PC 12-28-72 �
� 7:TY OF CUPF-.�7'?.I';0 . S'1'�'•,TI: Oi� CAI�IF�JR�1�.11 � l'C-81
10�00 7'orr� t3vcriue, Cu;�e�:�t� r.o, C�1_i, ornia ± Pa.,;e �.
Tel.epi:one : 252-4505 �
T1Ii��U1F:S OF T_'til: P�E�;=Ui:C,R ?�'tEI?'I'IivG OF `I'ili:: Pi.:!1idNlivG COi'i:�;1_>SION (
rIFLli Uiv Di:CF,:•1i�L;K 23, 1°�2 J::�I '� ;;;': C�_)`�:V�;1i� Ciill.�t �L.P., CITY HE�LL �
CUPERT7:iv0, C�I.1�t��OR?�IIA �
. j
SALUT�� TO THE rLr��= �
2�1`12 'i)E'['tlllo ,:..'il�� (��±� �:�C.? `0 '�:"CjF'�' 11�7 �; 1:� ':i.:ti:f'?l::i rl :':Atli t�72 �
52llltE.' �O t }2�'_ 1' ia,•^..,. �
° � ,
Cor�.-:� . present : Ada�-�s , Gatto 5 ::ellis , 0'Keef e, Cha�.r;n�n Buthenuth �
Comm.. absent : i;ol�e j
Staif pres°nt:: Director of I'lannir.g and Deveie�;.�ent S� sk �
�S�'_Si�2.11l= C1i j' 1�.L".tOY71E:�J j �'�-]-�-
�iS�;OC11tE. �I.�.1:1E?Y 1�311T1IZ �
Associ_ate �i�lar;i�r C�+,.a�. i
Associate En�; �neer tahitten
Ueputy C:i_ty ��t*�or.zey l:i]_li_ar. �
APPROVEII� 0� �•4INUlES : Regular Adj aur��ed ?��eetir.g Decer�o�r 7, ?-972j
P.egul_a1- �te:�tixi�; ]?ece�ber 11 , _1972 �
?�Ioved by Co�.m. Acl�?_zs, _nc�nded by Co;,;m. 0'k`efe to contir�ue t�ie ± L=��. 7� �1
app�-ova7_ of tile i-linutes of tiie Dece_��ber 7 and 11 , 1972 �cetiii�s :1 �:��i*_e== �,�:�� :.-.>�=.
to tt�� ne�:t regular tiieetino. contin��; <.
�iotion carried, S-0
� f
posT�o:vr�����TS, F>t�. i
Tne Pla�znina I)irector said represe.ztatives of applic2ti_ons i •
20-Z-63, 21-Z--6� (Vall.co Par?c, Ltcl.); 19--U-72 (Na�-ede1_ of Cali_fcrni�a,
Inc. )/ and 21_-U--72 (Pa.ul Tlarian�_, Jr .) �ai; hed Lc� postpone their ;
iiearings wit:il. Apr��_1 23, 1973. Tties° properties have be�n included';
i_n tiie Inter?rl Cor��n�rcial. 7..onin; Dlst eri:ich rer::ains in e.�=fect j
until April ]_8, 1973. The staif taill readvertise the hearin��.
PC-81 �SINL'TES Or T�I� D�;CI�S�:I3ER 25, ]_?72 PLAVNI���, CO�ufISS:I:ON �1EETING
Page 2
20--Z-o3 & �Ioved by 4omm. i1e].1_is , seconcled by Co�:�: ,. !'tda�r,s t:iat applicaLions
21-7.-63 20-Z-63 and 21--7-63 t�e re�ioved f:.�om ti?e ca]_encaar. , to be conti_nued
continued ta to tl�e April 23, 1973, Planni_n� C�mmissi_on meetiizk:, a��d to be
4%23/73 re-advertised by tlie staff.
ri�tiozl carriecl, 5--0
ly-L'-72 �T�v�d by C�r:;�. �;��llis, seconded b;� Co� .�n. Adarns th«t <�p;�lication
co-:tinueci to 1.3-U�-77_ oe removed fro:� Che caler.lar, to be contir��uF_d to tiie
4/23/73 April 23, 1973, Pl.a�inin� Cor�,�:�i�siozi :::e��t:ir��;, aiid to be re-ad.vertised
by the staff .
�Iotion carried, 5-0
�i-U-72 � rlove.d by Cor�m. �Ie11is, seconcied by Com:.^.. Adar:�� t;�at a:nlicat ion
cen+� � nueu to 21--U�-72 be rr�r.io��ed from the cal�ndar, ro i�<, conti.s..u.�d to tl�e
4!23/73 ( Apr�l 'l3 , 1973 , Pla;:n;ng Cor��ru_is:: <on r:�eetin� , ar_d to Le r_ e-advert i��d
, by t::�e staff .
