PC 04-23-73 i CITY C�F CU1'LR'`_'I:�J, S`1'l�,T1; 0�? i.Ai.,Il�O?:AdIA !t'C-91 1.�300 To:rr.e llvenue, Cuf.,�rtir�o, C;a:Li.fotnia P^�e 1 Tel.�phon� : 252-4505 :iIr;liTrS OF 'C:iE REGUi.«R P'IL''LTI�?u OF TIIL PTA.i�I�?I�G CO?C�iiSSION ��ELLI 0:�1 AP�t1L 23 , 1.913 I;1 T?:E COL'I�1Ci�� CHI�;.'�TI?; R, CITY HALL CUPI�RTINO, CALI�01:;,IA Sr'1LUTE TO T:?E FLAG Cnairmar. �?urh�nuth cai_1�c] th� i:leetin� t� ordcr at 7:30 F.;��. with tlie Salute to thc� Fia�;. ' ROLL CALL Cer�.in. present: Adar:�s, Gatta, �?��I.�is (7:3?;, 0'Keefe, Cha�r^lan ButhenLth . Conun. absent: Pv'one ' S�aff_ present: C�ty Attorney Adar_.s Assict<ink. C:ity �ttor�ey Terr�% Director of. Pl.�:;nina az�d ➢�va:.cp�^�nt S:�sic Associ�te Pl.ar,ner_ Co�•?an • Actir� I)� recto of )'ublic :��ori.s Visko��ich Traf f ic Engineer' Gr? t;�; Associnte En�,ineei: [�7hitten - Senior Plannin�� T�ci�n�cian 'loby �:r.amer A?'PROVAT OF I�iIPIUTES; Rc�;ul.ar ;���eetin� of Apri_1 9, 1973. Moved hy Comm. Gatto ; seconded by Conm. Adam�� to ap7rove the A�r �.l S't'1 '�i�nute= i�linute� of Apr.i_1 �, �973, as sub�itt�d. aa�r��-ed as submitted ��lotion carri.ed, 4--0 Regular l�,.djaurned ��^etin� April 12, 1973 On pa�e_ ?_, part�graph 6, Camm. Ne.11is c,�ould. l�_ke the �:-orc1_�. "and ].6 units to the acrc.`� ad�ed to the• en1 of t}.ze last. se:�tence. • �P p3�TC' 3� �1TS'r �l�il"�_l�?;Y'cl��l� ti?E' Tlc'_Y>� r0 t�lt?. �_�tSt �:�?.Zi^t1C:P St10U�.(�. I'.••, � i�^ > ti:��re S�1C?li 1.Ci T1Ct t)l. i�?`.:7;"° tI1c.I1 1 tQ T�� c3:1 ; .l�iC'.lY rLCOI�..�:;:.11i11i.10T] l� S acres per unit." . ( Moved hv �;omm. i?ci�un�:, ;c�condf��1 1�;� Ccr.?; ;7ci_l�_s ta aF-rro�:%� th �rri_1_ I,%±i� '`I_.n. f'11.114t.:CtS Of L�kY1.1 .Ls�� �.�7� c3ti C'iiY?"C'CtGC�, i�:���YC?V:'.C' i.t• CCT:icCi E_CI i`-U `L ].O Ll C'i i' l� i- Et (.1 t �} --t� , � COI;li4. i��7Ltt� �iUSr�t'!.11E'Ct t � � , . `a . �: ,�r_91 � MINU'I'T�S OF T�IE tli'127:I, 23, i97:3 YI,A.�iN1:?V;= CC�i�T�i.;:S�I(_;N �fET:'1'ING x Pa�� 2 ; . � � a �i 3 � POSTYONk:NIEN?'�, �tc . � 3 T.h� P:l.ann�ing J:.t°�ci_or as'.e:ct t::aC l:tei,< <?, the 1�l3 Compr�hcnsi�ve General 9 � Plan, be po�tpc�xied to ti�� .:ldjou;:ned n�e�:l�in�; on �`��r.i_]. 26th, ��.em 2 rost�- So moved by Cor�1m. T7e� lis, seconded b;� Comm. Adaris, poned to �.pril 26th � rldtion ca�:ried, 5-0 � WRIT'�EN COMMUNICA'?'IONS -.°_ Tlie�e were none, � . � � ORAL COi�1��J�aICATION� --- Therc: t�er� ncr��, t?x`cu� �ve � Chairman Buthen��h adj�ourn�cl the meetii�g ai: 7:36 P.1�1, to ari e�ecutiv� s�ssion � �es�ion in L�ie con:Eerence room �o d� �cu�s pending 1.itigaCior�, The � mc:e � ing recon�; enec� at 8: 07 P.`1. � � PUBL �C HEAI?Ii�TGS � 1. CIZ'Y OF CUPERTZNO: Yublic Hea�in� to r_�nsider Cap�.tal I:a,�rovemc�nts � Progr.am for fisc�l �ear:� 1973/1374 to �.9; 7/7.978. Su.�ar. � af. � ��.ner�l Chairr.lan S�.ycier sununari �ed �h.� �t>curient �rep�.�red b� thP Ca�ital dacument � Improvements Prt��ram Cor.unittee. `�Ir, Sriyder sa�.d rY:e Commit�ee sp��nt some �, Z--1 j 2 m�nths 3-L�rier�ing t?��� pr�gram. F�e ��.�,' s the subsequc�nt publi�; � heari��g� will be inval.u�-t:�:ie. He coru�iente.d t:iat r�l� Commit�r�e �ras a good • � cross-secti.on of tl�e citizens, Copies are 'ihe PlanL�ing Dir.ector �s�.i.d cc�pies ot i:his document arr �vailable to �:he a���ailable pU��_1C �ir_ bc�th C� t� k:a1.l an<i the I,ibr�lz�� . Compare par'r,s �� Conun. Catto com,�liin�nted Ciiairman Snyder and �ha �'apit::.1. Tznpravements srction with a �'r:�gr�m Cominitt��� on their exc�ll.ent .