PC 07-27-72 � CI'C'?' UI� CUf'}?�Zi:].i�C�, S":C�l'::. '.)� �ALII�UI�;?:�'1 � ; �'� - r , r; LC�,�i��) �i OC?'�. �VE'_^ll�='. � �.i1`:;1I: t:1.11C' � �..c1.1:1_�OIP.:L�a �L�aEf' �- Zt3�_`�:i0il�. ���� . � :`tiivC7';;S Oi i}Ii: !� J;.:% _:., i';': ��_ (:� I::i PL; �1lIN C:���1 :ISSI^;.�? � F�LL�; i��i J _;LY .� / . � '� �'G 1 ., � �_�f�� C�%'_.�:( 1_?� ._IB}:.A�ZY � C ��TY HA:.L (:'_;r�'_:�,. _.;�;J �«LL��t� �:_� _,_��, � � I�O�,� �AI_,L : t. o;i:m, pre.sent: o Adarns , Gatto , �te17.;_s , Cha.irr�i�n �:uthenuk.�. ;'ct°�;,�, ahse'tlt' �J'I�.eeie C`thers preser.t : rie�,bers ot t;..c, �:o�{.?_:: Co�r>> tte�: Ii_Cc�ntrol `��e'��cer Sa l_? an � � F.on Vo�c_�'_hauri, of �an �o�e State College ;taf ` pr.esen� : Senior Plan:�:F�:r Adde i.,at�rin . :_ssi.stant Planner I;o"•.� Co��%ar. kecorci i_r.�; Secret:az�y Lo �_s ? r.t•?ards YI;�;T_.I� HFA:P Iti'GS ?.. CITI' 0�' C�TPi:'::�I'ri0. A Pu�.i�IC :I��>.�<i.:`" t.o r_o:��:i.�ler firs� dr:�ft of an vpet� S��ac� �lemert t� t:ie. �er.�.ral ;: ? a.ri. First I?ti:�r;n� cont }_nued. � . } I ! 1!1.� 5Ei7101" '� �_�3IlIlE'.Y 1T:�rOG�LiCt� 3� E �ttet =ror.i t:le �L;��Tt?PC r0�1:� ' CO1ritT11.t�.�.E�� Y'E'.�; t�1F_ CDE'P ;ipaCE �� �.E��t�ll'�. ( _ � The ��nior FJ_annE.r said the reason for thc� ;�u}�1ic tiearinc; an t=hi_s ��a�f -�ou?c� i.�__. riatt.er is to solici.t info�mation fr.or� t�;e publi.c. Tv,'e would �.i.'.ce int;u'� fro�� : rc-- tC? 3S�C i�37.SE'_Y �.E?IT'.E:rit 3 fEW U1c?St10riS 8::i �J2�i 3S t:7E. l.OUT_lt��. t^i2 ??f'Tt-�' J�JIi�YS W011�_CI 32.50 l.i::: t�'1E Di��i%GI"tt' ():JT1E.'TS 1IiVOiVECl t0 �iil0�; Wllclt I.S 1ri�101�,'E.'CI i1C'TL ha�;pening and �ti��uld t•:elcor�le tneir cc_�ments. A �_arge c:iap �` the are<� was displ.ayed. �!'ii� S�nior Planner �•ient _�'.�;_stii�.s. an_? over it., poi.r.t by point, noti.ng tne c�x�_sting reigiibor:.00c� and � arot�csc�ci �;<� community parb� sites (C5.4 acres) , e..isting r��?onal par�: �ites � si±e� (county parks) , propos�� nei.g:ibor:loou a�d community p�rk s. gr��osed. nar?c si.tes f_or citZ��:icie use, pr:ivate or ccTn�erci�l out-- door recreation areas, and proposed reL ioizal park sires, He �a.id the Pa:lcs a??d. Re.creatio:l '�irecr_or has discussea the r.�a��ter with �h school d�_strict, and t=:��y are very m�ch intere��ted in co�perating with �::e pdrk district. 1 MINUTES OF JULY 27 , 1972 AD TpUPv1ED FLr1`:NI:vG �Ui•u1IS�i0N T�ET.I:]VG PC-68 Pa�e 2 The P:�rks and hecreation Co:nmission woul_d lilce a joint meet�n� wit' Joint mee�ing the Planning C�m*�isaic���, r�q?�ested `�he �enior Planner said the School Bistr;_ct :�a� stated that ever. Schco� llist. �xc if Cupertino douules i_r; population they ;Tii1 r:ot tlaj�e to expand e�pand any iurther. lre feeis their statistics shouid Ue r_e--exa^�ined. In re ard to t:he Stevens �reek Park Cttain, Com�. i:e1? is helieves �Stevens Crc.