PC 03-27-72 CITY �F CUPERTI�O, 5tate of Califurnia PC-55
?0300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California �Pa�e 1
Telephone: 252-4505 '
HELD ON MARCH 27, 1972, Iti TiiE CO?JN�IL CL?E1��I�:�:R, CITY HALL
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 PM, by Chairman Meyers
with the Salute to the Flag.
Conmissioners present: Buthenuth, Hirshon, 0'Keefe (7:55),
Puetz (7:35), Chairman Mey�rs
Staff present: Director oi Planning & Develop^�ent Sisk
Assistant City Attorney Terry
Deputy City Att�rney ::illian
Senior Planner Laurin
Tr.a£fic Engi_neer Gri�g
Ass;s*_ant Planner Ccwan
Recording Secretar;• Lois ir�wards
APPR�VAL OF MINUTES : Nlinutes u� Regul_ar �Ieetin� ?iarch 13 , I9 i 2
Moved by Co.:��. Hirs:zon, secondeci by Comr.i. Buthenuth �o continue Approval o�
the above item until other Commissioners are present. Min��tes deia�e;�
Motion carried, 3-0 _
POSTPONEMEivTS, etc. Application 4-II-72 of ,�Pith E. Garner:
Postponer.lent requested b � appl to
meeting of April 10, 1972.
This matter was contzr.lied until it comes up under Public I.earings
on the agen:�a.
These matters were dela3•ed until after the General P1an Review.
Page 2
The Senior Planner noted that the statistical basis for the General Plan
aas reviewed at the last rieeting. He recapped this report, going quickly
through the slides used at that meeting.
There huve been map of the Cupertino Pla:�ning Area was displayed, showing the single
a lot of family residences. There has been a trer.:endous a�:�ount of devz]_opment
townhouses here in the last two years -- a good deal of t:�e�n townhouses. The
built here the Senior Planner said the City must determine what is the highest and
last 2 years best use of property. This can be interpreted as best for families
ith children or couples or sing.les without chiidren.
The Senior Planner went over charts sho�ving cost per person versus density
and another chart showir.g wnat happens to land costs when you have
subsidies. He reviewed a se� he attended in Los Angeles on "Housing
Subsidies - a Dream or a Nightmare?"
c�ealistic The Senior Planner said that if it were required in the hill areas that
c1ev. costs the development really pay for all the improvements, then we would find
caould retard that it won`t be feasible to build in these hill areas. r:e felt the
hillside CitS should joir� the County Housing Authority, but not pursue it
development actively.
Comm. Puetz asiced about the vacancy factor. The Senior Planner said
there is almost no vacancy factor in the City oi Cupertino at this time.
riigher density ne factor brought out during this revie�o is that �oith mass transportation
foi lower cost you can have higher density for less cost because you don`t have to
w/nass transit provide the additional streets.
he General Plan Review will continue at the next regular Planning
Commission meeting from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM.
Consider _oved by Comm. 0'Ke�fe, seconded by Corim. Hirshon to consider the
approval of pproval of the Minutes of March 13th at this time.
tlie minutes
Motion carried, 5-0
Corrections to hairman Meyers noted on page 4, third paragraph from the bottom, the
the minutes an's name is T1r. riarty Hall. Also, on page 7, se�ond para�raph should
ead: "Chairman Meyers asked . . . . . . . . . noted that at this
timP a development on Foothill ......"
Page 3
Moved by Comm. H�_rshon, seconded by Comm. Puetz to approve the March 13th
rlinutes of March 13, 1972 as corrected. r:►inutes approv�-
as correctel
Motion carried, 4--0
Comm. Buthenuth abstained
Moved by Comr.l. Puetz, seconded by Comm. Hirshon to postpone 4-U-72
application 4-U-72, as requested by the applicant, to April lOth. postponed
Motion carried, 5--0
The Planning Director said the attorney for the applicant under
Item 2 has requested this be placed at the end of t�ze agenla
because of a conflict of committ:lents.
