PC 05-22-72 !
Stai_e a.f_ i;�.l i.for.�i.a PC -����-
C1Ti' Or' C[fP�?R�I'1."v, _ . ' '
i�?3C;C� "!'orre� t���en�.r�, ::nperti::a, Caiirornia Pa�,:;e J
i �l i:.r�l0ile ; 2 ;�� �)
� - �r � .t• --� �r ti � �^L r, 7�T �r• �
r�Ii��Tf?,S C1F' 1<< '.:?C�.,,^t: r,1�.rI'L���:� JF 1?E ri;Al�vL:`„_� CO�L�:IS_� ,-
f'�Ll) OiJ "'i�X �'`_' � ].'� I? � [�r .,.iA? COL�1C?L Ci:f1�1`:J:R, C1_lY :iALL
SALCJix: '?'0 T:�E F1�AC;
.�ctin� Chairma<�1 l,uthenui.}1 cal�eci th� ^eetin�, to �.rder at �;JO P.:�I. j
t,aith c.h� Salute t�c ti�•: Flag. �
OATii OF t�rFIC;_: TO N��:�i C0�IMISSiONT�P.S
Director of �`.dministrative Services Ry� er a�.?ninistrat<d tre 0=��_h ci-� 7atii a�: {)�f�_c.:
Of.�ice �� nF��:� Com�.ii:�sioners :1�ar,,, Ga'�t.i�, `1e?1 is an�i �`�;eei� . �
xoLL c�;�L �
i +
CO!i�l. �YC'.�=��"l.i� � i';'e2�n.0 � ��Z�.r; � ''d�'�11�;, (l�''�E?E't� � S"�Ll�'ilc Zllt�; 7
Comm. ausent: None �
Staff IJYESeIlt LiY�ector of F�d�ini�tr:ative : ervices Ryder
.-- �ssistant Ci�y Attorney Terry
Director oE Plannir<< ar.d De Sisic �
� Traf f i.0 �:ng� neer Grig�
Assistant P�.3il?1G1 Co�Y�n i
Recording Secre.tary Loi� Ir.wards
Moved by Comm. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Q'�:eefe to norninate Car.;�r.. ; C:ai_re�an
BuLhenuth to the Of�ice of Chairm.an. � F�uL':
Moved by Co�ru Gat�o, seconded by Comm. �'�`ee�e to close the
nominat i_ans .
A�.'ES: Comm. A�_ans, Gatta, '_te]_lzs 0':'.eefe
:1aE� : None
ABSTr�I:1ED: Com�. 3uthenuth
;ro t icr ca� r i:_d = !+-�-1
Fa�e 2
Vice Cha�rman Moved by Comm. Nellis, seconded by Comm. Gat:to to nn�nin�te Comm. 0'Keefe
�)' i`eet e to the Of f ice of Vice Ciiairnan. �
�ioved by Comm. `Iellis, seconded by Com.*n. Ada�Tis to close the nominations.
AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nellis, Chairman Luthenuth
�. NOES: None
AE STAIIvED : Comm. 0' Keef e
riotion carried, 4-0-1
AFPROVAL OF 2�1INUTES: Mimstes of Regular Meeting af May 8, 1972
Tiay 8th Moved by Comm, 0'%eefe, seconded by Chairma^ Buthenuth to approve the
Mi�l�ites Minutes of I�Iay 8, 1972 as written.
AYFS : Conm. 0' Keef e, Cl But.henuth
�;OES : None .
A:STAIIvED: Comn. Adams, Ga.tto, ti'elli� -
Motion carried, 2-0-3
POSTPOI�?�:�IENTS, etc. Application 1_-IZR-72 of Hallcraft 'riomes, Inc. ;
I'ostponeinent reqt_iested by applicant to the
rleetin; of .June 25, 1972.
App.Zication 2-I'LR-72 of Ada��is & Company dba
L. E. Adams & Company;
Postponc.�r,�e.nt req�iested 'uy appli_cant to meetir�g
of June 26, 1972.
The Planning Director stated let+�ers iiave been received from both the
above--mentioned a�plicants indicating their reasoils for �ostponement
requests� As reau.�red 'oy *ize crdinance., hoth l��ave �one to the
Technical Comr,iittee oi the I:illside Commi_t:�ee. 1i.lere have been so;:�e
differc�nces of opinion. The next meeting or t��e }ii]_lside Co:�..aitt:ee
will r�e prior to ths Jtinz 2E�tli Pl�nni.n� Cor~�missioii �,_��e*_ing.
1-•I7R, 2-I'LR I�ioved by Cortm. Ada*.r_,; seconded by Comm. G�tLo to postpone apr�l:ications
postpaned to �i�-IZR--72 and 2-17R-72 to Jtiiie 25 _�!)72.
.lune 26th
*1ot�ion ca�ried, �--0
MINUTES OF THE �'LAY 22, 1.972 P�LAN'i�+ING G0:%'u�iiSSIC'N P�I�ETI:'dG YC-G1
Pag�� 3
Tlze i?a.inin�; D�rector st�:tF�d tllat al1_ t�le wrict:en co�r,*�unicat�ions
rel.at� to itern� on t:l is r.:� �a.
OP.r1L CO:�t�`1 1_CATIO`:5
There were none.
l. City of Cu��ertino: Fublic hear.�n7 to consi�er crart of
hoi��ing cl::mc�nt ta r.he �e.neral p].an, Tir.st �a_earin co.itirit:e�.
The Plannins; Di.recLo sa.i.d the st�fi st ull is in the prc��cess of
gatherin� data on the housing c�].eMF:nt.
