PC 04-26-73 � { x � C�`i'Y OF CUI?,�.t:'�'i.NO , S i'!:`I'l? Or CL'�i.1=�'(.):r�:1I.A . PC--9? Tt�3G0 To�, c h��entie, C;ii��: Cal��fo7�_Z.i.a P�a��e 7. Te � epi�o�1� : 25?-�+��)5 T1IT�T?TL''S OF TI.iP, �iI�JU;�i��t_D Iv;Gli],!1?Z "?'.1:TIi'd�;� OF 'r}?I; }'i.�rL'i�II'.',C CO;�Ii�SION + ;IELU ON AI't:11. 26 1973 I.N T1i:; C(1L`NC:I:I., C:'.i.r^�`�FS;:IZ� CiTY IInLL � . CliP;�RTINO s CA'LI.i'ORNI:A SP.LiTT ]: TO T�II? l T AG Ciiair�an }3uthe.nuth called the ;�eet�nY to order at 7:3?_ P.�-S. ;�i.th th � Sa1.uLc to t} Flag . � }:ULL C �Lt1 Co�.:�:�, present: Ada�-s; G�_tto, Nellis 0'1:etfe� Chair;-�an ��uti�:�nutli Com;t. absc�nt : None . Sta�f >>r.eseut: �irec.tor ot Plan��in� and Dev���lo��=�ent S;sk. , Assistarit Ci.ty Atto�-r�e T..zrS� � . Associai_e YlaT�ner Co;-an � Associate Pl.anrier Lat.r�n � Coi.sultant pre.sent : �teve Levy PUBI,IC ��E�r.1:ivC;S � e 1. CIT)' OF Cli t'LP�TI\0 : Public Hea ri.nf to cor�:, = ci er i 9 i;3 Comni eiien- j sive Gener.al Pla:�. � '1'he F.Z�xnnin�; Ui.r.�ctor stated that at tli�_s pna:�e, t?�e stu�y is concentrat i_n� nr�n,ar. i l.y or. vacant i}roL erLi,e� tt�rou ;iiout Lhe co��rlun � v. ;�'ot:i.ces are bein� �-�ailed to ,�ropert�� cti,-ners to �;ive t'rie�=, the opnortuni_ty to come and give their v. ou thc: �.^atter. Residen- t:ia1 Fossi.bi.liti.es ar.e bei.ng cons:dF.red at t��'.s ti-�.e; other ty�e zon;ii� :�:ill_ Ue consirlered at a l.ater. date. , a. Consideration o{ %.7 acr.es �t proTe:�t�• locat�d westerl}T oE I'inch A��enue bei_T.�F�e;z Sorerson �ncl Calle de Tarce�.ona - Cupert�_no �ti.�}i Sc':�:�ol. - � Are� l. C'1.�airr�iaii L�utl�enuth strF�s;,�d tlle � act tt;at L�i�e is of t:'�c c::�.�encc. � 1'�1C.' �11 C'_�:S ; i�ot�l.d �: .>!=l'..'ilE?Cj �Lt��.1C�.�}U,. i: � l�Lir �i�'"� i:17' L: C1�('C�L11E3 t r:tust f�e r � - _. t � r 7 �„ . � �r i � a�rT.1 l' (� t �A c �: � T/' 'f.-'3� �I:ri�U�';�:, C?k "CI;i�: �i:?F:i.ia 7_�.�, 1_97"� A�).1`vu;��,I;L' ; LA,�N�tiCT C;J.«..ISS.�..�Iv .�I,L!'Ih.� :r �� �� _ ,..,�._ c. r, � i L �, �"h�' i:'nr*YC��� t�t1:'�l :�iv2 � i ":C.' tY:li?lC? �:Ot?�i1. �) L�C'P_tE' 1:SI:E3C1 �ilc� CUI?:ill� t<3-r1'- � � . `-':� ., �� I i�,U:i: �';i �1'r�3�li'. 1[7 iE:t�dLCt t:0 :El�tltt'S i:.�� .:Oi�{ �.l�l�. '.ii . L%_'VV ��'._Cj }i:: 1'..:� �:)..�.;1 ' C �.J.i rll t:�1n Lr�lf f.�t'. ;^�.1:6L1� ��'3._.t <i;lCi �}It�� p� t,�1: l il� ,�t'�lf i :?. i.l b� �'tt?�t-- t ',J1 t.�i t.l1E� �CIlQ01 :�J :i�t ? Cr . J'�"IZ . Ti �V' :ll.(� L.l: �� c Y:J i�r�T �I`�� t0 �--00��: `:�t: ��1(? V��r'1011..i Tl�-�S�L1J'JY'i:00C.1.`-'. C:'1_�}1 r:;.'�' jl;�l.T1Y O{: V-..^:J !i.E t:1if: _::'f�<il't= t�l� � 3.1.� E.Y'£i�.t1VE?S G,'011l�� �1�1�✓L? OIl l�l�? IlE'.1°i�F'iOZ''_li:OCl � �.�? . � tYc'1�� l.('. � ;�C11'?�iS � �.�.tC, iiit(?Y' t�lt� �'�.�1L1:11T1� �.C`^';1��� _i.011 ciC''_'?VE.'.S i�I: L}1`? ct;.tE'Y.�:if;1���2.`'-S i0?" i.�I1P_ jV7�Y'7_()i1S '�Y'O�l?YC�E'.i� �:1� G�COIlO'�;7.0 CUT15111�:'2.�:tt:S GJI.1.1. Cl0 %t iiSC"�'1 �i:lc3i�'�.'�S. Co�am . 