3-U-72 and
Moved by Comm. Hirshon, seconded by Com-:i. Puetz to place applica- 3-TM-72 a�ter
tions 3-U-72 and 3-TM-72 at the end of Unfinished Business. Unfinished
Motion carried, 5-0
There were none.
1. Application 4-TM-72 of Robert Schutz to subdivide 1.84 acres
into eight lots. Said property is located westerly of and
adjacent to Hillcrest Road approximately 400 f.eet northerly
of the intersection of Cupertino Road and Hillcrest Road.
First Hearing.
The Planning Director referred to the staff report on this matter. 3- and 4-plexes
Colored slides of the area were shown. The staff feels that this in the area
property should be treated as hillside. There are triplexes and
fourplexes in the area.
The Assistant Pl.anner said there are twc possible configurations Cul-de-sacs or
for the subdivision of this property; a cul-de-sac situation flag lots
requiring extensive street grading, or tlag lots which F�ould reduce
the amount of grading and paving. The latter is recommended.
Page 4
omm. Hirshon said he was not as concerned about the rurai atmosphere as
he was for the safety of the na street.
Applicant agree r. Robert Schutz, 1931 California Street, Apartment 4, Mountain Vie�o,
to conditions said he was the applicant, and he offered to answer ariy questions. He
said he had no objections to the staf£'s recommended conditions.
Comm. Buthenuth noted the overhead utilities on the colored slides.
�ir. Schutz said they would go under�round. The Planning Director
sai;i there will be exL discussions with the P.G. & E. at the
time of H-Control approval.
Chai.rman Meyers asked for coznments from the audience. There were none.
Public Hearing oved by C�mm. Buthenuth, seconded by Comm. 0'Keefe to close the
closed Public Hearings.
Motion carried, 5-0
4�-TM-72 =oved by Comm. Buthenuth, seconded by Corua. Puetz to approve agplication
a�proved 4-TM-72 with the 14 standard conditions and cond�tions 15 througn 21 as
w/coi�ditions stated in the staff`s memo and supplement, ��i.*_h the amendment to
condition 16 adding the words "e:{cluding the garages" to the end ot the
first sentence.
YES: Comm. Buthenuth, Hirshon, 0'Kee�e, Puetz, Chairman Meyers
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
4. Review of Median Strip, Stevens Creek Blvd. ��esterly of Saratoga-
Sunnyvale Road.
�C� median he Traffic Engineer went over the area which includes the Gemco and
strip review �Crossroads Shopping Centers. He said tne raedian break by Ge::co and
�Iervyn's will be closed. There will be an openi_ng at Saich Way and
a signalized intersection at Bandley Avenue (the proposed street).
There wi.11 be two right-turu exits irom Ge:::co; the r:ost easterly
driveway will be cl_osed. Ther� will b` �cces ; �rom t�e Ge_ parkinE,
1ot on the east side, ailowin� access from the propased street.
Page 5
Comm. Puetz intrcduced the problem i� front or the post office. SCTs median
The Tr.affic Eng�neer said that area is outside the scope of this strip recie:•;
Comm. Buthenuth felt it �,Tas iMportant to have a rioht-turn-only
. into the Gemco parking iat.
Cha�r:nan Meyers �would lilce to see the left-turns fro:n Saich .�ia;�
eliMi_nated as soon as �andley �fJay beco_nes operational.
The Traffic Engir�eer said t�e traffic si�nal at th� �roposed :tree
will �urnish breaks in the traffic to allo�a *_h° ca.rs in the right
lane to get into the left lane to ma'.e left �urns.
Chairman Meyers suggested Ger.ico restripe thei.r par�cin� lot to have Rest7-ipe Gemco
the rows of parrcing going the other way, pa lot
Comm. Puetz �,�as i.n favor of eliminating the median opening between
Ge. and Mervyn's.
Comm. 0'Keefe suggestzd postponeme:�t of a decision on t! to
allow additional observatiori and study o�= the area.
Comm. Hirshon felt that the middle entrance into �e-��co is bad
Comm. Puetz would like to see the City cons�der a*raffic light
at Sa�ch Way as wEll as at the neT,� street. T?ie Traffic Engineer
said the asse5sment district would probably nave to be expancied
to include this.
