PC 04-24-72 CITY OF C'JPER`['3;�0, Stacf� r�� Cn1�.fior.�:i<� , YC-�53
1-0300 Torrc A.•Je:�u�, Cut,.rt::.:lr,, �a.1:�.-orr.�=� pa`�� �
Tele�l:ane : 252-'; 505
T'IINt?TE� OF THE I?EG?�I�:'`:R ;`:'.��'TT',vG QF 7':iL' =- CO?�1iAit"��T_Oi;
�?ELD O:d E.�'i:II. ?•'+, 1.�?72 _C:v �:; _ �'O�::CI7_. C:I;��'.�'si�R, C�7''i iiALI, i
CliPF,F:Tii�IO, +.t1?����'QI�;iIc�
T�:e r�eetin� Y;as called �e or�?er at 8:(�0 n.rz. �y �ctin CY:ai.rnan
Con present: :iirs:lon, 0`i�eefe, °uetz �'�c�irg C:,air:�an
Co��L:�. absen� : Nonz
Staff pres�nt: Directo� or Piaar:i_ng a_�d Develop.:,ent S=s�c
:e_iior_ Pi ��r.r: �r Laur; n
�i6iS�.c;1� l,it�j t�'�_i.r?'i1e�* T°rY� �
Der�u �y City Ar tcrr.�^y :� lia_1
�SS1Stc^.Ilt P�.S�'_CiE'Y l�OW2i1
Trat£�c Er��i_�:eer ��r��-
R.ecard tr�b Se�retary :�ois Ir.-aar�=
APFR�`J_1L �F i1Ii;UTES: �Iir.ut�s oi Re�ular :�Teet o� Ap�i_ 10, 1972
Acting Chairman Buthenut:� called attention to �iie nex� to ti« last Ccrrection �o
line on page 2. T:.e las� sentence s�osl�? rnad: "T:.ere shoul�' be ':Tinures
'L.25 acres of reoional parn.s for every 1000 popula�ion.
�Ioved by Comr.i. Puetz, seconded by Co.�un. Hirshon to approve the apr� 1 10 M
�iinutes oi April 10, 1972 ae corrected. a�Yrcved a�
?�Iotion carried, 4-0
nL-53 I`1INUTLS OF `L':�.� Ai'RIL 24, 1:'72 PLANPdi.v'G CGr?`fISSION i,`EETING
Pa�e 2
POSTPONE�'[E21TS, etc.
'I'he P:i.a�ning llirector saici the app:�icai.t for agen-ja itP^� 3(applicztion.
4-U-72) has asked £or Festpo.^.c.�ent unt�l P1ay c�r_h.
�+-'J--72 post- So moved by Com:n. Puetz, seconded by Cori:n. 0' �eef_e.
poi:ed to 5/8
Motion carried, 4--0
The Planninb �irector said a post�o�emeat taill be necess«ry on aaenc'.a
item 6(application 8-TT1-72) fer additional topographi�al taoric.
3-TM--72 post- So moved by Comm. Puetz, secor:ded �y C�m.^i. 0`I�.eef.e,
i��o �=on carr_ ied , 4-0
�There were none.
Tiiere Tvere rlane.
GENEIt,4L nLAc1 R�V i:[� ; 8: 00 •- B; 3 G p.� .
LIc�1�17tS UT d ��1t? Ser.ior P13T'iT1E�� ;3�Oii2 u:70:1� C.11 be:iera? iCia.t�!�i7S}1J_� Oi t:i° �.'8T'1.Ot1S
G�_;ier�. '�aix eiemer..ts of tlie G�=-iera� Plar�. If you hav` L tr_�ero-:, to pi �n � city
�YOT:1 ti: beginnina, th.e ilY�;t t:71ri,Q� t0 COT?.� �_Qf�� ;•�C�ll�_� 7C'_ r�1� i7v�ll1al.10I1.
Z'�115 1S �JdS2cj Cil P12.I7�� i�CtOYS � 111CIllQii1� t.C.^_.lbiillC� � �f'_OQ , �C�� ^S�Y'3'?�1y y
2?110I1� OtClE1"S. �riui.ileY 1'18jOY' C.EC�SlOri t� �'?c'1'_'{i? 1S t�"lE� r�E?I131r�' ��1C�Or.
