1030Q Torre Aven.ue, Cupertina, Caii�orn�a I'age 1
Telephone: 252-4505
C:�airr.tan Euthenuth called tne meeting to order at 7:30 P.M, with
the Salute to the Flag.
Co� present : Adams , Nellis , 0' Keef e, Cnai �� an Buthenuth
Comm. absent: Gatto
Staff present: Director of Planning and Development Sisk
Assistant Citv Attorney Terry .
Deputy City Attorney Killian
Associate Planner Cowan
Traf�ic Engineer Grigg
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular ;Ieeting of Septenber 25, 1972.
Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Co^un. Ada?ns to approve t�e Sept. 25 Mi:�ur:
Minutes of September 25, 1972 as written. approveci as
Motion carried, 4-0
POSTPONEMENTS, etc.: Application 4-U-72 of Keith E. Garner:
To be removed from calendar
Moved by Comr.i. Adams, seconded by Comra. Nellis to rer�.ove appiica- 4-U-72 re^:oveci
tion 4-U-72 fror� the calendar. from calendar
Motion carried, 4-0
WRITTEN CO�UNICATIONS -- There were none.
Page 2
Ttie effect of A Bulletin from the recent League of California Cities meeting was
Oper Space an3 distributed among the Commissioners. It was in regard to the recent
Conservation California Supreme Court decision on tne Mono County case. Since
Act on the City Cupertino has already adonted an Open S�ace and Conservation Element
of Cupertino to the General Plan, it will not be necessary tc have an environmental
study made. Ho�aever, tiie Planning Cor.uaission will have to r.iake a
finding in each case as to the conformance of each application to the
Open Space and Conservation Act.
1. Public discussion to consider estabiishment of a street patterr.
adjacent to Stevens Cree� School and adjoining City park site
in the Stonydale Drive/Ainswort�� Drive area.
�*_re2ts s:�ould Tne Planning Director said a decision needs to be nade as to the
Tict be exter�ded street pattern �n *_zis area since we are currently in tne process of
t:�r.ough t::e hiring architects to design this park site. T�.e Neighborhood Plan
nark advocates the e�;tension of Ston}�dale and Vista Knoll 31vd. through
the privately owned park site to Crescent Drive. In the jud�rsent of
the `urrent staff, and apparently t:�at of a large segment of the
surrounding property o��mers, the streets should not be extended
through the park. He. then went over t�.e detailed maps oi the area.
An abbre�iated cul-de-sac is proposed for Stonydale. Amelia Court
zs a private street, a-�d there are no plans to modify its current
legal and physical sta*us. The prir.�ary rationale for tnP staff's
position on tnis relates the d�fficulty of access �ut Cupertino Roac?
to Stevens Creek Blvd. and the impact of t�rough street� and the
usability of tre par�c. The Traffic Engineer noted there are less
than 100 cars per day on the unimproved street.
Cnairman Butnenuth asked for cor:unen�s fro:l the audience.
�itizer� in Mrs. Jackie Hall, 10629 Baxter Avenue, Cupertino, �a�d slze was
=avor of new delignted in the char.ge of attitude in regard te the n�.w tninicing
t:7inking on_ the streets. Sne said retaining a portior� e� tne park site in
orchard to illustrate to our future citizens �.rhat Cupertinu used to
look like is an excellent idea. Since there would be. confusion if
this :a�re naried "�tevens Creek Park" , slze e:�dorsed the na:ze "Stonydale
Park" as a very aesthetic name.
Page 3
Mr. Ralph Nelson, 10349 Creston Place, Cupertino, said he was very Citizen end�rs�
pleased with the plan that doe� not continue Ston��dale through the plan
park, for safety reasons and for the nature of the park itself.
