PC 06-26-72 ,1.�`.,' rJ'- "i�n':'_3�'I..^:0, ST.i'E C); C:�?�iFO]':dI i 1'C-,•'
1_i!30Ci :'��rre A��e; C�i;tE�rt�..�o, Cal:_=nrni_a ?a�e I
Te.lep;.�.�ne: 25?_- -.�0�
:�:Nt'i�:S 0:� 'Tt:E �'.:?::�:;I.�1F _.:'�:i'I�;G OF T'�E FI,ANN;:�'G CC.�'L'�2ISSI��N
iiE�,i:: c)N Ju�vE 20, I9; � a. �`Ti�E i3Ot'NL �L C::A�t;3�;K, CITY HALL '
Chai.rman I3uthenut�: calied t'r.e r.eetin; to order at 7:32 P't1 ���itii tile
SaluCe to the rlag.
Co~t.�. present: Gatto, Tlellis, C;nair�an Rut:Lenuth
Co�n. aflsent: Adans, 0'Ke��e
Stai� present: �iirector ot Planning & Developnient Sisk(8:10
:lssistant Cit� .Attorneti- ferrv
«ssistant P1a-:r.er Co;,
�raf f ic Lr.,; Gri��,
:?ecor�3�_ng � ecreta: y T o�3 I?:*,��rd
APPRO'iAL OP MI�'JTE� : �1� nutes oi ��eou]_ar ��ieeting ot Jur_e 12, 1972.
�uinLte� of Ad �ourned '{eeting .iur:e I'c, i972.
� Comta. Gatto not�d t:iat the arcnitect for apglications 2b-U-72 ar.d ;
9-U-72 is Robert P��e, nct Pai_ge, on �une 12ta '�iinute,s.
��to�r�d by �a_am. Nellis, secoiide.d Sy Cor.i:n. Gatte �.o appr.ove the �;une _%�t: '��inut:
T•tinutes ot June 1:'_, �972, as corrected. approve` as
:-`ot:ion carried, 3-0
�omm. Ne1_lis riotad aa ��age 4, ite:� 3 ot the Jure 1.4th Minutes it
snould read "Open Space Crdinance�".
.•�oved �y Co«�m. Tatto, seconcled by Com.*^.. :lellis to approve the 3ure 14tn .:�Iinu�:
Jtine 1.4 , 197 2,`�Iinut�� as arlend2d . approved as
i�iotion c�.rried, 3-0
Page 2
'�he Assistant Planner said he had a request from ?�?r. Garner for continuance
of application 4-U-72 to the first mE:eting i� July.
4-U-72 So moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Nell.is.
Motion carried, 3-0
The Assistant Planner said there had been nunerous conununications, all
of wizich pertained to itens on the agenda. The Planning Commissioners
had received copies of them.
There were none.
l. Application 4-LT-72 of Keith E. Garner for Use Permit to construct
a 200-unit motel a:�d restaurant, a banl�, and a 176-unit apart�nent..
complex �ait�in a P (Planned �'evelopment) zone. Said property is
located in the soutnwest Quadrant of the ir.tersection of
Freeway 280 and Sunnyvale-Saratoga Road. First tiearing.
gostponed Postponed to first meeting in July.
2. Application 1-LZR.-72 of Hallcraft Homes, Inc. , to rer*iove approxi-
mately 20 acres presently zoned A1-1Q (A�ricultural-Residential,
Single-tamily, 10,0U0 sq. �t. lcts) from :lontebello Ridge interim
z�ning district. Said property is located soutzerly of and
adjacent to Voss Avenue , nort'.ierly ef an�l adj acent to Alcalde
Road, and westerly of Locn��ood Drive. First I:earing.
:�Iontebello The Assistant Planner gave a"t':urabnail sketch" of the L�ontebelio
Ri�±�� Stud�� P.id�e Study, which is F'tiase II of tne Santa Cruz :�iountain ��tudy.
This study i_s tecnnical in nature, but :.s al:;o sub�ective. It Taill
� delineate type� of development and i.ntensity of the c?.eve�opnent in
the hills. There is rhe possibility of cert��n prepert�.es whicli can
be removed from the Interi�l 7.oninQ 1:egu'ation�, under certa�n criteria.