0`K�ef e:;a:;_�i �_ha� ,�i 'tr . I,evy r:��� i.s t_hL Pla.:n � n� Cor�r�:_i_<;si�^r. is :lOt '.JOYI�;.Ilt� Y_1.D1.1i�. Y f'Li011 �il t 0 'cl_�.uld L�i �; i?1lSLl� t$r1tS t0 ?liEP_t: �'t12 .TU1.� l.Si. c�e�:d:Liiie, lie :iloi.tld say so at: t'�:.s ti-._�, i�1r. I�evy sai.d l�e does c?o� fore� �'E'_ �21:V CO'.".;;�.1�11I1tS. � `� "�_'o. .L �)l.�(y'15::1.OT1 O L�Y'£,'�I 1. tOli i1iiC� �� u:i?11.P_�? �� �.''. �C �OT' SIlO(•7(?t� CO.�iOrF'_C� i1�3CL1�S ; 0i1 �=.�. ,c�te3� 01 ?"�]P <:iYC'.1 c1C)� %�l . � !�O �i1.Y�'C� . ,_ Ot,tL GTl fij�C'. 1 ��71C1 L' �;' i:l.� , '1? � 1.�1fl� �t 7..1.T1111�? CC �.�:�1SS�01.1 3.1_rL�,TC:.C� �3t !:�17i��. Al.t.2i_I�c��iV"S �:OT: 2, _}1�:� jiY'Oi7E.'l t:� , 7JQ� 5:�. f�. 1.0�::� y ^?C':{ '.11i1..L`'. ")P (li'T'i;�1� �) 31'1Cj S�ci:_"l� , � � i i� �Oi: �r�}' t�':'I1f�Y i.�l �� Y' 'laR �Ut�ZE'Il!i�il ? Si�.£'_�i i.�. t ilt_�.Ye ';E?1 E' �lil�,� �7C'i';i01 � l r1 tY��'. U.a.i.EII�.E' t-.J L 7,..'.. i1,1 L ��iiL t. .�.t:}lC'_r U"^.71P:� ��71;i OL' uCl � O.li1..11;� l�ii �JTJ:�i l=? �'S . T 1 ��;;7 ( Y' � o , ' t �•_ �'. .S Tl� � '�7J1?S� �,� � . t' � � �l '� 'Y � t - T - -� }- t !i.�u:�? i��lc .3l]CI1.�.1��E?. t�. T2':U_.�..��. .7L ti1 IU�_.:..::1C_ ��ii�li'Ctl �<.o i�_�'_:i:.Il_ rU�. ��e �;ad no �o-�,r}.E i.•� t: to 1:!alce � . � 'ilt,iiii:liL �•���:'i?Cl l'�J I.IJIi.I"_, i�.i�1_�1S 3(�(:!��l�l�.(,i })V l�.__.�, �� 'l � 'T1P ' � �� � � 1 E_ J C� 1 l E. . ��1.. . e.._- InL ��:��cl L �i1.4.C_'Lila��Vt?:i 1,t�.Y� �lL_c� pLi)71E::;�L�� �ti -.l_L� ?t�_)L�-J , 1 S:3 � _ I � i��`crion c=sr_r'�_-r_c?. 5-� e L':r�� ? � b. Cons;d��ra�.i,�n o� i�?."'. «c;.�s o:F i�ro��er�v :loca:,.�i ��.:, r��e +;.il.:�C��1SSi_Oi1 i 1.11r.t.1 ��E'.Ct�C:i O S i?O��r'=�JLlE'_: i�I'i(�. � �c1:lf.?�' f�Vi�.;ii12 -, - � �T' ° S �� �� , ��.. , • 4�01.J1"t?!� ��.:;C�E.'S (�� �il:'. z.i.L'E'.'i �•?i�'Y'E SilO��:'Ii �i1:C� ��'i�' 1.0�:3t:1.0T1 Of' i=il2 TJl'(Jy��'_"t;� � a, ;.denti:c �ed -�.� tile land t��� .::ap . Th�.� p�o ty _s -�. 1 ; .- � _ b aund d �y �:Llli`I.E i�lil]_1.�7 }:OT.ic::i 'c'..P_Cl �2i: c�C^ciY'ti�l�'ilr CG:",UlE:Y. � . � , �17c'tl_t�:ir7..1 ',�illti'it:lluttl �S:C°:i �f ��lErF' `.:'E:tE.' �+,ll� prOPt,'�r'y' O�•iC1EYS L'LOT'1 t'Cic�} �hres rresent. . � - .��C�]t)!7�. ll:;P fl;Y �� T�i3i.i?T?c'3i7 ���.��+ JOliC41 i�_L�I�F'sJ, c'.(.?l"_�:.EL ii_. �".�C:. �VP_IlU°� :i�l.l.�� .=f1.:. F�°1._..@V�'c. :� A?1"O 7 )T"OU'.='L�j' St1UU.�_��i i?�IE_'i`1'�it:?1.�.�T iCU t.J �ll:iYt".�Lt�f;, ��CT�"'i:. J 3��K.��� �lE3C � � t Sti[' i�L`.�i..1(� :���;� i i1 ,� :','"t)l'_1':i ilF_'. `C'P.1C?,'i'_.° ll� c, bi_: tii rilF3 c1I::�.,, ; ii� �i?"1:�T•, E_'U. �i:l<:iL I;11::�C ili:f? 1��1._ � �1('.I�C) >-.� ,��.:{iit,y j�Y'J1 ..._: �`Lc1l.E.`. �}1s_` i31.t t..11E_'. _' 'r1C�?Cl� �?"OZ?�?"i� �.:Y(. :S Z�L"'..�C� t'�Ic1U_iC --c1 �:C �. ��_SG?1 �,C�IOC)1_ � _'011!Cj t - ����' ':1`_'Cl :;�_il ` �_C:1 3 :iLi.iOU_l. USE�' :�Q"'it?i10�^T. � � , i . 3 ' �! 