PC 08-14-72 CT.T":' OF CUPEi'..'l�i:';0 ,`�T��,Ti'_ C)�I� C!\I��] 1?t'R.� IA � PC--69 •
i_f.?3�:10 Torre :'lvi�, �, Curert �_?lo, C�t �fornia Pat;e �
Tc.e��:ior�e: ?S2-�E ;0:.
. _�:�+�TLS :?f ... .�; ` .. � " ' �_ r 1: i i. � � ,t�:, C0. _ _' S � Ii�N
}�. : �..�L.'� L.Y�,Y IL
..T._.D ON �",L �_ 'T :i+ , . : �' i:, T .;_ C�;T�;�CIL (.._;'� :rR, i.IT . ftALL
C,� �' . �'.T I`; � ' . :;:.', :. F��R:� � �1
�;�L'_'1E T.' � "�"r�i: _ �.__';J
t'_:-e�-C'-�a-�r:. :�'Keeie call_Pd thc �eetinn t�. order a.t 7:35 P:: 1�rzt:z
tiiP_ ��illltE? t0 ��l° r'�c'�r .
�C);�"_l. pre�;ent AC�'c1T`:S� vc1tC0� �el�1S� ��1'�F'—C �`�eef�
Cor2r.�. abseni : Chair_-:an. ?.uthenucii
Statt present: 7irector of Flanning and �e�.�e�o�:�e.:t �is�
r�ssistant C; t, Attorn�.��? Terrv
�enior Planz,er i.aur�n
Assistant Planner Co��ra?i •
Traffic Engineer Grigg
Recording Secr°tar�- Lois =n�,ards
�='P?:��c'1�: QF ;�fINUTES
'" '_ii� u�es of Regular '�ieeting of Jul,� 24, I9?2;
�n g�ge 6, o� ra 3. , Co-��. �'ell� s �•.�ou1d li�:z t�at paraara�Y: to read
tiius: "Lo�^T. ��e'lis nated that �uildir.g �s ;oi~g on at t'.��s t__-.e
on ?e�al lots under the lirg�ncy ::�yl�ide �:�rd�rance a^d, t:lere�or.e,
�.auid be in iavor of �a:cing some adjustment� to r. cut and
f �.il .
07 page �; ne.st to the las� rara�rap:z, second lir_e, �o�._:�. Ada�_s
wot:iu lake the T�ords "ove.riapnii.g �or gap in) r�sgonsi�iiiti=�s"
deleted and Yep�aced �ai_th the word "in�er-relationships".
� �'.oved by Com�. Ga.tto , seconced by Corm;�. Adams to approve the Jul} 24 `�tinutes
Aiix�utes os July 24, .19%2, as amenc:ed 2�preved as
Motion carried�, 4-0
P��ge 2
Approval of Minutes of Regular Adjourned r4eeting of Ju1y 2; , 1972.
On page 2, para. d, third li.ne, Comri. :lellis would like the word "certain"
replaced ti it}z t:,e ;,�ord "`a � l•` .
Jui� 27 ����nutes rloved by Comm. Gatto , seconded by Co:nr�_. �iel.lis tc apnrove the �iinutes
ajproved as of July `L7, 1972, as amended.
*'Iotion carried, 4-0
There were none.
?,�tter not to T:�e Planning Director said there was oae t��ritten cor.z^unication regar�?ing
o� considered ite� 3 on t��is agenda. It �h-ould be intreduced at the ti:�.e of �hat `iearing.
as avidence The Assistar_t CitS Attorney ad�,rised �nat it �.-a� not illegal for one oi
the principals to have �aritten to sone or all of the C�7rriissioners, �ut
that the statements made in the letter are not to ae consic'ered as
' evidence,
0?2�L CO'�1.^�IU:VICATIQ"S --- Tnere �aere none.
l. CITY OF CL'PERTi:vO: r1 Public Hearing to cor.sider second draft o� an
Oper. Space Element to the General Plan. First Hearing cont�r.ued.
