PC 05-08-72 �1.TY Or CUrERTIi10, State n; Cal��fornia PC-b0
]_�'300 'lorre A��enun, Cupert?no, C•_ti.lanr?7i.a ?a.,;E 1
TeleplionF� : 252-�f 5Q5
MIP;CiT::S C?F iHE K:�CCJLAR :i�ETli��v C�F T?i : Pi.ANivi_`;G CO',�`?IjSIG i
i`.; LD OI`d :�1�'�Y 8� 1° %? I_'v' Tii�. CO�.:��CJ=� C;Hf���:_',F:K� CI�'Y ?i.F,LL �
Cii:'EP.TI:�'�, �.;r1T,IF0;l"�IA �
The ,!�_�:t�ng �;ras cal?_ed to order 7y Acti:�g Chairn�an �uthen�th a� �
8:30 pm wii�� the Salute to the Fi��,. ' #
RU?:� � CALL
C;.n:m. n�e.sent: �iirsj��on, 0'i:_eefe, Puetz, :lctin� Ci.ai.rman �ut'r.et:uth�
C;;r�m . -�b �en r : :1one
Staff present; Director of Flann�ng anc Deti�elo�7�r`_Zt Sisk
Asszs*_u�.* City :1Ltorney `L`rry
Deput�� t;i ty Attorne� �:i:�l; un
.assistanC U�_anner CcVTa�i
As��ci_are : 'itt4r� i
Reco�.ciing �ecretsry Lai�; Ir?.r�ar�as ;
i.�?FRCIVAL aN MTNL'TT.�S : ?�e�ul.ar �,:�? ��urned iteet; nb ot Apr il 7.� , 1.912. �
R��ular ��teet�_n�, c� Apr�_1_ 24 , 1y72
i`�Ioved by Com��i. Pii�tz, seconded by Comm. 0� tieefe to �ppz'o�*'r_ the � April �,th
�finutes of April 19, 1972, a� u:�ritte;l. ��:�r.utes a�irove
rlotioa carried, 3-0
Co:nm. ??irsl�on a'� sta;.ned
On the last par.agrsph on Fage 3 and the third paragrap!� on pa�e G,
C.ia �r�r�an _��t:;��:�utl� �aould =�ike ttie pnrase "t-�-o ,�E=a� s' gross salary" �
c�tanged �o reaci : ''t�ao times �ross salary . �
Moved by C��n�M: Puet2. SE.'CGIi�.�eC� by Cor�m, �'�_eete ta approve the Apr�_i ":�'4t1�
Minutes o} Ap �4, i9?Z, as corrected. �Minutes aDprGV
I as correcte�
'�I�?�ie:. car.riec:, 4-0 ' _ �
Page �
POST�'ONE:^1ENTS, rtc. Ci.ty•of Cupert�ino: Pu��lic Hearing tc consider draft
I of housing element to the genera? plan
:?ous:ing el�nent ' The Plannin� Director said this matter w:ill b•a
dra*� ut next presented :it the ne�t ?�.eeting.
m«e.:� ng
Applicatior� 10-U-72 of Dennis L, fJon�: '_'ostponement
requested by applicant to �eetiiz;; �f May 2?, 1972.
• • i�ie Planninf Director said• t�at '�Y:e above app2ication
has �een tar:en bacri for redesign after d�scussions
with the P�anning Department.
_�o�sirLg element '
& 10-U-i 2 post-- Ntoved by Comr�. Puetz, seconded by Comm. G`�:eefe to postpone the above
�ri0I1�� to �i 22 two i tams Lo the meeti.zg of :�1ay 22 , 19? 2. �
� Motion carri��d, 4-0
I There �a��re none.
There ��.*ere none.
l. City of Cup���rtine: rn�lic :.earin� l.o cor.si��er �iraft of a
housing eler�ent to the geJleral plan. Fir.st �.earing continued.
POST��?�?ED T� �1AY 22, �_.972.
