PC 07-10-72 CITY 0� CLTPERTi_,^�17, STtl'Ti, OF C��LTI�OP.i1IA P�-6C 103CJ 'Iorre Avenue, Cuperti_no, Cali:or*�i.a Pay>_e ? Telepi�one: 252-4505 rl�ivUTE; Or THE P.'r:i=L'I,t�R 'f�:'c'.TINC; OF T��t� PLASdN.T_tiG CC,-1��1ISSIQN HLLll QN JUTY 10, 1972 IN T�{E COL'NCIL CH�1i:1BER, C�T`�' HALL CUPFKTI�vO, CALI��UR�vIA S ALUTE TO THE FI,A� The me�ting was cal_led to order �}� Con:^.issicner Gatta wi_th t.he Salutp to the Flag. Gh�ir�r.an Buthenut}� arrived shortly thereafter ROLL C�.LL Cor�;�. present: Adams, Gatto, Nellis, Cnair::ian Buthenu*_n Cor�r.i. absent : O� tiEC i P_ Staif present: Director o` Piar_ning and D°v�iopr�eiit Sisk Assistar�t Ci�y E�rtorney Te� r�- Senior Fiann�r Lauri:: Assistant �l�nner Cowa:: " Tra�' ic Fn�ineer G~�;-��. Deputy City P.ttorney Kill'_an Recordin� Sec�etary Lo�s Ln�aaxds �'1..UPROti'�L Or iil:ItiTES : fiinutes o� R��ular. �-Ieetin.g June 25, 1972. Co-�ir,i. �Ieliis co���;ented taat �n nage 3, para. 6, i��rs. �ia11 repre- sented �he Friends o= the F'oothi.J.1s ra�her tt�an Hi�l�.ide Cor�mitte . ��II �3b� 7 y t��e 12�t ��.Y2.�'YSj��1 �.CiI: :1. �3tf:.0 T:T2.S 111 i2VOY' Ot removs.ng tre�s on Rae I,_ne t:�at c1�ere in li:.e a�: tlie propos�d road i:.� , On pages 8 and 9, �he R�rchitect's na.�e _�s rir G:ill�_��:: S�•;ank rather' tha^ Stnv�h. �Ioved t]� 1�OTT?.?. .Y���_!_;.S� SP_C�J:i:�:�� Dj7 VOT;�t1':. nG�2!:iG rC :li�^'CpVE' tY:E' '�fi7.:lti:'.�� 2D:^,�C�,'"r?. r'�1ril1tES OL TLIi;E' �U 1.G1 <' � 3S cozr.ected SS CC� T�C' �.� Motior. carried, 4-0 FOST�'JivE�:�:tiTS, etc. None req;i�sted, PC-6b .1INUT�S OF TIIE �ULY i0, 1972 PLc'�'�NIT1J COi�I�^1ISSI0;� tiEETING ragP 2 WRITTEN CONL'�1UNICATIONS There G1ere none. ORAL COI�TUNICATIONS 7'1.1ere were none. PUBLIC HEARINGS: l. Application 4-U-72 of Keith E. Garner for ITse Permit to construct a 204-unit rnotel and restaurant, a?�ank, at.zd a 176-unit apartment cor,iplex within a P(Planned Devel�pment) zone. Said Froperty is located in t:e southti•lest quadrant. of the intersection of Freeway 2c�C and Sunny Road. First Hearin;. C1�. Buthenuth Chairman Butnenuth abstained wiz�n it was estab:Lished that the St�te absta�.ned KighTaay Department will sooner or l.a�er be involved �n this a�plication. �ize Yianning Director said the applicants were oresent to �ive a prelir�inar;T presentation, if the Car.rnission so desired. There �,��as sor;�e qu��tiorL wi�e*her rhere w�ul� be any poi� ir� di�cu� sing the n�esent site pl_an. Tize Plannitig Director felt that t��e ��lacement of the perma�ent structures could be resolved by the next r,leeting, . if the Cor�,nission careci te pustpon� it once again. ihe proposa� itr. Arnold Fiuciciger, I150 Chestnut, Plnnlo ?'ark, �aa.,ted to discu�s che architect::.re and site plan for a motel witt� pool, restaurant bank and apartment co:::r,lex. He said this plan meets a=�.1 tc�e - require- mtnts of tL Cit, . Ttiey are plan^iil� i.6 ur�its per acre, and have at least 2 parkin, sgace� per unit . `ihere is ^ll1C'L2 tess than !.0% ].and cov°ra;e. Tiier.e is a substanrial. �r�en area in the cente.r. Tize� have used bui.lding mater.i_als ttiat ;�il.i re:iate taitli