PC 04-10-72 ', CITY OF CUP�RTINO, State o� California PC-57
10300 Torre Aveiiu�, Cuperti_no, California Page 1
Telephone: 252-4505
The meetiag was called to order at 7:30 Pi� by Chairman Meyers with
the Salute to the Flag.
Comm. present: Buthenuth, I-iirshon (7:36), 0'Keefe, Puetz(7:34
Chairman Meyers
Staff present: Director of Plannin� and Development Sislc
Senior Planner Lauri�z
�ssistant City Attorney
Deputy City Attorne�.� Ki_lian
Traffic EngiL eer GriS;o
Assistant Planner Co�aan
Recordin� Secretary Lois In;aards
P4oved by Comm. 0'Keefe, seconded by Comm. Buthenuth to approve the This motion �•�as
Minutes of March 27, 1972, superceded :�ateY
on the agenda
Motion carried, 3-0
POSTPONEME�tTS, etc. Application 4-U-72 of Keith E. Garner:
Postpo:iement requested by applicant to
meeting of April 24, 1972.
The Planning Director stated that the applicant is in tne process
of redesign of his project.
Moved by Comm. Buthenuth, seconded by Comm. 0'keefe to postpone 4-U-72 postper.ec
application 4-U-72 to April 24, 1972. to April 24th
Motion carried, 3-0
Page 2
WRITTEN COi�1MUNICATIONS - There �oere none.
ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - There were none.
At this point, Cor.tm. Puetz arriveci at the meeting and had a correction
to the Minutes of i�farch 27, 1972.
Correction to the second line of the first paragraph after the motion at
the top of the page: ". ..requ:irements of the Ordinance have not been
filled." He said the applicant was lacking in elevations and various
perspective drawings.
�1ar. 27th Moved by Com.*n. Puetz, seconded by Cor.un. 0'I�eefe to amend the previously
2�linutes approv- approved minutes of March 27, 1972. -
ed as corrected
Metion carried, 4-0-1
(Comm. Ilirshon abstained)
The Plannin� Director stated that '�ir. Ron VogelbauM, a San Jose State
Woriz./Study Student, ti�ould be included in the discussions of the General
Plan at this meeting.
The Associate Planner introduced a discussion on the parks program.
�-?e noted that there are numerous kinds of parks, but he nas chosen 4
standards for revier�. The exhibits presented assumed more or less
present zonin�.
L��i�hborhood The first type of park is the Neighborhood Park. This is intended to
Park serve basically the needs of smaller ctiildren and sIiould be within
walking distance, not across r�ajor thorou�hfares.
Community The second type of in the County Study is the Comriunity Park, designed
Park to serve mainly teena�ers. These parks should be c•�itnin bicycling
Citywide The third type is the City�aide Park. This is desinned for family-t_ype
Paxk enjoyr,!ent and use. This is the type of park where you �aould load the
family up into the car and driv� to the par�c for an outing.
1ZegionaZ Another type of park is the KegionaJ_ Park, �allich is used fer h:iking,
Park horseback riding, swimming, etc. IL not a wilcierness area, there should
at least be an uneouched area. There shou?;i b� 2.25 acres of regional
parks for every 1000 population.
Page 3
The Associate Planner said our present devel.oped and undeveloped Less park
City parks represent about 2.1 acres per thausand population. He lands pro-
then reviewed the location of the present City park lands and those posed now
locations where parks wil]_ be needed. IIe cautioned that it will be than 50 years
hard to acqui.re all the park lands needed. Fifty years ago the ago
cities proposed much larger park lands than are now proposed. In
apartment areas there is a greater need for parks for the children
than in sin�;le family areas. Most apartment complexes today are
� designed for adult living and do not include children's play areas,
although recreation areas are included.
The Senior Planner said there is the one sctiool of thought that 2 schools of
parks are not needed because people can drive to the mountains or thought
seashore for recreation. Another school of thought is that we
need parks that are more easily accessible. As to the argument
that we cannot afford the parks, it is a reflection on our economy
i£ we can't afford parks as they did fifty years ago.
Comm. Puetz asked what considerations have been met for locations teen centers
of park lands for the various age groups. The Senior Planner said should be '
that frequently it is possible to get neighborhood parlcs adjacent near high
to or near elementary schools. It is harder to get property for schools
parks near the high schools. Comm. Puetz noted there is vacant
property close to some of the high schools. There is a need for
teen centers, etc., near the high schools. If we are going to
have teen centers they should be near the high schools because
most high school students are within bicycle riding distance of
the schools. To minimize social problems, he felt the various
age groups should be segregated.
