PC 07-24-72 CI':'`,' OF CQPk�P.1'1;v0 ST�1Ti; OF rA�,IFOi'.ti;A �,'C-67 •
1�1�O��i �I���I"7'E' 11VCIlU� ��',U�`L]`r:l.,:O ��3_Li i OCi1'_'d �I� i
1'c�lepi��:;t1e � 252-4��5
�I1.N�'TI�S !��F `i'lil: ::i. ..,., �r� :;T; .`�`i (_�} I: PI./�ti�''i�G CO't�1?S �IOi�d
;I',I_:D UN J!'I, _''+, i �.-. ;: T. i; C�iU':'_�? i, C_ �1. .2, C-�T'Y IiEV 1:
Cul�::'1':.�10, CAL;:i'0iL1ia
Ch=iiYma:1 '>uthenut':. called tlie meet �.n� to oraer at . Pi�1 ���ir_ i t:ze
Salur.�� to tht� Flz^.
KO � I, ��AI�L
Col:?�l. present : Ad�:ns , Gatto , Ne11i s(7 ; 40) , C��.air-:�a� �ut�, ent:th
Com� a'�sent : �'Kee; e
Sta�f. presenr : Assistant Ci_ty Atto�n��� Terr� �
Senior Planner Lau � __n �
Assistant P] snnF�r Co:�an
Traffic �_ o�neer �rifi¢ • !
Deput�,� Citv �_tor�e.v :`�]_lia�l
.Junicr r:tigin�.�r Hu���l�n�:er
Recorcling �f�.c.retary Lois I.i*,•�ards
?.rPR�VEIL OF I��IP1uTES : �linutes of Regu].ar '�eeting of July 10, 1972.
r�loved to end of Publ.ic Hearings .
The staff requested postponement of appli.cation 4--tT-72 for one 1.-mont�i
month to enable the Director of rublic t�;or�s to negotiate �vit:? the postaen�nezt
State on this matter. Although the applicant Ta�s�les to proceed requested
as soon as pessible, he did not object to tnis Y
Coz�n. Adams would like to ilear froi?i ttie staff beiore the applicant
makes his presentation. Cemm. Gatto a�reed. Chairman �uthenutn �
said he would �e ahstaining from the hearing ancl si_nce Com.m. Nelli�
was not yet present, they r3id not have a quo�
*�foved by Co;nm. Gatto, seconded by Conm. Ada.^�s to postpone applica- 4-U-72
tion 4-U�-72 for �ne month. postpon��
ilotion carried, 2-0-1
Chairman �uttieiiutz a�staired
='ag� 2
At this point, the applicant's representati��e stated that he r�alized
he �.�as out of order, b�it since it was apparent this r.iattcr was going
to be postponed, he � that it be further rost�oz�ed to t:e first
meeting in Septe:nuer for the applicant's cor.venience. T�.e Assistant
City Attorney said the Chair had the authority to do thi.�, or.ce he
establi.shed the �.pplica.nt was in agreei:�ent with thi.s.
-'+-'u-72 postponecE Chairman Buthenuth anncunced Public Hear�_ng on applic.ation 4-U--72 -
�c Sept. 17_th .,�as postponed to Septe:aber 11, 1972.
There were none.
Tl�e k�ere r�one.
l. Anplication 4-U•-i2 of I:eith �. Garner fo� Use Fe? r� c�ar.�tr;zct
a 20Q-uni.t r:�ot�l �zid re�taura�.t , a uan:t, and a 17� -�:i�.it a,art�.�eat
cot;�plex - �.itnin a i' (Fiar:ned D�v�:zorr:ie,�i�) zo!ze. Sa��. ,�rop°.rt; is .
located�i.zi t::e sou��_i;-.�st quadran� of '�;.ie �ntersect_ion o;- F�.-�=-e-;ay
2i50 a.�d SunT�.y.�ale-Saratc�;a Rcad. F.'..rst iiti�arin�.
Postponed to Septe<<ioer. iZ, 197?_ �se.e page 1).
2. CI`L".'. OF �UPER`iI'�'0; �:'�T ;LIC 3EAR�NG to consider_ f�rst �.ra.�� c�� an
Open Space Elernent t:o ti sr`neral � lai_. First '�car_.i��.