�1c g it would be worth cahi]_e to try to r_ont_�nue the par_k chain uninter- :�ark Chain rupte�, if only with a nilcin� trail in sor.�e �.tiortions �ahere ti:e ho�ae Gites go to the middl_e of t�e cree;� no�a. The Sen�.o.r Fl.anner said he has been studying th�_s raatter and said there is rile possibility of continuin� it along the Souther_n Pacific spur track� Th: Co::�;;1� ssioners arreed that it caould 'c•e a good id�a for the � Far�c �_n �r°Pri , Senicr Pi_anner to approach Kaiser Cer.lent to see i±: they are rec�p-��Ltfer ar_ea tive to the idea oi a parlc in tneir �reen, bufier area. I The Senior Plan:.er sz�id there Llave oe�n sor:le pressures or. t�_P t��o ;'I' 2 goj.f_ golf courses te sell to deve�oper.s of residential_. He stron�:�y ���our.��s a�n urg��d. that t. re�?air. in t�_e�r present use becau�e ti�.e need is needed there. Oz itav 1Cth the County gave the proponents three .:�onths to lootc L`�al as�f =<.: - �i�to t't�.e �ega� aspects oi t'�:� k:aiser operat�_on. 'ihe tl�ree ::onths Ka�_`er crexat�c ,�'ii.� k)t ll� Url c�11aL1S� l�ti:. ihe Senior Planner_ reco�.T,mendc>_d the �an Anc�reas Ri�:t Zone be Rit t LorF� roned "�ec��eatio:�" to prev�vnt furtner developr�ent of l:ories u;3 ( t:�E�re, There ar_e l5 -?U homes tizere no�,r. i 1 Cornm. :�ellis °L�pJ.ained the '�e]_at�.ve Sta'�ilit� P�ia1�, as it :a�e� ;;oi1c, stt��;i.�-:s E�:{�',_.:1:?.11��(i 1�0 i1�?t . ���1P_ �� �_a 111�1\rl�.'7U���_ S�UC�7_�S Sr',(�il�_(� �� t�Ot7C.' C;T�I('!i! .1l)Y t�i'::t'. �).� %i'.:F_ c`3,�.i �:i'OTi:1t1E'S "2.C2 _`t'_7_;7� CGi1S7_UE'i('�� i0Y' ac'_VZ�_n';�':':;E'.T1t, `�ilE? � O� _ str�_ssed t1�at soi.'_s stua�es do n�t ta��� tl�e place� oE geolo;�cal. �;t,�.::ies stuc� i�s . I � The Cat:�olic. Cnurc?Z pr.eperty i.s preseiltly u��r#c�r invc,.�t��Tation re-� C`:;.rc..i �;. ocp�;- �ardi.n� Lhe possibi:).ity of d��velopi_ng ttie az-�.�=a i<,r res�ue��ti.ai. � d�.�c.�_�,;�.i_c,n or. educationai use or a m.i:tuz:�e of tlie���� u�es, i:; ac',d:it�i.on �o the CE'_:l:E:tF3i'y UiZC�E't' COT15C1"�!CL"l.Ofl. L.'E' .'�E.'-T�lOi' i<i:illE'.Y' :.�:i'CI ]_� l:� i.il �}1C3 1Tli_F_L"E?:it:. Of til� �.:LL"�' Oi �:11P%:_:I"�1.I10 �l�l`� r-;1� S�'1Ci0.� i� I:;tY'1.C1:S tt1�.2f. i �ii1j� riE'P_c� tOY PB.Y"_�;; �3;1c� , , , . , ;' f:�l3t �3i"C-� ( sc__c,al.'; ��y ftzt.�-r� rc�;,.: +._�?t:� ..� bc� provided �.it}�i�� �:i= sa:.�e :�rc�a. Zt Wc'3S noted t':131: lt �!��?5 v�=.?7_Y'� ;..?.P,. ;,t:llc'v O� r� �rC?Tl ��.�aCP (.OnL��J1�1�'F. (•'.t�" �'IE'itlE'Pit lS adopted lr_ ?T3� IlaVE'. �-C: i;(� rf'V'_SG;U �;0;':��`.'ii%�t: �:�}'i�'11 t:i(? I ill.l-'•_;ii(1�= �'�1.`w��. ;Iillside Stud;� is cornp] eted. > � ;,-r,z `1i.:3lir�:S 0�' JUI�Y 27, ]_972 .ti)J!1'.;?:ivE?) i�LAi1TIIiIG COiC'..TSSI��I i�1E�.TING , . , E, 3 'ti�.s'�cal plan The �ci�ior Pl.anner s�; d p c�ca��t i ons �hould be ta�.en i.n slide areas . . _ . . . .