PC 01-08-73 e
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California Page 1
Telephone: 252--45Q5
C,�airr,�ar. 3uthenuth called the_ meeting to order_ at 7:32 F.�1. ��i_th
the Saiute to the Flag.
Corari. present: Adams, Gatto (7:35), Nellis, 0'Keefe Cnair�an
Comm. a�.�sent : None
Staff present: Director of Planning a7c1 De.velopment Sisk
Assistant City Attorney Ti�rry
��ssociate Planner Co���an I
A��ociate Planner Lauriti i
A�scciate En;irieer Huttlinger �
�`.oved by Cor�un. Ne:Ll �s, seconded 'oy CoT_n. Adar�s to t:ov�� the ap^rova' ilinut•�s app�ov
of tne r7inutes to the end of tlie agenda, move3 i� e:.d o
' a��nda
r4otion carried, /+-0
, POSTPOVi:tZENTS, etc. -- There were none.
. i
T R � � r � , I � I
i��RITT�.1 .;O.��IiJIvICATIONS -- None that didn r_ apply to �gen�a it�:�s. � .
URr�L Ci�����1U;�ICA'TIUNS -- There J,ere none.
. �
. '
. f
`.�'C-32 T1TIv'UZES OF 'THF JANUf11�Y U 5 .1973 PT�Atd�;illG COi��1iSSI0P1 T�:I:'I'INv
:'u�P_ L • ,
F'Ji3LIC i1EAP1.i�3GS
i. �I'�'Y OF CUPEiZ'TI`�0: Yubl�c Hearir.g ta consic�.er proposals cf the
Cit;� Ccunci_i c�i_th res�ect tc t:��e Land Use Elem�:nt of th� 1?64
Genera.l Ylan ar.1 ar.:e.zc:n��nts �t�ereto r.elative to certain ]_and uses
cti�� thi.n the Vai.lco Park area,. �'irst Hear in� .
�onsideration Tlie Plani�ing Dir��.cto�- revi�wed his Ia_�uary 5th rne:lo xegardin� ti na�.ter.
_,t lai�d use !?t the Decem�er 18, 19%2 Ci�.y Counci.l meet�_n� t��ere �•�as conside�able
a?�e��d�,�ent� discsssiori of a no�s�_b:le a�en�l�:ient of_ the 1964 Gene�al Plan i.ix particul ar
`areas c,�i� iiie cor.ununity. `lhis d_�_scussion :.as introduced at the CoLa.ci1
level by a repre.sentati��e af Vallce Parlc �ai10 said. t=:i� t_ype of assur.a.nce
caas ne.ed��d at thi�= tz.n.e in ord�r to l,�epei-ly d�scuss thos� apt�roved
pr.ojects witlz prospective lenders. Fat?r are�s di.rectl.y outlined bv the
� C%�`y CoL��cil are as i�ol7_o�as : .
1) The exi� t int; Sears &��oebucic f acilit;�.
?_) The professior��l office c.o�:,p.lex at the nortl�ea.5t corner of TtiOl�P_
G.:7Cl Steven� �.1"2E'_�Z 31VG� �CLi)"Y"�Tlt.l� L1�:LCi�1 COil.?tiYU:'tiOTl� .
3) Vallco Village ccmm�.rciai complex, L?a:;esread and `volfe Ronds.
4) 'Tne t;�lton ?nr. site at �ol�e Roa�? an.d. Pruner.idge. �
;stabl�sn �I~� add�_tion, tl�� C:i_�y Counc re:u<sted t_ze Plannir.g Conmlis�ion corlsider
"E'_CO:'T;E7.1Gou~1CT]:��F31i'c'_L;C1ii1:T1� t0 ti1G �'i:.'I1eY"c3}_ t'��8T1 SI'i^�' estab].i�i1 t�ic�i' r�ceram�nddtion.� fOY'
� ici: a�.enci::lent for t'_lose properties whi.ch ure a?.so �re�ently develc�ped
,g._ner.�1 ce��r:��rcial anci plaLined cievel.o^:Lent �-� com-_�er_c�a7. ��a�er.�.
