PC 03-12-73 i
CI.T`. CI� CU�'ERTT_N0, STA1� UF CALI����.I�T_A �• PC-$7
1.�J3C�0 Torre E�ve�u�, Guper_ti.�1o, Cal��rnrn`_a Pa��� 1
Te1.�>>hone; Z52-r�505
HELD O:y `i�1FLCii 12, 1973, �N Ti.l: COUI�CIL Ciil�`�iBEt: C1TY HALL �
Chairman Buthenuth called tne meetina ro ord.e� at 7:30 P.M. ����_th
ti�e Salute to the rl��.
Ccmm. present: Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0':Kee�e, C�airzlan �uth2nuth
!,'o^,.�, absent: 1`dcne •
Staff present: Associat� Pla.~�ner Cc.;aan
• Assista�^t Cit�� Attorney T.erry
. Traffic En�,ineer Grigg .
�'1PPP�OVAL OF i°fI��UTES: Regular `leetin�� of February 26, 1973.
Comm. Gatto n�r_e.d tr.at on page 1 it should b� ?ndicated that
Comm. Adams �aas absent.
�'oved by Com::i. Gatto, seconded by Co:-:�. 0`�:ee°e to approve the Fec. 26th
Minutes of February 26, 1°73 as corr�ct�d. Mint�t�s a�: �^�'t
. as correcred
iiotion carri_ed, 4-0
Comsn, Adar:�s absta�ned '
The Associate Planner asked that the public hearin� on the 1973
Comprehensiv�� Gen��ral Plan be posL until the next re�ular
meetino, wnen the cost analys�s and tlie sp�cificat�ons on hillsidz
developnent can be discussed.
So r:oved by Comm. Gatto, seconded bv Comra. A3a�:s. Ite-: l.
CUIlt 1£tUt'4
Co?r�. Nel�is said she .�ou]_d l:.lce to eYUlcre �•�ith t}ie ottler Plan-
niu�, Cor.wiissiuners tile p,^: s�bi].it}= ol eh�editin �;�rork on• this
�natter . Chair,aan Butheiluth said a tre:�endous arl�unt oi dara t�as
tc be gathered befcre the nre�entati�n can ��e �.ade.
'C-3'1 I�IZNUTLS Ck TI?t? �iARCc-: 12 y I.°7 � FLA;?I;TTI�'G CO,i��rlS; IQi1 i°.EETIN �
' ry 'C'. �
�'oi:i.*�. Q'Y.ee`e noLe�l the �.e'�ulous s�ate of S:'390. Ur.iti2 t-�e get a cledr
defini.tion an tlzat, �.�:re �.s not rmtt.ci: ���e ca�l de abcut it..
Mation ca.r��ed, S�-0 '
l. Letter from iir. Htibbe:�ford, 21b5i L::dy I,an�, re�ardin; tr�ffic
c�ngestion at inters�ct�on of :=cCl�lla : azzci �.i�bb.
'c�gy of letter t The T�af{ic Eng_�neez antic�.��ateU recor..:?encz ,�icn of a trafL si.;� a.l
:;a�ita.l I-��prove. at tnis i.ntersect�_one Co��;�, ?vel:i:_s as:.ed t��at a cc,�;� or tiiis 1e�t�r
::ommittee be :;ent to the Cat��_ta� I:-.�ro-�e-:ents C�T:a���.ttee.
2. Letter fro,� �`�-s. Sal1y i�liison, La Cresta �::bdivision, regardin� t�e
pedestri<:n easn:':ent. �
� OKf1L C��:�liiUNiCATIONS ---- There were rLone.
Yer.eral Pian l. CITY OF CUYF.�.TIi�O: Publ_c �Iearin� to consi.�ler 1973 Cc�m^rehe;lsi�-e
::ont�nuPd General P7_an.
2, Applicatien 3-Z-73 � RU�EN E. CELt�`�A to rezone . 21 acres from R3-2.�
(Resid:�ntial, �Iult�_ple, 2,200 sq, ft, per d��ellin, un�_t) �one to
R2-4.25 (Residential, Dttpl.ex, 4,250 sq. �t. per d���ell�na :in�t) Zone.
or_ whatever zone r:?a�,� be dee^�ed appropriate by t'�_le � lannin� Co.-:r�ission.
