PC 10-30-72 �
CI'1"i '�F isUF'EiZ'1'Ii�;�, S'T..`T'i'; OF i',^��,:t.,����'_?::C.�. PC--7�
' ��� ci �r e �..
I.���i�U ��OY'�2 tSVE'TIUE' � GUj��-r L11"i0 � �.<l i1�=0X1?1_3 �-,
a'e'_e;�ht,ne : 2��-!; SC15
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'?�;LD CiN QC'i 0: ER i0, 197� , l:� T_;:;I�; C;OI?N� � L CiIlliii;E:�2, C_�`:iY t3�� L
CUP1�,_'�'I.�O, CAi�iF'OIt�v?A.
SnLliTE TO `I'H�'_ F7,AG �
Ttle meetin� �:a�; ; callec ��� o�r_le� ai_ 7.3� P.M-0 �_y Chairr::ar �utliAnuth
w:_r_h tiie �«1.ute to tti<, ��1_ag.
P.��L?� C� �_]� .
Ca.�;., p:-esent< Ada�:�s, Gatto (7:37), Nel_lis, 4'Keefe, Cha�r_ran
Buthenu �Z
Co�:�m. at�sent : Nor.e �
Sta{f present: D_irector o` P1ann�n� & Deve�o�:-�ent S_�k
Assistant C�tv �ttor.ney Terry (7:45)
Associ� te P'_a.nner Co;•.a�:
Associate Enbinze�' Whittet�
Tra�f ic rrLg;.neer Grig�
Ar� �°.OVAL 0� :�1INUTES : '�egular �`eetit:g oi Octeher °, J_972.
On p:�ge 3, ne�t to the last para;raph: Com;�. �da�:�s �aould 1_ike the
���ords "deader�d storrt drain;" deleted.
0:: page 7, second nara�saph, lirie S, C��nm. Nellis ;,�ou1d lilce the
wo�ds "Proposition 20" deleted arid repl.aced �,?itr. "�roposit�on R".
Satue pa�e, last paragY�aph, Cor:m,. Nel.lis would lirie the third sen-
tence delete3 and rep.laced �aith: "As far the Re�ional 1'2rk D�_stric ,
s.ze d^ubted w�►ether the District woulc� get involved in the purchase
of this property."
rloved by Comil Ada�ns, seconded by Co.li~:. �ellis to apgrove the �Jct. 9tt llii�ute
i�iinutes of October 9, 1972, as a�r�ended, aprroved as
Mot.ion carried, 4-0
YUSTYvNE:•II:NTS, etc. -- T�ere �.-ere nnne.
��tiRITTEN COAuiUNI�ATIONS --- There L4ere nonr.
Page 2 i -
� ORAL CO��ILTNICATIONS -- There were none.
1. CITY OF CUPERTINO: PU�LIC HEARING to consider establishLnent of
precise street plan lines for Stevens Creek Blvd. from Bubb Road
to the westerly City boundaries. First Hearing continued.
Precise street The Plar.ning Director said this was a continuation of the previous
plan lines for Public :iearing on this �atter. He would like to also have it continued
5CB to another meeting. There will tiien be an e:.virenmental report from
the staff. Since the last meeting, there have been a number of
telephoae conversations concerning the street plan lines and one letter
from a prcperty owner w:io lives in Sout?zern California. Notices of
this Public Hearing were sent out to all property ot��ners in this area,
based on County records.
Associate The Associate Engineer gave a general revie;.T of the previous meeting
ingineer `s on this matter . Th�re :��ill be a 120' right-of-�aay fro�� Bubb Road to
report Foothill Blvd. and 86' right-of-way from Foothill Blvd. to the City
li::lits. From Bubb Road to Byrne tzere will be 6 lanes with median.
Fro� Byrne to Foothill, present thinking is for 4 lanes ���ith a 40'
�edian. If, in th2 future, 6 lanes are needed the median �aill be
reduced in width to acco;umodate th� extra t;ao lanes. Frc� Foothill
Blvd. to the City limits there �oill be a two-lane road with parking
and landscaped median. Signals �vill be located at Bubb Road, Orange
Avenue, Phar Lap Drive, and Foothill �lvd. The worst condition is
, in the area of Carmen Road. At do.:nto;an '_�ionta Vista the choice has to
be made to either take the buildings on bot� sides or to veer slightly
to the south and take only those buildings.