�otion carrie�l, 5-0
�`�'kiT'�Eti �O:��IUivICATiONS --- There �aere none.
I '
i OR<'1L CO��i1UNIC��'1'IQtiS --- TiierES =..?ere none.
� PU�.�r TC HEARiN'=S :
�l. CITY OF CI?P�.RTIi�O: i'1�b:1ic �Iearir_;7 to con..ide.r t:�e land u:;� 2i.��ent
o� t:'�e 1 964 �eneral. pl<�n and cons i der a...•`nd;:�,�r� cs tneret:o .
LTl�)iSt �.i:1i? i�.L�.1ri� Cl� ]�'_;"2Cf�OY 5�11.Ci 111i0Y;13t10I1 t�� �2 COCI;� �_Cii.�2"£?C� _�_ri tllE: .Ia,1C� US°
fortiico�}i.�g elc,��enr_ is `tzl..t tortizcomin� fro,� t:t�� iii:l_1:,_id�� Co;�..ni_tt�::.
T�� r, � � 7 ,� ..> > - - . .
JC�1-C._2t1_C _t.�inS � t1:;SCClc t2 t 1.c.T111E.1" �allT117 �'�iVE? � Tt,YPSE?1?f�3�.!_C)Il. � 11S1.I1.;? iCi.E?:?�1t]_C Tnay S f OT�
tUr ��3YlC � foL�r �.�OL�:lla1.:.LOCl Cl'�I1Slty 3�tEY'Tl._3.r1J� ; , `i'ilE'�e ?`?�i;"� ::1:_C! iiCt S�10iJ �Cttl�l.l_
�OC3t1.Ui1:� Ft IOC�7.��.lOPiS Of t.Y�>�OJC?(_� i�c1Y�� "1tC-':� 5 `Uill� Icl1=ii::L u;�:iCO:{;.Il?3�2 iC!C3L:L��i1:>. 1j�.
ifE�':UE;11Cj' `.�..11Ci C•7E'_ Cvll�_ atY_E_'.Pi�t t0 F;E:t. �:Cil!T' CO?'_'`lUI'.;..i_y _iY:C;.. 1i�� �0�31 '.:'_ tC^,'O F�CrP_c
Ot COii11:1llI11ty �`,3r'�tS rE.Y OTl� �.i1()11�i �?lil '70I?lll���:i^il :3Ti:� (::;n 3i?Ci OIl('_ IZ?3 �.� aCTF';�
Oi I1�1�;t1�10T'�lOOC� 'P�.lY'':�S pE�l" OZ1F C�1;�L1SFillc� i%C���L'1<�L'_�[l� 1?i'_ Sc11_C.� �i1e' Cif_IL� t.ty
O:F 3"Cl �Y'P_3 G1C��CL'_S S�:YV]_CE�S I`.F_?E'_C{�Cl I.ri L_1.1t 21'AB.. �It �1�5 1ri�3�E� a St11C1���
� ITl CnGl�c'Y�St1�JT1 G�]_til L(7P '�iCil00�. iiC<IL"C��� 2.:� �:J i.�lE? B.Ili_:�CG1T`c3ttC1 SC'.:001 y
� �
Page 3
. Coznm. Nellis offered to arrange a presentation for tne Planning Retention of
Comr,iission in regard to retaining agricultural la:zds. agricultural
At the next neeti.ng, Corun. Nellis would like the sta£f to present Use �Iap
a stricrly "use rtag", �•iith a11 vacant propert�� coded, requested.
Moved by Comm. Gatto, se.conded by Com�~i. Adar.ts to continue the Land Use ele_.en
land use elersent ��ublic hearing to January 8, 1973. continued
Moti.on carried, S-0
2. Amendment to Planned Deveiopment zor_ing ordinances 255 and 25
(applications 20-'L-63 and 21-Z-63): VA?LCO PARK�, �TD., re- �
quest to ar.iend the rnost currently argroved land use maps to
change the designation of t�aenty-three (23) acres ]_ocated at
the southeast quadrant of Interstate Route 280 and ttiTOlf_e Road
from light industrial to comr:iercial and professional office
use, and the designation of nine (9) acres of co..�mercial and
� eleven (11) acres of professional o�fice ar.d related light
industrial uses located wit:�in the southeast quadrant of
Interstate 280 and Pruneridge Aver�ue to a co*.;bined twenty (20)
acre co�.mercial/pr�fessi.onal office/li�ht industrial use. 20-Z-63 and
Fi.rst Hearin� continued. 21-Z-53
postpo:�ed to'
The above matter �vas postponed at the beginning of this r.meeting. April 23, 19%3
3. Application 19-Z-72 of STEPHEN GAZ'LERA, JR. , for rezoni.ng
approximately .14+ acre frori R1-10 (Residential, single-faMil ,
10,000 sq, ft. per dt•�el.ling unit) and ap�roYimately .36+ acre
f rom R3-2 . 2 (Residential , r.iult ipl.e , 2, 200 sq , f t. per dc��ellin
unit) to CG (General Cor.zmercial). Said property is located
approximately 170 feet southerly of Stevens Creek 31vd. and
approximately 200 feet easterly of Blaney Avenue.
