� fnr it o�.it c�i the genera.7. fund, as su�;gested by the Ciry P'tanager.
;`�.�:�end Som�rseC � i�Iav�c� b� f.'�mri. Gatto, .,c�condcd by C�mm. Ad�.ms to appr�v� �:l�e S�merSeC
;r�e Park �; �quaie P�ark. I'ha„e iI ����.rii azn�n{.imencs as rnc�ue�tecl l�y tne ,Y.�l�.lic �aorks
i'ha:�� II pl.ans � D�'p��xtm�nt-, as recomi�ien�.ie� above. ,
� MOt.7.on C�YYlrc�� 5—�
� Tl��ere wE�re no spec:if ic co, �ment� caf the balance of rh� "Sciiedule of
'� C<ipir.a:1 Ir�_provemettt P�o j ec Ls" on ��aaes 12 aii.d 1"3.
� � .
"t;ui�r.din„s wnd Tt,F� P1.ar!nizx�', Cor!mti �:l � on r_ e.trietr of t�:e document moved ahead to Page 15 of
:rr_ouncl� ttie "S�:r�edttle oi: Cap�.t�1. I:rnprovement Prajects - Euildin�;s and Grounr:ls':
� It: ��:as cleci.de�i �:o co:nbine thc: d:i:�cu:;sions of rh_� firsi. iter,l: "Memorial_
� .Par.i_c Con:muti:�ty ��enter 13tY.il.d;..r.;" tai�;� tlie �tti iLem: C�v�_c Cnnter
� Comuiunity Cezil.er Bu:�l..:
� Zlz� nir.ec�:or_ of ;'arks :inc.l �:ecreation ��ait�i tile ??�.rks and Rec;:eatior. Co�n:lissicn
� ha�.�e agre��d tti�� a com7l�,u����_Cy center ��.zilu ing siloula he p1,�ced i_il rler.lorial
� Yar?c, ti�Ie do not ��t t�ii�> ;_i�r,e ]�av� a tn_e.zagc r�rop-•i7t cent-.er. rienbers of
'�hc: Yar'KS �� RecrE:at::L�n Coir�.��i�sieri a?..:1 oi= t.}ie Cr,�ii.a1. Iirprovemer�ts 1'.r.ar;ram
� Comnlittee� vis�_teci corran�_�iiity cen��r b�_i��lrlin�;s .in C'rie a.r.ea ancl were vnr_;�
3r w�>;I..1 �xrtpre��.ed.
� .
_, �
` . . �
?�II:VUTES GI' �'li;� �'17�JOUi?N3':n I'L:4riIv7I�C'r CO���i�S�,IUl� i°ITG I`LAY 2 1�73 � p��g3
:I'a�e 7
It was the feel.:i_n� of. �he Con:mis:�iUn t�at the communit-y cen�.e;- ai:
• Cam,:�uni i:}�
t}.�e. i•temor.ial P��-r caiz_ld `be uti.l:i.z�.=ct �o ar.�tive use axir.� Ll�e �n� at � centc�r
tb� ci.vic c�:nt.er perh-��s cor�l.c1 havc:: a soni�����hat p-�ssa.vn �ise. The � d� scussi_on
l�irector, o£ l.'ark� �nc.1. Pecreari�ii s::-i.d tlzat a.t t.h� present time, he �
.vuld not v:isua.i_i_r� t. �: co?mnun�_ty c�.c:nt_er. 1 1�e buili: in �he
civic center. The 1 iCt l.c: tticater �;roi�p practices at onc� of th�
sctioals r!.oY.a anci pitt'.:� an it�e pro3ucti.ons �it the h�i�;h school. A
,�a� e wou2d ��e uti7.ize� it: put in �hc com�nuriit�y ceiZtc�:. •
Comm. C)' Yeef. e t�as cr�ncarned about extra dr:ivin�, ��yith t4rn community `` �iave comm-
centers invo�.ved. He feels Fre wYou�.cl l�e enriched �.rith a c"loser �: uni_ty center
a�s�c�.iat.ion cait.h bat1� ac_ti're ancl less a.ctive i:yp�:s of. act�.viti.es ��,n1y �t
at �:he cit�:ic cE:nter. h�� fee15 c�e caul.d makc �ettEr use af the � i°Ier.-oriaZ Part:
faci.l.ities ai: D� Anza� Ch�.irman Buthe.nuth be.J_ieves �hai. be Anza �`
and the cor.unun_ity cent:er. nre scpar�te, but ti,,>ou1_d be comUaL�_ble. �
Cor,?m, �danis saa.c� th�. Sui�n��vale Cona�iuni�y Ce,nter is i_r_ a purk-�:L�_ke �
seLtin a�aa fr.om thc-. civic centc.a: ' ar:d a�?Gax s �-c� ��� v�:r �
�� Y a )�' Y k .