Rational� for In answer to Comm. Nellis` question, the Traffic Erg�neer said we need
:�ore lanes four lanes right now, based on currer.t traffic couats, and it is
anticipated we will need the 6 lanes with f ive years. We tiaill need the
four lar.es from Foothill 31vd. to Byrne easily ;aithin the next 5 years.
Pea'_K hour, eastbound traffic is currently 625 on the existing one lane.
Dou�ntown ��lonta Comm. Gatto asked how riany lots would become nonconforming due to the
`Jista will be new plan lines. The Associate Engineer said ;�e t,�ill be taking enough
taken of the downtown Monta Vista prapErties to make them useless. The
excess may be made into park areas or landscaped op`n areas.
Guidelines The Associate Engineer said the .^..ain purpose of the grecise str�et plan
�e.eded lines at this time is to provi�'e guidelines for development as it takes
Page 3
Comm. 0`Keefe asked if any alternatives to taking the south side
of downtown had been studied. The Associate Engineer. said the
alternative would be to take both sides.
Chairman Buthenuth thinks tnat Cupertino Road should be aligned Carmen Road
to come out at a ri�ht=angle intersection some place around intersection
Carmen Road. The Public G?orks Department wil.l study this possi-
Comm. Nellis said there will need to be a lef t turn as well as a Lef t turn f ro�_:
right turn onto Stevens Creek Blvd. from the park. park needed
Chairman Buthenuth asked for comments from the audience.
Attorney James A. Frost, 11247 Colur:ibus Court, Cupertino, said his Inoress/egress
reriarks were on behalf of ��r. Eric Nelson, Proprietor of Blackberr to Blackberry
Farms. He noted �aith interest the provision for si�nals at Orange Farms
Avenue and at Phar Lap Drive. The ingressjegress to the restaurant
an� golf course would be near Phar Lap Drive. It looks as though
10 - 12' would �e taken from their parkino area. He would liice to
have attention given to the possibility of left-turn lar.es and
signals in this area. An additional proble� is one of access to
Blackberry Farm picnic grounds. He noted there �aas no provision
for signals or a break in the �edian at Byrne Avenue, :ahich would
seriously impair ingress%egress to the picnic grounds. It would
also put picnic grounds traffic on resi3ential streets in that
area. He asked for consideration of signalization at Byrne or
some type of frontage road so pe�ple could get off Stevens Cree� �
Blvd. at Byrne, which would eli�inate the need for numerous
directior,al signs. The Associate Engineer said that at this point,
Engineering's intentior is to cut off Byrne Avenue.
Mr. Bernard G. Ponseggi, 22350 Cupertino Road, ?°Sonta Vista, asked One homeo�,mer`s
if they will have comriercial property in bac� of them. He asked concerns
what happens to the value of the homes that will eventually have t
be removed. He asked for justification of the need for 6 lanes
and median since the free�aay extension has taken much of the load
off Stevens Creek Blvd. He would like to see no access from
Cupertino Road to Stevens Creek Blvd. He said most of the acciden s
on Stevens Creek B1vd. have been due to drunken driving. He asked
if the zoning in that area is going to be increased. The Planning
Director said these re�:arks will be taken into consideration. He
does not envision strip commercial along here.
Page 4 '
Don`t change Mrs. Robert Brokaw, 10081 Carmen Road, protested the lack of communication
character of on this matter. She said Monta Vista is an older town �oith a little bit
the area of history and should be left alone. If this road is widened all the
�Permanente trucks will be using it. It will just make it easier for
the people who want to zone cor.li to do so. It is countrylike up
there now and is a great place to raise children. She asked that the
open space there be left alone. She said she will be interested in
hearing about the environmental impact study. She asked what LAFCO
caill have to do �aith the Planning Com^iission decisions. The Planning
Director said LAFCO has no effect on the City's study or setting of
future plan lines. She then asked if any thought had been given to
a cutoff from Highway 280 to the foothills. The Planning Director
said that if and when thp Catizolzc Church develops, additional accesses
will be needed. Mrs. �rokaw also asked about the possibility of a
- relocation program for the pe�ple in :�Zonta Vista who would be "wiped
out" . The Planaing Director said this :nost certainly c:Till have to be
ve traffic Mrs. Brokaw asked what would happen to the property ��;-here presently
problems on �there is a row of small houses along th� road parallel to Stevens
SCB. �Creek Blvd. near Byrne Avenue. The Planning Director said this property
�migizt be rezon�d to multiple residential. Sne then asked c.�here a�l
i th�s development is taicing place that �::akes the street ��idening necessary.
