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PC 04-09-73
. � � i'� n ?r c� �T ��\'T \ ��C--S�i .. . CI:T". 0;�' CL..E_�`II:vO, �TA'I'l?. C�l' Cl�, k'0 �.��_t� 1i1:;00 Tcrre A-�:�nue, (.u�^erta.��,:�, Cal.:i�.or_n�_a 'age 1 Telep�ic�ne : 25?_-4505 PSI�;IiT�'S OI� THE RLGliLA�; i�i'?ETIN J OF Tiir PLA�+NIi�1G COM:TISSIOiv' HELD QI` APRIL 9 y 1973 , IN TI�E Ct?IJ�CiL C?IAJ'��EF'., CI7'Y �IA;,L CUPERTI�IO CALI��Oi?.NIA. SAL!JT i, TO TFi:? FLAG Chazr.���a:l Uuthe�.i�ith cail_ed tne r:leeting to order at= 7:32 P.'�1e �vi_r_h � the Salute to the Flag. �OLL C[1LL • . � � Cc:�sr:. ;�reser.r_; Ada?;�s Gatto, Nelli�, 0'Kee:'-e, Chai:-�:an �;itn�iluth Co�Yu��. �bsent : Ncne , Sta`:` gresent: Assistant City Attor.ne;� Terry Associate Flanner La.ui�:i.n � Associate �nG �n�er t-dt?itten Senior Planning T`chn_ic�ar� ��'G�j' I�t3�_i2-'L APPR.OVAL 0� rIINU`� F�S : Re�u7.ar Meetin.; of �iar. ch %6 , 19 i 3 rl�ved by Comr.i. Gatto, seconded by Co:.i^i. Ada�s to ap�r��%e ttte �,•'2E; `i_n�,tes Miilutes or �larcli 26, 1973 as sub�itted. pprov�d as �iib.�,-tted Motion carri_��d, 4—�J Cor.im. 0'Kee£e absCa�n�d i POSTPONEI�IENTS, etc. There were none. . � WP,ITTE�1 CO?�1�'�UNICATIOIv'S There w�re none. � ORAL COi�'�NNI�ATIONS � There were none. . � PC-89 MINUTES �F THL �!IPRIL °, i973 PLANNING COrliiISSION PI�rTING � P d;; e 2 PUBLIC :iEARTNGS : 1. CITY OF CUY�aF.Tllv`0: Pu�]_ic Heari_r.g to consider 1973 Cor��pr.ehensive General Plan. Sta.ff Co put 'The Associate Planner asked for a postpone*�ent of the General Plan netificati_on public hearii�� uiitil Thursda;�, April 12, 19?3, based on the Apri:l 6th in ne�asgapr�r me.�10 f.ram the Piannin� Director. Ch�irman Buthenuth asked the staff to malce a specia]_ e.ffort to get the general plaii study session adver�ised so interested persor.�s r.iay atcer.d. Tae Assis?:ant City Attorney s4id tlzere ' is r�o legal requirerient for. readvertisement in tiiis case, btit it has been the ctisto�n in Cupertino to try to ��.ve all Cl�i'L�RS the oprort-4nyty to be heard. Ann Anger, Monta Vista, was upset that the ger�eial plan was �oing to be �o5tponed again. ' GP;.