tne Cit}' of Cupertino. Intercna�i;e The Pl�nning �ii;:ect�r said the City is int�r_es�ed in the future ititerchange o� the highwa��, but tne State indicates now that it is a long way a.wuy. ' They want to Mr. E. Hai.ght, 116Q Chestnut Srreet, :�enlo ?'ar��, r.ote.d that the State develc�p no�a may lZOt h�ive th� tunds :�or t�11S fo.r 1C� years, In ±h� r:�eanti:re, t}�ey have an experisive p:i.ece o� real estate r_ie�1 sp.. Tn� Ci_ty probably does not have the f.und�� to pur.c:hase ti�is pro;.ertv. They want to apply for a Use Permzt on tr�,� entire pr��ert:y beca>>�F, t',.ny feel a stage-Lype o� develapm�nt is not practical. P�IINUTES OF THE JULY 10, 1972 PL/`,Nl`IIi1G CO;��i1ISSI0N riI:ETING PC-66 �'���� � P�aved by Comm. Gatto, �econued by Co:nm. Nellis to continue 4-Lr-72 application 4-U-7'L to J��l;r 24, 197?_. continued AYES: Coinm. A�iams, Gatt��, Nellis NOLS: None AI3STl11'iVED � C;hairr;lan But.�enutr ABST�NT : ComT�. iJ � "c�ef e Motioi� carried, 3-0-.1 In the meantime, Comma .lellis caould li'r,e tne staff to consider whet'r:er or not there is a need for �nother r.iotel. 2. Applications 9-'L-72 and 9-T:1-72 of Lai:�onr E. ?•7illiar��s ; PREZONII�TG approxir.iatel;� 14.4 acres from Santa Clara County Mor.tebell_o Ridge Interi��� Ordina�ice (. 6 acre A1-40 and 13 d � acres A, underlying County zones) to Cit,� o� �upertir�o �.1.--43 � (AgricLl.tural-Residential, sinrle--family, o?ze�-acre lots) or 1 t:�hatever zone -�ay be dee�r�ed apgrcpriate by th�= P1_ann�r:L � Commission; T�I�T= TIVE ;i�'�F to subdivide 14. �E acres into nine lats. Said pr.opert_y is iocated northerly oi t��e ;•;esteriy terminus of Lindy Lane. First Hearing. ThP Planning Department rPCOmmended approval of 9-Z-72. Ttie staf�� StGff further recommer:ds t: at the C�uncil imposP the ':�:onteL�ello Ridge � reco-*�mendatio:�� Interim Zonin� District restrictions. Because of tf uncertair`�ias at this t�me as to futur.e hillside develop�:ent p�iicies, the staff recor�mended deniaZ or 9-1'��-72. Mr. Harold C. ��lright, 2600 E1 Canino, P�l.o Alto, said ha is 1h.e propoG_a_i associated witi� Lamont ��ii_iiams. �ie said this is a private development, witZ no com*:�ercial avertones, purchas�d in ]_970 for this purpose, In October. of 1971 an aoplicati_on by �Ir. i•?illiu?ns for 13 lots wss reviewed ar.d approved by the Planning Ger:�i�.iission, but the City Council denied it because or ihe inpenciing inception of tt�e Interim Zonin� pl_ans. They have decreased t�e deL�sity and are no��r asking f�r 9 rather tnan 13 i�onles �n fihis prop�rty. The lots run from 1...1 to l.� acr.es, Dr. fiose, oi San Jose State, r.as done a geolo�i_ca1 st�.:dy ar�d assures ttlem there 1� rio �aul.t on this propert��• . This will be a modei for hili.side developrient. They have agreed to every one of the City's service reouirements. The} would like to go for�aard with �heir develop.