PC 02-28-72 CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of California � PC-53 1U300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California Page 1 Telephone: 252--45U5 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLAI`INING COMMISSIOi�I HELD ON FEBRiJARY 28, 1972 IN THE CQUi��CIL CHAA'I'3ER, CITY HALL CUP£�RTINO, CALIFOR�vIA SALUTE TO THE FLAG The rieeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Chairman Meyers �•�ith the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Hirshon, 0'Keefe, Cha�r:nan Meyers Co:li-nissioners absent: Butizenuth, Puetz Staff present: Director of Plannin� and Development Sis�. Assistant City Attorney Terry Traffic Engineer Grigg Assistant Planner Co:oan Recording Secretary Lois Inwards APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of January 24, 1972 Regular meeting of February 14, 1972 Moved by Corimissioner 0'�eefe. seconded by Comr:iissioner Hirshon, Jan. 24th Minutzs to adopt the Minutes of January 24, 1972, as �aritten. adopted as written Motion carried, 3-0 Moved by Commissioner Hirshon, seconded by Commissioner 0'Keefe Feb. 14th Mir.ute: to adopt the Minutes of February 14, 1972, as written. adopted as written rlotion carried, 3-0 POSTPONEMENTS, Etc. There were none. WRITTEN COMI`1LNICATIONS There were none. 4RAL COMMUNICATIONS There were none. PC-53 MINUTES �F THE F�BRUARY 28, 1972 PLANNING COMMISSION MCETING Page 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS: l. Application 1-TT1-72 of John Saich, et al for Tentative Map to divide 9.88 acres into five lots. Property is in a CG (General . Comnercial) zone, located northerly of and adjacent to Stevens Creek Blvd., bounded on the west by Ger?co parking lot, on the north by Alves Drive, aad extending 218 feet on Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road south of Alves Drive. First Hearing. Ar.ialgamation The Planning Director introduced the maps on the bulletin board, of existing indicating the property in question. He referred to the staff report �ots in t:ie on this matter. He said t�,e Public Works Departrient has subnitted area suggested conditions in the event this application is approved. The proposal is to amalgamate e�isting lots in the area. Lots 1 and 4 are configured for specific develop:nents, Lot 5 was �reated by the con- figuration of Baz:dley Drive and Parcel 2 consists of t'tie reraaining acreage. Provision for The Planning Director said that inasriuch as the full iMprover�ent of sig�:alization the Bandley Avenue/St�.vens Creek S1vd, intersection is necessary if & chanr.elization Bancil�y Avenue is co:n�leted, tne map, if recor:unencied for approval by urged the Planning CoT*i:nission, shoul� be conditioned to provide for the. necessary signalization and channelization iilprover��er.ts in the event tne assessment district proposal is not realized. An overall plan o,r sorle guidelines as to developrent of this property would be desirable. Applicant Mr. Morey Abra�zam, 1731 North First Street, San Jose, said he and a4reed �ait:i i�?r, Bandley ��ere present on behalf of the Saich family. ��e ar.swered � staff's ���e�os Commissioner Hirshon that he nad read, and �vas in agreer.ient with of Feb.24 & 28 the staff's memos of February 24 and 28 on this matter. Chairman Meyers asked if Mr. Abraham felt the developer(s) of the srmaller parcels would be willing to go along .