PC 09-11-72 �
- �T �. �� � T-. .,. - r �PC-•72
�, �T i. r �L i�R1 �:'�+'J , S T A':' ,. 0� .:��i. .-� 1�:; R: ;`1.��
103�� Tcrre A.ve:ui=� Cupe�^t: .,,, Cas.i:^�rni.a. Pa�e 1
Tel epl,o ��e : 252-'+5C5
i�'5�.:�i�.1�.....� �.�Y` , I .. .�. 4 �: ��__,J'..::__ . ._.. _ .:1 . �� i,ir, il.:ti�:_v�i�'_ L✓�'.�.:.�JJl�iii '
FiELD �.� �'� PT:. �::�: 1 j, �. ; 7 2, _., TH'�. :.�:'';CIL C::A �:�R, � �TY HALI,
, CliPEP.T�_���:�, CAL��ORti�A
SP.LUTE TO Tt�� � LA:�
Meet ir � was ca�led to order at 7:36 P'.S by Vice-C :air::a� 0`�eef e �
with t.he Saiute te the Flag. �
. -, r �- � ; _r:... � r �
Ce:��-a. present . ��da. _s , Gat �o ,:��llis , J_ce .,.��zr-:a�i 0 Kee� e I
CorLm . absent : Chair,nar Butizenut:�
�taf.f present: Direc�cr �` Plan::�n� a^d �ev�lcn.lent �is:: �
Assistant C'_ty Attcr:.ey i'err_�
��ssociate En�ine�~ W'nitten
Senior Plannir:g Tec::nician ��:eppard
t�PPR�VAL OF rlltiliTL�: Reguiar AQ�OU1'�T?f'_Cj. '-'e�t�ng :��_gust �2, 1°72 �
Regular P�eet�ng Au�ust 28, 1972
I•n the �i�nutes ef the August 22nd meetin;? , Co^�:�. :tiell�s �aould li�tie
the word "parall�l" �n the last paragrap:z or. pa�e 3 del.eted and
replaced with the Taord "separate".
'_`;oved by Co::u1. Gatto, seconded by Cor.1r�. Nellis to approve tne � Aug. _2r.� tI�_nste.=
�linutes of August 22, 1972 as corrected. arrr��•_d �s
Motion carried, 4-0
On page 9 0* the �ugust .?.Sth '�tinutes, Co-:^. Gatto said ::e rather
than Cor��.m. 0'hee�e seconded tne :notion to approve 1.3-Z-72 at t:.e
botto^� ef the page.
Moved by Comm. Gatto , seconded by Comm. Adams to approve the Au� . 28t:, "�_n�te.
�Iinutes of August 28, 1972, as corrected. � a^ �Y� ti '°d a;
Motion carried, 4-0
Page 2
The Planning Director said the applicant for 4-U-72 has requested a
continuance until September 25, 1972. cie ans�-.-ered Comri. Nellis that
this application was last advertised for public hearing on June 12th.
Comm. Nellis would like the public to have the opportunitv to 'ue
heard; this is a large prcject and was last advertised three r.?onths ago.
The Assistant City Attorney said there is no legal requirement for
readvertisement if it is continued; however, if the Commission feels �
strongly about this it could be done. The Planr.ing Director said the
State High�,ray Department may also have something to say about this
4-tT-72 cont`d Al1 things considered, Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe felt the postponement request
to Sept. 25 & for 4-U-72 should be accepted and that it should be readvertised for
readvertised public hearing on September 25th.
ORAL CO:�'1NItJNICATIONS -- There were none.
l. Application 4-U-72 of Keith E. Garner for Use Permit to construct
a 200-unit motel and restaurant, a bank and a 176-unit apartment
complex within a P(Plar.ned Developt*ient) zone. Said property is
located in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of
Freeway 280 and Sunnyvale-Saratoga Road. First Hearing continued.
2. Application 14-Z-72 and 2-V-72 of S.H.A.R.E., Inc., for rezoning
7.2 acres from CG (General Cor.:::tercial) and R1-10 (Residential,
single-f amily, 10,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) to P(Planned
Deveiopment with Professional/Commerc�al use intent) zoning; and
variance to grant P(Planned IIevelopment) zoning on 7.2 acres in
lieu of the required fifteen acres. Said property is located
northerly of and adjacent to Stevens Creek �31vd. apnroximateZy
150 feet westerly of the intersection of Stevens Creek Blvd. and
Saich ;�1ay and extending northerly of Alves Drive. First Hearing
continued. �.
Page 3
The Planning Dir��ctor. re�4�rred to the informat�.on c�ntained in
the staff repcixt of S� '_,��r �, 1.972, The ap^l�cant's architect,
'si110 `�n73S TlOt �7Y't.S�iit� 8C C_�:_, i<'3St 11E'�.Y1.11g OTl t't1iS � G73S Dr2S�'Tlt 3t
this meeting.