�.�a:1.s, Policies The Planning Director stated the Goa1s and Policies portion of this
� l�,od Y.lain to document were not included in the second draft, '�ut *aill ue read�� for
be d�scussed aL the jo� n� r.leeting with the Parks and Recreation Co::missi.on. It is hoped
jair_t meeti.ng the input from the F1ooc� Control District regar�ing tL�e fiood plain arza
s�ill also be in bj- then.
(�nan�;es in The Senior Planner revie-aed the changes made in �h� draf_t. There is a
s�co,�,d draft new introduction. _�'.ucn information Z��i:L]_ co�,e i_r� :,*_h� �fontebello Ridge
Study t'ti�t can be �_ncorporat�d at a lat dat�:. �:`er :>he�i�• can bs�
acquired in difterent 4rays� e.�. , c:?r�_ :_r:e-: -;ir_'� -�ubl.ic park�� or a:^,ri��ulttiral
use. Goals are d:_victed into t�ao part::- n:��-; i.c�� � spac_e re��uire-�ents ar.d
pro�rams . There -, -c_�rP �� nu� : c,f c;,<:: . ,� ;:� �.. �i"�- c:s�c� ne_ ;,,' ;e,i
and c_o�munity park �ites s-.cr_i _�n oL� t: , -... „ _ _. . ;i r ��: t . It �ez�F.ncls '�<:�vily
on use of the school propertj�. Tt�is -����-�s m�:�r�- research.
Page 3
The S�nior Planner said tha� by adopting the proposed plan we
would lia.ve made tlic �:�rst :��:ep �a.id in �he futurc; cve can expancl
on it.
Comn. t:ellis raised the e��e7tion �ano would have priority if there
is a conflict on the use o� the school propetty. The Senior
Planner said this question has bQen raised but not resolved.
Oak �ieado�as and Kaiser Far�c proposals are si:�ilar in nature to Oalc �:esdows and
the Cour�ty parks and there is the possioility ttiey would be con- Raiser Fark nay
trolled by the County. The question of possibie acquisition of be County
one or both of the golf courses by the Count� br the City of Cuper- responsibility
tino has been raised. A continuous Stevens Creek Park, includin�
both golf courses, would create possibilities for an e�ficier.t
combination of park uses for citywide co:al:�unity and neighborhood
Conm. �ellis asited the difference between citywide and community De�initions o*
parks. The Senior Planner said neighborhood parks are within � types of parks
walking distance of school children. Cor.u parks are �or the �
needs of the teenagers and are within bicycling distance. City-
wide parkS are for hiking, riding, tennis -- so�ethin� you �et into!
the car and drive over to with the family, etc< �
Comm. vatto asked how many acres are in the total sphere of in- Sphere of
fluenc�. The Senior Flanner said it was 30 square miles, or � influence
20,000 acres. Comm. Jatto would like a tabulation inciuderi on 30 sq.. miles
each of the types of parlcs. He would like to also knew the area
of greatest need -- it agpears to be neighborhood parks. Neighbonc�od
� parks needed :�ost
The Seniar Planner answered CoMm. Nellis that conservation is tc
he considered at the sa;:le time as tne open space element. It Include
snould even be mentioned in the interir� ordinance. conservation
Comm. Nellis would like the following considered in thesP discus- Chapter about
sions: trail syste:�, flood channels for bike trails, P.G. & E. trails to be
easements for expansion of bike trails. The Senior. Planner said included
he would add a chapter about trails before the next meetino.
Mr. Georga Gabriel, of the Parks and Recreation Comrlission intro- P& R document
duced the tirst edition of the document that Commission has put
tog�ther. He said they had received copies of the second draft
of the open space element, but he would also like to see the first
draft prior to the joint meeting.