�ent at this tir,.e, and will go along with any reasoLza�le reco*rliliendati.on. ! i YC-��i� T1II�IUTES OF TIiE .;ULY �0, 1972 PLA��TvI.1u C0�'u�1ISSI0:� PtEET.INC Yage 4 ZeLain natural Air. L:?r�or:t .villiar:?s snowed colored sli�les oL tl hil�s involved in contours ot t}�i� project. Fo:.ir of ti;e nine hol��es rlay be visib' e fror: the City the land i'_all area. The plan is to r_ontin��e Lindy L� ne. Alr all the t��ees wi? 1 be preserved. The roads ���i"17_ stay �vit.�zn 15% �;rade and wi1l follow the r�atural contours of the iand. They plan to retain tr�e natural contours of the tiilis when plann�ng the roads a.nd building sites. 150' radiu.s Comm. N�llzs was concerned at�out the radius of the t-srns ��f_ the roari, curves of_ road She understood the � ire :�epartrm�nt r�quired more than 150 ' radius. i��r. Williams said they ��aere revie.w�d and accE�pted. by the Public t•?�rks Departr�ent last £all. ;�dequate far :�1r. Jo;�n RydeY, Civ�l Lngineer, Los �ltos, pointed out that it is throt�a�1 street necessary to balance ctirves �aith �radin�, i-Ie said tI1P5F_' are the � n�ini.-;:ti:�i curves. Tney are adeq�.ate for a through street Lhat nay occur iii the iut�ire here. , lrai?_s ( Cenm. Gatt<� �•ras cuncerned about riding and h�king trails as trey � rnlate to t:his progerty. .1e would �e i.n �avor of givin; the Hillside � Committee a chance to cor.�pl�te the�_r stud�� befo�e .^aki�.g a ueterm:�na�i_on � �1P_�P. � Siope/c�ensity j Con.i-�. P1e:1_is .-aid the Comr.li�tee is conside.r. in� a s� oge/der:�it;� forMUla �ormula � for the hills. She wanted to hav` a report Lrom �he FllplYC �•Jor:�s fort:ICOmii�� ;��e�:�rt�en� b�fore making a decision. . I � Chai�3n�.t� Buthensi�h asked for cor.�.^ients from the audience. i Lin,iy Lane no i°ir. Jim 3Leuner, 11387 Lindy Flace, c?oes not t`�in�: La_n�?y Lan^ ti�as ever access road in�.ended as an access roaci to the hills, He a�ked i� the develorers � wculci be ailowed to go to the foot't1i11 study groti� ��itt:out �he �ity's � ez:dors�ment. The P�anniil� �:�irector said this properLy W011'1Cl ha�e *_o � be annexed befare it can be developed. Liold off on rirs� Jac'.�ie Hall, 10629 Ba,Yter �lvenue, caL�tioned that if tr�is tenta.r_ive tentative ;nap �nap i.s approved it caoul.d narro;a t?�e o;pti.�n:� oi tt�e Sub--Cori,�i_ttee. 3he �tudy �roup ;s talcinrJ a reg:.onal overview of th� area. �?e;ardlesa of how the Co.:mission rze_1s a�out tt�r� lct sizec. pronosed, she ��si:ed that � they ho]_d �f_i on the L��ntati_ve. !�ap untii r}ZP ,,tudy is �,�mp'eted. ! � L� � ; s i � ^ 1� l � �'J ` elevation � 1�odinfi & .rs . Juanita 1�7:_ 4r<_n, L_.r.dy Lane, < i1 siz.: i�.s iv�d at 6�� i.and :?.; :lc:s � oil L�r.ct�: Larle for 15-�1./?_ years. „�ze is cor��c�riied abo�.it t:tie e�c��ren:e turns of the pro�os�d road. Th�rc, are !:o . ir ::; al.i�s on Candy �:ock anci E tr!e childr�n play ir, the stre::i The:-e i�� �:-���Y ± locdinc problen � 1T'i ��"lE.' EITF?�� i.Tl:lll(�'il�; 1.311Ciu�.7.C�L':;, �C:E T�'.E?l> �i f1T'E'. YI"L'_C�t CO�iLd TlOt functioi: up thete. Li��dy Lane ,�.�a.�: .�e-��er. c�.1�,i�ler�ci as an access rod:i � to the hills beyond. � rit.�II'iLS Or '111i; JUJ�Y lU, 1972 PL.c'LI+:+iL:'G CC�Iiii=SSiOi� P�ET'I?vG rC-b5 �'age S tSr. Willi.ams sa:iu a cl��stcr �e�.-e�og:.�ent would not ]end iL��e1f t� t.he terr.ain; t:l� prop_�r?;T h�.l�. .iatura'1 hui_L�1in<; sit:s on it. Provision ha:� ueen :��.