First Hearing continued.
The Planning Director said t:zis �aas the request to increase off Restaurant want
street parking for the existing restaurant facility. It caas con- to expard exis�
tinued frori the last meeting. The City Attorney noted there is a ing parnin� lot
building in the center of tne proposed garking lot. Associate
Planner Cowan said it �aill be used for storage purpases by the
restaurant and the traffic pattern will be designed around it.
Mr. Gazzera, the applicant, said �t is i�nmaterial to him whether o
not this building remain. Commissioner Adams asked, if the structur
were removed, whether we could achieve the required number of
parking spaces without going so close to the adjacent residential
I'C-3:. �IIi?U'1E5 OI� TIiE T)f:CE.^�ER ?_�3, 1972, PLAL+i�1.LNG COi1I`tISSION i�i:ETING
Y��ge 4
,�� pla:is for Comr�. Gatto notcd that, tileoreticall}�, i_f the property �aere zoned
de:-io1 isilin� conme.rcial and it it should change 'r�rnds and the buil.dings torn down,
restaurant a ne�a co?rmerci_� 1 t�uilding cortld �e �u.ilt �•rit�z�:z 2�J fe�t of tile property
i�u':_IdiT�g line.. �Ir. Gazzera saicl tl.<.t if the rezonin� is ��ra�lted, he intends
to comply T,rith any reasona��le reque:-t ov t�1e C�ty. �Ie does not conte;::-
rlate, under any circumc:t�n�e� , der�o_Li��iinz tlie r�staurant .
�;o �iecemeal rir. V;c Lervin, 10109 .1�110 Place, sa.Ld 'r:e d�d ner_ u:zderstand �;hy this
d�velopr.�ent prop�rty is bei�lg consider.�d ior s�parar_e zon�ng at tize rY'E�'yC'Ijt tir:e.
-�;a: ted His residential �ro�erty is d�rectl} LpL :ind tne restaurant, a_�d h�
' d�es not c,lant to see a piece:-�eal dPVeleoiner.t ,
Co�,.::�erci_al �ir. Gi�l Gross , 10118 �Se]_lo i lace ,,aas concerned i� th` land is rezoned
penetrat:ing and a parking lot built, it wi:Ll represent genetration of a cor�mercial
residei.t�_al use izito a resident�_al area. He also ielt t_'tlere could 'oe ��
area cancerning ligl�t.:7_ng and traff ic .
H-Contro.l. Com..�. 0'lcee� hr.ought up tiie fact t;iat this is a lai_dl.oc�ced piuce of
1e".i2'' pronertv. t�e asked �f the res�dents ;,iould objec� to t:�e proposed
Y2Q�'1L'E'_Cl ll�t lf ttlE,'y CoTEY'�_' �1VEr'Tl tile �Y'OpE'Y i�Uff t-'_T'1R? �3ilCj `Jf(��P.C�lOi:, i`2 . �sYOS�
?�'3i1tE'_�.� t0 �:?70?'J ��'115� c�SSllr3.�CE' tZE'. T�S �C�('Tlt� "':'OLll.(1 [].�V'c.' til$i�. t�11S ��rould
occu1. I�e �•ras a:;sur��d this �aould be r.�vie�.eu b�� tile Arci1_i.tectural and
Site Approval Conunitte� .
lip�rad_i7; o` �1r. ��azzera ans?��ered Co?�r�. u<�tto t'zat ti;ere �_ire a;�pro�.;?�,la.?:ety 25
bu;_1d?_;.g anci uarking spaces now. If t=l�_.� appl�.cation is approv�d, se��.nral of th�.
��-ou���.is e��isting spaces saill '�e delet��d and a 1���Ld�ca�e�=d, l.irhted ar�-�a �
'�123?lil�'CI ��� C't"23t?Ci cl:: �::;11 SS SOTilE3 T�CE.'�_i_{=t_i_II'-; Cl(:)Tl° t.0 t:': J1:1..�_C�l..I1�=;. Z��liS 'J1�.1_
QE'_1.�'te 3(�011� 5�I�YtC1T1� Sll3CE'�, I':1P_ t�ll'_ICj.11.1,-^, 1� �' SaL?3L�' :��'�'t.