�ir. Larry �ladsen, architect for the project, offered to ans�.aer F.ntire project.
a�y questions of: tize C,��,-,:�r;_ssi_on. :ie said ti.� intenti.on. at this to be built
time is to devetop ti:e nro,j�.ct, beginning in tne corner (B) ,��hich v,itiiin 1 year
will take 3 to 4 months. Develop--�ent of "C" coould start betore
� "B" is completed, and "D" would start 'nefore "C" �s finished - the
entire pr�ject to be bu�?t within one year.
�ir. �Zadsen next �aent over the traffic pattern. The original pro- Traific patter:,
posal � to h�ve ti�e north-souti street �o straight t�irough. It
now has a hulb a* the end of the private street -aith �. possible
extension to Alves Drive at the easterly ard/or westerly end of
the property.
The buildings will be of glass and slur.ig stone ?ti�th interior court P,uilding and
mail between offices and 15 to 20' of lan�scapin� alon� outside landscai�ing
�tialls of t�:e office buildings. There �r�zll 5e 10' width ci land- descri_ption
scaping aiong Alves Drive. A 4 to S' fence and ?andscapi.ng ,�lill
divide this trom the cnurch property. In add�t�on, there is
landscaping at various intervals througho�st tne par�cing lot.
NIr. Madsen said these buildi.ngs are set up so they ca.n be used by
either ane large � i�m �r several s�:all f ir::s .
Mr. �ladsen agreed �aith CoT.m. Gatto t;�at there were numerous ways
t�ie buildings could be placed on the property, but the ona pre-
sented appears to the applicant to be the :�ost ttiorkable.
Co�nm. Gatto suggested more landscaping at the end of the cul de Delete sa::e
sac, possibly utilizing 6-8 of the parking spaces acljace.nt to it parkin� in ravor
to achieve this. of more land�c��-
Mr. Madsen answered Cor.un. Adams that it was very difficul.t at this
point to determine how many er.tployees would be in the S1,OQ0 sq.
ft. of buildings. In addition to offices, they are considering
excercise areas, storage rooms, conference rooms, etc. These will
be one-story, garden-type offices�.
Vice-Chairman U'Keefe was concerned about the effect this will
have an tne neigh'oorin� residentiai area; e.g., the possibiiity
of the private residential streets becomin�; sources of through
traffic. rlr. '�iadsen sees the openings to r�lves Dr�ve as en:ergenc�
access. The Vice-�hair?nan said the peopl� on Alves �rive bougnt
their homes assuming there would be R1 on both sides ot tne street
Here we are talking ab�ut a rezoning.
:'a�e 4
Traffic Discussion of traffic pattern followed. Mr. Madsen said people �aanting
pattern to go east on Stevens Creek Blvd. ,aould go do�ti*n to the ogening at the
northeast corner rather than turn left onto Stevens CrePk Blvd.
The Planning Director said there �aould be a ri.ght-turn-only at Stevens
Creek Blvd. from this �rivate street, and you would have to continue
to the signal, then make your turn. He corimented that an office-type
use is one of the better types of uses for this property.
Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe asked for clarification of paragraph 4 on page 3
of the staff report. The Planning Director said tne positioning of
the "D" buildings do not face the service-type operations on the
adjacent property. Tne buildings face out to the priqate drive.
�eyuirements of The Vice-Chai asked the architect what is unique about this
deve.lopment project. �,r. Madsen that first of all, you have r:.any recuirements to
meet and you work out the design ;•:itn these requirements very :�uch
in the foreground. He noted there is a great deal oi landscaping
at the entrance to the private 3rive. There are three entities, or
groupings , of buiidings , yet thes� relate to each other . Sor:e of the
major requirements are economics, parking, setbacks, the econcraics of
the building size and design to facilitate ::ar.y different potential
I lessees , traf f ic pattern and flo��: , and people reactions . tti'here t�:ere
is a requirement of 227. parkir�; spaces, tney are sho���ing 229.
� �Zr. Madsen did not feel he was restricting landsca^ing to achieve
this ratio. He said t"r�e buildings are served on all sides by
The �'ice-Chairman commented on the very attractive rendering of the
proposeci bu�ldings due to tr�e fact there �,�ere no auto;��obiles in the
picture, yet the plan calls for 229 parkin� spaces.
T31dg. "A" The Planning Directer said there is a frontage of 800 reet on Stevens
nreviously Creek Blvd. that is commercial zone. The pie parlor (Building A)
a�proved has been approved. �Zr. '�'adsen said that at the tir_ie the pie parlor
�,Tas revie�aed and approved the res� of the plan �aas also shown. He
is on a Planning C�mriission and realizes -ahat the Co?-unission is
striving for.
