PC 01-24-72 CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of California PC-�1 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, Cal�for.:ia Pag� 1 Teleplzone : 25`L-45G5 � 2�1INUTES OF THE RE^vULAR 1`1EETING �JF T�?E PI,Al`�Iti`IP1�:1 CO'��1ISSION HELD Oi� JANUAR� �4, i972, I�I THE COU�1CiL C�iAi�3� ti CITY IIALL CU�ERTIi10. CA�IFORI`1IA . . � SALUTE TO T'riE FLAG The *�eetin� �aas called to order at B:00 ?"t �y Cha� r:~an M�yer= ��7it?� the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Co�nm�ssioners present: But��enut�, 'ri�r�hon, 0'KEefe, Puetz, C:�airr.:a� i�leyers Coi�:�issioners aosent: None Staff present: Ci_ty Attorney A1ams Director of Plannin� and Det�elop^lent Sisri . Senior Plaaner Laur�n Assistant Planner Co�•-an Recording Secretar;� Lois Inwards APPROVAL OF MINUTES : .�inutes ef Regular �ieetiag of January 10, ' 7 Co*�.��issioner Butizenutz not�d that on �a�e o, the vote on tne secon notion (approval of appl�cation 32-Z-71), Co:ti�issioners Butnenut': and Puetz voted against it, and the �otion carried, 3-2. Moved by Cor.i.-�tissioner 0'Keefe, seconded by Cor.li Hirshon, Jan. 10 Minute� to accept the Minutes of January 10, i972 as corrected. ap:rovAd as corr�cted Motion carried, �-� POSTPOL+E1`'�NTS, etc. The �'lanning Director said there is a letter cr. fiZe regarding Agenda IteM l. • PC-51 kZINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLA;'�NING C�MMISSION QN JANUARY 24, 1972 Page 2 ti�ZRITTEN CO?`�I[J�IICATIONS Tnere were none.' ORAL COI�IUNIC�TIONS There were nonE�. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Application 38--Z--71 of City of Cupertino for rezonina five (5) acres fro� CG (General Com�~�ercial) to a1 (Agricultural-R�sidential Si�zgle--fanzl; o�e-acre lots) or to ot�er zone dee�:led aapropriate by t�ie Pla.zning Co^i�iss�.o��, Said property is located easterly cf R°g:�art Road ap�ro�i:�_latal;� 125� L southerly of the intersect�_on of Regnart Road and L�ndy Lane. First I:earin�. Chair�►an Meyers read the letter fro--t the attorneys of the ow:�ers of this property, in which they asred for a continuance, C-_�-H crlang�d CorL Puetz asked t:�e staff for so�„e backgrou�.d as to tne tti CG ori�i.zal purpcse of t.�e zonin�. Tiie Plaanin� Dir��c�or referred �to the r:aterial �nclosed wit:� t::e staLf report on this application. He said tn�y had �roposed sone kind o� rECreatio��al activit;� on t't.is property. �he C--i�-�'� tiaa� c��a�ged to C�. It ��as just a chang� o� titie at t��at ti.�.e. Slides of t:�e property �aere shown. Co�::�i�sior.er Hir�hon asked the City Attorne�� if it mw�llt rLot be appropr_ate to first act �.�pon the continuance re�uested. by tne a.ppiicant. The City Attorney said eit��er ��ay �.ould be appropriate. In deference to th� peoYle i:� t_�e audience :<-ho r.iig��t be ther` regardi:�g this ap�lication, t:�e Com.:ission decided to procced. ;ai*_;i t'.ie discussion. T:Le A�J1.J Plann�r ��ent over tze colorea slides t� orient the � Co:�.mAssion witil th� iocation oi t�:e prop�rty, �icst oz tize proper�y is very � �eep . Tran�.:ra�ssi�n iines �o across tiie property , and t.zere is r.eavy veQetation. ��sc,ed for Mr. Noor Billawalla, 202� H�.11 AvEnue, Saratoga, representing the cont �nuanc� property ofl�er, sa�_d he �•�ould prefer to have thi., arplication continued. He is cn:: of t'.�e 5 property o-;n�rs. He said :.e received t?�e application on January 21, alt}�:ough the letter was dated January 18, 1972. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR riEETING OF THE PLANNING COA�MISSION 1/24/72 PC-51 Page 3 Chair�an Meyers asked 1`1r. Billa;•�alla if he has an}� intention of Plans for 38 developing this property. Mr. �illa�aalla said they will have acres up t��zre their plans ready �aittiin one year. They have plans for residentia and co�,-nercial �develop::ent of 38 acres up there. C�zairnan MQyers cautioned Nir. B�llawalla about tt:e �-acre mini^um lot size for residences up tnere. Nlrs. Dorothy T•�right, 2023�3 Regnard Road, agreed 100% �vith th� Citizen agrees rezoning. She said she worked on the Goals Co^�nittee and she with rezoning understood this property was previously slated for a s�ain and racquet club on c�rse ranch. She -•Tould not object to a horse ranch t`iere. Th�s is at about 8Q:�' and she �as '�eard talk about the start of t:ze footizills at 500' . Cor.unissioner Puetz feels t:le a�piicar.t should be given tize oppor- tunity to prepare his presentat�on. Com�issioner Hirshon question d �•�hether they would neecl the 30 days they requested. Moved by Co�:u�issioner Puetz, seconded by Co:unissioner Buthenuth to 38 -Z-71 continue appiication 38-•Z-7i �o tze next regular Planning Co?nr!is- cont_nued to sion .