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PC 11-27-72
CITS' OF CLtPERTINO, S'I'A1I: 0}? CAI,IIUR2�iIA PC--77 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, Calif:ornia �'�f� L Telephone: 252-�+5Q5 MIT�UTES OF THE P.EGULAR .�1EETING OF T'c:i: PLAidi.1ING CO;�'LN%ISSION HI:LD ON NOVEMUER 27 ,].97?_ IN Tf;E GOL.ICIL Cz�AMBER, CITY �IAI.L CUPF.RTI�I�J, CALIFOiu�IA SALUT� TO TIiE FLAG Chazrman Buthenuth cal.led the raeeting to order at 7:34 P.M, witi: the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Comm. present: Ada�.ts, Gatt�, Nellis, 0'I:e�fe, Chair.�an Buth�nuth � Comm. absent: None Staff present: Direct�r of Plannin� and Develo�-:ent S�sk Assistant City Attor.ney Terry � Associate PTanner La�.�rin Associate Plann�r Co::�an • Assoc�ate Engine2r �-��tten APPROVAL OF r1INLTTES: Nlinutes o£ Regular I�i�eting of �ToveMber_ 13, 1972 . �iaved by CoTru�n. Gatto, seconded b}� Co�^m. Adar. to arprov� th� Nov. 13th �linutes of �Iovember 13, 1972, as sub.�itted. M�_nu.tes ar��rov: �S �.;Y. - _.�L��11 Tlotion carried, S-0 POSTPONEriENTS, etc.: There were none. WRITTEN CO`'ilNNICATIONS l. Letter from Tirs. Josephson regarding residential care homes in Rl Zones. 2. Letter fron Mrs. Blain, of Amcrican Society of University Women, regard;ng the General Plan. 3. Two letters fro^1 =1rs. Nancy Sallar., addressed to the Ci.tti� Council and the P12r.ning Con:mis�,ion, rerardir.F; tl.aricultural Zoning preservation in our ne�s Gener.al P_lan. YC-77 ?�IINiJTI:S OI' TH� NOVE`1I3ER 27 , 1972 PLE1IvNLNG COi�.�`tI �SIOi1 i�:�TING Page 2 4. Letter from Attornev J. .Robert D�'_;:i re�;ard�.n� tlie northT��est corner of Stelling and Stevens Creelc Blvd. zonin�. S. Letter from Vall.co Park regarding their contii�uin, development of that area in our co��r�Lunity . 6. Letter Lrom Santa Clara Count}� r�garding LAFCO resolution in relation to annexation of sciiools. ORAL COTuNNICATIONS . l. Harriett H. Joseplzson, Pdurse, asked tY:at th� City censi.der aLlowar.ce for resid�ntiaZ care hom�s in R2 zones. S:�e :�?ould .like to provide this service in a dup �ex and f^eJ_s it T���_11 f it r�_ght �_nto tlle nei�hborhood. There is acleqLat� rocm for parking, etc. The P�annirLg Director said ttiat al_ti�oug'ri the Rl Ordinance ma'ces pr_ovisi.on for tY�is sort c�f thing, aY_ t`iis ti.ne t'�e R2 Ord�_n��nce does not. Iie wanted to knoT� t'le feelin~s about tl�� P1ann_ng Commission on tYtis. Re�uest tor �irs. Josephson ans;ti'nred Coi�ua. �1e11i� t'r�at i;er �ropos�l is f_or a maxir-�.u�n resicl��ntial , nf_ s:_x ambulatary people, ;,hich �?:��an:: ti ars over 65 but ?re abLe to care s�rvice ! sor�e�ihat care for tiiemse:lves. T��ey are not bedr�.dden. Cc:�r�.1. Nellis in R2 7.onv TFas in fav�r of navwn� the staf_f resear.c�: ti�i:� �oscibility and subr.�it a report to ttle Plariiii.z� C^mmissi_on. Tne Planning Director sai.�l tt.is ��.�culd have to b_ an amendr. ent to tl�e Ordinance rather than con�:idered a:> a Variance, � Co:r.m. Ad�:�s noted th� tio��.t sche;lule t'�e st�fi� is ;�orkin�; �;;L!-h.in and i:aondered it t'ne� have the ti.