` 'The Planning Director said tnere is not going *o be tiiat much develop;nent
in the hills, based on our Open Space Element and ttie ti��llside Co:r�ilittez
istud�es. i•iaryknoll and the Catholic Church have been worKing on
;development plans for several years. U�l�ss somebody can purchase
I all tize vacant land, t;.ere is going to be d°velop�ent. Nirs Brokaw
said she has observed from her windo�as that there is no serious traffic
Iproblem on Stevens Creek Blvd. ,
Zetain "quaint" �Mrs. Norma Bradlyn, 22344 Riverside Road, asked if thought had been
�Ionta Vista lgiven to keeping Monta Vista as it presently is. She said there are
�people who travel many �iles to come to see quaint, old to�ans.
She said three lanes wou�d be sufficient.
6 laa`s not '�1r. Bill �assett, 102I1 Mira Vista Avenue, said hp T��as at the previous
needed �Public Hearing. He asked if a study nas been done, based on 4 lanes.
The Associate En�ineer said Eng�n�ering advises 6 lanes and 4 l�nes
farther west, as poin�ed out earli�r. �Zr. Lassett questioned the
advisability of putt�ng in 6 lanes anywhere if there is not going to
be heavy commercial along here, as is found on Stevens Creek Blvd in
San Jose 1 suggested they cut er:penses and leave L4onta Vista as is.
The Traffic Engineer said R1 generates 10 trips p_r day per unit. As
you get into multiple ann com*nercial this rate ?ncreases. Chairman
3uthenuth also question�d the need for 6 lanes.
iZINUTES OF T:�IE OCT0:1',R 30, 1Q72 P"LAivNI;,G CQ:1;�iISSION MEE`il;dG I'C-75
Pa.ge 5
TIr. Louis Stocklmeir. , Sr. , 221.20 Stevens Creek Road, Cupertino,
said it �aas in 1873 tile Board of �upervisors decided. to exte.zd �
Stevens Creek Bl.vd. as �ar as �yrr.e Avenue. H� next ���anted to
C�1SCllSS SO'.�e Or ttl�' E'11��1ReeYl;i�', C��?tall pY"OYO�E.C� adjacent: t C t11_S �
property en bot�h s ides of creven� Creek ��lvd. He ti inv;ted to (
come to the Lngineerin� Depart�:ent dur.ing t:�e day scmetime ��hen �
individual matters can �.e discussecl.
Attorney Sara Anderson, 14457 Bi� �asin �•ia� , Saratoga, saici that at Apply ror
the time ths_^ area o�as incor.porated into Cupe tiie P].anriing � federal runds
Commissi_on rlade t:�e state�:��ent that t'_�is area had strono character. �
The first i�::pr.ove.-�ent :lade in `_onta Vista �;as a �tore at the �li� `
on Stevens Creek Bivd. It iailed b�cause of the bad ingress/egresq,
Then �:r. Duc proposed 75C0 sq. ft. lots on Phar Lap Dri���e. A � .
tre:aer.dous amount of dirt had to be no-.�ed and 1.arg� trees re�oved. �
Mr. Anderson adv� sed ea_ther a large overcr-�s�ing at t:1e dip or to �
leave it alone. It is a tremendousl}� dangerous situation there !
naw. �ie pased the questio:� that ii federal funds �.�ere dvaila'o±e, �
snould the City of Cunert�_n� not rnake appl�cations for suc:z funds ';
for im_pr.ove�:.ents bet�aeen �°lann Dr:_ve and Cuperti.no Road.