succe:�=,ful. <.�
Cha�.rtnan k��,i:henuth uske:d tor co�mr�ents fol� s�ne audiencc�,. �
. i
C�lc`i1.X'TI12T1 �il� SUIriT�lc3'L":'t72C1 t�1:.' �LiDCOi11Tri1.�:�C'.t? � S f 0�I.1T'ii;5 B�i011t ,i '�4
...,�ve Comi�-�
the locatyr�t: and i�tim���r o� commtiii��t.y centE•r;�> needed �.n C1?pext:�.roe �i l�.nit;� Ceat�r
Co�n:. 0' I:eef e f elt i.t �yo�ild be wise to ccr.�t>.ii�e a variety of activit:i_es �, ar or_e
� at one location that would be of yiiterest to b�t.h young � nd ol_d. �: yF?r
1'he rlen�ozi�.31 Par.lt has the advanta;e of De �n?a across th� streei.� The `:
Dir�ctcr af .'arlcs and Rccl-eati.or� saic� e��e sl;ould �plan on. $30 per sa,uarE
foot< He said t: e 5ubcc�rmnittee rccom4�ends �;uttin� ii: U�ck 9.0 1.9 %�.- �
75. Chti�irman Snydex' said the Sui:>conmliti:ee assumed the money t�ioulu 4
be spent over a f ive-ye� r period. •
Chairman Buthenuth asked far comnients f_ron� th� audience.
Judy Tembrock noted that the civic eenter location comes to $90,OOQ �$?_/sq. ft.
per acre and osonclered if this a.G �yhat is should cost. lhe City Ci���ic C�r.ter
rianager said it lias �ae�n eheckec� out; it run�' $2 per sc�uar.e foo�. prc�p�rty
Mr. John Carlson, 10203 nortal Avenue, feels tiiat $90,OOU per
acre is COR1p1�t:E1.y bli� of line. �
Alma �Jipp.i.e. 1Q402 So:�erset Ct ,, said the pro��erty o���ner has tried
�o put niul�iples in tYie civic ceiiLer. 5he c�id no�: �eel ttie price
w�s tao far aut of l:ine. �
The City Manager sai3 he wi11 get the opinion of another appr.aise Another
. sought
�PC-93 ^ilI�TUTi S 0;�� THc: ��DJQURN�D PLc'�NtiING C(.)N�ISSION 11_TG Ok' MAY 2, 1973 •
;? a.p e 8 �
P'(r. ;ot� Gonzale�, Clu of th� $uil.din;s ai:d Grounds CaMmit said
they .tiarned i�t�i� pronertv iz�d ueen ac�raiseci and assuMed it �aas
ce�;�inF.rcia]_ zo:::��Y;�. Hc felt ii; cuas too h:i..:;'r� fcr c?lultiples.
