PC 08-22-72 � CI_TY OF' CUI'EIZ`?'I�d�, S'�'r�1'}; Oi� C1T,I��'�JIZ:ti'IA PC-'G • lU3GG Trrre A✓erlu� , Ct�� ert�no, Cal.� fa�nia � �'a��' �- 'i�: lephone : 252-�'+�05 T1IivL;"I'ES UF TII�: �'1�JGLTR�°�LJ KE<�UT_AR `�rF,TING OF' T�?E � �'LA�1cv'Ii.;: i3O �::TSSIOr� =i! i.L L�N AUGUST 2 19'12 i IN TH� C;0'.1i�CIL C:;.:l`:�'_�R, �i.T.`� H�,LL, CUP�.?-'T::i�O, �'ALIFO:�IvIt� � SALUTi: TO '1'H�' �'L4G �?la:lnir.g Comm, preseilt: Gatto, i�eili�,, 0' i;hairman Buttienut' :Iannin.g Comm. ahsent: Adam� Par..��s & P.ec. Corun. preseiLt: Janna Eybok��s • GeorQe Ga��r. i�1 Len �ch���eitzernct Chairman }3at•rv Thibodpau Staff present: Director of Pianning & De�.�e?orL�ent �is'r: Associate Planner Laurin Associate �'lanner Co-�an ° Be�uty Ci*_� �.ttcrre;� ?�i�l.iaz: Director of •Parics & Recreation F,ut�er Recordir.g Secretary Lois �nwards Others present: Mr. Robert Gcnza�es :�irs . Lucien '_zertert Mrs. Judy Tembroch PiJBLIC HEAFcINs 1. Public H°_31"1L7'7 t� cansrder dratr o* Unen Space �lemen� of �hF �eneral Flan. Cnair�ar But�er.x�th opened the informal me�tin� at 7:35 P`i. He asked Assc�c�_�.te P�a-�rcr Laur�n r_c reporr t�.r�t. � � Associate Pianner �,aur_n said all �ler��.nts �t tr.e �enerai Plan are �Elc:�ents of inter-dependent, so you can` t re�?? 1y discuss anP taitha�zt afLecting i��er.er�:� P' a.n another. Ar a later date t:ere Z�T:ll. be i.r.ifcr�at;.on *_=ron� l.he B � ac'_�. � are �n�er- Mountain Study to inco�porate �•iitn tnis docui�ent. ��r�nera� Plan �epen�ent sl.oulci be revised anc� updated quite frequentl;-. � 1 � I � PC-70 � MIPNTES JF THE ADJOURNED PLANNING CO1fii1ISSI0N riEFTING AUCLTST 22, 1972 ���age 2 . - � � Tn� tnird draft o� the Open Space and Conservat?on Eienent and an addendum were passe� out to those present. Defin;tions of Tre Associate Planner defined open space as a:.y�tn�ng that isn't paved ter.:ns used or roofed. Neighbornood parks should be geared toward grade school aged children and within �valking distance Cor�snunitl pa.rks are r.lore for the teenagers and should be withir.. bicycling distance, Citywide parns are more ti�e ty�e�you would get into ti�e car and drive to. There was some discussion as to the possibility of na�e ctianges of so*�e c�f tne parks whe�e there is duplication. T:ie Associate Planner felt that if Cupertino.comes close to 50,000 population the school district will have to cons�der more schools. Programn:ing The Parks and Recr�ation Director said the City has a contract coordinated with the school district as to program?ning. Faria, rionta Vista, Stevens with sc:�ool Creek ar.d Portal Farks will be developed. The City� cre��:s �aill do the district maintenance oiz the parks. �1r. GaL-riel said, with the exception of tre west side, all the schools in the district feel tney have reached th2ir pea?c. � lise of Jr. Col. Conun. 0'Keefe asked if there is seme understanding �=ith De�nza Junior iacilities Co1J_ege. The} uti]_ize their facilities fron� 8 tiM te 9 P"4, pr.act�cally precluding any use of, say, the tennis courts by other citizens. The Parks and Recrea�ion Director said there zs the possibilzty of additional use of their facilities, includir�g little theater and pistol rarge. Light o�i� o�;n �Sr. Gdbriel stated he caould prefer to have the City ligzt our ocan t�nr.is courrs tennis c�urts tizan tnose at De Anza. He fe�t this �oo�ld ae in rt�e best interest of Cupertine residents. Co_��. Gatto agreed. �:�rar. boxes for Comsn. c�`Keefe asked if t�,erp is any pzovision for lighted tennis liahting courts courts paying for t�em5elves. Tne Parks Dir.ector sa�d that once the li.