Said prop�rty is located adjacent a::d easterly of t�1pL�e Drive
ap�rox�.r.iately 216 feet ;vestierlv of the int�rsection o£ Foot �ili Blvd.
and Al.pine Prive , r irst fiear. _�.nb. �
The Associ.ate Planner sai.d t:Le �ppl_icant' TYlSI1 to cons*ruct a duplex
rather L triplex requires a r.ezoning. Ttii.s propertv overl.00lcs the
11$-unit Foot't?ill t�p�rt�ent Co;�ple��. Co�.�, 0'ICeefe noY.ed that the
terra �17 1S d�� CL�Y t� �2 COi S=ClE'T'� :� }1�?L"�. ��� furtiler �":C�E?C� tI?2t ^Er:in7.=
the pl_a:� f or Ltle du�leli ;�roul d do a:.�atT �:�tz so�e of the �?avezzent . �
. •
MINUTI:S (�F TI�E MLARC`ri i2, 1973 1'I�ANNIN�� COii'i�:S;�rON '�iI?ETi;dtT Yf�-8?
L 4 7 E J
, �1r. Rui�en Celaya, 1451_ lleJ_ Corte Dr�ve, Sunn�r3ale, said his p�es�n� Co- -:•'_�h
glans are to have iii_s parents live in on° u:i�t of t�.e dupl.ex and the �reC
hi_s wi.fe and family _�n t'tie other_. '_�e fecls ti?.e plan is ca:r�patible
caith the area.
Chair�a-: BuChenut�� a�ked for co:2~ients fro_n t:.e �udience. There
�aere ncne a •
i:oved Uq Comm. 0'Keeie, secor_ded by Com.Ta. Gatto to clo�e the :.°u�1.ic rizarinu
Public Hearing. cicsed
rtoticn carried, 5-0
� Mc�v�d by Comrn. Ada�?s, secon3e3 t-y Coru 0'�ee?=e to rec�T��«end to 3�-Z-��
tne City Council ap.�r�val of ap;�licat ion 3-'L-73. ap �r_�•��_ d.
AYES : Co�Tn. Adams , Gatto , Ne11is , 0`.Ceer e, Cha :.r:.,an :uthenut:l
IQOES : None
�Iat�on carr:�ed, 5-0
3. Ap�ilicatian 4--7'��•-73: �'ALLCO Pt "ti a�� appl-c�ticn requestinR
approval of tentative parcel r , enco .�assi��� a�. roxi�?:ate' �.�
86•� acres , to cor.lbi:�e ei�::t parcels �rito A ou �a� cels . S2--u
prop�rty is yn a P (Plaz��.ed lleve'op�e�.� ;�d�th L�_�ht Indust:
Use lntent) Zone, uc1_Jacent and east�rly of t�clf� Road bet,a�en
Stevens Creek Rlvd. and Free���ay Route �LUO 3T1Q :J�S terly of
Tantau Avenue. 'r'ir.st He�rin�;e
The Associate Planner reviewed t:ie request: for the ..?p to re�o�,�e Est�'�lis.z
some old property lines on t:�e pr_operty a�ld to esta�l'sh a stre�t street part:�-n
pattern. He expla �_neci the lot conf igurat_�an ,�:�th L use of
visual aids . Fif ty f eet oi Iand along the freewa; is �eii�� re-
served for. possible free-aay widening. '
Com.m. \ellis asked wl�at �aas propcsed here at the t=�ne o?= the .
traffic study. T'tie Traffic Eng:_neer saici so:ne cor.u^erc�al was
indicated. Lane r.equ�reraents �aere not s�io�,n1.
Mr. Walter Ward, Va11co Park General �1a�ia�;er, said tllat ;�h.en ttie Vall�o's
traffic study was done, s�*.ae 2i acres � co--.me and the state;�ents
bal_ance �aas industrial., At this ti*°te, Vall.co wish�s t� de.iicate
the f_ull t�ridth of Va1.Ico IIlvd ., and c^nsr_ ;. �ct o«l.y 40 ��ri.dt?� unt �l
there i, a determi_nation as to Lhe land uc� �or t��e r.�t:a7_ dev�' c:�-
mente They would pr.efer to not further subdivid� th� land until
they are cerCain ot its delrel.opr;�ent.
C; -�3? :�I.NU`l'L5 C��a `i'Hi: i�`��I�CIi 1?, 7_973 PLEINI�I.Ni� (:0:.`il�il::�ST_ON I�'i;sF'1'ING
_.fi� 4 .
