Reso 1107 16-1��I-7 2 Rr.S01.LTI0N N0. I107 OF THE PLANNIPIG COyg1ISSI0N OF THF CTTY OF CUPERTZNO . R.F.COM�^�ENDING THE APPRUV�'�L OF a tentative map to adjust a property line between �wo recorde3 parcels. APPLICANT: Measurex Corporation ADDRESS: 10475 Imperial Av�nue, Cupertino, Calif 95014 SUBMITTF.U: September l, 1972 �OGATION: Southwest quadrant o£ ttie intersection of Imperial Avenue and Bubb Road. ZOi�'E: ML (Liglit Industrial) ACREAGE: 10.7 acres ` ----=-------------------------------------------•-------------------------- CONBITIONS AND FURTHER FIIvT INGS: 1-14. Standard Conditions to Che extent that i.hev do not conflict with the speciaZ conditior�s enumerated herein. In the evenr that a conflict dues exis*_ �he special conditions as enur�erated herein shall apply. 15. The right of way of Imperial Av�nue sYaall be seventy-four (74) f eet, as shown on the approved Tentative M�p. It is understood , that there will be no object�on to "No .Stopp:ing ar Parlcing" regulations. 16. Boul.e•,rard trees sha11 be planted and maintained within lot bour.dari.es, in r_cnfor•nance with the City's tree planting prograra. 17. Front �ards shall be landscaped, except for necessar;� driveways. Thn industrial area shall be separated from adjacent areas zoned residential or so indicated in the General Plan by a si:c (6) foot hioh mason_ry wall o:. other physical and visual barrier, plus trees ar other screening; ttiese �onditions to be effected to the satis- faction of the Archi.tectural and Site Approval Committee or as otherwise approved by the City Council. 18. Encugh space shall be left in front of ;ara�e doors or gates to accammodate the largest trucks (including tr.aiZers) that normally serve a lot, without blocking any part of the public right of way. 19. Industrial ac*ivities ?n the open, including loading, unloading axid parking of delivery vehicles, shall be loca*ed in the rear of the lot. Back yard an� front yard shall be separated by the main buildings or by a wall or other visual barrier extending over the entire width of the lot, except for dr.3.veways or gateways of neces- sary width. -1-