:;I;d?iTI�S Or' 'i'H}; Ju�JE 26, 1972 PL��tiivlt�':: C0."i�'.]:SSION :I�FTING �'C-65
_ � a�;e 3
The �`lssistan� Plai�ner sai_u tYie C��perr.ino Ciiizer_s' �eals d�curnent ,itizens' G�a1_�
can be used in makin�, thes� der_erir.inatior�s. �:e went on to d��scribe f;epert to be
some of the r-:ajor 1_:�nd feature:� in tYse. western portion af the City �ir.p_lernented
oi Cilpertino. Colored slides of �t�e property ir► question �were showr..
Urbaii Flanner Rictiar_d Fr:i;by nointecl out tr�e trees that would be pre-- 'he groposal
served by this develop::e� Thev p1o.n to retain so:�e natural open �
space. Tiiere will he pr_�.-.��:te str�_ets. 1"k�e site p�an s'.ioc>>�d 4.3 t.nits
per acre, with 9200 si. � t. :iet lot ar�a per urlit. He said o��er 3//i of
Clie site is c��en spac�� y and a"lr;ost_ hal f is natural open space. Parkina �
rati.o is ! e 3. There coi.li be 3-bec�room and 2--bedroom, sin`le-story �
units �y?ith gara� and courty ard in th� front unci patio in the rear of �
each unit. Tnere will be �:�rovision �or. the option of the o��mers for a
4rh bedroo�z to b� built at a later da_te on tti�se u�i_ts. Their 4-bed- �
roor,l units are 2�stcry. The driveways for the �.::ost part have been de- �
si.gned to run p�rpendicula� to the ccntours of the hiils, to di.sturb i
the hills as little as possible. Cross section drawin�s yllustrated
this. They have provided a series of walk�oays �oing to the recreation �
area, each on a different leve�. A renderino of the types o� structuresi
stiowed a great deal of variety in the roofs.
Ir. answer to Comm. t�atto's questicn, i�ir. �'risby s�id they first plan- Will cost c:�ar.e
ned to top out at $27,G00, but no�a they rea.lize it will be higher. The than $27,00�
construction wi.11 not be phased.
Th� Assistani Planne� anstoered ComM. Gatto that tue PPC study group SuwLable dev.,
has COIlrlllticCl this is a �uitable develop.nent o� this Fr�perty. The accord to
Planning Director arrived at the meeting at this point. PPC
Comm. Nellis said the technicaZ group did approve this plan, �Approval only
strictly on a�echaical basis. The Sub--Committee voted agairst this on technical
project, until the Hillside Sub-Commit�ee has had ti::e to go into i.0 ibasis
fi�rs. Jackie Hall, 10629 Baxter, Clipertino, spoke on behalf of the
rriends of the Foothills. She asked what �aould happen tu the zoning �
on the properr_y if this plan is approved by the "lanning Co=::mission, j
they reccmmend rezoning, and then thP Council do�s not appro *he �
plan. The Assistant City �,ttorney said a condition could be attached �
to the interim zoning and iri the event the zoning is not granted it �
4�ould revert back to the interim zoning.
�1rs. Hall r�oted the staff report advised the Conmission not to ; Justification.
approve the rezoning based on the presentation. She spoke enl;T to �needed
the issue of whether or not to re�ove this property frc�n the Interim
Z.oning Regulati.on. Since this City had cempellin� reasons for set- !
ting up this ::eoulation, she tilerefore £elt there should be co:�pellino i
reasons to justify removal of any property fro� it, such as the set- ;
tling cf an estate. {
Pa�e 4
r4r. Sa�n Radlo�,T, 22334 Riversi�ie nrive, Cupertino, asked the Gormissioners
to very carefully consider the four crit�ria set up for justifying reT:.oval
of prouerty fron t�e Regulation before makin� recommenaati.on tc the
City Council. Removal of 20 acres from the Ir.terim "Z.onir�g Re}�ulation
f may not be ir. the best inter_est of the City. It mi�nt reverse the effect
jsought by the City.
Good dev TOr 4r1r. Frisby noted some comments that technicians and technical people have
t',iis land � stated that this is the way ti�ey would li1_ce to see t�ze hi_lls de��eloped.
