PC 02-14-72 CITX OF CUPERTINO, State of Ealifornia PC-5?_
Z03C�0 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, Ca,.ifornia Pa�e 1
Telephone; 252-4505 �
HELD Oi�I FE:aRUARs 14, 1972 IN T?�i. C(�Ui1CI?� �iIF��ER, CITi '-IE1LL
. �
The :zeetin� �;as called order order at 8:0� Pri b�- Chair:�an ?:��ers
r��itL the Salute to tk=e Fiag. ,
Comnissioi.ers gresent: 3ut:�enut:�, ?-iirs't.on, 0'�:e �`e, Puetz,
Chair::�an '_�iey ers
Co:nrlissioners absent : ilone
� Stafi �resei�t : Dixector o� ?ia�n�n�� a�c Dez; ��yo; r:ent Sis�
Assistant City Atto_rx:e; Terr�
Traif ic ':n�ine�r i.ri�"� •
A�sistant Pla:�n�r Co;•�ar:
Recording �ecretar_1 Lois In---ards
Ai'PROVAL pF i'�INUTES: Regular '`-`e�tin� o� Januar�y 24, iy72
Adjourned P.e�uyar `:eer�n� ��f rz'�ruary 2
Move�.�. by Co::�u?. Pu:t?, seconded by Con_^... Hirsnor_ to te:-:�oraril5 �os��o-�� '°"___i����
postpo t'ae adogtion of t��e Minutz� of January 24, � 977., of ?a� . 2.4
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Co�u�. 0'Keefe, seconded �y Co�::. Hirshon to adopt t��e ie�. 2nd :�`=:�st�.�
Minites of February 2, 1972. auopt�d
Motion carried, 5-�0
POSTPONEr�:NTS , etc .
. Ther� �,�er° none,
A petition relatin� to applicatiQn 1--U.-72.
Page 2 �
The Plar.ning Director announced there has been a sli;ht reorganization
in that the Assistant City Attorney wili no��l be h4nciling the Planning .
Conmission meetings rather tnan tne City Attorney.
l. Public He:�ring to consider t'tie establishTM�ent of precise street plans
line� ��?it7in the undeveloped properties adjacent to SaratoQa-
Sunn}n�ale Road betTaeen Stevens Creek Blvd. and State Route 280 on
t!e westerly side of Saratoga-Su:�nyvale Road anci Rodri�ues Avenue
to Ho:�.estead R�ad on the easteriy �ide of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road.
First Hearing.
Cu�erti:_o The P1a:�ninS Director intro3uczd the natter of precise plan lines ior
core area t_z�� cor� area of Cupertino. T�e assess�ent district lines map cvas
aiso revie�ae�' . The plans include : e<�tension o� Torr� Avenue to
�'o::iestea:l Road, thA �aidening of High:aay 9, and taP addition of another
street parallel �c Hig'..;aa5� 9 close to se.r�co . �ie J41C� he has - rece�ved
ir�for::ation fro� tlie Engineer's O��ice as to tra�f�c needs. A
schena�ic . drawing af area 8 was presented tahich in::icated a regio:�al
s :opping center.
�tate to Thz Traffic Engineer said Engzneerin� is tal�cir�g about 120' ��aidtii for
r�lir.qulsh Sar� toga-Sunnyvale Road ;aiti �:.ovin� la�.es , Co-�:1. Puetz asked if
::.v�° 9 tra��fic signals along H�ghT�.ay 9'tiave aeen su�;aitted to t'_ze State.
T'.e Traf�ic Engineer said tne State ,;iil ::�ost il::2i�' �P_ relir.Y,.is'ning
tnis highcaay anc� the City will have tize responsibility. '
Mr. Donald Fischer, �4431 Ha�nlin, Van Nuys, Ca., 91401, said he was
present to answer any questions of the Com:aission.
Consultant's C �air:zan �Ieyers pointed out tize difference bet;�7een t'tie conclusions
�tatenents of hi� traif�c study wita tiiose o� Va�lco iar%. �tr. Fisc��er said
their trip generation studies have be�% �ased o:: a series of factors.
He st�-essed the point that tnese are c.11y Yr�l�min�.ry* plans and t;�ere
are �:�an}� deter�, inations yet to be made Sefare _aore precisz plar_s
can be :aade in tt�e ar�a of the riaria.zi T�1a11. He s2id the State has
��een v�ry receYtive to ti.is type of ingress �nto a region�l shopping
center. :ie ansT�lered Co:z:�. Puetz that the5 are stili considering
bridoir�g of tize fr�eway at Torre Av�nue. Grit'.i or without a si.opping
center, this t�lould b� a�ood thin; for the City because H:i�h��ray 9�s
not �reeway oriented, H�_storicali� ,;rhere a free�aay parallel.s a
major st;:eet and takes r_raffzc a iro� t;�e r7ajor �:,tre�t, ��ith the
la.zd use taicen i�:to consiueratio:�, t:�e tra: rwc buiids up agnin on
that �zajor str2et.