Chairman riey�rs suggested the entrance/exit from Gemca at Stevens
Creel: Blvd. be clo�ed and to restudy the Saicn t�1ay!Stevens Creex
Blvd. intersection. The central Ger�co opening snould have right
turns only.
Moved by Comm. Buthenuth, seconded by Cor.im. 0`I:eefe to accept the L1ed. plan
pr.oposed median plan �aith the condition that t'. center access to accepted
Gemco be restricted to right turns only.
AYES: Cor.un. Buthenuth, G'Keete, Chairman Mey^rs
NI�ES: Comm. Hirshon, Puetz
Motion carried, 3-2
Coram. Pueta said he voted against this because he feels we still
will hav e a cross-traffic probl.em with the cut across Stevens
Creelc Blvd. Chairman Meyers said he would l�.ke co see doub]_e left
turn lanes from Stevens Creek Blvd. onto Saratoga-Sunn}'vaJ_e Road.
Pabe 6
2. Applica�ions 3-U-72 and 3-TM-72 of Howard Ruth, Jr, for
(1} Use Permit to allc;a cor.struct�on of 41,925 square feet
of oifice space in a P�planned D��velopmen�.) zone and
(2) Tentative Map to divide 3.89 acres into five lots. Said
property is located ai: the northwest corner of the intersection
of Pacifica llrive and 'Corre Avenue. First I-ie�.ring.
ide�ds co;u-:�on ihe Planning ll.irector showed colored sl �des of t'�e property :�n c;uest�_on
then�e a-�d and referred to the co�.�ments in the sta.f_f re�ori.. Althou;,h the pro-
�raffic posal conforms to the approved land use elem�nt cf the Town Center
circL]_atioil Plati, it does not conform to the origi.nally aprroved design concept.
The Planning Director noted a lacic of elerient� r_o tie it together.
The building site ar�as are too close to the stzeets an�'_ there is not
enougii setback var:iatior,. There si:oul:l Ue a comr�on design th�me
for landscaping, interna7_ traffic circulation ann_' for buildin4 design
and materials �or the ent�_re block bounded by Ro:ir� ;ues, �'acifica,
Torre and Saratoga-Sunnyva]_e Road.
_�o�� will th�s The Assistant Planner saici the Plann:in�. Department`s prime concern is
interfac� with how tt��is applicant's proposal will intertace T•Tl ttie pre�ent Town
�; st :bl_shed Center d.evelapment. l�e added tha� if t�iis is aA rroved, ���:e st3ff
�evelcFrlent rrcor,i^��nded individuai parl:ing rat�os be es�aLl�_s���ed for eac:� lot;
alrea�ay there one parr=ing spac� f^r each 100 squar.e fee� oi� ��oss �ui.l3inr; area.
l�ppl�cant war_ts Attorney Robert Der!pster said he represente? Mr. .:o�aar_d R�..th, and
d�cision t�o,a he d�d not �aant any delayed act_ion or t:�is. �ie sa�,� no reason for
another study since standards are already establi.rhed ner�. The plan
is to cut up tne one large lot to e�aele inci'_v: dti�i �� ote.�sional
ine proposal people to purc'�ase �heir o�an buildi.ng, They waut to inte�rate this
so tiie last lo � is as valuable as all t�ie ot�zet s. T�:�e.y ar� su�;gesting
the type uf arcnitecture �aill be si�,iilar to t:�o:�e alrea�'y there.
They will have a tile roof, but not n�cessaril�� the sar�e roor" style.
The conf. igurat�on raay be sornewhat ai�fere�t, but ea.cl.1 building ���ill
fit into its buildin.g envelope.