�._�<< to lessen ti�e �loodin? possibi_l.�ty. ;;is life savin�s ar_e :�_av_��r_^.: i_i �hi�, �r�per_ty, ���hich has bPen tied up f.or 2 year_s. �iis �ider'-,- �.at:�er ais�� ��:�ould li�ce to bu�ld a ho�.e up there for l�is r.�e.:�ain in� y^ars . It ���as poinr..:�d out tl�at the !;it�� :;ouricil denied hi_s �revious 2p��_1CF�r1GI1 ��C?C3�1SE'_ Qi r.':2 fOT'_'l.c�i:]_C?i1 Gt t.;1E'. �':1.L�_S1C�.;? S�li�j� f�TOl1T�� - i� r � � � mn! �' ' � �nd ti.is stu.l� 7a:, not yet Le�ri co��.�-�_�.cec_. ;�foved bv Ccm~�. iJell_is, seconded by Comme Gatto to c�ose the 'r'ubli.c He2rin�* Public Hearing. clos�:d '•lotzcn carr.iel, 4-0 'a�.t�.hou�ti thi:� appears �� b� a goo� pl.an �or d�:vei��.::ent of the Tenta.i i�ae '•ir.p prnpErty, :�t ��as �r:e ccr_cens�is cf �_he Cort��nissi�n t��at the t�nta- tc:� o� reco?1- tive map should �e helci in abeyance until January. szdered ir. ; a.n��arv t4oved by Co��:i. Gatto, secondel t�y Co ;,,1. �^.daris, to recomrnend. te the City Cou�zc� l appro��al ot appl ir_atior. °--"I_- i 2 f_or �rezonin� the 9--'I.-; 7_ �1Te3 t0 AI—�F3 T��1t�1 tiiE.' OVE'_T13�' 1:1�.�OS�!i �i}� t'P.E,' �`fOI1t2bC�� O;:1Q,.n,e c'�j�Y•Y'OVE'Q zoning restrictions, AXES: Comm. Adams, �at.to, Nellis, Chairr.ian nuthenuth NOES: None tiBSE�IT : Co_� .�. 0' KeeT e hSotion carried, 4--0 Moved by Cor:rm. t=atto , seconded by Co.�un. Ac:drns Lo reco^�.r.lend to the. 9-T«--7� City �ouncil denial of. 9--T�'i--72. aeilieu AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nelli.s, Chairmari 3uthenuth i10E� : None ABSE;IT : Com�n. 0' Keef. e rfotion carried, 4-0 This matter �r�ill come befor�a the City Council on Av�ust 7th. Pt;-6b �tI.Ni.ITI;S OF THE JUI:Y �.0, 1972 PL%�.N;1I?�G CC'i��iISSiUN ii;;FTING P�.ge 6 3. �1pplication �2�--Z-7?_ of �sse�bly of= �::od of Cup�rtino: R.EZO�IING aapronimately 3.90 acres frc>,�i �:1-10 (R�sidential, singie--fa:-�ily, 1Q,0�0 sq. f_t. per u�aelling unit) to i� �QU3�1 Buildin�;; or �olzatever zone r.iay be dee_�led approp.riate by Lh� Plannin� �om^��ission. �a�.d propert_y is _located easterly r�f and adja�ent to Stelling Roaci, 92.5� L,�t so�tli oi �.l_ves Dri�re. First �iearing. _-- and __ 4. ApF�lication I3-•iJ-72 of Sunnyvale Christian Sc��r. �J. (Asse�.bly of_ God oi Cupertino) : liSF. PERiiIT tc allota ti.ze ut iiization of an e�isting classroo� buil��in� to con�tu.ct classes in c:ennecticn with a reli�ious e1e:r,E.ntarj school. Said classroo�� facility is J_ocated on property �a:iich is prese�itly iri zonizig proces= trom R7_-10 to PQ zone and is located easr_erly oi aiid adjacent to Stellin:� Road 92.50 feet sout:h o� Alves Drive. rirst Hearzng. � The T;�e permit has been grai�.tE:cl for c'rlurch purposes . T:ie Assistant Pi.ai.ne�- said the ciiurci� has �-een there abeut :LO y�ars and the classrooiz �or abcut 7 years, usc�d as a`��unday Sci�eol.. Tii�� ?s no record cf the Use P�.n.lit tor �ranting t?.is c].assroom. CoJ_or�d slides of the site were 5�icwn. Nave outgx�o�,�n "'�r, Rc�'.