L �;:'� C•.'OU1C� I l�iCE'_ �C SCiC� �l� ' S�cC�:S. `L}l:'1T , .�"�:1tIi1,� C<1Pc.0 ���'
is 167.
�i2Il�cit'1VE�' �1<�� ��.C:'li:i. i�211.15 L tiia� 1T7 t�i�_S C3�E.' lt 'y�,'OUiCi :�°E'it C�?1.52 t0 ii3VE,' ti1-�'
c'� �TE.':?tcLL:LV�'- Llap �l?�3�iC3t:i.0i1 Y1111 CO21CL11`Yc' �.:�_tt1 �i13 'LOL11I7� � %35 �18� b�E'_II
sll:� uld be done in many previous cases .
reviz,�ed no.,%
`�Sov:�l by Co:nm. Gatto, seconded by Cor.,.i. Nei1�s to close the }'u�_lic
Pu:�l � c tIearin� �Iea.rin�s .
Ttotion carried, S-0
�_�_nni_i`, Cor.lm. T�.e Assiscant CiCy Attorn.ev �ns„Tereu :,o:u?. G��tt� th<tt yo�� c��nnot c��ndi_tCon
Cr1i1 iCa{E Z011J_ri�. � � 1:'LiE' 1`�7_211111 �i14; CQIl?;'ii_LS��1C)Tl C�l � I"ECO?i�il1GI1C� LO Ctl�' L�CC�11�E_Ct_i1L31
recc�^�.:��.er_dati.ons and 5ite t\pproval. Co:<<mit:tee. certaiii co::ciit�on� or. f.ictors they f-�e1 shou].d
Lo ?1--Cont.r.ol be taicen into cciisideratio��.
Page 5
Comm. Gatto said he feels that the ordinance require�ent of a 6'
masonry wall bet��een comr.tercial and rE�sidential property is not
aleaays the most appealing thin�, and t:iere may be other, more
desirable neans of buffering.
� Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Com�. 0'Keefe to recommend to 19-Z-72
the City Council approval of application 19-Z-72. approved
AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth
�iU�:S: Comm. Nellis
Motion carried, 4-1
Moved b}� Conun. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Ada�as to reco:nmend to t}ie TMI Ord�r tc
Arc:�itectural and �ite Approval Cor_u:iittee that a distance of 30` H-Ccntrol
be established as the setback along the south property line on
which no parking or movement of any sort snall take place; it
will be strictly a la�dscaped, buffer zone. This wi_11 i�..prove the
protection of the residential properties fror.i t'�e noise and light-
ing fro:n the co�,�^�rcia3_ property.
AYES : Comm. Ada�s , Gatto , 0`Keefe, Cna�r�arL 3uthenuth
NOES: Comm. Nellis �
Motion carried, 4-1
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adams that the Planning Rationale fer
Commission of the City of Cupertino is informing the existing and/ rezoning
or any future owner of Assessor Parcel No. 371-8-17 that the�re-
commendation for a change of zone for said property f_rom R1-10 and
R3-2.2 to CG is predicated on the property being used as an off- ,
street parking area. If the property is proje�ted for some use
otner than the expansion of off-street parking facilities, a publi
hearing may be scheduled to rezone the property to a use as tnay be
determined by the Planning Co�ission and City Council. The purpo
of this minute order is to ensure that the prooerty owner and/or
future property owner is a�aare of the rationale of the rezoning
approval, if granted. The H-Control. Cor.ur�ittee �aill review the sit
to ensure that the parking lot expansion �vill be co�^,patible to �
residential properties to the south of the property involved.
Particular attention will be given to lighting and landscaped
Pa;e 6
AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Cnairman Buthenuth
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
4. Application 19-U-72 of NAREDEL OF CALIFORNIA, INC., for use permit
to construct a market, drug store, and otner retail shops �aithin a
P(Planned DevelopMent raitn cor.imercial intent) zone. Said property
. is located in the nortizcaest quadrant o� the intersection of Stelling
Road and Stevens Creek Blvd. First Iiearing continued.
19-L?-i 2 cont `d
to �+/23i73 At the�beginning of this meeting, tnis application was ta�en off calendar
�and ��ill be readvertised for the meetin� of April 23, 1973.
5. Applications 21-TM-72 and o-V-72 of R. CALI & BRO. for
(1) Tentative ATap combining tnree parcels into a single 7+ acre parcel;
(2) Variance to reduce the required number of otf-street parking
stalls for a proposed shonpino center from 417 to 374. Sa�_d property
is in a CG (General Con:mercial) zone and is located at the north�aest
corner of the intersection of Saratoga-Sunnyvale RQad and T�cClellan
Road. First Hearing.
