10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California Page 1
Telephone: 252
Chairman Buthenuth called the meeting to order at 7:31 P.M, with
the Salute to the Flag.
Co.�n. present: Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chairr.ian Buthenuth
Comm. absent; None
Staff present: Director of Planr�ng and Developr�ent Sisk
Assistant City Attorney Terr}= �
Associate Planner �owan
Associate Engineer [ahitten
Tratfic Engineer Grigg
APPROVAL OF MIi'tTTES: Regular Meeting of SepteM�er 11, 1972
Corrections: Page 9, ��rst paragraph, third I;ne; d2lete t�e
words "look�ng at" and repl2ce with the word "considering
Page 10, delete third paragrap��. The above corrections were �:ade �
by Co�. Adams. On page 12, Cor�.m. Nellis noted the vote should �
read "3-1" on the third motion.
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comim. 0'Keefe to approve the Se�t. iltr�'�fi�u
Minutes of September 11, 1972, as corrected. approved as
corrected �
Motion carried, 4-0
Chairman Buthenutn abstained.
The Planning Director stated he had received a telep'�one message
from Mr. Kimble, the original ap�licant for 4-iJ-72, ind�cating the
possibility of withdrawing this application. The Director asked
for another postponement to allow hini time to discuss this r�atter.
Page 2 ..
4-U-72 Moved by Comm. �Iellis, seconded by Co�m. 0'Keefe to postpone application
postponed 4-U-72 to Oc�ober 9, 1972.
Motion carried, 5-0
WRITTEN CO^Il�NNICATIONS -- There were none.
ORAL C0.'�'Il�NNICATIONS -- There were none.
4-U-72 l. Application 4-U-72 of Keith E. Garner for Use Permit to construct
;estgoned a 20�-unit motel and restaurar.t, a bank and a 176-unit agartnent
complex �aithin a P (Planned Developr.lent) Zone. Said property is
located in the soutnwest quadra:zt o� the intersection of Freewaj�
280 and Sunnyvale-Saratoga Road. Szcond Hearing.
2. Apglication 15-T?�I-72 and 16-U-72 of Dennis k'ong for
(1) Tentative 1`1ap to adjust a proz�ertv lir.e dividing two existing
approved lots containing 1.92 acres and
� (2) Use Permit to construct a gasoline salPS/car wash facility
on parcel on.e of said Tentative Map. Said property is in a
CG (General Commercial) Zone and is located at t��e north�aest
corner oi Sarato�a-Sun::}�vale Roaci and Alves Drive.
First Hearing continued.
�easons for The Planning Director said tl�e applicant's_ reqT.�est taas continued fro�
oostponement i the previous meetizig to allow him t��e to restudy the viability of
j the proposed plan, taking into consideration the questicns raised at
; that meeting, regarding ingress/egress and a meandering rather than
� linear sidewalic and landscaping. Thp Director an�wered the Chai �,an
t�at the "Dr. Brown" Planr.ed Development does talk about automobile .
service uses.
Mr. Dennis Wong, 1i266 Monterey Court, Cupertino, placed his aite plan
and rendering of the proposed car was:, on the board. He offered to
review the last presentation for tne benef it af C'..airmar. ButY:enuth,
who was absent at that meeting. ' Chair:nan declined. Mr. Wong said
he was instructed to restsdy the screen?ng along Saratoga-SunnWale Road,
c�mpute the percentage of landscaping, reso].ve possible conflicts
� around the loop, ana to relate to surrounding propert�es with their
' future plans in mind.
Page 3
Mr. Wong said he has reduced the drivecoays from 35' to 28' and Applicant's
slar.ted them, so you �•�ould zave to be perpendicular to the drivewa� restudy
in order to see inside, due to the dense landscaping and screening results
He has used a meander�ng sidewalk effect along Highway 9, and he
would like to see tnis continued on adjacent properties. The
corner radius planting and screening nas been kept below 3' high
as required by Ordinance. There will be 22.5% la�dscaping within
the property lines; 27% when taking in the curb line. They can
use either double yello�a lines or pylons to separate the lanes of
traffic on the property. With respect to developments in the
i.mmediate area, he said �Ir. Fitzgerald �aas present to speak on
behalf of the Saich Family. There �aill be right-turn entrance
and exit only from Hig«way 9, and rig?zt or left entrar�ce/exit fro�.
