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PC 06-12-72
c1 � �- oF c��� �ryr�a, s� tr�:. or �.1�,s ro � ��L ,��c,- ,, ?.(;.y;)� T�:rc�e �^ve_n�l.�, CE� ��rti:.:,, Ca�. _�_ � c'-,�E � m ' ���c � _� e.l �p:�oc�e : 2 `Z--�: �ua �'II:dUTES OF T: : I'i1:GU'_.:1R �:F::=Ti:v+; 0�� T���. PLP,?�ii�;I'.^��' Ci�."u`�.ISSION iIF,LD GP� Jli:i�: ! 2, 1;�7,_ i_:, T..._ �'�J���;C7.:. +;i?.F�,'�'�';�, C.ITi :i.ALL CU�'. �ALli?`:�R`+IA S��I,UTE TO T.:'' FLAG C'lz.�ir�n�n But;�enuti: cal��_d C'r�.e r.�eet_:�ry �� cr���r at ?:3'Z rri �.ii.t? the : alut;.� to *:_� F1ag. ~ �.OLL CALL Co^1m. presenr : Adar.�.s , Ga =te , 0 `::�e� e (7 :!+3! , .��e � lis , C:zair�:-:an ���:t Com�-n. a�sent : :�one � S�af� p��esei�t: Dir��ctor oi °Ia�r.in� a:�d ������l:�r�:.ent �is?: Assi�tant C��, t:~tc�ri:e�- m�rr: (,7 ,�+3) � Assz�:;tant P�an_�er Ca::an Deputy Ci*_v �lttorn�y _�illian (8:00) Associate Engineer (7:45) R�cordir.g v�c� eta:-y Lois in� � � � Ai'Pr.OVA.., �r MI�;UTES : Reguiar Ad=� o�lrred T1: et�ing �f ���Y; l S 5 1�72 � � Regular Mee*-n�; c,= �iay 22, 1972 � Re�ular Ad j ourned zleeti_no o r Ma�� 31 , �9 �� 2 � �. � .� � ,. .. � CildiYil'ic'ii1 .>U�CF?Tt�l�:l :3CCca�P_cj tflE: i11I'i11;.2S Gf :��T'l� �� 1972 Ti_�'C'r ! c�r'''_! ��Il r.7-3S ilt) iOrIIl3� V7.i".E' Oi ti="iS 8t_'t OF� M1:1:1CC .::2PCE? �r1 ni. fl��-"l' F.: t::� E iii:lil��ti 3�t:YC;";c I70�`. attend Cl��it: Ii1C.'2�=:1�, 3LId l:'lt 0�:1E'� �_. 4?e C:�i'i.��1��, 1i�x'; Tlc)t � aS i��1i_i E'i� 'r-�L.'f:;t ctl,�n1I1L�v' . DIl tilE L�3�j' [�.iC�. 1��1i.L''CES� C.C1P1I'.lo :�?illj S31:t ��i':E'_ �-i0i.:1 ��Ll(�r�� SIl('iJ.�CI ue 3c�C121 bCfOYE ��1e :JOrQ ��E'.R'';�TICe C?1 i�:r'. `.•t.t '11T1°_� r<3r�1, 2� OTI �E3�E.' i3. 0T? �?c1�TE? 1.�� �r�7 P�iY'3. �.'1_�S� i_:.�lE.' C.O�.'.^?. 1;7c3��.O :J0111:� i1LCc'. the word "i_oaer" replaced by t:.e c�:ord "::igher". j i � �IC?VE'C� } J�7 �.O:tlT:l. li3ttQ� �:'CC71'�E.'CE ''J1' l�.Ci,^.;;.. E�CiS:il:� i=C �tC����t� LI1P_ 1`�i�.:ULG.j :Z,:?;. �2 i�l.`:i:L'c:� of n1a5� ?_2, �_�; �, as correcteei_ � a��,.��cc�.d u= „ � .. L .: l� L E� .. �Ioti�o� ��_�rr �.�_� , 4_.0 � � � � PC•-G3 N(IN"tJTI�S UF THE REGUL,�tZ ri�I:T OF' TH�: 1'LA�i;JINv COr91`ilSSIGN Oi1 .IU\�: 12, 1972 Page 2 .�fa�- 31st Approval of the :�linutes of Ma,• 31, 1972, �vas contir.uc�d to the nert ?�1in�.�tes re.gular meeting. postponed POSTPCNEMENTS, etc.: Applications 9-Z-72 3I7r_' 9 — Ti t-72 0= L�mont E. [dillia�;s: ivitndra�on; to �e readverti_;;ed ror JulS 10 r�eeting. The Piannin�; Director also requested application 4-U-72 of ?�eit�i E. G:rner be �o�tponed t.o June 7_6 �ecause this proYerty i.s sti11 being discu�sed .at the St�te level. 9�-7.-72,9-T��i--72 :�oved by Comm. :�'ellis, seconc�ed by Co�^�n. Gatto to postpone arplicatior�s and 4-iJ-; � 9-'I,--?2 ar.d 9-Trt-72 to Jul.� 10, 1972; and tc gost;�or�e a�pl.icati_on 4-U-72 postponed to June 26, 1972, per the recon,�nenr,�lti�n or the 'lanning DirectoT•. I�otion carried, 4-0 tdRITTEN CO:�TUi�ICATIO�vS: Tliere �oere rione. `� OTtAL �OiZ^itiNICATIO:v'S : There were none. Pi;;�L CC ��EAP. �T1GS : 1. Cit of Cupertir.o : � ub Lic i�ear-;:g to car�s�_der :'rait of housing ele;nent t0 t�lE'. �'iG:1P_Y'3.� Yl�sri Firsfi Ilearin:� C0111=i.rillP_(�, The Assistarit Plani.er revie�,�ed nra:Et IV of the :iousir��; 1_.�_ler.ient o� the �upertino General Fla:�. �:t� said son:e oi tA�e chart:: on pa�es 1 thro:,g� 11 have �eezi c.iian�ed fror.� Draft II.�, tIe sa��d the action progr�_�: is f or �izcamin� . � Mrs. Joaii rTurp�z} 613 Homer, i�a�o Alto, of the M_rpeninsul�. Citizens For Fair :iousin„ pre::enteu a t:��e=i_ve--point t,ro�ra-1 t=:eir ^roup ��,isi the City of Cut ertir�o �-:euld adopr_ to i�elp e1ir.�ii?a�.e I:ousin�, , :�iscririnution: l. City agency �hou].d arr�.:,�e *_o :ia.ve a hi,�hl�; ���_:�i.ble da�l}- fair �"I011SLiI� 3ltV�ftl:�t'_i11�Tli:. r�.ciCE'(j �11 1C::�.1. R'.`.'-'��'^�s_�E'1`:i llY^:11a� 77r. �OY c3p$T'tiT.lE_'11t:S ?�?ii0 h�liC?VE.' ��"1('�1 t1aVE'_ '�t??_'!1 '�i:;;:;'_._`:�:l;�I:E� ;i4'�.'_:lc� CO Cc37.L 1"I�.r';: t0 S�'e.: Y'E'.��1�E'::ti� �:I7`� L�lE.'. ��i"� �3�' _.:'' ,:�'.C711�' �E?C'_: 8iF'_Y_r�.S:1V� aCr10T1 Stc1t('iflGllt OY 10�':� 1 COI[1 S�_1 'i�?31 t:;'tF':":?' G:'1.^.-i S 7.I7 2.1.1 %�'<<i E'i 1.1S1T"iU . 2. Clty S�"1011�d pc15S ordinunce YE'C'l.l' f 1T1�' .1'�ctrL:"'^li'�: ;`?�ri3� F�Y � FiIl�: rE 3iCOL5 �:a"V2 �7llSiTl@SS carci:, �Ilt�l r�ll.r :1011:�ir" ?t�ii=C�;'ti"it .gi1!: :`ZCF�:�`:, �)il,i1�' 1111Ii1�C'Y' OIl TeV('_TSE.' S1_!il? 811c1 ��VE'. :,c12".! �^ �'VC1':" ?��:'1:.•'.�3i:t, rL`�'E3�t1170 siiou_�1 r�r.uest Tri-Co��nt}� Apar ,'.ss^r:.'_a�--._.::i te �i �s,�la �, i 3ir :�ousing posters, titc. � i�I`iUTES OF TiiE JU�d1; 1'G, 1972, eLAiI�iING COrSi�'iISSlON Mi';T�TI'�1G I'C-63 I'��.-;e 3 3. Cupertino shoui_c' 1..'_�e::se a' l apart::��nt m�r.