Irene Tolbert, 530 Ttlirt�entYi Avenue, Santa Cruz, said ��e now have In fa�or of
an industrial park, a college, and apartments ir. taat vicin�ty. i road Taidenir.g
It seer�:ed t:o her that tlie best caay to get bet�aeen t+ao points ���as a�
straight line. Fier concern is �ahen the property is going to be �
taken and i�l will pay tor it. She asked if plans have been ::�a_dA �
for acquiring the aroperty. The Plannino Directur ans-:�ered that , '
once the plan line has been decided upon, that will be the next �
ste�. Mrs, Tolbert com^�ented t�at t'�e widening of the road will '
only serve to improve the property �_n *'_.at area..
Mr. Robert Brokaw, 10081. Carmen Road, asked i� the C�ty has been I,Fai_tin� �or
approached by th� Jrban Develop�ei�t Conr:nittee, and if the City is � envi.r.on�:ent
working to assist in urban develop:�ent. tle is concerned t:iat no i�pact study
alternative plans have been pre_sented. He said peop]_e move out to
places like ��onta Vi_sts to get a.Jay fro:.i the congestion they nust
face all day in their employment. He has noticed develorment
gradually creeping up to his place. He will be very interested ir.
the environment impact study.
Mr. Richard Hainle, 22054 Clear���ood Court, Cupertino, said he o��s �3ufferin�:
property �n the Oakdale Ranch area. He asked if the plan 1ir,es requested
include slope easements. The Associate Pla�ner suggESted he come
to the Engineering D�partment sorie day soon to study the cross-
sections. Mr, Hainle said his property is at a low elevation in
relation to the street and the noise from the cars goes over to the
homes. He would be in favor of some buffering.
Page 6
I'oints ta be Comm. Adams commented that this Public Hearing has opened up some new
studied avenues to be explored: federal funding, 6 lanes versus 4 lanes, alter-
nate routes, and how can we save older Monta Vista.
Lool: at the Comm. N�llis said the City must look at tne needs of tlie people; that
needs of the is the purpose of public hearings. She is concerned about this
people struggle between Cupertino and Monta Vista. LAFCO has deterr.iined that
Monta Vista will eventually be a part of Cupertino.
Comm. Gatto said �ae must balance the traffic pattern T,�ith the type
and style of living we want here.
Preserve Com�n. 0'Keefe complimented the audience on their co:nments. If at all
integrity of possible, he is in favor of the preservation of the integrity of
the area Alonta Vista. He is in favor of diversity. '
St�ff report Chairman Buthenutn �aould like a stafi report r�n traffic saf_ety, etc.,
r�quested and reasons ��?hy we rea�ly need 6 lanes. He also Taondered if the plan
line could wait until after the G�r.era_i_ Plan is completed. The Planning
Director said the Land Use and Circulat�cn Ele�ents �,�ill be discussed
bet�aeen Novernber and ..Tanuary. Chairma� Buthenuth sugg=�sted continuing
this matter until the Dece::iber llth Pl.anning Comm�ssion meeting.
SCB Plan Lin�s �loved by Comm, Gatto, seconded by Comm. O�K�efe to continue the
continued to Stevens Creelc Blvd, plan lines Public Hearino until Dece::iber 11, 1972.
Dec. l.lth. +
( Motion carried, 5-0
Land Use and i Betcaeen tiiis meeting and tiie llecember 11t.1 rleeting the �la�zning Commission
Circulation will have some discussiens on Land Use and Circulation Elements. The
Llement t.o be audi_en.ce will be encouraged to attand.
Chairman Buthenuth called a r�cess at 9:30 P.LI, Tne �r�eeting reconvened
at 9:45 P.M.
2. Appl.ication 3-V-72 of Claud� T. Lincisay, Inc. , fo Variance to allow
I a two-foot increase in the allocaable fence height cn the northerly
property line of Tract 4721, Lots 18 L7rough 31. Sa�d property is
located on the east side of Nortz �s:Laney Avenue, aporoximately
500 feet north of :`ErriL DrivE�, First tieari_ng.
The Plannir.g Director revie�aed the Cctober 27L staff re�or. t 1I1C� colr,red
slides of the site were shown. In additicn, thF� applica_Zt supplied
serae photographs of the site to support 'tiis statements . Tiie ��.prl_icarlt's
Septenber 18, 1972, letter �.Tas also introduced.