Alves Drive, some 170' west of Highway 9.
Mr. Jerry FitzgeraZd, 10191 North Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, said �Iegotiaticiis �ai
there is no use tied down for tnis property, althcugh they are oil co^�ganies ±
negotiating with oil campanies at tnis time. T:zere are no plans this property
for furtner cutting cf this propertv. Someti�^es these things co�_le
together and sometiTnes not. ?ie offered to answer any o,uestior_s. `
Mr. Wong said that first of all, this particular site has always IUpgrading of
been a vital service station site. The reason �t was abandoned the site
was that Shell picked up all Amer�can Oil s�ations in this area
and this one was moved into the Stevens Cree� Blvd./TNo1Fe Roa� �
location. He talked tiait:� Shell and tney would li�ce to get out of
the 1ea�e on this property. Mr. Saicz would have to tear do�an thi�
building with so^�e economic loss, but is willing to do so.
Alternative uses would be that anyone could come in and dispense
gas, open up the bays, service cars and sell accessories under �he
present use permit. Mr. Wong said he would be extensively up-
grading the site, with iandscaped screening. There would be no
additional gas pumps and Cupertino would be getting rid of an
abandoned service station.
Mr. Wong said this is a good location for nis proposed car caash Good location
because in is on a �r�ajor street, acaay from residential areas.
They meet all health, safety and welf are requirements. Lastly,
he noted that the staff still recorsmends approval of this appli-
Mr. Wong answered Comm. Adams that the submerged tanks will have A11 water kept
to be moved and possibly replaced. He added that all water pro- �in building
cessing will be completely contained within the building and will
be recycled.
r age 4
Co:r.pe*ition is In view �f the recently approved car wash iust down the street, Co�.
no concern at Nellis wanted to know if rlr. G?ong sti11 felt he could justify proceeding
this point with his plans. NIr. Wong said competition is not a concern to him
at this point. The service s�ation in this locat�on was doing
moderately well for a station in this area, but its new location is
better. He further answered Coram. Nellis that there u�ill be mounding
and shrubs and trees to screen as *�uc:� as possible the car wash
from the highway. Comm. Nellis sai�i we should also be concerned with
the property to the north, which is presently in orchard.
Do we want this Comm. 0'Keefe was concerned that Shell could co�e up with another
type use in the merger. ue is concerned about short-term businesses. He asked
center. of our Mr. Wong if ize feels that two car wasnes in such close proximity
City? would 'be good ior Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, in terms of City planning.
Mr. Wong said *h� City Council chose to consider each proposaZ oa
its o�an merits, as was broug:.t out at the last Council meeting.
�'�TOting th� types of 7usinesses that usually are adjacent to car
washes, Con�m. 0'Keete questioned whetner tve need this type use in
the center o- eur City. He reels it will be perpetuaiing a"ga�oline
alley" ef f ect , whic"tz w� are trying to avoid .
up�rading ef Mr j r�0I1� brought up t'r:e economic situation, wherein his proposal would
site require removal of the existin� building. There is the possibility
of it staying there �nd deteriorating. P�e feels r►e has �resented
an excellent site layout.
�anopies won't Mr. Wong answered Co�-n. Gatto tr�at thi.s is a completely different
n�ld �i�ns manu�acturer than the er_e «�ho did the car wash in Su.r.n_yval� at
El �'ar.:_nc and G'olfe. re feei: t�:is one will be more quiet and much
� �etter screened. S�u�d stucies have been made and the noise level
� would be loti�er tnar. *he izoise created at a busy inter�ection.
' Canopies over tne p�s:nps will provide shade ror the e^_plo��ees and
customers; they will not �e u.=ed for maunt�ng signs.
Volurze of Comr.i. Gatto agreEd tl�a� a r.ieandering sidewalk was a good idea for
cusiness this area. He ne:ct askec� about the volume of business e�pected.
axpe�.ted Mr. Wong szid the wash er�uip*�ent can handle about 150 cars per r.our.
On weekends they taill probably handle about 300 cars ^er day. It
takes approxi:nately 4 niinutes or less per car, and & to 10 cars can
be serviced sirnul.taneously. The;� anticipate sellin� iG0,000 to
150,000 gallons ot gas per �onth.
Co�. Gatto asked if he had cousic�er..ed narrowing dc,wn �he other two
ingress/egresses. Mr. I1ang said those are 2-��:ay driveways.