���i�1 �,e i ?oll.ut�cn - _... T _ c_on.��� . . syst_. , , s'.�oul�' :a.:7� , _ n � ��.t:� l��ra�.� o Th� roa.� �w 'i�j'n�1�'�li.�� � C�1lliU �f' 1Ll�t �S C� �;��:p'' '"l t _�1)i�c� C( 1 �St1` 1!`t]0:1. r<<_'Y2 are SJ;^.E ''_:�e:ussed � easc:s �}i� cl:rt r�<�c, r3 _ n;u 10, �-' ��. ��r� T:�vr�:' t;;ey r�a1iy � Sj?011�C� Y'iGt r'E'. S�f1_. '_t 1S 1:; i,�?.E3 .l_i�(�E'Y:'.3L O!^ E'Vf?Y�Ii�OCI�� t[lEit WE,' 31.1 �?t't. (-C��?2C:�:('_J" ii' Lil r.,;r: p,_�1S'_Cc`l.l U1.%i�� OVE'_1" t�iG' F'T1tiT° �1Y'E'3. }�,��011: 3iiOLiZ!� �c. ._<ici':'- tO � T. 1._ t?Y(�"=.I"t�; C�'-.f-T6 tQ��_'tflf'Y �Ol" 3�7.S cuss�or. on �';�is , Spac� �. `�e;�=� . T�:AF� F1ooc'� Control. :'�sti-ict is � no�a �•1or- on a: t;> ;�rovid�� ii���or_�ati.o_i on thv fJ_oo1 plain. � Ii a su'sta.ntial acr_eaE ��_s deveicped resicic-�ntial, �.t stiould be require:' that the develep�r ai.so provic?e cren s��ac�. _.eg� slative ��':r. Ron �Jogelbau�n r�vie� i� �i�'1a.tive �ct�..on on t:�e a��o�Te matt�rs. <::�tiOTl ` c�-9CJ `vlaS pSSSE-'� 111 .TllTI�. .�`'^ 'ilt open SF>dCe �?1.aii 15 Cjll2 .lugust 31, 1.972. Lic� o:`£ered to yet a co.�y of t �e 3i1]_ fcr tne Assistant Pl.anner. i uen Space de-- ``r. Gonza7_es, oi the Goals Cor,i::�it.tee, f�E�ls t..� is a need f.or a def�nition w wnition neeled of open space in t.he Planned ''�ev�lop:r,_nt Ord���ar_ce. �'.G. & E. Judy :�a�l, ef the Gaals Co�-�._�tte�, �aould li'�e to s�e the P.G. & E. to�aer easer;?ents tower easements included •in t::e Ot;erL Space disc�ssions. T:.ere is th� possi`.;i_lity this easement can be the co^nection o� the Stevens Cree'.� Paric Chain through the Creston Subdivisioil. Bike trails It ���as brought out that t:Le b�'_�ce trails need soTM�e better i�apping. The S�nior Planner hopes the ne-�� interchange plan at nighT-�ay 9 and � c•�iil_ i.nclude ��ike trails. Also, an uneerpass under �°`c�lellGn at the horse ranc:l property ;,-ould be desirable. �'ederal There are federal organizations, listed in the "�rant 3oo:�c" that nay assistance offer so:�e assistance such as: Legacy of Par�s Progra::i, Departr.ient of Agriculture's tv'aters:�ed D2�,�elopment Graats , etc. Preliininary The staff asked for direction on the above matter from the Co*^mission. report Corun. Adams was in favor of passing on the Open Space Element as a preliminary report, including the P.G. &;:. ease�ents and flood control plans. '�t��fuge in The Senior Planner felt that tile Uroan ��I�ld Life Conservation Refuge another area would be a very good tiiing, but perhaps it should go in anotner area. Include ravines lirs. Lucien Her.tert noted there are some very larae trees in tlie ravines, and she would like t:lese ravines included in the Open Space Element. _';: ;�� ' ifllv►JTES OF ,7JL� 27, 197� t1i�J�i:!'