2. Ap;3lication 4�-U--72 oi � eit� I;. Garner for Use '?ermit to constr_uct
a 200-urit motel and resLaurunt, a�as stac�.an ar.d a 176
apartr.lent comp'el; wi*_h:in. a �(Pla:�r.��d Devet��pmer�i_) ?o.�e. Said .
pronerty 1S IOC?t�'d LIi Y_:le S011L"i1+JC?St Citl�_jTa;li, pi t[1C'. lIItcYS(?Ct1011
o.f_ Free�aay 28v ar.cl 5unn.y��;i.ie-�arato;�a Ro:af':. l irst L-�earin,^,.
Com:�. Futhenuth �Chairman 3'�sthenuth �t;�t.e<i ti�.:::� iz� wor;cs �or t.'le St._tt.E� of ;;ali�ornia,
• � c1I1Cl t}7C StStE Ili1 Uf'. COfiC�:'7'I?.E?`1 lIl �ill.`.� �l 1�r3�j_O11 SO lie 'd�Si.ct171('_CI
��;,tained � Y . FP
from �h�a Hearin.g an3 t�irr��i t:t�� Chair ovFr r.o Co:rrni.ssioncr 0'�e���:e.
Page 3
The Planrii_ng Director called attention to his Nlay Stn me;r.o �n tnis Gas st:ati.on
application. .�e said the appli.cant is no longer plannin� a gas deleted fro;n
station, but wili put ir. a 3?OQ s�. ft. commercial ban:c build�ri� application
in its place.
The Asssistant City Attorney ans�aerel Co.:m. Puetz that if we use Cc�mmission to �
the Government Code as a guideli.ne, technical pracec?ural er.rors decide to��et;.:er
F�ill not invalidate a deterniination. ?�e said .ie }iad no orecisP or not to
answer to the question of whet�ier or not de?etion o� the gas postpone
station from the udvertised appl.icat�_on reauired rea�vertising.
Ttle Com�ission cou_l.d use their o�an d�_scretion as to �,1hether or not
they would choose to postpone it under these circumstances.
Comm. Hirshon sai_d he would agree ro a continuance to obviate any
legal probier.is if it clid not cause undue har�?st�ip to the applicant.
Mr. Charles Rasmussen, the architect, said the applicant was not
yet pr_esent at t�he meeting. He said the applicani feels a bank
would be a 1.ogical substitute f nr t:�e_ �a•s station. The plan was
revised on April 24th. They �aould prefer to go �ilead with the
public hearing at this meeting, if possible.
Comm. Puetz wanted to postpone this untii later on in the agenda PostponeTnent
to give the applicant a chance to voice his opin�_on on t:�is. seen�e� most
The Plannin� Director stated that if this must be readvertised, the�equitable
earliest it could be back on the age�.da is June 12th.
Comm. H�rshon commented t.iat the �ommission is dealir_� :�ith an Vacancy on PC
application with consi�aerable magnitude, and he al.so noted there
is a vacancy on the Planning Commission. For taese reasons he was
in f.avor of a postponement.
Comm. 0'Keefe felt the public hearing should co�ncide with the
Nioved by Comm. Hirshon, seconded bv Comm. Puetz to postpone appli- 4-U-72
cation 4-U-72 to June 12, 1972, at tne request of the Planning postponed to
Commission by v�rtue of the change of the request. This applica- June 12_ 1972
tion is to be readvertised.
Motion carried, 3-0
Comm. Buthenuth abstained
Page 4
3. �pplication 8-T1�4-72 of the �larianist Provin�e of the Pacifie for
� Teiitati.ve rlap to cambine eleven lots into one parcel ana provide
for required roa�way dedications. Said prope;-ty is in an R1-10
(Resid�nr_ial, Sin�le-fami..ly, 1Q,000 sc�uare *_"oot lcts) zone and .
is ?oc.ated southerly ef and adjacent to ria-�era Road at the
terminus of San Juan Road. :a irst :�earin�.