Comm. Hirshon asked if this County Study would apply to any com-
munity or only to areas similar to ours where there is a regional
park nearby. The Senior Planner said it is designed with the
Regional Park in mind.
Mr. Vogelbaum presented a map which he said is intended to inven- �lements to be
tory the various elements in this area to be considered in regard considered in
to the parks system: the Permanente Quarry operation, the Church parks progran
property, Stevens Canyon Park, Santa Clara County Park, Stevens
Canyon Reservior, Gerrard Ranch, Monta Vista Park, Blackberry Farm,
Horse Ranch, Deep Cliff. He said present thinking is to keep
Stevens Canyon £��ad as a scenic road rather than bring it up to
freeway or expressway standards.
The Senior Planner noted that the 1964 General Plan calls for the Stevens Creek
Stevens Creek Park Chain; however some areas have been rezoned Park Chain
and developed so the property owners own the land to the middle of
the creek.
Page 4
Basic guide- Ttlere was a discussio.i on the time frame for- the General Plan Review.
lines due The Planning Director said r_har. on June 30th *_here will be a preJ_iminary
June 30th report �allich gives ttie basic guidelines.
Accessible Chairman Meyers asked how much additional park land would have to be
open space can acquirer? to zchieve the nlinimur.l sta:�dard. The Senior Planner said that,
be counted in based on 4.25 acres per thousand populatior�.�oe should have about
park lands 170 acres, of ��liich we presently have about 46 acres. C?.zairMan �'Ieyers
then askecl if open ��ace could be counted as park space. The Senior
Plann�r said the open space could be counterl if it is accessible to
the general public.
Elements to be Corun. Puetz would like to have the staff p,_epare definitions and
considered requirements for ne�ghborliood parks. Tlie Senior Planner stated that
another input in this Study �aill be tne County's decis�_on on the
Montebello Ridge area. Develop^�ei:t policies are veYy iMportant izi
determining parks requirements. Another factor to be cor:sidered is
th� subject of earthquakes. r� policy regarding th� quarries should be
determin�d. If the occasion sl�oul<i cone u� �-aher� t�.ey wculd need an
additional�Use Permit, etc., certain condit ceuld be placed on
it regarding b•4ffer areas. idhen they cease operations, funds should be
provided for restoration oi the area.
Combine de���elop The Senior Planner said there are various ��,ays t�:e public can preserve
r:ient caith open space. The purchasing of c�evelopr.lent rights is not practical.
recreation Combining development �aith recreatiou areas appears to be niore feas�ble.
l. Application 4�-U--72 of Keith E. Garner for Use Perr�.it to construct
a 2v0-unit motel and r�staurant, a gas station and a 176-uni�
apartr?ent comrlex �.�ith�n a P(Planned Develop�ent) zone. Said
property is located ;n the southwest quadrant of th.e intersec_ti_on
of Freeway 280 and Suci^.yvale-Saratoga Koad. Fi��st Hear�_n�.
!+-U--72 post--
_�oner�ent orant-- .Postpone-�ent to April 24th granted.
2. Application S--T�1-72 of Claude T. Lin�lsay ior Tentar_ive ?�4ap r_o
divide .4 acre into r_ti��o lots . Said property is located at tiie
northern terminus of Portal E�venue. Fir.st 'rie:_irin�.
The Planninj Director_ stated tti-i_s .i� a strai.�;titfor���ard r.eq�iest; ho��ever,
there is a drainage problem whirli mlrst be worked out pr�_or ro rF�cordation
the the map. The prnpose� lots drain awa.y fr_or,l the str�et, to t:h�
Page S
"Stei.nberg" property to the north. Ci.ty policy pronibits drainage Drainage
from one improved pror=�rLy to a_.ot����r_. install<.t..:�on of a drain�ge proh.l��
ditch along th� rea.r ef suoject prop�.rt�; apgea.rs to �e the best
solution. Yar,�e.1s C anci � are un;.er the �am.� e�.an�rs�iip. T':� hotis _
on P�r. ce1_ C� liav� to b�� either moved or renoved. beca.use it
si.t_�; on top of the proposF�d lot l.i.ne. A��rforl:�ance bond could be
pos�ed to guarantee rer,lovr�_t to exredite ti�e ma.r I�E?COr'Ci8i:1011� if
311 GV�.Ct:1011 pYO�i.LP_i« SllTf�10E'S.
Comm. Pu��z �.�as conce��ne� that the trizn�ui.a� pi��.ce oi prot erty Landlociced
bet�;�eez the fre�,aa,� an.i tn� subject property will be lancilocked, prop^rty bj
The staff_ said ?=he property owner is aware of_ '�his. It is zoned fre���ay
Mr . j �?alter i�lli_T� I�ZJT'�SE'.iltl_I7� 111�.C.Sey 1iCP12S� SFl!'� �1P_ 1S iY'��lri� t0
hel.p the proper��.y o�aner_ o�it of. some proble:is tha.t T cr�a�eci
sor_.e years ago .
Con�rt. 0`Keefe �aas concerned about the cirainage rroblem. The
P.lannir�g Directcr said this is an en�wne�rinc proh�e.r? and wi]_1 all
be resolved.
Chairman Meyers asked for cornrients from tize auclience. There ���ere
�1ove� by Comm. ��irshon, secondeci by Co::zni. 0' Keei e to close the Public Hearin ;:
Public Hearings. closed
riotion carr_ied, 5-0
Tloved by Comm. Fiirshon, seconded by Cot�m. Puetz, to a?prove S--T�I-72
application 5-�Tr1�-72, �•7ith the 14 stan.�ard conditions and tne a� �proved
addi.tion of conclitions 15 and 16 as recommended by the st�ff. w/conditions
AYES: Comm. Futhenuth, Hirshon, 0'I:eefe, Puetz, Cl.airman TTeyers
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
Comm. Puetz suggested to the City Cauncil ttiat if tn�t piece of
property does iiot become a part of. the Ste�nberg Apartments, that
a bond be required to insure that property is maintained. This
was not picke�? up by tt�e other Com.missioners.
Page 6
3. Applications 7-7.--72 and 5-U-72 of �larianist Province of the PaciFic
for (1) Rezo?li.ng approxir,lately tilree aczes from R1-10 (Kesi_dential,
single-family 10,000 sq. f t. per dw�llin�; uniL) to i;Q (i�;.�asi-
Public Building) ; and (2) Use Perrn.;.t to al]_o,v additional co;�;struc-
tion of t:�e i;arianist i:onF�. Said property is located at tlie
westerly terrn.inus of San Juan Roa.d. Firs� �Iearin;.
Narrow roacl The Planning Director r_eferred to the staff report of Apri1 7, 1972, on
this matter. Colored slid�s of the are3 were shown. �levations,
profiles and a parcel map �aere displayed on the bul�_er_in board. Eie
said the staff has been on r_he site several times to try to deterr.iine
some kind of publ_ic access. 3er_ause of tlze ter_rai_n, trees, etc., the
roadway �_s reduced substantiaJ_ly.
The pr�posal is for one full-t ime e�p]_oyee to l �vP on the grounds to
take carc� of the patients at i�his 10--unit rest ho�.e. There tJi:1]_ be
four additional parking spaces in the pad area.
�uilding T4r, F. Hazen MacLaren, of P.uth and Goin; F.n4i^eer_�n� Firm, said it
designed to �,*ould Lie very ci�� �1_Clllt to see this develop:aent fr.o,-1 I'oothill �7_vd.
cascade do� Tl,e bui_lding �,ai_1"1 be cascad:i�-;�; do��m the hill. For the raost part, the
the hill large trees ���ill be incorporar_ed into the develop�=�nt. tie s<�id he
na:� had discussio?zs with r_tie F'ire Department people � nd � t nas been
established this T-��ill 'oe "D" occu; anry, � req�i��_res the building to
be s�� and that there be a fire access road.
A�plicant's Fzther Bertrand Clemens, of tl:e Tlariaiiisr_ Provinc�� oL the Pacif.ic, said
st.a_.tel:�ent this facLlit� Lhey are pJ_an�1i_n� to bu=�ld is for tt elderi.y -?en T,�ho
are no longer. able to ta�:e care o� the�:.selves . There �-aill �e a nurse
in �esidence. It is bei.ng cu_t.1t for ten Men, but L�.:�y never e�pect
. to house ?aere than six or seven �iere. T::ey have no tuture p1_arls f_or
°xpa�zs:ion qf Crl�? r1YC111V°S � P�OVlIlCill�lt�' 01 riiC.' T'G�St �lOrl�.
