PC 01-18-73 �
103U0 Torre Avenue, Cupertino� Galifornia � � Pag2 1
Telephone: 252-4505
Chairmaa Buthenuth called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.i�I. wiCh
tize Salute �o th� FZag.
Comm. pre�ent: Gatto N�11is, 0'Keefe, Chairman 13uth�nuth
�amtn. absent: adam�
Staf� pxesen�: llirector o�' Plannix►�; �iid U�vel.opm�nt Sisk
A�snc:Late Pl.ann�r Cow�3n }
Econamic Co:�sultant:� Ar.nald and Levq
A�s�ciaCe Plann�r L�urin
1. CITY QF CUP�R�:��t0: Public il�ar�.ng to con�f.der th� l.�n�i � .
use �1.ement oi tlie 1964 ����x�i r�.�� �,:id consl.der am�nd-- i .
nients ther�to, �
- ��
Mx. S:Lsk opemed the diseu��s�.on by ��lc3.i�g �he camra:L��:ion �o talk �bau� �
�.ar.d use al�ernativ�� and establislzin� � Point �zo� cahich these �yp� :�
, af discussio�� ca�,�1d U�g�,n. �
� Ha �uQ�e�ted takin� a cezater por�i.nn. of th� coLnmuni�y and lookinQ a� °! P.r4adrr la�d
b:r�oader uses ai land in those �zrea� whA� �he l�zzad us� �aauld mpan �a ��; uses
av�rall �ommuciiCy; talk in bro�adez scal�. '�
� H� explaix�ed �ti<ik a bro�ct ;�cale alter���.r.�,v� would k�e L•c� t�lk in ;� Coas�.dex b1Q
���crns of binck.s xa�:her �han �a.ngle p�,pce� i.��o S��ato�;a-Sunx�yvale �.rather thar�
Ro��c,l axea re�r_�;:�nt� ca►:�ner�irzl �ypw user�; t�7.k about �h1,s bP�amin� �; ��.ngle c�iece
re�idrn�ial �y�� of �r��. U�.��us� wla�� �h3.� c,rould m��n ro coi:imuni;:y �
in z�rms of ba�i� l�nd u�e. •
ifir. ��.sk t�en distribu��ci ma � of genPral l�n stud �hawin axeas ��i� s distrt-
P p Y S �
wi�i� �I.ter�iati lsnd use�. i� c�uted
, �
� �1 a P.. 2 �
r_apici �;r.owth Comm. Gatto as�.ed if there was ii�forni.ation availabl.e from Public Glorlcs
capz�i±y that would stzow va.rious capaciLies of. traffi.c arteries, sewers, water
supply, etc.; which portion of cit_y could rake rapid growt.h.
L'ti.lities a Mr. Sisk answered �aork has been done on sewer situation. From th� water �
btzsiness staildpoinl., it would apPear a di,recfi input from water and utiiity companies
as to what new lanc� use �aould mean as related to new anc� existing line.s
would be h�lpful. The general opinioli�ras they ar� in business to make a
profit and both private an3 city services �-ii]_1 rneet need.
S�.�wer capacity Associate Pl.anner Laurin stated the m3ster plan r.►ade several years ago
m.aximurn had been revised recently and figures now indicate that the capacity
of the se�,1er system wou:L� be enouhh for. ma�imurn a�.te,.native. He noted
a liigher pop;:la�ion in the flatt.er area of th�� City than was indicated.
ir� the 1,964 Genera.l Plan was offse� by the lower population in the hi1_1
area. He said wat�er c�m�anies basically serv� i=he eastern part of the
City anc1. there is adequate capaci.ty for comm��_�ial, industrial or residen-
tial. The westerly part of citv is servec'. by ci�y works.
Traff.ic . Regarding �raffic, it �aas r�oted that tTari_ous l.and t�se al.ternatives are
being proposed witl� th�.ir effect or_ present system and �ahat it means.
Schocls Comms �ellis aslced about sc�zools. P1r. Laur�_�i sa�d th^ basic� materia]_
capacity .��3s there. As to the preser.t capaciti_es of_ schools, no response has
unknow:i b: en received as yet.
Ccmm. Gatto noted more technica]_ information is needed for good evalua-
tion a?�d would be needed b,y Staff as part of ii�pute
Con�n> I�Te?.lis asked about transportation commi.ttee. and possible
tra�.sporta.tion in the future.