�:;ED PL�'�i�i:TV;; CO`;�tI.SSIUr� *�i;�:'1 rNG :'<s :e 4 I te�s to be Things to be included in the ne�:[ C�1SC11S:SiC?Il oz the Og�_.n Sp�c� �; t?j7�Zr1r ; .:�c��ided in flood p�ain, psyc�;olo�ic�:L eifects, a,�lantit;� versus cu-�lity, ctiTater :�e:;t �Iiscussion preservation, natura.l recycling, P1ant 1_ifE�:, ?,e„efits ^a�t��c? by open space. ,,,_ ,��:�n 5pace I The Senior P1_.�n_�er �aid the CounCy is .zoca mukz:,� a c;t�;�nt�tative EV3lildrl.Ori, iC?f_' tF_'rT'alil lri t��F' i11�_LS i,2 �.J_ �_�CL2�E' 7��e?1 SF .Ce �.O so�.!e e�tent. The ��i�uan are : is anot?�er story; ;�ad t'r,�re is s*_iLI a ]_et of ;:r.dev�lop-�d �ar:d in t:L` val�ey ;a:�ere �c� .�till have a chance for rreserva.tioq o� open space. . - � :=irst dratt l Afttr some di�cussion, Chaarman Lu�i�enut`� noted it �aas r.he cencens::s of :��npro�;ed I t::e Cor.-� issi.�n t�i�2.t tiley �aer� hat.i y�•�it� the Fir �t Drait as presented, I Ir ��"3S L�1� t�l� �Sr:CS .?::c:� ,'�eCrPc"lr? 011 CO?�!1'liSS1C.1 c'l.riCi t[l�' �! � Committee sl:cuid be i_�icluded in the r.ext me�titi7, � �.:J:;_17L ".'.i?��.t�:i�T � C�131.T�:"13C1 �i1t�1F'ril]t:7 �35��?C' ttl� S�8{f tQ Set ll'� �3 1,0i:7t iP���t�.T1A �:'�(;E7 t ie ���c11�:CS �i1U il`CI"C-':3t=1Ci�: (.O'�`.:i11SS10I1 l�f'_'`_�•*��'I1 t�i�c' lr' �� ^3. .1 Pvi �^J - . 1:: 1 _ _- �-'.C}' `.-itci`E': F_'tlfi S�t�rE.['.12I1t 15 t:0 t.'C Ci' .'1f1C� T���lll?Q 011t i G ti1P C.O::`:: �:_j.;7_0:1�1> r".P_ � �- wrst .-ee:: in ��ugtist , . ...' ic He;�.�it.kT _':ov-�>ci ..� Com_:�. :�::aMS, s:.conde�i by Co:��i. �=a�f�o ,.o C011tl t:�e Pu��_i.�r_ ; _:�P.r.=T1t1LCi � Ll2�:iY li'i� G� ti;^ l��]°?7 ��3Cc:: :_ i E_'.^.,E.'iit T_O ._l'1�llS1: l�i � �_J72. � I I �Iot ion carrie�� , 4--Q � � ; .;LT; .<<,� j�,rss ; I � ?_. ,.�;�c�u:,si_o�l o� ._r:�i'_r�1= nr,?.i_n�3tice , - i '_.J:-� 5P_ ° i �'_�l.`_ � <�`_� t_'.Y' SO.':C' �r� L. . i__ 'i?' j+ C� _?(' .�S I(�il � Cit ..,.1�T''...iR �l� � Sfi<3' ._�� t.:.:_'. � L'_r, n � , � � • : ,. . � - - - ' i?� i 1C'' .;t'OI��3^ . Oi t �� i _ �'-Cc�_.�_�_'i��i .`.U:ii. CFF �iL��ti. "1D',_ � '�_Oti'. . _ C�11 ].:.'�. ,�: , t��lE'_ C`�:._?(?�., n��_,_�_l,. - i'.;[? !C�: _T1r3T1C(3. � l , ;,� • f ^+ - .��:'.��.. �vi�..'..Lj' i .�i:(� �,��i1.1 �:��i':� 1. ���.i�ll.�.C���� ,..(`� i��l.._ ��.i�. L;��:C 1.1..L.j' :. ' � ..._� ].l� . ... _ ._. � •} � 1 C�1 t.j"[)F�.'� r)L V:' ,:.c._�P�, i-�.��.,. })� 1. L:'�� C'':: .. ._ ��_1,'t;C, ( „ _ r t, I i � -'�=� � .; �' �1._� .._..�( � i I ir i � . ;0 . F'( i��� �.:�:�:Il. ��.��;i; .. `,i�.(`i. � ;�.. : J . ... :i '� r--' ;t_ . ' .. '.. . _. :.. .'.'f_ .'�� i i?`. l� 1: �' 1, �., I � .. . . ' I ; , . . � . ' I I ���,�i, �c�`�'� ' ��.G'G':�:C�TF�D: � � j s� r._ �i �� _ ___._ _._._ % ! __' T� `1�.:1 v'_ 8�i��ll��r.u`Nn .___..-- � City Clerk � r �t:��irrnr�,n �