TI11S G71.11 3ifE_'Cit SCr00�_S� n2T�:S� YQ2�'73'�S� E?LC. � V�'Ti iC8]_ Clt.`j' C:��ri De
acccmplished �•�i�h mass transpartation, Types of cA�..�elling� r.lalce. a:��fter_ence.
r'rom tirne to tirae, vdu have to go bac�c anc c?,anoe or ar'_just }�o�lr original.
plan. .
Tiie S���zior Planne= s�id aootit 2; 3 of thP City c_` Cuper;_inc� is uui?_* un
at ti.� presen� tir���. T:�e ult.:_r�a�e porular_�on w�:L:i_ t;e �ro:�, 35,�C0 to
50��i�� �E.'Op��. Tt �� IZ°C�SS2.IS' ti� CC;;';nilt(? 1�:"tE :'��:i'P Z_�'i_ �S 3?1( try t0
get some idea � f t' cos �s invo'_�4� :u. `�c�u �o,:' , n�c�ss«_ ,_ly ta'_ i:i1��
I.owe:�t c�st possible i� you val�.te tiie cc:��_-,� �<.-i:� r,l��a:,ures, etc. of
Lfl� C7_t1.7.�?T1S. C.1_tV "��i:311::�_Il`S i'.�'i''.'�S �ii�'S''•-l-?'- .. 1�-:x71S. 1i: �_G �lit`�._�_E f::�
try to r_r�hulai�e a city T•�it�: itts�� ur�',_.<�.�c:�s.
( .
Pa^e 3
Com: Puetz asked wt�a� nasic criteria are to ��e used for esta:�lish- Der.sities
ing zoain�; den.sit � e:� . The �enior Plar.ner sai.d tiz�t at t�is sta�e,
the staff presents altern:t to the Plan.�in�; Co�ission arid
they, in turn, help to esta:�]_� sh this crir_�,ria. All r_eserved area
is R1-7.5 (4.4 units per acre). R3-2.7, or lo�r densit� to��n house
areas are com�ute� at il d� units per acre. The highest
density 1S fOY apart �,ent c3t _L6 C�`J21.I1I1� U�1tS ��Y �Y'OSS �3C�2.
Th:is, there is a rai��e of 4.�+ to 16 d�aell�n� units per gress. acre.
Com��n. Puetz said there �s some t:��niciug a� t'tii.s ti:�:e to consider rlass
using the freeways ior <<�ass transportation. The Senior Planner transportation
said �.here is still the problen of gett�r.� to ar�d fro:n tLie station
Acting ChairTan Buthenuth asl�ed the sta; f if �ae are keepin� up wit� Alnost keevin��
the schedu2e that �tias set up in ��ebruar;�. The Planning Director up ���% schedul2
said �ae are fairly close to it.
Co:nm. 0'Keefe would li.ke to maintain the inte�rit � of ti.e present Main�air. ir.te�-
neigh`uorhoods and be consiste::t with k�.zat the land owners and the rity o� the
homeo�aners plannect. neighbor�i_nods
1. City of Cupertino: A puolic hearin� to consider the first
draft of a housing element to the general plan. First
Hearing. •
The Planning Director introduced the second draft of the housing Houszng ele:nent
element. The Assistant Plar.ner noted that t:is c-�as t�e first
Public �?earing on the GerLeral Plan Review. rie sai� the General
Plan should: 1) Identiiy long rar.Ge goals and oujectives, an3
2) Present ways and r.ieans for ir�plementing the goals and obj ect=ve .
By State Law, some of the elements to be consicered in a�eneral
plan are land use, noise protect�on, scenic highwavs, seismic
safety, noise protection, transportation, recreation, open space,
public facilities, and conservation. In 1959 the Federal C�overn-�
ment mandated that every person snould have a decent place to live
In 1967 the S�ate of Caliiornia passec a 1aw that every General
Law jurisdiction would honor tiiat �andate. In Santa Clara County
there is a very limited cnoice as to ttze type oi n�usin� available.
The Assis�ant Planner_ stated that nornally, twe times �ross salar Discri^�inat�on
is about the amount a fa�mily can saend on t':1° purc�zase o{ a home. � in CuYert�no
In Cupertino, 85% o� the existing :iousin�� cannot be I�.trchaseci on
that basis. And 45% of the izc:ues cai�no� be ptirci�ased tor iess
than $17,00�. He said t:�ere is discri:��inati.on. in Cupertino. It
�aill be discussed ar_ another meeting.