�;=ers/o�:mers who ; � -,1 ' 1 �•� , , -„ , .; �., ,1 � � � have p_ sstc. a.l e:>-:::ain<;t�.a.i. li.i� 1: ef_.ise ,..�. c. 't.e revoned or SllSPE'T1C�C'G UL�!:Ii CCIt.�� �-._.:��Lt�S vt?.clt �3. iI;�Tl?��'� i:=t� !j'._.^_'L1.P.ilI1?t2��. �ltj' Si1011�_! .>apport cl �.OLl?lt' ?:i� �.��a,��rs' i:Li::'.I1S1i1� �I'�i;Z'c''.'=�, 4. Apartment *�anaryer:; s;�ou1�: �e r.rq�s�_r.ed 'c,� Cr�i_.�ance to �r.airitain vacancy list �� anart-�ent nu;���er, ;_r:clu�;in�_ r_n± a�1d n�her_ ter�s au� conside: o� renta�. 5. Managers shotzld 5e requir��d ',� ;:rdinance to �;.^_ep a r_ecord. oii I'illIIl�cY'eCl I:Or�l� :�L'��? �.�-C� Jy` t.1P Cl'�.T' Oi t�'i�_ rilli!1�.)<�?"S OI 3?aflZ'L.i[iP_ri S S:lOiJ.^.� Cjc�tC' SIL:: tLiil2 Si1QG�?Il� C1�lt.F? 2`7111c��J�.G'� E�'i:C. b. City should estab:�1�.5h a laan ��,ind a�'a�.lab �_� ioY ap� 1_ca.nts �Jho �eiieve they'�.�� b_�e.: di�cri:�in=�ted a�,a�nst �.o � an attorney. 7. City� Attorney s��ouica parti.cipute iil fa�r �iou�in�� :�uits. 8. City stiotild take posit�or.s on ':t�.te legisla*_i. n re � a.t�_;.; to loca� invoivement in f air hos��_n� matters . 9. City sh.o�.ild establisii an educat �ona? proJra��� to exn?.a�.n to , apart,ment owners/r�anagers ti�eir ri ;hts an;i obl� � a.ti_ans unde: State and Federal Fair ;.;ousin;� �at 1�. Cit� shoulcl en��a�;e 1_Il ar affir�?at:_-:e action pre�ra--� te ir.forri -' r�.inarit�� grouu me�:bers t:_at tair housing la°: � �_n bot`i sale� ar.d re.itals will b<� in�orced �n Cup��rtino . 7 l. City shoul.d encouruge aoartr;:ent :-�a*:a^ers of lar�er comp� exes � to e:�ploy r�inorit;.� niana.gers, assistu.:ts or rental sta�f. � 12. City should encour.�.�e cther local cor.ununiLle.s to adopt simila:. comprehens�ve fair housin�; proffra..:�s and orc.i.na:�c.es. Comm. �,'ellis a:���ed. if. Mr �.:�1;:rphy l�a.d been in ccnt.=xct -���.t;� the rlanning Pol�c; C�mmi.ttee on tnis JIZ° s=_i:= t}:e_ :za-?. Comm. 0`::eeie felt ti�at �c�me. o� thF� su����st_oi�s p�rli�; �:�.ent beyond thc. at:t��.ority of tne Plannin; Comr:�ission; e.�. , basi�ess cards �:�it�i Aair housi::� stater�ent. Comm. Gatt�� asked how lar�e th� a�art_le::t comnl� re� ��ere that she referreci to. Mrs. T'Iur.p.�y sai.d iu wculd conce_ l�s units an:i above ��12 suggeste tI13t �)F_'L�te L"ii11"C.ic3�;�li: c1It c3��)�Yt'tE'_i�l' CG'?�lEr � tI1F' bu_yer must pass tlie iice:..^e °.�a.a_i.n.st�o�.. . � � i � � PC-�3 MIivUTES UF T1IE JUNE IZ, 1972 PLAN.II,1' COA'��TISSIQ?V �iEE'"ING Pagc 4 Difficult to Comn. Adams :aas in favor of so,ne a.ctivity ta IZe]_p instire �air housin� e.irorce p.ractices; izow�:ver, �i� tel_t ti,e p1a_l presented ;��ould be diAiicult to enforce. It could require a full-tir:e staf� ne_,ber. ?;o e:�a.�: T_�e Assistant City Attornev a�zs;.�e�_e1 Co��:�. A:iams that apart.nent r:ar.agers required are not ncw reauir`n b:� la.a to pass ��1 exa-:�inttion as su�; by by law �1rs. riurph_; . Chairma.i ruthenuth ���ante:�. to turn the reYOr* over to t}�e �ity Atto.rney a�_ t�iis ti.r�e `or com�:�e.nt. The Pla:�ninc Di�c�ctor said t111.S' was P10Y'e Of c? �luLOA� OT" c'lT'i E}.C.1?!1',;P._ Of 7.:ie�� OTl ti1E' subjeet 1t thi � poir�t. Th� Ass is tant Planner said r�� shou:i:� have sone t�� ne verbage speai:.ing to the t�ousing d�scrirtination in the secoriu drait o� the hausin� e]_ement. � y ;'et up C��mm. P�ellis .:�anted to �ee coordinnt.;_on bet�aeen t:i�s cira�t. and the cor.imittee fair �lousing rep��rt a.dop':ed or� ^1a�� 11, 1�72. `�`_le ��•oui�i liice te h�ve a cor..*nittee set up a:d suQ;,ested incl.udi.n.s J?id;- Cooper i�i this coz:mittee si�:ce s:�e has been sittin�, on the I;cusin� �dvisor : Co;�:.iittee. ' �t ��as c:eci,�ed a paragrap:� ���ould be added to th� action progra�s relating to d�scr�minar_�on. � Ap�rL.�lent '�trs. Arin Ar�ge�, M�nta Vi::ta, said she wus nor_ c_"� Yepr.esentin� c.�,-ner` s tli� Tri-� �c:int_ Apa.rtrient �:ouse tis:�o:�iation, a._! tii�u�h si�e is a me��b�r Stdi�'_irie.ltc� d'1(� (�peS �"laV� YErit31:�. � S8.1C1 t�1i? �S:�OCI.�t�Cri �1S � a1�J2VS enccura ic�.ti �"1'JllSt:14� T�lic3Ct1S('S. ::i1F? Sll�'�L'SLL'� _'_I1V�_Ciri}� L:lE.' t�SSOl:1�3ti0I1�S �ha:ir.�:an and;'or ASS:stant C}i<wir;:�.�n to tt:e ` sug��sred b_y Co-:::n. :'Ielli;:, �}it? 3150 :�{_'� r trtE'. L'ii.y ;!':011.'t_Cj �E'� lllpllt `ro- th� COl1T1t:S' u:::j 3.�.50 t0 �%3' C 311C� SeG �«<.3t Otr!eY' CitlE'S are GOlTl'; Ori �ji1S "1-1�LEr. St1E 3iSU DGSP:1 L''[12 ��L.�St-011 C� t?�7c'�t Y'E:C011T'S° �:i.°_ ����'�2"t�:iC;1t O:?rifY' ; 'r,.-�na;er :1c35 Fl�*?111St ` ':?1TlOi1+_V YPI2tEY�S 4.��10 C7?�_i:)cT3tE�'_�..:�' CIF3::t��L:` c11C� C�E-.St10�� pr0��?L"tj�. ���"LE' �{:�'It t�11.�'� W3ii 3 ti.'O�-::�<i�' StY'eF:t. r1C��it].OiiSl "�`�Y'. RO�ZY't �.:?tUEI�� 1�4�.� �..11Si101T1� CL'1)E:L"tlIIO wo�ild 1'!:e CO ilci�i2 i:.}lE? =�t'�3t.E:Tl�I7r � ��ilT 'f10llS1I1L? :?i�Gtc?:':F�;lt :L11CJ.i1C1E' "coon:�rate -. 1�}1 t�'lE lI1Ci1.'� 1:i�1ci1.S 1T7 ti12 !