�eral �1an i:oved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Com��t. Nellis to postpone tl�e public postnoned to he���ng on the 1973 Cc�r:lpre^hensive General Plan to 7:30 P.M, on T:�ursday, ��_�ri.l 12t1i ApT 12 , 1973 . �Toticr. carried, S•-0 ' 2. Applicatio:i 4-1J--73: DIVIDF,iv'� I'�i,LiSTRIE�, INC_ , i'or Use Permit to d�,=er the Y�quirenent to under�ro?ind tizi�_it�e;� �_ii coi.nect:iocl tvith a ten (10) lot- dup'_er� �ubdivi_sion. Said pro_��r�y is l.ocar�d a�i- ��cent to and �.��ester_ly of Fo�thil! �lvd. :�-peroYi 1i0 � � � Yiort�.erly o� t�ie inte of L�'r,otiiill �5�>rd. and Al_c«1de ?Zoad. � F �rst Ilear ing. � �, Ut� lize e�;istin�the lssoci�.tte °_lanner not>>d that the ord�_nanc.e states tha� nioh tension �.7o1es 1_ines do not have to u� unde In t'?is ca�e, t:ie poles ar° `�a:I.Leadv t�.zere. 'The app:lzcant �.s as'cin� to r,ut their loT� ��nsion ].ines c�n the existing high tznsio« 1_;_ne pol.c�s. Ti.e Senio PI_ �Illllilv Technic.ian showed colored sl_�des af ihe area, indicatin� � the lines :vould �o. t•�].Sil ?�a�i�!�nt `j'}Z� �SSGC1�1'�:P_ F.i1�1112(?Y �OIlflYti"t�'Cj ��13t t�7E ei1t1.T'c? Sli�](�J,V;.S�LOTl '•.•?ll�_ ��e � �� b� �ad_�. =ex �y ur:der� round �airi.r.; on site. Tl�e =�Tnl:_cant h�,.s a:;re•.<i to m�;'.c� i � �i Ca7't1 r`ac'I'��'I?t �O �i.E? ��.Lt� �<1S ii� �}�E?E'Il C1011i.'_ 1R �TE?V10Lt3 C� 32:� � i_Tl YI1C? an?c�u�-it d�ter�:�ined by P. �, � L. �or the purpose �t future i,ndera,routldin¢ ! f t.1e 12 KV lzn� at th:� same ti�� as th.e 50 KV l.i.le is �i��_d<=t��ro;znded. � f _�1:L;3 Gil�.� �P_ aC:COPlj)iISFl�'.Cl �� SOTI'i° �l,ltUY'E' t"'_til� 1i: /,O??�ll:�Ct1017 kTitrl t�1C' I � �Forr;iatzon of a;i undF:r�ror_i»d ui�i.l.it�.T di_�tri.ct. � ', �1� 3���_].`3:1� �:ir. ;'�ic��t"_Y' Ti�11T �`.•d^S j�Y'°SE'_I1L �LIl l.}1' �ill�".Lc:11C _ bLlt il� C1 iif�(=:11[1F'� � F O 2?!� Cl t. O t}1 e�) Y�° S GI1 t cl � 1 O il , { � ' t R Y " � ! i i I � f � f � - 21II�UI'tiS OF lH'? [L�'Y.1.L 9, 1.9'13 P].�EL.�;�1Ii�C7 Ct)i`��nqIS�IQ� i`1�?i�TI?�1�� PC--89 1�c�'���� � f -' �" C�Za�mun I3uthe�utli as�:ed tor comm�'nts :�:r.oi-1 ihe audiec�ce. iherL t,��rt none. �oved b}T Cor�r�. 0'K.eefe, sec���.d�� bv Com:n. Adar:ls to close tYie Pub_l.�c Pub1=_c I�earin� Hearin� . c_i.��sed Motion. carri.��d, 5-� Moved by Co�����. :del?. i.s , s�cond� d by Co�:}r:� . 0' F�eef e to ��prov e 4-U�- i 3 $'?