PC 09-13-72 ; CITY OP' CUPEr.TINd, STATE OI' CALIFOR:IIA i IiC-62 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino : Pa�;e 1 T��.ephone: 252-4505 JOI�T'� 2tI:ETING OF TFiE ARCHIT�CTUR�IL A�yD 5ITE APPROVAL COr�1ITTEE El.'vD " THE PLA.�INING CONT�IISSION, WEDNESDAY, SEI'T�:;I31:R 13� 1972, 7:30 PM �` �IELD IN THE LI�3REIRY, CITY HALL A �l-Control ;;embers Present; llressler, Koenitz�r, :IcLaren� Sallan and Chairman Sar�ent I;-Control Alembers ab�ent: None Planning Commissioners Buthenuth� Gatto and 0'Keefe Present: Staf£ Present: Director of Planning and Development Y James Sisk Recording Secretary Ruth Cox � Also present: �1r. B. Johnson� Hammarberg & Herman, � Architects Mr. G. Stokes, Stokes & Assac. l. A�plication 15-U-72 of. Paul A. Mar�ani, Jr. for us� permit to construct a shoppin� center to i.nclude 91,080 sq. ft.of �;eneral retailin�; space and an � car wash on approximately 11.5 acres. Said property is in a P(Planned ?, Development) with commerci�l intent zone and is located ad,j acent to anci westerly of Sarato�;a-Sunnyvale Road approximately 150 feet 3011C�1 of th� intersection of Valley Green Drive and Noith S�raCoga-Sunnyvale Road. r;'��airman Sargent opened by sayinp, H-Control appreciated the oppor-� tunity for review and in-put bein� afforded tlien. He noted dis- cussion would be restricted to araas for which commi�tee izad rzsponsibility: site, architecture and landscapin�. Sta£f P.eport: Planninp, Airector 5isk, using plot plans and maps, `, ����if ����.,�.�r:.: showed the area under consideration� its relationship to other ��lann�d developments and discussins; ronin�, stated he was not pr.epared to make a st�i.ement on zonizlU chan�;es planned �t tl�is tim�. lie inclicated planned signalization at Greenleaf Drive anu Sara�o�;a-Sunnyvale Road. FIe also reviewed su�ges�ted conditions of approval re�eived in other meetin�s between applicant and City mana�emenC. :ir. B. Johnson, 1430 Franklin, Oakland� California, architect Presvnta�.;.c:: with Iiammarber�; & Herman, using schematic sketches and site � plan discussed the hei�ht and approximate character of shopping ;; c�:nter� accesses and nlanned shops. ; �� � t Joint .4eetin� o£ Architectural and Site Control Committee and ;IIC-u2 Plannin� Commission, September 13, 1972 �P�i;e 3 F { i had been tried, but �or best economics, good architecCure and ; commercial use plus giving QI�I ttie identification anchor area 5 it needed, ttiis plan �vas most suiCable. ; j :IL. Stoices sa�d he felt it was better to have an area witki depth t Vi.e�•J in since ot�er plans call for buildin�s cZose �o Clie street in tne � d���4i� other developments� and this plan with parking 1ot made into E sef;m�n�s witi� buildings to the rear of property could be a ; relief. � � 9 Chairman Sar�2nt recognizin� H-Control caas not approvin� ap��lica- � C�;i.t f:or tion bu�t �;ivin� in-put for use by otner commi�s:�es and pr.oviclin�; s s��cif :.c; ideas for conce�ts sinc2 this commiCtee does not issue use permits �;� su;;r,c�� �io:.:_� � suF�;ested specific su��;estians mi�;ht be in order. � J r F Location of builclinCs. Conc�rn was expressQd reg�rdin�; the Sit; s�;rvice road at rear and the bank traffic bein� potential C011C ��rns proUlems. The car taash was also regarded �aith concern. The � architact said it was 200' fram the str�et and only trees and roor would be visiblc. St was a&ain noted t��at consideration �,� � snould b� taken of what will be developed to th� north in relation � to inte�ratin� the to�o commercial are�s. � t A major eomplainC was Chere ca�s not a.n�egration between this � Prc�p�>r;;y �.:�: devalopment and development to tha ttorth. It was pointed out � nozti� there w2re 2 pedways and one vehicular access planned from ; tl�is cenCer to the northern area. .iember Koenitzer sug�ested i perhaps there could be a wa3.kway through drugstore. �ie feit it was this committee's r�sponsibiliCy to see things weren't tied ; up so there wauld be no way o£ �;ettin� from one development ta the other. �Iember Sallan a�;reed on potential �roblem re tlie northern area 5iLe ci;�.r:��._:, and felt it would be better to improve on existin� basis. Stie felt it coould be better to intarspersz buildin�s and �arking areas � more aesthetically, Che traffic lanes into bank should Ue reversed ? and there should be no warehouse or Ulank toall look ta rear o£ buildin�s facin�; north. She felt the buildin;s eitner should ve noved or landscaping be plant�d so dense it would be attractiv�. She noted all service entrances are located where future developers; to the north will havs to look at them. :iember rlcLaren felt the drawings of the site �ver� gaod, noted red I tiZe roa£s had been indicated and also type of architecture plannecl; She stated she had contacted owner of property to the north and he had na present plans for any development now or in the near fuxure. She pointed out the one Uuildin� on the northern lot was already backing up to this cenCer. r E S Joint ;ieeting o� the Architectur�l and Site A�proval Committee �}iC--F�2 and Planning Commission, September 13, 1972 i paf;� 5 � M .ir. Buthenuth noted th� bi.�; problem caas in not lcnowing c�rhat would ` be done with ti1� property to th� norrh. l�e stated that Uasic site 1 plan is ryood with excention of bar.ic traffic and reversin� the � traffic flow might ;.� : ;, tliat. � 1 �Zr. 0'Keefe was aZ:� , �7ncerz�ecl by prop�rty to north notin�; that { separation by servi� ;°oad and lack of access would not encoura�a inte�;ration. I�e no,: �:' transitory buyin�; havits must be considered. �� �Ie is also concerned ;�uout the ca� �aash and w�ndered if Cupertino '" really naeded anoth�r car wasll and service station since it already�; has a hi�;h level of �;as stations. His main concerns toward this t beinF a proper development are the car taash, service road and banlc traffic. � ti s ti1r. Gatto said he had several sugp�stions. One was a need for service along back of marlc�t so trucks could unload and than �1 proceed on out to servic� road ancl Sarato�;a-Sunnyvale ltoad. Iie ; felt thare should be some caay �o reduce Che heighC of market � building. tdith regard to nank and s�rvice drive, reversing tra£fic . flow would work for car� but would not worlc L bank. I3e would su�;gesC enlar�;ing ar�a between si�op and i�ank and eliminaCin�; rear cn�ry to bank. i[e also su���sted usin� t�aller trees in front to break up linaar line af buildin�s, but considered redwood r;rove a toaste of effort that could be bet�er s�ent in developing outside pedestrian areas. I�e falt the sta�;�;ere•d entrance from Saratoga- " Sunnyvale Road was a good iclea since it s].owed traffic. He � su�;�ested eliminatin� tYie five parkin� spaces by the car wash artd f�lt the west end of�the cax �aash area should be closed so cars ` would liave to �o around Co enter the car wasn. He does feel the center will inte�rate many services in one area. Chairman Sargent summarized by sayinp, there were expressione of ` Su;nmary concern by a majority re�ardin� sit� locaxions and inte�ration with property to the no�tki. Normally th�s application CJOU1d be , con�inued for reworkin�;, He noted the applicant has indicated a caillingness to chan�e same l.andscaping� ta elimi.nate some parking spaces in f.ront of car wash, add berm in f.ront of S�rato�a- ' Su��x:yvale Raad, to talce soma area fram �2nCer of. plaza type to carrier; but how specific should H-Contro�. l�s? The p�imary concern would bs to decide whethar location af buildixl�;s should be ch�np�d ' or if this is agreeable as a recommendation from Ii-Control. �ir. Stolces spoke to th� point that Chis center hact been orientateci Orient,,t�d in terms of what has been approved in ad�acent si�es and sllould not � have to malc� radical cha:��;es for the s�lc� of 6.5 acres that has no plans for development under consicler.aCion and whose owner has noC ' iriaicated any interzst in �urroundin� d�velopm�nt. Iie noted CIZis northern property has bad access for. eom�iercial dave�opment, a.nd the sCreet shDUld have been �xt�nded through nr �he a�ea re-zoned. �. He reiterated his application has been orien�ated to surroundin� � y fi r �' ' � Joint �teetin,n, o� the Arch�tectuzal and Site Approval Committee � HC-62 and Flannins� CoMMission, September 13, 1972 i��aGC � _ a � � � i Ths meeting was ad�ourned at 10:30 P.M. s Adjouxnment s 4 I � n ;� r� �{ . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . �� j� i h 'F APPROVED: 1 r ;� � � a � /s/ L. Don Sargent- ;': Chairman 'r. ':� :� ATTEST: ;; G /s/ Wm. E. Ryder City Clerk • ?° t: iy •� � �i . _ . . _ . . . . . _ . ... . . . ..... . . ._. . _ .... . . . . . _ . i� 4'.' ��1 Y. Y' �D, t� Y 5� i. S. "n i* �t !� � � � n �i A' ,� �' } �i • 1 , ' ';.