�'a�;e 4 �
Us� tii�` Th� Assistant P?anner said the basic proole:�, ass;iming tnere is .a problem,
fecieral . �:is what can C;�pertino do about it. '?'he Federal Go��ernr:ent has the
pre,�rams � financial resources and 1_egal clout to enaule fe;lera-� pre�rams to ue
:,vai_iable j utilized in Cupert:ino. xiolsinF, goals have been set by a group ef Planning
jCommissianers and City Counci.l�en in Santa Clara Countv. A group calleci
; F.A.C.F. has been ior�ned to enco..r_age upkeep oi nlder hoTM�es. A�oint
� City/Cott�ity progra� has neer. set up to encourage ec���no-�ic mia , to ex^edit�
� 'zcnin� adninistration, encourage pu�lic pro�ra:�s, and to direct lai�d
`iass traiis� t/ � Co;nm. Puetz feels �_hat nass transportation is a�ust, a:�ong i��ith loTa
lo�a cos_ 1 housing. The Assistant Planner said there is a direcr. relationship
� L housing and t�ansportatio�.
`rurtl�er st�idy �?�:r. L�on ;;argent, 2I675 Regnart Road, Cupert�.no, took issLe t�itn that
:�� this area ^art o� the reporr_ r�garding purc;za�in� of a ho-ne based on t�,o times gross
r.erCl?�l salary r�1S a. banlc I'i12P.���i T;;10 i13S 3llt i;ority t0 �ppz'ove T2c31 estate iOSriS
� re^ularJ_y, he thinks t't�is is a rat.::er conservative figure. At t_ie pres2nt
tir�e, it is possibl.e to �et a 30--y?ar ter� ycan on a nomn, �ahict� reduces
tiie rnon�hiy pay�:��nt. In tne State of Califorr.ia, the ho�,e takes a'_arg�r
T�O?"'tiOl: Ot tYlE'_ 1,3I_111J bl?�c,2t ti1Si, ?.. SC�`2 C�11F� S4.dt2S. iJ2rier�;l�y Sp°a
�5� gross r.,ont:�ly inc�r_e goes for i`�ousing. .:e believes :-�o�•e stu�'ies
`Si.i�!1�.�� t i�e CjOTlr�, 117 t'71S 2,� i:P_�OY'2 S CCi1CY2i.° ^rOYOS31 ?_� ��E.'SP_Rt�'C�
; regard �-�g what 4 lo�a i�icoMe individual can aftord. In �:�_ny case� ti:e
1111SbSI:C1 ai1C1 �•: bot�� iaox an �1� C1U� �O receat '1�C�1C<il 3GV3'7C2S� t�"lE..
iit e's saiary is ta�en into consider.ation :,-hen con��derir.� �ahet;.�r_ or
i not t'_:ey can quaiiLy tor a given noMe r.lortage. �:e reco��� �zed the need
!=or i��,r cost hr�using, but t1Le above elements st�oul�� be ccnsidered.
� -
! ''iany times, 5overnment controls and quotas place t �e Money in t?ie
��r_ong hands � TJe shou'_d plan and caor'_� to previde hotising fo7 people
; �.�tic work in otir comsnu.zity.
�" , � r *� �r�'�,�u11. N11Si10ri 3Si:2d i Y'. 5?Y�e?11� l� i12 DelOI1�S : T.•
C=�.L 1...�Oi.'.? �1CI1 � 1 �_ � t.0 El. OC1Pry T�11C.1. i"1�35
on '_o,_a1 i�:��el ��lade a study of this. _ir. �:�rgent sai.d the A:-.�r_icaY: �3an..�n�? �ociet;
� h�ve made such a stud�>, but it is eltre-�;e.1y �i��icult beca�ise so ^1����y
fa�tors should he con� idered. n� suggested c_:ec�cin� ���;_t�l t.�e lendir ,
� �T1S�7_tLl�l_0115 lIl t�1:iS 8.1'E?� tC� SZe �l ic�t I3CtGY;i t.I1C.�' 3rP_ 11::1.:1�. ��t L'1�
��nfor:�ati_on on a iocal leve� rat:���� tl.an u�i.nF ��o.er�.l firures. Get
(sor.:e figures from the emp:�ov�,rs in the Cit;� o� Cupert::_na.
� Comir:. Puet:z �aid a 2. �5 inco. �� is .io.�, beina a1_lo�;���d �,v local lendin�
i i_:LS'�li.11t1017S. [tiI7:�1:ilE,'r tnir�,� LiIE'.�' �O_?S�( �?i1���iF?= �L 1_8 �i J0:1:1C
CUll�i1P_ �.�P_Cr3l1S� trtE�:1 t:�1C:j Ca�� TlOt COT1�1_�GY_` �. i. _:'' 1 il� : j't�� �.^-cC�7C'.Ci I11S
�ma��imu.a salary .r_an;e.