1 � 4 1 1 t � { ` MINUTES OF iliE APRIL 26 1y73 F�JOrIKT�E� PLANN.iNG COi�1MISSION 2ZFETING PC-92 . � Pa�e 3 Mr, Raymond Lozano, 10247 Seuth Blaney, said there is an older hous Si_nale-fa:��ly on his property at this tir,ia, but h� plans to r�-�ode1 it. He does homes preferred not T�ant apart:::ents on his p7-operty along Rodrigues Avenue, west of Blaney. He �,�aould prefer sin�le family h�mes there., It is presently zoned R1--10, rlr. Lozano anscrered Comm. 0'Keefe that he has lived there soi�e 3Q years. , There taere no other comrnents from the audience. � Chairman Buthenuth o�served that this property is�surrounded r�,ostly Contir.ue Rl her� by R1 single family home� c.�ith the eXCeption of tha apartment com- � plex. He �aould like to have this area continue developing a:.= Rl. Cor.im. Gatto agreed that this should be c�n� of the alternati.ves . Duplex zoning Realistically, however, he noted sone of t_�ese Iots are very deep also to be and Chis could be a hards:zip for the property owner. he proposed considered �ere duplex, at 7 units per..acre, �aould retain the residential charactzr of the neighborhood. A mix �aould be good here. . Comt*i< 0'Keefe a�reed that Rl and duplex zoning snould be tT;o alter- No ?dverse effec_ natives here. He was in favor of a blend as loz�g as it does not on nei;hborhocd � adversely affect the cha.racter of the neignborhoo�l. Com*n. Nellis favored duplexes here because of the traffic on Traf::ic oi� Blaney Avenue . B1a::�y It was learned ti:at T�Iilson School capacity is 346 students and they T{?i:�son Sch^c:� new have an enrolJ_ment of 319. enroll�-��nt The projected park needs map was studied next. The Plannin� D�_rec- No par'�c nea.r tor noted there is no park nor open srace in the Eaton Schaol area Eaton ScL at this time. A large open space area behind : School exi.sts. Comn�. Nellis said it appears ��e are deficient �in park laitd and/or open s�ace in thi.s general area. , .Area :vo. 2 a].ternatives: Rl single-family and duplex zones. A.rea No,. 2: R1 and duplex c. Consideration of 13.5 acres of proper.ty - iscuss�on of Tula Lane - r�rea �?o . 3 rea 3 Colore�i slides of the area were shot•m. The property was identi±�.ed on the �and usQ r�up. There is a nonconforming hody shop l.ocated yn this essentially undevelopEd area, There ar.e also a few sin�l� � f amil.y residences. There a�.s� is a school site and a church froi:ting on Stell.ing Roa�. There is an existing r��ultiple usc� at 12 units pzr acre at the intersection c�f M�C�ellan and Ste2lin¢ Kd. i � � ��;_72 MINLII�S �F THE APRiL 2b, 1973 ADJOliTu�1Ei� PLE'iNNING COI�.c1ISSI0N i1E�TING � µ . C�iairman Buthenuth asked for comments from the audience. ` rir. Eric Lynn, 10�+17 'Tu11a Lane, asked :�hat t,ze =irip�rtance w�s of th2 July 1 deadl�rte. The Assistant� Cit�- Attorne,= explained that the SCate Legisiature llas said tnat tt�e zonin� i.n Cupert�no, and in other cities ' in California, must conform to their g�ner�l plan by July l, 1973. Keep single- PZr . Lynn said he �aa� told at the City off icea at the tirze he to�k out za_:�ly zoning his building permi on Tu11a Lane that the ^�onconf:orm�_ny; ii��?ustrial uses caould ulti�ately revert bacl. to sir:gle �a�i_ly z�ninQ. It was his � feeling that increased