Page 3
Mr. Fischer said �ahenever tr�ey provide a driveway it is four lanes
wide and 150 - 200' long :aitiz 1i:nited, restricted access.
Co:�:-:. 0'Keefe brouglzt up the constant problem the residents will No truc�cs on
have with traffic on Torre Avenue. l�e asked if I`1r. Fischer wi11 Torre if t:�e
be willi.lg to li::�it this stre�t to no trucks ir. cons�deration of City so �esires
the residznts in tl�is area, r1r. Fisher said that if that is the
wish of the City the architects .�rill conply. He sa T JT no great
proble;n here. Generally, ti�e sizop�inb center.s of this type are
well landscapeu, which provides a buf_er. Torre Avenue should :iav
a nedian at appropriate locatians for left turns. At this ti.:ne
they don't �eel t't:e�7 snoul.d �r�d;_ct t:ze need `or tra�fic signals A=�Ja:1 bett.�een
on Torre Avenue. If tiiey are r�eeded later they can go in then. school and
They pro�osed the junior h��iz scnool be ��,alled off fro:-: t;Ze shopgin.� center
shopping center.
Co�::m. 0'Kze�e asked a'�out speed liTnits conte:-:piated on Torre Avenu .
Mr. Fischer ��id t:lere �:iil be traf�ic controls at Torrc and
Forest aad one or t�:�o :nore locations. T:�e State :zas said the Ov�rcrossing i�
overcrossing is feasib? e but t:ie,,� did ;�ot say Ts�hen, feasible
Co:;li.i. Buthenutn was concerr�eci a�out t:�e residential area to t�:e E�tend Forest to
east being cut o�� �rom H�.gh�•,ay 9. He a�ked -� t:.�y :�a� considere : ��9
putting Forest Av�nse through. The P�annin� D:_rector said E:L�in-
eering feels it is �:ore in�ortant to �ee2 co,i-aercial trafiic out
of the residential area. Co::.�. Eutnenutn feels it is i-�portant
for the residents to t�e east to have access,
Co�:::. 0'Keefe asked �•;hat �cin� of �edestrian traf�ic provisions
will be made. Mr. Fischer sa�d side�aalt:s 1�ill be provided. The
arc��itect saill be co::cerned with tnis, Since p�ople don't ii:�e
to carry their �acr:a�es very �ar, he does not a�ticipate r.iuch foot
traffic. It was po-nted out to :ir. Fischer that there �.aili be
restaurants, etc., and dense population :�earby, so perhaps there Provisions for
will be more foot traffic t:zan ne anticipates. �r. Fischer said foot traffic
this is relevaat and 'ne will point it out to the architect.
Cor�. Puetz asned if it �aould be possible to establish a d�pot for Truck dapot
the trucks at t.��� nortnerly tern:inus of the shopg�ng center.
Mr. Fischer said they would ta�e this into consideration, Interna
circulation for the truc�s �nust be provided, however, for the four
department stores and nu:�erous other shops. Corun. Puetz suggested
putting this undergrour.d.
Chairman Meyers asked for cor.unents from t�ze audience.
Page 4
Dor.ut Snop Mr, k Trie� l, 7533 Orange Blosso*.n Drive, said he is the owner of
on H�ry 9 t:�ie donut shop right w.lere Forest is proposed to corle out to Highway 9.
���ill go Ti.is business represents 14 years �i hard �aor'tc, and he suggested it
�vill cost t.ie Cit}� sone noney if he is put out oi business. �
Cor.tiTn, t�uthenuth co��:u-�ented that t;z` wideninC of Highway 9��ill take
the donut sliop anyway. C}Yair�an AZe}�ers told :�Jr. [aeil tr.at this will
be a part of the Local Inprove�ent District arLd he ��ill be compen-
sated Lor the property losses.
Co::..� . 0'Keefe said 60' on Torre AvenuP is inade�uate.