Mr. AJ.len ricPi�erson 460 California Avenue, valo A?.to, st«ted that
he is Fr�sident o� yiid Pen�.usula Ci_tizens for FaS_� �iousir_,~,. iie .
was awaiti_ng tt�e arri.��al o�� ar�otner per.soa.l ���iore he coul� ma�F� .Zis�
Irlcved Uv Corim. Gatto, seconded by Comm. Adar.is to pu� the housing :�ousir�g eler.lei:..t
eleiaent over to the end of Pub?ic Hearings on this agenda. to ;o at end o�
_;` Public Hearin�.s
, Motion car.ried, 5-0
2. Applicat�ori ]_C-U-72 of: Dennis L. G1on� to a7_lo?v constructi_on oi
an automobi.le car wash �aith r.e�_ated gasoline dispensin;; facil.i
ties. Said p�operty is in an rTL (Lig11t Industrial_) Zone and
is located at ti�e southTStest� corner of th� ii�iersection ot
Bubb Roacl and Stevens Creek �lvd. First t�earing.
The Planning Tirector referred to h:i.s me�:o of r1a�a i9, 1972 on t't Parlcing rat�c� �:
r:�atter. Slide�> of che property under ;�uest�on �ve��� si:own, as well in�ressjegres�
as the site pla.n. The P? annin� Director re��i��:aed the site plaii as r:atters oi
it re]_a_tes to �tevens Creek Blvd. The concern is how r�lany c�rs conc�rn
they should provi.de for on the site, as �aell as the �n�ress;e�ress.
Conun. Gatto asked if there were �ny restrict=ions on the original Thi.s propertZ� r.c�t
granti.n� of the tdest Valley Industrial Park prohibiting service inclu�.ed in
stations. The Planning Directer said this particular lot ;aas not IndusLrial Par'.c
included in the .���dustri�l r ark.
i'C--t�l rIINUTES t�F TIir i`1AY 22, 1.972 PLA.:INI;IG CO`'L'`SISSION :"i?;E'TING
Page 4
:'�pplicant`s Mr. L�e��nis Wong, 11266 ?�(onterey Cc�urt, Cupertiva, pr_esenced his plan to
statemen�s I the Cr,mr�issioncrs for an aes*hetic, consuner-orie�it�d service not
� ofFered at *_his ti_me in Ct�vcrtino. ile sai� ther: is a need in this
co�m,snity for this type of �ervice: ���z e�terior car :vasiz, «nd a:�y neca
business brought into the «rea al.ot�ld ;�onForr,l and enhar.ce the ar.ea.
l�e stressed that th�s is not the typical, stereot}-pe of a car �vash.
Functionally, it fits into the l.ocatio.z as to traffic tlow and land use.
I?e said o�aners�zip and mai�a�ership �a_�ic�i are honle-i�ase3 is a very im-
portant factor. Iie noted t;le sta�f indicar_ed the site is appropriate;
the oitly objection to the proposal is runctional.
Descripti_o�i of Mr. Robert Jensen, 222 ?�«rrison, Portland, Ore ;on, said he is a re;ister.ed
the operation areni.tect in Oregon. I�e did his tnesis on development oL" strip commercia.l
property. He szid elamp�es of nis caor:: are at ;�1est San Carlos and
rlont�or.lery in San Jose and across from Stanford in Palo Aito. fie then
reviewed the operaticn. T:ie a�proac:: to the site is from Stever:s Creek
"lvd. and �ubb ko�d. There are tt;o curb cuts on Stevans Creek Blvd.
� The pump i�land �.s very simple and clea�� �-- tiiey ons}� sell gas, no oil
�or tires., etc. Cars are taken thrcu�h the car wash on rollers. It
ts fully automatic. Ti�e cL:stomers can, if tizey cY�oese, participate in
d��ail interior work. •
�l�nount of c��r. ,Tcnsen said the traffir_ count at tliat intersection �aill be :�liout
tz �0,000 cars per day nearby. They expect to serve acout 1% of th.at
traff:i_c -- 200 cars per day. �f this site re�I.ects the national a�.�c�rage,
t1_:eir business ��ill pea1: between 12 and 1 p5n, durin; ;ahich ti_r,ie the;�
� expect to �aasii al�o�it 35 cars. T�.e�� f_e��. ti���y cai� :�Lack about 25
!:rchitecture &�cars on the siLe. I'.e sa��: ti;is is a�Yery steady c1.i_entel_e at tl,is
l�nd5capi_«�7 �ophi�t�cated r_«r caa�h. T:zey have enleavor.ed to ��a:�imize t�ie landsca;�e
�area. The buildin� is t�ot a traditional car ���ash: it is very cl�:an
`and f�nctional, �.�ith earth tone colors. T��ere �ai]_L �e l.ow 1.E�vel
�i�hting. There will be �ome �rade c:zanges �a�.tl ��ims here and there,
%ie fe�ls ttley are up5radin;? t�ne uses i_n the area.
Mr. .Tensen said car was�:es are mani.,`_esting a cilan�e i_n consurner habi_ts.