There are no sidewalks �.n that area. He would like to�see a sig-
nificant part of t:�e �ar�c left in its natural state, for future
generations to see Taha.t it once was liice in Cu�ertino. �
Mr. Bob Stiles, 10301 Stonydale, Cupertino, endorsed the proposed
plan, even thoug�� ne lives tne longest distance from the cross
Mr. Bill PZacGuire, 10421 Phar Lap Drive, Cupertino, said there are Citizen oppose
two kinds of traffic to be considered: pedestrian and automobile. new street
::e was against the new street alignment. It will create problems align�.ent
for those people Taho utilize the scnooi. The Planning Director
said there ;aill be so:2e extensive i-:prove::�ents o� the pedestrian
access east of the school. From a vehicular stand�oint, he sa�.d
the new plan does provid� a round-about approach to the Ste-�ens
Creek School. In the future, the City may nave to consider vehi-
cular access from the r.orth.
Comm. Adams asked �ahat plans are presently made for that area �tilier Further dis-
Stevens Creek Road comes out to Footnill B1vd. T�:e Planning cussion on
Director said present plans call for right turn in and right turn access
out at that intersection. Com�. Adams noted that at the present
tir�.e, there is no way to get from Stevens Creek Blvd, to Stevens
Creek School. :`_e could appreciate the problems of the residents;
hocaever, he would also like to consider other factors; e.g.,
alternate route for safety reasons. He was in favor of the re^tark
nade by some of the residents. :ie would be in favor of delaying
installation of the parking lot at this time.
Chairman Buthenuth stated that Stevens Creek School is now served Lxtend Arselia
by two accesses. He does not believe access should be cut off.
He believes we should look into tne possibility of extending
Amelia Court. Stonydale should stop at the park and Amelia Court
should go through.
Comm. 0'Keefe feels that a minimum of streets around the school
should be allowed.
Comm. Nellis believes there should be some access from the south
and from the east.
Comm. Adarss would like to hold off the parking in the westerly
portion; provide southerly access from Stevens Creek Boulevard
to the school site if it can be worked out.
i1r. Nelson said Amelia Court has been blocked off with telephone Cement footpat
poles. ��e would like to see this park oriented toward pedestrian requested
and bicycle traffic; put in a cement fo�twalk.
Page 4 �
Mr. Wahl, 10335 Der�pster Ave.nue, Member of Somerset Square Homeowners'
Association, said it is a long trip 3round to takp their children in
the car to the school.
Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comra. Adams te close the Public
Hearings. This motion and second were withdrawn to allow further
public discussion.
Access Mr. MacGuire pointe3 out that at one ti�e the park site was designated
problem as a park they could ta'.�.e the children to. Tne access problem has
been there for about ten years. He does not believe they should be forced
to illegally use a private street to get to the new park.
�ublic Moved by Conun. idell�s, seconded by Comm. Ada�s to close the Public
Hearing Hearings.
Motion carr�.ed, 4-0
Cor.im. Adams would like to exolore the �res and cons of a sou*herly access.
Co�:a. 0'I�eefe agreed. Co:�.m. i�ellis would like to see the altarr.atives.
She wanted to know more about the footbridge. Its location �aas pointed
out on the map.
Reco�.-�endation Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded by Com�-n. Nellis to recorunend to the
to Cour,cil City Council consideraticn of the termination of Stonydale. Drive
a� preser.ted by the staf_f and tc cor_tinue study for possible southerly
! access to t�e park and school site; d2letir�g at this time the southerly
parking area. . �
. AYES : Comm . Ada.�s , Nellis , 0':�eef e, Chairman yuthenuth
NOES: None -
ABSE:tT : Comm. Gatto
Mction carried, 4-0
2. Application 4-U-72 ef Keith E. Garner for Use Perm to censtruct a
200-unit matel and restaurant, a nanx and 176-unit apartmer.t coL.plex
within a P(P�anned Development) zone. Said rroperty is 2ocated in
t'ne southwest quadrant o�= the inter.section of_ Freeway 280 and
�Sunnyvale-Saratoga Roa.d. Se�ond Hearing,
Page S
3. Applications 17-Z--72 and 17-TM-72 of Estate Homes, Inc., for
(1) Rezoning arnroximate�y 5.20 acres from R1-10 (Residential
single-far,iily, 1Q,000 sq. ft. per d;��elling unit) to R1-7.5
(Residential, sin`le-fa��ily, 7,500 sq. ft. per dw�lling unit)
or whatever zo :e -:a}• be dee:�ed des_rable by the Dlanning
Commission; (2) Tentative ��ap to subd�vide S.20 acres' into
seventeen R1-7.5 (Resident�al, single-�a.��ly, 7,500 sq. ft.
per d;aelling unit) lots. Said groperty is located in the
southeast quadrant of �:igh;Vay 85 and Hom°stead Road,
First Hearing.
