PC 06-14-72 CITY OF CUFERT L?JO , STt1TE OF CALI_�OR;�IA P� �F'+ 1.0�00 Tr�rr� Avenue, C:s�7erti.:zn, C?li�ornia f'a�;e 1 Te1e �:zone : 252-!+505 ?•iINUTES OF T:;E ADJOliR:�:':�D R�'GULAR P:.A"i��T�;G COrL�tISSTOi+ << F�T�(i �Ci:�:LD OP; JL'+:�L 14, 1'>72 I`� T�:l� COC;NCZL C�.�1:`:�ER, CITY HALL CLP�RTIV��, CAi,IF'ORi�IA T?�e meeti_n� Taas called to order o5 Ctiairmari �uther_uth at 7:32 P:�I. P.OLL CALL CorTM?.�i. present: qri�.ms, Gat�o (7 :45) , iiell_is, Chairrna^ �:uther.�.zth Comm. absent: 0'neeTe Staff present : Dir�ctor. of � lannin5 and Deve]_o�fient Sis':: (�' :/�S) Assistant Cit,a Attorney (7:!��) Assistant Plann��r Co::an Associate F:ng� neer ��'i�te� Recordin� �ecretur;� Loiv �.n��aa.rc;�� :;F.��' :�USIid�SS l. Con��icler�tian ci a�iendr�tent to cor.ditio.i�. o` a»p�oval attac�e� t�' �PP, :�c_ati�r.s ��-Z--71, 6-V-7�_ and 1.��-T'rl--il -- i'ez.n'n�ton- .. � Ca�:ialda; �.ope�t_�r located �:-est�r.i;- of and au�acer�c to F�azu}� Lane, appro::i:�att�l>� �00 feet nortr of S�evens Creeri Rlvd. The Assistant Planr.er eYplained that ir_ order for '�`r. Pennin=ton Harsh:�, �O ��; able to C��VE�J�? :!1S PY'O�ET't�' �?2 .1c?� Y ' a-�� LTOIlt,?:,E'_ � 2�r��G=i1�C? , to ur. c..0 � _ fror,� �ir. Car�iarda; tiiererore, the Ca::.ardn land:=, �.re izlcl_ured in t:�e tent�tive map. ^�1r. �'ennin�ton ieels there is a har.d�:h�p :�ere be�.aus� M� . Camarcia is not prepared to develop ni� proper ty� a� tni; . ti;�? a�id he does not ;ai�h to put in the �treet ir,ipro5���7ent.s at tili time. �'t�e Associate �IIb1R�e1 said the Department nf F���lic �•�ori:s �� Re,=:�ons3_����.t .,YEL'�aT�C�i t0 accept OR1.`-' CIIE.' dedicatior_ c�t t�11S t�'IlC' LL"O."`. �.�i?i18rC�S LCT i.'..?;;1:?i=.U^ ��_nce O111V a minor amount O� IS'_:Q 1.� 1riVO�VE<i lii tili S Fi'�� i1.CStl'Jil. � c'7?;:i i_':'�Y�,V :,P2i1�: Coz:um. �Iel.iis �u�stioned �ahat �:iarar.tee the Cit�� �ac�_�� d then h.:jve as to pay^;ent for tize improve:�ent� ,?a`�ene�.�er ttzey �re ?>Lr in. D15CL15S�DI1 t011.00dE'.(�. 1.'lE t�S51::t�:lt r2C� f�� �Oi,�:°y .±dl�{ t:l� l.'1t.;' does not jeo�ardiz� itself in a::5� :aay b}> not acceA�tir�;; t't�e de.�ica-- tion right-of-�aa} . PG-64 MINiJTES OF �r�ir JTJPdL 14, 1972 ADJOURN�D REGUI,AR PLANNI:•aG COPL^tI5SI0^1 MEETING Page 2 ��ppli.cant A1r. Robert O�dham, Civil Engineer ��lith Mar:: Thomas Associates, San Jose, doesn`t want said the reason r_hey want to hold o�f witil the dedication of the to bother Caraarda nroperty is that Mr. Camarda is o�✓er 8C v�ars old and liis elderl;� only desire at this ti::le is to be left alone to live cut his life on .