'_"l1�`17:C: CIL.L'L-'?i1Sf 1�1�� ���_c7?Z171.1F� �11E?CtOY' Sa.i.C� L�i? �7:IOi(? C?ll�"'Sl. ...'1 0i' ::'.L.i_'.i1S' _:i �.UC�_°.'"i_1:1'�
=.1so to be �.s not only rel�.ted. to th�_> p�onle 1_ ���:i1ir and ��*nric;_.�t; 'zere no��� but
�on�.�i.der.�d � G_LJO ��OSP ��Jho taill be :Living ai,d!c}r �•JOr��_n�; i,er�-: in t_h� iuture. He
� 1105�° t.he [� C�F ;��11C'C:?PY ti1E'. �.00=±� llii_ i_:;:�_iC1_ZOTl i13� t'l1A 'CPci�(:L?S1.l�1� l�y
�'l:(_`, tc?�.� i3�(�:'.t 1C)?t' 7_I1CUi�lE' [1011.'i:i-P.� .�`Cill:i t':1'' C(;:.'1'�iliI11Ly'.
� .
Page S
i,r, Geor�e Lonacic'�, 20745 Scc��ieJ_d Drive, Cupe audressed Must meei:
himseif to the Cate�;��ri�� o� Yrogra:�ls or. pa-�e. 14. In para. 3a, buil.clir�c coc?e.�
he astced if we could h.�-� e so:::e d�ve�oper �u�ldin;, i.L t�iis area
deal with so�e of Lh� pro�le:�:s t::a� r.ligiit ce-.� about b�ca_use of
tYiis econc::ic r.i.,. The Planning Di.r�ctor said �h°re �•aould b� iupu
fro,�. all iactor.s. �s. �: as�:ed, in r��,ar� to para. 3c, ii
they wou1� still hsv� to r��et all duii.;'wn� co�es . Co:�:.�. Puetz sai'
they would.
Comm. clirshon said the Cha�nber of Co:.merce sn� t:ze iuiiders'
Association could provide input.
Th� Planning Director stated that this first rerort is more
philosophical in nature.
Coir.m. 0'Keefe was interested to kno��J wnat i�e-�.cers o� t::� SliC112T1C�
thought about the state�.:�ent by the Assi�tant tlanner abcu� land
to be set aside ror use ny perso.�s who have oean dispiaced by
eminent domain prcceedi.igs.
Katny Ne? lis, 22304 Regnart Rcad, Cuperti_no, as':ea no,•? tnis wouid City ��,�uld :
work. She �aondered i� the City ��.oule �et its :.onny cac�c. The Ian:l to �e used
Assistant Planner said the City ,�,culd, purc:.as� ian:1 and sell it aL later dz�e
back to the deveioper o� t?ie land at t�e sa:�_e cost. It wLuld �e
off the ta� roles in the interim.
Ann Anger, :�ionta Vista resident, as'ced if federal su�s�dy � s goin� � G2t up �li�� �t.
to be utilized. T�ze Assistant ?lanner said the City o= Cupert�no u�zer.e�: �edera�
s`�ould set up a climate c�aernby �ederal pro; could be utilize� pro^ra:_is cou� :
if the need arises. i�Irs. Anoer said she had received information be utilized �~
in a recent letter fro:n the Assistant :iana�er o� LiUD to t�:e � need arises
National Apartnent Association that �ills �`235 and ,'�23b are in
financial trouble. In the Boston area the �oreclosure rate is
from 35 to 70%. She also said there is a vacancy `actor in the
City of Cupertina now that snould be considered. ,
Mr. Sargent requested the staff study the eminent doL�azn situatio
as to whether this woulc: apply only to displaced, lo�a-cost housing
or if it �aould ap�Iy t� anyone.
.`Iancy Sallan, 10141 Village Place, Cuperrino, said one o� the con- �Iusr. densit;-
cerns ahcut low cost housing is t'.�at one :ias �o havP increased incYease in
density in orcier to get fede�ally sponsored probrams. Sae asked order to use
- if this is really necessary. Tn� Plannino D �.r�ctor said :z� �:.ad no red�rai pro�r-�:�:.=
direct answer to this question at this ti�e but caouid resnarch it.