�nd exped :.tious �ror�c on this parxs program � docu�ne�it. He s�ig,��st�� r�.aL �rxien tile sraff reviecos t`�e r.�•a section he cvould �ike to s��e a crmparison oi ,_'_r T,Tith the parks �.�i ogrars i:o see iL cae ar� puttin� our �arks iil �ha ri�;ht places. P& R Comrn. � CoT�n. Ne.11is s<�id the ass�.starlce of tl.e Capital Inprovemerzts Yrogram :tZput � Corami�tee �.ias appreciat4�d. She as�:.ed i.Y input from the '•_'ark5 4nd .� Recreation Cem.�is�ion •hac� �c.e;� incluuecl ;�n �:l�.i� documan�. '?'he F].anning D1Y':`C�:CZ' u�3.7.C� �Ilt?� �lcl�l S�li;�"t11i:CE.'C� �:�:i? C1Y��TlC1���.. 1T`�)�1� T�1:: :itc3fl t�ll_�1 � re�%ie:•r and :i_nclude �h?i�• �.oi�menCs. . �� beau.r.i.f:i.ca�ion � ConLr. �Te].7.is �r�as �ery i,zte�es _ec? in t ec;mzne�t.; on L�eauLificat�ton> `.The ' Ac�.in� ?�irecfior- of 1'ubl.:i.c tJc�r�.; saic� t�.hat ti.r„� i5 of the essnnce s �7t�Cc3i1SE' �l1Cl�fE?t5 �lEIVC's y"O �ly 8E'.1: Up !_C C'J'r'.� Cil'.C:1CjF?Cl ��17.: y 400� 470L�.Cl �E'. � discus4ed on T�ia;r �nd. � - � � � . � , � � a � Iili�li'l'I�:S 0�' TH?: !1�'?:II. 'l3, �.�'7? PT.�I�L��v�Ii;: CO��^1:ISSI�Ji� ?iEt:TING 1'C-91 Pa� c.� 3 �.OIIl?Tl. :'v'EZ� 1S t'd�?S C011CL'1"iIC'C� t'11�.1= I1�cT1`�� :1_L'°�t�; C.Gl.1lCl I"10� ��E' rP..50�_VF_Cj 1i11�1�, tI1E'. _�:'_71�'S"�1�_ j?1.?.!Z __�i;�U� i�l_T"C'. ;`F?;�OI ti . Gi:.`:1.'t_1',ic�l: 1Sllt}l:'.IlUrll S<=l.f� t}iE �1"C �Y"8T1' �'i_l.l.�. Ii�?:VC t C �:i. Y'£3�T.. �'I F_'.'1Ci�. �°��c:t . �'r[�<..t: 1.S llOt. talcen eare of t't..; s yi�ar eould L}c rianclled �t:�� n�,rit . C�1�31.Y'?'13T1 L'>ll�.il(:l:.11t.�t �Sl•'_E?(� fOY COIT?'_�i�lil:S fi::illl tilf-' �it?;�:LEI1C�:. �1r . bob Kar. ��eil , 1 Q463 Ch:� :=.tio]_n., r. enu: sted a r��:��� rt. b;> i�.},.e Director 0=�� co: � t O� }�dYI�.S �11C� �C:C1'E��t:10i'1 �l.-^_� t.Cl t:}lE; I1P_E'.Cl 1�0Y tL�i) :'J)R'-�ili7?3.tiV C:'_I1Z:e:�'u. C:C'I1tE:i �`icfE:: 11�' Scl_l_CI i!l.�i CC-7:r'�.1(: L°E JYP�CYY�'C� 3 CO'nt'1U171.t�I C�l.lt.i=; 3t 1:t1:' �,-'.�V7_C Cei�t�,- and nor;e at T1e��or �.:�1 Par?c. I.-I^ eb,j �cts t:o off �.�es at tiie 1��E'?;�:)7'l.c`]1 �2i 1: 31"1C� '.��0111Ci �.i::C'_ t:.0 `�E?E, t�'i� ^ii .-CG � �3Q] uCC:.'Tlt tC Ct1C'. � T.ibrary. He feels tllere sl:oulu be COJ"r di_nat�_��n Le!�,:-eer� ti�` votit't� . and seiiior citi;ens con��;nu�;ity act���:i�_i_e.;. :�':r. Di_ck f3laine, ?_2284 De Anza Circl_e said th��r_c �aa�: a 7--C� vote of the subcc-:��::�itt:ee tizat ti ite-ns I.i��t.ed on �;-�;� es 33 and 3b �i th; s report be CIP_]_E't.�' . 'I'�ie re.�ison j s that the�� �-�e1 i_?�at. the , �:%1.CleT1]_ri� Of SY_t'VE'_11S CIEec �31�7C�. �:'�_�_�I_ OC11�T• Se?-vn t:o cnen 117F.� �tiestern po, -on c�f� the City to Li�LTP_i_O . � CO^1i:1. '`.f.'7_11S ��;0111.C� � ��C�' t [iE_' � �XGCLOi- Of ���ii ��� :i�l� �°.0 i-�?e1�1C11 �a �. J�.`i'�'i � tC� rr�;° th� T`ay 2nd r:le.et SI�e o�ould rlls�� ii_l;e t.o ha�.T� tl�e Ya.rks ._r.�i to �`.a.y 2nd T�t�; Recreat:ioii Co:.L,ission, tl,e l�rchit�ci.u�a.1 anu ::�i4e�. ��°�rc�val Co?n- , m�.t.tee, �nd a;<y ;:_ntere�teu persan.: inv. I�foved by Co»n. Nel.lis, s�conded by Co�,��. Ad��_r:i:: to cont=i_nue. t.r?e Capit�l 1:.;�L�<-v::. ' ]�U�1..'.0 11EaYlRt OT1 t�le Cc��. I17!P1i�t7E3A1C`11tS }�YO`�;�3�?'i t0 j�1�'Cl1lF?SC�SV y ���?"O�'. ?":1�° .�il�._� ���> May 2nd, 7:30 Y.i?. � Moti.on carried., 5--0 • 2. CIT�' OF CUPERTINO: Public Hearin� to cnrsi.