��r_� B:�rg�ss, pr�.r�r_ipa:l cf the propc�sed sci�ocl, 1010 Fssey, �resent Su�ny��al e, s�id they iiave ��ut �i_o«i; the�r facilitj� i� Sunn�vale. ':��3C111��2S + ��f2Eii 1�itEyil} 1S t0 KEP_7 t.:"iL x�7_T1�iE.'I`c�itEt1 t't"'Y"Gllk�[? .5�(i ?Y'$'�� C13�S°S ' � t , f� , � � 1 1 �t that .tocatio._ `�.zd p.it n�, 5�h, 7tti a�:.d 3t:1 �,rade� a� t�1is ocation. ;•cmn�, Nellis rYonc�.ered i_f it -�ou7d be a�pr.opYia�.e to have a feiice installed, It ��Tas ?ea.rned t^e adjacen* property is zoned commercial, Car & bus � Co^lm: Ga�to asked how the students t�ould 'oe gettinr, to and �r.om school. trat�.sportac.ion �Ir. �urgess said 50% ���oulc be brotig�it in cars and 50% taould comP in bLSes. '.ini�nal tt �.oa,, brought out that tile �i--Control ��l�.s toid that t:�eir landscaping la.».dscapii�; pl�n �•aould come in �•,itii the new sancttiary p7..3ns, '':Y .'�urgess sai� T10`.+1 there. are pl�n i ZOr �3 I7CCC�/ S8I1Ctl1c3Y'y � i?Ut lt ta'lll. t)� S0;1P_tZr1e 111 t�lE' future. There is a 1a.wn in i�rc,nt. '�'he �rea it: tile baclti is goi_n� to be str�ictly a`ie]_d �or footbal�_ S �asc'aal..l_ ar.id tr_��c?�:. It ��ii 1 be graded. In incl.e.nen�:. �reather tt�e ciliicir_c�u ;vi11 be �;i_i.�=,ed to a_.n indoor gyr.tnasium. xiOlSe �E'V°_1. C�Ic11Il:^.clil ,3UtilE'.RUL�1 WOT1C�('_YC'.C.'t CJii?t. c'iT.:lOt1C'!t ')� IlOiS� CJOII.�.� G�' F�E.'C:G'Y'�1t`c.'C� by *_lle proF�as��d use. Mr, ls�sr<,e;�s s�iic� t;i;�t �}iis :i� a pri�aat� sc�hool an:i tney ha��e mor^ discipl.in� arci coi�r_roi_. Thcy 1_za�,�� had no coriplaints thus f � ' �-iIi�1UTr?S OF THi' J'.iL'�' �_0, J..972 �'[.��N�1Ii„�= C��:`Mi5�lUid ',�::r,TING PC-6� ��a�.:e 7 C}�a.irman 33uthenutl, as:�e�: Ler co�:u-?enC:� i�rom tY?e a�_iciien�A. A1r. Nor-��an Stei.n i����+:' :1'_-�:>s Dr�_ve, said i�is property is adjacent Citiz-�n's to tne sanctu:,�r�-. �li�.� asrcc�d , ��i��at b�.it'�:cr the oxdina�-�ce provid�s ror concerns S1t�1�3t'lOC1S 1]kC� t[ii_S, '.'?E i�_:O ��-ante:.i �O �ft0�•] °7i-%7t tit�'_ Cr1llT'i,�'�S plans are. As t.� the no�_se, t�iey '�a��e �een e�posed. to short-tern noise in the e��c,nir, ��:�her: the Cer.vices ].e.t out. Lt �aas poii�teci c�uc that tr:e p;_a� area �:_i_i l��e on the soutn side. Provisions o� The Plannina Director sai�� r_::e ;�Q Or_c�inance prt�vidc�s fe�r approval �.�Q �Jr.dinax:ce by the Plannin�; CornT-:issioii oi rois� levei� , eLc. Comr.�.. Adams wo��ld like to l:�ve the iI-�,eritrol Co�,r.littee also revie :i-Ccii�r.�o1 t'i11S applicat YC€;F3Ycj7ii� 7-�iltl: C3p1T1; 3riC1 r101Sc; a:%clt2t:'2.1�. T'�`�'1;W .JUclr'.r3 Z�CL1TeI1 � �ZZC1. L1T1.'1 j' A.��IlE.' y ;i�3 �l_.''i. 11E�'T' C0J1CP�:T1 �J011� d JE'. r�P_ TTICYP%iSECi nL:lber. of_ cars goina ir. ar.d out of ttie p7_or��rty, es;��eciullv th� � tr�af�ic left tt�rns. I'sb]_ic T�lorks ��epart,:l�nt s'.zo:ilc cons�. this. �ir. :?:ir_gess sai�i th�t as t i� prwn,.ipal, he is very concer.r.e� abou'� this factor ��id ti�at i.s tah} t�iey are usiizg i�uses. � Co:in:, Nellis and �a.tte wou.�:l like �� s:�e a 1�_ttie �rcre lan�lsca.p�nu :1orn on Lhe property . They su�;oe�;ted a l..T.�n cou_l� �e �ut in. i lanci�.c�pin� Cor�z�. Adams si:gCes�ed re�:�-ood trPES alon� the per�-:.e�er af t?.