Roadcvay The PlanninG Birector stated tnat a cortdit:ion wa� attached to tile Use
discussion Permit that a more precise plan of the road on the r.ortheriy property
�line shall be submitted. Tiie intent is to not use �•1a3era Road
entirely. T`:le exisyin� �raded road;:�ay does not lie ^nti.rel;� �aithin
the existing 40' right-of-way. To a��oid r.iass grad�ng �nd destruction
of the existing creelc line parallelin�; Tladera P.oad, a substar_tial
ar.louzzt of the physical improve:aent c;ill have to be constructed on trie
Tfarianist propert; . '�e wenr_ o�Ter the tentative map �ah�ch com�ines
tile nine lots il.ito one. A study wa� made abctit one y�ar .ago as to
future street patterns and.spea::s �o t::e possible �uture access to
the hills,
20` width �IOn tne flat lands, the streets are /+0 ieet, curb to curb. In tiie hill.,
necessary ir. i the minimum is 24 feet, ir order to minim�_ze F,rading �in.�? di sturb�_ng
2, brief areas of th` hil.ls. Due to the to�ograp:iy�, there are t���o ar��as on this
propert;� where i�� wi]_1 ��e nec�ssary to reduc� t:_e --�i�?t'? o� the road
to 2�� feet for_ very s?ioT_t lengt'ns of road, �ossibi.y �iavi.ng a o��--��ay
s �tuation in those 2, ��rier areas . Colored ;�lides of_ ihe area were
�-1a�Lztain 2��' ICha�rman �i�ther�utl� was fizcn in his belief t��e 24` �n.inimum should be
mini��um maintair.ed.
�'�pFli�ant L���_11 l�fr. Leo R�th, Ci��il Fng:ineer, Ruth and Goin�, said ther� ��ail1 be tir:!e
agree to tne �to decide the alteri7ate partern oL t. road�aay before t::e hillside
n�cessary Estudy is cc�npleted. Th�y would hope tlie roa:i �ai11 rer�ain in essent�ialiy
:�_mprover.:ents lits rural state �ir.d just serv� ��s access to tLie �f.ar�anist property,
�They had hope3 to keep it at ]_�` an.d 20' r��ther than t:1e ?_0' and 24`
<<<�idth �n �t�cse two areas. However, the� w� 11 a;ree to t_:� necessar�
imprcvement:: necessary to deveL�p the prop�rty.
�'�'ternate Corim. :��.rsl:on asked Mr. P.uth i.r h� liad seen t_h� �'lanr?_n>: Di.r«,ctor`s
rouLr�s s�lternat� routes, ar.d w�lar_ ;zis .�pin:iort �.�7as on t:.e use of Merc��des Road.
� ��fr. R>>th sa�.d he had se�n the alt �rnzte pla��,;, b�.ir. .*_i,ey are neith-��
better nor wors� than the �trier rouds. �.e �3.<.':�:;ed r._ ar_ a.Lt �oufl,h it i::,
( not phy�i�al.ly impossi.ble to raaintain the '?_4` :uiiL.i�n:r.� �n tiio.;e t�ao
�areas, it caill �,� undesirable. Cc„1,:�. Puerr was conc�i ne a.bout ;n; ety.
(Comm. :�iir�ltan agr�ed, ��ut l.e fc�lt ti�c� Co;nmi_,>sion :. �a;,.r_ to r��_�ke au
exception for c��rtain, sna.11 port i:.ons o£ ti:� roaci.
MINUTES OF T��E MAY �i, 1.972 PI.A;'NI�IG :;Of�i�i.iSSION I`1EETING PC-b0
Pa� e 5
t1n 18' private dr�vewz�,� is ooirig to be constructed at this time to
service the infir.mar�-.
Chair.ma?� Buthenuth as�.ec:l �or comments trum t:�e �audi.ence. Ther°
wer e no r. e.
Ma-�ed by Comm. : uetz, secanded by Cor.i:n. 0'::eeie to cl.ose ti�e Publ.ic Yubl.ic ueari.n;
Hearing. closed
Motion carried 4-0
Moved by Cor�m. Puetz, seconde<i by Co�?m. 0'K�efe, to approve agpli- 8-TT.-72
cation �-Tr1-72, c�lans:ing Conditi_on 17 to 2�+' �ziL�imum and Gt I approve�
the r�mainder of the sent�nce; Condition �_8. Re�:tr.ict�_d tc ten ��a/`conditions
occupants residential care; 19. it is understcod t1�e plans set
forth �_n the exhicits represent tiie ult�_r� use of t�le property.