�er 1973 Comprehensive General_ P]_an. Continued to April ?_6, 1973. � 3� �1.�iendment to }?lanned Le>>elon7�;ent zon:inry ord :.n:xnces 255 ard 2�6 (App?_icatians ?.O-Z--C�3 and ?1--l--53; : VALLCO PE"�R:;, LTl). , r.eqc�e�t � t� amend the most ctir� rritl.y approved lancl tFse ��..aa,�� to chant;e. tt,<� C�°Sl�Q,T1c1t�lUI1 Cf ��ti�E'11L�T ��3� �iC2"!'.�i 1� Cci� (':� 7t t�lE'. ;;Ci1t�lG�ltit r �118C1Y'�R� n: �ritCCS `1l':E'_ �OUi.P. 1�� d i� T'i�i �)��� ' t ) 1 C�^ 1 �1 {z'G t 1_.'.�;��L :LII(IllSITl� � �O C_i�Pli B.11G r)�'Oi C'SS1.!?t.. �_ !>1 I a-C.-- t??.r_ i :Il�i t-IlC' � C�@�1.;-?,II3t'.LO?7 O� Il:�_R�? �'�1 3CIE2�; :;1: C:O^ti'1P.CC1'<ij ,'111C; ��L.VE'.rl �i.1.�8!'iE:;i of prof.e�.:;.iona� aff:ic.e and rE�l.,�ted 7�.�;'r�t inc�t<<>tr;.,�l u:;.r..� lc�c:,t W�t:i11I1 I�.�iP iOt.11'IlE:�l;.:. C�U?C�L��I7r !�i: TI:t.Ei"Stitt'_ ��c;� �'tTl(1 i�i:Li:]CY�.Cl�^ ` , � L�Vf'TlliL' t:� �'. L'U��.lblltE'i� t to'i'Tlt�' (�i�) c?� 2'E1 c c i:'5,1� t�i 1Ll.j �?: U� E SS].0I1�i�.� � C�t:�_1.C�( 1 L;>Ilt. 221:jll� .L:il ll':E,'. L'�_:iy.t )��.ait 1T1�, Cl;il�ll'+liCCj. � � M :.1 �ti* . , . A, a � >> �, r i� n � .,.nr � �� r. ,<' �( _q �,�t��i,'1'r;;:� t) TI I? �,r.(�I:T� �3, 1_ 373 ,:L�„'''�i;��_��G Cl)i�Ii�11�, �.C(��� ;��f'?�TIiV!; 1 r> L ' !� • � � � �it;c r1i1:;�1?.tr i),.]'�Ctnt: �_f:f f�Ct.'c';1. 't�� t : . ._C:yt_y , E. *. ,�� i�. ;,-;.1_ ?i) � 9� ; . , , i , . . _ , . ; , �, S -i :• ; �. ,.,, r �. i�_� �I ,�,.t .r . , .,:..,. ; T �11 � t . �_ ..-T ` � % + � ) `.t � ;' ,.. �;1�.� ��E.i_,. �<..... �.., _ _.< ,� _..11 l � . C� 1 �'t--.C t . .... _ �:� )/.:J 11 Cl: . �;il.t ? ;�i:) •T?_I'i: ��11G DT��)p�) _�itc:i C:_uitt.':_' 1.[7 l:[Clv. LISc'. ��ct:: :ii .�.�..�i�i. � �<. .1C'_T"`c? Y'�_� �,, ii.:�_ , ` � 'j �- - i �'�t _ !,(<�, - , i ,., � � 1 .,, � .,,, .� �,;• .,� >�-- „ ��n� o- ,, •-' ., - .�Etc �;.i�i� f_ _C 71_L . .�...i��Z' .:1._.1 � ��1._..Cv _ . _... ..�C.t�c.r'�_�_ i_�i'_i<. � C.,. .[ �.,l.t_.�� �.ii �Ci�. Sf:�zi. 1 '.aE�.t:.Ci `> >"'u:l j' Sil(1 � Qj. :�_"�1: 1.1. 1 � � �. ��7 3 » rl_ : it tl C =it' c? ') l.? (. r).i: l � I. i �: : �. a :� �'l_ �1��"tTl� �1T"t� ::]_iC.Li�.c`�,�1C?L7 !(�lJllr"_ilU-�'C� C?Il tiCJl�l?':�l}�P_Y L.j� 1���2 Y'�I:.� C.'L i..�1c�.!i 1�' '?'�.i �:,. � j i:1r' �:f ;,Zrl(1 � _S .��i.�.l_ 2t�S;"<iL�Ci11_i1t� :;ilE'.L'..��. OY' TZ�f: �.�1=�� 1..; 1.�1CLti��'�'_� �Il �tiE-'. .i??T"^�i.�ii � l),<i1T�.c�.T?C�'. JtI1C' t��?�,' C:)tlt_1.11?1<iRC� �ir3�_�.C::) 11�zS il:)Ct -a. I1P_W f.;� t� i:�.0 �t_•(�j �i'(, � 11Cll.il4� i �;C' i{l t � O11 ��Jt•C'_'; '�Tl!� "_I1C7 c3 �E:ti 't�f=.;JtF'LL - i�c�Cl��'_'� 7 : ?CC , .` r i" �R��.1 L"r�i�OY4 Fdi_L� "' C,Oli.'].�_E'�°.C� '.II f_lIE3 �7PR1" LUrI:Y'�'_, TYl£'.V �f ''�Yt'_U�r i1;; 2 �tZn, tt'1ff.�.0 C.LYCi.I�'c1L:LC)�1 �i�%I17 C•1'!1'_Cil ,%.1.15. �):? 'L'c?;:�V i0�^.Il� ._��<><"), .:E' c��.i-::1 � i�i . 1�i1_'•_3 ? �it't. �?"� lii' C":;ilf:? i �lli?.C�. t0 �tl 'iE'. 1"P_}jLl-A-` ?lf�' � Tlo E�it.�.�C (��,.Cl1SS'.OI1� �iY", 7rJaCC� .=�tlC�, I;lt".f 31'� o? �-�.ea63��^ �G �._ CCI?tiTLlJ�L:1C:'_ t.0 Jul� at�l� a5 ��e:�uested b'.� the st_xi:L .'. �L t,�YOi].�.E':'.S ��1�1�3 ��.1_�.I?.ri:..17" 1):Lr°C!"OY �=.31C� L�1EY`�3 �il"t: :�Ot�f �)?S L , robl_e LC IJ° i":'_gOZ_V.°�� ::`i'r�<"C:�1:�1� ELl'�"1Y'J'1[Rt?C?t31. _1�1�)ctC�. � � �.:?_:;_L113I1 �::tIIE.'1U1i_il �3t:i<.F_?Cl tJi' ^_.O�R:. i:YOT•ii t.