Dr. Bro;�-n's Mr. Richard Sto�aers, 17089 Crescent Driv�, Los Gatos, said he �
�la,�s en�aged by Dr. Bro�.ar.. It is �zis desire to develep the pro�erty for
co.�.mercial and pr_ofessional use. Tliey have cone uY �aith a tertative
��an for the use of t�is prop�rty: a to,�Tn and country t�-pe s:opping
centnr w�zic:� would �e co:n; ie I:l°t1t3Y�7 to tne `�Iariani ��all across the
street. He said t�;ey pre�er a curvelinear s�;�roac'z to the r.e;a street
if the develop�en� of t:�Le -•,esterly si�e o� t�i� property is =.ulti-
���zdencial, �f it is devzi_oped cor.,;�ercial/pxofe�sio�:ai, then the
�traight �treet is :lor` d�sirable. They° �aouid pre�er a r1�;�ture of
prof�ssional an3 r_o:z::�erc�.al use on both sides �f the proposed street,
rros a.zd ccns Co.n::issicner i?u�:.enuth -��a:?ted �o postpone tne discussion of th�
Oi EXtE'_il�lli� ��%�StpY'ly Yortion Si7C� conc�ntrate Oi t�l? Torre �'J�''7:12 port '�OII 3t tr11S
t'�%Y.'_:3t qVP_. t�':_i2, j� fee 1S Fore,�t �1VP_11ll2 S�;011�_C� �O tilrOii�':: tC �'_V° internal
access to t::ose res�dent:�. Ce..�ri. Iiirshon sa�d �� could s�e ��here
r_;iis access �� IGlll� be helpful bur Y?e -•;as ccncer; ed �bout the
additiciial trai�ic on those residen�ial strt�e�s� Co�:�::�. 0'Keefe
��-.�d cor.tinuatioii of Forext Avenue ��ould create a najor intersection
at the corner of the ju:�ior h�gh school, C:.air:iai. M�yers said he
�aould like to see an �utiet �ut not nec�ssarily a,i inlet into that
area. Co: �_rsFZOn ;aould lixe to near -rhat ti�.e resiaents in that
area have to say before ~ia'zirg a deter:;iir�at�on,
Sc::e_�atic Dr. Joe Brown, 2098� Pe�;��r Tree Lane, said this schenatic drawing
dra��i.�n �_ epre ,ents an e� t`r.�iar� �f Fore:; t Avenue and ;�re�nlea� Avenue. All
of the property o�-�ners e:cept tr:e nortnern 250' piece are in agreement
witn this. The c�tiner of the norther�: piece -ia<; net co�s�ilted. He
fe�ls the exter_sion of Forest i.s Yr°t�y �aeli cor:l�;�itted.
� Co:�.-n. Hirshon saicl 'ne i� com�ince� t.le street c;�dt't?s are adequate.
The plan, th� way it is su�r.iittea by t:ie sta�� �?it:. For`st not goin�
t: rougn, is acceptable. He wwould go alonc �•�ith the com�r.en_t� of tne
sta�f and the lanuotaner as to th° �rt°st 5�de of :�i�:z�:�.7a;� 9, Co?�un, Puer_z
felt that the stra.ight street bet;aeen parce�s 13 and 14 is benezicial.
Page �
iioved by Co�::��. Puetz, s�cor.ded by Co::��n. 0'K`e�e to close the Public Hearinry.�
Public Hearing;s, closed
Motion carried, 5-0
P�Ioved by Comm. Puetz, seconded by Co���.��. Tu�;�enutn, to reco:2nend Street pla�s
to tze City Counci:� t��e precise street plans as pr�sented by t'�e reco-_�eadec to
staff w�t�� t�:e exception that ti:ere is stili the �ossibility oz Council
Fcrest Avenue going t:�rouCh, and it should have furt':�er stticly ,
T:ie road on the �Testeriy side s'r�all be straight rat :er tr�an curve-
linear. Any otner pert�__��nt infor--�ati_o:� �rough} out at this
hearing s�.all also be zorwarued to the City Council.
AYES: Co:.�r��. Butnenut�i, Hirshon, 0'Keefe, Puetz, Chair:^an �`eyers
:dOES : None
I�[otio�z carried, 5-0
Ir :aas noted that it ��i�l be at ieast 2 �•�ee:KS before tiiis is
neard at the City Ccunc�i.
2. Application 38--Z-71 of City of Cupert.�no �or rezonin� of
approxi:^ately S acres fro:: C� (�enerai Co-:��.°rcial) to A1-43
(�gricultural-R�sid�ntiai Sin�le-far.mil; on:-acre iots) or to
otzer zone dee-:ed ap�ro�r �; th� plannin? Com:zission,
Sai1 property is iocated easterly of Regnart Road approxi�atei-
1250 feet soutn�riy of tl�e intersect�on oz R=gnart Road and
Lindy La�e. First Hear�n�,
The Plannin� Direc*or said the applicant's attor �•ias present.
This �:attar :aas continued at the last :a�etiag at t�ze applicant's
Mr. Sanford Berlin�r, i00 Parlc Cent°r Plaza, San .Iose, said :�e Moratoriu::� is
caas representing Mr. Noor Biila�yalla. A�oratoriur� has been place on h�l'+_sides
on the aillsides, s��hich i:�cludes tnis propert,�. Until tnat study
is co:npleted, ti!�y feel any rezonin� �•�ould be ineffective. They
would like to study the property further.