Page 5
Chair�an Buthenuth wanted to lcno�,�i how f ar the entrance on Highway Traf f ic f low
9 was fro:a the corner. It was establ�shed that it is about 38'.
It was tne opinion ot the Traffic Engineer that this F�ould not
be any great tratfic hazard. He said there will be no signal at
Alves and the highway, but rather at the next street north.
There will be no lett turns from Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road onto
Alves Drive.
Com�-n. 0'Keefe noted they had dealt �aith the technicalities; and
now he �aanted to �cnow why tne staff feels this is a good proposal.
The Planning Director sa�d he sees this as a tremendous upgrading
of the site. '
Chairman Buthenuth asked for coi^snents from the audience. There
were none.
*'Ioved by Co:nm. Nellis, seconded by Co:nsn. Ada.ns to close the Public Public r�e�r�n��
Hearing. c?osed
Motion carried, S-0 �
C�mr.i. Ada:ns said coe have seen this application go through Points in fav�=
continuances and revision. He would �e in favor er this parti- of application
cular reuse of tne site; it �s pro�a�ly tL.e lesser of all evils.
Co�n. Nellis agreed, although she does not like the idea of tc�o
car washes on Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. S�e noted that cae :aould
be getting a new building and landscaping.
Comm. 0'Keefe feels that by allo:aing this plan to go through we ar This is net
setting the stage for a trend of a"gasoline ailey" and a"sea of nighest & be��
asphalt". This will not use our C�ty property to its fullest use of o
potential over a 24-hour period.
Comm. Gatto said that in order to make this type of use acceptable
the appearance and eifects it generates on the cor.ununity have.to
be considered. The proble^:s he sees at t5is site are audio and
visual. The pr�posal, as we see it now, offers the chance to
screen alnost all of it. T:�e stacking area where all tne cars are
lined up to go to the pu�ps, due to the cone of vision is �inimal.
However, he had to agree with the points riade by Cor.un. 0'Keefe.
Chairman Buthenuth said we have an existing service station here, Best of
and will wind up with another service statiori, but it will be alternatives
upgraded. If it is not upgraded now it �ay not be upgraded for
anothe.r 20 years. He feels this is a good proposal. Comm.
O�Keefe said that if we continue to "weatherproof" our community
we are asking for problems.
rage E► ,
31ert H-Control Co�uun. Ga�to would l.ike some strong direction given to the H-Control
as to the screening and landscaping.
:;_d*h of Comm. Nellis asked the engineerin� staff about the possibility of
�:riveways decreasing the width of ingress/egress on E11ves Drive and giving the
extra lan3 to landscaping. T:�e Traffic Engineer said there is a
20' minir.ium and 32' maxi*_aum.
:::ise levels The Planning Director said there is a section in the Light Industrial
Ordinance that can �e used as a reference regarding decibels in
talking about noise level. Suggested wording: "At the property line
it should not exceed the decibels prescrihed at the zone boundary
in the Light Industrial Ordinance."
�_ Com.m. Nellis asked if our Sign Ordinance is adequate in dealing ��ith
� signs on the car.opy. The Plann:Lng Director said there can be no
�sign on the roof of a canopy. A recommendation could be riade to the
� H-Controi indicating that this Cor.Lm�ssion �:*ould not li�e t� see
� s�gning on the canopy.
�=�.3�tion for � Cor�n. i�ellis asked w:�en t'�is tentative nap is approved if there is
_��:oking so_ne way to indicate that if the use is abandoned that the use
.:_� per*.^�t permit could be - revoked. TY:e Assistant City :Attorne;� suggested sor�e
reasonable length or ti�e, say, 6 montizs or onE year, s:�uld be
addeci to the verbage.
-��_�th of apron The Traffic Engineer recommencled the entrance on Alves Dr�ve be kept
at 34' to ge*_ cars off t�:e street in a hurry, but tze exit could be
reduced to 24`.
=�-T'M-72 Moved by �omr,i. i�ellis , seconded by Coram. Adans to approve a�aJ ication
���roved 15-TM-72, witn con3itions 1 t�.�rou.gh 18 as revised.