�e to d��vote to t�ie r::att��r at this ti_me. The staff telt :i_t could bc� �.cork^d :ir.to the sc:::>dtil�. Co?a�n, Gatto woul_d be in Lavor �t= t,ving tni� in ���itit the Land Us� Ele:ne�t, � Cha�_rman sut'rienuth instructed the stafi to s�L �_t for P�?b1�_c ilea? in conjunction wit't: a Use Permi.t. � :���t e:�pa��ded Moved by Comr:l. 0'Keete, secunded by Conun. Ne11i.s to direct t:le staff ��se �_lz lZ2 7one� to pr.epare a repert artd 'co :,chedtile �:i pub:lic iiearitig on t11is _-�atter Tor publ i_c f.or the second r.leeting i_n D^cember . ;i:>aring on �%��c. ?_6, 1�372 • Motion carr? ed, 5-0 . I i i .- I i�IIiVliTLS OI? Tlli? ;�OVL:'fLF�: 27, ]_972 YL[�NI�1:IT;G CO:ii�I5SI0:? .iLI:TING ! FC--77 I Y. aF,e 3 � PUBLTC HELA^IivGS : j � , 1. CITY UF CUPEK'1'INO : Publ ic Hearing i:o con:. idex thc _land use i ele:;�ent of th� 1964 gener�il plaii and co.zsi.der amc:nd�nen.ts � thereto. � Associ.ate Flan�ler La��r i,n said th�i� althougti the Plann:i_ii� Con�n�is- :?laps of areas i sion has alreauy seezz a portion c� the presentati.on, it *;�a.s fel.t ! of aurhorit}� thc public should he �iven the opp�rttini ty to see it al_so. � and responsibi-- Colar_ecl sl_ides of. thE� �eneral plan stuu}�, p.�:.esent land use riap� ��. lity �:ere service area bcundary maps, current ron;_n�; :�:a1�, Fre--�ont t'ni�n c�ispl<�yed. School D.i_strict r.�ap and tlie Cupertino linion School List.rict map � were d1 St).�3VeC�. 7'11PrE'_ 1•JPT'E'_ <31_SO iIl'2.�5 StiO':� LTl� f�Y'E: SEiti1C� a1e2S � t.he present and future Cuperti.no Sanital-}� Dis �ricL, and votinC di�tricts fo� bath the State Stnate �nd 5�ate �:ouse of Representa-- i tiv�s. ; � Tl1e ! lannin�, llirector next discussed in deptll the e�:istin� zonin� '�lmend l�?e�4 r.;ap aiid exi>ting lanci use map in relat-iort �o the cem_�c>r_cial �onii.�.' �e.i�eral Plan Sirice tir:e i.s of the essence, it has been decided to r:���tce amend-- ! for the ti:�:e ments t.o the �_°64 �eizeral Plan at t:his ti.i^� rather thu�n try to ; bein� . meet tize January l 1973 deadl in�: !ai_th our ne��a General Flan. ��e said we no�a have an econoi7ic consultai�� c�n board wtio ���i_11 help ' us define the appropriateness o� the reu dots on the 1964 General � �1.3II 1113�. The Assistant City E�.ttorney said tha'_ as lonp as the lonin� Pla.n ;Advice of the is consistent �aitti the Gener_al P?an, we c�a�� proceed with our no��- � City Att�ornev mal activities. Tt �oas felt that with e�tra stud5* sessions, we should be able to com:e up wi.th basic com:;ercia7. areas by the end `; of Decernber. He ans�:?ered Com:l. Gatto tY.aL decisions can be made on an appli_cation-by--application basis as to �?hether or not they : confornl to the 1�64 General Plan� ; f Chairn�an Buthenuth asked for comments fronl the audience. � i � � Former �iayor Jerry Fitzgerald, 10191 North Blaney Avenue, feels :'F.ed dots not that the General Pian arid the Zoni_ng i��ap are not at odds �.