density tenc�s tc� increase traffic, pollution a.n� crin.e. He just warts a place �to recir;: wn peace and tranq�al.ity. He would frown on any type of comr.merciul or multiple use on the vacant property alo�:g Tulla Lane. `t�nconfe ,~�ing Antl Anger, Monta Vista, asked if the State is studying r.oncon.forming u��s cau�e uses. She said they are tl real tr_oublema�ers. The As�istant CzL �roub?es Attorney sai� there is no piov:_�ion i;: the Sta.te legislat:ion *o l:i_r_Tii� nonconforming uses. ���rtizat;_on sc:�edules arP �enerally us�d in these cases. �naracter c>i ir . C13�2I1C2 Flick, 20891 Z'IcCl•ellan said he has lived in hi�. home for :����:�.bort:oo3 12. ;�ears. In that ti-:e, Che character of the area. has czanFed i:�is c}iang�d cons�c?eraoly. He does not accepC tne premise t:iat jusC because siri�2e- far�ily honies are one�-�ialf acre lots that ti�e� sl�ould be cons�cler.ed i�ar ' hiU;�er density. :?���'.zer � bPt�er Mr. H�nry Lozano 959 Heatherston '�:av, Sun;.�-vale, said he otans property use tnan Rl on Tullu Lane, among ather locatio.ns. He ?:G� o:aned the cabinet s����p �ince 1948. Taxes have increased appreciacly. i:e feel^ there couid be a higher and t�etter use� for the property :�i �*_ is d.ane i_n ,a,00d ta�te at?d does not affect L cnaracter of the neighbornc�od. He anseaered Comrt. Gatto that he has not looked into the possib__? ity or dzvi.din,�, his ` properties into single f_amily lots . He a�:.s~�;ere� Cc>�^�ni. 0`keefe that :�ultipl.e Lse of some sort could gc in here j.� �.he Y�����ert;� o�-rr:ers ga � � togetn�r. He anscaer�d Co�. Ad�ns that he has at least 7-1/2 acres here. °��� plan line The Plann�ng Direc*_or answered Co�:�:. Gatto that t�ier� is n� plan line �or Tu11a Lzrie at this ti:ae. Mr. Lynn said he ccuid understand rir. Lozano ;•za�.tir.g to �zakc� a grofit. Hcwever , when he taok ciu�� his bu:�ldi_Lz� permit 7 yz�.rs ago �i� . Garcia, no�a dece_ased, of the c�abinet sl�op,• h.ad the pla.z tl�at his r_hiiciren ���ocild bui�d homes on his .iaud . i�r . Lozano srxi_d he is n.ot a land de�✓elcper ; h� operat�e:=� a ser�; zce station. He ieels that purc�yas�ri� land -n CuYertino �_s a good in�.esrr:�nt, � MINtITES OF TH� APP.IL 26 1973 ADJauxrl PLAN:iING COA'(�`IISSION x�TG. PC-92 Page 5 Mrs. Margaret Flick corner of Tulla Lane and iicClel.lan Road, Resident liices said she li.kes the nonconforming uses, all tne trees, the �rchard nonconfo r:�.�,ia etc on Tulla Lane. She noted that Mr. Lozano does not live on uses here Tulla Lane ; s�ie • do es . The Planning Director answered Com�. Nellis that R1-10 zoning is R1-10 the�predominant zoning here. Assunain� that all the lots reverted to R1-10, Com.m. Gatto asked if tze City �aou�d be looking at the improving of Tulla Lane. The Plannin� Director said there wouid have to be some improvements to service t;ie residents on Tulla Lane. The �perator of the body shop at 10411 Tulla Lane explained there Se��*ers to co::e is a 20' ingress/egress dedication and a 10` ease,ent. It was fro� Sola St. noted