Foot traffic Mr. Madsen anstiered tne Vice-Chairman that there was a sidewalk on
the original plan but throug:z redesign, it 'r:as been o��tted. It could
be put back in ii needed. The ?lannin� Director sa�d the only
com�-nerr_ial activity he sees ;•Tith th� s pro j ect i� the pie parlor.
Conditions to The Assistar.t City Attorney said tne Co^-^ission can t�:.e into consi-
in.sure derat�on that tt�is projec� is goinU to ;�ave ti�e anproved gie shop and
�:ar.-:ony of t�.is could impo:.e any condit �ons it fee15 are �:�c��=sar}' s� th� ent�_r��
�.�se *.�ith tne project could exist har?noniously.
�;e narlor
�fI�IUTES OF T;iE 5E�TE.°iBER_ 11, 1�72 PLL1ivNING COi'�IISSION T�ETIl`dG PC-72
Page 5
Mr. .iadsen answered �o-�. Ada:-,:s that the total height of the pro-
posed single-�tory �.0 _ld�..<<�.� :s 1_5 fe��t. Co~.-n. t?d�TLs called tne
attention of the oth��r C��:�:�s�ioners to Condition 17 in the '
sta£f repart :�hic�� says: "The building�shall be limited to a
maximum heigilt of thirty �30) ieet."
Cor.im. Gatto asked �ahat t�e rationale �aas be'zi_id these one-story Rational_e for.
build�ngs rattler rhan L-ao-story buildings. i1r. .-Ia.ds�n said they use of 1-s*_ory
are ?alannir�g garden-type offices lo�::in�; out onto gar�ens. �:e build�n�s �eYe
said two-story buildings usuall}� end up :•Tith -rore parkir.g rather
thar that mucn extra landscaping.
The Planning Director anscaered Co�::m, 'lellis tizat if agproved, the Exhibits to �e
exhibits become a part of the Use P�rMit iil a Pianned Developm�nt, a part of tne
If the applicant -�a�:ts, at a lat�r date, to c�:ange the use he u;ill Us� Per-�it
have to come back in and ask for approval of a r�ew plan.
The Associate Engineer ans;��ered C�m::�. 'v'eliis that this is nat a �Iot ; art o�
part of the Crossroads Assess�ent District. Crossroads LID
The Planning Director ar.sT��ered Com-a. Neliis th�.t the Land Use Land Use Eleri`nt
segmen� of tne General Plar -eill pro'�ably co::e before t�;e Plar_ning st•.�c�, in �ct .
Com�-nission in October.
Vice-Chairnan O�I�eete asked tor co�:.ents fro_:� the audience. `
iss. Judy Cooper, Cha.ir~�an of the Goals Co;:imitteL, noted with Goals Ccrcnittee
concern that a lot of develop^�en*_s aave bFen co::�ing be�or� the C:�air:-:an's
City for revie�� lately. The Goals Co�ittee is in t=�e process of co:�-�ents
trying to f�nd r:..eans of implementation of the Gcals Report. Sz°
is worried about piecemeal development in tne �zeart oi t':e Cit�.
She suggested the fo11o�•;ing remedy: T�e Planning Co�:^.ission shoul
get to�ether witn the City Council and tne staff and �oo�c verq �
carefully at this area to �ee what is already there; identify all
- th2 b�uildings; and determine cahat we ��-ould like this area to look
like. She suggested this be a 10-::an deciaion rather than con--
tinue considering eac:i proposal individually. She asked the:t to .
take a look at the Community Planni:�g section of the Goals Report.
Mr. M.adsen said he had no further coruner.ts to r�ake at this tirae,
Moved by Cor.un. Nellis, seconded by Corim. Adam� to close the Publi� ?-iearin,s
Pu�lic Hearings. clesed
"�totion carried, 4-0
Page 6
The Vice-Ghair.man said he concurred taith Ms. Cooper's re:�;ar.ks. This
appears to be a good project, but an overview of the �ntire area would
be helpful. Comm. i�ellis ag,reed that this looks li�� a good rroject,
but she would �refer to have the updated J�n{,ral Pla-� i�erore �etting
involved in any more rezoni.^.gs. C�c-��n. Gatto said �?e cculd entpath:se
�;ith the applicant, too. I'ou cannot preprograr the �ntire coraA:�unity
and then just plug in the pieces. He is concerned about a pha�ed
development where the first phase ef the project could be developed -
and then, due to econo�iic or other reasons, t��e balance of the property
just•sits and sits. If -�-e can have assurance that the entire project
will be constructed within a reasonable length of time, tae ���ould have
a cl.ance to interrupt t:�is long strip of cor.��ercial here. If develop-
able �aithin 3-5 } ears he -.�ould be �n f avor ot it .
Cor.�m. Adams concurred iaitz Comm. Gatto's re:�arks. =Je said the Com.:.ission
has Iocked closely at the Goals Report. Tdith the G�neral Plan in r.►ind,
he felt this would be a good use for this parricular area.