The c°IZl.OY �1,3r1.I121 St�tECl ti�3t t::�. �tait L1�1S �USt rf'C°1V2(� �:0:'� �'_2�:'
� . ' '
lI'LUU� OR t:'ilS M:�t.tr?1 J1-.`_C�? S�'_Ot.lLCl �L lI'iCOY�;OY�rF'_!� '_I't0 ri[f.t T;'7rS�3�T S
� C'.1..:;Cl1SclOL1. ZTl tt]� IllE'.3:.1L1I11,":� L� ..� ,:it: �('_ ; rC ''�Y1eil�' �Ci O�'�?Y
gen.eralities o� t'�e C1pen Sp:_xce EI_c�,�nt T le.;�vin_; t:ie - �cci�-;_cs �o �t�e
next r.eeting .
�1pe�.z `�nac� The Sen �ar Plan�tic�r_ s=�i.d Ope�i :�r�ace c_a-� L�� ':. �._ �1 _._ zn_- area _. , _at i;s
':;E'_tlItC:CI 110� YOOiC.'Ci O� �`3'lf:l�. it CO'_.�.+"i �Tl� .1J� .. ,:f.L _ :1'.� ,.�V:.':O"E�� 'Jc1:Y_tiS
� , . . ,.
Y'E'SE.'r'VE.'C� TOT' Illi.'31� . Y:LCii�j - 9 _i-1!�: (�'I .: f' ; _. : _ , _ . _'i .,_���1 � .:?''::�i_l�?R
. _
. . -
_ ,.
� ,-,._ . . ,� �� n
S'�1.LL7 c3Ei �C:lf l)i: t:��i!I�J..S. :'J1_i�F� 1'=�_ I _i�)t .-. :i�.._ � i.':. f;> �"70-.� .
S�YLCUi_tU]"d1. �1L"�1;15� fZF1i�lY<iL Y'E.:'O'. , '�.7"-L7.. _ i �:)'_ - .1;�� '�7,?"%3.' . 't:i y
E'_tC. t� Ii�irllY'al CE.,'��'U;lYCF' ;'Y'(:3 t1:�!13�.1. , '�£"i �:S '._';t�Il ' �_iri_.Y' fi0 " r�^ �.`E'
ini::� tP� �round ar to r_.�n oLf :n �� Lr�:-:-f=1o` -_- cr;:��:':, -
' a,e 3
COIOYG'_G. SI1QE.'S 01: Si.`il:[' Of tii:' O�%EIl c�...?"�'-�l.`'� 111 tiiE.' :1111S WE'rf.' PY^v
sent ed to demo7i:�t:-a±:e t=�<_ t_-p�s ef terra.i:� to . consid.ered.
Tl�e Senior Flar; �z ne:� t: �.�.d o;` �_o.�; frn-� 5-�,�dPii, r3or •�ay and
I'i.,zla::r; poi.nts.ns: out __ ,_� t �s_� countr�:.� `;���� handled t'it�
matter of Or.en :�-,�cc�. Ttie �ad_ pcir.ts a� :ce�l a�. tc�e good points
:-2re stresseci.
Chai_rr,lan i�ut�ienut:i asked. for corunents ;_roM ti:� a..�.dience. TiLere
were �:one.
It �.:as a_�naunc_ed the Open Space �le�1r^t �:-i11 be turther discussed 0?e:� .��ace Ele-�e�:.
at a:� adjourn�d ;�.eet�n� on Tt,ursda�, July 27th, 7;30 P'`1. {disc::ssion 7/27
Ca.^-�. Ne11 is wanted to ma�:<� s��.re t:ie sta�f nad �np��t from the
Floo:i Control District in re�;ard to Ope.� Srace.
.�loved by Co:��n. Gatto, secon.ded by Comm. Adax�:s to cor..tinue th� Oper�
Space Elerment di_scussion to July 27t:..
. � Motion carried, 4-0 '
3. Ag�iication 14-U-72 of T.ie �:arianists Novitiate for Use Dermit _
to allo�a the continued use of exist�ng overhead electrical
service to existing re�idence. Said propert�� is in a R3°2.7
(Resident�al, �iult�ple, 2,700 sq. ft. per d�.?ei? in� unit) pre-
zoning district, and is �ocated adjacent to and :.ortherly of
Alcalde Road approxima.tely 750 feet tne inter�ection of
Alcalde Road aad Foot�iill Blvd. �'irst Hearyng.