�The streets are laid out in such a way as to inhibit turther development.
��uc:z ground�aork� Comm. Gatto asked the applicant why he did not want to wait for the
to be done � results of the Study. P�r. Frisby said stu�iies such a� these seen. to
iperpeti.iate t:zems�lves and never seem to quite be completed. There is
much groundworlc to be done before development cauld take place. Titne
�is of the essence.
?�foved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comi:l. Gatto to close the Public
Motion carried, 3-0
[�ait 6 mos. � Cor�m. Ncllis _did n��t believe tl ap�licant has snown any hardship as a
reasor. for developinp the property no�a. She �aanted to give the Com�ittee
Harstlip not �at least until .January 1973 to study the natter. The Plann�n� Comr��ission
snown and otiiers will_ be better able to iudge this at the e.nd of tnat 6 months�
Comm. Gatto agreed. He further stated t�ie good points of the plaa: lou�
de.i.�ity and retaining of natt�ral conto>>rs of the i::ills . He �•�ctild l;_ke
to give the Hillside Committee ti:e chance to complete their study,
althou�;tl l�e could understand the developer's proble�s, too.
�e�eral Plan 'Chairma.i Buthenuth noted tnis is a large parcel. The proposai is very
stucy needed, nice. He bel�eved th� Comrlission s'�ould ha.��e the General P1.an �tudy
*�o along with the Hillside Study before naking any determinations on this,
ho�aever .
Cluster Comm. Gatto comTr.ented that }�e felt the cluster concept of groupi_ng
�;rouping needs needs additional work. This i.s a recti?.inear plan or a steep slope.
<d�' 1���or?c He bel�_eves that most of tt?e cluster gl.ans presenLed to tne City of
Cupert�_no are not true clusters.
i-IZT�-72 � `loved by �omm. Nellis, seconded b}� Comm. ��atto to recom::�end to the City
deni_ed Council denial of anplication 1-I'L1:-72.
AYES: Conun. Ga*to, T�ellis, Chai_rman B�.zti�enuth
NOES: None
ABSF.NT : Com�n. Adar�s S 0' Keer e
;:�Io tion carr ied. , 3-0
�IINli'TI:S OF TIIE JliNL 26, .1972 I'L% C0�"�iISSION �ki:;?ili�'G PC-65
Pa�e S
3. Application 2-ILP.-72 oF !1�iams & Ccmpany dba T�. I:. Ad�ms &
Con�pany to r. e�ove 1.7 . S ;.�cres preserit:iv zoned A-ua (A�ricu.Ituz�a� -
R�creai trom 'tonte'�ello t?id�z int�riri zoninn distr.zc�.
Said proneri.y is l��c�ted souC�erly o`_ Riverside Dr-ve bet���een
St.evens Ca�ycn Roac� ancl :rea Road. r i.rst HearinC .
Colored slicles oi. tl:e pr.operty ;aere �� The Pi�nning Director
revie;�.�d the map of ti:e area and rt? atr�d tnis property to t�e
Stevea> Cree� Par:: �h�-_n,
.�fr. Dor. Mi]_l��r, o£ ��,dan�s and.Company, pr_esen.*_Fd p'_��or.�raph.s o` the 4.6 density
property. He t'.�en revie•aed the cl.uscer plan far 84 d�.velling uui�s
with a dens�ty of 4.6 units per acre. The_y have orovided one
. public str.eet and some private streets. �n tal':eir�� ��ith a numb�r
oi people, the_y learnec? those pee�le lilce :�aving green ar�as aroun�
their units . They ? provided open sr ace �•: ith ico � pa.ths ro the
Stevens Cree�c Pnrk Cha�z.
�`_r. �Siller said t�zis property is s-urrounded by dev�1_oped grooerty. �
They have had extensive soil_ and geolo�ical studies made, and they
are a�vay from the flood plair. area.
Chairman Buthenut:� asked for cor�ments fram the aud�ence.
:�.r. John �enni�ore, 22374 Riverside Drive, Cupertino, said he has �?etit�_on for
lived tnere fcr 2 montns. He spoke tc the retention of the interir.{ retention ef
zoning on the property. There is neig�.horhood concern and he had interi� za.�i:.�
submitted a petition drawn up to t:zis e£iect.