Chairman Meyers said tne n.oratoriu��.� does not �reclude developrient. rloratoriu.^: does
This rezor�ing can be considered but �aili not take eTtect until not preclude
30 days after the end of the nloratoriun. He noted thi.s property develop�:ent
does not front on Regnart; thereforE, developr..ent �aoul.d izave to
be in conju.lction �aith a roadway determination.
Page 6
Under the circu:�stancts, the Planning Director said the staff is
cvilling to forg�t abou.t thzs a�plication ior the. tine being.
Com;a. Puetz noted this zonin� conflicts trith the 1964 Master Plan.
Cor.l:�. Hirshon said that since, at tne present ti-�e, the �o-lnission �
is cor�sidering la:�d use zones it might oe {easible to wait Taith this.
Cnairman Meyers asked for com.�ents fron the audience.
Reser Mr. Stepnen MacKerro�a, 21589 La Playa Court, Cupertino, agreed that
Regnart Canyon t.e Co-^,, should wait `or the report. He i5 intensely interested
for nature in retain�ng t;1e Regnart Canyon for a nature study area.
Mr. Ellis Jaco�:�, 2205� Regna�t Roa�, said that in one oi tne City's
Res�dents in f�les there is a l�tter fro� al�ost all of the resi�ents in t:�e
Cu�_z}�on don't Regnart Canyo:i asking that tnis pzece of comT��ercial property be
��a.�t �,ipe; out of th� canyon, He asked t:zat t��e Ce:°:nission proceed wit��
co-v�ercial �his application.
R4zone Mr. R. D. :�oenitzer, 10060 Pn.ar Lap Lrive, said tnat rezoning oi
�_r_ noT�- t'r�is property at tn�s ti~ip �;�i11 be 3 CleaY' '_T1�1C�l c�;e ��e do not
��ar.t com~:Ercial d�velo�:nent in the �ills.
Com�. 0'Keefe .«ov�d to clese tile public hearir_�s. T�is riot�on :aas
Co:1m, Buthenuth and Hirsnon L.;ere ir. favor o� ti�� rezoning The only
consicinrat�_on is that t�.e atudy ef t:�e Or�?i.�anccs .r..::a.y result in a
,.�ore apYropr�a�� zon?n� to put o. this ��op�rt�;. T';e F?aan�:�� Uirector
CLC: :1Ot. L�°1 ti11� :-'.�1CL'_LQ 'J° GOiZt�Il?12C: 1�^iC�°_�i_71�E1' :'71�'1 tii' co�-��ercial
zanin� there. Co.��;. O�Kee�e �e�t t:at t:.� st�ff ie�.c:. ,�orl:ed u� a go�d
report and ;-;ouid li:.� to ta_ce action on it at ��: is c�:�z, C �a�rr•.�an
M�y�rs f��lt t�at it ���oulr_", ue realistic to a'llo t:.c� a�p�ica�t t�t�,e
to study t�:e natter furtizer T�;ith the staff anu co*ae '�ack in about
three �onths.
38-Z-71 Mov�d by Co;��l, �utnenuth, seconc�ed by Co�1m. Puetz to continue appiication
co:ztinued to 3�-Z-•71 until April 24, 1972.
�?rril 24 �
AYES,; Com�. �,uth?n�s�h, Hirshon, 0'Keef�, Puetz, Crairr.man ?�ieyers
i10ES : None �
• Motion carried, 5-•0
Page 7
3. Application i-U-72 of Cilallen�e Deveiop.:�c�nts, Inc. , for the
constructio:� of a 7-stor}� 83-unit condor_lin�u:;� on 4.15 acres
located at tne nortileast corner ot the intersection of Torre
Avenue a..d Pacifica Drive, in a P (Planned U�velo�:aent) zone
�aith R3-2.2 (Multiple-fa-li�y Residential 2200 square feet of
land area per dwellin� u.zit) use intended. Firat Flearin�,
Maps were placed on tne bulletin board to orie::t the Com�issioners
witn the area in question.
The Plannin� Director said tnis proposel ol', 7-story, a3-unit T�is r•,ould
condor.iiniu:n ;aill b� 305 feet iror: the e..istin� residences, as do�^:i�,atn ti,e
showLz on tze pro�ile nap, and ;aill set 65 feet back fro� Torre To�:.i Center
Avenue. Tne qu�stion aas been pose3 as to w::ether or not th�.s
will become the dominate structure in the To�•�n Center.
rir. Charles Olivia, C�zal?en�e Develo��:^�ents, I:�c. , rourt,� �ve:�ue lhe proposal
and Spr�ng Street, R�d;aood City, �aid taey :�ave ��.��Z�r co^�or-a�d
to or exc_�eded t:�e reauire:~:e:�ts of the :'D Zozi_T�� Ordinar.c�. He
said this plan offers great security to �he r-�s�3�nts. It �s
sound proof. There will be ext�nsive recr�ationGl racilities.