�.r�a and it.it iate nr � . ! � Chairmar.: �uthen�it?-� asl-:ed for f.urt':ier co^t :�r�-: t:�e a�zdience. There zrere none. P:ibl_ic I-i_�aring yioved by Com:n. Adaris, sece»ded '-u•.� C 0`_;ee;"r� to cio:�e. t:ic r'u�iic closed liearinps . Mot��•n c�:rr 5-0 � � t � � I�IINUT}_�',S OF 7'iiE TUNr 12, I9 i 2 -'_,A'::�, I:i:i CO`�iMIS'�IOid ��i�ETIidG � PC-63 7 � �dF,e 5 . 1 :lcved by Co�m. Ne1:l i.::, sec;,�,ded. by Co�:ra. Ad;��� � to recc-�:ne.nd t:o ti�.e f Dr_<�.� t IV ^�: City C^,unc:l ado��t�_oil c` Dra�t � of tne .iousi_n� Lle:�ent., Clated { F�ou=:�� �; c Juiie 12, 1972, � recc�,1:-�'.�i��Ie�1 to Ci�y Cour.ci� L-�i1'�� . �.^G.."'.. �1:Ie�i:S, ls_��LO� '_'uP_.�.�.t: � ��..EF.{Y� Ci1�l�.':'-1gri l�llt :£:Tlllt�l � � i :r�i"�S : �IOI7�' � i�ot �on carried, 5-G j 1 i T.ie rl.anni�� D.irector �aid t::? �a�r 'r�ous �t,�r.ement �:i11 be 1 adcled beiore it i� pre�e�:te1 to ti�� C:it� Caunc�l. � ; a � 1 �. Application 4�-U--12 �i �:e` t:L �.. Ga�-n��r ior L. �� �=er. t:o � 4-tT--72 � r_anstr.uct a 200 -unit motel and �-estatirant , a oan:., an�i � 1_76- a ti-os�.;or,�� `_�� � - urli.t ana� tme�t co:�ple> ::it=•�in a P �Pla�.nFd neve7_op-r_ent) acn�. � J�lne 2Et_� Said p: ept.rty is �.ocated �n ttte �out: . cualra.iL o` the j i.ntersecti.on ci � reeway 2�'0 arid Suzln�,-v��.'.e-Sa Rosd. i First. _'earin� j � ; V pO;�TPO�;ED TO Jt�:�.F. 26, �9?2. � � 6 � 3. Application to A-_,end Use Peri_iit 26-li-; 2 of �tone�on Developiner�C; � Garporaticn t:o cc_istrt.�ct a::��oppin�- ce�ltF:r. �aid property i.s i , in a P(F:ianned Deve� op��nt) coile a.�:i is l.ocate� .3t th� n�;-th- ; - . �, t � � , , � �, ,�- ' , �.est cornt.r o_ tc.e iiittr..e.ct'on of �te.-•��.i:� Cre�.�. ;;lt-d. an� � Mar; �ven�ze. First ::earin �. � The Pl.a�::nin� Di.rector sta*ed t:�?� tL�e prono:�ed �?.�lendr..�nt �s to � 2o-u-72 util_ize th� �nt:Lre site te con�t;.uct 66,20:� ���. �t. o: co:.lmerciai. 3 s:;;enc.;�enr space at�d 15,6�0 sn. ft. ot o::fi.ce space. Tiie �,`,�u0 sq, �:t. 1 restaurunt i s inclu�led in t'.�e 66, 20G ;�q . i t, ?= i��.�xe. He called attentioil to the stand ot matur.e oa�s on tht� t�r��perty. :10 t.ree � . can be removed caithout "r:-Contxo). approval. The original and the updated site plans ;oere rlaced on t..ze board. �ar, �.venue Mar�� Avenue t��.s been re.aii.gned so it goes :�1<;� �r �c tne iree��a;� r. eai_� :::ie:: extension. Co*�m. Ne.11is no�ed the new pl.an calis rar more s�ttare T:oot�ge. Inc; ea�e�i The Assistant Planner_ sai�l saici t:;e important t:�in�; �s tliat the � �,,.sare �ootao_ plan does i!�eEt the Ordiriance a� +�o parc:�ii�, ���c. , 1 Comm. Adams ��aas particularly conc�rned abou*_ preserv�.n� ti:e oalcs. ��1t�' SU�aE'SteCi ��1� St�iri CiieCi� r�"lE'. :i COiluii.l()Tl"= 011 the r ic3rir Callendar applicatiori:_� reoardin;_; r.reservat:o_�. o� t:�e trees. i � i � pr�-6; MI��UTES Or TiiE JU:�E 12, 1�?2 YLAi;.]ING CO��i�SSI0�1 r1;.1:TING nag� 6 Comm. Nel.lis asked for clar�_fication o:: the land:�caped are3 incorporating 5 Feet �f strc`t rir;ht--at�-v;�:y. '!':�e ��_lu:;n:.n� D.irector sa �d ther-e wi11 be 13 feet of landsc�j.t e:i area a?�ing �te;rens Creek �:�lvd and 7: c�et_ of_ l��n�i- scaped area along the rear o� the prerert;-. SuY<.rinarket Mr. Robert Page, l�rciiitec*, 1012i Par:.��oo�' Dri�,��, Cu.pertin�, effered elir:iinated to answer any questions. He sai� tize basic �,i��erence in the tT-fo plans from plan is that now tney :�a�:�e el:irainated t�e �u �er;�ari:et and have conccntrated on s^�aJ_1, spec�alty shops. In ::�ost cacc�s the entranc�s �:i11 be �rom the -;all. 'rize land�cape piaAi :ai..l? incl_u��e., rocks, bo��iders, �ovin<,_ ��.�ater, ;noundinb, and they have increased tiieir tree plan. �m311 s:�ops The small shops �a�l_1 be sim�lar to tilose in Vailco Villa+:.e. �asi.call�•, tlle etfices will all 'be on tize ::ec.o:�d floor. �ir. Pabe rLoted that the stcres �•r.il.l llav� te �e ser�,�iced t:�rous;n tre r"ront door, �5 i� cuite p COIl1�i0I1 t�1?�(.' C�8";�. i)lll.l��'._I1L �i3tE'I"1315 T�7111 �JE.' S ii;r)Gc3t O{ tIlOSE? De�_l:� i used an tiie Saridpip�r Restaurant. i I,:�.�d5cape plan ( Landscape Architect L`a�� id ���ld* , San Franci;:�o, pr ���ente�i so:�?e c��lo,-e_{ � drawings ot tlia land�cape plan. He e�cpla�ned his neti�od tor �re;��r���iz�'`, I tile oaks. `l'.iere ;;i7_1 bc� ;�oun:iiii� 31o:z, i�1.�.ry .�vent,e, ;�it�: trees arid� shrubs r_o prov�d�� some scre�ilii�� o� th� s:�oppin� c�r.ter. Ti�er_e �,�il'L be C�:�3I11 li_nk tt.riC:�17^ �3�.�:1� l.:iE'. �t2��+�3'�' n.ri�i iJ�' ���Ll�_ 'JE'_ �`IaTltf?�j 1_1 t�13`� c]Y23 �3:i WE?�l c1S tY'C?E.'S iiI1Q :=�ILU't7S. A�-OClf; St:L't°_T1S I,YP_E',-� :'z�.1V�j. they �•J1..L1 ��ounci abaut 3 ieet h�f;h to the 1,�ft cf_ t::e entraricc� and "1_ tee.t hi� t� � C�lE3 Yl-:.�1i: °:i_C�E: T✓.''lt=�:� 50":? �i111Ct.1S :i011 Oi= �.13 �t1Tlk�£'� . iiE? ;�.'