� i proper.ty as a congregation project. � � i :.oved by GomLm. uatto, seconded by Comm� �?e11is to close the !�'u`�l.ic :iearin; Fu'�lic Heari_ng, j c'_o�=�d � Mot�on carr-ie�� 3 4-0 + ! �Ioved b;Y Co-�ra. i:ellis, seconded by Cornr,i. Gatto to reco:a:nend to th� 12�-�I-72 City Council approva]_ of 1?_-Z--72. � appro��ed � AYES: Cor,�'n. Ad�ms, Gatto, Nellis, Chairman >uthenutlz � NOES: None � ABSEi••1T . Gom:�. G' �:�ef e. riotion carried, �F-0 � ( rloved by Conun. Adams, second��d by Corr,m. Gatto to approve l�-U--72. � 13--i'-72 �aith the standard co�dition5 and a one-vear t�r.ie I�.��t on this i apn�o���eu use perrnit. � wiconclitions � AYES : Com,�ri, A±1a^ls , Gatto , Nell.is , C}lairrnan B��thent.tll � NOES: None ABSF.NT : Coi:im. J� I:�ef e rZotioi-. carrie�, 4-0 °C-6� :`:INUTES UF THi JULY lU. 1972 PL�!�NNING CQt•��;ZSSION MEETING Page 8 , • � . Chairm.an B��tl call.eu a recess at 9:40 P�f. T�ie :neeting reconvened at 9�53 PM 5. Applications 12-TM-72 and 12-U--72 0� The tJestfield Company: TENTATIVE T�AP to divide 9.84 acres into two parcels; liSE PERNIIT to allo�a constr�sction of a 2-story concrete building of approximatel}� 100,000 sq, ft. on one side ef said parcels (Phase One) to Ue used for adminsitrative offices, research and development, anci r.ianufacture of electrical e4lip:ient. Said property is in a P(Planned Develop:nent witn Ii�;ht industrial intent) zone and is located on the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Tantau and Pruneridge Avenues. First Hearing. The proposal The Planning Director reviewed the staff report of July 7, 1972. � The appii�ant's proposal is to divide the 9.�4 acres into two parcels of 5.65 and 3.19 acres each. The firs� phase is to be developed irnnediately on the 5.65-acre parcel. The use pa�it is for the first phase only. He noted that this is not a part of Va11co Park. tioise level� & Com�. Gatto was concer_ned about t'�e che--iical holding tanks. Although noxions odors this is a reiati�ely clean operation, there ?_s the possibility that so^��nti-ae in the futuze they r�igl�t chan�e their operation or a new tenant mi,�nt be involved wherein undesirable odors or noise levels might occur� Traffic signal I Mr. Terry Rose 2075 De La Cruz Blvd., Sant2 Clara, said there are ' participation � 8.849 acres in��olved here, not 9.84 acres. The traiizc control sigr_al in Condition 1.7 is probably a good i�.ea, once Tanta�.� overcrossing is cor. eted. P�e �aould like some estimate of thP cost of this sior.al an.d who would participate ir, the cost of it. TI P2annin� Director said this informatio� can be obtained fram Engineering. . Ease*�er:t on ��ir. Rose said the drive whic:: �oill provide access to Pruneridge wi?