�T}�e C�_ty Counci]. r�ade t:�e deterr:.inati�n ti:at Exii�bit V s�»u1.d c�::�e back
�eio; e t��e Plann�ng Co::�?:i�_ssian for revic �.a and re: oi~�.nendat;_on. The
P:Lannin�; �irector t.i��n revie�a�d Exhik+its . A and ;� o� the General ?lan
A�?:eT� d.i;�e;.z t_ .
Comm. Ne_ll�_s aske3 �-iny tl�e developed strip cor��.�:erc:ial on th.e southeast
corner of Ste�ens Creek B1vd. and High:.�ay 9:,�a� not ir.cluded on Exhibit B.
T::e. Ylanning Director sayd� l:e included only tnese areas that ar-e �airl��
::�oder�Y. The �eneral plan stud;� :�ap indicates thos� �reas already
develo�ed, the un.developed rommercial �reas and pr.ofessional otfice use
dreas. He pointed out a numLer of commercial properties that are not a
pa..rt oi thE amend�r�E.nt .
Chairman Buthenu�� aslced for comments from tne audien.ce,
Va.l.lco PaLk's � r_ . TnTa].ter �dard, General r�anager of Vailco 1'ark, requpsted the ValZco
iTltent Pa.rk devel��pmenr be reco�nizeu, He revie�.ed the packzt sent out to t�ie
Planning Connnissions, ir.cluaing the :�istory ar the pr.operty o�aner_ship
and the znne,�atioti., rezcnin�s, coordination <<rith the school districts,
�and reports from the var�.ous ccnsultants. FIe also brought up all the
'of:i-site cost� an.i imgrovem�nts put in hy Vallco r'�rl`. He �ave the dates
o£ all their appr. oved u�e per�n:i_ts , He saici all tnesz� dem�nstrate Vallco
ark' � irLtenti.on all. n�ong of a plaun�d deveiopment with �ccmme.rciai,
rofessional an� �igh.t �ndustr.ial uses.
' Page 3
Mr. Ward said they are urging the new general plan reaffirm Vallco Developer`s
Park`s ain for a planned development includin� tho�� four projects request
noted in the January Stl Plannin; Departr�ent r�ie�:�o, the areas as
indicated in green and blue on the rap, with the understanding
that the utlmarked areas i�� Va11co Park are indust l:e said
they have had their plans since 1964 for t're profe�sional office
buildings and two-story parking'structure.
Mr. Howard Ruth, beveloper, referred to his recent application tait Town center
the City regarding some property in the town center that he has property
owned since the general plan was approved in 19b4. He envisions
professional c�ith compatible comr.lercial. mix here. He said a
strictly prof�ssional zcne �ti-ould not allo�a such things as a
pharmacy, brokerage house, etc. Chairman Buthenuth suggested PD
zoning with professional office use. The Planning Director said
this ��ill i_nclude the pink areas on Exhibit 3.
'�ir. Harry Falk, aumer of Rancho D�Anza, said he �.?as concerned that Ranc�io DeAnza
Lhe map cuts his property in half as to zoning. He sa�d tne}' have status
spent $50,Q00 on arch�i_tec.ts' plans, ete. , artd he ��ras concerned
that they T�ould be rendered use� ess . It �aas explained to h�_~t that
t;�at portion of his proper.ty already developed is not �.ncluded i.n
the :interirn ordicla�ice, i�ir. Falk said they are ready to go with.
t1_ieir develap-^ent plans ar�d he does not knosa at this point �,hat to
do if all of h:is pr.operty is not ?.ncluded. rIe -aa� t�l�? that his
propzrty not incl.uded itl his developMent plan has been placed i� ti��e
interi:n zoning ordinance.
rir. Jerry Fitzgera�d, 1�J191 i;ort:i '.:laney Avenue, Cu�,ertino registe�. -d '
a protest orl beL�alf af ttle Saic�i fariily on tiie arbitrary Taay some Pretest re�;�ist
p�operties are included aad so:~:e are not i_n tizis inter�rn ordi�_Zance.
rloved by Cemm. Gatto, seconded by Ccmm. Nellis to close the `Pub?_yc ?iear.ing;
Yu�l � c I�earings . � closed
• rlotion carried, 5-0
Com.m. Gattc ;aanted to g� on record that if the ].9b4 general p1a.n is�
anenc:ed at th:�s time, ir_ gives no assurance of hoca tn� ne�•i g^�zer_a1 �
plan will be.
