Reso 1018 Ci.l)• �f Ct�j n� � (:1� l f!))'Ill.�l RI:SOI�U7 T.U:� U1' 'Clii: '.'1,�,:,:;7.`;C CU:'`II:;��1U:: 01' '1'lll: CITY Ql�' CIiJ'1:1;1'7;;0 I:1�,CU:�f:•I1::;J)I;:C 7'11L•' G:'.1`.:i'1'I;:(: OI•' �1 'l.O:;i: (;1;:�,:c;i�: � �•IllElt}:��5 t►��e at:t��ci�ed ��,>�J �r,:lti.�n hzs l�c•en suL�nitted to the City of �uperL�nc> r��c�uc::t:�n�; <� c_h��r�F;c� of •r.�nc in the zonin�; rc�ul.ations c�f the Ca.ty, as sCaled on 1'��;c 2; ,�i�cl Wlll:}:I;�'1 � tl:c• P]:�»;�i.n ; Ca,;.missi.azl has hc?cl a� lea�t one public he�rir ; ,' in re�;�:rd �a tl�e �pPl_i.c�iti.on oi1 the date a:� i�oLed o;i sa�.cl appli.cation; and �•'H!:P�];:�S tl�e Ylr.rliu_n�; Co�,:r.;i.�:;icn has du1�� considcrcd and hc:ar:l all evidence su1�:�it.ted ),I1 r.e�ard to saicl api�Jicr:C�.on; a�1d t�}IEI:I�.�S the necr.ssary pt�t�]ic notices l�ave been F;i.ven as required by the 'Lonin� C�rdi.nance af the CzC�� or Cuperta.no; . - - ' 1�`0;•1 1'IiE:;LF01�?:, I�:: IT P.}:SOT�VLD: . Tltat thc P1anilinb Co�:::�ission i:inds that the pro�osed zo:ze char.be : a) F.ncour.a�es L��e rr�ost appi'opriaLe i�se oi la��d, b) Coi.serves and stab�_lizes the valu� or pro��c�rt}•, c) Yrovid�s for adequate opeii spacE�s for li�,i�t: anci air, d) Pc:rnits adequate control or fires, • .• . �) Pror�otes t}Ze health, safety and pt�bli.c c,�elfare, f) Provides for ttle orderly develop:�ent of the City, g) Is advanta�eous to the pronertv and ir.iprovencnts i:l ti:e zon�..^., distri.ct and neighborhood in �•�hicr: the prop�,rty is located Thal: said Plant�in� Commission, t}ierefore, reports iavorabl�� to �he Cit}� Couc;cil • . itt the m�tter of granLi;.g said zone chan�e. . . «�_