_� �:l:t�` :�1i1St. . �`YOVl.cl� <^,CIc,C�1J<3(:t? S1,^�ll: (j].SC'.31:C2 fYO:?1 i)O�'.i :11YE?Ct:�.C:l.� ��,' r':iF_' E1�ri:,3T?rE'. 1 C'�iC'.:�rY'1;3I1 f C.O�Il'_T1. � ';�:?cl`i I�1tE'Y'P.St':'_�1 1?1 ti:E.' p10`7_;�iOilS T�`i 'E'. LS�L" C.�'.C�:=S�T1%??Z j:i3�L1C � tYc3ff1C� ��,�)�C���-i.�' :�111C�' t�?1S 1� ^nC'i0.�� tIZE? StY..C:� iYCITl 1�C'_ t�11I3 COl�..E.'��'. �'LT'. :iE'.I.tjt Sclid S�`'.1C1 l.C1C'r'? 1ti %3 ��3:1Cj�i�c1'<�E'_d � CO� :�3 LL�:'"'L1V t0 �1�.�1�'i' ti:�� T�SL�IIL"c'�I:t <?r tr1C_' :!��i_11 ;�t"tL1`c1P.Ct? �O 1:ilE: 1".1�3�.1. L:.E'_� y�1�1t1 i�Q �;'O?":. TJIC�1 �tlt? �T.'1�ieS CJ11e11 C'^IISY_1']Ct 1T"i�a ri1F_' i��1�1.Cj 1.I1'� i� <?IIu ti1C:YE'. 'Jl'll. tic? i yST1t11��S at the stens aild/�r r.��mps as the e-levat�`��n chan�,es. __'l:t�? ( C0�11P.. �`r'?I.ZiS SllF?Z'f�St.�Ci �G:il�' �J7"OV1SlOt1 '._^E'_ iT'i�iC��' for t)l�e t'�3tt1('. ti8.f r1C Comm. 0`h.e�fe is c:.oncer.ne�_1 .�.�er.e cur cc�:iters are or �_ei�te;: to�<:ard onl.y da; tirc�_ hours. "�Sr. �:el:lr_ �� i_� ' � � r: � ,, • � ;,h��ps open � a 1 t:��� t"e c. �.s t :Za. L,li_ I.I?tFY 111 t:iC' E'.�iE'71:1.I7' j �.t. 1.:> .3 !^,?t�Ci" O.. i�l.t�ClIl�i ;E'. �.i1c31YIIi811 �L�:1E?Tl?1t�"1 �3S�:CC� tGi CC':Ti:��ZC:it� rYO;l l:'iE'. :3'.'.Ul_�'IiCt?. l:Z�.LI� �-IE_'rC? none. Public I�eari_ng � �loved by Comm. Gatto, seco-�.ded hy Cr„-�:,�. A�;ja-:��� to cl.os� tLe Public closed H�arin�. �1ot.i_ori c�.?-r� �ci, �--� � , MI�vUTLS OF T�iE Ji1N:� 12, 1972 I`LA:d`�I;+G CC;'L`��IS�TU�ti i`:L�'r'�TING PC-63 Fa;,e i Comm. Ada^s wurited to ad-i a condit�on �o t:�is :i�pi.ir_ation similar to that cond�ti.��n of t_he Mar�.e Ca:l_en�ar applic_at:ien .r_e-;ardin;; t��e ( tree preserva`ion.. ► :� -, • � `� - 1: m, • �• � Comm. � � eefe �..-�u:�d li���. tn_ sr_alt to �. �e so�._e cempar:.son� t'riis pr�j �ct and �;e A-zza Co;1F_�,;�� pY��or to _.-:,o�:�ro� r�vie.a. Comm. Gat+o fel� t::is :aas an up;ra:ling o� t':1� o� p�an. rSOVECj :`y COT�iIil. :.'c_'il.i i� S:^_COIICIE,'CI O<' �,'C�P'x"? Gatte �C: YE`CO::�il'.P_I1Q r0 rC12� 20—U City Council. approval o* appi�cat�on ZJ subject to tiie condi ! ap�_�oved tions indicated in the June �th stai:� .:e,_c. � w/conditions AXFS: Cor�m. Adams, Gatto, ;Vel.l�s, 0':�ee�e, �hair*:lan But:Zeciuth N�ES : i`one Motion carried, �-0 Mliv''UTE OiiPER: Moved by Comm. �dar��s, secon��ed by Ca�n. Gatto to reciues� L'-Contrcl �`linute Order t:� re,�iew the ianci�car;ir:e requir�r,ents aad compare t:ze:n �:itn �_he .:--Control Marie Callendar applzcatiori as to the preservation �` the oaks� � Motion carried, 5-� 4. Applicatii�n 11-7.-J2 of Carl R. Munsey for prezonino 3.1+ acres from R3--2.7 (Reside?itial, Multipl.�, 2,700 sq, i per d: � unit) to R2-4.25 �Residenti�l, Duplex, !+ s�. ft. per d���e11_' ing unit) . Sa�d property is located c;�steriy e�= and adjacer1*_ to Foorhill �lvd. bet:�:eeri Vcss Avenue and Al�a'de Road. First Hearing. . S. Applicat�_on 10--T��1-72 or Carl R. ?�lunse�� ±or Ter.tative Map to d�vide 6.1_25 a�:res � nto t�:�el��e lots . �aid gr�peL: ty is p�ezcne� � R3-2.7 (�;esiiential, '�Iu1t�_ple, 2,700 sq. �t� per u�.�ell�ng Lllllt and is locateci ���esterly of aa:l �d�acent to Footiiill �lvd. betcaeen Voss :lvenue and A1.ca �_de Road. First �=ear �n�. The Plannino Director sa�d t'�is propez•t_: i:.� unde.r Cotint,a �ur_is�i.�.c- 'Kariar.ists cr,�n tio:ti at t:�e pres�nt= ti.�ne. I,ot J..2 is .still oc�ned b� Lt :�13r�cnis�s Lot 1"' T:Ze:� ar� as'.Kir.�; t�r a de�er:�7�:nt o� t:ie requir�_ment to �ond a.lon; Alca?_;�^ as to r_�le uiirler;roundi��v oi �itil.ii-ies �nc tile _:torm drain re�uir_er�:.nt .�lo�:�,� L��t 12. '��r. *•tun ��y �,•�:?:it� t� r:iz e]_evrn conventional dup`iex lots on t���� easter�y 3,12 acr�� p��.rcel. �inc� a se�,T.ent or �ne ��esrerly 3+ a�re parcel is to be purchased b;' the duplex deveiop�r, the pro���:: t5� is inclu•aed in the te::t��ive niap 3rYil cat�o.�. PC�-63 MI1VLiTES OF �I;� JUI1E 12, 1�72 PL:'�NNING COi•�2iSSI0N P��r'.LTIi�� Pa,;e 3 Mr. Carl Muns�y, 255;' Dumbarton Avenue, San Jose, s�i<i the p.lan is for one- and ti�0 c�ll ple}:es . Chairman Luthenuth astced fer cori;aents from the a,ldi�nc.e. There t��ere none. Pu'� �ic Hear� ng ?�loved Uy Comm. Nellis, �econded by Co�-i.^� 0' �ee_`e t� clo�e the Public closed Hearings. .Motion carried, 5-0 7_1-�Z-72 Mo�•ed by Com^�. Ada-.�s , seconde� by Comm. i,atto to reco:�:m�nd to the City a�r_roved Council approval ot application 11-Z�-72. AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nelli�, 0 Chairman �3ut:!enuth NOES: None �Iotion carried, 5-0 . tO-�-Ti�1-72 i•loved �iy Comri. N�llis, secor�d�� by Com_n. Gatto to reco-rs,iend to the City an��oved Council approval ct a�plicat�_on 10-'T.��- 72 with cenditi.ons 1 t�lrou:?h 15 �a;condit�on.