Com�z. Puetz �oanted to insure t:he ;�ccess road could :!andle ei:�er^ency
:�Ir. �ia.cLaren sai_d thei floor plan incl.udes � our parar�ledical roo�s.
The o1<iier roor:�s are quasi. a.:::,��_z:..ator_y -- :LO _. J_4. C}lanc�s are eYtremely
sli:n tLat r:hey ��ouLd iiave to ever double up in the roo�n.s.
Comm. 0'iCeeFe as'cec? if th�:re .is ariy danger of l.a,idloe_�ing here.
The P'_anning Director said Conditi�n 17 s� �a'�s t::� t:iii.s,
�1r. �Ia.cLaren sa�id ?_.88 acr_es are i.n tlie C_ii:v o:: Cup-�rtino; the re��_,ai_nder
of the ;�roperty is in t:he Co2�7.ity ,jur.i_5�lict_��n. Cn<��_rm�n �leyers a.slced
�ahy rhey ar_c nct Fu(:.f:in� i�. a:il in or�e T���?t��t_�_v� it.,.?. 1�Ir. MacLare:.z said
annr_,r��tion is ver.y t.i:<<e---co::�u;li.ng arid t:i1�y ,�iarir_ ve��q :nucil to st.a.rt
COT1S� Yt;rtl�I1 L'L11S u11R1i1?F?Y'. �l.i� C�TOl11.C� 5�.?i:: :3�)T}Y't�j�i:lca'i:�? t0 A.i111P_:� SQ[11E:t1Il1�
lLl trE? �U1:llZ'E,'.
Page 7
COl11IIl. }'ilTSilOTl Wa; c3S�;t1Y'E?t� LCLSL t:tl7..S I:1�1ti:eY' C•7117. T'ECii11.Y'° 11
Chairman Meyers aske�i for comr,�r�;-�.ts frer.l the audience.
Mrs. Marti Larson, 22770 �lereec?es Roac�_, Cupc,r�:ino, said sne Opposed to
reali.zeci this ��ou�:: not rna���e i:er. ver}� popul.a.r, bui_ s�le is against pro�osa.l.
any zoni.n; for a r. est ho��iE. Iler. �.; this is a�;it.��e--f an�i�_y area .
She noted t�t: gr. eat d.if ference in the ta�>�s o` t;he f ive sin�le-
far::ily horaes on �Iercecses Ro�d to tnose of t��e prop��`t_y in question.. R-1 area.
�1r. Dean Terrantova, 22_776 i�1er_cedes R�>a�, sai.d �:e feeJ_s the Roa�s coul� ��
property is no��r be�nc, useci to =its capa.c_�tj�. Ii� note�� the re��T �inancial
facility coul.d acco�ra.ioc�aLe 17 people. :i� a.1sr� felt tr�at visually, burc:en to
the s�ructure wi11 tiot be in keepint •,aith t:�e ar�a. Lastly, to nei�hbors
pr_ovide roads ior F�-:,^r�ency--t.�; F�e veh�_c �es u�; ti.ere co�_�1�: pose a
financia]_ bur_den on ti:�o�e peop�ie 1iviL1�; on ro;.�n t't�e Y��d.
:ir. D. t�' La.rson, 2?_770 i�Iercedes Rca�', sa.i��. Corcova is a very
mi.niTM:u:t rea;i?�ay, a_s is ?�Iercecies. �oth s�reets are ^nr�_rely
inadequa±-e for e:�.�nloyee and/or vi�itor tratfic. An�! �-he building
might not be ��isible t_rora Faothill �lvc. , but it taoul d �e f: or1
rlercedes Road.
�1r. :�acLaren sai.d it ��ras not thei_r. intentio�z to rez�?ne tile nrupe Use �aill be
bur. ratiier it was the require,�ent of the Ci.±:S. T'tle �asi� use oi � residential ir.
this property is residential ir charac�er, alti�ough it is beinG k character
t:sed by CLlurch p�rsonnel. Traif_ic t�;_ps per c�ay woulr� pro�ably
be less than tl.ose of aTl avera�e f_a�;_ly �1it':: chi7_dre�.1. T:i�^re wili.
b�� no delivery truci:s, etc.