The Planning Director �aent over some colored s�ides of the arQa,
pointing out that tne property to the east is in Sunnyvale.
He said the City had a previous application ror multiple zoning
on this property. He suggested something should be done about
the jurisdiction of this area.
The Associate Planner said he nad received a call from the City Jurisdictional
Planner in Sunnyvale register-ng some concern as to t�Thich city proble_�s ner�
should govern this property. _
The Planning Director pointed out tlere are so::ze 7,500 sq. ft. lot
in this plan, but there are also some in considerable excess of
10,000 sq. ft. This property should have acc�ss to riomestead Road
Comm. Adams said he hesitates to act upon t:.is a�plication until
the lurisd-iction aspect has been resolved. Co:rm. 0'��eefe noted
that it appeared this property snould 'oe in Sunnyvale.
Mr. Mervin Hanson, 1741 Frobeshire Way, San Jose, said t'ne small- No proble� _:.
est lot is 7,800 sq. ft., and the average size of the lots is future juris-
10,000 sq. ft. Payette and Pendleton extens?ons would be 60' dictional
streets. He said he agrees to the statements made by the Planning! cnange
staff. Comm. 0`Keefe asked if would be proble�s in the future if
people who purchase these zones in Cupertino find later on that
they are Sunnyvale residents. Mr. Hanson sa�d he could foresee
no problems with this.
Chairman �utheni.th asked for comments fror� the audience.
Ms. Lisa Bates, 1784 Karameos Drive, Sunnyvale, said they were at Sunnyvale
a meeting here last November to say tney oppose� any development residents -�ant
of this property since it is the only open green area left. There cpen space h�r:
is no need for additional housing there. Ho:nestead Road is al-
ready very hazardous. She asked that any decision be delayed unti
they have had a chance to speak to tne City of Sunnyvale. She
foresees problems if Payette and Pendleton are opened to traffic.
Page 6
�ccess Mr. Zack, 1019 Pendleton, Sunnw ale, said he strongly agreed with his
problems collegue wYlo just spoke. He feels the square footage outlined by the
developer is misleadinb. If the developer is really interested in
developing he will have access problems.
Park needed Mrs. Johnson said s�z lives next door to the large water towers.
She had two sma11 children and is concerned about additional traffic
on the streets and overloaded schools. She feels the need for mcre
open space. The ne�rest park to their area is about two miles away.
�uffer needed Mrs. Judy Coo�er, 21906 Hyannisport Drive, Cupertino, asked what the
fro:n freeway price range of these homes will be. This information was not available.
She said that because of the backing up onto t:".e freeway and the
problems of Somerset �quare, there should be some setback from the
treeway. She wotild like to see some buffering.
Mr. Leech said he lives near the water tanks. He asked for more
, consideration of this proposal. They are arterially bound. This
proposal would be opening a wnole, new neignborhood.
�uplicate Ms. DiSaffe, Pendleton Drive, Sunnyvale, does not think it is reasonable
service for the:n to have service vehicles from both Sunnyvale and Cupertino
�:zhicles going past their homes. She feels this property should belong to
Sunnyva_le .
�ebuttal tilr. Hanson said they plan to sell tne :�omes in the price range of
$38,UC0 ro $45,000 for 3, 4 and � bedroom, single story and two story
homes as well as some trile��el. They will l�ave 2 or 2-1/2 'oaths,
ceran� c tile entries , wil � be car_ Aeted � insulated a Tt :�ones wz11
� be as �ood a.s, if not better than those already in that area. Tl.is
i land has been available for sale ror som� time and if it was to i�e
� Furcnasea by the City of Sunnyvale it should have been done by now.
?ublic Hearing ��loved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Cor,m. C'Y.eefe to close tne
c7_osed ! Public Hearings.