AYES : �omm. Adar.s , Nellis , CY:airinan ??uthenuth
NOES: .�orun. Gatto, 0'�eef� _
rlotion carried, 3-2
Mo�ed by Comm. Nellis, secondel by Cor.u;i, Adans *o approve aFglication
16-U-72 with Condi�ions 19, 23 and,
24. Landscapi�g on S�ratoga-Sur.nyvale Road sha.,ll ac'equ�:tely screen
the facility as spt fort� by the ii-Contrcl.. Ce:-�� ttee. Tne iacent is
to screen the building as much as po SS1Dl2 .
25. The noise level �na11 be in accordanc� �Yith the Light Tr.dustrial
Ordinance as to decibel levei a.t the nroperty �ine.
26. There shall b2 no merchandising ar adv� signs on tne car�opy.
Page 7
27. If the car •aash granted under this LTse l�ermit ceases for 6 16-U-72
months or more the appl�cant or ilis successor loses his right to approved
the use and must apply for a new lise Permit.
28. The exit shall be reduced from 34' to 24' on the westernmost
driveway on Alves Drive and the extra 10' shall be landscaped.
AYES : Comia. Adar.is ,:lellis , Chairman Buthenuth
NOES : Comm. Gatto , 0 `Keefe
Nlotion carried, 3-2
Chairr�an Buthenuth stated that 16-U-72 has now been granted;
and 15-T�i-72 �aill go before the City Council at their next meeting
3. Applications ?6-Z-72 and 17-U-72 of ;Sr, and Mrs. R. G.
MacNaughton for (1) Rezoning one/half acre from Rl-1Qag
(Residential, single-fariily, 10,Q�0 sq_. ft, p2r dwelling unit)
Zone to 3Q (Quasi-Pu�lic �uilding) or whatever zone r_iay be
deemed appropriate by the Planning Corimission; and
(2) Use Per::lit to permit construction and operation of a
preschool and day nursery in a:Q (Quasi-Pu�lic �uildi�zg).
Said property is located at 10420 South Stelling Road.
First Hearing.
The Planning Director referred to the staff report of S?pteiaber 22
ar.d the copy of the applicant's letter, dated Septe�ber 17, 1972.
The Associate Planner discussed the surrounding land uses. The Su:roundir►g
area involved is basically undeveloped, althougz there are some uses
rather large, single family lots and some institutional uses in �
the area. In the staff's judgment, those properties fronting on
Stelling Road could be used for instituticnal type use but the
area behind should continue as single fa�ily. Tha staff recom-
mended Exhibit A, for 12 children.
Mr. Bob �IacNaugrton, the applicant, said he and his �vife want to Applicant's
operate a preschool and day nursery at the Stelling Road address. propos�l
There is presently a long, rectangular piece of property slightly
less than half an acre with a 3-'�edroom home on it, 50' back from
Stelling Road. There are about 2 dozen fairly mature pine trees
along the front and willows along on? side of the property. They
consider these trees a very valuable asset to the nursery school.
They are considering a 2-phase development for maximum use of the'
existing building. The liv�ng room will he a classroo� to handle
12 children, the back yard will be the playground, and one bedroom
will be the office.
�2�e g
The remaining �wo �edrooms will later be combined to make another
classroom, for a total of 24 children.
?�ase 2 will Phase 2�ou1d he a new buiZding at the rear of the property, enabling
�:ake it possibl them ta handle 48 children. T;zey will add shade trees and screening
�:, r.ave 48 shrubs wherever necessary. They will probably have to temporarily
�:ildren shut down the school durir�g construction of phase 2.
�aplicant Mr. tlacNaughton answered Comm. Nellis that at tlzis time, there will
�trees to be a maxi:num of 12 children, not necessarily the same children all
=uggested the time, however. 3e added that he is in agreement with the conditions
��nditions iisted in the staff report.
:ours of Cor,�n. Gatto asiced what the normal operating hburs would be. The
��eration appli�ant said they would be 9 to noon, and 1 to 4 P.�I., with possibly
some babysitting activity in the evening.
�-c traff ic The Planr.ing Dire�tor ansT,-ered Comr.i. Gatto that he did not anticipate
��rcblems any tr.affic problems with the people arriving and leaving with their
�:tic�pated children.
_:e�gnbors have Comm. Adams asked the applicant �f he has talked over his plans with
�een contacted any of the neighbors. ?�ir. MacNaughton said his w�_fe had tall:ed �Tith
ssveral people in the area and there were no spec?_a1 obiections.