AYES: �o�nm. �:irshan, �J'Keefe, Puetz, Chairman But_nenuth
NOES: None
Motion carried, 4-G
4. Applicatiori 7-U-72 0£ Joe Dean Curtis to alio��� electronic
assembly schoo?. (private vocatzonai scriool) in�:roi�� � n� °�0-!-
sqt�.are feet of buildi:.r, area in a CG (General Commercial} zor .
Said property is located at tlle nort':east in�er�ection of
Stevens Creek � lvd. and i�ortn BlaneS Avenue. First �iearin�.
The Assistant Plaz�ner said the Curtis School has been in operat�.on School_ already
for some tir,ie. This was discovered at tl�e time ot �usiness licens in operati�n
renewal. There are two classes -- 9 a-� to 1 pm an•:1 6 pm to 10 pm.
There is no perce.ivable nuisance factor related to noise or odor
er�issioii here. The r,iaix� issue is the o`f -street parkin�. ' The tota
required spaces ror the entire center is 110. and they only have
102. The staff recommends approval ot this application with the
stipulatiori that if the parlcing does become a proble�.:�, that this
applicatic�n will be reviewed.
Mr. Joe Curtis, the applicant said he has been oper-iting sznce :lpplicant una-Jarc
June of 1971. :Ie was not aware ot any v:iolation of.. t'.ie Oruinance, of -� iolation
He has 2�tudents at tYie day session and 2 sttidents at the even_�ng
session at this t�_me. �e is equ-?pped to handle 12 ^tudents. If
parl:ing becomes a pr.oulem, �1� said he would have ti�e problera
rectif ied.
�'C--60 fINUTES Or Tr:E ;�It1Y 8, 1972 PLANNING C�.PiISSION ti:�,E`I'Ir1G
P3ge 6
Cl�airman 3uthenuth asked for comments �r.om�tne audience.
��nt�'r lc l, I`ilSS Jll�j� T3?ilclTpC1_C� Cuperta_no C1r1'LP..I?� <�S�.CCI ;ihUUr ttl? 3jJY�?t'3?1C� Of t�12
ve?rs �ld enti.re cen*_er. Comm. Puer_z said tliis center ;,7as zonec? sa:�e 15 years
ago, �,Then theYe ���as no arcili_tectur<il and site co?jti_ol. Colc.red slides
of thi� Boulevard Shopping Center �•iere s: 1GW21 .
Pt:bl.ic Hearing ; �Iove3 by Cenim. ilirsh�n, seconded by Cor.nr,� Puetz, to ciose the Public
c iosed ��earing.
i�?ot:ion carried, 4-0
Ac�ditior_ to Ce�im. �;rshon suggested the follow�..r.g ph.rase t;e a�ir?eci to Condi_tion �.u,
Cor.di�ion 16 after tne �aords "Loulevard Sl:oppin-� Center": "as detern:ine�l b� the
�Planning Commis,�ion".
Comrn. 0'rieefe comment�d tI at althou�li it is not �i�pli.cab_te to tt��is
application, t_��e Cer.ter `s s;_gris leave a 1ot to i?e desired.
7-U--72 '�1o.��d hy Co�^�m. ;;irshon, se�_onaed by Ca��ri. 0''�eefe to a�prove appJ_icaticn
anproved j7-U--72 „-iLlz ttle condition� as sugg�stec? by th� staf � in ti:e me.�o of
;I;�:�Or'iCi7_i:�O;:�S � Ze'ij' .5, .�C72� clilil evlril �Ilt' `:� ?1t�011d1 � :Y"aSG t0 Ci.�"1.'1i_lOTl ln,
���Y�S: Comm. i-ii�°�hon, Q`t:eefe, Puetz, �li�;_rrlan ��uthenuth
�:�OrS : None
Mc�t carried, !+�-0
UD�Ya(j� S�^Tl`: �COiTliTi. � Sl1�g�St�c� t1.12 �_lanni D�.rector �.^O'.K 1.?1�0 ��:3c?S Of llD¢Y3'�7_il;