MQtion carried, 4-0
There follo�tied a di�cussicn of enviro ::�entai i�^pact on ti�e area.
There are r.lany degrees of enviror.rlental impact, and t:�e nlanning
Director said that in the future, the Planni:z� Co^��i�tiss�.o� tlas to �ake
a f inding wfiether or not , in their v� r��iids , a;,re ;aill have
an adverse 'effect on the environr.lent. T�e `I'raf�ic Engineer stated
I that he did not see wher� thQ pr�posal ��ould have a sub�tant�al effect
; on the trarf ic in t!�e neighbor iood, Ci,air:-:a-z � uthenuth felt this
� would have better access t'tzan a l�t of tracts have.
Page 7
Comm. 0'Keefe moved to reopea the Public Hearing since the Hearings
audience obviously f�lt the�� had r�ore to say on the subject. reopened
Comm. Nellis seconded the r�c,tion, but wanted th4 cou of the
audience to direct their remarks thruugh the Chair.
:�1rs. Bates said ?��right Avenue is the �nly a.ccess out to Homestead. Wait for
They are not ready ro accept 34 more hom2s. They have no patrol Pr�p. R
from the Sunnyvale Police Degartment� The L-shaped street pattern r.esults
means the cars won`t even have to slow down. She asked for a
delay on this matter until after we see if Proposition R passes
and whether or not Sunnyvale could tise the funds to purchase this
Mr. Hanson said, regarding access, it would have to be to Homestead �10 cul-de-sac
Road through lots 1 and 2. He believes the people who originally
purchased their homes must have recognized that at �ome time there �
�aould be an extension of tha street, due to the fact there was no �
cul-de-sac. .
It was brought out that these tio�es were built 15 years ago. �Cor�pensatian
There was no extension �f Hi;hway 85 going through there tren. �for Hiway 85
They believe the little bit of property left is a lit�Ze compen- ,boin� liere
sation for the homeowners there. i
The Traffic Engineer said he has not pregared a;aritten report on iNo Pxcessive
the traffic here, but based on the 9.3 trips per day per dwelling �traffic here
unit cn R1 property, the tra_ffic is no higher than other resi�'en-
tial streets.
Moved by Comm. �;ellis, seconded by Comm. Adams to close the Public Hearing:
Public Hearings. closed
Motion carried, 4-0
Comm. Nellis wanted the homeowners to know the Planriing Commission ,In favor of
does care and welcomes their views. She synpathizes with them �postponement
that this is the only open space left. As foL the P,egional Park
District, she doubted whether the District would get involved in �
the purchase of this property. It is awkward to judge on property i
which appears to be Sunnyvale. She was concerned about this prop- i
erty butting up against the freeway. She would like to wait and
take a look at the General Plan and at those properties which abut
the freeway. �
�age 8 " �
Observations of Comm. Adams said he foresees a lot of problems with sphere of influence
Planning Com.m. here. Cupertino won't loo:� at this as a park site; perhaps Sunny
would. He would be in favor of hold�ng off on this until the jurisdiction
probleTn is resolved. C�air^ian :�uthenuth feels this progerty should be in
Sunnyvale. The Plaaning Director said property south of Ho:�estead Road
in Cupertino's sphere of influence all the wa}- to La�,Trence F,xpressway,
so these hor.ieowners are really in our sphere of ir.fluence. Co:n:~i. 0'Keefe
feels the City of Sunnyvale should really be the ones to decide the
future of this property. Sunnyvale should service the area.
The Planning Director asked �:-hat ot'r!.er uses of this pro�erty should be
considered, ot.zer thar. a park. He pointed out the e�e�e.^.tarv school
district property adjacent to Mary Avenue at the High School. There
was no further discussicn on tnis rlatter.
17-'-;2 Moved by Com.m. 0'KePfe, seconde3 by Comm. Nellis to reccrunend denial
denied. oi application 17-Z-72.
AYES: Co��. Adams, Ne�lis, G'Keefe
NOES: Chairman Buthenuth
ABSENT : Cor.im. Gatto
iiotion carried, 3-1
17-TTT-72 I i7oved by Co�*�. Q'Keefe, seconded by Co;.:�.m, ile�lis to recorLmend denial
�enied ! of applicaticn 17-T;�-72.