'�Ir. Al Crisel_man, 22293 DeAnza Circle, Cupertino, said he has li_vec� Citizens are
there 1 year. He said "?lhat c�-e are discussing here tonight tran- � concerned
scends any one proposal. r'e are ta?king about th� citizens o�
Cupertino who are in faver of planning." :�e auoted sectians o£
the OrdinancP establi.shin� the interim zr�ning reaulations. Ne sa�_
the results of the recer�t e�_ection ind�cate the citizens ar� very
conc�rned about development of the �ootnills. ile reco�.ended
giving the "study" a chance since nothing els� has worked in the
Mr. Roy Johnson, 22403 Riverside Drive, Cupertino, said we are Don't open tr�ese
all i.nterested in safety. There is presently a:Zig;l ac.cident rate 1? acr.s ta
on Stevens Canyon Road , cor,iin� down f r. om the �ia1n. The traf t ic S teven�; Canyon
pattern is def icient . The developer sh Ol_ll(� proviue an in ar.d out Road
street for tneir project. Over`�urdening of_ the streets is not
gaod. There must �e some oth.er wa�y to get tc th�se 17 acres.
Page 6
Not sur.�ounded 2�Tr. Jim SaiZford, 22540 Ricardo Itoad, Cupertino, feels Ordznance 528 was
by urban dev. enacted for a very good reason. We snould �-aait fer the results of t'rie
Study. He pointed out t;�at tYlis property is nor surrounded by urban
development; some of tl�e adjacent properties have a golt course, stables,
etc. He said 2/3 ot it is not urba�.
Concern about Mr. Ralph Kli_ng, 22433 Riverside Drive, Cuperti_no, does not t�elieve
watershed t�iis proposal meets any of the four criteria reauired. He said he is
concerned abo�_it the watershed.
�pplicant's Iir. Lonnie Adams, President of Adar.is & Company, 133 EI Latillo, Los
statemer.ts �atos, said he understands the concern o£ the nei•��.bors as to what
is going into the undeveloped propertv near the?�. ?ie said he has had
cc.;mpitent enga_neers ma.ce studies o� t�:�is property. T�ere are no active
f aults and no f lood dangers . He as�ced why I was even present at t�i.s
�eeti_ng i1 it is already in the mind� of t�le Co��r.iissior.ers that they
�aish to wait for tne res�lts of the Stu3y. Lie said he wants to provide
a type of living �or �eople �,iho �:ant to live �zere.
'�r. ililler said the presented plan is co:�patible with t'tie area. �
Not subject to The Planning Birector answered Comn. Ne11is that the Flood Control
flooding Di.strict submitt�d t�ze determination tiiat this preperty is not subject
to fiao�ing.
Public Hearing i�Soved by Conm. Gatto, seconded by �omm. �1e11_is to close the ?ubl�c Hearing.
�-:otion carried, 3-0
�iscussion Cor.1r,. Gatto said he feels p.retty much the same a�out this applicaLion as
he does about the prev:�ous one, The Stevens Cr�ek Park Chain is a
r"actor to bE� cons�.dered. Comm. Nellis que�tioned the flood control
factor. All t��ree Commissioners were in favor o� �.�aiting for results
of the �tudy.
2-IZR--7'L i�oved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Con�. Nellis to rPCOmmend to the City
d�nied Coun�il denial oF application 2-IZ?�-72.
AYFS: Comm. Gatto, ��etlis, Chai_r�nan fiuthenur_h
:v`O;�S : Nane
ABSETdT : Comm. Adams , U' Keef e
�•lotion carried, :i-0
Recess was c_a._tled at 9:25 P�1. The � eet�.n�; reconvened at 9.38 P,i.