The proposal. The Pla.�ning Director referred to t�e staff report of_ Dece-�aer 22, 1972,
on tnis r�atter. This prop�rtS• nas haa co^:mercial zor.ing since 1962,
ar�d is oiLe of tne properties that ha�ae Uee-_ exclizded fro� the interim
zozi�ng regulation. The applicant's current tentative r.�a� request is to
eliminate all interi_or lines within the 7.1�. acre property and to
abandon the cul-de-sac dedication. Col_ored slides of t:ze site were
sizo;on. The site plan has been revie�:Ted by the Architectural a�zd Site
Approval Committee.
Fedestria�i C:�airman Buthenutn asked Ttihat will hapoe� at the terr�ination of Terry
traff_ic only i�'ay. The Associate �ngineer said the Public �Jorks Department has not
tro;n Terry 4�y. Made a def inite decision on tnis ; hotaever, it �,�ill be either a mod�£ied
cul-de-sac or a landscaped area. There ��Jill be a pedestrial acces�
fr�� Terry ,Jay. Direct ptih7_ic access from Ter.ry ��1ay i_s ;�ro.ii_b�ted to
prevent truck traffic on tizat street.
�eve_loUer`s Mr. Robert D. ;,Tizittet, 19991 Eraemar Drive, Saratoga, representing
state::ents Newman Properties, said they �aould be :�appy to provide ei�her r_he
mini�ur.l cul-de-sac or landscaped area. Ti�e developer agrees it �aould
be best to keep the commercial Lraff_ic off the resideni.ial street.
Page 7
Tir. ;�hittet said the prir:iar.;� reasan for requesting putting less Extra
tha.z Lhe requ pa.r�:in� spac�s in is so tizat tnc�y can provide l�ndscapin�
extra landscapin�. They could have pr_ovided 25 e�tra parka.n� space�
but tney feel tiie proposed plan is mor_e in k�epin� with t�e
cor�nunity. The Flanning Directo ansf,-�re1 Co�:�m. Gatto that the
si�op�ing center people ��i1i be res�onsib.le for ma�ntenance of the
cu]_-de-sac/]_andscaped ar�a. T�Zere follo�:�ed considerabie discussion�
on th� justificaLion for the recluction of the number of parking
Co�nrn. 0`Keefe f_e]_t the isolated parl�ir.g at the rear af the building
adjacent to residential property could crzat� some nrob�e�:�s. Discussior cn
t1r. t�Jhittet said their purpose is to hide as r.ucii of ti�e pa�king par'�in�
as possible. The isolated parkin�; is primari�;� f:or eMployee
parking, to keep them fror.� parking along �1cC)_�17.an Road. �
Chairrnan Buth E'L1U� h asked for com.*nents from t:he au;lience.
�1r. Don Bar_d1.e��, 20014 Sout � Highc��ay 9, Ctipertino, �•.ondered �•-hy Lac<<� of sec��:_a--
the immediate corner of HighTaa�� 5 and i�ic� 1el.ia;: is e�>cluded rro-�� ary arter� ais
th�� tentative m.ap on t;�es� t:�ree parcels e 3e spo'�e to th� lac� of - �r� this eua_;ra�
secondary artcrials to th� �aj or roads in t�iis auadrant , hot:� �r.
east-�•.est and i:: nor�h-soutli direction�. T�is znclu�es t7z
prcpert} fro.,. Stevens Cr.eeic Blvd to i�icClellan Road a�.d fron r�igh�aa}�
9 to Stellin, Road. �Ie �eeis there should be ;::ore access to the
com:r�ercial developr:ent, other tnan ju>t fro:r� :-i��Yi:•�ay 9 and fr�:a !
ricCleZlan Road. i
The Associate Engineer ans:aered the Chairman t�:at installation of ( Trafr�c si�;ral:
signals at Hi;hway 9 and P�1cClellan Road should begin around the in Februar5
fzrst week in Fei�ruary.
Juarlita �1cLaren, 221_Ol Li_ndy Lane, Cuoertino, said the H-Control' H-Control
Cor.�r.littee spent £our hours revie�ain� this arplication. She feels o� servat�o^s nc
that modification of Terry ,�Iay o�ould be much more desirable to conveyed to t::�
keep tne trucks, etc., off the resiuential streets in that area. Plar.nin�
She was sorry the H-Control observations were not conveyed to the Co�mission
Plannin� Corimission. •
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Co.�^l. Nellis, to close the Public Public :: E8r1::n
Hearing. M closad
Motion carried, 5-0
� .
Ya�e 8
21-T'i-72 i�ioved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Corir.i. Nellis, to recommend to the City
approved Council approval of application 21-TM-72, �aith the cul-de-sac area
��a/conditions within Parcel B to be recor.unended for abandonment; subject to the 14
standard conditions and condi�ion 15: The agplicant �hall make necessary
off-site improvements to provide for tne completion of Terry tday,
should the City Council determine, aft�r a public hearing, that tne
e�isting cul--de-sac for Terry T��ay should Ue abandoned.