Ih-i� sii_e is removed fro,n resident:ial �:onflict�. The;� can sho�� a
b�.tter return bec��use o;: nc�� indu�tria?_ area nearb�,�, Ti�e orlly pro'r,ie:n
6 :�:culd be iL the exit ��;�s pointed to�aarci the resi���n�: ial property to the
I:i.�al locati_on t°tr. �.ill Brighs, Vi_ce-1 re.siclent uf E�r�nsL iLs:,oc:iates, _said that
iC't" C3Y' �J3S�"1 4.��1E'_17 �1t ?a�c9.S l:P_{OYE' t�lE'_ �.1r}' 17Y'CV10U:>�.'i 11E? C�7.`iS t0.1�: t11�'y Ll'__2i_'. ��12 �?T'O
�osa1 but not in that loc�tion. :'_e no�,T b��1i�_-_�._., ��_E� Ii��s t':e iue.al
� .�fINU'ii�S OP T�!;'. T111Y 22, 19%2 P?�A:r`I�L�1G C'OMMISSIO;v P�iE`:Tl�r�G PC--6l_
P�f;� S
'1`T1. �Yi€��5 S�i:iC� L};E}' c1Y.P C'U?IC:E'Y?1E'r *,•!1_t;l �ilE' E'CO]_O�i_c31 L)Qi;'._t ot rCOlG,`_;y �.,'
vie��:. `I'hE��,> ar�� i.nterf:<;t_e:i :in Y�i-e�;enti_ng a c�uick, etf�c.ient operu--
tion li�re. T}ic�re axe-- ,�� inv l�J_.vs to control noi.��e. Mn,t oa: the
CcZY �JaSll('_S lt1 L:1E� 'ca.]"i:%?. iii':_'. C��._ bl.il i_CI1I1�'� C•]� �F1 :i]_�;1 C.°.:1.�.1.T1��S. I�:
2S lIil?+OY�'.:1C: tJ CO1 L11Ei' T101.SP �3Li'-i .:i�)T"�lj'. _�i?'�.F_'?v:i�'.YE' u�?�:�1E'_E'.L'
100 ai:�d "'J" 1_!_�� ... oi" �<�±,:>r ��re, u�:��1 nf_:rr�a''�� to . a. car on I
2.L7 1I7�1"l:i'1:'_r�. , ._ _ _� �...�1' . Ti11:. .J�r`�I" �OG ; C�il lCl Ltl�'_ �;tnY:tl l'T�1-17S �
Fi�.0I1r� ?d1r11 UL't:l"f3�l.L;^_!j C';c'".1C.31_Sa ItE' SalCa �lEi r?3.^ i3 L'CC�_c ]iil S�'S�f`it1 �
so onl.}T al�ou� ?_i; �-�llor:�, o� ; are u�e;= P<�r car.. Thet- conser��e �
G?clt�E'T'� e�EC1:2'�_C1�V cZR:� �lc�=l1�'�?� i� a 1'�:2'y' c1I`�_' 3J1_:'_ t0 S��Z.'f� 40Tfi�_ Oi. �
t�IC1_Y :iOc��S 711�� C}LE.;11Cn� `_�. �''1ciJ il<:�'JE? rT1C'1 i::0 ?1;iCj t11£' f.:YEE"�lE�'Y'}� t
i_r� the sit�. '_:e ca i.�_ is ..�.tter to � ca��s unler �a coiztrolled E
sit.usti��n than cn the dr:�_ve=.a;rs.
- , .. . i - r � �.. r L
I�ir. ��1ong r;��t discussecl the pz brous;}i�_ t�.p in t.le sta;L reporC� iio i.nLn on
��,rith the aid of flip cl�art.s. Iie �ier.�onstratE��'_ '-.o�•,� tce�� couid F,et � the o�eration
as many as ;�7 cars on tliF� si.te. 1'hey s_�r��ice 12 �ars si::^ultaneou��
l.y �-- one car �n 20 seconds i.n t;:ash •area ar ciit, ca_ for 30 seco�id�
i.n the pump area. 7:n ar�:��,::er to Ct:a�-r�an �utl uunstion, he
sa.id ti�ey �.�i 11 llave << maxi?:���� of 3 e::�plo>�ees .
Comm iVt.'�_I1S aSi:E'_C� C�7iiV �lY'. ;�rOTlr S�3CKlI1,� 1J_k= � � �.8.2"°,E'_Y tC?c^_Il {
the staEf_ ` s figure. Mr_ . ��Io�ng said the staff u�ed '10 x 7_0 rarl:in= �
::p�ices to worl: witFi. V
T1r. 4�ong nexc �aent over his traffic a.lal��si:�. iie fe�l_s 1;3 of th� �ra£ an�zly�is
C�3T'S W112 COIIIC� iiOIi'i StP_VERS G`I'E.'E'.i� Li l_vd . uIZG � j.3 �J1 �_1 COiTl� 111 �TOI?2
5ubh Road. I� o.1e of tt;e entr.��nces �rem ;:tcv�ns Cr2ek �1vd. is
c�.osed it will cause. pr�bleTxs. 't?e noted tlie :�ac� cortrol� t:�e
exiting of tlle cars ever} 2�iintites. He said his a,lal.ysis is
based on a� reat deai. of exp�rie.lce.
Comm. �dams asr ed rlr. t?ong wi�at his }>rea�c-eve.n po:i_nt i:->> T1r. ':an� 3reak-�ven point
ans�aered 40 to 4�,000 gallons per monr_h on ti�e r;as nnd 1�0 cars
per day in the car �oash. i�_cause o� the unie,uen�s� o`i the s:�.te,
the_y expect 150 cars per day. Cornm. Ada:ns cauti_or.ed that tie doc�s
not �•rari�: to see anottler service statioiz goinb out cr btisiness in
t}Iis Ci_ty.