. �
. �
�'� -��2 r11Ntl;'; S QF '�'I�E JGNUtiI:Y �, iG� 3 PI.Ai�,N�rJ�. C0�•'�iIS rl �.'I?TING
Pag� �:
195�+ General. Muved h� Comm. Nellis, seconded by Co�mn. Gatto to amend Lhe 1964 Ct�perti.r.o
Plan a�nended � G�n�ral .'lan ��er. E�1i.i_bit B, First �evisian, dat�:d. Jalivary 8, 1973.
. AYES: Co�� Adams, Gatto, Ne7_lis, 0'F:eefe, Chairman Buthenuth
r?OFS : None
Mot-i.an car_r_ie�, 5°-0
I �
2. Appli.cation i--V-72 of ,7. t�r. LOUGHLIN for_ var_�ia^.ce tc reduce the rear•
yard sc�tba�:k reqi�irement fcr a RpsideLi�`�.al, r1�il�.i.p:��, family zone as
set torth iz: Orc? �� ar�ce 220 Sect�on 6: J_h irorn tcaenty pez' cent (20; ) of
lo� depth ro t�icnty (2Uj f�et. Said propnrty is in � R3-'L.2
��E � TZ" lt=plt� y 2�2�U S�. f'�. �c'Y C��ti�c�..�l:�i� U.Tli_t� zone a.:1�i _l'_g
located at tl�e sou�heas±: corner of Stever�� Car�yo�:t Road arid Riv�:
. Driz�e. Firs� Hearir?g.
Ccn:`ig�ous Th� Associate PI.an7.er ident:if_iec3 thc subiect p�:operty on the r��igi�'�or�
prr�pc>rY;� map. '�aith t'r.� e��c�ption ot th� 1ot ir.valved, a11 of the mul�:iple fam.i�y
zor::=�d io�s are �eve7_op�ci, l�iis prope.rty is co t1g:101S to a sin�le--fami_'_Jr
, zoi:e� a.nd devPlop�.d lot to rtie east, t� th� �r�develop�d agr.i:.ultural.--
r�crea.ciona� :or�d i�zster Y�aiich �o rhe so��•th ai to developed res�_�en�ia:.1y
zan� d s��,g �.�-fa�-�;.� "�y property to the T.Test across S�.evens Canyon Road.
A tota.l of , uni�s is permitted on the. pr_cperty.
"1�.��.ls wo�:'d �Ir. ,7.W. L.o�.ghiir�, i.0572 Peec;:�taood Drive, said he ��as always uncer tr:
:�ac�� �� be j irnpres�>ion �here r..as a�0' setback her?.. `�'o cc_�fo: �� to the 3G' sc�`back
� c�appc,d � re:;��=�r�.rent �•�ouJ_ci mean scrappi.ng alI hi�s pla-?s. F?:� d�d nc�t: feel the
extra. 1u' of setback would be to any advantag�� �_o t�le adjacent property.
A1_1 hi� p�.4n� had been s�en and checke� hy t��� City and the error was
r�c�: caugnt.:.
�ccidtnts A1re Henry Severi:., 22570 San Juan Roac1, �aic'� ne l�zes across the street,
irec;uen�. in diagoi;a"l:.ty, irom thi_� property. He felz that ii the proposed building
`hat area. were co:�st�ucted �_t would b� cl_angerous becau.s� of the f_re.quency of
. ac�idents in �ront af Tir. Loughlin�s pruperty.
t�l2�J'l1C H:�aring Mc�,•�d. hy Cemm. P�e1.Lis, s�con�?ed by Conun. Adams to cl_ose the Public
c:t�sed Hcarings.