Nlotion �aas amended by Comia. Nellis, seconded by C�nm. Gatto to include
ai.other condition that tnere be provision for pede�trian access along
Terry Way to the s�opping center.
?�Iotian was amended by Corun. Adams, seconded by Co�. Gatto to delete the
deferment of the underground utilities.
Vote on second amendment:
AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, O Chairman Buthenuth
NOES: None
Amendment carried, 5-0
Vote on first anendment:
AYES: Comri. Adarls, Gatto, Nellis, 0`Keet�, Chair�an 3uthenuth
NOES: None
A:--iendment carried, S-0
Vote on motion: �
AYES : Comm. Ada�ns , Gatto , Nellis , 0' �Ceef e, Chai r:-ian iuthenuth
�IOES : None •
Motion carried, 5-0
6-V•-72 Moved by Comm. Gatto , seconded by Cor�un. ilellis , to approve aprlication
a�aroved 6-V-72, subject to the condition that the variance request is an�roved
w/condition based upon the site and J_aildscaping plan filed in connection ;
Architectural and Site Approval Application HC-51,199.1, as ap�roved by
the C �ty Council.
AYES : Cor.un. Adams , Gatto, Nellis , 0`I:e�fe, Chaiz Buthenuth
NOF.S : None
Tlotion carried, 5-0
T-1INiiT;�S OF TH�1 DI�CF.:IuF'.R 28, )_972 PL[1��INJ_Nv CO.�tMI�SIOi; �.E�TING PC-81_
' ��� � �,
�iased on the iuimber of variance requ�s�.s in or1�r *_o increase tne Rev�e,a of ou.r
landscapi_ng, Com?�. Nellis feels a revie��� of our. present ordinances ordir�ances r.ee�1E
would be in order.
6. Application ?0 i1-72 0� Ttio.�as P-I. ai�d Cecelia A. i��alsr� for
usP perrait to �rovide continuous ca.r� o` o.ze elderly couFle
on a. 24-he�ir basis as licen�ed '�y Santa Clara County t�lel.tare
llepar_tment. Said proper.ty a_s located ia a R1-7.5 (Reside.ntial,
s�_n«le-far:ily. %.SU i sa. �t. per d:�ellin€, ur�it) aone,
�..ilLl (;�arks. on Aven:�� . k i.rst :�earing .
`The r,SSOC'�B�E: P12nner S� l� t�le Jrct� 1.S 1Tlt�?s'�3tcCj 111 t?"1E ^U�31 lt�' i!"lE pro�osal
of the care; the Count� Social ��rviccs Departr.er�t � as the resoc�r_-
sibil�:.ty• to enstire that p� fire clearanc�s are ebtalnQd, that
adequate i.nte?-ior and e�t2.rior s�ace is prov�.ded �nd t1_.at t��e
��'a�_sii's are q�ia � ir ied t pr. c�vide t:he care; and t::� C�_r_y � s rol� in
the use pernit proc.es> i� to eva�uat� the land us� i^�p3ct of th�
Ttiere were no co:;!,�ents from the audience on t:,is :a
:soved 'oy Comm.. vel:L�s, �PCOnded by Cc:�s=,. Adams to close tiie Public �:earin��
publ�c i�earir�g5 , ciosed
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comr:l. \e�1is, seconded by Co.-�J.n. Ada�ns t.o apurove 20-U-72
aprlicat�_on 20--U-72. appro
AYES : Com-n. A1ans, Gatto , Nell�s , 0`I:eefe, C'_:airman 3uther.uth
ivOES : None ,
Motion carried, 5-0
Chairr�an Buth�cnut called a recess at 9:37 P.It. The Assi_stant
City Attorney ief. t the ,�eeting �ecatise af illr�ess . T:�z D�,.;ut:y
Cit}� Attorney I:il_li.an assuMed t!:e City Attorne}�'s duties ,`_or the
balance of_ the meet:i.ng. 't'he meeting resumed at 9:52 P.r1.
8. Application 22-L'-72 of S.H.A.R.E. , II�C. , for use per*nit to
allo�;� construction of 5i,G00 sq. ft. of �i:fice space and a
4,160 sq. ft. restaurant in a PD (Pl.a::ned Develo�r:�ent �aith
professionali cor:�merciai ��itent) zone. Said property is lo-
cated bettaeen Sreve.ns Creek 31vd. a�d Al.ves I)rive, approxi-
mately 15�J fPet wester.ly of Saich i, First Hearing. i
Page ].0 .
The proposal The Associate Planner revie�red the staff report on this applicarion.
he rezoning was granted by tne City Council in October of 1972.