Page 6
:�.ousii�, problem Ju3y Co�per, 21906 Hyar.nisport, Cup °rt1I1G�. ni esented a letr_er to the
does � e�:ist Cupertino Plannin� Con-�ission from the r'I.�dpe.r..ii�sula Citizens fer Fair
'r�ousing, serving Red�tiiood City throuv�� Cui ertino . : he saiu this ;reup
is, at the present t�me, tryin� to establish the ne��l:: o� tx�e County
in a way ciear to everybody and establis:i a ce�initi_on of lot•.* r_ost
l�ousing. The problem ��:ists, and it is cur responsi�5ility to realize
it and try to do sometning aLout it.
=.��isi_ Eler.:�i.t Moved by Com�. 0'keefe, seconded by Com�. Puetz to continue the
��oatir_ued to puUlic Hearina on riousing Ele;aent to May 8th.
:iay 8th
rlotion carrieci, 4-0
2. Application 38-7.-71 0� City of Cupertino �or rezonin; of
appr�ximatel}� 5 acres rro:1 CG (U�neral Co_::;;.ercial to A1--43
(h�;riculturai-Residentia� Single-ia:nily �:ze-acre )_ots) or to
other zone c�ee:�ed apprepriate '�y the Dlai.n�n� Co:-�;-�ission.
Said proper�_v is located easterl}� or R���nar� Roac, approxi:�ately
1250 Leet sout�~:erly o� t::e intersection c* Re� Road and
+ Lindy Lane. Fi� s � �iearing cor:tinue� .
C Th� Plann�_ng Di�ector recapped th� staff r�port o� Ap 20th on
� this appl ication. r�e reco;�mended � t be ��it�:cira��TrL si_nce tt.e
� ir.terim aone o�fers ti�e approoriate controls,
lhe Acting Cnair�an as�ced ior co�mer.ts from the audier�ce. There �aere
n� ne .
� u'olic Hearii��g rloved by Corun. Puet2, seconried by Cc�:n. 0' �.:eefe to close the Fublic
c�.o.sc�i Hearings.
Motion carried, �F-0
3�--7_---71 ��loved by Cor�m. nuetz, seconded by C,�r�r.i. i:�irsh�n tnat a�plication
•:riti�dra;an � �ora 38--Z-71, City of Cup�rrii.o, be -.��it.�dr�;ar_ tl:o� t?.ze ag��nda, per the
a� =ncua �lann�r.� Direc `or' s :�e: �o o� Apr�l ?_4 ., 1977_ .
A`�ES: Co�,�m�. Hirshon, 0'Keefe, Pus�tz, �?ctin� C1:air�aa �uthenuth .
NOES: None
I�1ot�on carried, 4--0
� _
Pape 7
3. Application 4-U--72
This was p�stpon��d at the beginr.in� of_ tru_s ::�eetin� .
� 4. Applications �+-Z-72 ano S-TM-; 2 of Ja�.�s G. �obt for �
(1) Rezonin; 2.]_9 acr.es rro:-� R7_-1C (P.esi_den�i.al, Single--
fa_n�ly, 10,000 sq. f�. Ye� d�aeiliz�� uni�) �� R2-4:25 (Res�_-
dential, Dunle 4,2�0 s�. *t. per cl:���ili_n^ u��=t);
(2) Tentative i�1a� to sub1:-viue 2.19 acres in~o nin� 1ots,
cach lot to ilave �,500 sa. �t DiU `'ai<' propert�� is �
located approxi.nately 400 f eet �•aest ot �eardon Dr =ve and
northeriy of and adjacent to Al�es Dr:�ve. Firs� �iear�ng
The Pi.annir.a Director sain that at tne last ��leet�_n� the r� scussicn Tra:-: ic coun*
became involved �n t.ie traffic flo�a rela�ed tc rllves Drive. av�i:_a�le at
Fngineerinb has not been ab7_e to get th�: traffic counts as y�t. ne.:t -�eet
The Traffic Engineer said this should be done be the next nieetin,�.
The Planr.ing Uirector �aeiit os��er the t:,ap of th� arez , pointing out
t�e e�isting and planned stree�s.
Mr. rlarty iiall, represent�n� t:e applicant, sai�1 th�y have co. - 8 u:1i�s per. ac.r�_
sider.ed otizer types of development for this �roperty. The �est
use appears to be the planned 8 units per acre, �::zereas they could
put in 10 units per acre and st^ 11 be ;�ithi_n the Or:�inance.
v,ith the high cost o� the. 7.and, t�iey would 'nave r.o buiid a$Sv,OGO
hor��e here if it �aere developed R-l.