�hts are �nstalled, tr,e rneter �o�ces will pay f�r t'c�e ma:�ntenance ot the li�hts . As to ti�e r�at*er of ma'cing reser��ations for use of the courts , he said �ae don' t l.ave enou�ii per5onnel tu handl.e reservatior..s . Ir�terviewin2 The Parks Director said the budgct a�lows $15,COU for arcnitect's fees. for parles I:�tervi.ewing for archit�:ct(s) for Portal, Faria, �te��ens Cree'c, Morita arch�tect(s) ViSta and Horse Ranch parks wil]_ begin in Se>>temar�r.. $100,OG0 is in Sept. al.lo;��ed f.or the devel.op��_ent �hat �::ust take T,lac` c;n t`:� norse rancfl pronerty and for miiii�a=� �levelop-:ent of the o�ner fctir parks, Co:,i:-n. Ne11is noted t?�e Parks and Recre�:.tion Co-�-n�.ssicn's docunent goes a 1ot farther tl�an t'�.e Open Space r�l.e���>�z�. There �ai_11 be some discuss�an of minimum, average and cptiMtic� �ar�:s requi_rements. 1 MINLTi:S OF THE E1I).TO�iR�i�D PL.'L�IN�:';�� C��: �1i�SI0N ''`��'r.'E'T1:NG AUv. 22, J_972 FC-70 T'age 3 �ssociate P_lannc�r Laurin noted tne eli�ination of sorne r.�ini--pa�ks because maintenance of t�.,ese s:�a11, tnii�i-parr_s :��ould 'be most costly. Cornn. 0'Keefe as'�ced ;.hat ����ct :Iariani 'Iall ��-111 'nave on Collins CoJ_iizs Scha•:�?_ School. �ie su`;geste�? t�`�_:t :��_t� a par'.c so closQ to the :�iall �ae � �._l. ;7aV2 3 P_E'.l�it:�Or.i00c� n3T�C �,2Lt�.Cla 'i 2�l o.ia.�. par:�� USc'1�° . Associate Planr.er Laurin e.::plained t}:c� trail sy:�te�, �•�hic': couid Trail sys�em go L�:rough trie �a� `�:ea:1o�..s ont�n space, T�ze i:: tre po�sibility ttie County r��i.g::t take over t:le �:ainter.aiice o� ���i.s trail sy�ste-n. The Pl.annin� Director f elt that ite;:� 14 on page i2 should �e re- �ai: .'•�eadows worded to spea� �.�out de ri_g': and not close t::e dco.r as to acquisition. It l.as �rought out th�re is not�` to �eep Oa�c Meado:tis irom gi��Lng tne property to, say*, t:�e �ov ,:couts a5 � iong as there is no de���lop�:�ent on t:ze propert�> � I �ir. Gabriel said iie �:ould li�:e to se^ t�i�s rep�.r; �e more deiiniti te without being too explic�_t as to .� I:r'i3t ;��e ;tioulc 1i:ce to see i.n the various areas. The Associate pla,zner said natural - resource areas cou1C ��e con- Kaiser area sidered as apen space. '�iost of th�s is in the ::a_ser Fer-�an�n�e area. They wi1.1 pro�a�).y COI1t1P,ll@ wcrking u? ��.ere for ano�.�er 20 years , t�e ;:��uld hope there T�ili be adequate huf f er areas ar.d pollutian contr.ol. The Associate Planner stated there snould 'oe no f�.:r�i.er resid�ntia_ Rift Zone development in the San Andreas Rift Zone. HoT,'ever, t::ere cou�yd be commercial%recreationai areas t::ere. Co��. L�el' � s saici she �ad spoken with ?�ir. Rogers, who is doing t::e stLd�� �or t':�e .�i.11szde Consnittee of the PPC. It was nis contention tl:ere r:�g1:t b� riore development up there atter geological st::dies ::ave been made. Ho�,rever, there s'r:oull '�e rc `iospitais, sciiools, etc. , t:.�re. The main thought is to make tr.e prospective o�ar.