��_1.Cc`��i0I1 �4 � SL1�J:'Ct t0 tilE? _I �} ;;r8T1C1�Y'C�. Cri.dlt �l.Ot13 SIICl - :'rC`V°4 Conditz.on 15 : Ti:e o�:�n�r%app].ir_ant sh;;i_� :ia�`e a ca.�h � ay�K.ent to the �%c�;nd� t�_on_ Citv i.n an a:�ount deter.�.�:ned :_�v the. Yac� iic G��s ancl E1_ectric Com�aizy fo� under_gro��nd�n�; t:i�.e 1?_ F:V 1�.ne descriued o.: E:�1 A o� 4--U•-73. > ��Y��: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Kee�e, Chair;�an Buthenut�� �OE� : No�i� � �1ot�_an cz�ri.ed, 5-0 � . 3. A�pli.c<�.tion S-TM--73: J. ;�. LOLGNLI� for Ten:ative �'a:�� Lo COP.1li.Llle t��TO (2) lot�. ii:to a s�_n�le .45 acra parc:�:l. Sa�_d � propert;� � s�.ithin a R3-� , 2 (Re:, i_dent;_�1 ,'�iulti;�le , 2, 20C� � sc . f t. per d�,rel_lii�? un: t) zoi.� and i� locat�d at t_i:e .,cuLh-- I � �ast corner of t.he iiitersectio.z of Ste�.7��s Ca.zvc_. P,oad and � Rivers�de Dr�ve. First i:earing. `I'�"1C' L�SSOC1dtE'. Planr�er S��'.t2d �'C13t. 1t ZS i1�CESS2.I}' i:0 R3�'E.' 2. :"1L'T KE-CO�C'1?tl.0i i�t tenCative r�a� and f inal r�ap Tti��1en there is a c����ti ;e in lot size. �;�� _: is r�o� F.e.cordation af r:ap is no�� eneu�h. II� � a�.d th� �rev:�o:�_ approval �;:� F�_c::.Pnt_ £or. this pror�rty ca�ried the add;tional condi_tion t::�t veh:�ctyla� access would be irori Riverside Dr__�:e, not Ste Canyo�: F.oad< N:r. .Ii� Louahlin, 10672 Deep Cliff P,ri.ve, Cupertino, sa�_d he �•?as A�,�1._.cant's told previously to file a record af survey iahen, �.�n fact, he no�•J stat�.���ent hLI.O�ti he siZO�tld hava been told to f;_le a tentati.ve maT�. . C.iairr.lan �uthenuth a5ked for cor,v�ents irorl the audience. 'rhere �aere none. rioved by Com:n. Ada�s seconded �y Comm. 0'Ke�fe to close the Pt�blic �iearin� Public Hear.ing. closed Motion car.ri�d, S-0 � . � � � . pC-�9 r1Ii�IU'�ES OF THF APRIL 9, 1973 PLANNIi7G C0�IMISSIO�; TLi:ETING i.��iae �4 5-T�'I-73 `iov�d by C��nm, E?`Keefe, seconded b}� Comm. Gatte to ap�rove appiication aparcv�d 5-Ti�t--73, sub�;ect to the 14 utandard CO��.�1C10IZ:= £�1': Condition 15: Vehicular �-�/�onclitions en.*_ra�ce/�:ci_t shall be tron Rivez�s:i_de I)rive on?y�. AYLS: Co�nm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe., Ctiairman Bt�thenuth • N0:?S : None . . _ � Motion carried, 5-0 • � UNr?NISHED BU�Ii�ESS 4, Discussioa of ainending ordinar:ce to provide for ?na�_ling r.otices to adjacent property ocaners. �taft report Ttie �enior Planning Tecllnician revi�=.