Reso 1085 1_ ;_-T�T--7 2,
�)F THE PLANNING CUT;:�;7:SSIOiv Uf_'' Tiil; CITY OF l':UPERTIi�10.
RF.,C0�1�`1ENDING TI1P APi P..OVAL OF a tentative rnap to
div�de 3.4 acres inte fifteen (15) single-famil.y
lots plus one lot to be helcl in common ownership.
AYPLI:CANT: rlay Investr.lent Company •
ADDRi:SS : 162/ Holleiibeck Road
SUBMITTED: Jurie 5, 1972
LOCATIO;�: Soutnwest cornir of the i.nte.r.section of Rae Lane and
i� Road
ZONE: R1_C--7.5 (Resiclei:t..�..a1, S:i_n�le-family cluster, 7,500 sq. ft.
per dwelling ur_i.t)
ACP.EAGE : 3 . 4
1-14. Standard Conditions to the extent Lhat they do i�ot con�lict with
the special conditi.ons enumer.ared herein. Ii� ttie ev�nt a con-
� flict does exist, the s�ecial cor_d.i_tions as enumerated herein
shal_1_ a�ply.
15. The pavement, curbs, �utters and srorm,drains of the �r.ivate
stree�. �hal1 be const�-ucted to tl_�e sLaridard of Ci t.}T street�,
subject to the approval of the City Engineer., excep� that the
City Fngineer may permit nodificatic�ns r�commendec� by a 7_icensed
engineer and subject to Cit}T inspectic�n.
16. The private street and the major wa]_ktaays shall be lighted to an
intersity according to good engineering practices and standards
for the purposes intended; the type and ]_ocation of electroliers
subject to approval by the Architectural and Site Approval Com-
17. Pr.ior to recor.dat of the parcel map, the appli.cant shall.
enter into an agreement witih the City, requiring participatior_ ,
by the appl_icant in a Local. Improvement. Di.strict at such time
as said District is formed. In the event the a�plicant desires
to develop the suuject property pr.i.or �o initiation of a Local
Improvenient District, the applicant shal7_ make the necessary
off-site improver�ents so as to fully improve the intersection
of Rae T ane and NlcClellan Road and provide a 40-foot imp�-oved
str.eet cross-section consisting of one par•ki_ng laue and t��ao
travel lanes to the sout�ierly property l.ine and Z�1cClellan Road
18. Approval. �L tentative iaap is �;ranted f.or the larid desc•ribed
in the and any at�t��chrients L��ereto, and as sho��Tn
on the plot plan submiLt���l l.aoeled "Exhibit A- lst Kevision".
19. The street cross-section for rlcClellan l.oad as described on
Exhibit. A- lst Revision is noi: approved. The st:reet section