Mr. Norman Ste�n, 20948 Alves Drive, Cupert�.lo, said t'riat since R��t::�rn Al��es DY .
there is r.o hope for a sin�le family i:one iiere, t�ie present appli- to r�s.i:ie �tia �
cation is the ncx� best. He said their in�erest is to return tt�e i.at•.:�r�
residential nature or their street and not have it a co�;ir.tercial
thorcughfare. rIe said t�:e5� ca:-ie do��n, en masse, to protest the
openi.zg of Alves Drive in the �irst place. He answered Comm.
'r:irshon that they were annexed to Cupertino at that r_i;-ie.
Mr. I�errns:neyer, A�ves Drive, agreed witri :�ix-. Stc�in's statements. Don't coL�nt
�Ie feels it is tile responsibilit�� o� the Pianni:,� Co��:nission to traf±ic on
rectif.y '�his problem. Fie said the Y:-iCA peapie �•�ere t:ot concerned Mo�;�a;
about opening that street, t't�e�� just �aan'.�ed access to t:leir pro-
perty. He told the Engineerzng Depar.t�ent not to count the tratfi
on P-iondays b�cau::e Ge�:�co is closed t;l�t 1av. Iie �aid if thE:y
approve tilis appiication ht would 1_ihe Lo �have his pro.perty re-
zoned, too�
Yag� �3
Public Hearin; ;ioved by �omm. �uetz, seconded by i,orun. Hir.shon to close the Public
closc.c� �i2arings.
• rlotion carried, 4-0
AI_-4 eG Drit�e Co�rm. Pu�tz wouid li�e the s� afL tc� c:ieck witiz t?ze Yr`C�'� peopl� cn ttlis
Sc�iE�}' Ii:?.ttE,'T. �;E �<'Oil��� Il�C� Si7Ti12 lllea;i OTl iZ0'J tC �I.1F'VI_3rc°_ tt"lE' pY0})lE?i_.S
j o:� Alves Dr�v�. T� e C•�,��lm�ssi.on haj t:.e resYOnsibil.it�� of preservin;
� ttie i�esltil, sai a�d ���eliare of tne citizens, ar.1 t:iis cor�es u:icier
saf ety . Comm .��irshon and 0`Keef e agreed .
�+---�- % 2 Moved '�y Comm. Pu�tz, seconded by Cor:n. 0'::eete to appr_cv� a�p7_ication
ai.��Yc�� ed 4-Z--7Z.
f ��YES: C�min. :-iirchon, 0'I�eefe, Puetz, Act-_r_� Chair�r�art Buthenuth
i+OLS � ilorie
�1ot_.on carried, 4--0
�-1�1-72 �'`�oved by Cor:.�. Puetz .�econ�ied by Co:1m� :-�irshon to a�nrove a^plicatio?z
S.^..D:'OV�Ci j i� �•7�.Li1 tI1E.' �_4 SL;lI:i:a_'C� COI1��1Li_OLiS 8:1Cj C;�i1(�1t:?_OTl i.5: 2'i1eT'�' �,Ji.�l
.;�CCI:(�'_t�_0:�� `LC 3 pllDl_1C e35P_,�'1,='_ilt �J!'� ZOtS � 3T:C� � t0 ri"OViCIF` aCCeSS '�O tiif:
}A�'ES: Co�.rr.. Hits:.on, O�i�eefe, Puetz, Acti;��, (;�zairman -�ut'lenuth
� N�I:S e �one
E e
� iZot�_cn carried, 4-0
nives Drive ��to��ed by Ccin�. Hirshon, seconded by Comr:i. ruetz Lhat the r.atter of the
i�r��if �_r ;:tLLV tY'c'�.ff1C patterLi OTl A�_VeS TY�V�"' 3Ll�j S1=Uij": c?S iE'�.�3rE.C'.•. t0 <:�:creasir��; �:11�
�J.: il3y �nT':i� t:7'3if1C itl 8 TeS1C!P_Ti�1£i�_ �Y'E'_ 3YE t0 i�P_ �LaCP_C� OT'i i_Cie �1'.,t'_,1c_3 �01'
�� ;enda 1�y 22, 1972, tor the t urpose o� stt.d;�in� tlle traific ���acterri alon;�,
�Al��Tes Drive.
Mot.ion ca:crw.eu, 4-0
Actir�g C��air:;�an Butl called a re�es� �st 10:33 p.::�. T.ie ri��,�in
r�^onvaned a'_ L0:48 p..z.