MINL'TES 0�' T�;F� OCTO::FP� 30, 1972 PT A.Zi?ING COi'L''tISSIOiI i�iF,ETING r� 75
Page 7
It was the stafr's deterr.lination tha� t?��� appl�.cation fails to ��,pl_:.catioLi do-.=
meet the criteri� for approval o� a var.iance, as set for_th i_n the not -r.eet
City's zoning ordinance. 'i'ne situat;_on d�scribed in the a�plicant'• criter�? zcz
e�;hil�i.ts are not uncorr�uon in ather resid�antial zonin� districts a_»ro-: ai :,i �
wit'hin the Cit}-; t�:ereiere, it is th� staif:'s o�inion that the var i_ance
vari_ance request does not meet the test of Sub��ct�_on a, Secti.en.
4.2 of the zoning crdinance.
Chairman Buthenuth also felt it was necessary f_or an applicant to
sho�� hardship ir. order to get a variance.
Mr.. Walter E. Muir, Vice President, Claude t. Lindsay, inc., D:_._ference in
2160 Forest Avenun, �an Jose, Ca1ir"ornia, nuted that �.ahen he stood �leva.�ion
on the slab of one of the units h� couid see `he ieet of pecrie in
the unit across t:e fence. A 6' fence, measured fro� the adj�cent
property, does �ot oifer. privacy to his units. �ie s�-�d he was
aski.ng to be allowed ta put 2 zeet o* basket �.�eav� fencirin on top
of. the present 6 r_ed��food ience, as has a�ready 'n�en done b;� raan;
of the people in that area. Chairman :�utl�er.�t:�� b�cught up tf�e fact
that t': � s deve�op�r had bu�lt up hi_s 7.a�:d , ma':inc th.�se un �ts
on a lligher �levation t�.an thoL�e next door. M . Mu~�r said th�_s
is a comrzon thing to do. �ie added tnat he could �_nstall 6' tencing `
orl his side of the prop�-r.t� , leaving a�out 2' in bei:�r-een, but that
lon� 5 rarro:a str ip in bettaeen could become a��eed and f ire hazard .
Co:nm. 0'�eefe suggested he ar_h?eve this privacy by planting shrubs Solve the
alor�g the f ence . �Sr . r1�ir was concern�d that it takes about 3 proble:� �tiith
years for those shrubs to �row hi�h enoug�i to do any good. ?and�ca�in�
Co:tlim. Nellis belzeves tne proble�� shoul.d be solved Tai.th landscapin� .
Another sugcestion made .��as to fill bet-ae�n the concrete swai� and
put a 6' fence alon.g that area, �ahich will raise th� fence 2' on
his side.
Chairman Butnei�uth asked for comments fron the audience. There
were none.
Tloved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Co:�m. Adams to close the Public Public Hearwn�
Hearings. . clos�d
rlotion carr ied , 5-0
rloved by Comm. Nel.lis, seconded by Comm. Gatto to recommend to the 3-V--72
City Council denial of application 3-V-72, denied
AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, Chairman Buthenuth
NOES: None
ABSTAINED : Comm. 0'Keef e.
Chairman Buthenuth left the meeting at this point. Vice-Chairman
0'Keefe assumed the Chair.
Page 8 �
3. CITY OF CUPERTINO: PUBLIC HEARING to consider a�nendment of
Section 6.18 of Sign Ordinance 353. First Hearing.
Amendr�ent to The Pl.anning Director reviewed the October 27th staff report on this
Sign Crd. matter. He said that over the past o to 8 months, the Cit}� has not
requested by been a position to enforce the ordinance. The City no�a �as a Code
realtors Enforcement Officer. S°condly, �ce se`�-: to b� faced with a pr_clifera-
tion of off-site advertising sigtis lately. Reaitors in the area have
appealed to the City Ccuncil �aho, i.n turn, dir�cted the grcup to
appear before the H-Control. The H-Control Cor��mittee, in their
Resolution No. 213, deter_nined after tc�lo hearings that Section 6.18
as presently drafted represents a valid regulatorj� �easure.
Vice--Chairman 0'Keefe asked for com:rents fro� t}:e audience, There
��:ere none.
Dublic H2arin� �icved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. �`e11is to close the Public
closed Hearings.
i•totion carried, 4-0
Sec. 6.18 or Llo-�red by Comm. G�tto, s.�conded by Co-�sn. �da�as to submit a resolution
Urd. 353 is to the City Council supperting ttle :--Ccntrol Reso.lution No. 213,
va1=_d stating SPCtion 6.1`d is valici and the ordinance sizould noi. be changed.