The Vice-Chairman said this discussion would be continued to the
meeting on Aug�sst 22nd.
p�-�,9 riINUZ'ES OE THE AUGUST 14, 1972 PLAIvNII1G CO.�:ISSI�I3 t°ti:ETI.NG
Page 4
2. Application 14-T:t-72 of �itz-Crane for T�ntative Map to divide
approximately ?..3+ acres into si;s lots, Said progert� is in a
R1-7.5 (Residentiai, S�n�le-fa��_���, 7,500 sq, ft, per d?oelling
unit) zone and �.s located at tlzc� n�:,rt:i;,•est corner of tl« inter--
section of ClarlcstaC� Ar�enue an�l Fli�tst�re Drive. First HFaring.
2 �lag lots The Planr.ing Dir==ctor went over thE staff report of August �1, 1972,
and th� transgaYency of the Tentative ?�iap on the bulZetin board. _
Lots 1 and 6 wiil be ilag lots. Lot S will �aintain the existing
hor:e .on the site.
OuLbuildin� �n additional pro^leT t:.at ca-�e to l�_g`.�,t dur�.ng disc�.issions with the
bet�,Teen appl�cant af*er the staf� report had bee:� dis*_r���ited is the existing
lots 5& 6 outbuildin� bet�:een lots 5 and 6. T�ze rlann;_a� D�rector ssg�ested an
additional condition req,�iring the eli:�wnatyon o� this buildinc at th�
� ti�_:e lo.*. 6 is b�.�ilt upon an? that *_his �e ~:ace a�art of the deed.
Colored slides o� tne ares �,�ere s:lown. T:�e existing large trees should
be designared on the �.ap. _ __
� rir, Dick Cecchi, of �:acKae and So:nps Civil Engineers, was re�resenting
the applicant. F�e offered to answer an�� questions.
rreservation of Co.:sn. :;ellis asked �al �aill happen �o the trees a' ong tne dr'_•�e�•�a;�
�'r�e trees of lot 6. Mr C2CC�11 S3 _� t�:ese are �rchard trees. The�- �,�o;,�Id try
� to save the::., but �;�ould not put forth any e�tra etfert tc �o so. ThP
large trees on the pictures are on tt�.e nart:: side of lot 4. There
cai.11 be a speciul 'nouse on that lot for the �urpose of sav=ng those
Ti�ere �,�as a br.ie� discuss�_on a�out turn-around space for the flag lots
and fencir.g anc landscaping.
T��ere were no state::ents fron people in the audience.
�ublic Hearing Mezjed bg= Cofiun. 'vellis, s�conded by Cot��:l. Adams to close rhe Public
c-o:�nd I�earings .
i�lotion carried, 4-0
14-T:_-72 Nloved by Comm. Re11is, secon?ed b.;� Co?-��. Ada-^� to appro�re a�plicat�on
ap�rcveu 14-T�i-72 with ti.e 14 star.:iaru cond�tions and cor��::itzor�s 15, 16 and 17
w� cc.�ditions as reccr�mended by the sta� �.
c��it.. �OP.IIII. �C18'":.5 G2t.t0 .�C2.��iS� �i..:E3—l�.l<:_I":;i:l n�:�E'_°_L�'
�;OES : '�one
�.�Sr?`TT : Chairrltn ;,i.:tilenut..
��atior: c.��ritd, 4 _0
This taili come l�e.f_ore tt'�e C��^ C�i��c:.1 0. !�ii�,v�t 21, 1U72.