Local bus i�ir. Si_sk said the Santa Cl�ara District efforts to date have been
service directed to local hus service. He noted Mr. Laurin had attended
the Metro Tr�nsit meeting. �
Mr. Laurin the� reparted on output from mevting. The Smith network
Rus reaching consisted of one bus for each line running every 30 �rinutes. This
s�a1.l part of covers only sma?J pa? of population and would not allow for fr.eeway
population capacity to diminish.
Neighborhood Another idea was for indivi.dual cities to add a local run which would
bus line twist around in the neighborhoods.
No home to There tiad been a lot of proposals for the future. Rapid. Transit plan
work change for BART alox:g railroad track where So�thern Pacifi.c had rur.. Another
w/Rapi� Tran- was to run on Highway 5 ari� 280 instead of Foothill. 'These are not
siL proposed for next ten year period and doubttul a�?d very rincertain
wheti:er money ���ould be available for it. Mr. Laurin expressed his
opinion that iz was �angerous to gresume any home to work change
with Rapid Transit. '
Pa�e 3
Artother proposal th�t was anpealing but very costly ���as an elevated �levated
railway system. Th�se �aould he automat�cally r�.in c�n�al.l cars hnlding railway systez
4 persons each and ru�ain� every minut� �� cor� ared with re�ulax
Rapid Transit of 7-�1/?_ mi.nute�. These cao�.ild stop only at �taCioiis
� w�iere people wQre �etting on or o£f • TI1P_ high cost woul.d coma £rom
constructian high in air whicti Froul� nece�sitate elevatars, �tc.
Ano�:�er disadvantsge would '�e gafety t��ith only 4 per;�ans to a cax.
Anothcr suggestion was a taxi--bus which wou�.d not run on a fixed �xaxi—Uus
�.ine but iaould go to l.ocatioi�� hy ap�oin�ment. Th��e could be
exp�nded as deraand;; ri�ce:��itated; sliouJ d start wixh hi�h 1eve1 of
�ervic� to mske i� �fficient.
Mr. S�.�k then as'.ce�i the P1ann:Ln� CoMm�ssia� and cunsultants to ta2k Cerc area a�d
about �hou�hts relat�.n� to� core areas of cor,ununiCy and alternutiv�� �alteri�ate u�e�
land uses. �
Iix, Arz�n�d �aid lze �aas impzeM�ed by the map� He a�'��r� tlae commi.ssion�S��c1.�ic land
tA mal.c� choice� of �xve� in ux�r3►��erMi�ted axea� af. the ci�y. :ix. �,evy u3e �l»ice:�
would be. di.scusgin ; tahat �il� �ammunity �e.ca �;s tuncla� ����al nrnblem�
�r�d u�e�. Ha ��k�au Ch� co�nr.�i.s�ion Co put tlzes� c,�oi�c:�; oE land use� '
on thc: ^,:ap iu �neri.f.ics. �
i�ir � G���:� pointed attt undete�m�.n�.d �aaxc��.:� n��d�c� kc� S:iC i� cr3.th wR�latia� u�c;��
e..�.stia�U land use�, ��r;i� pzca��.x and s�z��r� tl�edix�� u� er da��ra-- ���er:�:ixt�ci p�,x�.�
tion�.n� to ii� i� ��7.����i;►��. Fie fel.t it a�ould bt a f:�:i;lure Ca t�Yk kwith �;s:t,�ting
�bout cliide�etmj���+d ��re�� �nd no� aelat;� Cu exi�;t3.�x; tx�ti�. • Gu�e:�
C. •
After ��st�her d�.sc�;� �3.az� �:a t4 s�tarzia�, �«Lr:� Lc7z di�.l.c�g�e, i�ix. ;�1.xea sa�;