�_ _ %ll�;'� �c'i:CE.', �1 'iier2 T•78Y° IlOi1�'„ i f k r �:: �r - ;).i �.) � __J _6� � �'i�;'v'c.?�1 J�' ��CiTlCi:. �'-:3l`.f:0 .,t'.COT"ji�Cl i)y �. . .. Q t \:'_c'� C? tC1 COT11�'_ilUE� .�.^�).i �C2.;�:it;lltc :ii� i:. LlL.£�i�. 40 � G�.J' �.' clllCl �'.i,_. �-' JJ -1tilC:i1%_ ..f i! 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L.dl�:�'.t.S il±:t COVIi t'IlE'_ :i�T���:�. � (.�. :< c �� 1 r r q:= j�' � � cnu! G:�tto a„k�.t t.�: �tc�tus oS= i_:ie �IR �;;-,.t:� r. � Lo t_ 1..� � r.�roject� 'L'i�.e 1?i��.ni.n,; lii_��ect�.,;� s<^._�d in��:ir is i�r�hcor.e.�n�. � . � 111" . �'-i' y_'�E:.i � L.�_Q ��1.'.'1._ '. t.it_ :I:) �n� .._:1 , �iL. �i1° �. i _iF? (il. ���}l.n i ��E''Jllt�t�c?��' . nL. �_?�'_.� �J?"O�.' oL-��_. �.eE' �3�L`.. ^ �:�C� tl� �i1 �l:i� .. T�.t �' 'L11 L�i._"E,'. � 2}7E' `'Y�n�?," 1:5�'„ �1..'(' �il} T>L..i'.;i.tt.E'.� ll`,=E'.� _1� �,.:1;'� 'L'i) 111 ! . . _ r . . _ . . l'Jl-ic. TP�ui°G t.0 t.l?F r;U :�J....il.__L� Ot. t.�"IL �i�C�.'.C� .�i1-� �-T'-�`i5 �1-' �=!..LC� �\�.1"�E'.i�nl Yr. _ . . - � , �t ,, . - � T�� y h<�-,�e si _�' �d ?� reac��_ _ ii caaa ,.�_.:` at r�,.. , _ e. _r.c� sf�� c.1�. t e�, l d.'... i ' � £�'il: L�:''.P_� t1�G�i �1�'.TE'. 8 J.'_�i.�ilE' }I]_��:Cl. i:' .-i;_lCi i\li(:Oi:l �n�:T "°.'$S j 7'O.^_•O:.C'.ii ! �� �he Pub'. i_c '.�;ci: �c;= i?er�ar_ ���lcn �� � � ., , , . . . . 7 , 7'i1E? l.�_t`i' f;t1:01:'TiE'V `_i:1V �;.S�'<i tl?'ti l� 1S YE'�' _ Ci.i:i:�lt? t:U t'.!.�':��.E? Ct13ti�E? ' � t',� t�' t�'.tt;Of n�:'Y � S fY'OI:'•_ LilE: :�Y'i;r _p£�_). '.�'iO�;:Sctl. �2"O^: � lC.p�3� pOl.rit O`L V�.�3h' t11�' 77E'.';? '��C�� . p�'op 05�3i. 1S �LC)Ui (y SU�i�:,t<II'lt=? 1l�/ LZ�. T1 1:�iP_ C:i.1 71:z�. �12T1 �`1�G tl.� P1<:ii��int; Go.�..r. .,s:"t�}:� c�u1.�,; iddress i.;.c :�:�elve� t� the pa:�tict;_+�.r� u�eso �hr� rlanu:n; D:.rector e_�plu�_i�c::d that the C;�ty h�s fr;�arice�l �n .. c��mprc��;e.i�siv;� �ene.r_a7 p].ar. ,Lud� r;� h;.ve r; �.r��d �cc;r:c:�r_:.c const�?__ ta��t� to help �:�i+ii t}�i: stud� . The �ta�:i �vil.l be �er�rt_n; to ti�e Plantii��:� Comi7.�i_�si.^?� ..�ti�i_n tt.-o .:ee1c� �_. t::�_s co�r:.�erc:�a7_ eie��nt: , t-0 Lilt' z?t?Ili:'.? 1'_ )i� i1. C�]'clls ',t? ;'�llt:lE.'lllit}? ti%�1Ci a- ;;Cr1E:Cjl1�.� 101" � cor.iplet�_ng Lh� 1a:�d 'u:;e elE,.ciit is be�r.�; T�repa.r.ed. �.Oi?;.�1. C' C�'3S c'.C)11�C?Y"I"xF��C� �v'tl<;r 1:L1�' il?ir�c Cf 1?011.l� bE' G17 L�1� Ci:i.l_.!.E";;• . . . - - ; ;, , �, - �•� •;,,� ��; , <� ,�r by t:i: s deve.� , r�:i ��_.t . h�_ inc�_ ��. s__.i t= �;�.. f}_c_ h er �,_ . - i. o,:.T��ent T'r _�_i c �.C)?itii.' 1�:(1�31115 Slibr�E.' ::Li��l r�lG :]1"'. �l_�t:E'Cf Si]C'•:' (�Oi.lt �3..1 rc."L"Ci;it.]_V�S t:0 t�l:?S:;'. � ' '1 t.liTECt L`ti: �_A.iii€; t2::r'S. ! � C � . � S t � ' y>�-gl MI�IUTES ��F THE APRIL 23, 1973 PLAi�II�TI?�!� CO��iZSSInN r9�ETING � E � �� �� � f i I ; i�ir_ . Fi�zgeral.� said tre Cit_,r *.vas talt.i*_�.� a�ou*_ a tiaf�ic stud;� l.ast fa1i. � He said they ate pro:iised ttzese studiPS but �he1- hav� not been done. � � ! Thei.r kenants a.nd develoners have st�yed �ti�ith t.he-�, but hnve lost thei..r_ ¢ loa� com.�nitments. Ti::e is valuable to them. � ' �ontinuance of The City Attorney recommended the public hearinfi be �ontinaed �o tiie :�ublic he<�ring� first :�:eeting in Ju�y for the follo� reasons : ; advised 1) Environmental Impact R�p:.rt. � 2) New General Flan. � . 