':..�;od nla_in Co��r.�.l. Gati:a fel.t there s}��uld Ue son�� :.ay cf ;_n:��:r�ng tnaint�na.nce of
�..�_�iLena7:�ce i.he L1_c;;d �,ls in. aFr. [IarG af;ree.d to �_t. Tl�e �'1u.,,-�c�ate Pl�.nr:er _;�id
the Flo�� d Co:Lt ro1 ?��a � t,een �.�e�;ot:atin ; C: i`1i V�' lco I'arlc i o;� ����ar_ s and
tl"l en�:i_n.ee� iI1^ �. i C�OiIE'.. (:Ui'��1. ����.� t0 SS]_C� 'Ci �:i C�.C1C�rI2 r'7u:� O� ?`
�:,Yob.l=�r:;s for .scr;:e.or�c� oi:l�er. tf�<zn �ia]l.co, uue to the engi_r�eerii�,, o::
Vallco YaLlc property .
.ot i'�4 ? s ��mm . ;�elll .� ;�Tas concerned about Lct �E4 anci it:- :-elati.cnsti.,�� ;a:i. �h
?dd-sh�peu F�nch Ro�c�. ShF. ;•-as concerned t}.iat ;:-e �.�~ou �_d b` i.�ft �ai.th an edd-sh�?�d
( lot . I�Ir. ;�;aY•d s��id thi.s wi�l oe re::ol�-ed ::hen anot'z�r -�has��� of
develo��ient �.s establi.siied.
; stri_p Cor.�z. �ellis aslced ho=a Planni.x�;'te�t abeut � z;;.U��',� an .-trip. The Asscciate
Planner said t}.ie sta '
f.f teel.s ��;a'� pernG.^s �-:e -;.ay :,ant a,:!edia.n stri�
some dn� , but noL at thi_s t;r:i�. r�r. t��Tard sa�d thetiT :T1.1.1. put. it �n,
with or Taithout p��cket�, if it is t,arrant�d.
Cha��man Buth�nutn asl:�:� �or coTme�its frorn th� �.uclienc�. There �.�ere
'ub=.�.c ;Iearin� �`o �:�ed by Comr��, Cat�o , seconded by Co�m. NA..i_lis to c1o�,e the Public
_�.OSE'_4 H�3= 7_II.hS .
�ioticn carried , 5--0
'��--TI�i�-7:'s M�ved b}� Comr:i. Gatto, seconded by Co�:sn. Ada:�:s t� reco;-���end to tne Cit�T
ar*,�rov�c. � CCllT1Ci approval of application 4-Ti��-'13, subj�ct: co the t4 stan:iar_�
,�'r_o:idi_tions cond�tions ai�� to conditions 15 16, ].7 and 18 ��sted in t}1e staff. rc��r.t.
AYES o Co7i,n : Ada:��s , Gatto , Nellis , 0' �eefe., C�,airman But'.�enuth
:QCES : None
M,�tion carried, 5--0
UN� 1NIShED BUSINESS �-- There � none.
� Nl.�,ti 3USI�VESS
4. Discussi.on of amQndin; ord�nance to provile fox' maiJ_in; netices
� t� adj aceut property o�mexs .
:�.iling r�otices The Associ�te rl�ann�r said that ti�ien the staff_ st:art�d to res:.arch tI��is,
?,��tpuned it bec�me ap�»rent that tli� enti.re ord:�nance needs ro re upnated. F:e
asked for a postpone�:.�n* ��r. tYizs r.:atter. � �
. �
'.:I?2U1'l;� C;J; . 1'IfI; r�^.i:C;, !:', ] 9i 3 i'L�ii�Jl� i�;� C��:.;;.S:�I�JI�i �`.li1;7'.i:v;� i'C zS7
T , r
� � � � !. it t� F_' J
R"1'QF::�. Oi' 1'I,:��'i;I:yG C�;)'i:'11.S�T0;�
�.:?i�:'l. 't�CJ �-� ., i�E':�llPr;i CtI�. i:�i.0 C:,i'.':ill=.�;4:lO;�E'7�,� ..�r:'J_?�E C:..`1::5 Of t�iC C: _Lt-^.�_ �. :_'^, _
lll:].I1111 P.:-i ;`f� t=�1:' �:�3�) � t;l!. �_i::p:";;VEi7^I:t:i: ��:)1 :•�i_�LL°.^. . �'UY'.:�1C'1� � Ci1F21 Y1':1<il i:�:i11Ul:E'_:_
RUt.:llf'_::lll�.!? <_S��C'C_I L11E'. .:L�.�j. LO �;'1L �1-1C�'��1 i°�;:3.j=r�Ylci.�_ 1 _-:� L�1C'_
• , �'.OiR?i'�,.,,,�10:�'c:i S 1_T'i �)�_L'lli" 'v`f_ �i::l(-'. � .)1" I_�iT' t0 tJ't?_ %1"�11���. �j1=:� l't�::l"J.11^
CO:'i::,.. :�iC..�.,.. YC'COill':�('pCl.'.CL �i:E�' SL�-%i f O�i;B�TI 'c. C!`��' Oi ttic' tt ��Oi;�°I"l�S 'C°',.� -�'i:r.::'"
`:OI"r.: :2' :i ��C. '�tt"[77 di1�;1 �1�1'�i: � ,-.,
�. ;, � 1_ � 3_s i;e.. s�.c:tt;�,- � ert,,iri:.t�� to
•, :,.