�it11 one : intencled to be another.. He quoteu portions of the minutes of the rieetings held ;in specif_ic prior to the adoption of the Geiieral Pl�n in 1964 �ahich indi.cated �locations. the red dots were not intended to be specii-ic, but very ;eneral ? and could be moved by Council action. They cvere controvers:al ' then as they are at this time. � � 1 � 1 PC-77 MI�dUTES OI' TH� NOVENru�ER 27, 1972 PLAIvNIP1G CO'_''i.`�TISSION T13:F;'TING ����� �} � . V<�1.1_co Park's �ir. i�]alter t�lard, Gener_a)_ i�lana;er ef Vallcc Parl:, sai.d V-31.1.r� P=�? �a�zs the i�uture plans first PD z-�ne ir Cupertino in 1°63;. In vieta nf t7� sever.al mill:�.r.n dol_lars spent on 1a�z�.sca�in�, and i�nrove-�ie.nr_.� t�rou�ho��t �':�.Llco Yark ��n <3ntic:ip?r_ion of a:: ord�rly devc�lopment, t.;iey fe��?. the}� are sev�ral '�E,'S�S 8.11E'cl� Of til� (::'t:ip�13S1S CI"1 E'_CO1.0�'' '�c'_ :li� F_?iii?P_Y1_E.�TICLP.� clt t'll�_�i t1:1E.', (�'LC eX;�.l3! Ili C� ttle tGJO Ci1�3ri�; �S tll� y �YP_ �Y'E: t LOnOS.! I1P :iTl L�1e north °?.St � portion, near the overcrossins. They liave hacl tra.�fic studies p�-epared. i �{ They are �lanning 2 or 3 add �tional l:i�ht �nau.;Lrial buii_d��_ngs , th� i hotel , and expat:ded comm� rc� al . Thei7 ar:� propc:�sizzf; a re�;ional shoppin� � center_ extenciin; east of Sears, a»d ��ernao � ar.ot_��r_ o�i= ice b�i.ldin� nortiieast �i Pruneridg� aiid i�olfe. CiL �ir ed to � Attorne�• Tom 0'DonrLcli said ��e -�:�s re�resent��na ���,-ner.^ e% the r.ro��� Y g � 1 , � _ y adept commer- � at the nortlieast corner o: ':`cCl`:i.1an Road and Sa��aio�;a-Sunn����a�_e Read. cial zoning � Tizese 6.75 acres � ncl ude the eYisting s�rv_1_ce st-?.* i_on arci t�ie Sar_bo's �2St311Y'<i-it . Ti�ip (�PV°.� OD�Y� L•7}1C 1_� ''�11�t? Lly L.�1�? .:� C�`�T^`:L 'YC �_3.1 pci�kC? r�° i t0�2��721" C(Lf'_Sti.OI1S :±�1°tilE�'T' OY ;lOt. ��:n,� 'iJ11'_ �E? c`l�l�' r0 �T'OCE?t?Cj . .12 ; a:-lced that the Cit,�� at least adopt t�:e c�mrn:.rcial z;�n�n� T�?e pres-antly ' . . E �2aJe t}1'c3t 1S O�V?_QtiS ��' CC[I'�:i1�Y'C�c'�1. 8.1 t:1�?^ L�lkc �;1.:. t1_ .'� t0 ii_3t�,f'_ �.i1y � cha��es. I�e feels it ��ro«ld b^ u-�fair to his cl.ient and to many cthers �.in the C:.ty it a:.oratoriura �aer.e put �_nto ei`ect, � ;�ra.opt interi__� j Arc�zitect Larry :_adsen, SHP�Zi,, I.ic, ,��id t`::�y b�;-an t:��ir �roj?ct oiz 7.OIll't1�? t:?�lP � StE'V2i1� �,iE'.P�l ilVCl i�lSt :`'�c�.�J, �Tii�'j' c3Tt� :3C �ri� 110'_Iir C+1�!Lr� �tl°t: �ui° i Z'E?3C��% �_OT IlE.'c3i_ 121?S iIl DE:CC_'111b�Y' .';]" J�i�1llH.'k'�� Oix 5�. s ii�'.) S:J , ir . C:_ O1:'� :LCr� j blli-�-�--;l�;S. f�I1� Sll�]Si_'iltl%?t Clf_' __n t�'i''_1Y i)'�O,�t=CL �_=.t: �i11S t'_?C T. ��'E.' �3 COi:S1_c��'_I"�lil-L' 11aY�S}17_�e ::i ��p jE..'�j�.':� 1f� ;;;rt��_C� J�? t;i I=�3�]" li � tllz'_ P�.c3i.T1i114� l.J"..;":li;=S �0=t c:C1JntG'� trl�? p1"C:S°::r 7�T1111r' ...: ;3S 23?1 _I1��r1:1 � ZOIl�_I7L i'1�1�) c3S c_ T'Ef �.E'Ct:LUil O�- tilE'. .L,�iv4 �iGilE?�:i� i��i�.Tl e 1 , . laurth�r s�tid�� ' Co�::in. 0`Ke�fe not��d t..z �� , �- - , , at t�i� Cu�.:�rt�_no G: a;f.;- R^n.;rt= does not n�c;:,�:�a� i1�'.J'!��'C� ( �t�C'E?C i•7i t:�l tllf? �}LE?.