Motion carried, 5-0
. Page 5
Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded by Comm. 0'Keefe to recommend. to 7-V-72
the City Council approval of application 7-V-72, subject to the � approved
' 14 standard conditions.
AYES : Comm. Adams , Gatto , Nell � s, O� Keef e
NbES: Chairman Buthenuth
Motion carried, 4-1
� 3. CITY OF CUP IItTINO: Public Hearing to consider the land use
� element of the 1964 general plan an3 consider aMendments
This matter was moved to the end of the agenda by the Chairman General Plan
sihce the consultants were not yet present. discussion mov
to end of agen
Approval of r4inutes of regular Adjourned Meeting Dece:nber� 7, 1972. -
Co�*un. Nellis would like the follo�,,rin,�, added to t'rie end of the
second from the bottom paragraph on pa�e 4: There r��as a consens��s
of opinion that Vallco Park cannot be excluded from the zoniirg
- re�ulation since it did not :neet the criteria of the staff's
Nove�ber 30th memo.
Moved by Cor.u Nellis, seconded by Comm. Gatto to ag�rove the Dec. 7 Miriutes
Decenber 7, 1972 minutes as amended, approved as
Motion carried, 4-0
` Com.�n. 0 `tieef e abstained �
Com Nellis had the follo�aing corrections to the December 11, 1972
Pag� 3, next to the last paragraph, Iast line: delete tize �aord
"parking" and replace with tha word "property".
Page S, paragraph 8, Comm.�Nellis` riotion to deny applicaticn
19-Z-72 died for lack of a second. Delete the ;•rord5 "sacor.dnd by
Comr.t. 0 `Keef e" .
Page 7, paragraph 3, delete the words "Cemm. NAllis" and r���ace
with the word "staff" on the first lin�. ••
,, a�� Ca
;)ec. 1J_ i�intites rioved by Comr.i. 0'Keefe, seconded by� C�mm. Adams to approve the Decerriber
a�proved 11, 1972 nzinutes as cc�rrecte;l,
as corrected
Motion carried, 5-0
r'�stpone work The Planning Director introduced a petition singed by 23 homeo:
c�n canper & in regarcl to a converted bus, Tc:ere tias been some talk in the past •
�railer erd. about revie�aing the camper and trailer or3inai�ce arid, since there ,
apPears to he public in�ere=t at this time, he wondered if this re�iew
�houl:i be agendized. Gomm. Nellis wculd liks to postpone work on
thi.s matter until after the general plan is talcer. ��re of.
�aYital The Pl.ux�ning Directer will be sendirig out cop'ies of. the Capital
im�roverne:�.ts Improvements Program to the CoT�issioners, The City Council has aske:l
i'rogram ttie Plar�ning Commission �o revie��� this and mal:e a recommend.ation.
�A citi2�ns groGg ��ti�l review the Pro�;ran prior to public heari:�g before
the �lanning Com� -
C�a�.rman But �en�:t�i called a recess at °:12 P.?;. lha meeting reconvened
at 9:2C n.:�l. "
3. CITY 0�� CUPERIINO: Public HDaring to consider the I.and use
element ef the 1964 General Plan and consider a?nendments t:�ereto.