Vice-Chaim:an 0'KeeFe said this ��Tould be the _�irst off ice Uuilding
deveiop:�:ent in the :��art of our City and it changes t:e perspective
�`�t�on for r2oved by Comm. Gatto, secorLded by Comm. Adams ro recor to the
a��rovai of City Council approval of application 14-Z-72 and 2-V-72.
14-Z-72 & .
2-V-72 AYES: Com.�. Adams, Gatto
t�ed vote NOES: Com:-�. �v'eilis, Vice-Chair�a_� 0'Keefe
ABSENT: Chairman �utnenuth
Motion tied, 2-2
The Assistant City Attorney ru_�ed the tied vote r,ieant that th� Totion
for appro��al has failed. Tne Planning Director �ug�ested reopsn�ng
the public �°arin4s and cont'znuing the matter until the next ::ieuting
, .�hen there should be a full Co�., present. Tne �ssistant City
Attorney disa�reed, saying the appl.icant could noc� ap?e.al to tne
City Council. He reserved '.�is ri;ht to researcn this ruling.
Mr. 1•�adsen's closing re�na.rks ��?ere that he be?ieves this is a goad plan
and Cupertino does , in .f act ,:�ave a ���ster ��la� .
��II�1IiTES OF TIIF SEFZ'::;`.;ii?.R 11 , 1?72 PL:1�;:�=.N ; CO`�:?SS?:ON ::EE'I'ING i C-72 •
� I'axe 7
3. Appl_icati.on 15-T"_-7 % a^d 16-G'-72 c{ D�n.lis :'�ng for
C �-� Z�'T1tc1t L'i2 __; i:' ciCiJll:=i: 3?�Cr`riE.]"t;" � 1TlE Cil.'v`1C11:1� t"''O
t?Xi_St:;i1� �?�pt `(_1 1_Ot� C:"I'iL3'�i!1L1� ?.1.5 acr�.s a�: C�
(2) ilse Perriit to c�on<�*.r�.:ct a ga�^'_-z.nE: sa7_�s,/car ��rash
facility on p;3rce:. �.�e of �::d tentat��.�� -��ap. Said property
is in a CG (Gt�;-l��r�i:l_ Co Lc�ne aud �s locat�d at t:ze
nor�nwest eorr.��r c;;= _:ar.atoga-Sunnlval�:� Roaci anc? Alves Dr�_ve.
First ��earyr.g.
T�� Planning Dir�,ctor referrec. to the sta`f r�z�ort of Sept�-_�er 8
and the exhibits suu;��tted by tize appl.i�ant, .Ie nat�d there were
some design alternat�ves. I
�Zr. Dennis ;�1ong said he �•�as the a�?pl.�ca_z� and a resident of *_he T��e ^r.oposal
City of Cupert�r.o. :ie put a site plan <�nd render��_g of the
propase_d car -cas�, on the bulletin boarci, :ie noteci thzre wer�
entrances on Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and one rn yives Dr;ve.
The stac�ing area �,-ill 'nol.d 4C plus cars. c'e sa�d t�i� s locati.on
has 35,C0�� sq. ft. whereas nis previ�us one had 27,000 sq, ft.
There is no cross tr3i=fic between in�re:s� and e;r�ss. C�lored
slides of tne s_.te Taere displayPd. Ti�F> si te ;_s an abancloned
�hell serv�_ce station on proner. ty �-:-n�d by t::e Sa�cn f•a��.i.�y.
� �ir. ?:ong shawed slides of an a-•; ard-:•�inn:ing car Taasn in �anta Rcsa '
sa_yin� this is th� same design he prooases to use. T�ere �.�ill b?
23-24% landscaping on tne site. There is a 5' setback along _�Ives
Dr�.ve. The major op2ration is completely e_�clesed. T`.�e?'° ��a? 11 �ei
lo� level lig�ting on the site. Tne site is bound�d by co.^::~�ercial
on all si.des wit;: butfering. Tnere is little or no pedestrian or (
i�ike traffic in this area, and it is aTcay fro.;: residentiai areas.
Some health, safety and caelfare aspects r�ere that th� s operation
is easy on the City se°,�er and water syste�s, voise and ti are
co:�pletely contained T•;ithin the buildin�. Tais service zs cur-
rently not offered �aithin the Cit;r of Cupertino. In gen�ral, it
:�•ill bring ir. people from surroundin� areas for th�s service.
He estimated a$i65,000 total annual tax revenue. It �vill provide
e�ployment for young men and �aomen. He said he has �aor'�ed out
student �aorkJstudy proora�s on another site in East �an Jose.
They make their facilities a�Jailable to or�anizations ror fund
raising. �
' �Zr. G?ong said aiternative uses for this abandoned site were; Alternative u��:
a�ajor oiI cor.:pany, a disccunt or cut-rate gas station, u�ed for t:�:s �ot
car and trailer sales iot , a garage. I=.e said ?�Ir. 5aictz would like
to tear down the existing build�n� ior this pronosed use, at some
econo:�ic loss to :�i;n. �Te feels ther.e is a need �ar this service
in Cupert�no.