=�:od 1.ocat In resp��n�e to Comm. 0'� eeie's questions, the applicant said this is
the first venture they have ilad in this type o� �usiness. This site
was �elec*_ed because it appears to be a convenient location for people
goir_g to work, sr.o�p:.nb , c�r to classes at DeAnza Junior College,
He sa�d there are about a dozen nurseries in the area at this time.
Chairmaa I3uthenuth asked for comments from Che audience.
:: �� gh�or � s Mr. 3o;zn Hunter , 10450 South Stelling , said sl�e lives r.ext door to this
:�estions property and asked about immediate plans for this prcperty and it
there are any plans fon c�oking up to the sewers. ,-;nat about fencing?
Because of the bicycle lar_es, there is no prevision for parking along
Stellinb, an3 she wo�:der�d a�out the pickin� up and dropping off of
the children. The Trafiic Engineer said tnere are no traffic problenis
with this plan.
���1_cant�s Mr. MacNaughton said that i.n order to ge.t a nursery school oper�ting you
a:s:.�ers have to contact the Coun�y and you must adh<re to their regulations.
They must install another bathraori, so t;�ty wi11 probably be hooking up
to the se�oer. There wi11 definitely have to ce adequa�e fencing ro
keep the children on th� pro�ert;�. F�e is ?�:ilin� to put in shubs to
�nsure privacy of the neig'r�bora.
Page 9
The Planning Director said the anplicant taill 'nave to appear bef_or Could require
the H-Centrol only cat:en thes.� subsLant�ally change the building. H-Contr_ol rev�E
Ho�aever, a cond�ti.or�� could 'oe attachel to tne application stating
any exterior painti:�g, etc. ,�ust be revie�aed by H-Control.
Comr_m. Adams would alco lik2 to insure that this will continue to
laok like a residence, as it does now.
Moved by Comm. Adam�, seconded by Cor.�m. Gatto to close the Public Publzc Hearing
Hearing. closed
Motion carried, 5-0
C:hairman Buthenuth said he would like to de.fer judgment on this Look at entire
until the Co�issicn can look at this entire, se:.�i-deveZoped area. area
The Planning Dire�tor answered C�;nm. Gatto that this is a legal
use as long as no tentative map is involvec�.
Comm. Nellis feels thzs is a good proposal; it will enable �other�
to take cour�es at the junior college. It should, however retain
its residential appearance.
Comm. Ada�s recognized the need for nursery schools in this area, Nurs�ry.sc:�ools
and it is a good use of the groperty. Lut p�r'�aps it �•:ou1d be a needed
good idea to �aait for the Ceneral Plan.
The Assi.stant City Att.orne�� answered Cc:=,m. Gatto that you can BQ a�propriate
limit a use perm�t �.�ithou*_ the necessity of naving it co�:e back here.
for revieca. Comm. Gatto felt BQ zoning would be appropriate here.
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Nellis to a�prove applica- lo-Z-72
tion 16-Z-72. approved
AYFS: Coram. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe
NOES: Chairman Buthenuth
Motion carried, 4-1
*�Ioved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm, Nellis to approve appli- 17-U-72
cation 17-U-72, subject to the follo�aing conditions: approved
Page i0 �
1-14 Standard Conditions
15 - 18 as stated in the Septem�er 22, 1972 staff report,
19. The property shall, in fact, connect to the sewer.
20. If the existing appearance of the building is altered it must
be reviewen b�� the H-Control. This is not necessary in the
case of repainting the sane color.
21. The Use Permit, per se, is granted for one year, subject to
review after that time.
AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe
NOES: Chairman Buthenuth
Mction carried, 4-1
The applicant was informed this will come before the City Council at
their second meeting =n October.
4. Application 15-Z-i2 0� Lee Ttienger to prezone approximately
.22+ acres from Santa C1ara County CN-H Zone tc R3-2.2 (Resi-
dential, Multiple, 2,200 sq. ft, per dwelling unit) Zone, or
whatever zone ma_y be deemed aYpropriate by tt:e Planning Commission.
Said property is located easterly oi and adjacent to �!ann Dr��-e
approxi�:.ately 185 feet nort�:erly of Stevens Creek Blvd.
First Hearing.
The Pianning Director revie*,�*ed the staff report of September 22, 1972
on th�s matter and sno:aed cclored slides of the area. ?ie said the
parking ratio for R3 is 2:1.