�E'_Llt 7.0111L1� TPi_liJ :311:1 ;�•'?L1E:T8.J_ �lclIl. �i��� L?::t:�.l�Tl"_�..�' F=_L2S i . f Z[IUSt �J2 CC)'1S?_(IE?Y'2C� �JCl:?Tl ,:'�1�C.L11� t�.'�`_>° Cj°CLSlOi"1:,, '�f;'_ iE.'(?.l.:i JllZ Il_°... ( COI1,S'11tf_:111L '��_ll',"� l�E.' ;�]_VE,'::L t�1e r1.i: aI1C� 01)Ti��Y�`_t'T7=_tj' i�'� :�Ci.i(j;l t; E� "_.�_rt2r i . � and to adv_�se , and that a vial�l_e pie�� o�- c:��::���.:erci�l? propert� c�Yould noL ; be afrected. i��O 1i111C17 j�'::_". �-t�.hc'Ct �'iY"OSS 1:.;.1.18 Z'tC'_�_ � O .n�_�C2 � 1_E?:'_.�_�; f::,�if: �l !. ��1F_' , LIC� �':.t � 9 _. . r_ :i i =� �, % P:1 �"�:,;�.':7:C��i� � CUtI1;:i1P_iCl�l�. 'I.0:7�I1�' WCL"�'_ G."_VE'_�_.`���"_i ::i1_E'_�° CJOLi1.C� LiE? c1 i_tE'r'�nT�(jc�t1S :LI?1.L1�X �Oi";�_ 'n � 01- �P-On.t� �i1C1 C�iYS 9 W�11C}1 .:O?1�.C� �"I<2Vz^, <zI'. �i �Yi E'.;'_�.;'.Ct O:t . U.I" C;�."IT1L1:1' t?�. � � I i :`on.` t cons'_d�r. � Mr. 1?0(� t{arpen, 1�403 Chishotm, a.;re�°d it ot�1d u` ;.�ci� e=��ier ��:; ��1-an V:'. S� P_� Y J 5'CL t� j t� 1 1_ `_. C 1�� 1 r Il O U O� �' ',; � c }�� Y C' y n �' �. C. E? S ll. �_ 2' _ � "' Tl i.'- >. c. )J -; .� C. �1_� i:_ t', i... cj �� f� _i� v' t�i 7c_. � -n<� � • - „ • 111_ il�'� � ;:C.�E,':Ill���:P_> ZIiE. C,��i',__'YC�ii� UElYCE' :C1�� .. �:'1!'ii tQ0 .l1 �;:i. 1: _ >%�11'i_;i .lOr '�'' 1" �. � 1 i�LC' �:O SF?'J til£3 �..Lt�' _>:_ CtI �13Y. i 1T1J f"C(:i- S:J C�.'1: 1 C`...'-+. i_ � a �� T n ,� _�e_.al P__•��� j I , �� : l.y �L n � , F,._ � CjlCi �Ot' �('_�_lE'VC� Cil° PI_c3T?11"'_Cl�' �.0.���?1��i.i101�1 �';�ll%.:�i_C� CC,.1:�'_Cl-'.?' il.�' '��i�<�t?u 1"'1�:1�5 i_n I�utL to;ether the nf�a �;:�n�rai pl.a:i. :fe �-ioul<1 1_ik��: to .;eF� ��t�iisiti�s per sector rathr�r tl�an sn; cii: i� boundar. ie:,. � r�n_z��UZ��s c�r� T:ir. r:ovr,��f�.�i;h 27 ,� 972 �I,n::��i �� _ c���li���i sslo�� �-���r7�1���1 Pc-��77 � �'� € �• s i I�1r. F: t��era�!.�i _pokc> ;>r t.;Ae �_�nds �f co it,ti�,ents the J ando-�nE�rs ( Cc;rli_ni_ttr,::�nt� cYC t.�.11`.:.?Zj� £�UJllt.. a�' 3CCE'.�?t=�.Il� ��::7 �'tCc.c:� i()1 �� r<71°}: %�=1t� < 3 }�O:i� � " i0:" :u`:;.7J"OVP_IIlCi1t:S J }lE' TE'_�'1S �'li%.2 �:i_tj� i':3:; .'1c3Qt` c_ COtll':?.=�_L�[icf_17� OII J_� � , � 3CYC'S �;.. CO111 REY C� 2i1 . �i-[: ��1� �"c .j t.1C'. �.il,� -� .�:. �'.� i "3YC (': ::ict) iJ}11..C�i j hd� h2.C� � � d.>�Yt'Jil� �.i.J 1S U.`��'_L� c��. i3 �L1C1_°i1i.E_ ��v � ' � � � � Il! C! ��-a• �-� .� i i i l �r' ( -:� - `^ n;'° O ;7"; =�� Ju_i} Ila�l, .���2� ..���_._�, s__d �_'� �.r:�__� �_. J�? i culL �., c�..... r . € C�.'iL�: t�lE' C�E'� __r1�r7_C?11 O� �ah=�.r CC??'t--��'1t�� l%.'-gLE'Ci CO'_�!'�ciCia� T�iO��C�`r.�' I c c � '� ;a���r 1 0� !-�; � � � � Tnese �1 _ ci .i_ Zs ��.��_1 not be e_ �, � n s ��: ,�.. . P � :1r. Pat hogers, ' �7b'� �luburn I�ri�e, ur:r^1 t:.-� Co, ��s�>io11 not tc � i3::?C'::C� 7_Ii t]�StE.' 'r.'::C� Tr L C..t� 1:1 lE'1�U�F. :i�' 3:;1CC� t'f1�..� �O C�i?�2 L:��^. I 4Iit�7 8 1�E3W ?.:1d CO`.'_:tl'i"�=IlET1 =1-`�'c, i1.13I1. � t . Dr . i•Y'OT•]:7 � 71��:i� 1�.`�'ir:itY'e:' l,o"i�;? S C10^:> ?1C.�i. t�° �_=e'J� �: P_EtA7 � g 7 t 1S ?�_ .:C� 8t C7.t .�.