;tlNtiTi;7 U�' TIiF .1U�E <E}, �972 P1.,�1i�tiLN�'== CC��i��(I.SSI�i�1 i��EE'I'ING PC-65
Pa�e 7
4. App1:i_c��t;on 17.--1:i-i? oi: ���ay i n�.�e �t�lent Co?npany to divide 3.4
acres into f�i_� tecn :.�.i.icl_��--f�i�.1. resi!3E�tltial lots plu� one lot
t0 l iJC' �1C21Ci 1T1 CC'�"i�011 O'Jll('_YSill.�?. i81d prop E'_Yt� :i� 1Il � iZIC
(Reside.itial, .:�n<r_l-: -�:���i�y cluster, 7,5C0 sq. tt. per d��ellin�_
unit) - �one and .i.�� i��cat:ed at tize sc�ut��t��est ccrner oL the
inter:�ecti.on o�. i:a��. i_ane a:�d '�`cCle'.l�n ?Z.oad. Fir�t Fiearin;.
Colored sl. or the pr.op�r.ty ��cre s;1o?:�n. The E� .ssistant Piann�a? nreserve trees;
Sa:Lt� OTl� OL t:"lE'. IRa�Oi" i.�%:=�iiES OIl ti11_S 70T11.T1^ "'�1S til� :i.i,l preve�:ent Of COi1�l�eT' bl.i.�
i�icG�e7.lan ��oad and t::e pre�ervati_nn of tne trecs. Tliere are sone pati.
p� nes al ont; t:1e bank �n '_•TCClelJ.an R.oad ��Thich will have '�o be re--
moved if City statldards are to ue :�ai_ntained. A bi.cyc�.e;"pedestria:
trail is being considered aion� '�icC7_e:llan. `I'here is a good stand
of oaks on the propert}� line t1�at ��iil �emain.
�'he Assi�,tant Planner said the �ouncil appro<<ed a plar.i line for i�cClella.n plan
�TcClella?i Road a few mont:is bac'.:. A 52' �•,r .:1t;:i �::-as ap� ro i_n the lirie
area �GC�-OJJ frorn the Hor�e Ranch, to pre�erve t'�� e�istiiio oaks.
Maps and site plan on r.he board were revieweu..
There was �o�?e discussion of the rather alir.upt termination of t:�e Turn�-around
private street in this develop?::en�, Comr�. ';ellis .�u�gested so�e needed
Lype of turn--around be provided.
Cor.im. Gatto wondered i± there �Jere some deve�opment pians for tL?e � Adjacent pr�per. �
property beyond that termination of ttie private �treet. The (IlSC1SS1011
Plannir.�; Dir_ector said there has been sor;e indication, btit nothing
f ormal .
�Sr. .�iartin Ha11, the devel.oper, �a�d they have first right to !
reiusal to the adjacent property, so there ja�1_l e��entual.ly be a �
full circle drive. They will he rormin� an assessment dist:r
to get these streets irlproved.
Mr. Bob Mc�ender, ��n�;�_neer, said tiiere is an R% grdcle �,Jhich they Jrad�ng p�an
are tryiiY� to reduce somew;�at, flattening to a 1% �rade at `•1cCleil n.
Chairman Buthenuth asked for c��mments fror.l tlie audience. There
were none.
Moved by Comm. Gatto, �econded by Com� �Jellis to close ttie publ.ic Ptib]_ic I?earing
Hearings. closec�
Ttotion carried, 3-0
�omm, Gatto was in favor of re;�aviiig those trees on Ra� Lane �emove trees o^
that were in line o� the proposed road improvements. F�ae Lane
: age 8
il-T�1-7� Ploved 'oy Comm. Gattc, seconded by Co,^u�. Nellis to recommenci to the
anproved City Council approva! of applicacion 11-'T:�1-72 �ait:� the 14 standard
�a%conditions cond:itions, Conditions l�, I6, 1% ,:13 acid 19 attached; �vith t!:e
follo-�in� additional condition: The slope easex-;�nt along :�IcClellan
Road and Rae Lane to be in r.ounded conditi.on to the satisraction of
the City Eng�neer. The cut �ar_k on Rae Lat�e and ?��cClellan Road shall
be slope rounded and landscaped to the satisfaction of the Architecturai
and Site Approval Committee.
AI'ES : Conun. Gatto , i�ellis , Chairman Buthen.u�h
NOES: None
ABSBN� : Conun. Adam�, 0'Keefe
*�otion carried, 3--0
5. �_pplicatien �o amend �Jse Permit (6-li�-71 - Hilton Inn) of Vallco Park
�o add 90 rooms in a 3�-sr_ory addition and to increase public
asse:tUly s�,ace. Totai rooms to nur.lber appro�i_:nately 345; total
public assemul_y space to equal ahout 88,000 sq. ft. Said property
is in a P(Planned �evelopraent wi.th Commerci.a=:. Use intended) zone
and is 1�cated at the souti.east corner oi the intersection of
�'oJ_fe Road and °runeridge Avenue. First �iear�ng.
