Reso 1063 City of C;upertino �',a11�01"I1; �� RESOT,UTION OF T�IE �'LI�TvNING C();�`;�IISSION 0}'' Tfll? CITY OF CUPERTIN� RECOi1i'�1ETIll-- IN� THI.. GIZI�i1TIi�?G OI� A ZONE CHANGE C the at.tac.hed ap�7l.ication tias been submi_tted to �he City oi �upertino request_i.ng a c}�� n„e of 7one in tt�e zonir.ig regulations of the City, as stated on Pa�e Z; �nd �1�HF�RF_,AS tl Planning Cor:���i�.ssion 11as tietd at least one publ.ic hea7-ir.g in reg<.rd to the aprli�:atioi� on the date as iiotecl on said applicaLion; and WIIi?�:'r'.�1S the Plann:i.n� Commissi.on lias duly conside.rec3 and heard aJ I evidence st�bTi:i.tt�d in re;ar.d to said appl_i.cati.an; and ��?�iLKEAS �r�e lzecessa�:5* pt�Y�l.ic not-ices have beeri �iven �s required by the Zorzing Uruinarice of ttie City of Ctipertino; NQW, THERE�ORE, �E IT RESULVED: That the Planning Commission finds that the proposed zone chanbe:: a) Encourages the most appropriate u��e of 1_and, b} Conserve::> and stabilizes the value o� pr.operty, c) Provides �or ad�qt.iate open spaces for li.�;hi and air, d) PerMits adequate control of fires, e) Promotes the ;:ie.a7.th, sa�ety and public welfare, f) Provides f.or the orderly developr.ient of the City, g) Is ad to the pr.operty and impro•��ements i.n tl�e roning district and neigliborhood i.n whi.ch th� property is located. That said Planning Ca�.mission, therefore, reports favorably to the City Cou�zcil in the mattel of grant7.ng said zoile char.ge. -1-