Father Cler.lens sa.id they have 17 rooris, 8 of which are occupied. Intende<: use
The staff lives there year--around. They have ;.len �.r',io travel for of property
long periods of tirne. They ha��e �.�or_ks.'�ops }iere, It i.s true that
fr_om ti�e to time they taould temporaril_y nouse e�tra people.
There follo:aed a consicierable discussion of the develop�ent of
the road��7ay. .yecatise of. the t:errain, it was uetermin�d that the
road shoul.d go on the nortn sicie of the creel;. The structure �oill
be at least 18 feet from ttie road��ay.
It was noted there are presently ten lots hc�re under RJ_-10 �ohich No hi;n rise
could be built upon at the pres�nt ti.me. It ivas noted that the hotet goi.ng
13uilding Code preclucies any idea tha.t tliis is going to be a high i;ere
rise hote]_, as has bee.l rumored,
Page 8
Citizet� cited r4r. Gene Ravi_zza sai_rl he was present on beha:Lf ef another application
?�Sarianists` oii the zge:ida but he Taantecl to spea'.c up. ,.ir� said t?:e �farianists are
contrzbution very humble people a.�zd iiave not r��,ztianed tlleir contr.ibu�.ion to society
to society via the ec1_ucar�on of c.iildren at i�Iit�ty iiigh School, �ah?_ch relieves the
strain on tne p��blic schools. iie asked that se-�te consideration l:�e
given to thPse people who de<��ca�_e their liv�>> to se.rvi_ce.
�'Irs. Larson sai.d she :la.s wallc�d :1ad.era fror� �Ierced�s to the top and
there are roads much steeper than that. She said. this area is r.ot
somethin� that ca?,_�� � be develop�d beauti_�u11�.�. Tr�e Plannin� Director
stated that som� �eo�_ogical d�ata �azli be sub�-�itteci =�t Tentative Map
nrl�lic Heari_ng i��ovc_d by Com?�. Puetz, seconded �y Co�7m. Lu?:h�nuth �=o close tne Pub]_ic
closed Hearings.
�lotion car.ried, 5•-0
Li:,,i.t�e;I ��ccess Co;;i�. Puetz i:ote:i t':�at t:�is is a unicue sic�iation and. ti��i? 1 not ai=Lect
�1_ dictat� t:ze peopli� in the area; a_t :^.ay ��iihance it. Tu� to t`:.e con�:; i_ion oL the
l i-:ited occupa.ntr; 5 they won` t_ creat.e a«y trai�=:; c,�ro�,le:�s . �i� ::ou1d L�ke to
C_i:V21O��P,l�'Tlt SG`2 t:i1E' 1�Ul.1CjiT1Q �3L .LE�B.St �3� ;FC�C��: �Y'O?!1 `�le YOc'1C�G7���/� i:10- �iE W�3S
COIICP_Y11f-?�� �nT�1<3t: T.-'O'._ll_C� fl3J�);'il 1i 3 6� iE.'('_�. S!-Y'_'E'_� iS YP��iiliAi: t1eY'E'. 11tF'r
�-0 S��Y'V1CP_ t�l'� a.YE?�1 ��t?'y'Oi t=_7l_`_� �iOr°'L'�:y. I1 C;%45 �(�1:i�:E.'J. OLi� �'I�c1i: T_�_�i1t'
P(�.�? �ti�'_ :IE.'C1S.LOI1 1.S b£'�_i�� Ti1�1.it? t0 ��E'_F'.P t�?1S 3Y'C'8. iilY"S!_. Lli�l'. r�:� %iCCP_jS
CJ:l�_ C�:�C'L'r3tt? llr?J_ ijeVE'_�_O��ti;�I1L li1 t:�Cl� �3Y��3.. �l'�.E'_ �L'dLl!1iI1;:; I:l.f'?CtOJ'
sa��_d any major road cc�;il1 cor�ie �;.rou�;'t1 thc> C,Lurc't: prep��rty or throu�ii
?�-`1.--72 �loved by Ce?�m. Puetz, seconded by Comm. rut�;.euuti� +.:o al�prove a;��:l.ica.tion
an�rvv�d 7--Z•-72.