�Ir. Ca:�arda his property. l:e is an old-time rancher and prob.abl•: ;�ouldn't under- stand if someone tr�ed to ex�lain tilis �,�tter to him. Mr. Oldha�l couldn`t see any advantage cr disadva:ta;e ahether or not the 10 feet are dedi.cated at this tirne, If_ the prcpert-�- re�;a.ins in the ha:ids of Ca�:�arda and an LID is forrn�d to improve Vista Drive, t'.ze matter �aill resolve itself . All land f or tiie street dedication u.�culd �iave to be acquired For ti�e LID, and if this property is dedicated now, it �JOUId be that much less to credit to the propert,� o�m�r at LID time, Unir.�proved The Associate Engineer said the Uniraproved Street Or<�inance will go S�reet Orc�. into effect probably after the micdle o� July. T'��e City miQht �aish to ge in and improve t::e street and collect for tne improve-�ents at the time the property is Zeveloped. A ma? sho��ing the plan line t�as studied. Tile P�a: n:ing Director said ir�provement or Vista Drive r�a;- be considered at t:le time the Torre _ Avenue extension is done. ' T�:rouoh the discussions, it appeared evident that ser:tething mi�st be done within t years. The a�plicant ?.;�as advised t:�at t:�e be<��. course of action NJOUld be for him to discuss the matteT �aith Mr. Car.larcia and/or his son, r1r. Penn:i7;gtcn inciicated that ti ;e is o� r_;ze essence. i�is • obli�`,ations are in and he :.ants to get goinr on hi� �eveloprye�t. Chairr�an ;3uthenuth noted tha� w;:atever ���as decided at ti�is meeting, Mr. Fennin;ton T,:ou1d have t��:�e to contact Mr. Ca�� be�ore the next City Council meeti_ng. rloved by Comm. GaLto, secor�ded by Cor Ne11is to reccm-nend to the City Council tr�at the Cit,� does in effect reruire ded�cation for future Taider�ing at this tire ar�d tt�e stardard conditions be amerded to a�1ow the apnlicant to defer any fina^�cial obli��ation,^ for the irnTrove-�ent of Vista Drive along parcel D and also to defer pa;T�ent of st.orr� drainage fees for parcel D until suc:� time as the prcperty develops. Amendment: rlade by Comm. Adams, seconded by Com�. Gatto to delete the word "defer" in t�ao places in the above r. and replace �f.Ti�t the word "delay" Vote on the ariez�dment : A�ES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, :�eliis, Chairm�_n Buthenutiz 1v0ES: None A�STNT : Comm. 0'I�eef e Ar.�endment carr �e�i, 4-0 MINUTLS OF THE AT�JOiJR��ED JUNF. 14, 19?2 PLLI:VNIN� COMi"t. �1EETING P�-64 Page 3 Vote on the r.zotion: AYES : Comm. A.dams, Gatto, ;:e11�s, C.iairman F�llt:��'Lll1t�1 i;OES : None A �S�:1T : Comm. 0 `.:�ef e Motion carried, 4--0 2. �*arf Report of Zoilin� Re;ulat�oiis Pertainin� to ti.e Keeping o£ :torses. The Assistant Planner referred to the starf rep�rt on this, He P�an;� cit�•r.ens 5aid t�� is recei_ving 2-3 calis per day �rom peop?