that any sewer would have to come in from Sola Street. Chairman Buthenuth feels that De Anza should be counted as open De Anza open space. Comm. 0'Kaefe caould be in favor of th�s if the use of it space were not restricted. It is all right to,stroll around the car�pus, � but the track is keot locked when not in use. Co�7n. Nellis sald two different kinds of parks were being discusse . She did not feel t�at De Anza would apply to the def inition of 2 types of parks a neighborhood park. It performs a function in our community, b�st should not be considered a neighborhood parlc. � Based on 2.2 acres of parks per thousand population, the Plann�n� Director said there is a need for a neipnborhood �ark in this area The role of DP �r.za �_n the open space park pro�ram has not yet been resolved. � Comm. Gatto said access o�ould be very difficult unless Sola Street Septic tanks went through. Mr. Lynn said homes on Tulla Lane are on septic *_here now tanks now; which is on� reason for the half-acre lots. There followed a discussion of the economics of brin�ing �n sewers and street improvement for different dens�ties. It was decided alternate ��`1 would be single family, since it is Sin�le-fa�ily surrounded by large, single family homes. This area is uniaue in hoMes for Cupertino. Quarter-acre ?ots seemed cor:pat�ble. Comm. Gatto Alternate �E1 � ' added that some type o� cluster miglit be feasible for 10,000 sq. Area 3 ft. lots. ' A show of hands indicated ttiere �rere eig'�t psople present frori thi. area. � � p�_�2 MINUTFS Q�' THE Ai'RII. 26, 1973 ADJOUKNED PLANNING COMMYSSION 2�1EE'�ING I'age 6 d. Consideration of 10.4 acres of property located northerly . side of P•1cCla1lan Road easCeriy of the intersection of Orange and McClellan P�oad - Area No. b. Colored slides of the area were shown. '.t'he area in question was located on the land use map. Some surrounding uses are: schools, agricultural, and industrial. Lot sizes in that area vary from 5,000 squarc� feet to quarter acre. Chairman Euthenuth askec� if there were any properCy owners from Area 6 in the audience. 'Taxes are Mrs. ?�abeZ Neuman said 'she o�cans three acres at Orange Avenue and arohihitive McCl?llan. She does not want to consider �ell?_ng this property that has b�en in the family for generations, but Caxes are becoming prohil�i�ive. : She appreciatec� the opportunity th� City has given the pxoperty owners to come and talk about development of their prop�rties. � units per iir. Char7.es Wynn, of Creegan and DeAngelo Consulting Engineers ior acre Plackay Homes, said they are proposing a developmezit here simil.sr to �luster dev. tihat proposed fnr the Damico property. it is designed for �emi- re�ired peop].e. Th�.s ty�ii put a low demand on the schools and at the ��ar.in tim:� the Si:T'�('_�u� etc., will. be a.mproved. IIe answered Comm. Nellis ' � �r�at Lhe density ef the cluster d�velopment on ricClellan is 9 units per. acr�. He an�t�ered Comm. 0'Keefe that h� f�7 t�he retired people � v,�lio would purchase these