� as stated in the June 9, 1972 staf� me:�o. AYES: Ce,:rLm. A.da:�5 Gatto, :vel�_i�, 0`I:ee=e, Chair-naa -�utizenuth NOES: None Mot:ior, c.arried, 5-0 6. Applications 9�-Z�-72 and 9-Tl`t-�-?2 0` L�r E. ��;`_�ilia�s for (lj Prezonin� approx:r,�atel�; . �8 ��cre iro� Count,.- ��1-40 and approxirnarely ? 3. 02 acres �_ro:; i3Ol1I1t P zonin ; to A1-43 ('�_�ricul�ural_-Res �de:�ti.al, :,�in�l.e.-�a-�_? �.y, one�-zcre lots) ; (2; Te��tativ� :iap to su��divide 14.4 acre� ir,to ni_n° Rl J_ots. Said pro��ert;� �s locat�L•d n��rt:�erly c� the -�;�`ster�_y ter_minus ux: Linciy Lane. Fi_r�t r�eari:ig. Postponed to Ju1� �0, 1972. i Chairnian �uti:enuth cailed a � eces�� a4 9:3� ;"�i. T:�e m�_et _ng recenvened at 9:45 F:�. P•tI�vUTES OF T::E .iU:1�: 12, 1.9; '� FLA�i���IG Cn`L'�ISSICr:1 M:.::TI.:�s PC-�3 , Pa�;e 9 7, �pplicGtio:. 1C--Z--; �^� ,,��.. �pLz F. Bro.�m �or rezo,zintr i1.2+ 3CL'L'S from ::�--�_� ��ZF?S1C�E_?C:_.�z_ :�1I1,"i�°�3_":'_l:�'� 117�. S^ uare fEE:t UE'I' G'.JE:'i.�'.�1;; �1i.lt) � �.7�' c�.CYc"5 i�Y'G:: h'3 �'cZE.'SiC�EI1t1�I,� Z`tlli�_lPlE. CC�i;VE'.'it.l'�I:ci .. � ._.' � � �.i� =:ClU�iY'E� :'.�_'E,'t �JE:r �.';E'_Ii1Ilj:� llIllt� f 2.5 dCT('S '�?"OT�1 ,'.�i!_ �L,'._'_'il� �:1C1'1 :tr'131� � �Otc�� ]_11F, �1.. ��1' cI.CT'E'.S �O bE.' 'LOri2:� �' �i'1Hi;llE_"�� nC:': �310D`:�i`li. :Ilt._: CO �: E'2"Ci.?.i dliti 1?_ctit industri.=�l _nt���:t� . .,�i�_ nropertti� is lccated w:. :t�rl�- of :�o Saratc�;a--��in:,, :�le R-�a�? ar.d �o.zr_:�_r_1-, c:: Gr��en? eat Avenu First ::e�.rirl;. A seric��� of --aps a�d t:�� �i'_e plan -ce�e � �aced r.,n the �oard. A Stree� pattern mo1e:1 0� the T�:-:;posal - •as a]_so �_�:n1a;�er�. T�te Plarnin_; '�i_ • ta_1kc.d about surrouildirr: lar�ci sser, at�a zonin,�. 11ie Cit,: Cnunc�l has adcpted a alan lin� �or. roads �•�ithi.n th.is ar�a: :��nd1E:y Dr_tve ancl the extens�on o� Torre Avenue, as i.�.rel� as i.r::�ro-�ernent o� Saratog�-Sunn} Road. T'tiere ;�:?..L1_ be a:z e�:�n�.i.or_ ��i Forest Aver•.ue, althot�h it �vi7_1 not g�� �hYoti�;h to the r�sidentiai area. �ta�i�ni Avenue w;_11 probabl.y not E�.x.tend into the. com-r.�rcial area. ii.E Sc37_(j �.i1E StSi:i 1.". CO�IC�ZLlE-'Cl c1S �O �i7E.' Illl^;:��'Y (�L :LYb C�1tS �2"Uiil this develc:�p, �er�L onto Sars�oga-Sunnv�y�ale Road and to prap�sed i3and:12y Avernle. Cnairman Bt�the?.utl� notecl tliat :ae are in t_:e mid,_st o` redoini our Fr.�cc�ai rca�>ter plan and �r�. t�i::n;� an.ot::er loa=� at= oui- co:�.- prooeYty pr�.�.atsre .'e�h�ps this �. rposal is premature. The Pla,znin� Di���ctor sai � t' _�as been t.aken ir.to ccnsideration, but the avpl�cant :�as the � i-i�i�t. i�o nake appi�cation artd the Ce,^.ir?iss�.oi. L�� �a�ce a iind_n.b. i•'�ESSY'S. ROJE'T't =i1::LP_y �3i1C1 IZ1Ci1drC� �tO�r'E:r'S� O� '_'3:J 3I1�1 � P�OP2�ty As4ociates �.•�er:e present at the r;eeLin�, a.� well as D~. �o_eph o� �.�ant a �YOG7L1 3:1� i1Y'. ZtSll UE'?l�i�tc3� OCJTler Ot Cll.�2I:t1Il0 i'�'1'":�erV. :�TY, j1tCl�.;P_Y: Ui71i1�:�� 1.1 iit said that the lI1Cr�3S�Q c7SSE'.S�'i:iCTi�S OI7 JdiStO';3 1I1��llSLY1°i R0�1d ha.ve 1Llc>tl�3tz7 ti:1S propo��al 3t C;�1S tl"'.�.. 1J1_rif_.' pYOt erty �2`.'�.' � er � O?JIlEYS 3r2 7.T1�'O�Vt�C� lIl t::J..' azid c"lY'�''. tY'VlIl� t0 CO:?lE.' lip LJlttl 8 i1i21— fi.ed develogment. Tt is a golden oppnrtunit, to �_t ttiis t;pe . of planned develop^�ent zone ir. this essentialiy undevelop�u ar�a. He said they would like to build a conesi�.�e deveicp-�:ent T��it:l the Mariani �:all. rir. :iawley �resented rol_oreu :�lide, o: the pr���osa1. Area 1 is far the tool rental yard - r:�aintenance sl�op -- �enera � of * ices and anirial I103�I.tFi (to '�e r�located tro�i :1rea 8 in th� ���ture) . Area ?. w�ll be a smail r��r.a: �;;enarr.�:e?�r stor.�e; �:rea 3 w�.1.1 i�e hore �uildin` and repair su;�ply; .'1r.ea 4-:�ii.l be a�z au�o_�.ative ctnter - diagno:�tic ce:�cer - t�_re sale,� -.�:u{�ier �?�.on - auto parts - auto repair. Area 5-��11. cor_ta. com*�� :�.�.ik��, s^ial? , rt'��?ll StOt�S � �-F'Stc"1llT'?.I1L' ; � clil�l �TO! �':=St'�t131 O? T_? �,�c . :�?�Ec O �J:L�.1. ;i%;.'Vt? the IiUT'SE'2:'V� OLtC�.:7O?"' �U?"T'e: tliTE: �.L7C� 73tJ.0 ';li; �"'�.;' S�iE?S � �OtC2Y'' 5f:0�7� �lft S�lO�S� ii�'Yi.Sr :1C?:1.'lY''_.U;1 "'LIrPi�E?S �Tlil t1.�J'!?}' �fi � ,?�„--;,3 �;INI?TES OF T?IE .TUNE ]_2, 157� ??t,ANNi_:��G CU`ir1I�S10N MI:��'CIi�G � �s;� 10 ' I'��o�iect There �aill be fou;- major saopr.i.�t.; courtyarls co:.i�ected b; broad, c�ncept tree-lirc�d ped��st_rian ma:L1s. ':,.c;l *^a?:i �.� t�zi�'_n,�ted ,.�i.th a TMajor bLii1C�111� �Oi1i1� SC:LE?llt S)"2<3`� Oi t.i C)r S113.Ci_ I'C�;�{ �T"O`J��li�� �2;^: and color r?i:o�igi. �ut the �rej ect. Tra� L�_c ,,�rc�,l?.tion p��tterns are si�ple and direct, �aith par�:in� �reas �:lj�cc�n� tc t'_�e buil�:inds th�y serve. `Tlie mult.i-��tory bu��_din,, -.rith its plaza i.n the front :•�oi.ild ��-;ve i.dentif.icat�.on *_� the uat�;:�a.y to t'..e Citv. T::�` pian encourages pedestrian aiid bi�ce `raffic. .�rea 8 no� Con.^�. :��:�11is asl:ed ?