Reso 1097 7_4 -'t'M- 7 2
s:LSOLU'iION NO. i097
OF 'CHI? YLAi•�;:ti'IN1 C���i1��IISSTUN 0�� 'i'lil; C�ITY Ji� CLPERTINO
fit�:CG�i.�iI�.i�f)7:NG TI1i? �PI'1�O�l��T_, OJ�' �'l ti:ntaCive map to
di�ide 2.3�} acres int:n s�x �iu�_�,ic��-f�amily re5ideni�ia�i
1_ots .
APYLI�ANT: �):it?-�Cr_ane
LinDRESa: <29S D�� L�? C�uz ?�oulc:vard, Santa Clara, California
S1,1]3;�I f Z'TEll : .July 21_ � 197:?
LO�liT:[Gi'V: Nort;�t�est corner of. tlte in}�rsecti��rr of C7.a_rkston Avenue
a-nd T'lintshire llr.ive.
zoz`� : x1�7 . 5
AC�:EAGI�; : 2 . 3T
1-14. 5tandard C��ndition�
15. The building and site designs for Lots One �,_�� S�x sh�11 make pro��i.sion
f:or tur_n around space for emergency veiiic�es and additional space ier
two uf_f-street parkin� spa_ces wiiich would not be blocked by driveway
The City Traffic Lngineer shall eval.uate and approve buiiciing plans
prior to issuance of a builcling permit .
Condition 1.5 shall be .recorded on the dneds for Lots One and Six as
a deed cover;ani,
16. All sp�cimen trees (noii fruit trees over 15 feet in hE:i�ht} sha11 be
accurately placed on a map to be included in :-he improvement plans.
No tre� sh�.11 be xemoved unless apprc�ved by t:t.e :��or ot Plann�ng.
11. The sY.ructure located. on the proper.ty line separating Lots 5 and 6
shal.l be removed prior tc issuance of a buil.ding permit for Lot 6.
A covenant s�iall �e .recorded as a part cf the deed so as t� infonn
prospective lot purchasers of the requirement.