.�1INUTES :1F TIIF, AL(=U.` T J�i, ].972 PLl1;1NI:d+`; C'JT� 1ISSIO:i �iEETING PC-G9
Pa�e 5
3. Appl.icat�:on ]_5---t, -7 � or: . �:ui r�. ^iariai�i , Jr. , `or 'Jse Per� to
construct a �1�� .: __ ___ �_ i:c.u_:��� 91,�'3') s�: _`.�. o�
gener.a:l. retail_ii.Y -Uacc, :in,t an auto: ��r_ive car -.,�ash on approxi-
mately 1_1. S acx���; . ::ai.�1 pr��per. ty is in a P(� ianned D`��elop-
. . .
r�ent, z:�ne �•r�t_: __rc:-:� i:Lt�.:nt )
- 1 un ;,� Ioc-�t v�' a�� acent to
and -�.esterly ot `� �+� ato�a-- �nnyvale Road a��ror:i:�.ately 150 feet
souta oi the ir.�t��1- .ecti�n o_ Ja11ey �'reen Dr���re and North
Saratoga-Sun:�yvaLt� Road. First �earing.
The Planning �irector revie-�e� *'��e staff report o� �.u_ust 11, 1972 The propo5al
an:i showed colored sl.ides of_ existing an� �ro�csec: -?eve�or*�ent in an� staf`
the i--lnediate area ;.i�? then re `71.�[�'P_d �til° p1Sri il."j°S establistied T2COi`!:�AT1d3t1CL'iS
and pro�osed. The sta�f ha1 di�cussio��s a�out tra�fic circulation
T:ie Director of Pu�l ic ;'orks :a�i ��.de certain reco-.�.�ndations on
this. There is concern a.bout t:.e abi' it, oi tne car �;�ash to �ro-
�Tide adequate stacking area for esrs ��aiti�_� to :�e =e: . The
staff recor^�nended prov�sion ce -�ade tor the stac�in� of 3� cars.
:�nather i_lportant ioint r.o be considered is the ��oule-aard a��roac �
to the shopp�ng center. If t::is is approve�., at the tir.e t: e
appLicant argears �efore the :: -Control �o-�^ittee ': e shou_.:� ce-:on-
strate they �.�ill proT��de bac� door ser _`or the s:op_�ng center
Ti�ere also appears to be a iack oi landscapin: �;i��in the pa
There G73S some discussion of the setbac':s �n that area. T�e Left turns
liquor store at High�aay 9 and Valley •'�reer Dri-re is set bs.^.k al10-�-ed
about 12 �eet. As it stands now, left turns in and out c� the
c2nter FJ111 be allowed from Liighr:�ay 9.
The architect, of :�ammarberg and Hernan, saia they have r2v:e-ti�ed Inadequate T�idt:
the staff's recomr.iendations but �aish to discuss a*ew details. o� lot to al
The suggestion of the service road would create a p�o�le� becaus`e service roa:
they don't have the �aidth to alloTa it. Taere are -��ays to enliance
the area �oith landsc�ping. 3ringing shop � and t%�e drug store
do•an turther would be a real �urden on tne proiect.
Cor:un. C-atto asked ir they have a tenant tor the :^ar';et. The
architect said they are dealing with QFI at this point. Cor.�. Gat o
questioned �ahether the area could service a mazket; the.population
area to the�west may not be big enough. He also felt that caith
allowed left turns, and with Greenleaf Drive generating traffic Si`r_alization a`.
onCo Highi�ay 9, a real traffic hazard would �e created s the intersect-ic�n
traffic signals. i'er:�aps ti�is develop�:ent cou.ld rarticipate in
the signalization oi t:�at intersection.
Page 6
Speculative Nle�:ber. Gatto again aslcecl if fihere are any tenar.ts or proposals as to
proposal scheduling of tenants, etc. The applicant said tl:e`� are talkxrg ���ith
tenants, but not'.zing is fir� at thi.s roint. Cor,r.�, c;atto � concerned
about t?1is �ein� speculative. The applicant sa�d �rI �s not ge�ng t�
sign until the plan is firM.
Ca--:patibility Comm. Nellis was interested in the inter-relationship of this center with
�aith adjoining the adjoining center. She feels they should be related architecturally
center and landscapingwise. She was al�o concerned about tne r�assive paricin�
lot. Another concern was anot�er cut in Sarato�a-Sunnvvale Road and
wondered if th� center could be served from �sreenlear Drive instead.