Yarking The Planning Direc*or �aent over the site plan. Iie revie�•aed oast actions
on this site. The ne�,T plan s�lo:Ts 50� paikin� s��aces less than required
by strict adllerence to the :;rdinance. '�he starf �:�ould la.ke to have
provision r.iade fo� tne a::d�tional parkin�, s'.zculd t:�e parlcing defi--
ciency beco��le a proble�.
� he proposal � N�r. i�lalter ;,�arci , General '�ianas;er ,�Tallco �ark, said it became ap-
par�nt th�ough t'tleir stud:es t��at t:�ere is a nee:.' for a lar�;e banquet
�aci:Lity. The bank leadir.g do�m to tlle recessed �anquet facility
�aill be landscaped. �hey have not chanp,ed the architecture of the
hotel., banq�.�et faci.li.ty or higi7 to�•�er. Rather r_han have the ianai
expo�ed just to the free���ay tl��ey have put it �YOUn�i the pool for
privacy. 'I'he ti:ree b�:ildin�;s �•�i_Li be connected at the �round fi.00r.
He sa:id tney hzve ct.ec'_ted Ta�.th other tiotels ���ho ir�dicate the pari:ing
ratio is adequal:e. TYiey �ai1? build on.e or tr:lo =lo�r�� oi: r_he parkin�
S�l=llCtillle 1.� �}1Ci are 1.t1Ci1Cc'1tlOT1S ti1�1t 1t. �`> :lF�!�C,C�. �:e �iT1SG7E'tE'd
Comm. Gatto tha* ti�e reasi�ility st�:d}r siio,:s t!�::re is no adequate,
iiioli--qu�lity structure f.or sucii l.argc� Jroups i.r. t:�e area.
�ir. N7illiam Swaulc, arcnitect, beizeves t'r�e ch��ii��e�� reflecteci in thE_
Slte P� �711 �_ P1�3�LE l� �3 t�E?ttP_Y pYOj E?Ct � �i�i;v Y�?SCc7.:r'�:1r 211[i �lOt°1
will 'oe separ.ated �,y on� entity. 'i'i.e ��_l evator �,�i_;_1 pro�ride verticai
circtilation. It would be very difizcult to �.:ce�r;_ or.e person pe.r 15'
with the type o�= nigh quality banq�.et Eaci'�:i.t�. p1���ined, T;�e banquet
r. oom will be ol�en to tiie air wi_th a cl.r�,; m;?at r_vpe arr. angerient .
MINUTES OF THE JUi1E 2�i, 1972 PL�INNIN� C0;�1,'�II�SICI� i��%E`iING PC-65
Page 9
Chairman Buthenuth asked for comnents from the audience. There
were none.
Mr. Ward said there are two pa.rking areas nearby that have daytir�.e Parkino
use and will be used during t:�e ti�e of ccnstructions. The
Planning DiYector referred to Conaition 16 of the staff report
as to the amendment to 6-U-71., datec� June 23, 1972, concerning
additional parkir.g w:�en the need arises.
i�Sr. Ward ans�aered Comm. �tellis that their reason fcr holding off
on the parking structure until needed is economics.
Cori.�n. Gatto was concerned that the 3-story lanai would tend to Lanai
block the relief ti�e drivers �ave to Wolfe Road as they leave the
freeway. He is ;.oncerned the nass of t:�e 3-stor,� lanai t�ilJ_ cause
sor::e visual degra.dation, `�r, Swank noted it C111� only be 27 ` higiz
G�ith very clean roof, etc. The relation o£ the lanai to the over--
all site is abcut i5%. He also ncteu the very �e�erous setbacks.
Cor.un. Gatto was not sure our cor.u:!unit; is auite ready for soraethin
o� this urban quality.
