Reso 1132 C I T Y 0 F C l► P E R T f N 0 City Hall, 1030Q 7o��re Avenuc Cupertino, C�liforr�+a �5014 Telepl�one: � (40£i) 252-4505 RESOLUTION OF�THE PLANNING GOMMIS�ION OF THE CITY OF CUpERTiNO RECOMME�JD I NG � HE GRA�JT I NG OF A VAR I.4NCC - WHEREAS the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino received an application for a VARIA(�CE, as stated on Page �; �. and WHEREAS the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support his said �pplication; and WHEREAS the application shows: 1. That there are special conditions or exceptional char�c- teristics in the nature of the property to be affected, or that irs location or its surroundings are such as will permit the Commission to make a determination that a literal enforc:ement of the Ordinance would result in prac- tical dificulties or unnecessary hard�.i�ips; and 2. That the granting of the application is necessa�ry for the preservation a�d enjoyment of substantial property rights; and � 3. That the hearings show that the granting of the application will not maierially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or worl<ing in the neighborho�d of the property which is th� subject of the application, and t�hat the �se of said property in the marner in which it i� pro- posed to be used will no� be materially detrimental to the publ i c wel fare or i nj ur i ous to the val ue of proper or improvements iocated in said surroundings; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful con�ideration of maps, fact5, exhibits and other evidence submitted in this matter, the application for the VARIANCE be , and the same is, hereby recommended for ap- proval fio the City Council of the City of Cupertino for appro- priate action�, subject to the condi�ions stated on Page 2; and BE I T FURTHER R ESO� VED : That the aforementioned findings �re approved and adopted, and that the Secretary be, and is hereby, directed to notify the par.ties affected by this decision. .(Continued on P�ge 2) � -1-