> �_.._�(_' CU�:'T�t:1i;0. .iC1S�_ �: t".._ CO -:'?: .C�_c71 'LOII .._R � �1nS i7°<i7 V�."V CO'1L i:'cr�Gi.i�1V�:i.\' C^T1:> l�:'_Y��_.�j ��t�iOY^ �E'1I1;. j;Yd.'?t-2C3. 4 7'C'_f'_. : t=tL.<_' Cl� � SE:EI? _._t t0 ?`ltt 'L�;C 7:1� _... �"- �_.Y'OU�_. C - �_I70 � �.il:� � th�_.� l:as had a p:-o�=cu�Ad eLf_c�t. on t'�e cc,.-;,_,. --=-tv, j _ � � C��r:i. te lis �e��:> t;-._.. _.�l' ` ' -_ .�_ . �� :`' 1 �e� ��as reac;�e.d t=: pov ��.;: ��re this ; Ccnsid�r bouy r:�.:::sr de.c �dE. �t,= resp�:,;��'_i;_r.lity to t:n� c�,i:,��.un�.�t-. It Yias the � Ge;.�.rai U;_an , 1'E..=.�OTic'ibl.l � i" 1=0C CO?��.Il? L F-_�.il d;�� Ii�Y� �_ _? i.�i� .;�11C."? Jl_�__� i:r' i � Tl :_?.:`:' _ , c3 all'_C1c3T1C�' t=U ��1P_ P'3'�-�C. �1: t-i?i° COi!t�L1II11�`: � �:1'v' ';'Otl'.Q T�J?"cr:r:T' j:-O S�Lli._'.•"==L\' �. , � r iT i i�- i l F� ' � have t'�e �er.era7_ p._a�.l considvred z t� enG�._et� rat.i_r t.nan p �_ece-��ea�_ . ' } j � COI:s�. �c�tt0 i2°�.S t:�ir'Y'.� S11011�_Ci �v^ SC. =z3; li'Lct1: � t0 t:lOSE.` �YO? E,'� t:i' �J hich �i'c)t'E? �f'F'�l c1Ct1\ rllT��llE'�. �1Tly vS2 ��G2"::"l.i_t .^_OIlL�T14 '!_I1 ?�%011ICi ; be c::.�. ;ed , hased oti fi,�e 1°64 }�:�dn. ile d-,e�. not b�iiev� ,;-e r::u:>t f come up Tti�ith a z:_���in; n�ap at this ti.r�.e. , �.rl:�_IIT?�3?; �llt1:�2'll11=i1 ;'OU�t� 1?_1tE'_ �C COiTii'�GRC� St'i).Gy Oi t:I1£_ CO;Ti�.'.E�'rC.aB_ �i�lir V CC��:tT.Tl2YC1.% el_2i`'.L'ilt STId COI:S�C�L�Y it �11.�110 �.i.tC: t.iiE'_ �1011;.lIi� �18.'_7, E?ZC."`:t:�i:i= 8I'ii1 't?OliSl:1;� r � cl� 7'he Plannii:; Dire.ct_or asked �.�hat happens a�::ter Janu�r;� ist ��ith th� appl.icatiens that come 1_11 Tii� Assistant C�ty �tto� said C�Te wou?d be prohibitF;d fro.r. consider�_n� tho:�e applzcatiens. It Taas decided they would continue t•rith a�..�ndments ta t;�e €en�r�l plan. The staff -s to co:.e back ;Jith a listi.ng of projects fo the ]_ast 6 rnoil�h� to one year and cons�de�- Li:e� a� d� f;.nite co��i- r.mitLments. Thn Comri_issicn will l.00k at tl;ose applicaticns and ma�e deterninatior.�. � Moved hy Corun. I�'elli�, seconcl<_�d h}1 Com�i. 0.`i:eef� to COI1t1I1llG th� PuU�_ic Hear:_n� public heari.ng on laild u5e e]_er�_ent to T�zursday, N�ve�::be.r 30, 197?_, orl l�-nc] use 7:30 P.�'1. ele-�'.ent co,zt;r to 11% 30. Tlota_on carried, 5•-0 M1NUTl:S OF T�IE NOVE':�LSER 27, :1972 PLAN�diN'J CO`�tISSIQN :�IEETING PC-77 � Pa�e 6 Cha:irman Euthcnutii c���led a rec�ss at 10:10 P.r1, Tne me�tinf; reconvened at� 10:?_?_ P.M. 2., tlpp:l_ication:� l�-`l'M--72 aiid 4-V-7?_ oY �1ir_c;.e:�l J. Bagar (Ja:ne�� Hogue) for Tentatzve _�ta^ to suhd:ivide 1.8 acres into seven (7) du_:�lex lots; Va.r�a��ce to adjust rear �ra.r1 set't�ack for I,ot 4 ot tentat�_ve map application 19-T��I-7?_ � 2d.2 aent to 20 feet a.ld to reduce the ��ini�;.u::�. :Lot widtii r.:qui�e:,:nt fnr Lots .L, 2 an:l 3 of tentative r:lap a�plicatian l9-Tt�[-72 iro�:� 7C feet to 68.04 Feet. Szid pron�rty is in ar. R2-4.25 (Re;:ide�.itial_, ciup- lex, 4,250 sq. i t. lots) Io.1e and �s loca.tecl �c�t;.:.�n Rand}T Lan� a.�d Vy.st;� llri.v� 4�0 f:�et Southerl- o� I'orecL �'��.�nue. I'i Hea?