The Flanning Director said it tai.11 �e rignt -t �rn--only at thi� cut .
Increase Co�n. Nellis �oould like to see the setbacl: increased; the �djacent,
set�ack to 25` approved applicatien has a 25` setbacK. She feit signalizatien at
�re.enleaf is necessary.
nank traffic Ce�:= Adams would like to see the cuildings --:^ved slig:�tly south.
�.�11 ��ack up : e anticipates tratf�c at the ban'.:: hackinC uD or.e or t��;o n��hts a
:��eek at �arato�a--Sunnyvale Road . The aYplicant noted there ., 31so
be an alternate �ntYar.ce.
The Traffic En?ineer ti�s been making a stud}- of drive-up tyFe �an'�c.s.
Tor instance, �arcl.ay's �ank can stack 6 cars. rn a recent check,
t��ey serviced 47 cars in 1-]./2 hours.
Co:��r. Adar�s agreed this is a di�ficult lot to develop; ho���ever, ii�
ouestioned s�.hether this prop�sal -•.as tne best layout possible.
�'u�ther study Vice-Chai.r�an 0`keefe noted this rroperty has gor.e t'�rough a s�
indicated of proposals. 'rie agreed it is a difficult lot to develop; it �s an
isolated spot. T'lie proposal shoc•TS too nuci� aspizaJ_t, alt'.oug:� t:�e
applicant ha.s indicatej ?�.e is willing to landscape. Ti1e Vice-C��_airman
does not feel a�on� ro;, of �usinesses �-�auld �ncourage pedestrian
traf f ic .
A�jacenr The Planning P,irector sa;d the Bro�:-n appl�cation has � 12 to 15'
landscapinc lar�dscaped area adjacent to Higil�aay 9 �aith p�rJ-:ing behind it an��
. �lan more Iandscaping bezore y�u ��t to the Lu�ldin�s.
The �, asl:ed for comTMtents tro�.� t:�e aud iE?1Ce .
R:�',utta]_ Forrner Coun�ilr:an Gary Stol.es, Cu�ertino, �����c� l;e :.a:; representing a porti_on
of the propusa � relatici^ co cne cai- - �a��i��. . �,<�_i�l �_ :sr.u�,� iias been
done ,for the i::arket and drusr. stc�r�> ��•,- Ric �'�, Rese��rcl�. r;i I:n; A}_tos.
Pha�>e II of t:<< a�==ES.-.. ;:t distr:r.t _ .. .., ti�. rc �:f�rt� ��n borh
f: rontages . S i�;na.li_ �a r �oi: o� l�+ i�;� .,, .� ��_. _.,..E: ��� �:�' ;3 � i._ anti-
cinated. Left turns �.�ill �e pr.�:��u:i: _,:a e:-_c�__�t ,�t i_i,�, i:�tersect_ion.