The Planning Director introduced this discussion. He sa._id this heari.ng
�vill become pr.im�rily involved in g�neral discuss�ons. Dus to �the
inportance of the economic factor, he felt the Commis�ien should avail
tiher,iselves of the zxperti.se of the City f s recently engaged economic
consultants. Fbery effort is bei.ng made to have the economic consu.ltants
becorae a part of the "General Plan Team". He then introduced rlessrs. Arnol�
. and Levy, ��f th� Institu�e of Regi.onal and Urban Studies, of Palo Alto,
F�oi.e of_ th.e Mr. Bob Arnold went over the role the economic consultants w�11 have
<_>;,onpma.c in putting together the new general plan. They must first establish
c��nsu:L�.a�zts c��:at the a]_ternative land uses are that caould be most fundamental to the
con,munity. Their jata is to tr5� to rrovide some information to the staff
and the deci.sion-making grotiPs as to imp]_ic�tions and al.ternatives open
*_o them, l�moi.� these �oill be 41t�rnate sites for a re�ienal shappi:�g
center, alternate uses of the foo�hills, alternate uses of the flat lands
and c+�mm�►►ercial develo�ment. The economic thrust into this is public
economi.cs as opposed to classic, or market econ.omics, This is a ne=.a field,
particularl.}* in the United States, ,
, I
_ � .
� Page 7
Mr Arnold expects to implement a"Plaiining and EvaJ_uation Process" Chart to be us�
chart , witn t�ie f ollowir:� suh--headings : Input , Sp� cit ications o f
Altcriiatives, Evaluation, and Reqtiire�e�7ts for Itn�l.e�entation.
He said gathering the input is a contim.iing process.
rir. Steve Levy then explained a:.other c�art�entitled: "Evaluation
of Aller.native La*�d Uses", ::ith th� foll���ain� sub-headings:
Net Fiscal Impacts, Ot.zer Imp3cts, Distributioa of Impacts, 2nd ' . •
Soci.o/Ctil.ti�ral Goals. The alternativcs ;•;ill be listed be1�,�: t:�e_�e
Mr.. Levy said t;iey �•rill be getting i_nto very precisely ;��haC the Arrive at
tax revenues will be, as cYell as costs for schools, fire and de�inition of
polic� p:otect parks, etc. Ar.other im��ortant factor is our goals
traffic, Distribution of �.mpar_ts ��ill include im*�act on pzrt�cular .
neighborhoods. ;'e begin ;a:th a group of choices tnat �•:e thin':
cvould be good for Cupertino. In this way :te �•:ill get a ci_earer
definition of what our goal:.� �ean.
The Plannin� D�_rector ans,��ered tY�e C:�airmar. tizat a traffic Traffic consu�t
consultant ; also be hired . ant �o be hirec
Chairi�an Butheruth asked for comments �rom the audience,
�irs . Judy Cooper asked ho;a the esta�l; shed Cupertino Goals ��Till Curertina Gca1:
fzt into this picture �ind :a?iat kind of ::�eigat they ca�rv. �.Till be
Mr. Levy said it �oill be up to t?:e Planninb CoT��s ;ion and Ci.ty e�;aluat.ed
- �ounci_l. Each of t�:ese �oal� shou.ld be put up on tne board and �.
eval_uated. :�ir. Ar.nold addeci t��_Lt goals are inter-related -•�ith •
S1tE'-rIla�.1VeS. iiT. L evy SalC� til�' 1."':D�CtS are �a ��i��1L'����� T.r1t�1 RO
significance as to the order in �a'tlic:i t�:ey are studied.
Juar.ita �IcLaren asked what con�ideration is given to the develcpers
who, in facL bring in the ta�. revenu`s. She asked �ahat choice
. they can make as to a site for a develop;�eri;_, S�zould the Citv or
tne developers �:atc� these dec�sions,' �ir. Levy said tne decisio:za
will be �:ade by th� Cit�� . ?�Sr. Arnold acided th�t mar :et feasib'_iit:y
is an important consideration. Disctissions are i�e7_d [�.Tlt�1 develo�er� , �
and the peop.Le ��ho study Lhe ,larkeC. �
Moved b�• Cor.un. Adar.is, seconded by Co�.m. 0'Keefe ta continue this
puhlic hearing. � -
;iotion carried, 5-0
. Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded by C..�,�m. 0'Keef.e to adjourn to 7:30
Thursday, January 18, 1973. rieet�ng a;ljourned at 10.13 P.�i.
�lotion ca�:r:i.ed, S
/s/�Wm E. Rvder /s/ John L l. Bu thenuth
City Clerk � �� Chairman