-.ing e As�;ociat2 Pl.anner Cas.,an sai.ci the �onin� �-�ap sl:o;as -.�diu:: hi;;h Th� pro�osal. dcns�.t:� in thi.s area so it does ceni:or�,u ?�rith ti�e �'�ne�a1 Pl;z.�. l!7? �� �� r' C'i'2S1�T1 CUIICC�_D`L 1.T1 ��J - �T��`°�7 15 E?S:�E?I1i�121.1_�% L'll° 5�1i.'tE� .^�S 15-T:�I--6°, e:,.cept that it is f:lip--f1_c�pped ar_d t.:,n „ =�i7_�.er map :�a�, t;�Jo lots cn �andy Lane and `iv` lots «ithi_n t'r�e cuI_ de sac. 19_T„r_7� pr�pose�, �_hree lot.� on ;?�.�nd�,� I.,<3ne and reur Lots T.�tl��n th=: cul de �;ac. E�,p�;l�cation 4-V-7i i_�� t::ie x�q}aesi: i_o var_y f t��e r,.;_ni��.um lot ��;iutll rec�u.i_ by ai}^ut ��_--1!2 f;�_r �n Lots I th��ottgii 3 aud to r.educc� �th� r�ear yard s.,tbac'c reau_�.r�ment for Lot 4. The sc.ai� felt �t could izot <.u�,�po�-t �he •.�=� r_�quest ,. , s.;_tic� a �iards'lz_� na_ not bt����� dz.-��r��trat�d. � i'i2", 1FCi L?Ja�1tL l. i �1._L.�E'_CZ i:I, � " � 9 ;� � y F_';:Ti_� � �'� "�1 j [lr t�'�V!'i_;� eY � S �. _ne�r. �n.. ��.n Jose .a ..n � ;�. p i felr Li?E.' II.F?''�1 t2T1i��.Y_LVF'. ^?3? �::'r:? :-.i14��?'r'lOt C)VP..?" tiiE'_ O_�:1 07p`?. �1('if'_�� ' S�1t:t";'�.n'�ltE-'. WOl1.lC� })2 T1CJ Cl.lY't� (:l_lt:� JC:tO i.C211Ci`- T�<li'th' � ;_f' �OI.VP_S 1::1�; _�iO�JiC?�.1 Oi �.`1.1 � t j ; J i i E?y' ,�:1T1� [lOLISP_ '�. +�.�F? ^vl: � iE'_ �)t,i y c3 :Q rllE't': i:0i1�_' J? C{Yd1113F�F' , � T`..YOJ1C�';3 C•i1Lt1 ti1'' E.'<?Y11E'T tE'.2"?t�3�_�V' '?�lT) `�liE� ?":�li i�i11U '_S tt1�1t tllc Clll C1t? S�.C; 1i1.?ILOV�ill£'_T'it.3 c�tf ,, ctrC' ?Y . ii:� f '._�Il f;�� i �r4t ;'.13T� ��L?i� 1 1 �i?P_ f�3Ct tllc3t t'11E' �-C-'V"t��.0�?G'2 GJ(�lllCl 11'{.:'_ i`_O �?t.li= c� �<`',.Y';�P_C � Dc t-t:'_T + 51=YllCtll'LE' OTl L,OL" �+. � � �`�3�.�01" .JE'TY`J i']t'L� Y'^�12S�I1t711;; � ;�<1;31 :;=i�C� fCl1C � � �� t ���i? deve?oners loolc�d at the ]�%69 LenL __,ap. Du.� ro hi�:: �-r.eve-- I�e��n�.,�-�.c. �.t1_y ,. � 1T'�?i.It COS�S � 1�1E? l�J O:� ��lf: I.ciT1Cl � Et.C. � :_�. 'b'�l.`� i:E'�_C �O UE Ui1i:;:?.`_=:_�Jl:j �1Zlf ��1';�11712 t.o c�nstruct clu*�lexes on tiie s• lots , T}��e Ass�_stant Cit�,� Attcrney� quofie{ re:�sens ut�cic�_r -chi.cll a vai-ia�.ZCe can be granted. . � � � � � � '�17ItiU'J'ES OI? TI1}? ;�UVI�i-`'.�;1:TZ 21, 1972 PLA;di���;��:� C(;��,�I.CSSlOi� -�-T�;7'IN�� � P('--�77 � �� <i;5 �'� 7 � � C�:� -LYl11�311 :iilttl:'_11Utr1 :�U�.?���'StE.'-Q 1_,C?LS l y l �iTli� .3 V�IY'1i31i(;fJ:i bF� �rc7.11tcC�. f�:Y�<3?i.� '�'�lI',,_,__. �i�Si:C� OI'l 1:Ill. T1�lYr0[ Of ��"1C .��i11(�� :;UC II(")t 1�;) ?I'.�.?'.t t}:;'. t�c?i1Fr-:?Cc s 011 J,prS I y �; t.o Lot �+ to al_lo�a a lr�i� structure, C�t,� � no1 �oi_nt i;� th�t t;:�e �& 3 but r, ;? �- n�•.- tentat.ive 1 n:_�:; 4 rat_?���r �i,�.n ., clz-i�-^ ;3,, . �:����inz c.ut onto t�1F'_ Clll. (�.F_' SBC. �,Oi::`l. .._ l.�.l_S t,T'�.'Cl. �'�.�E'i:?- �-3.. �� :"it'.C} t:`l.E' �.tl���_1=1'1�11i,� _ - r � ��1P_ �j-)��� 1C�,11� �3PS.T�51��'.C� L' �'1 Y�II?u_i il'L .?llt_�1 L_. .r 1`..1;.'�rE'- ''t;OU.I_i} �J�� DU �'�O ll t:L l'-" f 11Tt�lt?i L'(?.�lUr'St `� f(?I: : aYld?l'..i`�� O;l tii `..., p10F��_�_ t\*, Vc^.]