Reso 1077 City oF Cup��rtino Cali.�oxnia RLSOLUTION 0� TiIE k'[_1'�NNING C():"1�17SSTON OI� T�IE CI'�Y �I' CIJP�,RTINO RI?�0^1MENB- ING 'THE G1Z'1NTING OI' !1 IONE CHANGE WFIETZ�,AS the ,attached appli.ca�ion has Ueen submitted �o Che Ci.ty of Cupertino requestii�� a chang� of zone in the zc�ning r-eL;ulations of the City, as stated o� �'age 2; and WHFRE!�S tlze Planning Commission has held at least one public hearing in regard to �he application ori the date �s noted on sa:id applic.ation; and kTHEnEAS the Pl<�nning Commission has duly considered and heard all evidence submitted in reg=�rd to said apFlicaLion; and [ti the ne�essar5� public notice5 iiave been gi.ven as required by the Zo�iii�g Ordinance of the Ci.ty of_ Ci.ipertino; NO[J, THTREFORI�, BE IT RESQLVED: That the Planning Commission f�iu3s tliat the proposed z<�ne change: a) Ericoura�es the r:3ost appr��j�riat� tise of land, b) Conserves a.ic? stabilir�:� the v<�l��e of property, c) Yrovi_des for adequa�.e open spaces �or light and air, d) Perm.its ade�uate cor:trol of f ir. es, e) Promotes the heal_th, safety and public we_lfare, f) Provides �or. the crderl.y developnlent of the City, g) Cs advurit;:i;ecus t� r_��f� proper•ty ai�d impro°�emei�t � in the zuning district anc; nei�;hborliood in which t:he prc�pE�r�y is located� that saiu Flanning Comr�i.ssion, therefore, ��c�r�or..r_s favorably ta th� City Council in the matler o� graz.r_i_n.g said zc;�:�� chan�e. _1_