AYES: Com.Tn. Adar�.s, tiellis, 0'Keefe �
NOES : Chairn7an �utl��enuth
ABSENT : Comra. Gatto
;io tion carr ied , 3-I
It was noted the above applications will come before t�.e City Council
on November 6th. �
I Chairman Buthenuth called a at 9:37 P.:�i. Tl:e meeting reconvened
at 9:45 P.ri.
4. Applications 1$-Z-72 and 18-T��--i 2 af :iarlca_:� :io:�es, Divisi_on of Kaiser-
Aetna �or (1} Prezonin� to pr.e�.one a�; ro.: �i.3 acres, as
follo;as : 5.4 ucres rro,r� Sa�;'�a Clara Cc;unt;= A1 (P.esidential and
Agriculturdl) to Cit;� of Cupert �:�.o F�1C-7.5 (Residential, single-
family cluster, 7,50C sq, f�. �er d-aellin� unit), 1.0 acres fror.i
Santa Clara County A]_ {Resid�ntial an:i Agr�cultural� to
Page 9
City of Cupertino R1-7.5 (Residential, szngie-fam.ily, 7,500
sq. ft. per dwelling unit), 1.3 acres fro� Santa Clara County
A1 (Residentiai and Agricui_tu�ai) to City of Cupertino A1-43
(Agricultural-Residential , :.:: r:eie-family, 1-acre lots) , or
whatever zones may be dee:�e;l desirable 'oy the Planning -
Commission; (2) Tentative Map to subdi�ide 8.3 acres into
thirty-four lots consisting of twenty-nine single-fa�ily
cluster res;dential lots and one lo* to be held in common
owner�hzp, three sin�le-far:til.y detached :esid�ntial l�ts and
one lot to remain undeveloped. Said property is located
adjacent to and �aesterly ot McClellan Road approximately 250 I
feet westarly of the intersecticn of Lyrne Aver_ue. First
The Planning Director referred to the details in the staff report Submerged
on this application. Colored slides of the area �tiere displayed. paricing
There is the possibility o� using the lower floor o� t:�e large
building on the property for submerged parking of ca^pers, boats,
etc. The roof and walls of the upper portion of the structure f
have been considered to be re�oved and perhaps converted to a
tennis court or BBQ area.
Mr. Charles Wynn, 1430 Curtis, Menlo Park, said virtually all Contorms w�t�
trees and lar_d ca�ll re-:ain in their natural state. T�e proposed Cons. Element
plan conforms with the Conservation Element.
Messrs. Marty Hess and Leonard Ne•W:zan presented some colored slide Proposal
of the basic concApt they plan to use. Plan A attaches to Plan B description
with common �:Tal1s bet�aeen garages on2y. Patios separate the
living units. ��dhen 6 of t'r�ese are joined tney form a corunon area.
They will have automatic garage door openers. The six 2-car
garages open onto a cornmon drivecaay. The prof ile of the buyer is :
87% empty-nesters, 1.93 people per unit. There tiaill probably be
a total of 56 residents an3 perhaps 7 or 8 children.
Mr. John Stewart, Engineer, said :�e agrees coith almost all condi-
tions recommended for the rezoning and the tentative nap. The
Damico property would be split into t�ao. The alr�ost 2-acrz lower
portion would be sold to the Santa Clara Courty Flood Plain. He
wanted to point out that this property is not a flood prone area.
This could be a part of the Stevens Creek Paric Chain.
Mr. Stewart noted that the staff reco;:unands 28 rather than 29 lots
He said t:zey have already lost well over 10 lots in tze flood
plain. They are 2,000 sq. ft, under that required for tiie addi-
tional units. He said the Flood Control District will buy less
�roperty and still preserve this land. A 3+% share would lighten
the burden of everyone else in the cluster. There is a pump stati n
on this property and an easer�ent provided. Mackay Homes would be
more than happy *_o prov�de a bicycl� route here on that easemezt.