A�plicant r.ot It was noted tne applicant was n�t present at th�s meeting. The
at hearin� Assistant City Attorney said it is the ChairMan's prerogative whether
or not to continue t::e hearing. It was established that t�.e a.pplicant
was notified of this public hearing.
Prof. offices Mr. R. J. Koenitzer, 10060 Phar Lap Drive, said that since he lives
rather than in that area, h� serious]_y q_uestions the extensin of multipl.es to
r�ultiples here this area. He sees no need for it. i:e realizes this is not an easy
property to develop, but a small professional office building ,aould
Ue r,lore consistent �aith the area.
Duplex Oti Ms. qnn Anger, Monta Vista resident, said she ?��as opposed to a triplex
but not to a duplex. It could act as a buffer bet;,Jeen tne R-1 and
the gas station.
Page ]_1
There follo���ed a discussion a�oat thP �ccupancy of the co*.:mnercial
bu:ildinb acress tile street from this property.
Nlove.d by Com�n. Gatto, �econded by Comm. Butlienuth to approve ZS-Z--72
applicatio:� 15-7..-72. approved
AYES : Co:n�n. Ada.:�s , Gatto , Chairr.an �uthenuth
NOES : Comm. �1e]_1 is , 0' �:eef e
1lotian carried, 3-2
5. Appli.catien 1.6-Ti•�-72 of t��easurex Corporation to adjust
existing lot line bet���een Farcels A and 3 conta�ning
approxir:ately 10. i acres . Said propzrty �s in a �'�
(Light Industrial) Zone and is located adjacent to and
northerly of `:cClellan Road at the intersection oi
Bubb Roaci. First Hearing.
The Planning Director said t�e purpcse o� the lc�t line adjust^�nt
is to allcw for greater site des��n - �le�:ibiiity for an expansion
of the existing �ndustrial development on Parcel A.
?'Ir. :Jes Bergen, Plant Eng :neer ior i:ea�•urex, �305 2eckwood Driz�e, C� ange i.n lot
San Jose, said their �usiness has gro:� much faster than ;aas line will a1l.ecti
ant�cipated. There present�y e:�ists a 54v0 sq, ft. bu�lding, mor� �le�ibiliL
wnich has become too s:^al.l considerably in advance of t:�eir plans.
As their sales oo up they are rinding t:Leir manu�actur�ng
facility is too small. They -sould i�ke to add 35,CC0 to 40,0��
sq. ft., which is about 70% of their total. Tie present parce'
line would inhi�it their flexibility even if they shauld 2-story
the building.
Mr. Bergen went over the proposed concept. i�;ith the additional Fast-growing
100' it would make it economically feasible. They r:eed a lot o� cor.ipany
floor space, due to the size of their product. At the tize they ,
purchased the 18 acres, ��easurex :vas a s?zall company. They have
come to realize in the past year that their develop::lent is such
that they do not plan any use for these i8 acres other than for
rieasurex. They may co�e back in the tuture to ask for realignnent
of Imperial so tY:at �t does not bisect �!easurex property. �e
asked for deferment af the extension of Zmperial Avenue at this
Page 12
Chairman ButhenLth asked for comments from the audience. There were
Public Hearing Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Com�-�. Adams to close the Public
closed Hearing. -
Motion carried, 5-0
16-'Tl�i-7'L Aioved by Comm. Nellis , seconded by Con��n. 0�Keefe to approve application
approved 16-T:�Z-72 with the cond�_tions as specified in the September 22, 1972
�,l/conditions staff report.
AYES: Cousn. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Chairman Buthenuth
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
Chairr,lan Buthenuth called a recess at 10:13 Pi�1, r�:eeting reconvened
at 10:25 P�1.
6. CITY CF CUPERTII�O: PU'�LIC I�rARIN� to consid�r establishment of
precise street pia�i lines tor Stevens Creek �ivd. iro;n �ub�
Roaci to the westerly City boundaries. First Hearing.
The Planning D�rector said the intent at tnis hearing is to g2n�rate
discussion on the plan �ines, with no accion expected at this tzme.