AYES: Ccmn. Adans, Gatt��, Ne11is, Vice-Cha.�rn�an 0'Keeie
NOES: None
ABSF.NT : Chair�nan nutnenuth
Motion carried, 4-0
4. CITY GF CliPERTI�10: PUBLIC uFAR:.N�� to co�side� the pr�v; sion of
truc'_ti routes on certazn �treets �ait:lin the City of Curertino .
�irst Hearino.
The P?annirg Director ref_�rred to t�.e Septe-;'�er 28, 1_972, :.em�o fro:�
th� Director of Publ.ic T�;orks re�ardin� truc:c ro�.�t�s.
TrucK routes The Traffic En�;i_neer said the ba�:ic reascn fo ^sr_ablish�_n; a truck
route 1.S t0 rGStrZCt 501"�P_ StfeE�S fY0?il t?_'llCi: �r�i�f1C. Ti1 OY'd�T t0
dc; t�iis, alt�riiatiT✓es :�.u��t be prov�_de1, i.,oca'_ �leliveries are �xcept�d.
Tiiey must depurt froM the rea.r_est truck ro�ite ar:d i:acr. cnto i_t as scon
I as possible. Through move-"enL are rF�str =cted. :zo��.est�acl Ro�d � s
cl�_2"�'::C�y �Sr�bl7_SC1E'.!1 cl5 a �T'UC�C x'011tE'� �t1rOl:Ll:l 5llT1I'i;'Vai�. SP;�j L
�,ve hav.n r.o controi over Interstzte ZBO. Ti�e trucl route -�ill ao alr_ng
Stevens �r�ek 13.Lvd.. �rc::i �85 to the ����:=tei:rl ci._t�r li:-�its. ��e i�otad ther.e
�Y'�' S�YE?c`it IlUI��uC'Y' G� CO::L"1etCL�'ll E'SC:iui.1'�11:?L`�'P.�S alor SC:PV2T:� CYcQ.�t
'.lvd. as well a� Va11co Park.
.1 -, � - , - 3 _ , .,�� . .. �_ .�r_�, � � �,-
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ClE2S�4?i]�.LC.G 'C�2C��vS�. Oi ;-:ra�5:'_I� ,`^.71C: b'C...� t� 7'Il� 1-"'c2fii_C I
, C';ij�l::__�.riE t:ii�t tJy E.=�'ta�_ �_1_S17 iI'i'�, �Yi1C'-_ Yi:?2;=�5 7P_ .. �� 1. D° �
abl; to contr_u:�_ tr_uc':-: trafiic �ri certa�n ro:.ds. I
C.^i':iil. ��i.:�E'.T-E 1CC�.S t:7E: T1J1S<' i3CiOT SLi::UZ� C:E'. 2.11 1i�1LEf'i�L r(11_T�t r0; ��. � c`i^t0I"
CCriS i�"! eSt�3b� l�i1 ;.T1� t:_°SE. i_Tt1C:� "f_OUL°S . i
C�_,n. NeII anree' rhat so. must be done a'�c;:t th� no_�_se ar�d� Speed is =i so
the speed of ti�e truc�: trai�;_ce � a. factor
�'ice--Cliair�:an C'_�eef�: asked for re:.�.�artis rro.:� the �ud:_enc�: �
�. �: �. i rl 1- l - � r i. �' `� ��' � � " �- r� A
�-_r. I�a�ry -_arks 1.,2it, ����.1�i . �l.v�. y Cupe. ! sa�d Yi :a h�_ _� .xoi :� t� s_ :i
��'i1�3::�5 lIl ��le"_Y' b11._�_Ci �P.`�S il._^, aYE? llp i-Il _?',... �3.70llt t11: 3 I70�-�i�,: �._IQ i 3-2tt'_."'._�•?"lt'
frequcc�cy c;£ trucl:s �cina past. t�ny r.o_se a'-;ate'-�r� - =ould :e �:aou�d be .
help�ul S as ;��e1_]_ as contro] a� the sp�=eding. `
The ir«ffiic E�ig�neer said ��>eeci �.'_�its are u�uall�� establisned at �
or tt�:d�r the speed travellcci ccy SS% o{ th�� traf i ic ; izo;���ver , otfi�r `
factors are also considered. �
The l�.ssist:ant City :�ttorney ans:-ered C�m..n. Na' lis that we are
pre��:pted by State regulatie-ls.