_1 Phase Two be pro��ided in Phase Two; they have not acquired that parcel as yet. property not Ke would like to delay t:�is easement until Phase Two. Com:*i. Tatto yet acquired proposed t;�e condition be left ir.. ar�d tne applicant discuss the mat�er ��ith t_ie owner of tne property of Pha�e Two prior to the Cour_cil meeting. Mr. Rose added that t«ey are provi�ing more parking than is required by the Ordinance. ' Chairman �uthenuth asked for cor�ments ior�? the audience. Co.npatible with i�ir. I�'a.lter Ward, Vallco ParK !;eneral ;•2an�?er, sai�'. afcer revie.win� �Jalico Park the plan t�zat t��is is compatible with .'ail.ca ;'�;-i:. ;',ut periza�s ther_e shauld be �,�or.e study on P.r_�_ineriage. `:e ���o�_.1d ti�.e to discuss the possibility of a jaint drive��a�- betwe�r ';at�:ins-J����nson ar_�'. t'tiis prcperty. They are �j iscussing with the rlood Control ;?istrict the boxing of the creek to provic:� parking for tiios� cars nc��.�: par�:i.n;_ on �h� 'iantau overcrossing. He hoped this applics.nt �veuld use t�ie sa��e landscaping • s,_heme, especially the same sg�:�cies oi trees on Pr�ineridhe as Vallco has used. MINUTES OF TIIE JULY 10, 1972. FLA?;NINv CC)'^�LSSION i'LETING PC--6b Pa�e 3 The applicant sai_c tA�eir lan�l�ca�ing ;aiil be e�ua1 to or better than that of Vallco Par'..c. rloved by ComTr.. Gatte ,��econdeu by Com��n. Ada�s to close the Public Pu�blic Hearin� Nearing. ciosed .1ot �_on carr � ed , 4-0 �ioved by �on:n. Gatto , seconded by Co�:an. .tellis to recor_?mend to 12-.U_72 the City Council approval of 12-J-72, sub�ect to the standard 14 approved conditions, plus conditions 15, 16, 17 a.n� 18 as enu^�erated at ! this meeting, � t AYES: Gonf:i. Ada��.s, :�atto, Tdellis, Chair:ian But'tien�ith � NCES: None A�SENT: Cor:.:n. 0'Keefe Motion carried, 4-0 i ?�ioved by Comr.i. Gatto, aeconde�' �5 Co�. '�ellis to reco:amend to � 12-T�i-72 the City Council approval of 12--'T�i-72, subject to the standard ,' appro conditions plus cr�nditions 15, 1-6 and 17 as enumerated at this ' meeting. � AY�S: �omm. A�ams, Gatto, Nellis, Chairrian Buthenuth NOES: None ABSEi�T : Comrn. 0' Keef e Motion carried, 4-0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6. Discussion of Oper Space Element The Senicr Planner stated there is need for ooth passive and Oper� 5pace active epen space. It is aJ.so �mpc,rtant fer *.he eatrironr.iEr.t in discussicns general. Open space is defined as any property thaC is nct roofe or paved. The City can at this time adopt an open space element, make a 3 aveuues open general statement as to our intention tor o�en space, or adopt a more precise open space plan. i �C--oF A1INiPlE5 OF T�IE JliLY 10, 1912 PI�r�1NI1VG CC'��'II�SION MEETING Page 10 , Re4. areas The Senior Plar.ner next reviewed the map on the Uc�rd, indicatinQ the schools w�iich ma� be included ir1 the recreation �reas, the �olf courses which pro�ide a link in the Stevens Creek ?'ark Ciiain, the euarry, and the I�aiser CEment plant which �tiill proba�ly be in operation tor another 20 to 25 years. There is ti�e need for buffer areas between the �aiser o�erati�n and the residential areas nearby. Earthquake He pointed out the San Andreas rift zone, which extends 1000 feet beyond the fault. There shoL1_d be no residences or sch�ol� within 1000 feet of this area. In case oL earthquake, there is also the danger of land— slides. Comnunity park� The existing pazk properties under City, County, F1ood Control District r.eeded for and otner jurisdictions were indicated in dark �reen. The Senior Planner teenagers noted there are no grovisions at tnis *_i?:e for com:�unity par.ks to serve � teenagers, which can be reached by bicycle. I Tne Ser.ior Planner recoTnmended sone proFer.ty be added to the park chain ` near the ¢olf caurses and trails should be prov�ded. ::e also recomT�ended ± the CitS- approach Permanente to see it some agree.