'the signing of the ;';ouleva Shoppin� Center,
5. Appl_�cation 8-U--,72 0'- Joli.i Saic', ei ai.. to al.loT�i deiernient of.
requirement to ur�d�r;;round utilit:_es �n ccn,���c�ion ;�,�iL a. 5-1.;�t
� st�b1 �v�sion. �aid proper_ ty is in a CC (��e:::t�i al Co:,��rcial; zr�ne
! 10C3tP_C� liC;l"t O� .:1T1C� S'� � c7��E'.t?t. tC ;� i�,f.VE?.';`.± l,]"F..:�!� '�i.V'� .� Jr'llRilc?Ci
011 the 4?e?;_t Uj' ��;'C�) �'�a1i�1T1S` iO.: ():7 ttl' I!!�?'t=':! }�y t�1.VF?;; �T1V?�
a.id e::tend=i;.� 21_<, fef�t on Saratog-z--`�urlizyt��!1� �.cad sotitiz of A1�es
� Drive. First :':ear:inr, ,
� �f c� � ' � � r , , r t- ;�; ?
IThe P1_annin DiYector ref�rr�_d ��o tiz.� mr� � �ru� �)irecr_or or Public
'or.t:s on this �pplicar_ion.
i -
Pa�e 7
Tt�e Associate Ln�ineer �aent over the tract r,1ap on the board. He rP�a' recomr,ten��s
said the main pr.oble..:� r.i��it nc?t•; is tl�at �'.G. & E. is unable to ost�poziement
determine the overal_1 ner.ds for. t;�e tin�'e?-�,ro�.ri-l:ing ot th� e�ttir.e
parcel at t�li.s t:ime. T�:r developer_� ha.� of.fc�}�ecl to put up u bon��
f.or the unclergroundin� o� par.ceis 3 and 4. Tt�e As.so��.ate �,n�ineer
suggested t'r',;_S l�e f�o:�tpen._d ur�ti.l parce?.s 2 ai�d 5 ar � c'_eveloped.
He said the road w go in ��;iten th=�. ��ssess�.ent district boes i_n.
Mr. J. Fitz�re.r_al.d, 101�1 P�or.t:l Bl.ane_,• A���enue, Cti��rtino, :;ai�3 a Bond po�>te�:
$32,G0� bor.�i �:a7 heei. po: ted £cr this un�uergroun�:in�, p.�. an�: ;:�.
needs to sr.udy the. area ��eie�re proc�e;s�_n, , inere is a po�_e i.n *l�e .
rm�.ddle oL propo�ed �andl.c�y Drive CJ=11C�1 �•?ill ':za�_Je °_:o �e ;n�-,�e�].
They feel t.�e under�rounding �vill have an eriect on abou+ 20 acres.
Mr. �urrell Leonard, 7_9I��5 Pi:uner�_df,e, Cupertwn�, Ga_d fro,n rhe i �'erv�ce entire
standpoint of a developer <<?ho has !�a�a about `�v� y�.ars` erper.ience � parc�l a� on�
c this sort of tYiin�, the proble�. a:-e ti�ery rea? . T:��^y are time,
reluctant to ge a��ead �.aith the under�;ro�i.iidia� unt��l t:iey are .ready
to service the entire parcel. Tl�is pr.o�•le:.� is be�-ond t��.e control �
of the devel_oper.
1he Associa.te Ungineer answered Coin�. Pu�t� that th� time 1ir.1=�t 12-r.-�ont�
on the deferment s=iould be 12 mont_=�s. The�� nx�ec* !�.�e asses�ment �'.efer:::ent
d�str �_ct to ee under construction :�y late � a� l.
Cor.un. Hirs�:on a�ked �f it ���ould be a good idea ±-a put so�ae t�_�e This is at t:�e
1�_mit on tiie ui�dergrour.d �il� of t�:e ut;_l � t�es since t:��s is r-:ght center o:� r_o -«
at t?�e center of to�an. Comm. Puetz agreed.
rir. Fitzgeralcl stated tl�at t'ney hoped :'.G. �- �:. -.;ilt .�ave this
wor�ed out about the time the assessment distr_ict gets under �aay.
Moved by Comn��. Puetz, seconded by Coaun. �'I`eefe to close t�e Public Public ..earings
I:earings. closed
Motion carried, �+-0
Moved by Comm, Puetz, seconded by Comm. �iirshon to approve applica- 8-iJ-72
tion be granted with the condition tnat the deferm�nt be lir�.ited to appraved
12 months.