The Traf:fic I:ngineer answered Com�:i. Gatto titat the si€,nalization Serious tra:`.f�c
for ttlat ini.ersection is proposer_i c���it'riin one year. Comm. (�att.o " preule'!s aL t;1is
said 'ne envi sions a seriotis tra.f f i_c probl_em � t trii.s point. T. intersec± :io�:
is poor visibility }�oing easL on Ste�.*ens Crce�: :31�,�ct. �.t was ncted
the e�it onto Stevens Cr�e�c �lvd. wiil be ri.gllt turn onlyo
�.t C-67_ MINU:iES OF THi. ?�1AY 22, 1472 PLANNING CGr11�+.1�`�SION I`1EETI.dG
^a.�e 6
r>ike lar.e tai11 Conur.. Nell.is believes the bike lane on 3,�i;�� F.oaci �ac•.ilcl be t�anp�rFd
'�e iiampzred witll ttlis proposal of i50 cars per Say. ;�ir. �:ong :;«id t��is co���:e� to
OriE C�i 2VLrti i OT 2. :,�ii.utes IiiP'.' �,'il.l i13VE' iCSB �Tat�1C C�1<,Il �Yle
library cloes. Comm. .�elli.s said fu�ure traffic volur:�^ has to be
cnnsidered here as wel_l.
�'ui��� enclosed Comm. 0`:�.eefe :aanted to hear ho�l the appl:Cc�nt fe.lt ilis car �•?a�il �tiould
car ?vash �,�o.� � Ulend into the area. i1r. �ri��s Lirst sho��e�a celored slides cf_ the
Sa�ta iZosa types of car washcs tt1e�� do not plan to coi:strucr_, arid tiien oi the
award type ttzey do plan. ?�e sai.d t'•,ze design for th�� tull,* enclosed car
wash won an a�aard in Santa Rosa.
Letters of_ The Plannin� Director intr�d�.tce5 correspordence £ronl the rlonta Vista
opp�sit�.or. ta Homeowners t'�ssociation opposir.g t�iis al�pl.i_cat_ion. Tiiere was also a
t.l�.e propc�sal . l�tter cf opposition frorl San Jose Sq�iare fJest and one irom �Ir. L, M.
� Tc��nsfeldt, 21��40 Fitz<;eral_d �?r ive, Cupe� ti.no.
`�;r.-�tEi1lEIlt:� �7y i'IT. L�?:1 PY1TiCE' CCIIIiPC?T]l:Ec� OT1 tllE StSCi:ll1�; Or tt:t? CcIY'S. =�E'_ SSJ_d theti
owner o� s:�r-- are rath��r optimistic ab�:�ut ser.vic:in� ti�e c._�rs that tastR There is
V_(.�:� Stc3t1011 3 C�Ol1b�E.' � tj011ble �_lI7P_ OIl �tf_'V('i15 �.('2f'_;C '>�.V�.i. 1T: �i11S 'c1TE'.c`3. T�1�'rl'_ _
in iY`st V,j l_? c:y d`ti.nitely is a t hazard here. :1an�, pe��le h�.��e ast�ed �,��:1 'to
� put a car ;aas?i in -:�ith :� is t'nion Oil service station al: ?vest Va].l.e.y.
He has tiJarked ar_tive�y �•Tith the Plann�n�; Co��:,,:i:�s:ion rn th� �erv��_c�
stati_on stud;- and :i.:; concerned ���oat: tlie Ci_t_y.
Pea'.c hour;; Ce:nm. �delJ.is asrced ��r. � riiice if �Zis station is nr_�er_ty husy . �Ie •
a he is busy *rom 7 t:o 9�3� a.m. , from r.ocn to 7_ p.::t. ,�nd
fr_om 3:30 to 7 p.rn.
�`>_}lotlier. serv�.ce T�rs.L. '�f, Toens�e:idt, 21.640 I':i_tzgE,rald L)ri C�ipert:i.?zo, rei�errel to
, �..1Y' '- � > >r• i - ' � - � . _ � ., � � � .
.:,_�__ion noL er l�ttE_r.. �'� j�.,._tnt to ti,�.s prop�.r_t} ,s t:i� raz�_ro<_c, tracic, ;:.��ch
i.eeded in r�quires t:5n tra.rEi.c to slo�a do�,,i:. The �,ity of �'u�::crt?no h<�s �•,ar�;.ed
Cupert:ino ha��d to ati�ract bu�:inesses iil�o th� indu�_trial_ par�� an3 �he c?oc.� not ?�eel
�another service statioil i_s n:eded.
�-`������rdous �1r:�. ?�arhara Trebell., 103��r Orai.�e Avenue, ^1or:ta Vi��ta, said the
<{1'23 tY�1f f 1C ir.0t11_11� :.TE�>C 3t t�::1 � (�i)1'•7t 1.S t:'E"'.L,",'-I:S? �:�Oi,l J �.�11f_':� !iO:';il tU 1. .
T1:'di� l_C ?^()V:LI1L? C'�Sr 5� f'[.Cj`� Ll{"J t:'i�E�P. lt rC,�`iClli"� C:}li' 3 ��31?E.�. jt1";YPSS
2_11cj E'_F;1"C'_SS fl"Oiri ��t:f"JC'I?S �.?-2E'K _:iVC�. �at i:i�l.:� �OL�1� .•c'ili�l }}� 1!�'1.:3i'".r�t1S.
