Reso 1079 10-7-7?_ 12ESOI�U`1'IU,d N0. 10i9 Ol' THT'� r1.AT;i`17:NC C0�'1�iI�SIOid OE , 1'11}: CTiY UF CUPFRTTI�IO R1:C0`ii�ENDINt� THI: E�PI'ROV?1L 01� a ref�uc:7t tio rezone 11.7.-l- aci'es frorn l:l--i0 (I:E�s.i.derttial, �in�;le-fam�ly, 10, 000 sqLar-e f �:�t per e?��e1. 7.iilg unit) , 7. 7-'- acres fr.om R3-2.2 (lZe��_decLti.<<l, ��l�.�l.t:;p�_r� corlv�nt��on.a1., ?_, 2CJU sqiiare feet: per d���e� 7 i�ig unit) ,�. 5± acres fro;ll `SI, (T.,i�ht Inc�ust:r. i.:i1.) , ru�a7 ing 21..��-�_ acres to be zoned P(Pla�:r.��c� lievelopment: ���it��i cor.�inercial. and li_gtit ii�dustri<tl itltent j. APPT ICA�;T: J:�septi F. I>rc}� ADDR�;SS: 103v� N. Saratoga-Sunnyva]_e Road, Cupertino, Californi.a 95014 SUl>!•1TTTED: rlay 19, 1972 LUCA`1'IOP�: F.aste�ly of aiid adjacent to 5aratoga-Sunnyvale P.oad appr.o�iimately 800 feet north of i�he int�7'section oi= l�lves Drive and Saratoz a- 5un2�.yva.le Road. � 'I.Oi�L: R�--1_0 (Residenr_ial , Si_n�le-family, l.`v,000 sq. ft. per clwellin� unit) R3-2.? (P.esidr�rtial, Multi.��1e convei�tion«l, 2,200 square fe�t � per c�wellin�; unit.) � ML (Light Indust.riaJ_) � ACP.F't1GE : 21. 4-+• CONDITIONS ANll FURTHER FlI�DINGS: 1-7.4. Standard Condit�on:� to the e.�;tent th�t. they cio n�t confli.ct with the special conditions eniimer_ated her.ein. In the evert a cbn- f_lict uoes e�ist, t.he specia7. conditio�zs as enu.n2rated herei.n shall apply. 15. The zoninh approval is gran�ed for the lar,.d as described in the application and attachments thereto, labeJ_ed E�hibit A, ]_C-Z-72. 16. The zoning; ap�roval is granted based upon the site plan I.abeled Exhibit B, lst Revisi.on, 10-'L-72, and the descri_ptien of uses as contair_ed in the document label�d E�hihit C, 10-7..-72. If a. pronosed devel.opment is �'etermined t=o be a. substantial departur� � rorn that described i.n I:xtlibit B, lst Revisi.on, and C by the �'lanna.ng l�irector., a re�,7ised rnaster pl_an shall be submittF�d to t11e YlarLning Commission and Cit:y Councii i:or public he�r.in�;. The master plan revisior, can be submitted cancurr.ently witki the application for use permit. . 17. The propased secti.an for the north/south coll ector st.ret�t labeled "Proposed Street" sliall. provide for a landscape.d mediaii. ' 18. A 25-fooi: l�Lndsc<.ipc�ci ruf:fer s�r..ip shall ue m�i_utaine�i on ttie soutli and iaest property lines adjac.ent to residentially-zor_eci propertiy. - 2- City uf Cupertino Cali�oxnia ' RESGLliT?OiJ OF TI?I�� �'I.Aiti^bT11� CU�I�1Z.";SION OF llIl: CITY QF Clil?ERTINO RECOi�L�1I�IV`D- IN:� THE GP.��IVTING OF A 1ONE CHANGE [1tI�:�ti:AS �_l;e attached application has been submi_tred to th� City of i;upertino x�enue.sti.ng a change oi zone in the zoning regulations of the Cit; , as stated on Page 2; a:id - WIiEP.EAS the Pla�lnin� Co,nmissi-�n has ]leld at Ie�st one publ_�_c hearing :�n regard to the appli_cation c.�ti the date as noted on said application; and � WIi�'kEAS the �'lanning Com�n�ission h:�s duly considered and lieard �11 eviderice submitr_ed in rE��ar_d to said application; and �,��E?Zi:AS the necessar_y puUiic notices have been given as required by the Zoning Ordir_anc�_ of the City of Cupertino; r10Ld, THEREFGRF;, BE IT RESOL�:%ED: Thnt the Ylanning Coitimi_ssion finds that �he p;-oposed �one change: a) Enrc�urages the mast appropriate use of .laizd, b) Conserves ancl stabilizes the value of prcperty, c j P�-UVides ��r adeqtiate opeii space5 f_or light and air, d) r'er�ai�s aciequaie control of fires, =�> Yr_o;notes *he hea]_th�, saif�ty anc� p,zulic �oelfare, �l Pro-✓:�des f_er the orde�ly d�velopmF:ni of the C;ity, �) �:s advanta�;ecus to tti� property and :i..ruprovemen.ts ir. the roning d i.s trict ar.d �.eighbnrhoocf in wt� ici� t}Ze prc,g�r_� �;� is loc��t��d . J'�:3t: : c11_CI i� lar.n:i.rg �O�il.T1liSSlOP_ t_hcre tOY'E� 7='E�T70i �S -E �VO%LlL)l�r Y_�^, t"�lE'_ Llt..�� C;,:�tzncil i_n Lh� matt�r or grant-ing saici zon? Ci1<3I7bE' _�._.