' Ar.nolci 4�:;lcec: the c�.�a:lmi�;�lrrnex� �CO �a.v� r�p��c�.:i�.ca �.dv��� cat a:Lt�r�ara.�v�� j;
zor c�r.� are �. �h;�� r.n�n Bu�i��.F�uy�� ��t �.rFr� to �ti d�f;c:u�w�d �:3 : hat j;
axe«� �:E.'�T,i4��Y3 Hvr.���a�a:� R�aci :�r��l �n1laz�y;�:z xtive�uc�, ;s��d k'rc�u��y �5 to 't;
e�:;���n t�vunclry cf c3.ty� c�xG7.u�3ing Va�.lca �'�rk aZ tlbis� ��.me, r;
• �
Th� �t�� land u�e �lt�rxia�ive y�rere i��t�d: ca*:�.�:erc�.�Z, S.�du:��x�.al, �a.,and czse
re�ic�,u�z�:!31, n�er� s�>�.ce (agzic��:Ltu�.e) and prn��ssiu��.a�.. ia�.i::ar�Ya�ives
Com.�;. �'K���e x�di:ed op�n sp�ic:� is so brnadl.y defic�e:i it cot�lu b� ��'ub11.r p��'k. �;
in�lud�d in r�, sni.�ll :�r;xy, �ur.� a:� u pu�l:�c paxlc in � r.�sider��-La1. �rea. i��:��i �p�c�
Cor�-n� Z�Ie11ig nate,�i 3 s�:��� �f �.QricuJ.turc� i.n Santz Cl.,�r� Va]ley €; �:���ext3s�
skiow�d �oin� pt�dur_k:� caul�i b� L�r;ued a� .sm:�l? �a��e.t� So:n� crc�ps ;:u�;���tF�i
:3llC:i1 w� i�ush�,•oa�s c,�n la� �rr�,�,ri on �:� 14��.1e �s 5�.;:r��� She s
;�u�;�c:��tQd an �xp�.rL cau�.d come axid a.11�1�e tiz��: c�x� �ai�. �,
. E;
Co;r,ra. i�T�l.lis qu���i.an�d �rh�tliez �t wa� ne�:�s:�ar� ro have a core �� Reaso�s for
�.�:t:a �;Zd Ccr±r.z. Gr�ttc� r�ote::d �.t *.�a:� an �.c��: a.1. yeca�i��xi f.s�r pub.l�,c r ��ze � ze�
�ervi��3 wnd �av�: :z c:c,m,clun.tf�y a���a��: cs� idez�t ity z;�d ��ability. �
Comn� 0'':Ceei•e �aid .tand Corpor��::tan tt�� �«a��a Gt7�� coze arc:a� �
� �
. �
;�G-�E�3 �1�i�J'�'�S 0� 7'k1E �?iJ��t7P:lF;L � X.C:��r�TidG C;Ga�I i�: Si01`. ,���;�7'I?�G 01." �.�].Fa�7?
. �;.4�� 4 .
� G.i.l..'c?� fi1.'i` t1G� t�1C? IU1:TT?.i�?1 �lU£311i.E?�a � G7�I:tCF? �r'ul�lru'.�,"� y �L:�; £4�@ ��i.'CO:�lj.xl.�' 7'k=C..'�'�3L:�.OA:'tl.
s- L '� �e �r�:�.� su:.I as Ol.d `?'cy:��'� :Ln Sax��.tonc:E A cox� ar,�� c�n i�� ���.p fac��l
..a�4 painC �''� • �
c�f ca.ty ` p��-n:. of a cit.yo
�pi:ian� op�:n ��ire �!rnc:l.�� r�rat�d th�.t ��v�:��:1 l�tx�d ���:� caul.d t�e mi�c�d i.ii a bl.��cic.
°` �:I7�re �{re �. �•ri.c'tc �.��mb�r oi ca��:Lr�,X;;° ax,���a cr�.tlx �rr�.r cr.i�er�A l.c� �a
� '
;-i�:i.ii hi�h*.��y ;� C��r:�°u. Q�k.e�f� ncxi:c�d thett Gul.t�ti��t1].y tl�� communi.!_y t��c�I.d ���r ta�.t�+M' r��3.-�
c:Qm�ze:�,°ci� � c? t-'i�I:� 2�. �:�� »-�izi hi�;����y i waul�i b� X.oc���.�:; ur J.,xz:� ta.a�.11y z�� ���:;�r}e�c�..::1.
`.'.l,�tz�,�. � �# �.C.7...:� C:l't"��C) ,�� . `.x�6:t� ;S �,tj��ti�:.�. �T:lr�ul4�`i: ��1i�.4f:�ti�:i7jP ^'� w?°�1d.�i �11E'.�7 WCJ.l1�.C�
__ .� c;�:s3r� L� �:.>� r�;ti �1��:� drdv� i�t�rnu�h �;l.�.s af ��� �
� �
C?Eaix�r:��n �uz:l�F��:;utk� �;r�vc� ;��verr�l. la:a.�:E u��..; Lor t�h�a v�di�a�s� k�:�4�:�. �z�v��
�u��:��wcd ��ica��:��c.ad l.c�r.:�� ��r S�a::�v��izw Grc-�� }.,utza.evuxd oi� �u�a�:� r�.��:a �a II�.^,h�•*ay 9
lz�i�.+:l ub�e ����� fi�;rsi� Y::��.��.��.��} �s��: c��r�,���ci,u�.o I�c�xth oT.x ��t� iu cQi�:�*�:c�.�:�..