F_age 8
::il� a�ide �5� Mr. �;�eng said he is prepared to abide hy a11 cor:ditions stated in the
ali conditions staff report on this tentative map and use permit.
�<.� tine li-it The �lanning Director answered Ca��. Gatto t:iat ther° is no contre�
o� presPnt over the service station on t:zat lot if the us� does not change.
�is� permit There is no ti�e limit on the present use per�it.
Little visuai Comr.i. Gatto said the visual impact to the co�unity is cne of the
identitv problems with car washes. �ie asked how r�uch visual identity coas
needed needed in order to operate tt:e b;xsiness. ,ir. Wong sazd not �uch is
needed. There will be.a two-jided, lo;� si�n.
Applicant a;ree Comm. Gatto asked the ap�licant if he could still operate ii the
to closing ,�E9 Saratoga-Sunnyvale ingress t�ere replaced � ith heavy landscaping.
�ntrar_ce Mr. tlong said 'e could.
Proposal ;.�auld Co�ru�. Catto noted t��at the recent Service Station Re�crt indzcated
ie.ave d�_fficult one prime consideraticn g�ven to tizis tvpe s��rvice snou�d be in.*_e�ration
pro��ert;- next ,�-ith a large com,-aercial cievelop;nent. This proposal leaves a di-ficult
door piece of property to develop next door. Mr. t�,on� said that proYertv
belongs to the sa^�e p�rson; it ��i11 rroba�ly remain t�� way �t ;_s now.
The Pianning Di�ector said there is the possi�ility or r��o?•e left-turn
access fro:a Saratoga-�unnyvale Road in the tuture. �ir. '��cng said this
has been taken into cons:ideratio�l.
�roposal tor Co:-nn. Neilis asked �ai1S� l s proposed on tne propertv to t�.e �outh.
:_ to The Planni.ng D�rect�r sa-_d a sche-aatic plan ha5 be=�n su�.:itted shc:?ing
the soutn S parcels: Ean� or A:�erica, i:ame Sav a restaura�t, �:.nd a r_a�or
T�e p�oposed building -�ould be abcut the sa_~�e size as that of the
existi.n; building.
Tra�fic The Associate �ngineer ans:fered Com-n. :;e�l�_s r_hat the traff�c c;_rcula-
�::ov�:;ient tion has been rev=_ewed by tile Trafl:ic F.:�g=i_neer ���;_t'�z no objectior�s.
ade�auate Tiiere is sufficient clearar.ce for traf�ic ::°:eve�_�.�n�.
C�nt. v'or.m. Nellis as'�ed a:;out the nee:l tor side�:-aiics cri �his typ�. ct use.
_i_� e;��alk The Planning Dir�ctcr sa �._d t:ie gc.n��ral intent i.s te ccn` �nue t�i��
s ide4�alk.
� roduct The Vice--Chairman said t�iat obv�ou: 1_�>, �. _. :;~at�_,^n �= �ot need�d zt
difterentiation this location or it �tiT�ti11 �ot hav�. �:��en '-._ �,.j, T�::_i:; a� pl.�cant is
offering a product dl_�fer�ntiation �:•�_t.:: ri:_ c�ir :�-a�h.
. ��zrlUTES o��: . rxr: s��:� 1..:�� ,:�� i_� , 1972 F�L��.�r�A-�1� co^���°i� s�IO�v :fr:�Tt�v�:� ��c-72
p� _ g
�.O�;i::1. �C�c�::iS �F�It t:�" '_t"� CO�.:�'� v� 'ilt�:r�r3teC1 1:7t0 3 �:llt'llYE �1=C1E':C �'.'1�'5=..:Ji�_'—
:�EtVEJ.^�::=r1: ')_ i�;�a� t.`ii"''t.l_ ,,. ,.., 3:-�:-1. ii': '35 1� � i^;'i 1t t'ti� ?�T�S �1�_- -i_ES
ard cons oi considering a�_ ��i�a::don:�d sE�rvice stat�o� ior an ��n- �
deter��_ned len;th �. ,�� �: versu�� tl:� p� car . T-iith the
exa_st�.ng coritircls, }i_. __��.c:v�_. t:.�s could b�: a�-ooc use.