homes would f it in with the traff i.c, etc ., , � generated b�y th� high school. Property o�aners � Ju�nita �IcLaren, �22101 Lindy Lane, said the property has been in escrow �i� x � sincz last Apri1. The landowners in the area nave all cooperated. �t�reemer.t `�here is t'ne possibility that this developmer.t may go all th� way to the Measu•rex property. riackay Homes had put on a presen•tatiian at one of. �he schoo.ls in Chat area, and the general feeling of the property • owjzers in the area was favorable. 5 acres of Comm. Gatto asked for a re��iew of the status of the remaining 5 acres. �reenhouses not Mrs. r4cLaren said that rigr.t not,r, it is not economically feasib.le for �ncluded the owner of that S acres in greenhouses to �nove hi� business. � Comm. Nel.lis said there �ras some talk about a proposal for ir.dustria.l on that 5 acres adjoining West Valley Industrial Park. rirs. McLaren did not £eel an industrial use would be appropriate there. �:esidential use Mrs. Ann Anger, Monta Vista, said that in 1969 Cup�rtino prezaned thi� F�r�couraged . area Zight ir,dustrial �rithout cnec.citig with the property owners. A revision states it should be kept Rl except urhere there is presently commerc3.al zoning. She feels a rlack«y-type development in this area wo�.�1d serve as an impetus to cleaii un Che area. � ' . MINUTES OF TIIE APRTL 26, 1973 AllJOUKNEn I'LANNING C0��1. MEFTING PC-92 . Ya�e 7 r1r. B. D, F:oenitzer, 10050 Phar La� Drive, said he f_eels stronrly Keen it that the property in cuestion s?�ould be I:ept residential. He do�s residential not believe industrial use neyt to a scll.00l_ is des�_rable. Mrs. Judy Cooper, 7.1961_ Hyannisport Drive, said there is quit� an Lot�er der�sitv; outcry of the people concerned about losing the orchard, the pr.o-- keep it posed density y and the i�-�pact a development here �vould have on the resi.d�nt_�al schools. Tne last plea of tne people in that area laas that they requested the San Jo:�e City Counci.l reduce t�� d�nsity '�_cause t}ie population would l�e just too �;reat. Th�s wa's not done. She feels the density is too great. She was, ho�rever, in favar of residential here. Juanita McLaren noted that the people o��ming these 10 acres in The proaosed is q_uest ion • are the ones who ori_ginally o�-med 67 acres t:here . This a good plan f�mily annexed in good raith to the City of San Jose because tliey were assured they would have ccn�arable zonin� with Cupertino. Slie said it is very difficult to get a develope� to come in and build homes near t:tio railroad tracks and ac�o�s tl�e street from a service s�ation. She believes this is a better plan i.han the . previous one for a neig�iborhood s.zopping center. Comm. Adams said he would be inter.ested to 1_earn the reasons whv Prohlerls with people objecL to tiaving industrial adjacent to a school. industr�al_ use Comm. 0'I:eefe feels the integrity oi the street :aould not be adjacent to enhanced with an s_ndustrial park iiere. T_t >.auld not blend in w�th schools. the new :`Ionta