They would support a bike path along ricClelian.
Page 10 �
Further Mr. Marty Hess, 10211 Bubb Road, Cupertino, passed out copies of the
description of proposed recreation area. There �aill be a bike path on the north side
proposal of t:e street. ihere will be a 4' laadscaped strip from the street to
, the �call. Tnere will be a pool and badminton/tennis area. Only a 3' high
wall would be left of the large building. There �•�ill be a mininum of
The Traffic Engineer answered Comm. Nellis that 3 feet of landscaping is
too difficult to mainta;n. A 7' bike path is too narrow.
Good concept Mrs. Ann Anger, Monta Vista, is very pleased with this concept.
She likes to see private ownership to build a�etter co:,.�munity.
She liked the broken wall concept.
Keep density Mr. �iilliam Snyder , 21972 ?�?cClellan, said it ��=ould be a very attractive
low area for those people living there. I-�:e suggestzd a density as low as
� possib?e here. I:e asked ;,�ho �.ould have access to the co^�non areas.
Consider Mr. John Bell, 21984 McClellan, was impressed with th�s type of ho.:�es.
tra�fic If ne werer.'t raising children he would consider t�is type of �iving.
'r!is r�ain concern is traft ic . He was in favor of a hi�h wall .
:�tid-density Ms. Juanita McLaren, 22101 Lindy Lane, Cupertino, gave a brief backgraund
concept is of the winery and t'r.2 Damico prc�perty. ShQ sa�d s�:e ���.ped esta'.-1ish
popular the two lar_dmarks on this property. She has askPd the City of Cupertino
many times to purc�.ase this property for a parr: site. Sne ne�t �aent
over tne previously proposed uses zcr this propert�:. Mid-density
concept is very popular throughout the countrL noc��.
Mr. Newman wanted to emphasize sor.?e major points: 32 �ncludes tre
existir.g residence and t���o present RI lots. He i� not build�ng fa�:�i1y-
size units. The facilities are ror the use of the property o;,*�ers --
they pay for tha_s. riost people feei tre groject nas excellent
architectural features. T�`!ey have worked diligently on this. Hz
feels that the easement down at the end of the property ;oould 'be more
difficult to maintain.
The Associate Planner noted there is enough rcor� for 25 on-street
parking spaces. Each unit has a two-car garage.
�Comm. Nellis asked about the staff`s opinion as to tne traff;c on
McCl�llan. Tne Traffic Engineer said there are iFSS than 3000 cars
. per day on :1cCle1lan, west of Byrne. IIa ansu-er�d Co-,_1. Nellis that
there shoul"d be adequate sigr.ti:�g distance ar�u:�d fi�.�e curve, Mr. Bell
stressed the traffic hazard at the sharp turn and �rould lik� the City
and Count� to imgose a�reight limit on ve'. usi.ng that road and to
enforce the speed limit.
Page I1
Moved by Comm. Nellis, sec�i:ded 'oy Comm. Ada�:�s to close the Public Hearing
Public Hearings. closed
Motion carried, 4-0
After some discuss•�on, the Planning Director suggested a condition
could be :nade in re�ard to the fencing and H-Control review of it.
It was decided the easement snouid be locate.d �n tne `enter rather
than along the northerly boundary.
Move3 by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Co�n. 0`::°efe to recofi�mend to 18-Z-72
the City Council ap�roval of a�:�lication 18-Z-72 �aith canci�tions a�proved
1 t:�rough 31, w/conditions
AYES : Comm . Adams , Nellis , 0'?�eef e, Cha ir�an Buthen>> th
NOES: None
ABSE:VT : Comm. Gatto �
Motion carried, 4-0 �
Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. 0'Keefe to reco:~�'nend �0 18-T�1-72
ttie C�ty Council a�plication 18-TNI-72 T lllt :. cond�tions 1 throug� approved
19, w/con`itiozs
AYES: Comm. Adams, Nellis, 0'u�efe, Chairman Buthenuth
NOES: None
ABSENT: Comm. Gatto
Motion carried, 4-0
Moved by Conm. i�tellis, seconded by Cosm. 0':�eete, after thorough Aaplications
review of applications 18-Z-72 and 18-T�:-72, that the Planning ad:zere to
Commission finds the� do not ceaflict �aith the Open Space and 0. S. & C.