`_.8i!CE_' `_�., , � rc�^;:�_�sted � .._ ..J:�:? ��4? i:;�7"('_11 y til'c!' t711 �. �_C�£'_Y� 1T1 L_i;=; C.l-i;' . Cu� .�F . �'t�.t'� i0`_: (`� { ti:"t, �.'O,^.:1T11:.�ZOLI rG t't:� �JC?IV I110E� 1�1:����E.'S ..;"i t.,.. :i1� _CC_;_t l7ICr��E.'Yt�" <<'.i:�l� i;e �ois'aed to bu �_ld a<,.uitahle tr�__n�:it �_�;i. � � i . , - C�1�i]_Y'1�1dI1 iili��1E'_?�::I��2 :i�l'�',i5t.:(j l.•J� �i i:1t;�7t. Ge u��''r'Q �;?U'L f�G t�'it?~�_:] ��U!_7_i� 1�.. .�_J. .. a T110E� .LC'=f��`CO:•r :lU�)1Cn. `L!"iE`7';_' .� 1.`i _'.S _-���_!_%?�. __?i. �.tlp:'r�:_T'i.0 Of 1 ��ClG,1F3:< 0=�' � � � �' -. � : T10L E'.ilOU;�'LZ 1_C;�;dE'1 ;:1(;:"!i°S �CY" S<i_LE? CY� 1"3ilf > 1 I+Ot: �} � f�S,`'OC _<z � C'. l� � u.!7;;C?1 �,C� : <<I1 �5 : � d ti.,it _�.. �:i!E : �; - ._l` t i _._ � �:_C�� t; _OT] 7-S � I�L � -..�'Y`. ._. �i'�f)1:OVE'CI � t:�lt`:YC dTc ,f;� :'"t`c,' �%('_l"y i.BT'�!'. p:_71° i_'. :. �. 07'; r:i:' n2 1 �17�`: t YE'.�_ . + • t}1�it SilOil�.t:l �;ir' I:IF�YiLLO??2'1 . t::i' (�O'.i(j.:�i.^?lc 1�1 2.C1CiI.t.=_„11 !-C tYlE'. ...� l7 - . . _ . St81�C��Y"C� Cr �':1P_ �j��ny_..Cc111� �j?: _�';� ��i t'"��? ±??'E �°'J8'---C)'1 OT t?,e.se pir�e t.i:e.:>_s. � I � .. - - _, _ __ ,,, , . _. . . - - - s. �01�.1�.. Gr..Lt.O �,_uil�i:t il� �t:` i���':_i1L 1 i�FiL �E`_I._.1'.'; t.'_<` Vi'' .'�attC� _.__ ?�;i. i �7E' 3� f c L� � t: J_71 tll2t 1:17E: �.C) � il^`t:t CLOO Y 11�]:� �'".°_ ;;i:::li :'. i:L ��.3uL'��.I� � �+_f�P_ . T'tl . �'1tL�PY'<.IG� } JYOL!��;�.. Ui� �!".P -cCf: t�i2t t::P.YC ti�l, ��E'G1'. �: :-(tf'E'7" 1"�7c;Ci �'c7rE:Y LC � .�__�. '- tuere, fro;� P�audy La��e �o d?sta Driv�, ,?,,t r� ?i:�, C.�,:_�r_da l,a�. se�n fit �o bui_lcl �. s�ru:•�ure in t.he -.�d�llc-� of �_t, i ! r Mo��ed b,� Cor:�_u. :velli�, seconded h� C��:��._�. f�d<.,:s t;� c?os� tl�e � Public 13e�_�ring. � i �lotien carri��d, 5--0 ': I Co��n. Gatta feels there is a haru::h�p d�:�:nonstr_ar�1 in t� tl:� i laclt ot 1. or � 2�E'.�(� l.0 i�YeVE.11t=7.T1�� t:i:149 C��V��.Ct i.:i_'I1i:. � Ntoved by Co���1. Gatt�, ^e.r.onded by C�r�Tn. �lclar�:�s to reco::�zaen�a to tl:e 4-V-72 a�;.�'o�Jt�c Ci.t�� Cou?�cil a��proval. of �1L'p�.� t=ion 4-V-72 o?i Lots 1. , 2. and 3 � on I ota 1, 2, onl_y, only. AYES: Gom:n. Adams, Gatto, Nc'li.s, Chai.rr�:an �;uth�>_n��th NOES: None ABSTAI:1I:n : Conu:i . 0 `Keef e ' Moti.on carried, 4-0-1 i . PC-77 1`iINU'rES OF TIIE NOV�'`TBEIZ 27, J 972 YL�1Ni1IN:� COi�II�i]�SSION ��TEETING Pa,;e 8 19-'.L'�i-72 rloved by Cezn,n. �:�11i��, �ecnn;ied by Cc��..l. Ada�� to r,�cemmend r.o the City <��nrov��d Couticil approvzl �f a�plicat.ion 1_9--'�'.`--!?_ ��rith st::r.�lard conci�ti_ons 1- 14, t•,�COT1C�1t_'_OL1S and 1_J iZEIl.OV<3_L O� c"iIl'.' i?l,�f=�tY'E'. t'LP.?;; ;`Il S11CC1 F)7:C'j)(,it\' �1llS?: �J.`_' �l�'�-�Z'OVE'<�. b�- the Archit°ctura]_ a��d S� te Approval_ Ce.^mi_ttc�; and 15: ti:e iet �ti�it�.i the existing �lon� to be mar�e a par.t of tlle 'C'entat_i.ve i1a�. AYLS : Comm. tldaras , Gatto , Ne? lis , Ci_air.nan Lsuthenuth NOES: Nonz L1 �.'Cii?771. ��i«ctE? rlotion carrz�d, 4--0-1 3. Appl �caticn �?Q-T.�`-72 oi Stuart "�i. �:a:la� to «ci ;u�t a lot �ine bet_�„�een � Lots 37 and '33, Tt:act 3354, C�iidy Roc'�. ;�=ot�i�tain. ��:i_d � is �_OC�IY_�?