AY�S: Coma. Euthentii_h, I�_irsl�on, C'i�.ee�e, Puetz, Cn-�ir�an rleyers
NOES : No�ze
Motion ca.rriel, 5-0
S--i?---72 �loved by Co�iun. PLe�z, ,econdecl i�y Co;�:.l. O ro arapr_ove aYnl.�cat.ion
?-�n�'oved S-U--7?_ s.,itli th�� 1_/ s�.-�;ndard ccnd:i,..Con,, Co:;�.�.'�ions 15 and 16 a:; nr�ted
:�/conu_i_tions in the st�if f r_ epo� oi Apr_ � 1 7, :.977_, a���: Condit i.��n 1_7 !:r_or.l tl� e sarie
staff r_^port and a..��_�n�'e1 at ti�.i<� r,ieetin�;, -and Cor.1�_��_��ns 1.8 an<. �.9.
�Y�S. �Q?:LT?l. �i�?ti)c �{1_t�.,'.lOi:l ��I�E't?.L�'_ Pl.i�_'.tZ� C;1;3..._Y;1FiT,1 T'�F'_�F�I'S
iJOES : No �ie
Mot_ion car.ri�.�l, 5--0
` Page 9
Chairnan tleyers called a recess at 9:58 PM. The meeting reconvene
at 10:08 P2•i.
4. Application S-Z--72 of Eugene A. Ravizza for rezon:_ng .22 acre
from R3-2. 2(Resicientia:L, �1u1_tip? e, 2, 200 sq , f t, per d���eJ_lin
unit) to CG (General Cor.�:^��rcial.) . Said pre�er �y is loca*:ed
approxir�ately 95 feet �aes+� of Saratoga-Sunn;n�ale Roaci,
adjacent t� and northerly of Kirwin L�ne. First NearinG.
The Planning Director introduced the staff report and e�hibi*s. Parking aeeried
Colored slides were sho��n of the office builci�ngs where the addi- for alditioL:
tion is planned which, in turn, :��ill re�uire additional parking to office bld�.
nokT oeing glanned on :�ir�ain Lane. The sta*f �•�as concerned, in the
event this lot is not used for the intended parkin�, that the
Planning Corimission snould go on record that this �aas passed
because it is directly related to the addition to the office
Mr. Ed Myers, 1.0601 South Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, Cupertino, said Applicant's
he represente� the applicant. �.e called attentioa to the fact tha statenents
the previously approved application mentioned that tr�is expansion
would be considered at some future ti.:�e. i?e said Mr. Ravizza
should be complemented or zis landscapino, w'_zich he believecl is
better than r.ost in t:iat area. ?�e said he has r�ad the statf ine:�o
and has no objection to the P�inute Order.
Moved by Comm. 0'�:eefe, seconded by Cor,un. Hirshon to close the Pubi ic ��earin�
Public Hearirg. closed
Motion carried, 5-0
Co::im. Puetz conmented that there is too Mucn com zoning in Too much
the City of Cupertino no�a, many of wizich renain undeveloped. Com-Ttercial
Until �ae have established criteria as to �anere co:�mercial zonino zoning noca
. will occur and how it will enhance Cupertino, he is against this
Comm. �Iirshon noted that this is just to provide additional parkin
so there can be office buildin� expansion.
Chairman *ieyers agreed in essence �eith Comm. Puetz; nowever, this
lot backs up against commercial Froperty.
Page 10
Moved by Corim. Hirshon, seconded by Comm. 0'Keefe to anprove 5-Z-72
application 5-Z-72. approved
AYES: Comm. Buthenuth, Hirshon, 0'Keefe, Chairman Meyers
NOES: Comm. Puetz
Motion carried, 4-1
Moved by Comm. 0'I�eefe, seconded by Comm. Puetz, trLat the Cupertin Minute Order
Planning Commission is informing the owner of Assessor's Parcel
No. 360-15-53 that the recor.unendation for a c'.�.a.zge of zone for sai
property fror.i R3-2.2 to CG is predicated on the property being
used as an off-street parking area to allo�a the expansion of the
Cupertino Commercial Center within one year from this date.
If the property is projected for some use other than that proposed
by the applicant, a public hearing to rezone the property back to
a residential use shall be initiated by this body.
AYES: Comm. Buthenuth, Hirshon, 0'Keefe, Puetz, Chairr.ian Meyers
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
� 5. Application 6-Z-72 of Angelo Cuva for grezoning .22 acre
frem Santa Clara County C.N. to City of Cupertino R3-2.2
(Residential, �Iultiple, 2,200 sq. ft. per d�-�elling unit) .