AYES: Comm. �Iirshcn, 0'F:eefe, Puetz, C?;airraan tu�:�enut_:
NQES: None • '
rioi�ion carried, 4-0
Chair:�an Buthenuth callel a recess at 10:07 pr:t. 'T1ie ;�eetino
reconvened at 10:20 pm.
Page �i
6. Application 5-U-72 of Channin� B. Chrism:�n to allow constru4tion
. ot 50,460 square feet of effice sp�ce in t�ao ?.-story buildings.
Said property zs in a F(PlannEd Development) zone and is located
at the south�.��est corner of the intersection of Rodrigues Avenue
and Torre Avenue. Fi;:st ::earing.
The proposal he site plan and eievatior.s c��ere placed on tize board. Th�s properr_,� is
cross the street from City klal The buildings are located in the
enter of the property, opening onto Rodriguez and Town Center LanE,
ith a trellaced �aalkway to the City 'riall_/Librar}� complex.
�iounding om.m. Puetz would lilc� to see a mcunding alon� the perirmeter of the
reco�men3ed � arking area to take away t.he sea of asphalt loox as people are ?eaving
' ity iiall and the library.
1•ioundin� r. Channing Chrisman, E54 Georgia Avenue, Pale Alto, said he was the
irlpractical eceloper and af_fered to ai�s�aer any questions . �ie does not t �intc � t
�is practical to mound the 10 feet along the perimeter o� the propertS�
ecause he could no� get suf�icient height to be effective, and w�*
,aotild be a proble� with the runoff . '
i�o exposure �Co?nm. 0'Keefe _oTmented on .*_he s;:Tmetrical design ar.d t:�e great•�ea.l of
to :nain streer ►asp;.alt. Eie as�ed *he applicant how his plan relate�i to tne civic center.
�:e was concerned that sae have nnbody around the civic center evenings�
�1�. Cnrisman does not Yee t.ii� prepert� as a commercial use because
� there is no exposur� on th2 riain streets. A restaurant or movie .icuse
�ould re4uire lights. He said we need commerciai cevelopment to serve
�Cupertino out he dops not t:��nk. he could do it succes��ully at tl:lis
�l.ocation, T�Tithout Fxposure t� a maj�r street.
�r OpJS21 d�esn't�Comm. 0'Keefe said that althaugh the parking ratio m�ets the Ordin�nce,
complenient tL�e �ae st�_11 have an 8 to S situation �iere, �ahic��i does not complement �he
ci.v�_c center ��vic center we are try�ng to create.
,omm. Puetz suggested turnino tne bui_ldings 90 and rearranging the
, aricing lvt.
Alternatives o�un. 0'Keefe said the City Ha L and Library are �eared to pedestr_i.an
raff ic. The vaiue of the ChYisman deve?_op,:�ents su�; est that they
hould �e used more th�n j�ist fiyc days a �;e�xc. FIe aslced if the :ieveloper
� ad consid�red a.ny type of residential use for =_11�s propertq. 'ir. Chris=nan
_ai� the property is too sr�?aiJ tc do sor-.ething vt!zer tlzan per�ia�s toc�n-
ouses and he is not sure �_t wou:�_d cor�p � emer�t r.i�e ci�Jic center,
°ag� 9
Comm. IIirshon reflected there taas a request soize ti�e back to Ne�� ToG?n Center
study the Town Cent�r, taki.np intu consideration �.ahat has been study to be
developed thus far. The Pl.ar.nin� Directr,r s:id the staff has not done
had time to �o into this as yet.
Comm. Hirshon asLced Mr.. Chrisman if there ilas been any considerati n
given to pa.rtially recessing the two-story buildings such as has Property slop�s
been done in the ne:-� fi.nancial center at Vallco Park. Mr. Chrisraa 10 reet fro:�
said the property slopes dou:%n somA 10 feet frorz Hi�h���ay 9 to Torre f`9 to Torre �`.ve
Avenue. :?e feels the_v have to set up in the air to catcr t':e eye.
The site plan is laid aut for t:�e convenience o� people ;aal�cing
from their cars. rlost people drive `�ere, so ��e r;lust plan ior the
cars . Comm. ?-iirshon would li�:e to 5ee some or the parking
spaces sacrificed in order to 6et more landscapin�.