1'he Cit� `�!azzaUer s�.i.ci :�t �zill probr.i��i.y ��e acqu�red Uy the Ci�_y for ci.v;.;
cent�r expans:ion, �sith �_he pr�;;s_�l�ili.t}� of Couilt�T--tyre off�c�s out rlere.
Lanri beyond li.b. Comm. Nellis s�id that in or.der to devel.op a cahesive c.i.vic cen�ter, Tae .
needed f_or neecl tu acquire tlie la���l at t:ie ot�l:ler end oi the 11_brary �
c i_vic c°nter
Civic C�nter Upon recommend<�tion o� Chairman Buthenuth, it caas �-�oved by Comm. 0'I:eefe,
1.=�nd acnui;:�ition seconded by C;�:,i;n. Gatto to _instruct the staF= to check on f inancin�
t_in�_ici.n�; to be possi.bi.lities � or_ th� civic cent�r larld acquis:it ion,
rf��tian carried, 5-0
�fei;:orial Parlc Cor:,.;:�t:.iity Genter 3�_r �.l_;i�_ii;;. .
C�;�,:n. Gatto ��ici he c�:as �n Eavor c£ keeci.n� this �� ;�n the 1973-7�+
C:ilf� �O�'V. `j'�E�' �lt:<< ?13118.'?�L' :ialCl .t.t' C�O1_ll.C� }J'� }�C'_tt:�i TlOt tQ iU�tl 1:L71S
i tJ2Ccltt:�-C t}?EY'E2 13 ^il�_�E? d Dir 01: �Ili�0Y1�t3r?Gi1 �Crt:.1C01?:lri;;.
''.'�f?.�,i:?_ _'_c� I a�l"L�ri .'li: (: E'?= j: L11" Li1E3Y �l 7.S CLl:::i IOIi ]_ i: ;.'�3 ;�^O � E3:1 li�T �.OT'".i:... S "' " ^C� t:�7
9 y A� ci'��]. � :� ,.(� C1 i i(1
;=�:'�n. tY �!.Ci� �,ni;: \js, 1 r i n }-} f a �.t � 1 �_1I�:._ C()t.^.i".L.11.'Ltj' �%?i�r.! �t.l;.�.(�1T?� �O
i C �: � i: l..L i s ?�.:� i,_ � :_ e o r.' ;_ i
tc� _1.974-75 19�; 4 .-75.
`::��'�.�';: COi;1T1. r�.Clcl;"5� Ci:3t.i:i7� :\ C}l�i]-i^IL�11 �Uti,F�illlt'll
I'_i�i.i::�: (;OI:;;�. t���.E'.�-`LZ
� , .
. .`'`O�:_GTl carr:_c. y 4°
C�.ty H«11 raseTeuC 1'L��;ect,
�) ::�:;'" _ic=ili� iJL � ii�P_ r '.'�T..y i'?11:�S�E`.Y Sc11C� L:lt'. �.•' C`�' �i;�l.l. 0�1;=C,'i;?.�f:t= '::Uli.�_Ci :�2 COI1Vi� t'::C� f Or
�:L�.j' :�ic'i_tl �.I',�iL' i7S° �T1C�i �1CIClALi011�1�_ O'iZ(:t? ;i?�3CE;. :.Ol?lE3 �Y'°�--�':-�-II8Y_'V ;:?�:�i'�� �:'l�i b2t3I1
�3_.����-i�nt E do��e by the ar.chitect or tre or�g���al_ bu.ildi.nr,. ite recom�.-�ended
;�•�co�,�„��T.zded defer.ment of �his ��at�.er.