Co:^m. Gattc r�id :;��t ��vl=eve t}:e �l.a:i -��ould �,�ork - i�h the �aratoga- Visual i�pact
Sunnyvale access cl.�_-e�� ;�ff �:,y la�.dscaa_'.__�. �'e -�_ot�d that the
a�plica�t has said t:zaL it .:oulci. l e caould �ik° to see �,That pla�s
t.�ere are �O1` t:lE? -E'_1£.1CCY1�� TiZ'O��cYtV, '_� 1� COI1C`Tri2Cl n�0'1t
�sclated pieces ��e? ng d:=::�c�_ope1. ='e nas m �r�d e-_oticns a �cut a '
car wash at this 1_ocation. I: t::e app �_�cant could o the i
Vlc`ill�l 1.?'.1p3Ct Oi i.�1� E'RCYy t0 t�"1° S'�r.e �3T1C� t!1�' �tdC�'.111t� Of tti?
cars , t:en it would overco�le one of the maj or prcbler:s with this �
u: e, i�'r. �dong sugg�sted :aounding and f�nc�ng a_L�n� the r.orth �
s�de. He noted that t:e nas over ti.e req��ired 30 spa.ces `�:ere, j
V�_ce-Chair:nan 0`Keef� asked for corn?:ier.ts �rom the aud�ence. j
�1r. Gary Stokes, 21724 �R�s�..art Court � CupArtina, said he :ias a Pote:ztial
car was'r� applicaticn pend;n� be��re t:�e ��t_y Co�.i_:ci.l at t�:e co_,:�e��_tor
present tim�. H� wanted to spea-c to 'ir .'on�;' � lett�r oi la�t �
n ':e celie��es this station cail �`�e p�c:�ed Lp by a_'�aj or �
oil. company. The City has contrcl over the usc of th�s pr.cperty.
I�e said 'r.e coulci shc�? e..a:.ales of -�;here serv�ce stations ��a�e been� a
co:�ver�:ed into of Yice '�uildinos , bo�t saies, ete. ::e -�-a� con- ;
cerned about traf f ic enter ��ng and exit'_n�. ta;_s car �•-ast . �� s �
appli.cation �s an 11.° acre parcel and of�ers -�ar� staci:inR (
caYucity. I:e took �ssue ���ith :zany o± ti�e state=?_�nts - �.n v;r. �:ong's�
letter. to *he Plann�..ng Co^:_�i�sion. i
�'1r. Bill Briggs, Portland, Oregon, said he was for-::erly �n *_:Zis `Arruments ;n
area. He tried three ti:�_es to bri_ng a car -�;as� into Cupert-no. favor of th;s
Shel.l is presently opening discount serv�ce stati.�:�s all over the pro;�sal
c�untry. He felt t'_:.is �aas an extreTM.ely �ood car. „ash plan .�ith �
very effective screenin�. �t ���ould ma:�e good us� o= an existing
�ervice station locati�n.
?�1r. Weng stated tnat :�Ir. �tokes has a vest�d �nterest in the
remarks he mad�,
MoLed by Comm. Nellis, sec�nded by Co:�:l. Adams to close. t:�e Pu�' ic �-:ear;_ncs
Public Hearings, c1o��d
L:otion carr�ed, 4-0
Page 10
Canditions It was established that the present Use Pennit on this property could
under which be reviewed if public hearings are called on it. As long as the
present use building is not altered it would not hav� to come before the City.
permit could We have in the past attempted to talk about landscaping at the time
be reviewed thE applicants come in for a new sign, however. The Planning
C�mmission could initiate proceedings to revoke the Use Permit. -
• The Assistant City Attorney cautioned that we wot�.ld have to have
sufficient cause to do this. He answered Comm. Gatto that he would
reserve the right to check on it, but he did not believe retroactive
provisions could be made to amend the ordinance.
There was some discussion about a moratorium ordinance to eliminate
abandoned service stations.
Give applicant Comm. Gatto was in favor of allowing the applicant time to revise
chance to his plan, taking into consideration the remarks inade at this hearing.
revise plans
Comm. Nellis noted that we have here a proposal for the same size
! building on more land. It seems Mr. Wong is willing to go along with
� the City's wishes. On that basis she was in favor of a continuance.
� She was concerned about the long egress.
� Vice-Chairnt�n 0'Keefe said creation of a car wash will certainly
� influence this major intersection. An isolated car �oash is not as
; important to the community as one would be in an integraCed plan.
i It creates more traffic.
Tied vote on Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Nellis to continue applications .
r�.otion to 15-TM-72 and 16-U-72.