Conservation Element of the General Plan. Element
AYES : Comm. Adams , Nellis , 0'Keef e, Chair.r.an Butheruth
NOES : �1one
ABSENT: Comm. Gatto
Motion carried, 4-0
� 3�P_ 12
5. Request for extension of tentative map approval for one year until
October 19, 1973 - Application 4-T?�i-71, Mario and Rita Barbieri.
The property involved is at the corner of Vista Drive and Stevens Creek
Blvd. Tnree property o��rners are involved, and Mr. Barbieri is still
working or. this. Attorney Dan Donovan, Town Center Lane, said the
proble� has been to get the other two propert;� owners to pay their share
of the improvements.
�-T?�i-71 Moved by Comm. Adams, seconded by Comm. Nellis to grant a one-ye.ar
�.�tended extension to application 4-T?�1-71.
_ year �
AYES : Cor.�n. Adams , Nellis , 0'Keef e, Chair� an Buthenuth
NOES: None
ABSENT: Comm. Gatto
� Motion carried, 4-J
The Associate Planner cited three referrals from thP County.
A. Request for char.ge oz zone, south:aest corner of T�ntau und Stevens
Creek �lvd . fro� CLi to CG to allow sale of used cars .
:�sed car sales After discussion, it was moved by Coruu. Nellis, seconded by Co:r.�m. 0'Keefe
�rep�sal tonotify the Count;� tnat we are not in favor ot t::e proposal bec2use it
�ejected is not compatible �,�Ti_th the forr.�er use of the property..
AYES: Comm. Adar.ms, Ne11�s, C'Keefe, Chairr.�an But�ienuth
�10�5 : Ncne
ABSE�IT : Comm. Gatto
Motion carried, 4-0
B. Request to divide into 4 lots the property at the soutnwest corner of
�Upland Wa� an� Rainbo;�r Drive.
The Associate P?�nr�er sugaesteci the P�op�rt} should be dev�lo�ed within
the City rather tcian the Co�.�nty�. Tt dn;=s r��` hav� 7irect access to
Rainbow Drive; there is � SilOTt easeri�nt. �ur Cit;� crdi_�ances would
prohi.bit this, Tr.ere are no topogra� :y proLle,�:s h�r•°_. �:i� applicant
has be�n successful �n having his propertt� removed from tne County
Interim Ordinance.
M:t'UTLS OF T�;E QCTO:�f_i: 9, 1972 FI�A:�1i1IN� CO:�u•i;.SSTOLJ :`'tEETiNG PC-7��
Page 13
Moved by Comin. :vell_is, : econ�'ed by Com-�?. Ad=�:cs to notify the Property
�.'UU:lt�� t'tl;�.t tll�: ��� �=:'i_� ::?_ i.:):.'1� S:�lOIl '.11= 110 O�_f 2Ctl�:i5 t0 ti1P l and S�"1011�C� be
use �ut strcn;ly ..�:ti.i.,l J. `::�> to :ave ti proaerty �rought into th� a:ine�ed to
City. Cupertino
AYE�: Ccm:�. :�.d�:�:s, '.�_�l?..��, 0':�e�fe, C:�airr,2n Buthenuth
I��i,S : li0 � � "
ABSE:;T'. Ccm:n, Gatto
i•iotion carried, 4-0
The Pla��aino Director said tr�re ;cill �° a jo�nt -eetin� o� the Joint :`itg
City Council a: :, Planr.i .� C�.-�:�ssion o:� Thur�day, .Iove:-:�er 9tn. Nov. 9tn
�.oved by Cor�. Ada�s, seco-�de� �y Co: :�??ii�s to adjourn t:ze Adjourned to
:���eting to Octo�e, 30, �972 at 7:30 P.`t. �Ieet�n� a�journed at �ct. 30tn
11:45 P.;i. . -
Motion carr�ed, 4-0
/s/ John W. Buthenuth
/s/ Wm. E. Ryder
City Clerk
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