The plan allowed for a 51,000 sq. ft. euilding and 340 off-street
parking spaces. The restaurant site iias been approved by the I�-Control
and City Ceuncil. Placement of so�e of the other buil_din�s has been
changed, and a second plan has be?n submitted to correct a misunder-
standing between the developer and the arcnitect regarding net and
gross square footage of ttie buildings. The staff prefers the traffic
pattern of the or�g�nal use perr.lit request; however, tllere �aould be
a loss of 18 parking spaces.
Mr. Larry �ladsen, architect for the project, revie;aed the differ_ences
bett�:een the first and second exhibits. He said ttie traffic turn-around
iii the tirst exhibit Taould fit nicely into the second exhibit, except
so:�e of the parking spaces would be lost.
Chairmar. Buthenuth asked f_or comments from tne audience. There were
Publ±c hearin; `loved by Co?�r.t. Ada:�s, seconded by Cor��m. 0'Keefe to close the public
clos ed hear �_ngs .
llotion carried, 5-0
Comm. Ne11is questioned the need for the masonry �ea11 in condition 16,
other than al_ong the adjoinin�, residential property,
22-U-72 :�Soved by Cor.un. Adar.ts , secon_ied by Co,:::n. Nellis to a�prove application
a�proved 22-U-72 for the construction of tna 53,600 sq. ft. professional office
�a/conditions buildings and 4,060 sq. ft. re�taurant, per Ehhibit A-1, with the
turn-arotind cul-de-sac as sh.o�.n in the parkin� lot of Exhibit A;
suUject al.so to c��nditions 1 through 17 listed in the Dece�:�ber 22, 1972
staff ineno, with the follo<<�ing new �-�ording for conditzon 16: A suitable
buffer s�.all 'oe installed on the �Yesterl.y and easterly property� :tines as
deterrmined appropriate by the Archit�ctur.al and S��_t:e Appreval Cer�.:nittee.
� Parti.cular ei;�phasis shall be placed on the proper.ty line s�parating the
subject property frem the residential property on Alves Drive. Aud
subject to condition l�: Appli.cant shal]_ provide for consideration of
a M�andering sidewal`K along Alves Drive, to be approved by the
Architectural and S.ite Approval Committee.
AYES: CoT�un. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chai_rm.an Buthenuth
�'OES : None
Motioii carried, 5-0
Page 11
9. Applicat�_on 22-T��-7� of Sequoia. riortga�;e Co:�lpany for t.entative�
map to convert a 5.5+ acr� apartnent cora��J e{ �_ato a condor��niut:�
develrpment. Sai_d ! ropert:y is in a R3-2.2_ (Rc:sident.ial, i
Multipl_e, 2,?00 sq, ft. per. d�:e]_liag unit) zo�Le and �s :Locatedj
adjacent to and �.sesterl.y of riar.�= AveL.ue d�rectlyo upposite the �
intersect3_on oi Lubec Street a��d rLa,rv E�ve;�.ue. Fzrst Hea.rin�. �
Colored SIl�eS Of tile S: L'�' �aere SIlO'JT]. T;1G Z�L«Ii .=I"if`, P1r� C�01' � � T0� 0�3�. t0
Yc-V1�:•:CGCj t�:2 : 1Le pl.a?�, ?��71Ci:1 �.T1G1C1L"�(j a per.e.roua c?'?011ilt Oi � CO?1V�Y't
].and�carinQ a7 nn�T i�ta.rt- A�Tent�e. Acti�a.l.l v, t�� � s l.�n�.' =c.a^i _�? hnd to ' a-_ �rtr.��nts �o a
be reduced considerab]_;° t:hen streE�t i-:�:^rove;ncnt.= :�.ere �ut in. ; ccndcr��n.�u-�
Del Oro t,,-as the previous o;aner of this pr_ojeci=. Sea�_�oia, the �
present o:oner, is interested in upgra.d�.ng t::t: project. �
The Deputy City Attorney auoted Secti_on 17_535.1_ of the Sta¢� '�ia� `�
�ct, �ahich preci_udes the Gitv from d�sapCrov�n; a: ubciivision �,.ar ;
trJ Se_l.l a� r Sr3C2 bc'1SE:.C1 llT�0I7 ?10I7COP.f OYII11t�� �O 3 Sr: E'_Cir 1C ZO'.11�2a �
distri.ct. He �dd:�d t:�at �f the C�ty fei.t a_i a�artir.°�er.t c_n��pi.ex i
�aas suitable, ic �ust also approve a condoraini�c�: her�. �
��O}tE'S^:c'lIl fOY t�"l� I1C'_L•T OCJIl°t :�3ZCI E.'VC�r'V E.'ftC�'t .. ;�E.'�il ITic1C1E, t0 t:'� ' l;:�rroverlents tC:
to eliminate the "aspha't jungl�" appearanct, T;ey ha:�e added ; c�; r:iade
greenery �allerever pos�i_�_1_e. They are a��are of th` shortaae oi I
parkin� spaces ; n tre ar. ea to tne noi-t_h and hav� dane �.,lhat t`�ey I
cou].d to correct the ueiicieiict�. iie sayd t �e units are �_��;pta�le
to condor<iiniu:�s in tnat t��ey are t��o-�tory un �ts, :Lave e:�trances �
from the patios and enclosed �ara�es.� The architect sa�d 72 cf
t17E 8�F L1:11tS �iY'E? t:JO—t?EC1x'�O?ll ll:71_��.S. ii2 OA11t?`vES t.:iE.' rari:�n�; wi l.l �
be adequate. T:,ere fol.lowed a ler.gt�.tiT discussio:. a��out t �e 2�1 C
par�ing ratio nnd wner.e vi�itors �,�au1d park th�ir cars. A �
homeowners' association wi11 be fo�nted.