TI:<- l�ctin� Director o�: T'ub? ; �? stateci ;�reser.t ��1: ns c� ?.l �o.�� the
��'.1��; f�C? OGC!i!`ti t:1C' r�F?11tE?Y JOL'�iO:2 J�_ t.'.:? b�.l; E�'!P_�i� �,:_i..f.tl DiilC'-?. c
c:i�✓11.1{.� i:�lf'_ �J�' '.._ . '�..1'_L" i:'c`_ �'_� j' it� �� �n�2 :1_(� �.: . � �c � :�llE' � ivL� .1�3.t _,'.lilll
� lll.. L!_ l.Z.<lt �0:1 (J� T_'l":f'_ Sf?i1Ct' . 1 � rn e'.� -• � h 1i `� _
�.c c.1iiS:v "�,C1 �.�... :'1, .v I .� )_: l:.L t.i :C" _S .C�
�� L;P.F_':� t0 COlil��.l�'tf3 _��, t117.:i V3 :C. i�� .��L::.C� �1=. .;_Ll.i. C.''1t?��_�. ��O .=�:?_ _..�
� 4�,��.. � • :, - .,;� r ..�. , , � . • .. i _ . ,
i_�_..E._ 1.� :i0:_.. .1.::,�1:;;_�_�1IiC.t' C'•� pr_ ��,:c_.�v ;.n i:�';�211'Cl t;) i,.E'_��EIIlU2 511�7"f'_':ill�?.
� .
' • Page 9
Corporation Yard Improvements.. Corpo�ation Yard
The Acting Director of Public '��Torks said there is som.e questi_on :�977-78
about changing the location of the corporation yard. H2 did not
object to it being put off to 1977--78. Chairr.:an Snyder said the
Subcom�;.ittee did not feel this woul.d be a very popular �tem on the �
bond election.
Public Safety Building: Civic Center..
Mr. Gonzales said the intent of the Coramittee was two-fold:
1) Call attention to future needs, and
2) Think of it in terms of land banking. �
If Cupertino does, in future. years, have its own fwre department
they can think in ter?��s of four fire statior.s in Cupertino.
r1r. Bob Karpen, 10463 Chisholm, said the Citv should start con- Land bankinQ
sidering the idea of land banking. The City P�ianager said that,
generally, in a grocai:ng community, it is a nood. idea. :�s land
goes up in value it is of increasing i^zportance•to be there.
It was agreed to leave this in an unprogram��ned state at this tirse. .
• Moved by Cer:un. Gatto , seconded by Conrl. rTellis to approve the B1_do & Grounds
Buildings and Grounds Schedule of Ca�ital Ir.lprover.ient Prcjects, schedul� a�prova
excluding tne City Hall �asement itern. except City ::all
Motion carried, S-0
Chair:-�an Buthenuth called attention to the City Manager's merao
of May 2, 1973 regarding the park architect �ees not bein� include
in these reports. The City �Ianager said the Co.:.anittee taas not
a�aare of this either . �
rioved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Gatto to recom��end Archit�ct's 'ees
$170,000 for arch�tect's fees be included'in the Capital Imprave- to Ue incltided
ments Program and allocated in the proper places.
Motion carried, 5-0
Chairman Btithenuth callEd a recess at 10:58 P,M. The meeting
reconvened at 11:10 P.M.
: �
`�age 10 .
Section 3.3 Street Improve�ents
Chairman Buthenuth asked for comr.tents from the audience regarding
� the annual overlay program Lor maintenance of the streets.
Tilere c•rere no comments.
i�I Crossroads, Unit III Crossroads Assessment District -- 1973-74
I.ID This includes the east side of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. Comm, Nellis
felt this item shou.ld be held in abeyance until completion of the
general plan. The determ.ination of Crossroads III 4�;; d�pendent upcn.
' �chether or not P4ariani T1all is approved. The City Manager said
. reprogramming this iten� would no� hurt us at this point. Once the
general plan deczsion is riade , the City Manager said this project
can be reconsidered if it is i.n conformance =.aith the general plan and
if the properCy ocaners want to proceed .
Comr.i. Nellis asked if an LID cannot be formed unless it is in the
Capital Improvements Program. The City rlanager said this is not
necessarily true. . �
Chair_�:a�: BuChenuth asked for comrients fron t�e audience, • Mr. Gonzaleg
agreed with the statement made by the City Ma.nager.