~�ent can be r��ade as to 4 i tneir buffer area, which could be used for recreation purposes. i i + [,ildlife study ; The yellow area on the map indicated the uroan �cilc�life study area. �rea �:ore :iriput is needed on this aspect. i,ace� , Open spa�e and conservation elements are verZ� closely related. ��e said ; we :nust consider ;aater so tizat it does not beceme po'lluted. Also, j oxygen is produced by green growing things, so this is another argument in ia��or of conserv�_ng green areas. Ero�ion Erosion depends �.ipon the type of development of an area. � The Senior Planner stre5sed the aeed for man to have areas nearby tr.at are not arti`i�ial. He asked �or comments from �he Commissioners. Co�r�n. Gatto said his reaction to the discussion was that a good place � to start would be to talk about a specific plan, w?tt: moditicati�ns, i rather t�an talk in general terms. Cor._lm. :'�ellis agreed. Comm. Adams said we might want to increase the green ar.eas on the r.:ap. Chair:�an But'rienuth agreed that n�:a is a good tirle to �rarie mcre precise plans. Public Hearing iublic discussion on Open Space Eler�ent should 'oe set for July 2�th. July 24th Comm. !�dams suggesti.ng using photograFhs ruther than a map for the Public ��earing. MINUiI::� 0�' Tfi?.�: .1ULX IU, �-`?7'� I'LA:�i�:C'�::"� C�)':."�i.��.`.>IG:� 1-ii•:}�Tii�'; PC--h6 Pa�e 11 7. Discus�ioa :;f Trui;cr Oruinance The ��ssistar:t :''�anner s<,;'. t:�:e staf� ��oula like to sched•sle the Stu�y sess�on Trail��r (;rai.n�nc�� .:or ;���'.;�ic �1��:�r�n,•^, itl .���usr_. Chairnan �uthenut . .July 27th would l.ike �� stu�;° � c. � i�n on it nrior tc� tha� �ate. It G�as set for Thurs�a�, .J��lv 27r_:,. Colored s'_ides c� so-:e ot the problem ar�as �.�ere st�:c�,�n. �;E`�J Bi:SINESS . Minute Order to Cit}� Counci� : aft�r so�:e discussi�r., it t.�as rioved by Cer-:�. :�el�is, seconded by ScreEnin� ai Com�. �atto to r�cc :�*nend i.:.�.ediate ne�ot�at�.ons be set up with F,G. & �.. P.G. & E. for tr�e screenir.g of tzeir to.�,ers w�tnin the City's to�•:ers jurisdiction. ;iotion carried, 4-0 REPORT OF PL��NINv CO:�L�IISSI0,1 Co�*�. Gatto noted that t: Planning Co.�:^ission's statements are Co..�miss�on scmeti�^es �?isquoted by the applicants -��hen t_zey SL`Ded'_" beicre tne ^�sqsote�+ City Cour.c.il. �ie wouid like r_he staii to tr; to ccrrect this whereLer possible. R,EP�RT OF PL��tiVI�I� DIRLCTOR He askec that reservatior.s �or the conventien �e in as soon as Con�ent_on possible. Z� cash advances are needed, t:�ey snou�d also ee reser�ations requestec' at an eaziy date. ADJOliF�,.�NT i�loved by Com-1. 1"+da�as , seconded by Comrs. Gatto to adj ourn the meeting at 11 : �9 P:�i. �lotion carried, 4-0 APPROVED: /s/ Jo hn W. Buthenuth Chairman ATTEST: /s/ Wm. E. Ryder City Clerk � I