�•�ed Lhe rnap, peintinQ out the corpar�_ng dif:£erences i_n butn re�-ide.ntial areas and in planned �eve1_op�ent zre;,s 300' rad ius. as to inailin„s to ;�dj acent prcperty o;rn�rs and n?ailings to pro,�erty policy v-�i'sus oc,�ner.s w�thin a radi.us cf 300 �eet Genera`ly spear:ing, ti�ti 300 a�l.jacent pro- racl�us policy �,�ouid dout;le or quadruple tiie niz,-,,her of -tail�_n±>�, d°rei7din; i�.2Zty O��i112Y 'JR rilE3 S1.Z� OL t�1� �i<31�C�-1 cirit� ? tS SlIYY'011li;i�_I7;� C�` F� �)3 tf:E'7'P_. 111 L�12 i.��ti{ica�ioii tlil__lsides, bor.h pol.icies i-�iJ.l result= �n ti�� ::�:��� nt���.ber oi ��aiiit��;s �Lec-_iuse of the lar,�,e lot sizes. . ! ".'XaiTlpi..�S �OY �liv0 eX�il�lE.'S �aere 11c3E,.'Ci: ill � p<�'flt� 3,70 TI'31i7_T1��S G?OLll'_i "L�Sll1.t ±r�0;�1 co::���arison ��:he 3C�0-�oot �:aclius approactl �•�h:ie 163 mailir:�s „-�Ei?_d be .req�,iired fo.r $d.�,r.ectl_y adjacent grap`_r.t�y o;aiiers, T_n tli<� car-_:� of a sin�;? e_i�:;t _�n t� �� � ; - -1Aud:t� r�f a 7,5�0 sq. ft. suhdivis�_on, 47 .Letters are r.ecluired �n a raclius appr��ac.n, ��{h:�le 3 aXe requir.�d in the dir_ectiv adjac:�nt app � ���2t1 Cilt?CjC� T�11L..' �iSSOClclt° L'11�iItE�'C.Y S��C� t�11t �r�s�nt.ly 3 i'lE'_"1 Of Lil2 ;;�:3fF 17a� City Ass�s�or's t�� �� ���,�n to th� County oi:i ices to chec'_t� tr�e r�ss�ssor `s books ,���hzch t�r�oks for a_re kent currer.t. Cupezti.z�o purct�<<ses the ro<:�'_K5 un�.uall�, but they ara � c:u���ut ��ro- :!cf� ke��t currert dt�rinff ttie year. Coj��m. :���I1;_s and tT.=�tto fel� tnis i�._r�-� o�Yner stic�_zld be the respons:'tb_��.ity o� th� develap:�r, .�ot the. Cit� stafi . :�iot� � �cation to �hai.rnl��n £�utye:nutli and Comi�, AdaTns �:��lt tiiat it `:':e uc�j acent propt.rty c:i�3CE.'Tlfi '�YQ° �!?14�1E:YS W:?L'2 iLi?tif:L'�'Ci � .L� 1:lit Yt.' :,%.'i:� COIICP.T'il 3(JUlit �i 1 t�0711:1� � C�"?P WOY'� _:;i"1:'J O'.-7i1C'�' 1S fii70U1C� �C_'i, c1Y"Jt1?1C� t0 t110.=P_ (:0110E:i[1E'_CI <iU�tG' T:11_11Cil.V �<3T1:: 1."�Cl�':� �:'CUI_d COi:?c^- -ui-'r:Jici.ent �co tY�e pt�bl_i_� 1�ear.in;s. It ;�ra:.. �`=�] t t_he 300--foot raci�us r.