_e r•,ho :•-azt to � �aant to k�ep 'nave iiarses on t�ieir prop:rr_y. Ri�'.�t no�;., RL O�din�nce sa�s no, norses A1 is the oniy zone at the present t;_ine in tize City of Cupert�no � where norses are all��aed. :�Ir. Martin ::asik, 11496 Lind}� Lane, Cupert�no, said he has l.� �cr in an Rl zone. Comm. Gatto wanted to �cnow ho�. much ].a�d is needed to co�iortabl; Factors to :e �c_eep a horse, and another factor he �e�.t sYhould be considerea L� consi.dered access to riding trails wit�lout goirlo down publ�c str.eets. � Cnai_rman Buthenuth said fiorses cause a satiitar. y proble-: and they I i?orses not are not very cumpati�le with nei�nbors. He �eel_s thF �resent i co-.naatihle ., ="ordznance is a �ood one. Com.�1. Ada�:s agreed. ::e also noted that � ir%residenc�s the Ordinance �:las enacted before the develoF�ent oi tais proper*_y.� Co�nm. ilellis �aas sympathetic �;;it=. those people �aiio �,�aant to keep Ci_t.; sh�u1-: horses. The C�ty should encourabe thi_s but it s:iould be done in e�tabL�s}t the proper pl_ace. �he .�:ould li�ce the Ci,tS� to loor� into ttle tra possibility of a trail system tor horsebac:� rid_n�. The Assistant Yianner ansc.ered Cnair��a� Buthenutn t'�.at t:�e City was co:�s�dering an ordina:�ce d couple of vears aro to prchibit :.orses on Ci�_y stre_ets, but it �tias never enacted. Comm. Gatto felt t�:at ::�e should have 4 zoni�g 1.�,tt�rn to provide Be•�'ic�te �:or iOr ilOT'SE':�. C.I1�L'iYI11.c1T1 iillt:IlC'ritlt:: iE'..Zt tilat WilE.'Li F7c St��t PI.SIiI11Ilg tT�_ilS =i1 .ilil_!.' ttie 'r�ill develop-�ent tiiis could be done. As p�ople dedicate tor streets in t:1e hills i�e �aould 1i�:e to :�a�,�� them .,:iso dedicate �o� riding trails '�or horse� and lor bir_,;cles. The �;taLf w_as aslcel to � nursue ttiis. As to the m�atter at: .�a.^.d, the A,si�tant Cit�r A�tor_ne�� Cul�1 the la�� is nrctty clea.r on tiLi_s wiier.eb; v:�u can't grant a�.�ariance *or t}ie�reason= stated. �tr. Kasik referred to Crcinanc� 506, but ;t i�as appointed rhat Ordinance did not apply to }i:i.s type zonin�,. ^�.- ;ii:dUTES OP Tl?'� JUi�F� �4, 197? �'�DJOUR�;L]) I'!.:1:\';�N�� CC�^"?1:;:�Lc?:. "ii.i:TI�;G t' �,:�� 4 Com-1. ::ellis s��id t?:e nuisa:.zce does not c�on'_�i.�7e itsel± t�i_t;1in � IlOrS° �7I0��1t'y� �lI1C_'�. �`IY'. :..i.i7.!: S�l�i `'<lmc_ �CVi),I.E: ��t:E.' �'lO�SG'S �_tid some 1_ike ,r,otorc}-cies; batii h�v �_;i^ ui�pl.ea:.::nt ._icle e_fects. 3. Discuss:�on of Revised 2onin� Orainance 2e��ie Schedule. �:`��,. ��ac� � it •.