3) Interum Ordinance • f L �nis p1ar. is a Comr wanted to speak more �about co�_pat�vility ;•�ith the college. result of a He asked the a�plicant ho�a tnis plar. relates to the ca:�pus-like envi.ron•- co:«pro:nise ment across the str_eet: :'r_ � Robinsen said t:"�e�>� �eit this t,*as the b�st desi_gn that �aould work eco��omicallr• . The=;- ri�t�� t-�ied to nlease the teiiants, the com�►unity and tne lencl�r�, y:e sa.;_;.t this is �ne end re�~zi� eL a J_et of discusszon or: �ahac �.ould be accep�ab�e here. The ��.:.ini*.-:�tJ_i concept is somet'r�ing n�w `or Naredel. k �:�r Cem�. Gatto's perscnal op�_nion ;Jas t:.at tha scal.e cf t�ie b'�ildir��s an�+ e�r^�atible �r�uping and mass�_r.g and linear e�fec� of t�:e �u�ldin�:s iai11 overro� �he bi�ildings c�n the ca��us �across *��e str��et. �2r. Reb:i_�_son wa�d i�h��;= ti•rili he ;iapp;r to have the:_7: arcii�tect �aerk :•�itn i.he col�.eg�� to ach�.eve co�patibility. Pl�.n nas beEn Co^�� Nellis said, �oit�. respect t:� the u�e oz1 tii:�s land �n co� s�ubstantially .�J1_th �tie orig�r.al prop�sal, it T•�as her cr=n��n t:.�t the u�es ha��� c����n�ed substantially c��an�e3. �ne f.elt r_hat serious �uesticns cou"ld bz ra�sed as to tize super=-.arket, dru,� store, etc. ; bein? comratib.'�e T�ith ti2� coll.e�e C�1G 12'l�.l� T.�T3S in�aerat:ive t0 i1:1V� t_lE r. bero ^1c:�tlIlx a decisien. '1'raff:�c i�~:nact must bP studied. Th� �Qrir.neter ?andscap�n�; _ was inadequate.along SteilLng Raad and Alves Dr�ve. It has been the , goal of this Co�rs?ission to tLy to break u� �a.rki��� lots, sc�zeth�n� th�s plan does nct ach-eve. She noted that the P1ar�nin� Co:nmis.=ion �s meet=ng on: �o three t�es a week to exped�.te cem�let of the �eneral �lan. Econ�m�c and traiiic consultants have been h�red. 19-U-73 Moved by Comm. Gatto , seconded b_y Co__z:i: Ada� to continue ap�l�cation �,ontinued to 19--U-73 public hearing to the first meetin; after ,Tu��% 1 fez the reasons Ju1.y 9�t noted: iack of �Lt, =nterim ordinar�ce, an3 ze�;: general p�an. T:�erF is need for �dditional zrl�ut. AYES: Coirsn. Ada�-:s, Gatto, N�l1is, 0''�eeie, Cci:�ixraar. ��tt�ienutti NOES : TIor.P i`oti�an carried, 5--0 MINUTLS OP THE APRIL 23, 1973 PLANi�1I��IG CG�:'��i?S �I �?N :�irETIi1G ' C-91_ a�e 9 5. Applicatior.i 21--U--72 of PAUL AivDRF.�I 1`1ARIPNI, JK, to allor�� constzuetion of. a shopping cente and acce.ssory auto S?Y�'1C1II� facility tot� i:.ng a��groxi�nateLy one rnillir,n, two hundred thausa (1,200,000) sq. �t. of t�ui].ding area on a�proximately 67 acres. Said property is locar�d in a PD (Plannen D`velep•��2nt �lith � coranercial iatent) zone in t.he sou�heast nuar.rant of the inter- � section of Saratoga--Sunnyvale Road and Interstate High�aay 280, First Hearing continu�d. . The Planning Dzrector referred to details in th� April 20, 1973 staff report on this matter. Mr. George Eurkh�.rdt, G. M. Bayshore ProPerties, 24301_ Southland Ap�?1�cant dstied Drive, Hay�aard, sa.id he ���as repYesentin� Mr. Mariani �n this for continua�ce prop^sal. The devel.opment of this project is o� such mug;nitude and will have suc�� an imgact on the area tnat tn�y ar� asic�n:v Lor a deferment to tlie f.�rst rteeting after �uly l. • Ctiairman 'u�henuth ask.ed for ccm�ierts frorn tri� audi_ence . TYier� , were ncne. Moved by Comm. 0'i�eefe, seconded by Ceir�m. Nel.lis to contirnse 21-U-72 apY�].�.cation 21-U-72 to the firsr Plannin� Cor:�iss�_on meeting after continued to . July l, 1973. July 9th Motion carr.ied, 5-0 Chairrian Buthenuth called a r.ecess aL 10;12 P.