�';�l%lt. r0 (j0 iiYJ. � y T � � � > r � '�i 1 � p �
Ann An �i- �n ia� , vF�n�.E_, Gup�:rti_ �� ;<zl_ sZe o�; ro E_rt_y iil
:d' ill ''.'LUTl�� t�71S �rf3� �l.I.C� ?�.7I�i11.E.C� t.0 i1£,i�''.2 ,�t1YC.' 1"1Er _,� ��i:�'..:� ��t:. . )Iil..•l �iE' t�:�)t'. 3:l:COL"C�C?Q
��1_SL:B�� 80 L11E3� � il0'� i)r= ���- �i].=�.1"'IC',�j. LII �;��/� t:�iF` pi!)��c`;.-11 �1ZYE_' ,'�i:3 "f�OY'
� t �-
1�� �1�. I.OL� �O� 1.1r��1L 1i7C.11::LT'1�:- -ili ... „- �° i� 1�? � 1t�' l.;i !13.i�_7'. i_.:P_ �11c1V
1Y_ �!3f3 LUY'ilE':l Oilt (-0 t��'. ::L i_f_`�lc:t C.:F' 3('t-C'. � t . �ilr >? i'J �i;C'_ (,J.I 1."l.c?I1S
� ' > > c . � • r ; -- i �,. � �. „ ; i � . - .., , •
�-0�.1_S C�[�llTl�ttL� i2, �JC�7l rl(.t..l �1 ,,_��'" CV(�Y� t'�7��_ �;P;+1". t"lr'� 'i�lfiheSi:
PYO��_n.^,1 1.S t7�l�.t � !J 'O ��;��_i:�l �'l':.;C3 U _.itn. ` .. _ ��I�_. _i�e�r'��.�:3. ._��":(3 �E`.Oj�12
� 171 M!'�i?t'� V1.��2i ��1��7 �.1�E' LI�\rlll}�' 1_i� l°F'���_; � Ci��_' *.L6Ca��C:' t��'.G J�Cl(?1 P@O�JlE:�
.1_C� '(1�`� I'' .5'�tE ::i.Cl �[21;� i tJ��: �1�15 �.O , I.. t_i ._C3 (.ii 71. �iY'C' .�I10�•?!1 ' 7i tt:E?
�Y('711i(�Y":iIle O� Y_.11E'_ � I�O.?tC S�� CL 73 I)lll _�_(j '.. �
M1NU'Ti�S 0}� T1?E M�Y� 2�, 1'37? I']���;�:�d;.i��'.s CO���:�.ISSIQ��; T�Ii:I;TI_P!G PC--�$1
�Pa^e 7
MYS. �i1:;E'r 11F�Yt: CIi�iCL >SC'_u ��1::E`.`3. �`ilf', SB.L�� t._!�. :.l'�.E? tl%_+S COTi�i� �OI 1��.:{ i't'Vf'T1llE,:�
T':OIIt1 ��;.SC�I t0 _�IIIlE]�:�: L"O �UP�L'� L110a �'^Y CO;'(�-?J:?r i_:�OTt� <;jl° r:1.SCllSSE� �
t�)�CE Oi tI1C' �.:.?.Yy'C`L C"?I. ':I. -1:.. 1.1I L:ll. dLC::3, �I':1F? 071C' .`i.l_ �'f�L"1CIlc��1
a:�r� Moc�rt;=irk i_n `:a�, Jns;f� ,,; na_-i�_l�* $H,10C� in t��.�.� ;�:nnually. The
� �
OIlE' R� �>tE.'.vERS ��T F ,1. �,, � �i� ;i ?:� `IO.._, o l�; �7 . �`� �i.SJ. j4 ZJlti1
,_ _. _ .__ . P s
t:he iurnittzrE� : tr�rr> n_ ���?or n�. $11,900, ��:.d t���• car lo*_. next
daor pa,,� $].!E, 0� ��. 'I`.,<� car. . t. �:� at ��1_ (� --.:'_r� -�:n;3 ��3 :.; c��r ,_;; �,���v�.n.�
. $1!_�Jl�l�. �.z�_'�.'.C::� T�. `y; ('y�lc:: t..) .>i)�� cii.er .�E_'.:�_'l�j �dL.. ��.R:J�Ci�J.
Sa1es ?: �x is t.tie !1 i �=1?est x'.���c�ntie, 's. 5 t i ��� }t� ��,}�E, �.i��-ci p7�op^rt,
L�3... Cl1j)C:I�t17iC)�:i t'rl::. 1. i J�_ C�-ilt i�)i;7: y 7���? j 1?. t�11S ).�
1OT.�1�T"f.'.1 ;_t- �.a'.17_�: }:E: F'1i5� �'Y t0 � ?.l.i: �E'_Q�1_c 1 iY �'1021�'. V1,,1.:<� =1.Iit0
�3I171C�XLII�;. 511E' }lO��CC�. �Cl].S Cc9.1" `n'LlS�1 WC�ll�.C�- bt3 .�.f'_I!--..C?u.� c�`i rTE'V10llS
011E'S [1c1�TE �E?E'.71. c.i[. LE'.E'�_S t:1C'i'� S:]Ol_1_l.t� �`F.'. c`] �)E'_i..tt'Y" ti;>E'_ ;:QT 1=t18t
COTR['T. Cc`3ri .�OSP }1�;5 ''E'alli Lf U� �1G:"iCS '
_ U ��.C11;; Li1E T�L�.7"t�a�. t4Y'�1C{S.
i�r. Lou�s �:.oc1.l€ c�:ir, �ir_., ?_2�20 St:e✓ei:is Cree�c Road, �uper.tino, � In iavor. of. tiie
said they ��nve attem}�t.ed .?ith tl�:i.s p��opo,�al to put sa: et�:in� pruposal
i�.ean.iz:�;ft�7. ot� this r�;.operty. �or � p.t ?�1 years tt,.ey 1iac��e ue�n �
operar; n�� thc= or. cl:ards iie.�r ��1 ic'_<bE �. r}- � ar�:t at a c�ef_ ic!_t. The ar�
t.Y` t0 11ZtE'.t;I�3t.E tYl�-7_T �811C� ..1t�1 t:1f'. E_:;Z �u1.l:.j �11Ci:1StTl2l ���11'1•
SO tI7E' c7IC�c1 ��`OU_�.Ci �7aVE'_ ��CSZ''if_'.tLC Vl3111t?, rl��:E'.j' �li:�.l_C.:l�)c%tE_' t�lE? tc1XES
cn ti�i� c�,uld be abo�_.t $.12,0���. Ti:er.e .�:i.:11. alr:o ce sales ta� �irici
r.?oto? ve'riicic ta.:. T<iey l:ave t.:zrrted do�.�i: oL pro t�iat: arc�
ZiO� CUIII.F�21L7_�J�_E' F71.t�i �:�lE. �.IICIl18rY.l.c'il i��Yk. �Ti11S 1S �}12 i�E'_it P�O�'iJSSl
that tias come a]_on_^ i.n t=he 13 ye.ars tlie;� :�av� :�- t11e propF.r. ty .