��zy �rea 8�,:.as n^t incl_ude1. The �rplicant said _":CL'�:C1F'd 1I1 tilat 1S �.'�1�rQ 4�? :?n:i.Tal :.ospital 1S pZ'�':�F'.iZti� ZOC3t:�'�l. �'�" Bro�.�-n i�}11S �''D �,clritS t0 iI1�iCG S�:1C'_ O� �Lle 1P_IOCc�.�lOri �2�OY'2 �:1V1I1� ?I� �2iS present location. Reloc<zte Dr. ^ro�an said the t�Tidening of :'i;�:.way 9�:Titl give us the opaortuni.ty Tool S11�d ' to relocate the Tool Shed ric.zt a-.?ay. Tile auto s-�p��y o:•, a niche ��nt� AYea 8. Ir� er.der to '�u�ld a 13r�e b>>i�d t:ie;� �•�ould 1 to � Pll?'C1:$SE'_ lt. T:i� T�?iQeT11I1�� O ..:igh-;ay �:711�_ i1�1:�2 lt �i: �1.C(1.1�: �O conduct business as they p r.eser.tl;� do. Corlm. Nellis a�lced ii Dr. �ro-,�n ��ere �ore or ?es� :a�sured t�e ?•JOU,,d .. . �et tne animal ��ospital relocate� ii :��,� �:��ul�.i incl.uue Arca 8:Ln �his � FD. Dr. �:ro;r.1 said t.1e develop::�en� of a;jacent pr_op:rt5 '.?O111C� r.la':� � develoPr�ent. o£ .Area S nore tenable. C and D i E��en tnou?�z parcels C ar.d D are not :included in th� p�.�n, Co�:^. ��d��s E.':':C.Ll1C.1EG� { CiUE`St:_O1'.E.C� t�"li Vi3�._'.i11.tV 1J1t}1GUt 1T1C:i11C'_�i^;� t::C'II?. TilE' d:Ci11�E,'C� CC)Il— • i � �'_'_'�,�t:Cl t�1�3t the pl"Q;)t?Ct 1S Qt'_�'E?10^1�i�� ��?1ri10l.lt t�1GSE'_ �Y'O^�YC12S. Co:::�. ''�t�llis waul� like to see areas C, D and 8 �.ncl.uded becau�,e it ����ould heln elirii.nate the str�p co-.����-cial thut e:;istr> ttlere no '�r. Br���.m said tne un�y ti:in;_; that �,�i:L1 ma�:e o�aner:� of C and D � do sor:lethin, ,.�ill be tlle rieve' opment of �:i ;}i�ti�ay 9 1 ' �i[1t_ 1:i1� 7.I7CTeRS2C� � 33SeSS1ilE?Tlt. liit. �00.1 �ileCl O?1 D �vt)il�.:j IIlOVE' t0 area l�3ilCj C'i:'�31:d� �?Il� � ti_en � would be vacant. � '1 ses:�rnent too � Comm. C=a.tto said tnere ar� so�ne areas �:� t=ze Valle;� tlist could ta'�ce ;:z for snir:e l�ctise�; th� �ievelo*?:�e.it .�f t'�e n::ca r�l�:,ter p? :n �li��ht ind�ca�c_ this. S1.'_'.?1C' tST:"ill}' ��Z . iliO�J17 fi?It t�115 CO:11C� }7� J��.I� 1_I7 L}7C' illtliTE' ZUt ]lOt LP. ril4' 171't':C.'C�7_3tn :lc)i11�5 .1C'T�? fu*ur:�. The 3S:;e5S['lE?11L" h::re .:_s ��� t)('_7' �.iCTe F3:1� ,.JL'7�� i,'3T]"3i1t a t:i�li ��ise a.part�neut builcin` but not si1i�:;le ia.�.il hornes . �;Ori1I11. ���:�e�f E.' 1S 111�GYE?St:E.'i� 1R 12c:V1!]� S�! E'_::�1' Ot t:l.i? Vni 1C�'1S 1�YUp21 t:'_e� . He said t:ie gene�a� plan het:ure the Cit�� n:�,�: ::u:�t `�e considerE.d. # f Chairmai.z B:It�1E'11llt�1 Sc3iC� 1iE'. ?'011' � ! : 1•:E'_ L:: :;i?;'' �t?c �'�_ �I?I11IlP �.OI :T'11SSlOi1 u0 OVE'i" the Genc '_l�l.l p1.3I1 �E'�02":'. Y��7^i�_1I7` I:1T;�,�_' l`31C�2�S. i�tii�U1LS OF T1[i� ,TUI'F 12. 19?2 P,'_A:v':dl�`+CT C()1�T.�1I:�5IO:d �iEETT'iIG PG-6 i Pa� 11 Ttte arcizitect Leel.� r_;li:� :.s a logical p�ac_ for. co�nn�.rcial use, Logical use :��r�� C�llEE t0 t�:E' fCP_E".;-iy lil��i'iC:1�3!1��= �il�l t�le 7rC�0�,'��i i"13T1c1i11 i'I�il�.. c3CYOSS t'r:E'_ Si.:I"£?F':'. �rit1S '.�^!1�;�. }):: ;tOT� OL 3?i <3`.;Sc,t: t0 lLt1E' Clty t_iS 3T1 c1�c1L'TII?��`-I1t (:0111^��'}:. 1)'�'. .'��I�Oi��Il %1C:_�E'_(j ti:3t i^'li..i70'.:t t:lE.' L1�� Uand7.e�• Drive ;•;��t.tl�i sto�� at are.� � anci :;;ra*o�.;a-�Sunnyvale Raad �aon't get ..id��ned. rlr It"lt IJE'.L13i:<2 � I���F�,�� ��7_�l �1'<3'�T':)Il<1 �7lli t� ���.L'3 L0�3 � OL�1I?;�� Oi the C.t�e?"t1170 C:l�c'.I"t1P.0 .:i�Y:=,�-'t"}�� 3�1_i; t--:iE'y lic7VE' �E:�Il �t }_ :�� ZOC�.t:lOTl I:O� 2-�{ ivUTSE'�_•i OIJilE.'Y�" yP_1T'S. 1..11 (1L�i?'I t:0 Sl1. t�1E �".i.TiC: OT. �T'G:?1�i1 L.ie; ::S`%E: E'X�eT1E'17C' CI St3Lf'ii12.I1tS t[lE'_�/ i13VG. i:c7Q tU :i1.'TEI'::�li j� c1Iii� ::[ll.%?r; f'_. AS �il' 'JY'O�eYt:;' 1L'iCY'E3S?S in �;�alue the taf.e:� .,o iip. 1_f .:i_�>';-Nay 9' "., 1�� their b . 4 LJ ��[- �' � f,.l l�J�� _iP_SS Cdll: �dL'E? t0 ��YO':?. Z'f:E?�' 32E' ��O�I1� tC� Ii�3VE'_ t0 Ci3V�� :�Oi?l2 lfirl'OVE9'.^,i._1t t;:�PE +�1c�1PES� 1-I: OT(�E.'Y' t:�. .�t<?ti' �: ti° :LS lI1tC'TE.'StE-'. i.n doin�; t::�e k;_nd:; of th inry � t ize;• �.:i �? �av�_ to cio ii:z ar� or_ r erJ_y f�iSr1i0I1. t':�r' �C1St311Ce� t'.�ey i1�iVE- l?E'f'_.: '•'1i'.t�_ll`; fOT �O:`?2t1C_E' �U pave their par::ing i ot t�ut have not beez ai�le to ro �o because they don't knew the �aic�th or ele��atien :peci�icat�un� for ::i�ciway � 9. ��'onur.. Gatto as�.`d the stafi T•-t;at tiie ieft-*_urn situation c�;:ill be �o�..b�_� leit. 1Ti ti11S sr.ea T.1E'_ t�1�ri111�.1;� UlYE'.CTOY S�1<:� �:?E' r.lajor dCCF' �5 [,;111 tUY'ri:3 �� Sl^''ia�_ pro�abl.y be at the si?::al., c��it:z ��c>>sbl.e l��t-tur.n�. A rne<'.ian str.iv �.ai a.:l. be � pa.rt o; the as:�es:_��ent c�1_strict. '?'`�e A.s::ociate i:ngireer said t:le firs alllt gr,es to the norther�y E'.I'ili Of 3T't,a �., t��`i�-.i? � rCE'S 3u t:c3r $S Uc3.