��i, The meetina reconvened at 10:28 P.��. 6. Applicati.cn 7 Tr2-73 of F. E. RO�LES (Jua�zl.ta Williams) : Tentative Map to legalize an existzng .305 acre parcel in accordar�ce wi.th the provisions of Crdinance No. 568. Sa.id praperty �_s witnzn a R1-10 (Residential, sir.gle-fa:rily� 10,000 sq, ft. per dwelling uniti) zone and is .located adjacent to rtount Crest Arive apgroximately 1.00 feet :`rom the inter.section . • of I.inr;a Vista Drive and Mount Crest Dri�ve. First Hearing. ...and • • 7. Applicati.on 8- T�T-73 of F. E. RORLES (Juanita t.Yilliams) : Tentative Map te remeve lot line be.t�aeei. t��o parcels to co:�- solidate said parcel.s ineo oi:e buildii�� sitz. Said pr.operty consists of .694 acres and is located wi.t��in a i�1--10 �Residen- tial, single-fa�n:i_?_y, 1Q,000 sq, ft. �er d�aelling unit) zone located narthwes� oi �'iGllllt Crest Drive and south ot: Linda Vista Drive. First Hearing. � � rC-91 .IIZI`uTES OI� TIIL �'�PR.IL ?_3, 1973 PLE�ri1iNG COiu1ISSTQ�. T.I:ETItdG ' Page 10 S:ii.c� both 7-TP an��. .8-.I'M--73 l��Yt�lLlE_'C� tc� the same property, iC was decicied �o com�ir.e th� hearings, l;asic questi�n: Tlie Associ_ate Flanr.er located the pronerty on the map. He pointed out Si:ioui.d tlie City t..a.t adjacent preperty �ias been invo:lved i.n se��er�l ap;�li.cations. Ir� , or t�ie propert;� 196;� the tentative map and aon.in� cJere approved fror; A1-�43 to R1-22 on c���n�re settl.e Parcel A. 7'here is a grading mi�take on the pr�perty. T'.ie ter�tative th-�_.� problem TM�ap taas denied since tlle f_ inal �nap taas not sianed �y o��mers of both . � Parcel A and B. The basic issue here relates tc. the accers to Parcel_ B, There is a f:La¢ l�acic to Parcel A, vut it is on a. �trip of hillside. The question is c<hether tfle City is respon�ible �o �n�ure accee.s to Parcel A, or if this is a�atter. between the o:�� o� Parcels A and B. �!_ccess 1-oad not Colored slid.es of tt�e area ��ere sho The road exceed5 the easement on easemerit ��y 8 to ]_� feet. The e�:.stin� road would not be usable i.f the ease?nent «ere adhered to. Chairman Buthe.nuth ac?cnot:�ied�ed tliat this has been a�rol�ler:1 fer a number or years. It couiu oe resolved if the ;�.ro�?n_rty o��mers ccu�d get together. C� r_y AttornEy's i T�le Assistan.t City Llttorney �aid t��ese prob.tems aLe usu�1_ty solc�d :a_ith o�in�cn recipro�al. ease:��ents; tney are to h:� recorded ease�?nts . He an�wered the Cnairman that ii the property a�:Tners could ge� r_o�;ether 3.nd sign � the f_iva1 rnap �h` probJ.em ;.ou1d be :.'es�lved, �_f _it sat.is���ed tl.e C�ty's � requirement� . �i���-e roacl to � Mr . F. E. Robles , ti.e a�pl icattt , a�;reed that r_he s:ope of_ the r.oad a_s t^e r� ;ht Jery sre�p . He advise.d the;T cut do-;-n th�� slo�e of the ,-oad and r_ove � the road to �he ri�;it, ro �tLe ease�~:ent. � � Th� A:�s��c_iate P1_ai�ner r��ad �hP cond�tions of the approval of t:ie previous application. Prizr�:te s,�z.�bb_le Cor_:m. Gatto c�u�stioned whether *_h� City s?zould g�t involved in. a �pr_ivate squabble. "i nis �s a legal. � Cor,un. Ne:�l.is did n�t see any advant:age to 1no�Tin4 the access over ; _in ;ro'�, i��:� line �aiti: ti12 easement . She tielieves the access ;�roble; t is a 1.e�a'� r_ rcblem bet��een the tc-�o property o:•rners , -i�v;� iot line � 1`1r� Sam Marc:��se, Ia572 IZznd� Lane, said 1`1r. Robles' 1aw�e� :arote h:�_,� � tttat they are takin� ta ceurt be;:�ei:�� hi.s acc�ss ��ncr:�a�Iie�:, cn theii° � build�_no site. He v<2i_ci he :aas a�;r:�e�:.11_E� i:o :.ovin� the 1ot line, � It �,ras brought out t'r�at rhe ex_�ist�r..