Co:rs*:. 0'I:eefe felt that the quali_ty of t.le project .aould improve' �
;aith the breaking up of some o� the aspnalt. j
Chairnan Buthenuth asked for comr:ients frori the audience. Th��re j
were none. �
� �
Moved by Co:r.m. Gatto, seconded by Co�^� . Adams to close t't1e Public � PubJ_ic heari��
hearing. , � closed
Motion carried, S-0 (
The Planning Directol- stated that the parking alcn� Mary Avenue i p�r!cir_� cn
will be eliminated. `?�fary Avenue
� .
Pa�e ].2 .
22-T�I-72 �ioved by Go�ru�. Nellis, secondeci by Comm. 0'K.eefe to appr�ve application
approved with 22-Tr1-72 with conditions 1 tnrough 23.
AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth
NOES: None
riotion carried, 5-0
Parkin� needs Moved by Cor.un. Nellis, seconded by Cor,un. 0'ti�efe to ar.prave Exhibit A
with the condition that if a proble�: arises as to parking needs,
tizat the applicant come back tc the City.
AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'�eefe, Chair_man Buthenuth
�?OES : None
Motion carried, 5-0
10. Consideration of a].lowances �or resideiltial_ care horaes �n R2
Public iiearing .�oved by Comm. 0'Keefe, seccnded by Comn. Ada-:s to set for rublic
set hearing on January 22, 1973, the consideration of allowa�:�es for
resident�al care hoin2s i� R2 zones, .
rlotion carried, 5-0
11. ConsideraCion of Ordinance P�o.56£i: "A:� �rd?nance of the City of
Cupert:..no Amend�_n� Ordinance ido. 47 (Revi,�d) , F.r�Gcted December 4,
1961 , as A�nended by Ordi.nance `10 .��7 (b) , Enacted June 5, 1367 ,
so as to Prov�.de an Alternate Procedur.e to Correct an I1legal Lot
Split Created by a Deed or Contract Made Prior to :Sarctl 4, 1972."
� The Plann�ng Director revie�aed the proUlem, as set i�orth in the staff
me�o of llece.:�ber 22, 1972. Co;�.m. U'heefe said rhis ;�ou]_d give tne
Planning Comr.lission the opportun�ty te apnrove a tentative map application
in cases not previous.l_y covered.
S�aff to draft �loved by Cem*.z. 0'Keefe, seconded by Corrm. :lellis to instruct the staff
a resolution to draft a resolution regard�_n� t�1P a�ove matt�r.
Motion carried, 5-0
P11:\U'1'F;S OF TIiL DI:C1:'�II;ER 28, 1977 PLl1,^I:�TNG C0�12�tISSI0i1 �1}:ETING PC-8J.
Pa€,E� l_3
REI'ORT OF THL' PI,�I�ININJ CO1�L'1ISSIO�Z --- Nothir.� f:urther.
There is a proh.le::� on Pal_m Avenue wt:er.eby som� pro��erty ��ras a:�nexed
by tne City of Cu��ertino but someho�a it tti=as not zcned. A person
is no�a interested in ��u�lling a home o� this pro�er_ t}'.
l�io�c:c t��� Co^a:�. 0'.�tefe, secondc.:i by Co^<<�i. Gatto Lo dir_ect thc Public :.errin�
staf.L to advertise-_ t11is r�atLer for publi.c ��c�.r.ing. set
Motion carried, 5-0 '
Moved by Co:�.Tn. Gatto, seconded by Co*a:a. :�e�_lis, to adjcurn the
meet:_ng at 11:» P.:;.
?�oti.on carriel, 5--0
/s/ John W. Buthenuth
/s/ Wm. E. Ryder
City Clerk