`�1r. De.,ps�er said the City did not requ�.re i-ir. Chris:�an to f_urnish
access to this property but he did not anti_cipa± e any nroble*: iiere
because it �ao:ild be just= a.s r.uch of an advar.=a�e to �he a�:jacent
properties as to �1r. Ruth's. The� cai11 prot��.de oneninns to Chris:�an's
evelopment if the City so desires. Ti:le;� ar_e not ,�utt�,z� paricing
into the setback areas, a.s �-ir. Chr. isinan Las done. Anci t`:�y are
( �roposing more landscaping. .4r. De�:�pster as�e�1 ,=or an ap�roval of
tl:is application c.onditioiied 4?ith th� plirase : "��ither h� b;ii7_din;
s:izP or by Orclinr:�nce CO2Q," The 13T1�.tSC�i% ;, �,tc. ,.�a_il]. b�� r�viec�ed
t a later �late.
Page 7
Mr. Howard Ruth, 1340 flesperia Court, Los Altos, said he has Prof, p�ople
attempted to enable the prof_essional p�opl.e to o-an their o�•�n could o;�n thei�
bui]_di.ngs. He saici he is vitally concerned about integra*ing o-.�n btii'ding
these developments. He has delineated an opening onto the adjacen
property, both to the north and to th� west. The bu�ldin� pads
� are excessive so there caii be variations of setbacics and pl.enty of
latid scaping .
Comr..i. Puetz did not see now a Use Fer�ait could be granted before
the actual types of buil�3i__i�� are pl.a.�ned. Mr. Dempster said no
standards are ever set as to w?iat degree of rei�_ne:��.r�ts o� the
p]_ans must be pr_esented. Perspective ctra�:�ings are being presented.
Tr:e pl_ot plan only sho,as ouilding er�v�]_c�pes. Chai��man Meyers said�
he thought elevations weuld not be required until t_hey get dosT�z to
ind.ividual plans. Mr. De�ipster said they will ail be one-story �
buildings. Chairr.:an Tleyers said tnis could be a. condition.
Chairman Meyers as't:ed for coL�ments from the audier�ce. There �aere
Chairman Me}�ers asl.ed ho;�. �Mportant a postpon�'-'_en�: �aculd be to the ?�for.e s�:eciFic
staff. Th� Pi_a�nin� �irector said that in th� f_u-.ure, ��� should �plans not
�e more specif_ic at this point. Irz hi.s opinion, the pian pr_es�ntedi a•,raila.b)_e }
do�s not have all the elem�nts. Mr.. Rutz said l�� do�s not ha.ve an
more specifics at this po�nt becac��e he needs to ne�otiate ��ritY�
the individt.:als. T:�ey wi_11 t:�en cc;�e b��cre th�_s bod�� �aita r.he
detail_s. The Plannin� Director again said t: at �ore ele:nents are #
needed to tie the whole project together.
Co«,m. 0'Keefe r.aised the quest_ion of wiiether t��?i.s >hould even be
considered before the To:an Cer.ter is restudied. He asked the Ci ty
Attorney if tile applicant`s consti.tut-onal rights are being
jeopardizec3 if this body believes the To,•rn Center_ neFds to be
restudied. T�e City Attorney said act�o�i could b� taken on the
application; i.t could be denied becaus; insufficient i_nformation
was presented. Comm. 0'F:eefe noted that little or no considerztion
has been given to pedestrian traffic, for one tning. The Plannin¢
Director said there are no co-imon tnreads (�valk�•�ays, plaza, etc,)�
to link this pr.oposal in with the present builc'in�s. The proposal
isn` t altogether bad, ii: the developm�nts w�nt up �,�ith sorne
elements to tie everything together,
Conml. Buthenuth wondered if p2rhaps one building ti.�ould be buzl t
now and perhaps another in six years or so.
rir. Dempster said the application �aas filed a month ago, and he
just received the staff's comments 3 da}ls prior r_o this meeting.
I'a�;e $
Fuolic Hearing ioved by Comm. 0`�:eefe, second�d b�� Comm. Puetz to close the Public
cl_o.�ed �?earing.