� condi_t�ens �r��e t�L�re wl�.en both parties �urchased Y_he�r lots. ; � ` i � i . I I i i - I�iI:1L'TES OF Tili� A?'nIL' 23 S 1n?3 PI�t��i:1IP�G CQi��i�,ISSI.ON �E�TING PC-9i • P �-:g e 11 Mr. .iarchese said that if thi.s Fl.annzng Cor::m�ssion votes in favor ���cussion otl of this a.ppl.icatio� it c,?uld be co;�strueci �.s say�ng hTr, Z2obles is ar�a of res_�:,-��- ri�:.t . i_oility oi t`:` ?'1ann;_n� Co�r.l , Co�m. Pdellis a•7reed G�_�tiz Chair;ran I3utherluth t. t}le Pl.annin�: CoM::ission shoul.d not ��e involved in t�ie question pf easeractlt. ComM. Adan�s also agreed. Com�:n. Ada�:�s fe]_t t.��� PlaL�:iinr; Cor:mission shou�d on7_y get ��volved as far as co�binin� r.��ro parcels. rir. P�larchese astced if he could request a continuation on this � r,7atter. The Assista.nt City Artorney sa�d he is not the appl�cant. Cor.�.*�i. Nell.is ��ondered i_f it sv�as nossible to 1e>;al�ze tr�e 1_ots and � co�nbine'the parcels i.nto one aarcel, all �n c>r.�e. If it ws not � physicall.y possi.ble to relocate ti e ease::-.�:r:t, t�zen 7-'.CP!--73 should � not be arzproved. Th� Associat� Fn;�'_nee:- sa�ci ��.t �s phy�.zca11�� � possible z he had no c.o�ment as t� tiie cost . A•�oil.s renort -,aould be necessary. . . Mr� . Marchese �aid tliey �•.er_e su���:�sed to bu;�l.d on t�e� r. lot four �sl�:ed to �;� to }�ears a�o , and the ap�l�cant ha� b)_vcked t;�is . �he a��ked that �co::rt �.hey be �1l.o�aed to settJ_e this in courC. ( 1 Coram. GatLo asked if tlle�� could act on 8-Tri-73 ;:7=tnout act�ng � on 7--T . The Planning Director sa.�d �.t. ? s necessa: y to erase � the line �•�et��een the t;;�o lots bef.or.e L.�e otner tul� parcels can l�e , cor�bined . Mr. Robles said Mr .?��arcliese has a history �f:� purc'iasin; propert}� that is riot recorded. He said i�ir .`.'.archese coul.d n�ircha.>e the ease:_:ent property at a fair r:arket price. IIe said t.he easez«ent is � 10 f eet a��7av f rom the road on abcut one-third of thz road . ! The Associate Ena:in�er ans�•aered Ccr�,.�,. t:ia�r anor.e topo�ra.�l�}- infor- �-:ati.on on the existin; easernent is needed by Fngineer:r.s� . Iir. P�Iarchese said thaY if they a�'e forced to move the drive��.=a;� Rea�cns for nct there ��Jill. be an eco]_ogy groble;� and it wi11 :�tick otit like �. sore �movir�� dr�veT.��y thumb on t�he hillsicle. Also, the cost �vould be �rolzibi.t:i.ve, so y cae will Hi1� up with a vacant loC thcre for a lon; t��e. Moved b� Cemm. Nellis, seconded b� Comm. Gatto to ci_o;;e. the Public �Pub1i_c hear:�.n� Heariug� on both 7--TP1--73 and 8-T:°t--73 . � closed AYES : Comr:l . Adams , Gutto , :leilis NOES: Cot�u:i. 0'Keefe, Chairman �ut;zenuth M�tion carried, 3--2 . s :�'-�j. Ntl�;t;TES Cr TF�F F�PRIL 23, 1.973 Pi..'�i�I:ilr:G CGN32�iISSIC1iv �ii,ETIi�:G . �'ag�. .12 ' 7-T:`-73 i-�oved by Coi,�m . Nel]_is ; s�cc�nded l�y Corr���i. 0'Keefe re reconunend to deny ier.ied ?--T�S--73 w;_th�ut grej udice . � AYES : Ccri^t . Adam�s , Gat to , Ne] 1 is , 0' I�eet e IJO}�;� : �1.1��._irman 13uthenut�i � , MotioT.i carx /+-:L >-�T,�^:-•%? 1`tc�ved by C�mrt. i�;ellis, seconded by Coz:�:-�. C'Keefe i.o r_ecorLTend cienial �en-ed � oL :�pplicc,.tio�t 8--T��f--73 �sithout pre�ud �c�. becau:�e the eas��,ient proLl�r.