�as decided that Co--�;�. Gatto and Ci�:�rria:� Buthertith ;��u�d �•:�rk cn .' :E. �$t:� r_};e Open Sp�.ce Ordinar.ces. They will meet in the Conference Foom at :3� P:�1 ;:30 F:1 on 1:eci;:e:�dav Jui�� %�t:�. 4. Discussion: `Jrban �e Areu/Oper. �pace Ele-^.e:�t �'r.`�a�1 Jt''r'.'1Ce The Pi.aan�n;; Direct^r sr_ated that soor.er. �r ls�er t:�e Citv -::ill ado�t ,I r�� �:all �?'_" DeV e� O�)iT?�I?L : U L1CV . �i2 �,r3".t�G� t0 �? 1SCll �� �.•? _ttl tri°_ i'lannin� ., ..SCUSSIOT_1 � COi'L71SS].OI7 d:: ll2'i� 1R SF'1 J1Ce 3YE2 �:Tl'j �,Il llrD<3ri e?:^�I1S1011 ?:"E..'�; SS � rel3t°d ��O �3 C3ll1ta! 'T�i)I OVE'_;?1ei:t pro„ra-� . "`i7ei'C'� Oi :�Il� � t'�:lCe :13� e E'�eer, esta�lisi�eu and a�:��ted t�y �.AFCO. `�e do at t�::is t �:�� orovi.de � Lr�.=n ser�ice (�.•.�� ter) to the :'cr;:;:,ne-�te pr��pert_- and are'. consicc�ri��� ! tt:e p��ss�cilic�• o= ererc�sin� su�-�e cor.tro;_s �n : err iie �_s�ze:� ` � • - � � r . ; + i _ r R. �:� � t tilt. Co�.r.�ss_oners i� t?ev �el_ it is lo�,ical to con�irier Per,:��in�nt._ j : � in our urb-�:� de,�elopr.,ent area. Discuss�_on �cllo��:ed. � �'' Buther.�st�i noted ti�:aC ;�'e do net iiave a'r.e3v ?._11:1llSLC"; zone .J<<<___• at t'_:is tir��. ��,Oi'?'.^. �ictt0 C1025 IiOt ��E'_� tile �':?t-it? pE'.T::I�iI1CiiL"i? p10?a?IrV i?�3S tJ 1 J�' � (��!�lI�?tlt .'_11L0 011L SE.tV_lCt_ $7'P_a. jt ',��0111.C. �JE' 'tl;'_�1 Cc37:Lt31 =':i�i � � costs to �et tii��J ce up t? One i��poiL3ilt r__ues��.on to r°sclve � 1`_. W}iE'Tt' �ti•e ._�l ^ll� t:1� SP_'•;-CiS. 1�.0-:'':. _,c?1.11:� Sll"!;�'��E'(1 t.:13r UC.1t7��7 F 3 L"iCi•?C I�IlE? ZS 8 ICt,1C:.1 �C' parat_oil Oi Urb3: SF':V10E. 3T'C'<3S. 1:12 6 =�ad tiiin:� abcur tnat i�= �it coul�� di�-�cie properties. � J ��'a~s were : ttidi ed anei t:�:e m��c':-up of th�� n�li:� �,�< I"CV12':J� and serv�ce � - � arc�a lines ::-ere teztativel�� s�t. � ::::.��rt �F�rvi.ce s ni�v�cl by �omm. G��tto, sec:.z�yed �,� Cn;r!_. Ada^>; t'..zt t_ (,o-::-; _ss,�,n h.s - � n, ,_1 � n, � ; 1 a; � ;.- y_, i ... �. , . .__ ;.1 recom- � r��, e-.c�c. tl�� pr-�esc�d lir�a:� :.,.�rv_.ce �_rea 1_ ..� � �co:,r t� �he , �_�;i to ; Cit.;� C-�u:�ci1. i. :� :. . �. �_ ..� .L � ���. �'. � . C.O'"1T� . Av ci'� ,> > lJ •i t t U � :� E.' � 1. .L .r � �.: i �1 _ � ' ? : . :1 1: �. . : r 11'.i .~. : i r S . - J , . R .. �S : .;c�e I t1:'��.::T: Co�r:n. 0'::eCfe � � , r� t '_;��*.io,z car�i�_�l, �; �1.DJ 0 UR:�:•� ;:: iT :`1QV�?d �:iy rURl�?:. �i3t�U� SE:C;:):'lt r' }�:' r(' _� :,_, ., '= ii'. �!;'•1:11 ,_C i ).17� t �lO C �"%i1 C:i 1 ;" :, � ! -, _,) ATTEST: ' APPRQVED: !/s/ k'rn. E. Ryder ^ /s/ �ohn W. 13uthent�th � City Clerk ' Cha�rman � �