They c�o not -����.nt a}�ot dog stand on tlie property. �:;ith respect to
t��e railroad, th�:1:e is one trai.n pf:r day f.r.om =e and a sps
��line t.hat is a he�daci.e. �ie said Lhey l�ave i_nsi:ted the desi^r
and ttie cperat.:ion be oi a top �-racie qua:�_�_ty.
rirs. �eiinis t•?on� saicl she cou]_d see botli poi.nts o� vi.e�a. 4ize i_s Other �01.1.
convinced this car �.,%ash will oe cuite beat�ti.iu?., Ti��. reason it i.s oi ��iet�
.less expens:ivc, is there t��il.l. be less overhead. You can contri_bute
to your co:omunity in ot��er � than �iu�t: ':;y jr..•i_.ni.rz� r.om;nittees.
She asked th�� tilis groposal be jud�ed ouj ect;_���ei��.
Mr. -�riggs stressed the compatibility of ti,is use to the property.
The Architectural and Site Approval Comin:ittAe ��-ill ju�'�;e t�ie site
and arc�litecture. Iie answereci C��a�rman �;u�he.z�ut:r� that there will
be l� to �0% of 1at:dscaping.
Comm. 0`::ee£e addressed the. fundamental qv.e�t�on oi t�hether or not
thi.s is an adeq��ate size lot for this use. P1r, I;riz�s said the
Sa��ta Rosa site is 24,000 sc�. f_t. �nd tl�e �dovato sit:e i_s 18,000 sq.
ft. Th�.s one i.s 2b,000 sq, t:t. ;ie sai_rl ii� a11. thez.r si.te.s the��
tiave had Lio reoccur.ring serious probie.^.:s.
Page 8
Comm. 0'Keefe was concerned with the co:-ipatibility w�th the area. He
is concerned this might not blend in �ai_th the small, pedestrian-type
stores nearby. Mr. Jensen said he wo�_lld li_ke to see that type of
business off ttie major arterials. Ttley are some�,�hat separateu by the
railroad tracks. T:zey have taken a11 the precautions to make it safe,
not only on site but on down t?ie street.
il�is is i_n Comm. 0'Keefe cited the bike path on 'subb Road and the pedestrian traffic
conf? ict w�th *_o sma11 business�s that reflect the Taishes of t:ie people who live in
pedestrian the area, as �oell a� the Planning Department's teelings that the site
type trafiic is inadequate for this proposal. The si�ht of two services stations in
such close proxir:iit}� weuld not enhance the area. He asked Mr. Jensen if
he felt this operation w�u1d encoura�e vehicular tra�tic in an area
;anere they prefer pedestrian traffic. Mr. Jensen said T��i1at we are faced
with on this property is a series o� �?r t;pe operations as an
alternative. He agr�ed ttiat more cars would be comin� to the car wash
on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
?ublic ��earin� Moved by Comm. tiellis, seconded by Comr:. 0`Keefe to close the Publ���
closed Hearing. ` �
r�otion carried, 5�-J
Traffic Comm. Gatto asked the staff about the access proolem onto Stevens Cree�c
probler.�s Blvd. The Traffic Eng�neer explained the basic pre�l?m �aould be exitin�
the car wash and the trafLic goin� east on StevPns Creek �lvd.
increase_d Com� Adams asked what the anticipated traffic count �aould be here, once
t.raffic the freeway oFens up. The Traffic En��neer saici it would be sorle:�here
between 30 and 35,000 in a�out ten years. There ��:�ill be a signal at tnat
intersection witi:in one year. T:�e widening of Stevens Creeri �lvd, acr_oss
the railroad trac'_�cs is aoout 10 years acaay.
'Too r��any l as Comn. Nellis ��zas concerned about the bike route, ?,7hich this community
criented has gone to a l�t of trouble to establisli. This pr_oposal �.aould generate
�ssinesses many left turns. There are presently 34 service stations in Cupertino
oi� this street and another approved, plus 5 in Lhe County. �-�'e i�ave far e.rceeded the
numUer of need'ed stations. tve are �etting too �^a�ry �as oriented
businesses alon� this street.
10-U-7L Moved by Conun. 0'Keefe, seconded by Comm. :^�elli.s to de�ly application
lenied 10-U-72.
AYES: Comm. Adams, Gatto, Nelii.s, 0'?�re�e
NOES: Chairman Buthe�uth
rlotion carried, 4-1
MINtiTI;S U�' THT MAY 22, 1.97?_ PI.A?�Iivl�'G C0:'aiISSION P�1E�,TING PC--61
PaQe 9
Chair�^an Puthenuth anz.ounced t?lat 10-U-72 has be�n dF�nied. The
applicant can f ile a� itt�e.�� appeal to the Cit}° Cotinci.l within
£ days.
- Chair*.na;� Buthe�lutti c._�lled a. brea:c ar_ ]_0:43 p.ri. The :��eeting re-
convened at 10:55 p.ni.