`.qr1irer.ien-t '.�-ouicl be au uc}due hardsii:ip on t.:he a;>,�1_ic::tnt. Va�.1eo's Ir. T�ial.ter t�lard, Vallco ;'arlc Ger.et:��i. �`azta,;e , said thc. Cour.�.ty Asse.,Gor's �r_i_tiion � �tfic�. l.F�ps ti:e_3_ records o-� �^ ro� �_i:� �nd h�.� ii.:1d; it c:uite time- . ;���nS:1TQli7�� t0 1.001� ll�) �z�_� �'L1� .��1-..G'S. i{C? �C'� � ti�;1L �;.:�.���Ci:i1L I�YO �E?Y'�:' G�;TP.'c.'r;i j � ° ill r:�ii: C�152 Ot: ��c3� �.CO i�31.�.� SI":Ot11.C�{ t�" ��IOc:E.' 9.(i_iG _II_L:1'? tild i�i'O��t'.it:�1 tp }��'_ "�.t'V°1.!�E)E.'C� � 11Cr ti'tOtit? c1Ci�0_Tllil� tilE_' ��'',Yl:�.t;rC.0 Oi �:�1:'_ :'.lL�1C(_' �L'�TlIli'Ci / �.�evelopr,�nnC . � • } f � � � � � TIINUTES 01'' TIIE AYR_IL �' .1Si:5 'r'i,A�v_"v'I:L:i� Ci:��ii�iLSS7_i1�1 �1l?i=;`1.`liv � �-L.._�c} ' P <,�r � 5 � �'Ir . Dor Gaubatz , I��U3:? ��iJ_1 c r_;,+ , C;�YC � r�.i ;�o , t�.�J :� �_t i.� iropct L � . t� �C.E'P_T� tt1F% G-�1.'L,C'i7S .i11 'Y� .��(�C� �?l '�• h<.�. l b li�! � lF'I] iT14� 1?1 '•,_1?F:1.Y � C^i�1TiiUIlltl . :i� .:�2�'.CCI L�!1t �.}iC' ��.d??" �_llt� LG1nr1: .v,.iOT1 }i��S S ?�r^;3I lIl C�EC.i_C�171�� tilF ?pYi:lll.l.:i ic� })G tISE?C� :_1'i ?tO�a_f:t_C�:t:�_OI'i �]_ t;.il<� F��.rl[:,:-r�. T)U�IlC . �OP.U11. �C��.3;ttS i)Y'�i�?OSEu tlic? t ��LC� �,lt`�� ,:Yy 1lC?1:. �.; 1_:ii; ttl.(? d.C.�'j c1C�'.IlT: 1''t"}� I:C} � i_�:�'' Pi j p1"C' OC�?:lt'?'S j Fl:l� 1] :'_1: i_ i fC)U'__1 t�:�ii: �.}1�- 1S Tlp�' �Ll� f i_C1E.Itt� y !�?(� i2-Ccllt. O 1."'I � it. could be �:zcrcased to the .�u�i �:;t:�d 30;)-a ec>i. r��dzu_. � � r.::;- C:o:�m. i•<e1_1.is tiot�d th<�t i_t�� ._e�a--o:i ti.�_s _s c��,^ii;-� �4out :_. �.:^c �('OT)�.E' ?.Yf..-' IlOt Scit�. �t...i'C'l. ���?E C.i.r: ,�S c: �:'(iC� �J_.iit� �JilE'.fE'_ Ci"L'iC1,'il k decisions are beinE; mac:� and Lhe publ_ :.c shat,J_d b� ��ade <�°.-are. � ��OC,'1�1i�C' 1'.Ili?11�E' :� .� '� ti 1 I1 -��n �r � � - t ��i�E�' �i3 „ P �i'1:>�•iE'7.E'_ t:}I_ TTtic_17 :Jil �lE.11lt ti13t: �_ _ c`1.i ��? .I::l�: i;�! a_�: - for ��dI1T11L1� t.0�..,.�._:iS7_OIl '�iTiC1 �.t.tt COL.�C11 i�-C.'E'l`.__]:tr?S ._Y'° OTl t�ic'_ LSr%r' � i,'_C_OY'Cic'?' recoYder f_or peopl.e �-riio ;�;�oi:e in a:,�.�n� abo �.t 1�� e;� o � �. O i L: �l . � � � E' E� .' E'- f e i. t i. t 1 ct `L t l� �.�. Il . �. i . 