^. _ i� not re: o.tved . • � AY"�S: Com?n, �1c;ams , Gartc�, Ne11.is G'Keefe N��S : C;:airman Bui�henuth riotion carried, 4-1 8. Application 9-Ti1�73 of J�'�IFS �i�RIiI,RT : Tentativ� ti�p to 1_e ;alize an axisting .1J8 acre parcel in nrcordance �;�it�i rrov�.;;iotis o.f - s JZ'CIlri3T"iC° ;\T7. ..:C�. :i31.d I?i^�,E?�tti i c ;�I_t.;1:1 <� pl.--.� G �K� :'i� �enti.al s � sizig.Le--fam='ti.y, :L�� s�. it. p��: <i:.e�_li,ig un�_t� zc�ie locat:�d 170 fF�r n.��rrhe,-1;� of, the ir.tersect of Crescet.+� �:oad ar.d :i�ll-�res� � i�oa:l . � .ir� Hearino . � 1�[iE: �S.30C1c.i:° �I.c'ii1T1�1' Si1U`:Jt�.C� Lils �L?11C.'r3� IUCa�:lO?l. Jf t}lc:. �10�C'_itV OP. t::li=.'. P1�3,: . 1�.E' Cc`i� �.cC� �.f�1'E?R�10I1 t0 �il�? 'L'c?Ci�1.,^__Ti°iiC�C'_C� �C3 COii!� LtlO?::� 1C1 f'i1�-? • r { Ar� 19, 7_97 � stari �epor•t, :_n t��•° eve: t t:.�� a,�^1�_�a.l-ion is ���ro�•;�ci. � Iie an4;�.aer�cl �or,�m. Gatto t�at the stuff recc.ui:,.r?d� t:a� �:i:t:cti.�.�aJ_ park?n� � :�paces �n additi.or. ��o f_he para�e. ` �c:T�7e�s �'Ihe �ssoci�ce Eng;_r�er said there �5 a c'tlanc� r_llerc ���i1.J_ b� a se��,er l.ine � alon� IiillcresM in thE� n��ar futu Ti= not, there �ail1 hava to be ar: s easemenc r_o the ex�stin� line. Mr. James :lerbert, 815 Miller Avenue, San Jos�, said he realizes the condici.ons aC;�I.;� tc� a i�uildin� ner.,��_ �, but '._:e ;.�ondered iF tliey al.so � c'�'J�IV tl7 � r`c'll�clt7_VE.' ,'il�i.L�. Ti1Z �lui1T1�I:Y'-, nl:"2i_ �Ui: ��?1C�, l.t �.S �l. �.1C�� RO��'. � Crairman Bu thenuth a�ke� �or co�mer ts t o�n tt:e at:d:i_enc� . Ttic:re caez e none . � � . � i�flN'tITES OF THE APKIL 23, 1973 �'L.L�;N�NG CUl`1�ITSStUN :i�ETING l�C-91 Page 13 Moved by Cor.im, G�tto, second�d by Cor�..m. �'�cilms Co re�ommend to the 9-TA1-73 C 1ty COI1I1C1� appli.c.�t�.on 9 T?.-73, subject to the l�s st�ndar� �Ygroved conciitions and *_hE :tour ad�li�icnal coaditions listea in the w%conditions April 19, 1973 st�ff repor.t. AYES: Coimn. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0`Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth NOES: None Motion carried, 5-0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None NF.W BUSIN�:SS : None REPOKT OF THE PLANNING CO`L�fISSION Chairmar. Buthenuth said tr�� City Council indicated at th�.i� last meeting that they c•�ili continue the Interim Ordinar.ce until July 1 but na longer. On this bas:.is, he wou_ld like to }lave a schedule of � a� least one meetirlg each week for tfie next 10 <<?ee:�s to accom�Zish this g�al. F��,PdKT 0�' PLA�,';ZING liIRECTUR The Dir�ctor brou�;hL u,o the marttr of election of Chairma�i. �e . 531(� Li7f'_ COI1�ll�.�.�:i�t:S see_:� �O [:'�iL1L CO rel.y a ZCt OI`i the �:2�'i:r c'li'iCl the �'_lazlning Chair��an and it caotild be desirable to cont_i.nLe tvith� the present Cha=i_rman until the aeneral plan is cor.lpl_eted , ' So utoved ey CoLnn. 0'.:eefe, seconded by Ccmm. Adams. Keep pres�nt Chair*nan to AYES : Comr.i. Adams , Gatto , Nellis , 0'I�eete July 1. • NOES: None � ABSTAIidED : Chairi:�an Buthenuth �totion carried, 4-0-1 ADJOUR�I��EL�T Moved by Cocnrn. 0'Kee£e, seconded by Com�. Gatt� to adjourr� to Thursday, Agril 2b, 1973. :�Seeting adjcurned at 12;01 A.M. � Motion carried, S-0 ATTEST: t�PPF:�JIIED: /s,1 W��. �.�R�i_�r _____ ^_� /::%_John W�. pi�thenuth _�_ + Cit.y C1eLk � Chai.rman �