� Z�V G'Y'E.ETl �i:�'✓c . CiZB.lr'P.13I1 �ilt't:�rllltCl 2S'K.t'� tOT COIP._T1�.S1tS iY'OPl t.il�v ullCil_t,.'1:C�. Mrs. �'�nn An;rer, 2°lonta Vista, said she was very L.l.caseu to�see Pl.ar_ned Dev. , :�O:il�'�Il� CO::1�' 1I: Giir[i r'�_cli`iT1E'C� ll�-Ve�_O'�i1E?Ilt :�ere r��t�lE'7' t}i��l 3 C1Eti'�.LO; ° �OOC� T(leTlt Of �3 ;:c�'?'lES O� SI!1311. �3T'CE?iS. �t1E? 3nY'E?E?S ti?Rt ul'�E.'Y't1P_O hc:S too much comm:�r. cial propert;�, bi.it not enou� : Yl.a*lned Develo; �ent. Th.E� Planninn �1.T�CtO� an S'tieY'eC� �Oi11"t. ��i:��i� tt13t. ti1�S 'JOlii� DE �,.ri opportunit;. to gut togetner t:.ese types or tises t�.at are not offer• d by Mariarii or any ot':zer cer.ters in t�.�s area. T'rie [��sociate Engine�r �,aid thF� asse�srnent di strict cDUl_d.. Le f or;:led ��ith 60% o� t:�e pr.�nerty o;�mers . Co�m. :�ellis observ��i that �.ac �aculd be. iorcing ar. assessTMent di.strict on areas 1 and 4�n or_Ger to serv:ic� the aujoz.�ing commercial zones. Chairr�an 3ut:lenut aslced what haL-�eris to pro?erties acros� the Stri.p con�;r.. stre�.t i£ '.�lar. �_ani Cent�r �oe� i.n fa-r1,� sooz. Tii� Plflllril.il:� Direc- usuril��:� develop� tUT' SF31C� t�:�S 1S t:l° :�-LP.�1 O�� situat:�.cn S'j'!:'_I"�" ..�?_'].D CO^?!":t�T'�13.1 3TOUIi� Oi'X'_r�1E'=�� g e�l�ra' �.V j'VE.10?'��. 7'l1E'. t',CC'::1�:�':Ci. ::±ui.C7. r.1E'_ O';;.lE?Y l� c�;T'i?C';1blE` �O Of :�t10��1.i1'� C:Lr_ til� illO�ji� 1.CS�lOi1S tO �'t1E:. �T3�.' 1C �3�!:eY:l� �I:�P.� GO^'.0 Ci t112 entrances; hoc�e��er, th��yr would prr�;:cr to t1ctV:' �t':�:; �E�i:t oven at th�_s time. pC-63 1`tINUTTS OF '��1: J�UNE 1.2, 1972 1'T.,ANN�I\C> C0;'L�ICSSIQ:V Mi�:I:TING ''a :;e 12 L Tl.e Plannin�; Director offered an add�tional co��d� t?.c�n sayin�, in e�sence, if tllere is a departure froni r:iis pl.an. t�l:� e�itire plan riust �e reconsi.dered. Us� cTed'an Cnairman ::uthenuth a�:ced ;��i1y the Diz of Public tlorl`s wants one, wide strip i.ere street along there ratizer than a meci;a.1 strip. Th�� Assoc:iste Engineer said perl�aps th� street section cou_ld be. �oidened and inc.orporate the median strip. ?ub? �_c :iear�ng �ioved b5� Comm. 0''r:eefc , seconded by Ccm:�. Gatto tc� close the Pt�bl.ic � los ed Heari.z ; . rlotion carriecl, 5-0 O�ser.v:ition� Comm. `vellis, � att.� and 0'::eefe see-:�ed to like the idea of the raedian strip in thi� area. Cha�rman '3ut:��nut:. sa�d '_-'D zonin� �s .niuch better tt�.an strai;ht corn, Co::��. Gatto said that ob�:i.ously a.l.ot o� tirae aiid effort �::�ve ;one into the �?resc�:.tatio.l seen t�ere. I�e does :�ot l.ike to see comrierc�al cori�pl_etely i�ol_ated fror.� ot:.e� t;=pes oi _- uses. A cornpiete cor,:merc.ial_ ue�:�elopme_zt �s not necessarily needed here tait_hout some residen�ial u�e inte;.�ra*_ed into tile klan. lv-Z-?2 Moved by Cor.�m. 0'keere, secon,�ed by Cor�.n. Adams to re.co.n�nend to the a: pruveci City Council app:-o��a i_ of arplicat �o� 1��-Z--7:? ��it'-i tl�e standarc?. �.;ccndit:_ons cor�dit;ons and cond.�tions 15 tl,rough 20 iil the s�afi tcpert and as � ��r�ended by the P_�_annin� Director at t:�.is .�:ee�in�. AYFS: Comm. Adaras, GaLto, :';e'.Iis, 0'L:ee�e, CY�airm�: B�ithenuth i•IOES : 'clone A'I�Lion carr � ed, 5-0 Chairman i3uthenutli called a recess at il:?0 P:�i. TIZe r.neeti�ig r.ec:»�aened at 11:40 P.•1. Cl�airman �uthe TlllrYl a:ir�ourice.ci that cltie to ti1� Lat� hc c�.�PE'11C�i3 ]_t�';115 �� 1_� and 1_�_ C��OUl(� bF_' pilt OVEi �O rt1t� a:'�]�`UrT1C.'<z I;l�:E_'L":ii14� a�� .�une 14t1i. U:�FIVZSiiED '�USI�IESS 8. A�glicat� on 9-U-7? o� C�i,:i�nin� %, C:�:. _;�;��n to allo•,Y c�cnst:;.�_�ction Of 5� ,460.squar :_ f:^-C_'t G�f O� j:iCf ::ii<'.i.� ].11 C[:'O 2—;���nr` r�i111C11T,��TSo Said pro;�ert}' is in a P(Pl.an.����3 Dej�c�;_,,^�,,�,:�,` z-�ne a.ni is lrcated at ttie sour_h�,rest corner oi t'�e in*ercect i_��i _,� R�::ri.�ues Avenue. an�1 Torre Avenuy. �IINLTES OF Ti:i�. JU�vF .':-�, 'i)i� �.'L�;i:�'tl�i�-� �0�;?1�S�I0;; il tC-63 Pa<e 13 �� f� � Fi ^ Y P_. �-. � i, ,; n� 1 -� � � i p� n r � �1 P._aiinin� Dir �.tor �i �r1 t:�._ �, :dc�li..n._.� �aY th�. CL.�er_tino i-�:?,��a� ret,�rn� Toc�r� CeilteT as a:±opt=_�d i�y tiie Ci.t;' Cc_:ncil, .e :a-i.�' t'�i.; appliCa— ':.�it:h €;�.iidelir; t�.OTl C.•8S YE.tllr"rlE'C� t^ Y�1C'_ i.0'."t;l�.i3��1_O!1 �Jj' t'..1�_' �.1t�7 L011T1C�1 ::OI' S:iC�li.l0:1�31 Y: J�n-J� Cci�_;1i1'� lilt.�:� CO11�,_ , �.t_'?"?1�.!.Oii �'.?':' 1i:0YE':?l.E'_T1t:1.OL1E'� . . , . . . . . �Ui_Clc'11I1.eS �_OT' �illt J^�Or� i_i�:'- 3C�s'�_'T11:-_, � �i):�l.i.��_iil� �iF1J_.`�(1CS � <3?�.:1 1 J111_I�.�iIl a..d parkiug lut c��r. i.cntat : an. Colored :.1ide:� of ti�c ,�eve_iopec.i �ort �eri o� t:.e 'rc-�:n Cent��t: �.•;ere Re:��.et; 5170T.7i1. �i'i"�lI1Sp'_1"CL1C'1� � ti�i0l:C3C� . i�U.I1��'.I11Z �l?1C� 13C_(�3Clirlll� 1T! �C'.18.t1QII tC] �.1Ilc_' Of `�J_tE' p' ��t ��::C� ':?" �.V;_Y' :.Il i=�i!". �:l�-i_l'Il3�.1 _ii1t11�P.11`��i 5��� t'�E: SCYC_('_r;1_Tlr; 7I LiZE? ��::�:1T?;� Ir_lr �;T%35 '��7'll�'.