Vista Hi�h School. He said there could be problers associated with vacant parkin� lots, etc., for evening school functions. �-Srs. Flick said the increased trafiic would be the major problem. The �ahole cultural aspect of the high school ��ould be affected. Comm. Nellis wondered if the traffic is generated in that area Traffic generat2� because of the residences in the area or �-zhether it is people fro:� res�dences coming to worlc at the industrial park. C'_iai.rman Buthenuth does no or industrial feel tl:at industrial causes any *.nore traffi.c than residential use. , Mrs. Ann Anger feel.s• i:hat rlonta Vista is always bein�; downgraded i�lor.ta Vista �.s by Cupertino. Sh� said all six subcam,�i.ttees are concerned about do�angraded Monta Vista, but nobody had any construct.ive ideas. Comm. Gatto said at tlze present time the industrial use is oriE�nt� Traffic is toward Bubb Road, nat �IcClellan Road. Access from the industrial ori��nted to�,�ard park has been restricted fronl T1cClellan Bubb Koad r` r e p�-92 MIIvr[JT�S OF TI�E �.'RIL 26, 1`17� ADJOJK°IED QL�'vvl:JG CO`L�IISSION :iEETING page g � 'I'vPes of uses Comr,►. �Ie�lis reviec��ed t:�� types of uses it� this area: j.ndustrial, in the area schcols, Old :�ionta tTista, larre sin�;le tani.l; c�eve?opr.:ent to thP west , and San Jose has ptit apart:nents on :�cClel.lan. i1a:�ned dev. Comm. Gatto noCed that :`S��Clellan is the secondary east-west street would Ue good in Cuperti.no. 'Iraffic is a pri^�e consideration. The development here. cf the vacant property should be self-�onta�ned. A muititude of drivetti*ays opening onto �1�Clellan ;�:ould bP bad . A planne3 devzlopment ' wi_th a lower d�r.sity woulci be a cot:pro�uise. Rl-7.� and Comm. 0'heeie�felt riore than one c.ioice should be given to the consultants 8-9%acre to to work c•:ith. He L �1-7.5 would be ons alternate. Ar.other zoning tu be censidered be consi:Iered h�re ��ould be 8 or 9 uciits oer acre. Cc:�,:,. :v�ilis added for area b the cluster approach w�th variaus den�ities should be stuciied. Layoit should be considered as ;aell as density. � Chairma:. �titl.enuth asked if there �aere a:zv other property oc.r:iers �r�sex�t. None �.*ere indicated. Stu�� same Nir. Levy sugg�stzd tha�, in futur� �ieetiras, so?*�e of the more difficult blue� anci so.�e properti.es could be discussed along :�rith so-�e of. the easier ones. gYe�n.s at neLt Iie said tne ,::ore 1I��0?"L"3P.t ones to study, for his purpos`s , wculd be r�a_etirg th� lat°ger parcels. He is also :aai_t�ng for some of tae co�_nerci_al ali:erratives . It caas ciecid�d the �tudy taou.Ld include t*.co "�reens" and si� "bl.ues" at the next g�neral oJ_an :neeting, Thursday, �`ay 3rd. Moved by Gomr�, , Adams , seconded by Com�. GatCa to ;�d journ tiie meeting � to 7:3Q P.ri. ,�iay 2, 1973, for rhe purpose of studti•inQ tile cap7_tal i�a�rovements progr•a:�. The meetin, adjourned ar 1�:15 P.P1. Motion carrieci, 5-0 APDRQVFD: /s/ J,�hn W. Buthz :iuth � Cliair��an • ATTEST: /s/ ��;m._E. R�der �_ � City Clerk