Tnese very ar.lple u�i*s 4ai11 run $3�,000 to $40,OJ��. Th2r: s•lill be
a�az�king structu�e. There wi11 be �7% groun: cov�rage. :ie said
Mr. Mogensen, the arci:itect, ;�as present to spea�: to tne arc'zitec-
Chair�an Meyers ar.�iounced that tne Com�ission �.Tas a:aare of t:�e
petition signed by t;e resi�ents for denial of this appiication.
Mr. George Man�ano, 10204 South Portal, said there ���as special '�foratoriu�
effort made to see that t�ie puolic library did not conflict t requested
the loc�� profile characteristic� of t:�e City Hall. He believes a
moratoriur.l should be placed on the height of buildinos in tlze
Civic Center until the peopie 1i��ing here :lo,� can �aka t:z�ir
feelings '�no�an.
Mr. Fred Krueger, 10533 Esquire Place, CupPrtino, said the questio Opposed to
should be whet:ler or not c•�e �aant this Kird of density ir� our city, :zi�:z density
not on the aesti:`tics of tlze structure. He said ne purc'r:ased 'nis
hor.ie in Peppertree with the idea i�l ?�ind that it had a quiet
atnosp:�ere. He is opposed to Cu�ertino rapidly beco:�ing another
San Jose.
Mr. R. D. Koenitzer, 10060 Phar Lap Drive, said, of the buildings
developed in our Town Center, not one of ther,l �atcize, our plan.
He fepls that any further t,uildin�s should reflect the plan.
Page 8
�etition M�. Irvir� Pierce, 10159 John Drive, said he zs against this proposal,
su�r.:itted and he subMitted the petition with 203 signatures of people who
also were agai�st tt�is type of con�truction. He said the Sheriff's
and Fire Departments are overloaded now.
Too ��ucli �;r. Rex Valenti�e, 10306 Far�.11one, said he has t���o children who
t_ra�fic by ��ould like to use tae iibrary and he �aonders �ahat traffic controls
*_:7� lz�rary th�re � be so tizey can get there safely. He aslced ���hat provisions
n.ave been made to curb t�.ie r_oise levels in tne parlcin�, structure.
��;ron� locatior� Mrs. Sc.i-iitz, 2�3�9 Silverado, said she is not against hi�h rise
�or ::igh rise but is against it in t:.is location, She f�els tzis iand in the
Toti.n Cet.ter should 'o� icept free for Fire Depa Police Depart�.nent
or Cra.-:ber of Co-:::�erc� buildings .
��r. Ji-: Dunlavy ,:G0��31 Suisun Drive, asked �zo�� t::ey are r oing to hang
S�a.n�.sn *ile on the roof o£ a:_igh ris� to keep t:e motif of tne
To�•?n Center.
Sclieol_ ��rs. Nort:�rup 10239 Las Ondas, aslced the^: to consider the effect a
ov�rcro;aded high rise �i:�e th�s -aoulci have o�: their aiready evercro��d�d sc:,..00� s.
"r.�gl rise i•1r. A� Duaiey, ZQ337 Ciay S*_r2et, �aid that �•:h�n ;�o:� incr_ease density
- cut you also incrcas� ti:e traffic. '�ucn of th3_s Lr�i �-lou�d �e on t�e
v_�e-: ,�i �.treets �aiz�r: c:�ildren are �oing to school. Til� 7-story building
..ountains �does not :�ave tii? a�st:�etic value of. 3 V12�J o{ rI72 ~�ou_itains.
�A Mre Pa.y�^ sa�d rze lives directly behind this "thino of '�`auty" and
���e �aould n?veY se� the SllriS2t agaiA.i.
�?�ir. G^orge. Gabriel, 104?0 So- said n4 tias been on t.�e Goa1_s
��o::.:�zttee a-�d � os� of the cori:.ent� of the pe�pl C.LOSP1� reilect. ti e
`feelings of the Co���ittee,
C_t;- Hall �:r. A�zt :o_zv tiiussolino, 36 I�arvard Court, San Jo;;e, said t:�? surrcur.ding
pro�erty proger*_�- o�fan�r� donated the 5 acr�s for tne Cit;- hall, etc. They
c:cnat�d d�v•_lored i acifi�a ,st th; �r �xpanse,
Mr. Ron Nic.zols, 20128 Pac�fic Drive, sai�' they did �ot benefit fr.ori
Pac:f ica b�ing op�ned up �ecause h? now .lives :�id::�ay on the "d_rag
�te'ur_tal :��r. Olivia said stop s3_�ns .•rould be provid�d. They �lan to have a b�rri
an3 i�eav� plaating jtist in frent of. the Flood Control District, so tY:^re
�,�ou1d be �ubstantial noise reduction. Tize grn�inds �tiill be patrol�ed.