3. Application l�--17_I'�--72 of :�ailcraft �iomes, Inc. , to re*7ove
approxir�ately 2G acres pre� ently zoned A1-10 {A�rictilt�aral,
F,esi.dentiai, Sinc;le-i�a�-.i1.,�, 1.0,�00 sciva.r.e foo!_ lot5) f:�om.
Montebell.o Riclg� interi-�n �o�ling distri.ct . �aid propei ty is
locacecl soutl�erly ot ar.d a�' iacent t.o VOJJ Avenue, .1ortZerly
of and adjacent to Alcalce RoGd, Slld ta� sterl` oi Lockt:aood
Dr�_ve. First Hearing.
POSTt'O�dF`D TO ?U_dr: 26, 1972..
4. Application 2-i'L:�-72 of Adar.ls & Co^lpany� d�a L. �� . Adams &
C�mpan5> to re__�ove 17.5 acres presentl�; zcned A--ua (ARr�_cultur� l-
�ecrea��onal) �ro� rionte��e=.l.o RA��e interi:n zonin,� di_st�ict. �
Said property is located south�r'y of Ki•rerside Dzive be�t
S�evens Canyon Road and Drea Poad. FiT �iearing.
.. �
1. City Cupertino: Public aear�n� to consider draft of
housin� eie:�ent to the general plan. Fir Hearing ccntinucd.�
Mr. Alleci McFherson, 460 California Aveaue, Palo Alto, distributed �
copies of his "Summary or Apar. L D�_scrirnination i.n Cupertino,
Comm. r�e].lis asked Mr. :�1cPherson if tney nad any recom:-iendations Housing Elemenr_
for rectifying tnis proble^�. ri� said that �efore they c�n r�ake to Council in
any recommendations thc�, nust d; scuss it Taith tiieir 3oard of July
Directors. They would prefer th� City oi Cupertino discuss it
among themselves first. T�z�� Pianning Director said tb.e Housing
El.ement wi.il probably �o �efore the City Council in early Jul.y.
COIriIil. D��e�i� 3S��i� MY'. i'iCi `ierscn lihOilt tt1E'. SllTV°�7. .�iP_ S31d ��1� iX�Ll;��ri; t�iaV1S�):
discrim:i.nation varies bettaeen 4�o and 70;o in tile vari.o�is cities. Eoard stud,i:?�;
The tiotisin; Advisory isoard is studyi.ng the Palo Alto repor�. Palo Alto r�p�Y
Tney wi11 be back wit=h uetail_ed proposais wit:�in one month.
Fabe 10
Comments �rom �llairman Buthenuth asked for com^�ents f_ror� the :,udience.
SuC�lE.'11C -�'
Mr. �1orm«n Stein, 20943 t�lves Drive, Cugertino, as':e�3 i� tliey �,aere able
to distinguish iL the sarvey ref�ected ti�e opinion o1: the canvasser,
maiia¢ement po7_icy or other ten�nts' opinions. �ir. McPtlerson said
ti:ere is no �aay of icno;ai_ng at this point.
The I�fanager of the Glenbrool� Apart;nents said t: e;�1CF�1 is �oing a gooci
job and he �aoul_d li.ke to work with t:�em in the L�u�ure.
The Planning Director suggesLed a study session on Wednes��ay, P1a}� 31st
at 7:30 p.m.
2 ti^?es Com�. Gatto asked if t:e are equating "shelter" ��lith "owr.ers?:ip"„
a��nLa]_ sa�ary T'�e Joint i:ousing Eleme:it call.s ior "t�ao t�-�es ann.ual salary".
Comm. Gatto said for higher incomes it should be more than two times.
There was none. �
f ,_
5. Discussinn of traf�ic situation on Al��es Drive.
: 1)r'i.VE'_ �P.f? pidi"irl1T1�' n1Ti�C�OY' Yc'C%iP�7C�C� �Y"4?V10U:i �1SC11S;1'JI1S O11 t':iE? �IV-CS 1�1"1Ve
C:_�SCl15S:tOli �`:'_� r3T1C� Y'�Sli.l.r2.I1� tY'3fr1C ir1C1E'_�`�E'.. i'i3J;i �a?�r'E'_ DI�iCE.'�j 017 ttlE,'
�board showinp ex�_stin� a�r_fi proposed uses oz ti�e property �n thafi area.
Tr.afi:ic Th� Trait_ic �:n�ineer. e;���la�ne�l they %ire loo?�in; at � �rcul_d happen
�np,ineer's Lo the trGffic ir Alves i:i-ive di_ci not go t't�rou;h : ru�:� "tellino to
ceport. �aich l�Tay. Lt �aould 4, be <3i��erted to ot: res�dE�ntial streets
in the area. He r�.vie�.��e�d �3 map on the �hoard s!irn�,,iri^ traitic ccunts
�. ,
� �.�n tile area. Yea:: hour tra.f_fic on Alves Drive i.� � car� per minute,
about the s�,ne as is on t:he o*ner si.�le or ��ratc�s;a--���.nnyva'�e P�ad.
�':o; the Saturd<<�• trai�ic is liic.I�er. �,ne tans�ver ;aotil�i be ro
elii?iiriate ].eft turn� ;::oin�; sou��. Ti.:�s ��.-:�ulc'_ probabi; �...<�nsier �:.ore
of that traffir_ to Ga�GF-�.; G?t�. - 'it'_z the propc��e��; d��vclo���.-:�:?t east of
UE'iT!CO t�l�' tY?1:ilC ;�i _L I P_'p�:�(>> j' U�? . 7•_15t: �3;i :17_�'(1 �i;� 1�' i�r�- J_S.