Pa�e 9
S. Application 7-T1�1--72 of Carl Berg and John Sobrato for Tenta-
tive rlap to divi.de 8.250 acres into tive lots. Said �roperty
is in a ML (Li�ht: tndustria' j Zone a�id i;: located a� the
northeast corner of t`ie intersecti�n ot Bt1Jb Read and
McClel.lan Road. First 'iearin;�.
The Planning Director ref.erred to the staff reT�ort on this appli- Pronibit access
cation. I�e cautionecl that steps s;�ould be ta�en *_o pro:iibit acces to '�IcC�ellan
to McClellan Road. IIe suobested the 19 cond_tions be at�ac�led,
should this aaplication be approved. Colored �liues of the area
were shown.
Comm. Puetz saici iie would like to see some type of visual.�barrier Visual barrier
to block the view of the cars in front af t:ze building.
Mr. John Sobrato, one of the applicants, saic� tney objected to one Appi.icants nee.:�
of the recommended conu_t�.ons. ::e said ne has bu;lt si� other access to
buildings in T�?est VaileSr and ne°� er onc� hac he obj �ct�ci to ai�� o� �1cCleZlan
tne cond�.tions. He projects 400 to 500 car� 1_eaving the industrial
park at the same time. Since Hig;wa;T 85 has been extended to
Stevens Creek �lvd. , r.iany people LJ� �ubb Rca� . He saic:. they
really feel it is necessary to have acc�ss te McClellan Road.
Comm. Puetz said that 4 or 5 y�ars a�o, ��he�z t:�i.s was planned, :vot _nany tr�.c:c;=
there was a stipua.ation t�1at there would be only o�e access to at ���est Vala.ey
McClellan Road. Mr. Sobrato said the reason �or that cor�ition
was that there �aas tile ieeling there may be �:l�a.�,� eqt.ip�,l��n� driv�:z
here. It turns o�t they tiave many ccinputer--t,�pe tenants who ::rive
Comr_m. Puetz said there are a lot of resident�al homes and sc:�ools Schools & ho~��s
on McClellan Road now. Mr. Sobrato said the tra�fic will go east on McCle�lan
from Bubb rather tYian west on McClellan Road.
Acting Chairman Buthenuth said he would be against an}� access to
McClellan Road.
Mr. Carl Iierg, co-applicant, said they �et tenants who want their
o�an identity; therefore, t'rley Yiave small lots . Comm. Puet.z said
there is a r.iinimum of one-acre lots. It �aas pointed ost that
Lot ��2 is less than one acre. Co�nm. :Iirs�ion said t:�at a�ti:ougn
it �aas decicled at the ti.me tnat t�iis caas a goo;� idea, i_t never was
made a condition of this application.
�:r. Sobraro said they lioure 3 to 4 people p�:r 1000 square feet of 4 car� per
building space, or 4 cars per 100C square teet o� buildino space. 1000 s:. �t.
. biti_lc:in� space
F.i�e 10
The Planning Director reviewed the condi_tions of t.1e original Tentative
Map. The Assistant Planner �=aid i.z addi.tion, t.zere are conditioi�s
placed on the enL indusLrial park.
Acting Cilairman I�uthenuth asi.ed for comments from the audience.
T?�ere c,jere none.
Puhlir Hearino �ioved by Comm. Hirshon, seco.lded by Comri. 0'Keef_e to close tne Public
closed I?earing on 7-'I'hi-72..
Motion carried, 4-0
?-Tri-72 Moved by Comm. O�Keefe, seco�zded by Comm. Puetz, to approve arplica*ion
approved 7--Tri-72 �aith the 14 standard conditions and the Conditions 15 througl; 19
�;� recom��lended by the staff N?ith deletion of tne last sen�ence in
Conditian 18.
AYES: Comm. :iirshon, 0'Keete, Puetz, Act'ng C:�air:�an Buthenuth
���OL � i:one
Mot:o�i carried, 4-0
6. �.ppiicat_�on 8-TiI--72 �aas postponeu a'� the be�i;.ning of tl��is ._�eeting.
7. App�_ications 8-G-?2 and 6-U-72 ot Sunny V-�_e;a Lu�-.iier_an ��o„�a tor
(i) F.ezcn �.75 acres fro� R1-10 (Residential, Sin�le-� a:�il;�, ,
l��,f}00 sq. {t. per d:aellin; t:nit) to LQ (Quasi--Public Luil�'in ;
�?) Use Perm� t te ai �ow addition of. a �0-bed ex�ender care `�ac�_1:i-
�:j� to an ex�stin; resic'ie?�tial day care ::ome. Said progeYt is
located Liortherly of �'iicl adjacent to Cupertino Road 229.59 feet
easterl;� of. Eoothil.l Blvd. � ir: t�e<�r.ino.