Cha�.rman Buthenuth asked for comr.ients from the audience.
Mr. Burrell Leonard said years ago, ef�ort wa� made tc develop Original overal
80 acres fronting on Stevens Creek Blvd, from �lane_y to tii�nway 9 plan
and from Pacifica to S�evens Cr�ek �ivd. 'r?e �aid it �aas a mistake
that it was not under one o�aners:li.p. T:�is has had co�siderable
effect on �1r. Chrisman`s devei�p�-�ent.
Mr. R. D. Koen:ir_zer, 1G060 �har Lap Drive, Cupert�zio, �sked the �cestr�ct�on o�
hei�nt of tre bu�ldin�s. Lir. C_ said it was 35 ieet. view oi ni11s
NIr. Koenitzer said �:his will vary the height o� the buildings mini-aized
without taking away too much ot the vie�a ot rhe hills.
It was suggested the buildings be reoriented to�,�ard City :iall, and Reorient bld�s.
that the deve� oper do someti:ing �aitn the "sea of asphalt".
Mr. Chrisman said they are �ooking for 1�r�er users ;�ha would be Parkin� ra�io
taking 5,000 to 10,000 feet ot building space. �owever, they
are providing for fleYibility. L�e said a morn realisitic parking
ratio w�uld be 1 space p�r ?00 square feet of commercia]_, or
1 space per 250 square teet of professional office. ��e oifered
to take 8 stalls off Rodrigues and create mere landscapin� there.
Mr. �ob Karpen, 104E3 Chisholm P.veniie, �upertiro, sugoested that
if the bu were rotated, since the property is on a slope,
that long d�stance of par!cing ���ill be more visible.
Moved by Com.�n. 0`Kee£e, seconded by Comm. Iiirshon to close the Public Hear�z�gs
Public :'.earir.gs. ' , closed
AYES: Comm. Hirsnon, Q�Keefe, Ch.3irman Buthenuth
NOES: Corli�. Puetz
Morion •�arried, 3-1
Page 10
°-U-72 �oved by Comm. G'KeeLe, sec�nded by Cot�.m. 'Iirshon to recommend t� the
denied �City Council denial of a�p� :ication 9-U-72 - Channing :�. Chrisman,
4YES : Comm. I�irshon, C' kee.f_ e, Chairman ?�ur.her�uth
OES : None
BSTAITdEL : Comm. 1'uetz
Motion carr�ed, 3-0-1
1.G-U-72 7. Application 10-L--72 of Dennis L. ;�ong Lo a:Llow construction of an
postponed to automobile car wasYi witn rel.a�ed gasoL.ne dispensinf; facilities.
�1zy %2nd Said property is in an ML (Ligh� Industrzal) zone and is located
at the sotirhwest corner of tlie intersec.*_ion of Bu'�b R�ad and
Stevens Creel� Blvd. First I-�earinC.
APPLICATION F`OS 1PO�;LD TO M:!�Y 22, 1972 . �
$. �pplication 11--U-72 of Fa:�ily :.omes-Lytle to allow de�e.rrn`nt oi
• reouirement to vnder��_otii.d uti�.ities in conr��ct:i_oiz -r_'_th a two-lot
subdivi�icr�. Said propert; is in a�G (Genera' Co�.riercial} zor,e
y located at t: � south,.est corner ef Sarat:oga-�u�~nyvale Road �nd
F '::�?'win L��IIP_ J�irst :.earin�;.
Reasons f_or he Associate Engineer revie�•.ted ti►e site plan as re]_atec? to �he utili�y
de� ermer.* oles. On xir��in Tane.. - �i you drop one p^le you p:ic:� up «not!ier one
� cross tr�e streer.. tn order to eliminate anothei- pole, they �.aould
ave to b�r� all �_��e caay across Saratoga-Sur.nytiale Road since t::e �tate
�ioes not allow cutting. �.t so�ne .future datc. t.ze;- :��.�y be ab7_e to �ring
� ''r. the ].ines �rc�m anoi.her directzon. 'L'he Dir�ctor of Public �Jorics
reco. a ti�r�e limit ot. 3-l; 2 years, �ait:� 6 mo�Zt.�s notice �o get t`.Ze
"ork don�,
- ormer �cuncilma� F itzgerald said he �aas on the Unde�'�rcu:id Committee,
�-hose �urpose was �.o s�t p�:;oritie�. The}� hope t� remove the poleG
�lon� Saratoga-•Surnyvale Road. Unti_1 r.o�., ri�ere :za� nor bee� enou�h.
money in tlie iutid to do mLCh.