�itn the established architecture. Mr. Abranan said that ��7ould be hard to deterrmine at this time. Controls at �hairr:ian Meyers questioned whether t;ie r.et�a street would ir�prov2 the Saic�:G;ay traffic situation in that area. He felt that without controls or neecled limitation of l�ft turns out of Saich F1ay we would sti11 have a very dang�rous traffic situatio:l. fihe Traffic Engineer said most accidents � occur at the driveway betT,reen Mervyn's and Ger��co. j+te are going to eliminate left turns frorl Stevens Creek $lvd. south. It is his.opinion that signals at Saich L,Tay are about 5 years a�aay. MINUTES OF TH� FEBRUARY 28, 1972 PLANNING COMMISSION I�ETING � PC-53 Page 3 rlr. Abraham said Lot 1(Parcel A) at the north°ast corner is Restaurant & scheduled at tiiis time for a Bob's Big Boy Restauraiit, and Lot 4 savings and loan (Parcel D) at the south�vest corner is scheduled for a savings and office planned loan office. � Com� 0`Keef e said 'ne is concerned about the developr:ient of Integrated this parcel. He feels that the �ank of America must be integrated dev�lop�ent with Parcel C. He is concerned about tne sea of asphalt in front encouraged of Gemco and Mervyns. T1r. Abr.aham said t�e �ank of Ai:�erica is planning to expand their operation to include a drive-up �aindow on the nortn side of t:Ze �uilding. He aoreed that Bob's Big Boy has standard architectural plans, but there are indications that these rules are subject to nedification and he is confident that this can be s�ttle.d between t'nem and the City. Mr. Don [J. Bandley, 10054 South Hig:zway 9, Cuperr_ino, said they Division of are primarily concerneci�vith the division of this property, The property of questioa of tne restauranL �aill �iave to be anscaered by the Bob's prine concern at Big Boy people. They have talked �vith the staff and are kno�aledge this point. able about the desires oF the City. They do r:iake :�odifications to their arc:�it2cture, but he di.d not know to *.ahat extent. � Mr. Abraham noted that with the iaay t:�e savin�s and loan building Solution to is set closer to the street it will tend to break up the sea of sea of asphal� asphalt. The Bank of America is already there. Development of Parcel E will further tend to break this up. Commissioner 0'Keefe asked the anplicant to speak to the intersec- Proponents of tion of Stevens Creek Elvd. and Highway 9. Tir. Bandley said t�,ey assess�ent dist. are proponents of the ass2ssr.lent district. He did IlOt relate tne service station on the corner to t.ze develop��ent of this plan. It will eventuall�� be integrated with t:ie corner parcel. He said Parcel B is ratner large and could accori�nodate a junior departnent store. � In response to the Chairman's question, the Assistant City Attorne� said we could ma�;e it i�nown that the site development is subject Subject to to architectural and site approval. A& S control Chairman Meyers asked for co�ents from the audience. Citizen's Mr. R. D. Koenitzer, 10060 Pizar Lap Drive, Cupertino, said he is cor.L in agreement with this proposal. It is a pleasure to see a lot of these small parcels joined togetiier. �Ie would hope tiiat FI-Cvntrol exercises a strong control over tne development... PC-53 MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 28, 1972 PLt�NNING COr'JMISSION r�ETING Page 4 � Commissioner Hirsr.on questioned paragraph 2 of the memo from the Director of Public Works. It was clarified that the public utilities will be develoPed at the time ot development of the property, whether or not the assess:Zent district