- . _r;E � 11�n.l.Iit ij.;':C�i (;C(;:[.;?LL".i211 t.a i::1 :, .
i'i!�VL'Ci �: (,:.Y..'^. ���'.J..tJ_S y SeC011:i:'_CI �''` CO;...,. 1r._�1.f.0 tU � c^.CC._._.��Tl.l- �O t1SP rl"c:1.�.5 .>L'_.�— '
c_�ry c���_:�.�t et��t �� =��c �,u:���,�:.---1-,:�, �>.: �:���:,��_� f�r rr��� :;��,..,�{� ��: �,.�_:._::� LL�.�
�.).c1::Tl:�-17� , CUC`�"i�:_..:��;'.I: ...:� a_; J_i.'.;':�L.i�Z:.i.Ti � Fi U1%:t'_ �..?.1:11i�', .^-.:1i� �:�UC_�,—
i.risr, t.,_a;_1 svst:c�-i :;.n Sa�:ta C:1_ara C^untv.
; ; '�
t,�1',5. �,O'...,�. f;.riF�':1Ei ��ic'il:t:0 �'..\C'�."_=S y 17 �,i:�iY;`:�i:? .�Ut�:Ciitl}i:
'\���.� . �,��lE.
r���:�or: ��:.-L_��a, ��-c
C^T1'11. '`� � ' r' � �. � ': t�r= ' "' �'-,.'� - 1 �- ^ i�Ltc'� . ��.�; r � -•,-_ t
i.E' i1.S �t iC, 0'�E?C' E(�7(� c�t'. ?1C1�C2 t-�iP. � ll�:]' i1 �v.�_ � Cil�';i_,.. O
.S�j�� c�i��1 1tS Pi.�:G'CI:S r�'C:l"�' C?. 3c, ?�c`3S �_iC.-' �'�1.! __t�; � St?]Cj� . I"�'C:��1� .,-_.'---:_�
CO::.i:. .�.° ��.=-S TE'1'=L't-@:� i:::�tL lr! 7IJ. pYU_�E_'Ct.`C'. 1.''_\%°_1 � O+ ":)^ �lli.:.i:._O_?.
L}]E'. t�::•;t�j �:,''Jll�-� �?O UL") COI1Si_Cif:J_.:�t)�.ti�' ;?�.til L�?c �^iii)^.�. Cii.SLT'1Ci:
SUf?=E" t1iEf 't;iOSt . 1.� [dSS Zc'� L t}.c� � �S ^C)y)ii�_u1:=.C:� COL:1Q I?Ot
SUDl�OI t. '2_ 1 E' ;10i1�:� £1}1pi :�1.114� CE:11tE'.Y' . i�'.� t.�1C ,�.. c?L111 -> s ',`�:: . r'12"710.�_Ci ;,i�l`�'li�
t�lf,' Sr'c'.t=E.'�nc17r L'�1<It t:�'iOSE' [a}]O T,'C:°E? 1.i1 f�VOY Oi T10 �i0��'i=�1 �ti�'I"P `.•;l"0:1��
San �'rai�cisco �?ay Area s:�cu1_d keep u_, -.��i_tn tl��e nat:ioi�a.7. ave:-a�;c� .
REPO;tT Or YLANNI\;:� I)T',:;'.CTQI: •
The _lssociat:e 1'lanner stated t:�er�� t:�i.11. be a. joii:t _^.e�:t_�nti; ,:a.t-:i tp
Cotinc�.l a:id the PPC sCaff and �ubco��:nit:t:ee at 7:30 P.��. , ruesd=�y,
rlarch 27t�:, reaarciinC t;ie �Sontebeilo �:iu� e Study.
.• Moved h�� Cc: .;� . 0' I:ecf e, secor.ded by CoiY�;n . G,� t to , Lc� ad j ourn Lhe
meetin� ar 8:!�0 F.`i.
. iioLion car�'ricd, 5-0
/s/ Wm. E. Ryd��r /s/ John L�' P,t�theiiuth
City C.l�rk � Chairinan