�II Crossroads The Planning Com�-nission agreed ta holcl the Crossroad.s Asses�ment
::�id in District III in abeyance unt.�l such time as t::e general plan has been
`�e`�ance final�zed, but that it be reconsidered if it is in cor.forr.lance
with tt:e general plan and if the property owuers �,-ish to proceed.
Stevens Creek Ir. Bubb to Byrne..
Discussion of this item'r�as co�bined with
Stevens Creek Imgrovement: Foothill to Byrne..
` Stevens Creek Rai_lroad Crossing Improvement.. '
���agree:�ent General Chairman Snyd�r said the Subcommittee recommended that
��t�ti•een Steerin� improvement o� Foothill to 3yrne be deleted. Aft�,,- -.nsi.-'-��-�'��. �,..
��::�:�ittee and disc_ussion, it was deci_de�i the Steerinp Cor.i�;�ittee �aould ask the
���co�:.�ittee Subco,.�mittee to reconsider r_his recor.im.end�tion. Ayain, they
_:�_>,ardinQ reco::��~�ended no �_mrrove�ents Ue provided for t'.zis section. ThP .
��n�rovements rtajor.ity of tae Sterring �Com�ittee disa�reed �,iith the Subcomr .. `,',•.. . - " ` - <.
f ina.l input and dec�_ded' Lo recommend to t��e Ci.t;� Council ths __ � � '
ments in these three areas'all take place,
' .
5 �a:,es -- Bubb The Acring Director of Publ.ic Works said a prelim��lar;- stud_ � . �
tc> B;rne; made by Eng�neering and shows six lanes from Bub?� to Byrne �,� -. :� . •�.
-+ l�nes - Byrne lanes irom Byrne to Foor_hill. This is scheduled for l�?%4-7� -_
t� Foothill . � :
Chair�an Buthenuth aslced for comfnEnfis from � '_ `., - '
Page 11
rir. Robert Rroka«, 1008]_ Car�en, Monta Vista, asked i_f the Steer�_ng Co�oposition of
Committee has the r�,;�tc to overru]_e �he Subcc;�:n _ttee. �l� a:=ked who St�erin`
ma'�ces up t}le Stef.ring Conu~�ittee. Cha � rman Snyder. aaid tt,e �4ere Ca�m� _ttee
four suLcarun� ttees forr.ied. Each subco.ru �aas assi�ne3 u task.
Each subco;nm�ttee haci a randor.i se�_ection irer.l 54 vo�unteers �aho had
turr�ed out to worlc on the Five Year CaYital Impravement Progra�►.
Each subco�i.ttee elected its o:an chair��lan und vice-chair�an . The
Steering Comriittee �•ras made up of all chairmen and vice-cha�_rmen.
The Planning Di�ector stated that the clidth of Stevens �;ree:c �lvd. E.I, studies
wilZ be a result of the general gla� and engin�eL.ir:g � tud_;.es . on SCB needed
The A^t�ng D�rector of Public ��'orks added that the �lan lii.e will .
requi_re environnzental i.:.pact studies . ,
Mr . Louis Stockle�eir ,?_2120 Stevens Creek �lvd ., Cupert�no , said Ccir.ments on
he is particularl.y concerned �aith thar portion of Stever.� Creek SC � plan 1
Blvd. betcaeen Phar La� Drive and Paio Vista. i�e nlaced on the �
bulletin board ShPet 2 of the Official Plan Line of Stevens Cre�k
Blvd. and a series of 8 x 10 pzctures of ,t;.e a �_a q�esti�n.