t•sz.�u�ri.s or z�l�t1 nuc;u�;�r �_�� , 1��� ��T,��;<vt��, c��ri�,i �;>> o�l ��i�:f�.�riNC Pc-o� •
°age 7
Mr. Stokes s,3.i�i t.te tt=; -�^ts l�at�e in�i:i.cate�l tite}� are not si�ning a D`scription of
if'.<?S�'_ Llilt.11 � " ;li _ �. _" .;?f: t _ :'�i _'i �::!.r_ t _ . t�iF_' '�
recei.vc; sr 14. .' i_�. '.,c� '� .. ,. t_:c� .~a:n str�,:.�t. T.ii� is �tariani
�Iini:�.all, acrc ._ t:._. .,�. _� iro t�:l�� .�iaria.-��. :':__1. .:e t',�en sub-
r?itted a r�_i ,? ;_ : . , ,. , �- ,-„-,,�.,,, .. -i car :a :.i ; `t� . Lt i�� COY1:�1?t°
aut�matic, ext��r1oi�-c�:.�:�in; t�;;��° c>p�rat:on v_r::� si_m_lar to the
rieCJ !:C1E.' 1ri �lll1Tl�.'`.!3L:: 3t ��'�_rE. ?Z08Cj 23T1d 'L''1_ r;•'?"'�1Il0 i�_'2i. Z'C12r2 Wlll
�Je I1G { �110 l.t � _?111�SE:'_I.L' ���t.�. 110',1'_' -'t'_YF?� ��7.°il ��PS�ffnn:l t.ie
_ _�_
operati��n 2_IIC� ' � ;.Jl�l .�i� O':T12C� aI1�l �^E'_Yd�"'� .��.L'. :���aY�3'11 8I1C�
i1r. >tokes. It �aill :�e _�t back 2_��' frcm .�.�=:��:a�� 9, <<�ill be
adeq_uately landscaoed, and -��i11 �J__v� op�n v='_s;_� at Greeniear
�rive and =-it,.��,-av 9. There T�i;�_1 b� 2 ertra.�:ces frer� :.�_gz g
2nd 1 from Greenleaf. :`r�ve. Custo�ers can purc.��a=? �as =f th���
so desire, or t:�ey<nave the oat;_on o* ¢oi�� dirpctiv �:��r^ugL� the
car •::ash. Tne drivers stay in the car at al-i times . T=�:e_ exit
onto �reenleaf Dr�v4 or throug:i t�:e par�cins lot to :zi�;i�.:,ay 9.
Thev �aill recycle 70 to 80% of t::e - ;ater. `�_.e mac'�.?_nery is
co:-:pletely encl.osed, �aitiz doors at ingress an.d egr�ss. They wi11
be �pen 7 days a�aeeK from 6 A.'`. to �idni;'__t and -.•il.l provide
jobs for I2 to 15 young peeple on a year-arou_,�? ba�-s. Thev are
rot locateu ne.ar residential propert;�. The..- .�11 �� on a najor
street near the free;�.ay, .aith a sigzaliz4d ync�rsec�id^, set back '
� 200' fro�n the street, and the lot :_s large -nou;':i to allo:� 000d
access�s and circulation. Tnis is part of a co^:nlet� �lan -- it
is not isolated. There are no proble�s Tait�.�. pedestr--an tralfic.
Th2re l.s �io sucn �ac�lity in the Citti� of Cunert�no nor :ithin the
ir�ediate area. y1r. Stokes noted t:at prevwous ' on this
indicated tne City relt it �oas a goo3 use, in the prorer location.
He feels tnis is t�e location for it, and t,:at it -�Til1 be an
� asset to the communitv.
Co-^wn. Nellis was assured t:ere.�t�ll ne no �nterior detailing �n th
car ;�ash operation. And tney ��,ill only sell gas -- no oi.l, tires,�
atc. This location has about 30,�00 sq. ft., whereas the pre-
vious location proposal had 26,0�0 sq, ft. The Study �,as made
last year.
Comr.;. Gatto stated that visibilitv into the area is inhibited.
They must rely on repeat cli�ntel so:�e typ� of attention
drati��n to it from soma other locati�n or source. �ir. Stokes said
' that one of the reasons for the establish:�ent of the new street
to parallel Highway 9 i.s to take some of the traffic o.tf that
Traffic goic�� nortli from i!igh.�ay 9 r�nd fro� tlie neca street �aill se Appl�cant shuul:i
the baci: side of the ces,ter. rfr. etok�s said the .=,ar�et is 36,Q00 cons�der re-
sq. ft., while most riarkets are about 20,000 sC, ft. orientati��n o�'
Conun. Gatto still fee�s th.ey should consider reorientation of that long roca oi
long row of buildings. buildin�s
I'a�e $ �
Citizen's Mr. William C. Terry, 20710 Green;_e�i: Drive, Cupertino, :�ras concerned
objections that no mention had been r�ade t.ri�i� iar of the ad;jacent properr_y. He
� lives nearby, as do other peepie. He �aas cr�-;cern��d about a b�iffer
area from thi� ^roposal. }'e .�a�d he is n�t c�-:m,�inc�,ci �.;��� ne=� a�4ni
or a rLaxi r.all here; within one riile t`nere are S ban':.s, 2 sav�nrs ar.d
loan banks, 4 r�ajor supermarkets, 2 drug st��res, 2 other pharmacies,
Z car washes and nur..erous service stations. :-e said t:li: is not a
proper place for a shopping center because �oe are �xt�nd�ng a resi-
dential street. We have enou�h congestion without adding to it.