:ie did not propose c1�,si����, A'ves Dri��e. R<:-�:cr, ti�e 'Lrar:ic :i:ngic:�cr
rc�comr�ended nci: doii.� a:,� to �11.vc,;, Dr:ve .�t t.:;i� t'_-:c. T�.��rc :,-�ve
� �:�1'F�Tl �;OIIlE3 C�1SCllSS:LOIIS 0�= 7_'ft?�LE' tL'11C.� I"0.ir.�'_;;. `1.'L1'' :�`IL•f� 15 �p�_�1:1111Ii�
to expand their parkirg iac:�lit�es.
i2�'_c,1G'_'iiL� 5 COTRTII. Ci3rtO S?1C� 11E'. ��TC)t11Ci YF,i��1C'.T :;CE? �i1_VEtS i):"�.': �3 �Oi1ClPlli_ LO C�2TT�' t=�1P_
`-�C:3tCi�iET11:`� LT<�f11� t�1171 1"e�1Stti it ni'1 Oi.IlCY Y'�:51:'C':lr:!,'i1. St''F.'�'.t �. �`'�r. �+rE'_1_ri
S3�_t� tilE' tYclfilC CjE':=E?C:�_OCS t.JFrE j' i l:li i:(?I U�` '. .� < 11. i r l','�ti IIOL
�cl L'P_�!IE'�P_ilt.<3t1VC' �;r'�:�, 1711C' 011t ��� ,;i17 C:li ,';C!����f=;! ;fi`.�lll.� �}1n C`i1111tt.LS.
�rli�' Y'eS1C�C11t.S 3YE Y_Tyli �, t0 I'f:tcllIl l=.i_' i251_ Lf",I:�" �_L:1. C�)c1:";iCtC.Y O� _��1C?11" Stine�.
:1;_`:UTE: (.1' 'I':il: `�tA';' 2 � , ]_'� i "_' =�1,.'1:;:;1:;C; CO��?:'�(I;, �IO'd P•11;',:TING �'C-��;.
?-';�;�c 1.1.
C ��C':;il. i`i�'�.I.a.S <l.�'il:_t� ��Y. ,CC:�i[? J:. . !1(:'.1 %lIl`' Y�_'CO
i'iT. StE'.:Ll S�ll'1 t7 C.1_. .. !�:.� :t� I�I"i' ;:iE'.��= lt_ �Jc'3S CI_Q`�E'� Ofi
prc�viou�;.i.��. ��� _'_:_-i ...�t C':in;. ,i tr.ucic r:;tite ��o��ld l��Lp t:
situ,�tion rc!.��_�'.i.
L,C?:�lYiP.<iC'i ::U`�1":2L�:: :'-� _-:l _�i':'OI� O� (��3].i:1T1F� t0 �;l";E? "::'�12� �'1i�:C`l
i'�� Dr�V_. '.dL�-.1 !"'.�'.''_ .1 i:iE' �ir�'c7 .. .•�T: J_t 1:' CO��'T�iE'EC.
R;::PCIZ'i iF PI:-'�.?:`;I:;G CO:i---S� I.O:i
Ut OLl TE-COTi�1C'e:�13i l._?Il OL �}7^ C;'c11T'.'.3L7� i� 'rd_`i :::0:'[?C� i�}* CO2+P.'t. �i�'11_l;> � i'��C t:-Rti� tJ
.>�CO:1C1C'i� � j' �v:"-��1- E�C��??":� I=0 _:3`JE' t.tlt? L'1-�l_tt1.'111^ Cr7iT1`?1SS10T1 :�ic^lGr1Ii�;S start c�t %.`,.;'�
co���rnence at. i, 30 � tt::e�_ t:zan 3 p.r.�..
AYF. �: Con�ri. Ad�-�.s , Gatto, �vell_;.s , 0' _:eeL e, C��air:.�an i'ut�,nnutn
:+OF.;;. �one
Motion carrieci, 5-0
R!=.PORT OF P� A��:;I`�G D.C;:=:CTOR
1'he Assist�^t Plannei <_>tated tnat in Octo:�`Y oi 197U t:ie So�.il.s
::arbor Church was apgroved, subject to _:-Control approv?��. :.� nas
tri�d unsuccess'-ullv �_.ver sinc� to �et t'.:e;� to s�ib�:�it an a�plica-
tion f.or ci-C�ntrol.� Pl.a:ts were �i::a�.l;� sub:-:itted. Thev n�y ha�le
_,���par'-�ing proble-�.
:�iov�d by Co:�:^i. Gat�u, seconded '�y CoT,rl. 0'�:ee�e to init=ate a Souls �ar�or
Public riearir.� �or tne poss�.oil�ty ot revoici.n; t�ie Souls zarbor C^urcl: �'u;,l.
Cr�urch Use Ferr�;it. Hear'_n�
AYES: Comm. Ad�:ns, Gatto, :��eil�s, 0'�:eeze, Chair��an �utnenuth
N�� FS : ti'o:�e
i�lotion carried, S-0
ADJ OUR �v"�IE::'i
"�foved by Co:-�-�1. \el_lis, seconc�e�3 �� C�T-�. :�'hee'a to adjourn to :�d�:�urnE>_� ��
Wec?nesday, 't�iy 3.1, 1972 at 7:3�J p.��. in t'_�e Con�er�nce Roo~i. 'T;14 :�t��.�J� ��st
..�eetin� a�:ijournc�d 3t 12,0� A.iI.
/s/ Wm. E. Rvder � /s/ �ohn W. Buthenuth
City Clerk ._ • Chairman