It is his belief that the road �,s not safe, esreciall�- a.:: -a�t ar �
windy Caeather. He also took issue �.Tith the ��:ay t'�e 120� ne;•r �yidth
cr.ossed Old Cupertino Road. �:e nroposed a new vlan line, stra�ght-�
ening out the curves and cuttin; Crescent Drive d�r2ctly throu�h to
Steveris Creek �lvd. OId Cupertino Road could cut �.nto C�esce� �
Drive. Signa�s should be at Phar Lap Drive and Cresc�nt Uriv�. �
Chairnan Buthenuth said this s:lould be brought L� during �;ea�ral Notify M �,
.p1an studies; the study at this �eet�n� is st on bud�et. �ah.e:� �.lar_ li:��
ihe staif �aas instructed to contact :°ir. Stflckier�eir ?aher� rhis is �ext studied
pian line is scheduled to be d�.scussed.
PZr. Pat Rogers, Auburn Drive presenCed t:ze majority report of his �tzbmAssion oF
Subcor,un�ttee. Their basic reason t deleting the toiden�ng of "majcr�ty report
Stevens Creek t31vd. is that they could not see any pcint to it.
He said nothing ��.as saicl about the Steer�ng Ccmnittee h4ving the
authority to override the vote of the Subcor:u The ��e�ple wla
repeatedly studied the prot�letn voted not tc ::iden the streeL.
He ans��rered Co�_.ra. Ga.tto Y.hat the Subco:zraittee felt that area had
no reason f or a 6-lane road . Tiie argu-aent - �s tae can get � ederal �
fur�ds to almost pay fer it. They did no* see a�zy reason ior that
� � carzying capacity unless th�re are plan for.'major develoTment iri
the area. He added that it may be desirable to r�ake soine loc�l
widening in the �ionra Va,sta area for LhE conv�nience of the l.ocal
' businesses.
Mrs. Ann Anger, .ionta Vista, said she ��zas not on this ci*;_zens' Ther.e has b.�_�n
committee but has lived in this area for 28 veat: , k'or ye�:.rs, she talk for ���ar�
has heard that St�vens Creelc �1vd, *.�as goin,t�, to �e *.aidened, Uo�an- � about widenin�
to�rn rlonta Vista is st a s�andsti_11 because ui ti�e proposed widenin�,SC�
aage 12 •
lo:an & Countr}� rs. Anger said there are many old homes on the south side of Stevens
�11�,r���.:, _n_vi center reek B1_vc� : Peopl.e h F1VP purchased these ol� homes for speculation �
for :1�nta Vis�a They are b�in� rented, Undesirable people ar� movin�, int� tt�e area.
She said the ;.rire rate in Cupertino and Monta Vista i_s very high,
� �,rith the worst prohlem being "dope". She ^aid that just because we
get a 120' wide - road, it ctoesn't r�eaii ?se are gett:in� a lot of
commercial. She woTild Zilce to see a nice to��m and country shopping
center �n the old downto�Jn Monta Vista area.
��o���� this iter.i The Land Use Comznittee recommended future annexation and that a
up tc 1973-74 rural atmosphere.be mainCained. Mrs, Anger said if we hurry and
imgrove Stevens Creelc r31vd. we ���11 get some help from the County.
� She believes this i�em should be moved up to 1973-74.
i•?idening �•lill Nancy Sallan, 10141 Village Place, said she was not a member of Chis
ch�nge the committee. She sympathised with Mr. R�gers and the Su�cemmittee.
c`taracter of Puttin�; the road in �iist w�_11 change th� characte of the area and
tl�e area dictate land use. She believes t.z�_s is input .for the general plan.
The current use says there is no ne�d for the caideni_nQ.
DPt�i's plan P1r. Stockl.emeir said the most sensible recommend��tion �vas by the
enCOrsed Acting Director of Public ',��orlcs for 6 �.anes f_ror.: the railroad tracics
� to I3;�rne, and then reduCing to G 1.anes as it ap�roaches F�othill Blv�d.
�This �aoul_d talce car� oT the traffic co:�ina frcri Foothill to 3yrne.
ihe extensicii of Highivay 85 raill help ralieve t':e traific congestion.