The rssistant Planner said a Te�tative �:a� to div�de 6.12 acres Street develop^.e-�
into t�aelve parcels consistin� of eleven duple�: lots and one lot & fees deierred
to re-aain in an undeveloped state �,oas agproved by tnis bod;� in
June. The lot to remain �n an undeveloped state =s the �roYerty
involved in tr�is Use Permit application. Condition 15 of Resolu-
tion 1078 defers street ir!�rovements and area fees; however, since •
it is a specif ic. Ordinance requixe:nent to have underground
utilities it caas determined tnis *natter should be considered under
separate Use Permit hearin�. The staff recorunended the deferment
be granted and a bond to be �osted,
Chair^:an Buthenuttitaas coacerned *_hat if the u^dergruunding is Undergroundin7
deferred at tzis ti:.ie zt r�ioht be 20 -- 30 years before it is r.iight be c?elayed
accoi;�plis�ied. The Assistant �lar.ner agr_eed this is a low priority 20-30 y°.ars
area and the expense :tio�:ld '.�e pronibitive.
a�--67 i�1IN'JTE5 OF THE 3UI�Y 24 � 1972 PLArdNING CO�.LSS�Oiv MEETTNG
t Sot' 1 +
21an to develop Bro�her Robert, representi.n� the I�iarianist i;ovitiate, said thev pla�z to
in 2-1,12 years put all electrical utilities underg�ou.�d �.�•hen the}� deve.lop t�:e pro�erty
within 2-1/ 2 years . T'.^.eir present thin.kir:� is to only have tiz.ree
buildings on the property. Ti�e�- would prefer not to ��ave tnos_ peles
along lots I6 through 20, but that property ;�a:.; deveiQped by soneone
else and they can`t �fford t_o do the weri�. They a.r° present�_}� hol.ising
Novitiate Brothers in the old struct�re.
Chairman Buthenuth asked for comments from the audience, There were
none . •
Fubl� c:-:earin� Tioved by Comm. Gatto , seconded by Cor.un. Adams to c�ose tne Publ� c
�losed �earings.
f Motion carried 4-0
1_4--J-72 "'Io�red by Comr.l. Neilis, seconded by Co�m. �atto to ar�,rove a�plicat�on
- .ppro;�ed. 14-U-72 wit': ..*_:ze standard conditions.
:; �orid�tions
1Y=�: Co:nm. .4dams, Gatto, N�llis, Chairma?� i�ut'�er.�_ith
�1�'`E� . Non2
A.�SENT : Cc^ :1. 0' �:eef �
.lotion carr� ed, 4-0 •
! 4. Apn�ication 13--T'=--7? af R..cbert I,. ::enefic?:: for T��ntative ':a: to
� adjust a propeitv l:ine div?_ding t�ao eyistynY ap�roved lots
conta�n�_ng .56-+� ac.res. Sa:_d praperty y� i�. a'?l-7.� (Reside:.t:ial,
Sing� e--lumilS� , 7,5�0 sc� , f t. per �:l �:�� un i.t) zoz-�� a.id is
loca�ed at t:.ze nort�:�.erl;7 t�rmin�is oF Portal Avenue.
� First� �iear�n�.
�Y3i11�3�e � T17� �-�SS1Std:lt ninril2F)" r�C.'ilt QVE?Y' t�P. ��c�.L'CE.'1. 1':�?p � 1T1CIJ.CB�_�_11��.'T., t�.:' ZOtS
�roLle::: �nvolved. There is a urainage �ro?�7_er t�p there, a.zc? t:�.is can be
_resclved ��,_t�� deve:�o~�^,i�:.r_ or t�_�_- propert�. i'::e. a�,f,]_�_c���._ was �n tii�
audierce to arL��ae� a::y quest �on:� .
_�U.��a_=C �iear:in� ''oved by Comm T1°_.1.12a� SP_CU:1.C1��� :l�' �.Or''P]. c.�.c�.:.'..3 CO i.1r`::� r�:2 .L''_'Fil1C
�l:�sed `��arings.
.�ioLi_on car.r��>c1, 4-�
P�1I:;�IL'TFS Ul' Tti:i� JULY 2�+, l9 (2 PLANT�ZI�T1G CUP�?P�IISSIOIJ Pv1Ei+�TIP1G '� PC-67
�� Page 5
T�ov�d. �bzT Cc�r.L1:�. G�.t.to, ec�c��n�?�.ci b�r Cor:��n. ilell.is to recomr�end to the; i3-1I�I-72
Cit�r Counc.i]. �.r;: �;-.:�� 01' �� -_a.tiorl 1;_.�r�r�_`72, subj�ct to the l�� a:.�proved
standard corai �;_i �,t�:� . - � w/�onclitions
�'�''ES: Co1,.in. A� _. , '.'�it,t�;, :;�.11i_e, Chairman But;henuth
, . T .
IuO�'.;�: �,�nF�
�!I3c,Ei�'i': Cor�r;.. 0'.r���_:`'e
i�iOt:1.0_n, CB.Y'7"lE'C� � 1 1—�
i'r�e a�t�lic��r.t wa:� ir�strt�cted �r�_�e woul_d ccr,:e �bef'ore the Citv
Council on �'_u�;ust ?th.