`� i.FIE main i-easor� ior the nr�vious d_�n �al. r1r. Channi�� Ci�.risman, �5-'� Geor�-ia, �:aio A1_to, n^ted t�lat :,creenin and vision c,�cli.ng are ttl�? t�•�o ;_ssu� � t;efc,t-e ��:_. ;?�.ai.nin; Conl-- miss:�on at this t�me. �'h. re �.:�ere nc _,�..idel �_n..:., -. ;•.�n �le 1. here � previously, .�_, displ_ayed a z:uz^ber o� a� �ernatE. �� te �1aii�, ea`h ! :,�it�r. their goc�d and aad r.oi_nts . He asl:el t�at t�l�� Co:���issior_ � cleteirTii n� what tlei glit:> o�. .�creenin,: t:.e�, � ,l.�si;-e over_ �:��aC pE'-YCr�I1L8��' Ui t'iit: �tY'E.'�. i C12��i1�.E'_CI 1�-1?:C�:�Cc? p�_dT1 ::ciS IlOt D�'-eTl prepareci beca;iUe of tne uncertai_n_.� e� the si.�e pl.an� T11". ��O �31`'� 1..01�1. i�;�iYkWi?OC� Dr_-`:G� �,i1i)t?i"t1.IlO� S�?1!� t�.iC?�� ;.F'E?i ��'lYSt propc StY011�?1'y' t�:1�� �. t„E' C)L'1�1T11i S�.LE� �Id71 1.: i::lE_' �10`_�t T_1117Ct:':_OTl<`��.. 1�'lE' lc :)�St blllLC�1.;7�S �iYE'_ �'�> 1E'.E.'t <li�3Yt '.��lt:: 3 t_E'Yrc9i:E'_CI 8Tc�1 �'.�t�dC.'°11 t�1P:1. T}�c: ori�inai_ pian tiad l��en a�tered to inc].u.�� 20 ��eet of lan�1— scapin^ acro�� fr.om Cit}� !:ai 1 and tli� .ta"�;scapin,_ cti Rod_ �;;��es _i�.�d al�o bee.n ?�:idenea. '.C:��e tr:�a.lis elf:_�lent ;��oui_:1 t.en.d t� brcak u; � t��ie t�ark_�n� v=istiall�.� irt� �our se;;T:erlts. t�:teY-riates 1_, �� a.n�i 3 rearran; thc place�ent o- t;�e b•_;iici'_nf COIT?^` �?`=�:ee£e 7?-:�.CCI 31t?YI73t'c3 .3 ��CcllS° ]_~ '.•ic2S Ut'-c°_Tl�c::� tO����IYu. �vE'�,�rl_3t-0,7S City :�all. Co:�lr:i, t�.da:-�s �, l t �che�:e '7. ;aas best oriented t��.�ar_d � C1tV =:i3il . r11' . �'.iiYlSIP,$T_1 5�11.C1 J.t I.OSt i.00 I:?��ily ?�:iL':�lll'.�� �)�_3CE'S . Comm. Ga�to sii��,ested .*_a_ici.ng one of the bu,�s a7-::�' ::�ovin� it t:-est and brinnin� the 7uil?�in:�s closer to Ci.ty `.:a11. Mr_ . Chrisrl��n said l�e woii]_d then be concerne;l ?bout d.isLr��uti.on oi= t:�e L a_r.nin^. H� saic3. To?an Cer.ter I:ane is reali_y �n ?cc�ss to t::e Dart�:���`; lot rather t:�an an actu:3i strE�et. i:e saici. ���e .<iust co.�_side� ��e totai vie�a rather L just fro�:i Cit�� :�a:_:1. .i� _:elt t:.at b� ��_�1:..i;�� the t bu�_1_din>� dow�l t.c,��ard Torr.e Aveiiue Tao�:l.d ter.�1 t� :�l.or��: r_h�. �, i.e�� ��� the City _iall, too. He said tlie alt� rnat: �v�:� pr.ovide instit_ut.iona landscaping rat!iE:r tiian a Plaza. He s<i�.d it is no* n�ces�arv to have 20 �eet nf landsc�i:�c�d seti�;:c',� c� scr.r_c�n t':�� c�rs, ii� thrn GIt'Tll' OVE'.Y' ti?E'. �11i�C' �;5� W�t[7 ti:E? �J111_�1:;_il�;�: G]_�CE'.:1 v.5 tt1E.'1% �,J�le . ori ;in�.l�;� and - .:it:�. �i�e�z tt�rn��.d 90 . . 1 " :.. i,� :�ll:vL'Ti:5 OF 'f::L JUNE 1�, 1972 i�...�.`:.;i:;� CO",it::}t�:: �Si�,::,T'I;�G 1' ;. �, �. � � ,_'::1: � � COI?`.':1. . E'll.l.�; :SI1C� t'���A:`l> f3`;�JrE'i� L:?:' nr r i??1 ''�8:i� �;1Lll L':•;CCIl'�E:a �°i'1.^.1E_�:'T' . ..� , �:'Cci i_3I1(�SC3�l.i;�` �,'C�� i11. �) � I�L_'G': G S3111 t:.L i ._ 1: PLr.�`�L'Ct �.I"C;1'1 �.� C\" .�3� �. � � �Iit_' libl�iT}'� cilld tilt�It'_ W1� 1. DC '_1��"1 : �E''.'E::`;i CCE'(_'!C �>>.'. _, il�_' i� t�ored : c: Z oeca�.i;e �t �.i���e5 ti:� t�;e _.c�t'•ac�:. �orc� �n i �ne �t:� t.�a[ o� the � C1t.�J I��ll.. IL l� F'iO.�SL'Jlt'_ ti:3r.. f••�� ;;1 ;:li: t::l"E: 2. 2''�'.".L:it.:li_ _F?.i :1TC':': near � i�ere. He coul:l r,ot a�cep; t:ie �act tila� �•e a�e l�cl.e�� ii�to .;e�.rin, around t'�� �ur_omobi�e. I?e i�':ced t::e p13z�-� ��3cin^ tt�� City i�all. � CC7Ti.Ti1. C£itt0 S31!�. }'Oli C311�L L1SE.' `i.,i� .=�:�ii�: _:.'!..�_Ii;; ?2X3i1,:�t?;;;;?tlt lri SCiIE.':'?2S �. 311C� �. _:�: fL'Lt SC(�t?.::�E'_ � G'3� �itl��l �:102.'G �;'p�-:�:bl�?. �l :t? �Ot:11C311? u�Ot?S :lrJt I13'J� r0 ��� OTl�Tlt�.C� t0 ROtlr__:'1C5. �1 l��tle ;;^i�' E":r:i3S�S to;�a_rd CIt:V .:31�_ .s01:� Q}`:. (i�S � ra J L�-. ifi15 �OL �.(� l`�l. ciCCO:".�1.:_�i:l�?(� t l�:' tc3i�;lTlj Oi7P_ e�011� �.�.' I"OW Ot �3:"�:1R ir0�7 t(:E'_ 1.JTr'P_ r�`.'C�ll:le? �1C'_E'_ 31.C? �TiOVlll� it t0 t�e �,esL sicje. C`?,:ir-nar: iuti�eniit:� : i_:;e_:, ��c'.:e�::t ?�,c�cau7e t'r:�_> tr�_1_�:�e� �:el� re.lieve �..iE_' V�G'.' O'_ Iiil Y_i1�:�C� Cc:."= 111 t�i�' U-l"�:ii1� i_O�. C.,Oe`il-". ��c�:'_t?tP S.'�1(j s�tE.'1'i13Lt. � 1S illOre y�T:1:i<'_r1�C%�1. __...lil;�_rP. .�._ �:?r. C��T'LS"'��11 Of_E''_rE'.C� �O E'_�1T;!I'.3tt? 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J� ,CT(_�^;i::cj j)iuilr�:�:; GL_�l�t:'�ll ?!OP.,' -Ut"�:? 3':i: ;ZO.li��,;l�; u::_OL"��.i;h i3 .:l'.1i.illl'. O� 7�;o r0�'<tT Cllt:)ii (�i :31i. r:3�:��Ili �_TE'. . :�lt�C . COill:;i. C�(11:?IlS �'��it2:0 S �� l��:c=_? e _'r'�.? 1S .� .�0�5 : �.:131?'�i1311 �11t11Ci 1t�;? ( ?`lU� i0ii C,"iYY ?_('l� , �; _�_ i ����.JOT�r.:�:sr::�r I :Tp'I�_Q i7:y� vC".1'l. i�:i,?i�' � :��O:.�i (;C• _ .. �. . :.., C �'. . �.' ;Y:l r.[�C' :�.��tll'�. to ,:e�ir�e�day, Ju: � 1.4, .:;i2. '�i� r .. _ .. ; .�.. . ;:` ...J :^,;�.. 'tiOt_C1? C"3C_._� S '�•-!:) ATTEST : APYR.OV?:D : /s/ Wm. E._Ryder � �,_ /s/ John I-7. Buttienut}i _ C�LTY CL�:RK �' Cltrllit?�SAN