It is �i:�a.pGr t:� po Lic � t: is t;�pe 1:.vin� unit. , The bti�ldings are
�ir� proof. H� said tkii; ci�ve_lop:�:�nt v7o�ald prcvice no ::ore children
ior *;Le schoo.ls thar� a standard FJ_ sut,ciivisioc�.
Page 9
Mr. Olivia felt the traffic proble_;s would be no greater witn this
type of living units.
ConL^l. Hirsho� asked if t:�ey nad r.iade a study on the types of Small study on
hom�s needed in tnis ar^a. .'`�Ir. Olivia said they had done a s�all housing needs
study on t:iis. He said the plan is for precast, on-site construc-
tior.. Tl �aill be par: ing for 2 cars per u�it, There is 12%
building coverage and 17% parl:�ng coverage. The �oof of tne
parking structure is covered ;vit:z tennis courts. The �ain parking
structure is submerged hair ��ay into t:�e ground.
Co�m. 0'K�efe said we ar� a:i a�pe:zda;e of San Jose along Stevens Co::�r.lissioner's
Creek Blvd. vd2 do need sone ide^tity, but ne was not sure this is thougats on this
tiie identity we should consider. T:iis �aoul.d br a ne�:� groug of type of propcsai
children into our scYiools. It wouin �ive us so::�e o��ortuni*_}- for
pedestrian traffic. He noted that if �ae allo-a the C�ty Hali to
govern all constr�ction -��e are ha�:strung; ��;e couldn't *ake ad-
vantage of neT� construct�on ::zethods and 'cuiidin� naterials. �
Co~�.m. 0'Keefe sa�d he :as done so:-�e reading on this subject, and
there are :lany cities that indicate this type oi thinS :vouid in-
crease property vaiue. _�e e~phas�zed that i�e Taants to give this
applicant a fair .iearing. It was :�is thouPub that �he Flint
Center, Vallco Parx ard the Mariani '��all sites couid be join�d
witn bi�.e patiis. He said t:�e applicant has a'_z�gh density, but
greater open space througn ti.e use of high rzse, a:.d we al1 �vant
to preserve open s�ace.
Co�^.missioner Puetz said ;ae are� facing �any issues in this cit}=. Co.::ays�ior� �:ust
The petitio:� ::ay represent 5% of the votin� �opulation of the cit5� be ebjective
This r,iay be a turni�g point in the co::lplex we are tryin� to develo
in Cupertino. It :-�ay be necessary to update our present plans �or
tne civic center. rIe £ tizat Co�::�issioner 0'ICeefe oroug:�t out
so:ze good points an3 tnat t::e Co*���ission should be objective in
consideri:�g tnese .
Comriissioner Hirshon said he is a resident of this area and izas a A�plicar_t hasn't
personal concern �zere. i�e said we are adding to a:i already over- adequately studi-
burdened situation. �'e already :�ave a great deal of nultiple in ed �he need for
the area. He feels that t.iis plan c�;ould be dokngrading the Town this trpe of
Center Plan. He dces aot feel the aPplicant nas taken too .:Lucl: housing
tir:ie to study t�ze need for this type of develop::�er.t.
Comn. Buthenuth said �ae have to look at tze developed city. SoMe- Can`t vi,sualize
. body couid come in «ith cor�L�ercial or prafessional of.fice, but we to�anhouses here
already have a lot of that. But he said 'ne can't visualize a
tow:� house situation here.
Page 10
Cor,u�. 0'Keefe s�id some cities are known today for decisions they made
twenty to forty years ago. He c�ted Bartersville, OklahoMa, and tne
Johnson's Wax Building in [visconsin. He said tle is not for the proposal
as it is now and does not kno�a if he ever will be for townnosses here. ,
But l:e is rece�tive to ne:a, i:aaginative ideas.
;�?rong location Chairman r9eyers questioned whether we wiil have a need for tnis deveiop-
�ur this pian ment. Perhaps if this plan �,Tere located so�ewhere else it might be
more desirable. He noted triat tne units �vould be individuall}� owned
by citizens of tne City of Cupertino.
Mr. Maurice 0'Shea, 20367 C1ay Street, cited as an e�arZple cahat happened
to i:is grand�:other's �io:ae bacri East ;ahen a::ulti-�LOry structure was
built next door. He does not t�ant t�7at to hap�en here.