Co.�n. Ga+to cor}�ected tl�e s?:;ellin� of the architect's nam� under Corrections to
item l, paoe 2. �he tYi �rd p�.�•agraph und.er item l: M� . Arnold Ju1.,T lOth
� luckiger. Or� pa�;e '+, second Qara�;ra;�h, it shou:]_d read "? 5G' r>Zinutes
radius" rather thari "150 ra.dius".
N�oved �by Carnma l�ellis, seconded by Cor':rn. Gatto to approve the ; July lOth i:ir.-
P�.irrates of Jul�r 1G, 1972, as corrected. utes approved
as corrected
N:otion carried, �+-0
Comri. Ada.ms st�.ted a member of the H-Control Co�mittee had sug- ; Joint meeting
gested a joint meeting to dis�uss the ir.�;er--relationships be- on August J_�th
tween the Planning Commission and fI-Control. Cor�.rn. Gatto also agenda
felt some dialogue is needed, especially in.the case of Planned
Development zcnes. It w�.s decided the joint meeting would appear
under Tiew Business on i,he August l�+th agenda. A represent,ative
from H-Control should be present at this meeting. Fiz•st, the i
problem must be defined. �
• �
. .. �
_ _ x ;
� •
.. +
;�_�; �' i l'T11Y U"_'F:S C�' TIi�.�' J�LY 2'+, �1�72 '_'LA�;ti.T_i�G CC,T•1I �:�iQh' :-�ZL"rI:1G
..� 6 j
i nLro�T o� ��,:.�:r,T.�c ��:�;�c�roF . .
_-��`vel house. : Tize Assistar.t Ylanr�er c�.11ed attention to one .i'lak� in the i;l. u: dinance.
."�•: ill�ga.l � H� stiowed a diagrar: to illustrate the problem wh�cY�, nr�s ar��l will
i coi��irnat� te cor.,e up in t:�.e dev�lop:�:ent of our 1.i11sides. ��s�d on cur
pY'�.sen,. v,rdinaiice, a�-��:.t%e� iiouse i5 :iilc�;al. G:� ;;07��� �f our �teep�-r
' lots tl is ti;e or�ly �,l�,;ernative to �. cut-ar,ci-sill type ci p1'ope?'ty
: d�velo U::ent .
':::.� � �'CI' � Cor�an. ;d�s:s wou �d like to see t�e resul. �s of tile I Study beforc�
.. �ls Sl,;�,.�.i;; cn�.t,�ir.g the Ordinance.�
___.-.:�.; �e c�:�- ' Co�^�:. ;;��lis noted tha+ �bu:�ldirg is goir.G on r�t this tir.�e cn l�gal lots
.� :�1._: ;, _ e ur.6�� �ne Ur�e:�cy ;iil � si3e Orair.ar.ce ��nci, �;.e�•erore, �.*ould be in f'avor
.:_ .� �C_ �'iE.r `., CJi I�:.'' �:1 TiE� Gpm y' c:,`,��',1S �T:E'i; � 5 t0 .'",11.^.1?:'il ? e CUL—�,2:C7—i'1.1_1. .
The ��_::: ��: sai : i� you can't n:t�et the I_2,ti1T'L slope you have
_ � 1 , , .
to t�u� _... e����r_ir.� walls.
-_.;_ ccr.s:,�����- Co?rr:. _.::��r.�s sai�::� cai�e �f�e?. a house �e� on L:ir_rs dcc•s no� r:�� ar�;r
_..._ : r:c��=.:� .iave ��..;:ssc�_,,'_r� i'n�_ ,...��,��wn�s :�co'� eut �.t t}z�; �cenc���� b�ai. 4c :.�t rrovid<_
. �,..i.�l'�l �i'�'� . �.:.��...rm�.'_. .L`��..,,.l:L�:i....:i �C�_�_:i 1 ..tle�' n �i1�L'.�� bF' �}.f� :i�� �`��� ���' .
�u_�,,io:: �.:�ere
vY1.1S i;` :t? :�? CO`.:..,.:'L1C`l.l...., ......:u1C. riE? L121t.�.E'2 �—�.✓11
` _.:,�..E: C:. ....., i.'.. 1�:��.: G....�.ut . ,., c . �.�`,."-" .,''� � ' p tr� ,� ; ` ,. - -� �
_ _ .. . _ :�u�_a c�o :7 .. h �ust �,.���.:�:.� c:_ tn�.n
: . ._,'_L'� 2:' _.;.. � be �^Y,:.au_�_c _�_ ".�b� :iC .
-- -�
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