goes through. . Mr. Bandley said it would be econonically unfeasible to develop the plan if the assessment district does not go tnrough. After-hours Commissioner 0'I:eefe �aas concerned about the li�i7t level along lighting Stevens Creek Blvd. after 9 PM, citing a recent problem in the Sears parking lot after store hours, when the parE:ing lot lights �aere turned out. Mr. Abrahan said the eYtension of Bandley Avenue �vould provide some light. rteasures could be taken by the stores as to the safety standards. Police protection may be necessary. Pedestrian Co�missioner 0`Keefe was conernnd about pedestriari safety. He safety said it noti•� tal�:es � lignt changes to get across Stevers Creek Blvd. �Zr. Abra�:am said the future signalization should help the situation. So:�ie of the Co.:.�missioner Hirshon asked about the older d�.rellings along Higliway 9, olaar d��eli- Mr. Abrahan said tr.ey are a part of the ass�ssnent district. The ings to co Ylanzing Direc�or said t:�e �viciening of High�aa�- 9:�ay necessir_ate the removal of some o� those ho�nes, r•1r. �3andiey said tiie real estate office on ?�izghway 9 �aill be re-noved. Th� Pianning D'r�ctor read Condition 19. Mr. Band.ley ans;aer2d that hz feels they cou1d live with t'�ese cond�tions. Psblic r1ov��a by Cor:;::��ssicner Hirs rlOri� s�conded by Corn,-:; O to i�earings close t're Bubli_c Hearings . c�osed Motion carried, 3-0 �-TI�1-7� Moved by Cor.:zissio�ier H:�r�hon, seco:xded 'ay Cc.a�r^.ian �Z�yers tr� approvrd approva application 1-T`:�-72, John Saich, et al., with rze Lollo�.Jing :� /co:�a �t ions conditions : 1-1�� Standard conditions � 15. Prior to recordation of th� final *:ap, t�ie applicant shall enter into an a�ree?:�ent wirn the City r`quiring participation • by th� appl�cant in a loca� i�?prove�ent district at sucz ti�e as sa�.ci riistrict �_s �ormed, In the event th� a.�licant desires to record a f�nal �ap prior te the initiatin� o..f_ a locai imaroveraent district, t��e app�.icant shall �,.ar:� necessary i�pro�r�:.�e.lts involving tne recnannalization ot Stevens Creek I3ivd, and the �:�f nalizatiori of thr-� i.nt�.r ;ect�:.o:� uf Bandley Avenue and Stev`ns Creek P�lvd. , as rE�quired by t�i� Cic,� Engineer . MIL1UTi:S OF THE FEBRUARY 28, 1972 rLAN�dING COi°MISSION r1�ETIi.vG PC-53 Pa�t: 5 �6. Approval o� Teiitat�ve :�tap is granted for tl.e J_and described in the ap�licatioa and 3n}� attacn-nents t.zereto, and as saown on the plot plan subm�ztted labeied "Exhiuit A". 17. The subdivider will agree t.o cooperats .��it:� the City and saith other property o:,.zers and pubi�c agencies to provide the reqsir'ed _.::�_�rove:-:e�:ts by the fernation of a 1_ocal i*�grove::ent district if t:�is r:�t�.od is deter^iined feasible b}� t'tie Cit}� Council. U�d�r t��e terns of asse��r�ent proce�dings the devaloper nay obtain credit ior dedicatio� of right-of-way required for str:ets wnich are 1riCii1C�2G :aithin the district. 18. If the assesscnent �roceeding �s r.ot selected by the City Council, ttie subdivider shai�. be responsible for all i;-iprove- ments required by Cit,� ordinances and by t�e Plannin�, Co:��is- sion as a conc'tition oi approval, except that ti�e subdivider may defer installation of in,prove:.�ents on any� parcel unt_1 suc:. ti::z as �uilding per�:�its are issued for co�.struction t:.ereon or until the City Er:gine�r or City Ceuncil :.�ay requirz tneir installation. 