YES: Comm. 0'I:eefe, Puetz, Cliairman i•Ieyers
OES� Comm. Buthenuth, Hirshon
Motion carried, 3-2
omrn. Puetz commer.ted that this appli.cat�on leaves a lot to b� desired,
• lthough al.l the require��ents of r_he Ordi.nance ��ave not been filled.
here is a certai_n controversy �aith ti�e �taff tha.t should have been
esolved. He noted that the City did ta:�.e r_he initir_�tive to do some-
�t11llg about the Town Center by :Ii�luce Order about a,�o�th ago.
3-',1-72 �ioved by Comm. Puetz, seconded by Conun. 0'Keefe to deny a�plicat:ion
�'_�nied 3-U-7 2.
Cor.u H�rsh�n said he is not agains� tll�s application but �eels details
are lacicing. i:^.e applicant has asned not to hava tn�s conti.i�ued.
�ors_:. Buther.uth would lii�e to see r:ore planni,�� here. F1e felt rhe
agpl � cant siloul_d �•JOrk further �ait'tz the s��aff .
rCe.<<m. 0`rieefe aUreed :;i�h Mr. , R�_it:i' �� idea about the p�of_es�ional peo�le
�oianir_g th�ir o��m bu � ld �n;. 'r:e was co�:�.c.�rned t'nat c;ur_ To;.-n Center is
,lly us �d during day_light hours. So �ar, ne litc�s w��ar_ :�e sees of the
plans, but would l�ke to see i�ore c�.etai.ls.
�i,hairman I�1e ers relt it Taou.ld be to the a licant`s advanta e to discuss
Y PP �
i=ilis further with the staif.
�Comm. Hirsi�on feels the burde�x of tie�-in is even he-�vier_ �-ait?, t:iis
lpian �.� ind:i.vi.dual o� Lecaus^ t?}�- de�i�n or ttla buildinas can
�ci:an,;e. The City Attorrey said it �_s a1_readj� Planncd �evelo}��ent
"funder one ot�anershi�. Ti�.� appl.icant no;,� .aan�_s to cut it =�_nto si:: lots
k��hich will r�qu�r.�� a z�ew Tentative t�1ap. T�r. I3e:�:�pstcr re_a�fir::led that
the apPlicant wanted a clecision at tizis m����in;.
'�YES: Coirun. �IirShon, 0''_`eef.e, 1'uetz, Chair:�an :�e�•ers
�.+OES: Comm. Puthenuth .
Motion carried, 4-1
PaF,e 9
The Assistant Planner. �aid the County is considerirg a Use Per�it
Co convert a single-f :-<<�_ly resi�ience about t�-o door� down fron the
rriendly Fox on .:tel l�n« Road. Ttie bu�ic:ing on r:� l0,OQ0 sq. ft.
� lot will be surrouni�:_+ =Ji`':� aspizalt for a p-�r�:in? l�t. The staff
� strongly urges opposition to th�s. Discu�sion so1l��ae�.
Moved by Com::�. Pue�z, seconded by CoT.r:i t3lltlL°�:llt , to in�truct the .�ot_�,% t:?c� Ct:.-
staff to notify tli� County tnat til� Cit�� of Cu?��tino o��ects to �ha� Cur-�:-ti�:�;
conversion oi sir:�l�--fa:�iily residences to a:z_�t.:i�� ot: e than t� ob�ects to ����
single fa::�_t��s. Th:� City o` CuY �rt=r.o s�.ron;1;- ur���s t:e County �rc�ose3 U�e
to enforce thc Orlina.lce as to ill��a1 us� o� rh� p�oaert;,�. per:-:it
Motion carr,ied, 5-0
REPORT OF PLANNIrIG C0:"1=SSION - Ther_ e �•�as none.
ke reminued t::e Cor;t�issioners of the proposed meeting co�r.:encing
at 7:30 F?•S on �:�edne�dU�,�, April 5th.
iioved by Co::m. 0'?�eefe, seconded by Coc^:�. Bu�h�nur_h ro adjourn �he
meeting to April 5~h at 7:30 t?�i in t:�e Co..fer�nce P.00 1.
The meeting adjourn�d at 11:30 P2�i.
Motion carried, S-0
/s/ Robert W. Meyers
/s/ Wm. E. Ryder
City Clerk