�'he Assistant City Attorriey ext:l.��ined the t;ao types of d��r.ee�:�ents �izat
�an be used in cases such as tl�ese.
�Phe Associate Engineer said if th` Pl.an:iin,-^, Co7�rn�_.��ion denies this
F '�L�P11C3tI.OI? the sta�:F coti�d go to r.G. r;r;c? E,, ard :.:,�.e;� ma�� r_�ltictantly
ive an estimate of t�e cost wtl�.ch rhe �ity caul�� c��ll.ei�t at ti,is ti?:�e
rom the rievelop�r, Th�s incicn;:�-:nes, �aeu1:1 nrt nece:��ar;_i.;� be �rans�erred
hould th�: prop�r�y :!ia.��e h�.�nds.
rili�U'I'I::; OF T.fl: t•�r1Y 8, 1972 1�1.,�1�;NI:1; C(l:s>tJ::>SiI�N .4:;L''I'LPdV PC-hU
;:' a �; c� ;.1
t�tovc:�l hy C�mca. 0'i:eefe, �c.�cu.�lc�cl by Coin.:�. t�irs`.?on to clo:�e the Pub). ic :��-
Public I!eari.n�;<;. clo�e�l
�IoCion carr.ied, 4-0 -
rfoved b;� C:�:�r:i. P�ictz Co der._; a�?p�icatien �?-U-72. C��tion died for
lack cr. a second .
Tt1P. LI7'_IIl^=OVE'.Cj �,CYE'.�'t. �t"C�111�:tI10E' Z:<•.S TE'_','lE.�•I��. 1�11:� 1.S WRE.Y'@ cl'_1
C'Tl�`i_11F�t.T" `:OE:S 1:t12:C11�J.^. �_t1E.' �.'r}' c'1;ICi 1rii�Cc.t:.C'.-^, :7.1St :.`1E. SLSII�SYC?S
��ill_ be 1QT t�lf'_�G UT;1f1T��1"C)`.'E'J. StYF_'2LS. l'�1i:1 ;:C:iP_ttlln'� ^_S �OIlE�
wi.th the property� t:�e c���ner �s tol�� :�i:at th� CitL pi.a:�s are for
his streets ar,ci ;�e eit:zer. pa}•s to .iav� it dorte or pro�� icie� a bond
for it. P.ather th�un doing notii;n�, che.'�.s�ociate ^n�ineer reco:�-
� � '� tin� in tne �orr� of ca�h
mEnded gett_ng a� muc:� as ��e can at thi:� ^ °
or JOT1Cl
Moved by Co ��. 0`i:eefe, seconded by Cor��:,•. ?'irshon to approve a��pli.- 11-�'-72
cation 11-U-72 with the stipulatior. that the �ppl�car�t, in t:�e a?preve�
form of r�oney or 'von�2 in t.:e a- to b` �let 2l:�.1i1�`.�_ by t�e City
Engineer. , pay � or t:ze unaera�ounciin� o� the u�il«ies on su�ject
AYE�• C�m��t. .:irs:con, 0'::eere, C�airnan �ut:ienut`:�
rdOES : Co,-�m. Puetz .
Motion carried, 3-1
The I�eoal De.partrent and staf �;rill £or-�ula te an agre.e:�ent to be
used in cases such as these.
NE:•: BiJ�INESS : Vone
REPO�:T OF PL���iNL�G DIF,EC:.CF.: Noc.e
ADJ OLR\''IE'.dT ,
Moved by Cor�sn. 0`Kee�e, seconded by Comn. Hirstlon to adjourn the
meeting at 12:45 A.:1. -
rloti.on carried, 4-0
/s/ Wm. E. Ryder /s/ John '�. Buthenuth
City Clerk Acting Chairmin