�r a�oare of the risk. Some additional work will be done on the Rift Zone c�.apter of this docur.ient. In discussions of the �cen�_c Hig:�.�ays; Traii �ystem chapter, Bicyc�e, Comm. Nellis stated she �eels bicycles and au*o�^e5iles are not eauestriaa, compatibie arzd suggested t�e possibilit uf separate bike traiis. redestriaa tra�i.- lhe [lssociate rlanner thougilt it � a very �ooa i�ea to separaLe pedestrian and bike trails frcm autorobiles. Co^n.. 0'�e�fe �•�ould like to see tnis stated iii tr.i.� Open Space Elemen*_. Equestrian traAls are to be inclucied also. ,-; C1 � i1i\UTLS l'F Ttti. :V�J;?t'K:�;;:D I';,,�1.";... *'" CO'.'L�:i:'S:in`; ,"ti;:"C�;��; � i1U<<, ?�' � i 9i � .i::c ;i Rew�rding cf On page 10 cf the ti:ird draf t, it W2S decided ite-� f. would 'oe deleted : an pa�e 10 «nd replaced taith the words : "Plaximize De �^:nza Col� ege f ac�li.ties for co;n.�nunity usage." P�e:orestatir�n Co:�c�. 0'Keefe f�lt t�zere should be a statemert in tl:is locu�ent regarding state:n�nt filling in or reforestation of areas u�on aba^do��^ent o� cuur:y operations. :leeded The last thing he would like te see in t:�e qua�r;- ��;;�uld be t,aste d�sposal. The Planning�staff �tia.s instructed to �,o�k this into the document. Sp�cs need�d Assoc=ate Planner Laur�n r�e:�t �,ent over t:�e "Reported Standards for :cr our Park Areas" chart in the Addendum. On page 2, �or�n. Gatto =elt there rarticular s:iould he sper_i�ications for cor,rc:ur�ity parks, neig.zbori:ood parks ar.d •:.�-_f�ds city�Jide parks t::at are suited to fit our particular needs. titand. rd,� �or Discussion fol�_owied on �•rhetr�er or not �,le shculd go for t;1e ��ni�um, _�a.r_k st sCe_.� avera�e or opti:.�u� standards ror our par� s ste�. Tir. Gabriel reco�;:er.ded going ror t�:e average sta:.dard. '�1r. Thibodeau felt iae s:,r.uld tr;T for averace in the flat la .ds an3 optimu�n in the :.ilis.� As t'�e Fopulation in the �oot:z�lls inr_reases we ��-os1d 'nave the open s��.ce t�,�pe par�s for a' � tae cityze�� to utilize. C:�air-an �;ut�ezuth '_=elt it ;�oul� be prett; eh�ensive to trt- �or t:ze averare sta_zcar3. I Cc-� . 0`�<:e�i e note � ttiat i� Portal Pari: is :.ear optimu. t::En average �s so-;�t'.:ing �,Te can siioct for because we ��1i±1 then ��ave a pcint of rAference. Co.:,.:�. �satto auest:�.oned :ahetner ;,-e should concentrate on spa_ce cr oiz stai:dards f c�r our parks . "_'ri �.',`?' C:` :'LEL1S �.iiE? T�2I':�S �ilc?Ct�Y SllC�E'SteC� P� d.:i7�R� fOr tile 52:i10'� C1t1Zen.S �R i}1e nei_� :��or��oo:i nGri:s �ecat:se of possible :iac�: of transportaticn, Co:2-;.. 0'K�efe co:-nzented that it t:�e a.�.�erage to ogt�TM,u:n standards are � �:T'OJ1cjP_Cl ���E Stai` ;nTll� PiOV��e the SeI"V1C2 Of t�iiP_ rite�S O� t��� cor:�..-�uc:it}� they :.erve , The P1ar.nin ; Dz.ie�.tor , Pa- Director and Ci.t�� Attorney i:ave �ad discuss�ons on ti;is anu t�:= huve to have r_ �e f���ure:= �ae ar� „�ooting ior befare an ord�_nance ca ��e c^��.rructrd, Varioiis ���a�;� o� �ettin� the f:unds riave a2sa beer: e�;r,lored. v f;c•.~ inue��i to Moved by Co.~.,�. ?�'e? 1i�, secor.ded 'u}� Cor.:--.. Gatt ; tr. cont�n«e thi_s ,'_�::C �':EE=t1Ii� C�1SCllS3lOi: �O t i�? :1P_i'� L'E'��ill?r ;'tC2t1.P.� ��::G i:,. 3'��!`L:1'Il �0:�15 ::'`i. :��o�ivn carri,.��', 4-!) ATTEST: Ai'PROVE�i: /s� Wm. E. 1Zy der ". is/ .tohn L�'. B ut_henutn --i-- Cir}� C1.erk r �'--�-- Chairman��----