Com_--?. ;iellis asked _`�1r. Niarks if t: ey hau conside�ed a r.oise `��arrier
waii. 2>�r. �Iarl.s :�as not. in a pos=ti�n t� ans�:er tn�s q��estz�Ti.
He asked i f_ it is �ossi_�le to 1_�_;:7it t'tie ��ours �.nd t�e spee� o= !
these trucks. It was brcu�h� out that ::ais�r hGs stated �hey do
not o��?n r:iany of these truc'�s; theretare, they cannot control then.
Juanita �:cLaren, 221C�1 Lin�y �.ane, Cup2rtino, said si7e has :�e�n Stuci�s r:ad�
waging a war with Fer:aanente �or a long ti-ne. S:�e has had a st�_?dy
rlade of ti�:e, frequency, and cicsed versus open ha.uling trucks.
She brought up the safety iactor of pull_�ng out onto I'oothill 31vd.
Slle said the trt:cks :-�ake il�.egal. turns `r.o� PeY�:,lnente Road ento
Foothill B1vd., and �tevens Creek Blvd. S::e believ�s further study
of thi.s matter is ��:a.rranted. She requeste� a stud�� be made r�gard-
ing an alCernate Cruck route t:�rough the Churcn property. The
Planning Director sa�d ti:is has been discus�ed wi_th Per;�
who thought it ��ould be an excellent ieea.
Pa�e 10
Citizen's Mr. Bruce Wenniger, 10298 Mann Drive, said he lives 3 miles from
specitic Foothill Blvd. and has been acaakened at r.igat by the sound of trucks
requests shifting gears. He �aould like to see that the trucks are forced to
obey speed linits. He caould like to see that the trucks are covered
so cement and gravel are not stre�an on the road or other property.
He would like the noise levels cnecked. He would li�e to see truck
traffic restricted in all places in Cupertino, eYCept for delivery
trucks, during the hours 7 A.�i, to 8 P.M. And he �aould like to see
the laws enforced.
Public Hear�ng i•loved by Co�r,m. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Ada::�s to close tne Public
closed Hearings.
.iotion carried, 4-0
Truck traffic rioved by Com�. Nellis, seconded by ComTM�. Gatto to reco-��:.end to the
route C�ty Council aoproval of the truck rotite, aleng ��ith the reco�:�endation
approved that the City Council aadress the proble:�s oi speed contrcl, restric-
tion of tine of operation, noise li:�its ar.d a:r pollution caused by
the dust.
AYES: Ca��n. Ada^s, Gatto, Nellis, Vice-Cha:rn:an 0'Keefe
NOES: None
ABSENT: Chairman Buthenuth
�?otion carried, 4-0
U\FT_NISHED BUSINESS -- There ��as none o
5. Discussion regarding request tor waiver of the requir�ment for
improvement bond in connectian with the °iarianist Province of
the Facif ic on ?�Iadera Road .
�oad :::ay never The Planning Director re vie;;-ed applic�tion 8-T��i-72. The Fublic Works
�o in Department no-,i has an Unirnproved Street Ordinance �chich �nsures the
City's reimbursement and that the i:nprovements �aill go in. The Associate
Engi.neer said the staff feels that this is an unusua? case. T:�ey are
willing to :1ake the ded.ication ar.d iL it � s decided at sc�:e �uture
aate not to put the road in, it :aill h� ded_icated back to them.
r1INUTES OF TtiF OCTOaLR 30, 1972 PLt'u�Pdl:1�s CO��TISSION t•��ETING FC--75
Page 11
Mr. Donald Lanc?herg, representinb Ruth rnd uo�ng, 913 The Ala-ne�.a,
San Jose, said t_:ey are in general a�re�°:�.ent �a� th ttiis road:�ay.
The probability of a need for. thi_s road is .:x�ni��al. �Ie asked that
the agreement be continu�d �ut that the bond r.eq�� �_rn�Yient be -�.aived.