�l I101"tilE'YI.V OF u::c� �1Cj �B.C;'Ilf; (::!� t�lt, r2LII11..T1i'.�• 01 1.�IIC1�,� F1aC� , � I':LYSt t�2��Y'1:1-��,. t Zil° P?"O�O;ial i�,'OIUl"C,''.i i�l.CjL'_:i Q� t.IZE? tilt.? 'TE?YE? Si10C;'11a `I'il�� LC!�. �_�_Il° c �]�l�':I;;i?Ilt ':1�_�. r _ � i.T1C:2'E?ciSE? �112 1):1-1_ICia�O� i. 'c.7" _'<l OIl t:Li:? YC_']_;1t: � V'.?Z" f 7.11= SP_C.t1.0.1 O;- .T�(�t 3�'� � il_tI�_'_Il tliE. .:c-`iC� J'>;� LIOT:1: �-.:C�.LOII O_. t.:lt? �_Ot . `l'i'.=�� �.J't_�. �lTl? �?��,�l.1SL-�:1�12t ; C�OE':� I10t <3�i:2Cf tilt'_ 7, O��" �Il.°. �sC)]�2Y'ty ='_pt G:�'> '..t l-CI1? 1-l_Ct .iltfl i l�!; _�..i{�.1. „ L�201i1J1tS i.11`� ct���'OV":.�_. O'_ �t�:'.=rt�1VE'_ "_,_�7f- =�:'_C�? 3.Y'° �.x � � " � ' COi7i_ � 1Ct rJ'_(:tl ;�2T1�iF��_ �!.�ii`.S :L:iP_ C'i10 1�3�5 ?.Y£� J�.%C-�7' �_% � 2(:i=E_', :i1 S17F' � i'!i_, ut1lcSYt :r�.�r,, S�?1,� i-L,� Yf?ciSJII i:O.0 [ii_S , .)L:^S� 1 _: �Q ��t- �-ir� '' ' � ' _ . , ..._ � . ..� . . " _ � " ._ I:. J� _l7 i.�ix._ O`JE?.7" SO 'il? C:il li? � �' :c' �.[1P ci. _I:i2 �- � ; �'.tl_� � i•?:?ni1 �711='Llc?,n,t_Ii_:. ? Sk�=C1 !'�7Y CO_P.�=l:?.I1 �.'� i't";_�il 1_'ii.°._ �LlC� 1 ,=T1CC� . 1�i�, �'YF3 �, i ?•> 2.'." E_' i1 G 112 a � • Ch:l'_ti!,=tr`i ull�ilE";.11t!1 i10t2/� �:;1C'_ .`tfiJ CIOc:� ll��t� .�i1CSi t".:��' l:r _l i�:� `c1SE,'i.':_Llt . , l�t� .�={"t_'.�IYITl� �IOV�'C� U� �.rPl'�1. �'viE? ��.15 � SE'(' al?!.��?Ci 1��7 ��O'::':?t. lr.:it:t_Q t0 C1.0:�° i i:__ l�il:?.LI_C. c io s ed fieal: ing . � P�iot_�.cn c.ar.ri_�d, 5--0 1 { ,f t � r � t � t � " �`� . _�i ' �� - �7 ��1JV�_'(t Uy L`.�.:ill?. vi�LtU � ..E�(�:�i1�1{_'�1 Uy �,�:"'?l. LJF'1�.._... t tl T �_._.:i(� t.C) t[i�� Cl.t.� 3^,7'LOV2C3 � L01111C1.1 �1DD1'i�V.31. OC G7.�U1]C...tlOCl _:� '�'tii_�c�. ?��ll�tl ti . L�; i;<,n''�?Y�i i3OIiC�_!'l _)ilc. '�C`.Cit1Cl Lt1GI1S ! E1Ti!l CO.1Ci:._��.OTl l�J c1S c I;U.',�(',_ �i:Cl 1_il �:... .;�<?� , T2i�_. r Yr O�. T;J`� _..1�;F'Y' Z i I_'i72. y � AYF',S : Cam�l. A(?a7ns , ���atto , .Ve.l.l _�.:� , !_! y c��;".i� �. , C' _L'. .<�I1 ii} t:iZfi.'1Llt i1 � i`lv�,5: i�70TlE'. t�lotioii c�lr.�i-i.c�d, 5-� i r . -. ��. � , .. -� �+' V ... �. 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Discussio�� o.F rlec�tinc;' date for Goa:ls Co�,:�iitte�� KeporL , �ieet.iilg �aas set for Tl�ursda��, ';ove::�ber� ,30, 1.972, 7:30 P.:�t. NEt-y ;'_�JSiNI:SS: �oiie � Rl'.1?01�T GF TEiE PI�.`.��N1.ii CQ�I�iLSSIOt�I P.G. & . ( ,^,., � '� � t_.i::L tc� ct,eck on the sta.r_��� o�= the Y. J. F< C. F � Cc.. �i. V�llis as c�.d thc. ;> to;, � tower . i j R1�:P:'R'i OI' 'i }{F. PI,<1�;:�? �vG DT_R[�CTI?R I t j Z}lii Si=F_'Vt?I1S �.tf_'E'�: ?i'.'Ji�. p_L�ii? �-7.i1('_ (Il_SC11::=7OI7 iinc� i�;�E';l CCllrl.illl°:� �O � i�c1CC?::�J :Ll I.�i 2 . . 1[ZE? �1?:1*.1�_1;7) �7_1 �_ �2" __c..E : O .� _._._ �;' � � � � P n L� •� i t. �:� L� t ��'o •�I t� I OSJIl'l"S <i�%CUt �li1.S , � � i :1DJvL',:`��`?;;vT f � .`�,a jO'12"L?;:CL t.l� � _�O'�'�:(1 1 tr �;Cli . �� _ _. _�c�r ii �a � I ;' �,:)r? 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