tr'e have sChool chi�dren of all a.ges walking ur Greenleaf Drive to
the vari.ous schools. Tnere is a need right ro�:�for a signal at
. Va11ey Green Drive. He felt that it this i_s t� b� co:�s �cered co,TM_:erc:.al ,
tne entire area south of. it should be consid�red; t:.i� ���ould hei�
alleviate sume ot the traf f ic ar�d paricin� tiroble:..s , rie does not bel�eve
this progosal �s cor.ipatible ���ith the resident�al ho::es so near b�-.
Vice-Chairman �`Keefe said he is very ��uch concerned about the
externality factor; i.e., the economic eftect on the residen_ces
"lraffic on Mr. Norman Stein, 20948 Alves Drive, Cupert�ne, comrnente� br.ieflr on
r��sidential the traffic situation ir. store for GYeenleaf Dr�ve. ?ie said the
streets ,Cit�- C�uncil recentiv �ade the deter-!i^aticn tl.at l�~�.itinc t�e
, traff ic on r.lves Drive �T��oul.d put t:�roug:� tratf ic onto Greenlear , a
res�dentiai street and, t:�eref�re, lert Alves Drive as it �aas.
��?r, j,long's 1`1r. Dennis T:�ong, Cupertino, said he :�as the �erson �ho had writ_ten
letter the letter mentioned earlier, under T�ritten Co:-.,�u�.ications. ihe
Assistant Cit;T E'�ttorne�r advised the letter sent to so-:_�= c� the
Cemmissioners sheuld he i�nored ���hen cons�der'_ng the ev�dence in
�aking their determinati�n. Any verbal co-�ments by �_��r. �?ong at this
meeting could be considered. _.:r. ��on� said :�e did not feel.. this ��.as
the ti�e nor t��e place to say anj� _�oxe about the contents of tne
' The Planning Director next introduced another letter addr.essed to
Letter the Commissioners fro:� `�s. �:aren ''achendori. The Vice--Chair�an r�ad
the Ietter at t'�e meetin�, whic:� -�as in fa•aor of denial of. the
Moved by Coram. �Tel_lis, seconded by Car•.;n» _'.�ia-�s to c_.osc the Public
Hearings. This motion and secend --��re �:�t :<:ra for m��re d.iscu.ssion.
The question �-aas raised as to po� s ibl.e dev�= ;;�.,- o� ad j acent �roperties.
In light of the question� raised at t ��>;�tin<-., the applicant as�eed
for a car.tintiance.
Page 9
N!oved by Cor,:m. �1cia:?ls, st>conci�d by Comm. Gatto to continue appli- 15-U-72
cation 15-U-72 Co ttie next r��u?ar me�ting on August 28th. cantinued to
' August 28th
rOT1Ci, tii2.Ct0 SlIi.1 I1�' 6�i�i:1�: 11r�Ci �O S��'_ SOPiE.'. aC�d�ltlOIlc31. t�'S�1.I'ilOtly
as to an econ��::ic <inai��.�i:: c�i this pr�perty, required visibility
and a co:nmitt�:�ent fror,�: �i �;;.3jor tenant. �e would like them to re-
vie�a i:he site pi z��i in 1�,,�1� oi so�.�e oi the issues broubht up at
this uieeting, internal c_i.rculation prob�_ems, and integr�:ition with
the property to the north.