Ploved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Co*.!�. Nellis to close the Public Pu51ic Hearin�,
Hearings. closed
Motion carried, 3-0
Cor.ur.. Gatto felt the qu�stion at hand cuas the nature of the
development and its appropriateness to rhe cemmunity. The am�nd-
ment to this Use Permit changes it in visual impact from the free�aa�y
off ramp and ezitry into Vallco Park. The dry moat is a good j
approach. He would like to see a greater relief �n the lanai "
Chairman Buthenu*_�� said tne master plan has been a.pproved and this
is just an expansion of it. He £eels the lanai helps tie the
projec* together.
Cor,un. Nellis wante3 to kncw what has been a.ppro���� thus far. The
Planning Directc�i- said approval has been granted for the 12-story
tower �aith 155 �ooms and uanquet facility. Thi.s is very clase to
tne r!aster plan. Conun. Iv'el� is is concerned aboLt tF�e magnitude
of tne proj ect .
Mo by Comm. Gatto, secanded by Co�TM�. :3e1� is to recoiranend to the 6--U-71 amerLd.
Ci.ty Council aenial ot b--U--71 amendmenr . den�,ed �
AYES: Camm. !Jatta, !Vellis
NOES : Chairr,?an But�:�enuth
t1BSENT : Comm. Aaanis y O� Ke�f e
Motion carried, 2--1
i•tINt�TrS OF "iliL JiJNi� 26, i�72 'T.:�.;�:1�:��; C",C`?S�IOt1 ;tI;CTIi��G YC-b5
Pas-e �Q
UNr INI Sii!:1 BUS Ii�L� S: "Iutte
ti�G) BUSI::ESS :
6. Discussion oi :rai�er Ordir:ance
This *�atter was rererred to t:�e Orc:inance P.evieti� Cor.�l�ittee.
7. Consideration o?' �han�e of Use in :;onconror�ii�g T3uildinQ, Town
and Country Sl;o�ping CentF:r ,�.017? S. Saratoga-Sunayvale Rd .
The Plannin� �irectcr saie Che request is for a�ortion of this Retail s�ioe
structt�re to ce use�� �or a retail snoe ouclet. outJ_et
�?�Ir. �d :�i��ers, Arcritect, said it is their beli2t that the shoe �dequate
store hcis '_ess inpact than the nrcvious use o� t;�e structure, parki.ng
Ciiairr:.a.r. £uttienu�h f`lt _hat � E.�::��loyees ti�ould indicate tizev
anticipar.e havina a iot or custo:;ers. 'r�e is cvncern�d about havin
sdeq��ate p:�_rking. It :�as noted tnis operatio� �,�ill �e si:^�i�ar to
�inney`s Snoe Store. The facade oi the entire b�iilding was ur-
graceu two year� ago.
Ttie Assistant City .^,.t�orney said �t nust be deter:-lined i� t'.:e pro-
pos�d use is the same as or more restrictive than the previous
ttse. ,
2•iovecl b}- Co�-�m. Gatto, seccnde.^.: by Co�. :veilis to approve the s:�ce Chan�e oF �s�
outl.et use �or a portion of the b::ild_r.s presently vacant in the OK'd
To,�rn a�:i Country s:►oppin� ce.lter on Hig:.way 9.
A'iES : Conua. Gar_to , Nellis , Ciiair;aan �utnenuth
tiOES : :�'one
ABSE_�:T : Corun. l�da�s , 0' Keef e
�:otion carried, 3-0
WPORT' OF PLr'�'�\I�G CCi��iISSI�i�T -•- T.iere was none.
REP�RT Cr PLAN;+I�;G rI�?.ECTOF -- 2ilere will be an Oz•dinance �eview Ord. ?'.evie:a C:.
C�'.'L"11.tCcP meeting `r�1cQR�SC��i�✓ Ill�tiit� ,;llll� 2���1� liZ ��OIl�E.'1"�I10E 1�C0::. ;??eej",*1Q �7%Z$
A.� JO:TP��`1E;IT
r;oveci by Co^lrn. :Jelli.�, seconded by Co^ra, G,3t�o to adjourn the
Meetin; at lO:SS P:�.
'-iot ion f: arr. �_ed , 3-0
/�_Wm. E. Ryder /s/ Johr� W. Buthenuth
City Clerk Chairinan