15-TM-72 and
AYES: Comri. Gatto, Nellis
j NOES: Comm. Adams, Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe
� ABSI.NT: Chairman Buthenuth
Motion tied, 2-?_
i•iotion to deny � Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe moved to deny appli_cation 15-TM-72 and 16-U-72.
failed for � Motion d:ied for lack of a second.
lack of second �
� �
�:1NUTES CI TFII� �EPTE°`�::?R il, 1.972 iI,ANi�:.;v=� CO��:°iI:SIi`!N ��;:ETI�vG PC-72
?a�e 11
Moved by Ca::::n. Gat;.��, :_eco;�clecl '�;� Ccm�.i. Ne�llis *_o co_itizZUe Motion for
a�plicat�on 15-'I"` -�' ..n-:'. 15-'..'--i�'_. canr_i.-�u:�r.7ce.
tiea ��^te
r'���,J : COP.lI'1. �-c'1i.2 O� i': �1 -1 1.y
�iUi J. CO�T. 1�Cj�...� � UI�'�`�'L'i�3._Y�i;3:7 ����f'fF'
A$SENT ; Cha :r�:�an ri �: �:.� 7zuth
`_�otion tied 2-2
�'�oved bv Cor �. Adamr, �or apprcval of anal-' cat�on_ 15-T�'-72_ and M�tion for
16-L-72. `otion died for lac:: o� a seco�d. � apprc�.�a�_ died i or
iack c� s�cond.
The matter appeared ta have reaci�ed an i.�:it�asse.
Co:�^. Ada;�� said ���hat t:�e CeznMission is tryink, to do coul.d �e
achieved at H-C�ntral. 'rIe sai.d T•.hat t�.e� �a�re �aced ���.th was a
revitaiizaticn ot an abandonF��d use in a zon�� t:�.at nerT:lts it.
Comu-n. Gatto sai.d his prim� r. ea�on for a contir.uar_c� is to all.o;�.�
the applicant t.o de�!onstrate ?zis plan for �:n�ro���n n�cess �ro-�:
i"'i„f;ll �. C.OITl'.11. f�'�c1i,1S di_d I?Ot t:1�:^.tC :'_t '.'3S l�i:�'_ ces:.ar�� t:% CiOS�
Cf f t�12 Hi g't�way 9 �'RtTi3I1C2. �..0?:'.Pl . Uatto Sc.lil� ''P_ c? �'°. ''-:��.'C1ng 3't70Ut
a 34 ` dri•veL��ay exposing 2G - 30 cars �tac ;�d. :ie �could be -�illing
to look. at a better solution. Cor.m. �^llis sa�� a conti.L.uance �
could only br�ng a�_� i-�:pro;%e_,��nt. `;ic�.-C:.a�rT:�n C'':ee�:e sGi� :.fe �
are differentiat�ng a produce i_n an isclated �pot. '�e axe d�_alin�I
���ith one of the i-:ost �mportant areas i.n ou Cits�. It .,i11 �:ene
traff�c and izave a social eif��ct on our C� ty. C�_�a:.. Ada�:.s a��c°d �
- ��e :-ould be gaining --h�n ;•�e ask the a�pl�.cant t� screer. thn
:iignway 9 exresure; we have sert�ice stat�ons �vit'.z �ntrances on
three sidzs in the center of aur City,
�:oved by Comm. Ada�s, seconded by Com.Tn. Gatto to reegen trie Publ�_c ��ear�.^.�s
Public Hearings. reop°r.ed
tilotion carried, 4-0
Mr. Ted Armstrong, of Armstrorg Associate�,-said he has '�uilt
acout 20 car �tias :es in the �ay r �rea. �.e said t'.z�s is a very
�aorkable proposal; anly th� oac:�cs of tiie stac�ced cars would be �
seen. He said it T•:cu�d be nore desira::le to le_a.�,-e th� Hi�h�.ay 9
drive;�ray open -- it is alr=�.ady there, : o:rever, t':z� site co°_tid �
function with..ut t:�is acce��. __e an_-::ered tn� V� ce-i,nair:�an that
t;rpes ef uaes usually found next d�or are .�IcL�onald's Ha:n�urgers,
banks, serv:;.ce stations, paint stores, truck paric, c� residential�.
Page 12
�emarks �rom Mr. Jerry Fitzgerald, 10191 Narth �ianey, Cupertino, representing the
propert}= o-,-ner Saich Farlil}�, said he does not believe Shell ?ai11 abandon th.is staticn.
repr�s; ntative They- �tiill open it up again, due to the r�oney o���ed on it . Under the
lease agreement, t��ey do nave perr.iission to su�let. He said the� have
had ten aYpl�cations from fast food operations, whiciz they did nat feel
were desirable ior this location, Tliis is the b�st proposal made to
the Saich F�znily for this property. A full car service center has
been proposed for the adjoining property and is presently under considera-
tion. G;hatever it �.s,. it ttiill be r_ompatible �ai.th the car wash.
Public Hearing Moved by Corlm. Ne�lis, seconded by Com,^�. Gatto to close the Public
closed Hearings.
'�'_otion carried, 4-0
Meved by Comm. Adams to approve 15-T��-72 and 16-U-72. Mction died for
lack of second.
15-T_�1-72 and rioved by Co��. Nellis, seconded by Cor�m. Gatto to continue tF
i6-L-72 applications. �
AYES: Co�:�. Adams, Gattc, �ellis
( NOE� : V� ce-C:�a=rr.�an 0' Keef e
� ABSENT : Chairman But �enuth
?�Iotion carr�ed, 3-1
pu'�l� c Hearing rloved by Com��,:. Gatto , seconded by Cor�n. Adar.is to reo�en the ?u�lic
r�opened Hearings.