�iction carried, 4-0
Vice-ChairMan 0'Keefe called a recess at 10:G6 P.i:. The Meeting �
recor,vened at 10:18 P.M.
4. Discussion regarding possible revision of Rl Ordinance.
Z'he Assistant P?anner distributed copies of the new draft of the R1 in the
Rl Ordinance, explaining the pitfalls regarding develepment of hillsides
single residences in the hillsides. He wer.t over the
changes, point by point. He said the staff is propoSinJ that
apglicants be allowed to construct 3-story resider.tial structures.
This will give the architect more latitude in designing homes on
hillsides. Four-story homes might even be considered, with
H-Control approval.
Comm. Gatto suggested establishing some height lintitation �easured Items to be
from the highest point of the roof to the neight of the slope. considered in
He �uggested separate ordinances for hillside and flat land Rl. writing ordinance
He thinks variety is an excellent thing to strive for. Some*_hing �
to consider within the building volume is what effect the struc-
ture will have on neighboring properties. �
There followed considerable discussion on H-Control's role in H-Control's
reviewing single-family homes. . role
c as�e 10
::0 3-story Comm. Adams suggested changing the ordinance that permits :^ulti-story
ho:n�s in flat homes to permit that kind o� construction on hillsides, i-�e would not
1:���:1 like to see 3--story hom.es scattered around the flat lands. Tnis could
be determined by tne slope of t:�e ian��.
:��:; er.nalities Vice-Chairman 0'Keefe introduced a� ne�•a word: "externalities" -- that
he feels wili be as important as t��z word: "ecology". „e said a
person should �e able to use his creativity and originalit�- to build
any type home he wants as long as it does not �cononically affect his -
r.eighbors .
The Assistant Planner said the cities of Saratoga and Los Gatos now
have H--Control on hillside , single f a:�lily hcmes .
Comm. Gatto sugoested changing the 10� in Section 8.2 to 20%.
Anot.ler suggestion �aould be to modiL� the 30' height to read 25'
hei�ht �easured a*_ the hig:�est roof slope.
�s to the questien of front setback:, tne Assistant Planner sa�_d the
rlain concern is ti�at t:e dr�ve�aa}� functions.
5. Interpretation of :�=onte�ello Ridge Interim Ordinance relative to
the tceepino of bovine animals.
The Assistant P7_anneY said *his riatter �aas resoi-aed by the City �
Attorne��. Accordii�g to t�e urdinance, the �en.tl�- wit1� 20 acres
in the `iontebe'_10 Ridge area is not allo�aed to keep 2 co�as on his
Co�m. Nelli� �aanted to kno tne status of the pro�osed jci,:t meetia�.
The Planning Dir�ctor said the `iayor anpcinted a cor�-�:i_ttee consist
of one men.ber from tnis Ce��ission, one �:-Contr^1 r:e- ber , one Couac �lman,
t�.e City "anager and the �'lannin� Director to discuss t�ze matter and
report back to the Counc_�l,
rIINUTE5 OF THZ: AUGUS'f 14, 1972 PL�'1:�iNING C0:�1rII�SION ME�TING PC-69
Page 11
The Director introduce� a�letter received from Mr. Charles Irwin
of ?�Iackay Homes regar�i_ng the property at �IcClellan and Orange
Avenue. In vie�a o� r.ecent legislation that talks about general
plans, etc., being discussed before consideration of rezonings,
etc. , he wanted to know ho�•� the Plar.ning Commission felt he should
answer the letter. The general ccr.sensus o£ the Planning Commis-
sion was that they were not in favor of the proposal.
Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Gatto to adjourn the
meetir�g to August 22, 1972, at 7:30 P.M. This meeting adjourned
at 11:15 P.�L
Motion carried, 4-U
. /s/ John W. Buthenuth
Chai rman
/s/ Wni. E. Ryder
City Clerk •