1 � �. �� � Y :i 7 � .. n � . , , r � (' j c � � - � �., I C. v E' "` ^ � ^ -i .. : 1 .L a. :LC� .�����I� c�10E�1_T L C��.JYE;I. K C . G.i,� _... �.oE' . I�F_'t tE_'1`� t.iJ �tCi ! ciCE'I"lj: i?L:.A � Yt �� O'i::s`'=':. :. C�:1 � i� �;�:�c'� Ol'_ �;()(iC� . .L �; � _ ::4.�"?� �ct.:7 Z;> n L:3�ti::l" G`� C12�I`.C'C. �1-C ^it2!�1__'v'll'c'Ci ^O",�� P:tl1C(1 iL0�:1_i 7_Cal.=LO'il 1.:, ( enctigi� . � CO�ili1. �:��':=13 :'•c`i1.C� �:i� ��]i�t>�r i:11E�. t���?..i.i.'1�Zi� Of..�.�"IC'. �.�iE'Vc^ri.C� .._'1!t.� Ltl� I�,���.�C'I'i:iS O'_' �..n`'._.i' i.ct;"`�E'.Y YciCi?_l.l: S�:OL�_Q j�`:'. CCVE'1"f.'CI. LL.CIF Of C�:_'�%. ` ,JU2L_l.t? ��CT�Fi? y � 2101 �.,].Il,�jT I��xT1G y CUt)E?i"t'1T10 y S31C� t}7ut Sil:_ 112.- �?11 J'i.',�`.P llS:' � + � _ ,_ , , . t7EC'ri 1T1VOI�JF�Ci lI'i t}1L' �d;� }'E:a"'i8 C,�:'.L�7 Y'E?'l.OI1i11r;: 11. TE'_ict:1.J11 t0 I'.E_'Y � i(j�i' �aork. San Tese reqt�i_r.e, 300 Teet. �l�e be�.�e4-��� t�7�s is �ned. � _ � She iee]_e i.r. a.� the r.espor:sibilzt�� of tl?e City to notii�; th� � a�jacent p.ope�r��y o�-mers� Conlm> ?�ellis b�l.i.eves t�.e Planne.d Develop�:�ent zone shou�d be co�z- Po1.�_cS� fo� S1CIt� 3S OIl-U� L1i11.t. C�l�i_�Y013.1 r�Llt�lE?IlU�:l I1C7t:2G tilcli }'OU CcZ11�r 2�1�1T?11°C� j):'_J, iso:tate Vallco Park. The�-e are sever.al_ p o i.n th� ca�� of the To�on Center Planned D�velopr��ent. � Com.�l. Gutto would li.ke �h� Cupertino Courier to devote � r!o:-e pro?�ineLit spot fo the l.e ;al r.ctices of C�.aper. t.in� . i�1r. j, :�oted ttiat Va11ca Pa has had some 20 publ_ic hearings on ]_and uses . �1uch r.ioney has been sy:�nt on the p1an5 S � S1 rC'.E.'tS � 1F3I1CjS�d.�i110 � E'tiC . Cllali::iii: illtLlGl7U.ti1 1�O�P_C� �.lclt: ti.�11S � C'11..�'.CllSS1011 1S St'r1Ct�_}' Uri ZOIll_Ilp Ci13L1`;C'S, ��E.CtI_011 �� � Th2 Associate 1 � • } � � � �; - P anner. �,:ondered .�_� i�otic�.s :�zc�.z�.cl �` sen�. ot�t £or JLC._t I r:�t�`.::� �l1St t�7C' f 17':=t �llil� 1_C �l� a11C� 71Q�: fOi Cll'l"�'.7llE.':lt: �1°8I'-L:1�S . �F'r 7.'E'_'L^'l.' : Tc1P. t�S�1St.31?t; �'..i_i:}' �ttC.�)'.1C_l' S?1L�. �'OU 112�"c t0 C1diC2 t_�lt? Cl�:;t'i11CtlOT1 n1Si:'LP.;�itL;=':1 �G(:`�• tflE.' �t'.