� ' Proie�;�a.ax�,.��. ��L�.rc.� r�xi:z zN�.;.c?et�����_ f�c�in ����'�•.ri� CY�er� c�Cr,.xs t�
� *�cCy�3,1.�an I:s��,3 I�P�;wc:::�+.. Ste].�.in�; F�e�aci� �r�:�i Si�v�:�.> C:xF�c�'� c.a�n.mGrez.,�.
axxd rr Z: tc�c�. .-�P ua�:��l th�� ?:i.�;1 i.�c;u�t.•�4�7. �.� n�e�r� c,r�m::�-��cia1 �x�un
�.�GU;�t�a.;�.�.. .
, Cc�n�:i�� C:.;i:t;c w��a;;�;e:aG�c� r.t�;�a Hor�est�ea:i K03C1 to S`,�even:: Creek Bot�].evarc�
? �'?t? C'('q :�.:�,V'�.�ee'� �.b1�f� �A:t?" t7t�c:h� c::�"�":CIi:1C;�:'.�`.�.�.i.i.� �;k�7I:G;a,.^�,:�,G;;t.;�.�.� 8ja'�:1
+� W�ac� ��,xt� �`�„��;'.r;xaG�,�Ib C.ommercial t��t':rvc..:;� St;�,��..�.�.u; I:a:�d �..x�d :?��;h�.7ay �
� �ai7. UJ��� .s:i..ji`::,z l:F� ��1C' :xf:1"�':E..-'�..q �'ikOff:�:3..C►Tbct�. 1.�� ��.� �:.�n'3�G:�: u�E.�� C3t�E?il
� �p��c� x�c�z�..i i��f,TU�n ��;e:�vc�s�� C���:k r�a�d L���x�.t;�- ;,ixi.�s�. J:�:; £�x
�:}� y c".f:C�:.?�.�+ �.�;._.',t,x:.;t: �X'f'Giy��7 P�I1G3 C�UL?k1 A�,�1.r..�K 3':.c��.s Ti11'S�a11�. �`:1,'�1�.i:u:I.�.X.
� ��.zb:3� "t�i�;h�.r��y� �?.
� C�n�z. t•Ie1�1�� su� �;e�t�d c�r�:rt�rc�i�l usa�� for 5��;�rc�� C����� �nd St�t�,ing
, xa.�,�c� ._ �r�.y].�:�� Ce.ti�a�r.. �11t3U :tria�. �c�r 2fi0 aau.�l� Co G�:rc:a. Rc:s3.denri�l
�� f:�� �sa].�. �r�ap t�i�;}� d�� �iult:i��lc,�. Pro���;��-�r�a1 an ',•k:z?�:r.i �a.;e:
� w;;.c3� o� 2.t34 �nd r�calti�le ���iu��t+�i��. ea�t c�� S�:�vAns C��e;..
`�', Gh�..Ym�r� F�Li�t3t??ILSG}1 �t1G?I� a�alced fa� caull�enks• fxo:n �he �.cadic�z�ce.
Eccrr.arn;tca.l � Aixs ���:�k.�.� �..�.1.1 10�25 �€�xter Avenu�, C�±t�ez�::�xao, �;,av� a hri e£ back�
�t.udy of � graunc; af �Yia.� r�rea. SY�e r��k�d �. f �'� eC.Ui.1G �tuc�y oi ��c���r u;c�ct�
�:r�:a �:a�,�:�rGi��J. pr.�pe.r,t:y i�, gaad t"or. :� c�.ty C.h� :a3.z� af Cu��;xtino �}Tauld b�
� i�;.t {.�G' e SJ12: n�t�d ���n�c�rd Shopp�i2�, Cc;��er i� Leco�ni�a�; caG.�AIeL� �a.nd
���o�id��c:d i.E C:u�ezGi�o coc�2d suopo;�t a:�r� m�3ii�Cv�in pr�pas�d �ho��ing
� C:£:YI.�E:k � „
Ecar,��c�ac �1��i.��u;�i1 Iit1Cl1£:Tltl�ta r�d�r�.�ed i�ia-�a t3�I�. rt�at P�z, �r�zol.d �sziu :,r. L�v�:
eorisult�n�s �;a Lcar.�omJ.e. Gan�ult�nL� caau.ld be ��.tting impzzc�� anc� �ci�iain� the
:aill nd°Yis� �;oo�. �xid '►,�d �,ain�s.