Fut �:ie Mr. Scarborough, i0751 Tv�liLney t�ay, said this proposal is tnree tines
�i�eater .Zere t�i�e d?iisitti of a sin�le £a-aily resAdential suodivisien. Toda;�, some
of tze c'_z_��dren are sent to otner sc :ools because tizey are so cro�-�ded.
Ue said the}� �aeuld line to see tre �;oviz tileater that t•?as greviously
nlanned for tizis location.
�=L�st Ti.� :natter of bu:�st parkin� �•�as introcuced. There see..ed to be no
paricing provision for it.
i�o 2-stor; �1rs. Dipp21, Somerset Court, said the rlir?t CentPr Buildin� is the
bid�,s :�er� ri�ht s:ize o_! ti�e right s-te. This �roposal is t�ie wrong build�rg
on the �aro�.fi site. She said sze c,Tor�ced on tiie pu'�i ic iibrar;j pro
?ad *_�iey Lelt t��ey couid not have a t���o-stor�� building in that location,
t;ondo-:i�iiunis .�r. Olivia said t�e co� doniniu� is a nec� 7_iie style and one �r:hicn iae
are ne-a l:�fe will be s�eing morz o� . Th? 1=brary �s 40' ta:L' a�3 th� s�uildin� is
st}�le 60' --- a difference of 20' . He said they studied �,That :.�ould happen
if ti�ey put an L-shaped bu� lding 1�ere and repositior:ed i� on t:.e
property. It would just u�e up more open space.
Cc._,. 0�Kzefe repeated this ap�iicat�o:: is unacceptable to h;_.,�. Ir_
should conform to the arciiitecture of our civic center, This could be
rearranb�d and accentuate the structures aiready '_n the Town Cen��er.
2:1 par�:ing Co__:m. P::etz asked if the parlcin� ratio was satisfactory to t'r:� staff.
ratio Tt�e P�anning Director said it is a �;l r�latio.zshi�, ,�hich is used
in r�ultiple zones . Co :1TR . Puetz =elt it should be at least 2-1/2:1.
Cor+.:,. Hirshon saw r.othing �:.a�;�native ��botlt tt;.is prono�al_. It does
not add to the aesthetic va�ue of ti�.e City or th�� To��;n Cezter. SPVen
stories is tco l;i�h. Co�:un. Puetz do�s :.ot like t1Le idea o� a tennis
court. on the paY�cing 5truc�ure, with t posaibilit�� of canvas put on
tiie fen�e to deflecL the T�ind, etc.
y •
Page 11
Moved by Co.:�:,. Hirshon, seconded by Corin. Puetz to close the Public Hearin�;
Public Hearing, closed
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Co:i.^�. Hirshon, seconded by Com�. Puetz to deny applicatio 1 i-U-72
1-U-72. � . denied
AYES : Co;n.�n. Hirshon, Puetz, Chair::�an Meyers
NOES: Corz�n. Buthenutn, 0'Kee�e
Motion carried, 3-2
Chair:�an :�Ieyers posed tne question oi ���het?ier is area 't�as a nore Staff s..osid
functi�nal need. This shoiild be studiec by the City staff in the study �nis area
near future.
Co-:ri. 0`Keefe was in _zopes that this g1a^ could be reaorhed in Hoped for a
� suca a�anner tx�at it �aould be co�ipatible so the people in thQ. rework of p=an
com�unity would agrze to it.
`�r. Oiivia as'�.ed hoa many storias t�os � d be acceptable :iere.
Co:�z. 0'Keefe said ail t}pes of hei�L.ts are used at DeAnza; tahat
is i�portant is the way 't al1 ties i:z together.
Moved by Con,:l. Puetz, seconded by Co.::-�, uirsho:� to zave t:�e sta`f Revie�•. To::�n
study th�s �arcel of lar�d as to ar. ap�ropriate City use or related Certer Pla�
use, and perhaps to e::bark upon a corlplete To:an Center revie�a,
Motion carried, 5-0
Chair::ian Meyers called a recess at 11:40 PM. The :zeeting re-
convened at 11:50 PM.
4. Request of Horst Kleir.tann for extension of time on Use Perr.iit
16--U-70 and Tentative .1ap 16-TM 70 (ResoJ.utions No. 800 and
801) . This Use Per:ait is for a 14--�uest resi.dential care ho:�e
for elderly Fersons on property lqcated at the southeast corne
of the intersection of Foot:iill Blvd. and Santa Paula Avenue.
°age 12
The Planning Director askeci tl�e Co:�nission if they wouid first consider
Agenda Item 5 since it has a dir^ct bearing on this r�atter.
5. R°vieca of specific plan lines for r�lcCiellan Road from Byrne Avenue
to Footnill Bivd. (Referre�l to P�annin�, Corinission by Cit�-
Council 2-7-72).