19. Inasnuch as t:;e ass�nblage of the large nu:ib�r of �ulti.ple parcels of land into five parcels is a desira5le planninv goal for this g�nerai coTL�.iercial area, t:�e apYiica�t as a furt�ar condition shall relin ;uish and -vaive a11 rights to furt: er sell or deve�op on the eristing :�ultip;e garcels except in accordance �ait:� tae proposed Tentative ?iap or o�ze herea�ter approved by the City of Cu�ert�no. 20. A"Road Frontag�" lar.dscaping section plan sr.all be establisre and universally app:�ied as each of the lots dPvelop. The possibility cf a five-foot �eandering side�oal�. vzrsus the standard ten-foot co�mercial side��Ja'ri should be evaluated to visually int�egrate t:�e total develo?_.�eat. 21. Provisions should be :�ade for future pedestrian linnage between individuai develop:nents. 22. A coordinate�i sign prograr:i includ�ng shopping center signs should be evaluat°d prior to individual pole sign approval for eac:� lot . 23. An architectural the::ie shall be established by the initial developneiit and carried ti:roug:z �aith each su�sequent develop- ment• At s�sch ti:�e as t.�e Eank of A.^�erica buildwng requires upgrading or :�odification, its o,•mer should be required to modify its appearance to make it conform to the established architectural tne:..e. PC-53 TiINUTES OF THE FE�3RUARY 28, 1972 PLANNING CO:L'�ISSION ME�TING Pase 6 Vote on the 1-TM-72 motion; A�'ES : Co�^.r�issioner Hirshon, Chainaan Meyers :�OES : Cor��issioner 0'Keefe A:>SENT: Co�:�issioners Buthenuth, Puetz rlotion carried, 2-1 The a�ove r::atter ��rill co�e before the City Council for final action on :�Ion3ay, Tiarch 6th. '��'FI\IS:iED '3USINESS 2. Discussio.z of Goals Comu i�tee P.eport. , ;;c�a1s R:.rort re•✓i�;: & T_ entire 'Report ;�as revie;-:e� once a�a_n b;� the Co�!^�ission and �: _ co::��nts are docu:.ented in Resolution No. 1040, ? ccui :ent `ci �?E��' �USIN�SS � T�ere ;�Jas none. �PORT OF PL� NNI:�IG CO'��SISSION L�a�uc o.` Chairman Meyers recapped the re:.lar'cs o� a C_t;� Attcrney in tPe T.os C j � vr Cy�__�, J `��cgc1ES area wlierei _�c_ Cr1L"iC�_S?^ ?lan :�-�i.� CO`-i:11S510I1S �Oi '.�••°t1I1Q`, i� procrasrir.ation, �� Pli�!c'illll:?g �:�1�7 t:l°�� �'OL°d 2 C�Yt�l,l way 3� ?=0Y ^Ot 31:'a�'S ::ld_L'1:.� tr?� CilStl_'_Ct}.OT"i b�t�?A[;^ l:'_b1SiF�;t:i'12 3P.�i ��:1�I11�Lr3t1V� actions A:':i'_ri�StY�it?_`le c.Ct10t1S ��10:11� ri0� t�ik° ir:to cons�d•:ra�ioz prot^st petitio.is. 4) i:e f�it t:tat fi�ld rri�S� �11 ^cS�°� 3rt'. °SS°.^.tl?l. Ti.E'.�' S�:CUI_'1 J� r�1`J�.1CiZ2C. .�.� :-?:'_ CSllt1.O.lE� t:'� C.O_`.�:1SS=0II-£,'YS Si:011l:l I':Ot Cil�Cll_5 I:3ti.2TS O:1 t�"1-C' t��l�l?ion� be;or:-� �u~lic <<�`ar;.n�s. 6) Hearin¢s s'.o�.1d b.� recorced. 7) Co_�r.;_ssioners should reau renerts prior to t�,e ::�etin;. CI�a�_rm<3n Me;�ers said �t :�as ��ro•.:g`_�t out at t; _:�° 4ting that it ;.•ou].d cc�t a��out $R ner capita f_cr Californians to �et a11 the open �pace �:eeded . �:.PO?T OF FT ��'�I��Ii�;G L`IRI:C�'�1R r�l° ]� �_rectcr IlO�E� t..13� ;tC-' ��'ll.]. b2 ver.y 17ll:i�' �t:E.' llei:t tt1T't?C :`:0:1t:1S' '.�JOl�i:i� O11 �[::? �jLLl.^_I�1 i�1ii11. Z;i�YE.' l;i a JU:1C,' 3�ti! QP.c: iOr Q� G'il ;.�2C2 �i*1'i ;�011::l:l�' OT;?'�.':all!:�^ , n�� t.i'� �I1C� OL tt?P_ jTE 'I,O::J.RG "'.U�C CU^l�', ;;'ltil tflc �eri�_'T'�li ��.��:7. �.nJ ca tJR;a���:N2 . �`�� �)j' CO"::�:ll;:�l_OT1Cr fflY':,::0:1� Si'CGi::�('_U t)'y' l".O':.�i.:: ��.C.`:'.�' O�Ke�f t0 (� Cl J l� �. 1 L 11 4 t. 1.'J : J�� L� L• 'totior� carr.ir,d, 3-•,) • ATTEST: APPROVEU: 1 sl Wm• F.. R��iQ,� , i s/ Robert W. Meyers City C1erh � Chairman