Plan r.J�.�_�. t�1.1OLd ��il: 1 �_aT1T11i1�, Direc�cr introduc tr1E'_ <�;�7ZiC3t b�,� r�ferr t0 ti7e
^iOT'E.' iiE:Xi��_�.' , St3ff report Ori t:1S IIl�3L"tt?Y ?.i7:� �Olil� OV�r ti1E S1LZ t�� cii�S iOT �:1cZS?S �
ity a:Zd t�ao, pointi.na out -::,ere t��e a.dd:itionat Y�arl�;_,:r �•;i�l �o. �'he
A.ssist3nt Plannnr nated th��. t:lis ac�itior ;.a:�11 giti:e �he�n a 1_�t�le more
f � ex�bi.l� ty.
Comm. I�irshon as]�,ed ho� much of an intrusion tLerF�� c��ill be. T�� Pl.ann.i.ig
1`i:cector said oi�� corii�r _im; olved about 5 f eet .
Page �_1_
Mr. Al I-iuber, Palo ��lto Ar.chitect, .�aid ti�.ere are cu�rentl�; 92 Lice.rsed for. 12�
persons in the horr�e t'tia t is 1i censed £or i20. Tiiev are conside .
the addition of ?0 oeds. ��ecaase oi Lhe residentia7. un��s, ti�ey
�aill ta'ice coupies, b�_i�.: :i.�iry are occu�ie�i by �in;les. I
� Mr. Huber sai.d t.�is plan tia::, alreau;� b�en r:�viet�ed by Sta.t.e, , Fut_��r� �?e_v. ;;i11_
COUilti}' a:1C� �'�lr� �'1%�I'51137 OiL �_Clc'i.l_S. IIE' :lO�P_C' ti:1P_Y'E: 'r,lll �JE' several � rec�i �_LE� :':lOrc
decorative fences . I.n the `ul.ure, t:iey ��rili ha��te to outain r.lore �,.an�.
land t0 1i1_OtJ t0� a.IlyT ill�'1rP_ u�VclOp�'1°Ilt ai::'_ �:.'.iit'_Oi1u p�-rki.n�
Comri. Puetz calleu a�Leni.:on to the e�scessive *_raf`�.c on Footili_;..1
Tioved by Com.n. 0';'�eefe, seconded by Co�n��l. Puetz to close the �u1�li ¢ rubl�_c i:earin�
lieari�lgs . clos e;�
Motion carri.ed, 4-0
rioved by Comm. 0'Keefe, seconded by Comm. r�irs:lon to reco:�:iend to 8-�Z-71.
the City Council approval oE appli.cat�on �-Z-72. appro
AYES: Comn. FTirsiior., 0'�:eefe, Puetz, �ct�.n,� C:za_'_r��a: Butlienu�h
\OES: None
Motion carried, +-�-0 �
There was none.
There �aas none.
There was some discussion abo�st c�1an�;_n,; the st� rt�.n� ti^le of GP Re��ie-,� to
these meetings. Comm. llut�ien}itn and 0'i:e�fe iaoul:i li�:e to start he`:_n ar. i:30
- at 7:30; Comm. Iii.rsh��n ana Puetz ��r.ferred 8 p.m. it �aa5 �ecided
the �.enerai Flan Revie,.� :ao�_ii_d begin at i:30.
r �--��', �`1:i�'UTI:S OF TIIE APRIL 24, I972 i I,A^INI^.G C01•L�9ISSION M�ETING
i' :y 1�
(`,onu:�. Puetz asked the status of the m:inute or�ier. s regarclin� the .Town
� C�i�ter. The Plannin� Director sain ti1i.�� ��il� co-:e oat �+ith :� £ull-
blown he<zring on the To�an Center.
�;o addition�l report.
t�.DJOLII'�'�?: iENT
�loved b;7 Coei:�. 0'nee=e, seconded Uy Co�,:-1. :=irsl�oa ta adjourn the
r: at 11:59 �.i:�.
�10 t �on c<.rr ied , 4-0
/s/ Joh T•l. 1?uthenut
Acting Chairman
� �s/ Wm. E. �der �
� City Clerk