Tiie Pianaing D�rectc� said the law requires that ��rhen the City Council
makes a c;�a in t:.e reco-�iendation of the Pla�ning Com:_.ission it
:sust go back to tr_e Pianaing Co�., for review.
T::e Traffic Engine�r revie,,;ed the plan reco�-aended by the Planning
Ca:z_:.�ission and tlie one approv�a ;,y the Cit;• Couzcil� �ie said �IcClellan
�;-ill be 50' wide e�_capt i� t:�e area near Rae Lane, �,�h�re it will 'oe
52' . Bet:4eer� Rae Lane and Linaa Vista there is a tra.zsition frors
side;4-al�s to bine lanes.
R•�cc�r.l�nd No Com:1. Puetz reco^:�;�nd°d bi�e trails on both sides �f the road and
P�.•r�.i ��gns on bati; sides of t;:�� :�orse ranci and �edestrial traf_fic and bi'�e
acro�s fro-:� trails Oil t.}lE nort:� S�Cl�. H2 Sc111� ti:erP_ 1S 1I1SLIt��.C1°11t room for
;ig�'1 SCL 001 t=� cars t111t j�3Ti�. O'1 t_72 I10T't�l S1a2 Oi t:'.° StYp2t � 2CrOSS fY!��A t11°
:��.gn schoo:.. �Ie reco�_-��nrs the Count�: 100� intc p�tting No ?arkin,
sig�s there.
T��e Traffic E.zg�neer said Santa ?aul_� Tai11 be shz�ted slightly
1i1 a �ou�h °Y'l�' c� t0 i:!iil�??1�Z� ��L2 2fi2C� 011 several .10I:EG .
Cor_:~:. Du�tz ;�;ould ii:2e to sec the City a�d t.�e Co��nt} prcv�d� so��
' saie ;aay .f_o �L�e• sc:�ool c'nildr�n to ��>�a��c to �cnool :o�a.
=;ann. Co��-a. '�'toved i�y Ca::L_:. 3ut::��sth, seconded �y Co��. Pv.�tz to tell tne City
_,as revie�aed Cauncil th3t the Plan:�ing Cor.lnissi�n llas re�i_e,aed t.le P1an Lin��
:icCleiian pian for McClellan noad.
Motior� carried, 5-0
Incorro Moved by Co. �. Puetz, seconded �y Ca.:�zn. 0'Keefe to recot:u::end that
pec�estrian & the City Council look very strongly at the pedestrian and bike traffic
b�ke paths in along the non-ex�sting side�•�allc area near the Horse Ranch, with the
�:ors` I?anch possibility of including tizese iters ir t1_ze park ir.lprovenents. It
d,.v`7_o�t_lent �s recommended bv this �od}' that ti?e adequate pec�estrian and bike
ri�itt--of-way improve?�ents be an inte�ral part of t:he Horse Rari:ti
developr.ient, It is recommer.ded the C�.ty and County get togetl:er
and ir,}prave this area.
2'[otion carried, 5-Q
�age 13
Moved by Chairman Meyers, seconded by Co;��issioner Q'Keefe that City & Count;�
the Cor.lnission would encourage the City and County to develop develop pe1. &
-a pedestrian and bike path alon� McClellan. bike path
Motion carried, S-0
4. 16-U--70 and lu-T:�1-70 (See page 11)
Moved by Com^�. Butnenutn, seconded by Cor�lm. Hirshon to continue 16-U-70 &
applications 16-U-70 and 16-T.�i--70 for a period of one year. 16-T.�i-70
continued for
Motion carried, 5-0 one year
The Planning Director announced the :::eetin�; af the Leaoue of
California Ci*_ies on F�bruary 23, 24 a_�d 25. Chair::�an ;�leyers
said he plans to attend j•lednesday and Thursday. Com.:i. 0'Keere
said he r�ight be able to ma:ce it.
There will be a Goals Co:.LL-:�ittee Report revieca on February 28th.
The Assistant Plan:zer said the staff nad a referral fror� the
County in regard to a Use Perr�it applicatior. tor 18 acres rig':lt
on the ridge of :tonte Beilo R�dge, The hzaring is set for
Thursday, February 17th in the evening.
Moved by Comr.i. Buthenuth, secoa�ed by Comm. O�Keefe to instruct
the staff to contact the agencies involvzd, to let the� knoca tze
position taken by tne City oi Cupertino to adl;ere to the 5-acre
min imum .
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comm. Buthenuth, seconded by Corim. 0'Keefe to adjourn
the meeting at 12;29 A1�1.
Motion carried. 5-0 __
ATTEST : . A�'PROV�D : .
/s/ Wm. E. Ryder /s/ Robert W. Meyers
City C�erk Chairman