�';Si reCJtl:l_�(?iilCllt 3'i1Ci �i?E'_ nrSCLlC'c1J_. HC l•'QU�.C� Z1K� rU k):=tGIL'.E:11 �_:'? i1. clt; SF'C' t�11� t�'_t_�_E'_Ct.E'.Q 2i1 t:�1f� COP.iP1I�S1C)T1�S C�`.'C�::>I.OI7. ��)1"fiCLiC�?L iE'_ C :,i �.r E'1ilE'17 i::: . p;,--��39 `fIivliTES OF T�IE �1i'RIL 9, 197.3 YLE�;ti:vlN� CO��L�iISS7.0:V i�:�ETIi�G ��` V � Cor:�.r�. GaCte s�id that in t.l�e case ot rezo:�:in`;s, for the ini_t�i_al action the propert•a, :1e �rould be in fa.vor of ttie 300-too�. ra�ii�is ;olicy. � " �e�, 5.2A `loved by Co.nri. Ada;�s, secor.cied b;� Cor:r�. 0'.L'ee�e to acce;�� the staff's J� ;_,;; [�rg`teC� C�?"t?�'t T'E��I�Qlilo clari£.�_catwon Of �`'..C��ciC�?lt L'�O?�rt�' OC4':1°rS � 1R �P.C�lOTl 5.?�1, as �,zi�tett. , AY�S : Co�:-a. �'�dans, 0'Keefe, Ch;_� �r:�a.^. �utile :Lth . �,OES: Co�:.rl, Gatto, I�ellis ' *totion carrie� 3-2 The City ��.ttorrie}� .��ail1 researc't1 this :�att°� : rzor to th^ next reaulaz ,ne�ti.izb. Co� Gatto ��nd �;e11is said �;iat ia t}:� cas°_ of use ^erniLs, ti�ey would go a]_ong w:�tti the ad;iac�:it proper�,: o�n:��r- notitication. NE;�: :3USINESS � 5. �p�o�_nt._�ent of :nembe�: to' Enti itevi��� Cem��ittee i,J:.--. 1��:.:^.S t .:G '`tOV -�'C� U�' �:LI.,_il. ���t?E'.f G � S�(:O[:i;CC� �J�J COti�=i, v�l� t0 rC� dDt.'.U�i?l: C`:)-uR1.S��10ii�I' l',.i:. �1�1C :'LC1c:AS CO t:iP i�I1V?.1'Oil:'?E'.?:�c`31_ RFtia.�'_:ti' �.'C=='---1r�.2° fQ: 3 L'?T'E_`!'_—�?Q �E'i":?l. �:_ov��d `,y Co_:�:1. G��.tto, secr,:�ded by C;o^��?t. J to cicse the no::��_nu�i_ons. �`oC ���Z carried, 5•-U � <1Y�5: Co:-.�:.. Gatto, Ne.11��, 0'�;e�te, C.zai;':::a:l �utn��-��:tn �dO�S . N�ne , �BS�AItiED: Cor_L.i, Ada:?:s �.o�:ion carrit.i, !+--t�-1 � �'�ZEp���21 OF iHi; Pi,A:iNI?�G CO"�:I �SIt��,T � r :�i?C::iGTi O11 11���_ri:.:3:1 `_:uti:e��:th 2�jCc:j. ti1�' Slclit �O li1CIL".:� i.l1E'. E'.�eC�1J�: O� �:i.al��:�3n -' . �;��':1G3 �-iI1(: �:.C'c: U:1 t.�?�' iilSt. 8��'ild�3 £OZ' ;t�j''. _ � . , s�?EPO"�?' OF T::F. PL:�,,'�'i�i.�G DIR�:CT��R -- `�o reior�. � �DJO"JR�::}?�'T :.: i. CO �I; � Soved by CO�.'�'.. ��:.ECte � �PCU.;:.iL� vV l.n:i;�l. i�;1::P.iS CC 3�IJOl.1T':i LO Tt11J?"�iC�aV � ��(?Cli Zi..Cl �t /.�� �.:1. �iE�l:t._Il? �:;l�Ci_ll"::•"_'C� �.iC. ci.�}Z> ?.`�,. • :��.7�'�i;il C.:iTi il'_.'� j 7^L �1'iTLST: 11l?�'RUV�:�.)): ' / , � Glrr�, I?� Ptifuer. �� .io,��� W. 7;i>tY?��.iu�h '' i.r�y C_Lerk �_-•-----_..__.__.__� ___..._.__. Ch.<,.irman._._.�__