Mot�on carried, 4-0
�tistructior.s Comsn. Gatto requested a re-evaluation of ;ahetner or not total screening
*o staff and of Highu?ay 9 would provide a viable site. T�e� sta�`_F "-as asked to chec'�
arplicant the percentage o� la::dsca�:n�. Vice�--C�.airm�n 0` i�E`F?T�' :tiould ii'�e to ;�ear
more ab�ut the other intere��ted partie� that ma�,� de�*elo� this larger
area a:�d the ti:�:e fram.e invoived. Co�~: Ne11�s •o��ld 1i:ce t_�e ingress
and egress to the car �.ash restudied.
MIN'JTES OF TiIE SELT�.;'" �ER 11 , 1972 ?L�;NING C7:`'�1ISSIfJN :"IEETI:`IG PC-72
na�e 13
UNFI.1ISiIED BUSI'..�SS -- `I"r:er�� :tias :�one.
NEW �USINESS -- T'riere :;a.s no:�e. �.
" REPOP.T OF �L�1.vi�I:�� .'',�'�:=�;:I��;
Con�-^. Gatto reca�ped the TMeet'�ng for the purp^se of discussin.g Roles of
the roles of tn� : la::nin� Co:-.� t:�e A.rcti� tectural azid Site .-Control all�
Approval Co�n�:.ittee, ar:d o��erl�.pp'_ng tnereof. The �epter�ber 6t:� Yla�ning Co:�TM.
meeting was attended �;�y Councilman ir;�,in, :,�m�ittee C':air^an
Sargent, `1e-�b�� McLar�:n, Co�L-�. ;�atto, the �ity ��ana�er and the
, :lanning Lirector. � letter from _.e-:ber Sa11an .•,as also revie�r�ed.
Although no final deter:�inat�ons �:�ere made, tne a�neral consensus
�aas t:�at t:ie Planning Com�issio� would do a Qeneral review of
use of land, s�te plan in reg4rd to piacing o� ar.d size of
structures, amount of landscap�ng, tra��ic �ove--:nnt �n `.eneral,
and the relationshi.p to adjacent areas. T:�e resu'_ts o� t��at
revie�.ti� are passed oL to the Cit�:� Council. Ite-:s ieit �o the
Architectura� and �ite A��roval Co�:zi.ttee are the s��ci�ic
architecture, s�ecific la�dscapi:.�, lig:.t�n� and signinz�. '�'�at
is nePded is a general plan and ord to act as a springboard.
'•1e will keep the �or�at generall;� as it is no-v. T:�e H-Control
Cor.ti�n�ttee will act after t:�e City Council 'nas acted. � '
The only ite*�� of confusion .��as t:ze site p Siting as such,
(place�ent of bu�ldinos , park� ng , etc .) should be � e:~�oved fro:�
An alternate plan would be to inccrporate recuire?�ents of the
H-Control and eit�er combine H-Control ��=th tfie C�:��-ission or
elimina.te the H-Control.
The Planning nirector said there :•�ill bz anather meeting to dis-
cuss this matter furt�zer.
Co�r�Tn. Adams suggested tizey cor.sider having perhaps one me-:ber of
��-Control sit in on the �'lanr.ing Cor.unission �earin<s on PD review.
He also asked about the possibility of all 10 `�ier.:bers and
Co.�unissioners ~:eeting for a"s�ull session" to discuss and list
alternatives as to site revie�a.
Vice-Chair:lan ��'?�:ee�e sair he attended tne ?� C �u�co:��nittee Minorit;� ::r.us _L:,
r.:eeting on ;^inorlt;� ':�ou�ing. The � lannin� Director T��euld iike the
H�using peopie to come do�:^i ar.d e�� lair. ti�eir rzcent ruling. i
:�,:;:c 14
I T:ze `�'ire.ctor cL Fl ar;u De•.ei cY.-:..nt :- .i-i ti�:c� : "'_:::
applicat�^�� has �e,n sert to t^e -C�-:trol t:�4 C��tv Council.
� The re•�_.�.: ,:�eti,� •�.•_�� b._ .:e=d '.'��:�.e,ci : , .:e�t_ .._ ._. ,�t:: �t 7.30-P':
� : y - ' C "°� C� �:;� ' .
i� th C�nzerence R� :�, �n case se:�e :�e s �
;�isaed to attend.
::c��ed b� C�.:r.t. �:e�l is , secon�ed b Co:r�. :_da::s tc adj ourn trie
�:eet�.ng at i0:55 P'1.
�Iot�o� carried, 4-0
� , /s/ Daniel P. 0'Keefe �
I ' Vice Chairman
/s/ Wm. E. Ryder
Ciry Clerk