He said he based ��is feelings on ocserva:�ce and usage.
� � .
SCB unsafe �.n �omm. GatCo said t'�e reasons established lasr Octoher tor n�t ��ak�r!g •
:�u��e areas �. dec;_sicn are st=_l� valid, and he rer_o;n;�:ended these three items
� f be p]_aced in an unprogram:��d state . Chair::aan .'duthenuth sa�d that
� if tney are deleted• ;•�e �•�i11 not be in a position to get the pager
wcr�c clone for iederal funds. Com?n. Ivellis agreed ��a:�t� Co.nm. Gatto.
�Chair�ar Buthenuth pointed out tnat in its present condition, Stevens
Creek Ts�vd. is unsaie in some areas.
H:-1.d 3 it�::s in �Ioved by CoT_ri�.. 0'Keefe, seconded by Cortun. Adam� to keep the money budgeted
al��:rance untit for thess three items, but hold it in abeyance until cor.lpi_�tion �f the
ce: of gener.al plan.
Ge.�:�ral Plan
� i�lotion carried, 4-"1 �
Chai�nan I3uthenuth opposed
Saratoga--Sunnyvnle Raad Improvenents..
� The �lcting Dir�ct.or of Pt�blic :�iorks sc�ated th-�.s is co-�?pleting some or
the areas �etzaeen 5teve..s CreeK 31vd. aT:d 3��_llinger Road that are a� yet
uni;nprov��d. He said sae �ai11 aap:ly the Un�mpz�oved StLeet Ordinance here.
The Citizens ` Gom�:i.ttee decided 1974-75 was ri.�I�t ior t�zis i*e�-�.
" 2•1INUTES OF TtiL ADJOliR.vED PLANi1Z\G CO`TMIISSION rfiG OF 2•i��Y 2, 1973 PC-93
• . Ya�-e 13
Bubb Road Im�roveTent..
The Acting Director of Public ��;orks said the Cc--:�ittee rece�:�endQd Dro� th-�s �:t��:
i,:.provin� the uni-:rnroveci areas. He reco�runended deleting t}�is
because the uni�:proved nortions are ici other jurisdictions.
The Plaznin5 Co:.mission a�reed to this. �
McClellan I�prove-:ent - Sur.^����a1e-�arato�a - Burne..
The Acting Director of Public ;�:orks said *.•je ��ill try to �r.i�rove
everythiiis frer� Sararoga-Sunnyvale Road to Fo�thill B1vd. However,
tae, do have the problem oY ot:�er jurisdictions ir.volved here.
This *..Till t�e in the z�eig;iUorheod oi $1,000,000 total cap:tal
There taere no con�rnents � the audience. The Plar.nin� Co�
agreed Co the Director's reco;;�^�endat�on.
rioved by Cornm. �ellis, seconded by Cemm. Gatto to acc�pt as Street I�prove.
amended the Street Inorove;:�ents Section of the Sch�dtile of Ca�ital acce�ted as
Improvenient Projects. am.`nrled
• Motion carried, 5-0
Chairman Buthei�ut : asked tne st.aff to prepare a rescl.uticii of Re7eiution
the Planning Cor.�tiission recorL^iendations t�us far. req�esteci
It �oas ciecided ta resur.le the revie�a of tne Can�_tal I:�:t�rc�'ement Contir.ue t�i_s
Projects Schedule on ;rednesday, ;fay 9, 1973, in ttle Cen*erence -rev�e•.�* 'tay °*h
It �.�as mutually agreed to adjourn the m:.etin; at 12:48 A.:i, Tl�e
meeting ��as adjou�ned to Thursday, ;fay 3, 1973, for furtner ret�iec: '
of the general olan.,
/s/ John W. �3uthen
AT_TEST : . Chairman � �
/s/ Wm. E. Ryder _
City Clerk .