��o ac�uis�tion The Director of Public �-'orks �•�anted *_o reassure the property owners
nlar.r.ed at this that acqu=sition of ri;ht-of-�{;ays is not being proposed at this ti:ne.
t_�e This is m�rely to esta�lish plan 1�_nes tc be used khen developers co:ne
in with plans fcr property fronting on �tevens Cree: Bl�d. An FAU
grant is underconsideration, but it tar;es yeais to acco�plish this.
_se said the budgeted si�na]_ at Pen�nsula Avenue ��ou�d indicate a
need for wicening of the railroad crossing. Si�nai.s are planned at
Feothill, Piann Drive, P:iar Lap Drive, OranG� Avenue, and Bubb Road.
An adopted plan line is t:ze first step; it is a�lannin¢ tool �hey can
use when they work iaith developer� . �:e anst,�ered Cotm�t. Gatto that
he visualized this route as Lermirating at roothill :ilvd.
The Director of Public [�Torks said :it wou�d be a r,�n�...:�um oT three years
oefore Phase I�ets �nder ,aay, and proba�l}� longer. The reninsula-
, Bubb intersecticn could sta.rt this year. �'t Lap Drive and Or�n�e
G�ould be sta�ed, and Feotizill i.� b��doet.ed t:}as yea�. It �•azll probably
be i- 8 years before we get r.loney ior t:�e 5tevezs Freeway extension.
Page 13
Chairr.ian Buthenuth as�ed icr com:nents fror,i tre audie��ce.
Mr. Louis Stoc�le:-�ei , 2�1"�0 Stevens Cr.eek �lvd. , explained hi.s � ro„ertv o;;-r.er `
area of concer:l. L�e. .is �,,ry ��uch concer.ned about the matters �concerns
pertai.ning t_o t; er� �1RC'_Er'1P..`; c�f the:�n str�et i:aprove�;�ents aud
the fact that he has not been �ontacted b;� the City ir� th�s ?natter
The Associ.at� �_;r:��n.eer ..<_�d t.^e ��ertical a1i�r.�:��nt has nc� been
set as yet. A5 far as tn�� hor.izontal ali�;n�ent, they are con-
stantly looking at cut a:�d i i11.
I�Ir.. Louis �tor._kl.�meir, Jr. , 2212Q Stever�s Cree': ?lvd. , was very
upset that he a�d his iatr�er had not been contacted about th�se
pian J_ines prio.r to tais public he�.ring.
It ���as broug:�t out that this *_~:�tter has '�een advert;.sed and the C�t_i_�en inpu �
st�:�f is tryin� to encourage the people to co-�� and discuss al� enccura�ed
asp�cts of it �vith the�. No decerr. a��e �eing riade at. th�is
heara_ng .
Mr. BilZ Bassett, 1.�2 il ^•�ira Vista, said Lizat when the plan ? znes `d�_d�ning , .,il�
are adopt.ed for the widening o! �teven� Cree': �;1vd. it w_�_11 izave a�Lect �ntir�
a deletericus e��ect cn the �oncl� area ror yea�'s to co.��e. It ���ilJ_ ar�a
be eliminat.in� one or the most qua�n� areas �r_ the Santa Cla�_a
Vai ley . �-:e sa:id he st�sdied hig:zways in L�s .Angeles where the
deve=opers ca:�e _n after the streets ��;ere put in. T.zey take
ac.lvantage of the widened highc�,ays and .�ncrea�e tne rraffic �n the
Ms . Ann Anger ,::cnta Vis ta , said she ��as told b;� t:ze C�uncy that 'Iidenin� ��i� 1.
Stevens Creeic :�lvd . would i��e ir:proved all the caay t� F�othill �? vd u� ;rade the �.;-e
She hopes sox::ething is going to be cione, at least up to Orange
Avenu� as soon as �ossi�le. She said th�y wa�t�d 12 years to
get Stevens Freeway. :;obody can dev�lep anything nice unt�I the
widening takes place.
r1r. R. D. Koeni.tzer, 10060 Pn3r Lap Drive, said our present access access ta
to the foothill area consists of two 2-lacie roads: McCiellan and foot::ills
Stevens Creek Elvd. ihis is one of the areas where cae do need
a lot of plZnring.
Regarding developers c�ho might capitalize on any street ir�prove*�en s
here, the Director of Public t�lor�cs said that under the Unir.lproved Un�r�proved
Streets Ordinance, any developer wculd be required to cone in and Street Ord.
reimburse the City. The fe:a rer:taining undevelcpe�l properties
will come under this Ordinance.