There i.s a proole::� in obtainin� an op�n end bond for an indefin�te
time. Com��. Ne11i_s agreed, through 'tie� oTan experie�ce, that the
proble�:! is �?ot that the bcn?� is so costl.y but rat:.°r that they
don`t know for Y�ow lor.g, which makes it i�ard to get a bond,
i�ioved by Conun. Gatto, seconded by Cor:an. Ada�s to reco:-��end that
the waiver for the i:r�provement bonds as stipul�ted under a�plicatio
8-T�1-72 be app�oved.
AYES ; Comm. ?dams , Gatto , P�lellis , Vice-C�air�an �' �eeie
NOES: Non�
ABSE'�IT : Chairman Buthenut'n
'.otion carried, 4-G
i�EPORT OF PLAI�NI CC`'�'IIS�IC*� ~�'� --.;- .
'..,<,;.:_ -
Comm. Nei.lis �rought up the fact that tne Co:.Lja�ssion has not I En� �Y., ^�t.ta�
addressed itself to all points as to environ�ental i-�_� �ct �n tL.e i_-._ � v�_ �� .- _.._ .
Open Space an:i Conservation Eie*�ent. S:�e i�trcd:��ced a ci �.�st � t^ :�_ _.-_.._ _
fro� the League oi California Cities. T:�e Pla�nia;� L�rector said I
he �f?ould br1_ng so:ne suggestions to the nex� �lanning Co_.�yss �
rleeting. Some gu�del�nes are presently ceing fo�
Comm. Nellis askeci for copies or so-:e cf th� papers deli��ered at Ccp-e; c.: i==_
the recent League o� California Cit�es ?�eetin�. req�Yeste�
Comm. Nellis asked what t��e stat��s is on the respensibilit_es of R^le o� the
the H-Control. T<<e Planning Director said the Ca~��_!'_ttee is going ��-Control
to produce a short paper on their deiiberations and present it to -
the City Council soon.
Cor.�m. Nellis said she has learned t;�e :?illside Co::mittee is going Hillside Ce-�-�.
to asn the County on Nove�ber 16th for a one-year extension. Tne wants extensic.^.
Pl�.nning Director will investigate th�s.
Co�m. Adams would like a ninute order prepared to re,nind the H-Control shoui
H-Control to check the elevations when �aking determinations. check elevaticr
�`_I\i;TES �F TIiE QGTO�L': 30, 197� ?'LAti�II:;;J CO'�:ISSION iIEETI�G PC-75
Page 12
�'ice-Chairr,:an 0'�;eefe :•:as concerned acout interrugted side�aall�:s Inter��.:�ted
on Rar.dy Lar.r. iiie Ass�stant i;it� �_ttorney sa �_d the L'i:i: s�a '.�--h'Ul :s on
Street Ordivance si ea�:s speci�icr,ily te t:�is :�ind ot c::ir.,_, Ra::d�= Lane
The rirector announc�d a joint �;eet�ng at 7:30 P.�`, en T:�ursday, Jo.�_..t Teeti.ng
No�,-e-cer 9th, ef t:_e City Cou :c;l, Pl�- j -� � , ^ :+
�:�n:n� Cc..�:.is�ion a d th� �v. 9tz
Fai� : ousiz�g people.
I� ��'3S d�C1G�eC� tll� 'la:_nin� C:�...�1SSlOi1 [:'�ll�•'� t7d`�2 8. SD�C�?_i T.":2ei.1.�z, C?riPYd� ��_2P=
OTi �•:2d esday i�OVc :�er �t�l � %:3� i�._'•., 0=. �:: Gen�ral i'�ail ne_Ptir.� Cil
1:CV . H*_-�
.`O�'°'� b}' CC;1^:. �ic_'ll�S secon::ed 'C'y' CO�':-. �att� �O �.C�� �O a r,:lCllrl:�: t0
Sp°-Ci21 .^.?�er11:� OP �;we�b�r g� I�i72� 7:37 �.._. Ti�O __;?E.'t�_Il� :tOV. ���1
adj�urned at 11 :4G i ._�:.
riotion carried, 4-0
_ APPROVED: _- .
/s/ John W. Butnenuth i
, �
/s/ Wm. E. R�der
City Clerk