P�1C�.C)L'R Lo Ca;�m. 'J'l:e�f� feZt tt�.:.� wg� �t ga�d. �,oia w, na�:i�.g th�r paptal�Cl.an
h� cousiderec: �uc�oL � f.'CUt10Pi�.0 ch�n�,i.ng pmttiern, l�r.r� t�rm beiY�fita an�l c;ost
`acto�� krere aIl to be considered�
I'fI�TUJ'3aS 0?�' 1:'t�l': 11.I)1ni1RI;L() I'X�l�i'�;::I?r'G CO:i�i1:��:ilUi�,.i?i�i�`�'1:?;G �i' J.�l.f��7:3 �.'(��83
• � Y �' f ;'� `�
Ga;xaiiU Gat.L•� notc�cl 17uy�,t��, ���:t:i��.rn 7:+r� r;o v:L<�.ble i_t ,.�� ve.r:y c;�f.'f:i.ct�.1_t: 9
i:o .� �
�i�:s.. /,;.�rie. tx�i�;er� iic \'i.:,i�r:�, ���a.;� �1�G: �;.��u1d �,7.lcc �.c, :,c�c: i:?i.r, r:�,C.y ?; Clrrl��.;�:l.y ��.l:.r:,
j5��2i1:1���� l.tl F?xl O:'C�C:i'.�J :;:,?.Tl,lt'.Y. '.i�.i=/l Oi:t'. Ftl'C'.�:i CC�1:C._.ilt:7',:1�]_1.1;:� C�1? .�.��'_�T?��i.Y� '� C,7.i.y
� t ;r�`� .�� � 4� i ( �; /� tt }>E��li).t� �:1;E'. i :Lil.`?�1C1�i7 ;r
cc:rii.er. B �,nc�i��,�:� c�z� pr.: 1 .> �c�� ��1. r,.f .c. ,:as�_ t.t. _�- , -
r�,ct:tox�.� c:�r.� Shc: ��u°:l.cl nc�t_ J.i',.:c. i:o .:c:: rn ,�df�?�L:i�i:L oii I�x,;L-�+��,.y 3 �i
aazd �>t.evc�.ls Cz;�;�l: Fvi:�.,�v:trcl� �'.:��: �:�l�o t��a�.ec, t.li� ti,...�3 t:n�:;t' 1>c� ;r;
��.�2111�1�'C� GIi,�.;�1 CYllc;it: 1.:> �..�.L'E_'t3Ci.V Fi?:]..`:t::j_:i��� cliu �I.� CJ t:()ll� (� a:Gi:L'. t'Q ::P_rc.' "
ii 1'4'S?,.i.Uilc`!.�. :::�'.00fI'1.i1;� C.::1'i�:i_1' ?:C'-i,i:Ui-J.I'iSC }:E:'-{:f::..'"t: ��:U1'C`.Pir � .
_ � ,,
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CdlT:i?e n��GC=�C T10i C;� �:'Yl�.i: X.�if: i:]U:'l: 1:.'.O�)� l": �'.�1E:7:'C F?"�'(�. O?'?. �:�Ii: ;3t.7:°.�'t:S> ;s
t: t"1 P.. ,�. C'_ S i :' c � � c n ` t �;
_ xv�,c� r_c:�i� L,� ,-e i t L �li�. cl.t:} �
t.'OT�':Tl CFit:f:Ci fE:�.L 1:CECrC .�.'t1OL�1.C� �C: CU�.1�i�.YEi.!_ '3i).(1 C.'Csi�'t.Sj�l:G:L�i7. Cjr'.7CJI: t.t1li^' f �
;�.1:�-G:.�', "?.11 fii1c: ca.t:�r lll?l::[..� �.J:�J !'�iia '`
�'i7.'e iti?�_t.f`_)' � �J?.�.�.Ctl �<iJ�1. C:'.il:'::.:?1, i`•'?�1:_`�';f�1f r". t":� fi'.1.�,: �„C/`_' �� l'�:�LC•_1 '� ...
1'ii3:+t:C�l: P�..`..il ZT...., 1'7.�: )� t. i1I1Ci '.:?ic:i fJ _�:: ��:'ii; \ c"� 1,?. C1:L�:.�Y � i�`_� �:,�..�;0 1sCtt'il C�. � i.:?7. � J. :_�
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City Clerk ' �