,;;-73 MINLiT�S UF Tlir SEPTE'�3EP. 25, 1972 PLA?dNliv'G COi•�iISSION TiE�TING
: ���e 14
;; or 4 la�.es Cor.im. Ne1Zis sai�_' sh^_ ����id ' il;e to se�� the need establ.ished here as
zeeded? to six ianes inst:ead o� :.our lanes.
rioved by Con�:. �,e? 1=s , s�conded b}* Co�:�. Gatto to continue this
natter to October 24 1?72.
���tion ca°ried, 4-0
Co,7n. O�riee�� ;•Tas 2:.sent.
U.�rI�IS:iEll �JSI_`iESS
�2:1:c1: t.�.3J_r:"_cI1 !]L't� �rou `.7t t0 �::E? c t.t'_'.:'_�1�:1 Gi ri�lE'_ SLF��� tl1° I?Ct t�1�L
=�v°iCrOSS1I1� c1 TiSE..' PE?YT.lwt '-135 8D'J=_C`.*E� t� Pll� ?. F�rc:�P.t�* I.Ot ^I: L: e T cz21r�11 JV°L"?2SS
apr�oach �•�,ti1 tize c�ndit�on that it _� Ian��c�_�e� , an� this ':�s not
1 Jc^.E�II C�O:iC'. SS j'��. lIl(? i�:_I:E�t^L' OT ��1��?C �O'_"!:c %��:1 t:i° :�t-�t° :id5 Tl�.t
�t?t cli�'�YOVE'� ��"lt_ ��c1I1��1U CV�TC�C�5i:1�', 2:?�'t 1C �� _:�lr lt :CU�U b° OE.'
'�;� pn�`�r��� t}�r' i�?=-i�SC^.D" = ic'3tPP1" J^�SSl"u��' �" �a<<in�.. t� �eGr iL
011t: aoa?n �i.� C:'uS ?^illi E'� 011L �'Ll�t 1� .=^tlt UE'_ SO':'.e- tl.':° =%E'022 �:1E.'
.;tatE; IT:c1i�°S S CiE'C1Si011� c311;� tile COIl�j�.:�i011 �O t_".E: U�'P_ DE'.I:`?-i. S�1CLt1.�_ 'G=
ro]_lo::ed th
- �:_°?'�� L i�°'_ 1�1E' ='� ��'11iI1��T., � - � rector Sn_Ct :?° S�"lOU1.C� ��i? SJi2 t0 �t$'_"t iP_ c?�?:_.. OTl `i.°
.__.:�.L1��SZOLIS L:�:lE'_1 :''lc3.i �1�: t=.:£'. P.��it :�:E':�t:1I1�. l��i)1C'S C�_ t..iE Il°C�. �C:iE,".�L'} :: ?:'1-1
be m��le�? to �h�� Co_�-ssion��r.s.
p�f "O tiT �F PL �:':� Z.�: CG_ �•� T J J I�N
Co.:rn. ��11is sa�r Lh=� �:-----1:---de �ubc::�:._.__ttee is nt�t ?reg�e�sin� as
rapi ;" , o_� t�;e� r. rep�rt as .:GJ anticin�ted.
Co:��:�. Gatto sai�? the ''_--Ccn=.ro1_ Cc::::�i�te� disc��sse�.1 at t"�e�r �ast -�eetin�
� t�?E'r POS�la71.�.��Ll;' U'_ 3Ct�'.1� c.5 � SU;i—=0:��'_i�tcn Oi ti1��^. �13P.Ili:'.,� 1..�=.=:�;��iC'•ll.
i Tnis wculd -:ean �:atters .:ou� d be �iscu�se3 a*_ tnc_: 'la::n�ng Co.:
� se-�t to n-Control, and t:ie�? '�ac� to t:l Co::~i:�..n.
�GPvP.T OF PLA`;`�Ii�dG DIR�CTO:� -- ?1oth�.n� additio:�a1 to r�pert .
1�loved by Cc:�s;�. r.•!a�-:s, seco-:ded by Co-T:�. Gatte to adjc�.irn the m�eting
at 11:36 P,:i.
� *Sotion carrir_d, 4-0
/ s/ Wri. E. Ryder _ /s/ Joh W. Buthenuth _
City Cl�r'_�c Chr3irman