• Said property is located at t�ie southeast corner of the
intersection of Lo,lita Avenue and Pasadena Avenue.
First Hearing.
The Assistant Planner intreduced the applicant's proposa� for a A mixture of
� three-unit apartment house. Colored slides of the area were zoning and
shown. The property to the east is zoned and dev�loped industri- uses in the
ally. The property to the south is zoned comriPrcial and is oc- area
cupied by a residential structure. T��e property to the west is
zoned com7nercial and is occuried by a �ingle-fariily residence
with a home occupation. The property to the north is zoned
commercial and developed as residential.
Mr. Angelo Cuva, 18890 Tu;gle Avenue, Cupert�no, said he had a
permit through the County in 1964 but he did not follow tilrough
with 'it.
PaQe 11
Comm. Flirshon was concerned that if this property is zoned R3, LI more
perhaps the adjacent area will come and request R3 zoning al.so, appropriate
He thought he mi�ht rather see this zoned lig:�t industrial than tha.n R3
Chairman Meyers asked for comments fror.i the audience.
Mr. �Iarti Hall, realtor, said a nearby parcel sold. for $85,000
recently, so there is a need for R3 here.
Mr. R. D. Koenitzer, 10060 Phar Lap Drive, Cupertino, com�ented Density too
that we are not goin� to iT*:prove tnis �lonta Vista_ area by putti:�p hiGh
in 20 people per acre. At most, he thoug:�t t�TO units should go
on this property.
Moved by Comm. Puetz, seconded by Comm. Buthenuth to clese tne PllD11C Hearin�
Public Hearing. closed
Motion carried, S-0
Moved by Comm. Puetz, seconded by Co��-n. Buthenuth to approvn 6-Z-72
application 6-Z-72. approved
AYES: Cor.lm. �uthenuth, 0'f:eefe, Puetz, Chairman r:eyers
PvOES: Co,�un. iIirshon
t�Iotion carried, 4--1
6. Application 4-Z-72 aiid 6-TM--72 of James G. Boghosian for
(1) Rezoning 2.19 acres from R1-10 (Resident�al, Single-
family, 10,000 sq. ft. per d�aelling unit) to R2-4.25
(Residential, Duple:�, 4,250 sq. ft. per dwelling unit);
(2) Tentative Map to s•:bdivide 2.19 acres into nine lots,
each lot to have 8,500 sq. ft, plus. Said propert}� is
located approximately 400 fee*: �aest of Beardon :�rive and
northerly of and aajacent to Ai�;es Drive. First Hearing.
The Planning Director noted the staff report and eYhibits explain- Use caould
ing the proposal had been sent out. The applicant`s progosal is conform to
in cor.formance with the intent of the land use element of the G�neral Plan
General Plan.
Ya�e 14
7. Discu�sion of ninor chan€e re: location of storage building -
Glenoaks - Aver�� Construction Cot:�pany.
Gienoal:s The develop:�ent plan was p.laced on r_11e board and tre Plannin� Director
c::an�e reviewed the tratfic g�ttern in t�1�_s cemple};, i:e said a 15� :�inir�um
co:�sidered setback �,�as establisned on the we�terl;� side of the preaerty an�' 20'
7inor tro:� ad�acent resiaential areas for r_he main Luil?in�s. The reSuest
is to relocate the storage buiidii� and repJ.�ce it witli carports.
Aft.er considerable discu�sion it ::as t�ie aenera�. consens:�s or i.he
Plannin� Co��,:ission t"t:at ti:is was a^.inor, not a raior cnange, and
th� staff could handle it.
.��4,? BUSINESS - None
P����ORT OF PLANNI�:� CO'�:iISSION - �Ione
,- ,? . Ecl b CCP:i'1, i�ll �d:'?;1'.i '.1 � S P_CO'1G�'�. D COi';TM' . ('i �:<<'E� e t0 a�� curn LO
.. � o��r.�eu �o y t' y
.._�r�l i9tn Apr�_1 19, ' 972, a� 7:3� P:1. T:ie .::^et_n� adjo:�rTieci :,.t 1_2:?_4 A�t.
ifot ;c�i carrieca, 5-0
. /s/ �obert j �1. �ievers
�TT�,ST :
/s/ t�'m. L. P.yder
City CLerk