=.eeting on February 14, 1972. Feb. 14th AYES: Conra. But«enutn, Hirshoa, 0'Keefe, Puetz, Chairnan Meyers NOES : clone Motion carried, 5-0 2. Consideration and reco�endation relative to changir.g the name of Lubb Road witnin ti;est Valley Industrial Park. First Hearing. Tne Planning Director referred to the staff report on this ite:n. arid to the existing zo�ing map on tne bulletin board. County Conmunications stated that tae proposed na:^e change could cause confusion for operators of e-iergency vehicles. The street has three nar�es at present: Peninsula Avenue north of Stevens Cree�c �lvd. , Bub'� Road south of Stevens Creek t31vd to Rainbow Driv , and Upton �1ay south of Rainbow Drive. The staff offered two alternatives for tr.e Co:unissioz to consider: 1) The continued use af 3ubb Road, 2) The rena:ling or the subject street section (roadt�ay bet�veen McClellan Road and Stevens Creek Blvd) fron Subb Road to South Peninsula Avenue. This act�ion �ti*ould require the ini- tiation of a hearing before tye County Board of Supervisors t change the name of the existing Peninsula Avenue to North Peninsula Avenue, PC-51 MINUTES OF THF REGULAR riEETING OF THE PLAIvNINr CONtMiSSION 1/24/72 Page 4 . �n favor of Mrs. Patricia D�Agati, 10226 ,Fllpine Drive, Cupertino, the Ty�share Soutn representative, said she had just received the :neMO from the PZanning Peninsula Director the day of tiiis meeting. She agreed tnat a fourth street Avenue nane should not be introduced, She also saici the people object strenuously to the naine Eubb Road and, thererore, request the name South Peninsula Avenue. Comr�issioner Hirshon asl�ed why Bubb Road is undesirable. Mrs. D'Agati said there have be�n a lot of jokes about it and t:�ey all agree it is a difficult nans to live with. Tney prefer t�;est Valley Drive because it is rziich easier to find. This section M��s. Ann Anger, IS.onta Vista resident, said sh� wa� present when this does not line car�e uY at tne Cit� Council r_zeetin�. She understands :�o�a this re�re- up with Bubb sents ar� old and establisi�ed Cupertino na�e. S;ze =eels, hoTaever, Roaa. that tnis section really does not align with Bubb Road. There will be traffic lights at Stevens Creen B1vd., so either Fenins�ala Avenue or Bubb Roa3 shoulc� be ci�anged for clarity at that intersection. She did not feel the Bubb fa�ily should iee� �urt because this rezlly does aot connect ��7ith Bubb F�oad. Size does not ieei *,ae have to be as;�aned of tne name Bubb, but in this case it does not line up with the street. :�10 ohjection Mr. Willis Snyder, 21707 Terrace Drive, said he has a bus�ness on to r�a�rie c:�ange Bubb �Z.oad, south of McClellan and i�e objects to c'za�ging this name t�ere. He has no objections to cnanging the na^i� in the industrial park to Peninsula Avenue. CorL*�iss� oner Puetz noted Stelling changes to :iollenbec`_�. to Pastoria in Sunnyvale, so t:is is nothing new. He �as no objections to the nar.ie Soutn Peninsula Avenue. l�srs. Ann Brown, 1i1�0 �ubb Road, feels the problem will just be extended to McClellan if it is cnanged to Peni.nsula Avenue. She t�as lived on Bubb Road for 15 years and zas never had an}• problem wi t'_; the name . Mrs. Dorothy ;�righr_ said she teaches, and this would be setting a �recedent. We do have this historical heritage. She �aould not have Re�«art or Bubb na:�es cha:�gzd for anything. She feels tnere ;�ould be pressure later on to �hange the na�� further south. Commissioner 0'Keefe said a str�et reflects the furiction of the street. He surported continuance of tize r_a:�,e Lub'o Rcad because where it intersects Stevea� Creek Blvd. it tti*ould be easier to find. Bubb Road has scnze �eaning to th� peop]_e who live ther�. ��e does nat see the purpose of a name change, The only embarrassment is that people can`t sgell Bubb. Com.:�issior�er Pu?tz added that tile people living in the sou�i� and southwest �ortion of tlie City were not at all happy about �n industrial par'�c going in there, MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ME�TIT1� QF THE PLANNING COMI�ZISSION 1/24/72 PC-51 Page 5 Commissioner Buthenuth noted that '_t just causes more problems when we start changing street names. Mrs. D'Agati said, accordin� to the ne;aspaper article, there were Applicant's several streets in the area that �aere once Bubb Road. Sne feels . rebuttal some consideration snould be given to the feelin�s of t:te occupant of the industrial park. She feels it does alibn better with Peninsula Avenue. ° Moved by Co:_uzlissioner 0`Keefe, seconded by Cor.tnissioner Puetz to Public Hearin�� close the Public Hearin;ss, closed P�Zotion carried, 5-0 Com�issioner 0'Keefe said 'ne gives a great deal of support to the petition of the teaants of t:e irLdustrial par�:, but Bu'�b Road is important to t:e residents. � Commissioner Puatz said, to reduce confusion o� Stevens Creek Blvd , Peninsula Avense should 'oe on both sides of t:za street. Co*��is- sioner Hirshon agreed. He noted t�at we ;aouid stili be retaining . the residential area na�e oz Buob Road. Commissioner But:zenuth noted there is already another Peninsula Avenue oa the other side of t::e free�aay . Chairman Meyers said uatil this �aas brought up he �aas not aware of any slang connotation to the na:�e �ubb. To avoid con�usion, he feels it should be a continuous aa:-ie south of Stever.s Creeh Blvd. since Stevens Cree� Blvd. is a dividing �oint. Moved by Cor.uaissioner 0'Keefe, seconded by Co:u:iissioner ButhenutZ Bubb Road nar:e to recom.^iend to t:ze City Council continuance of Buob Road as it to be retained presently reads, with no ciian;e. AYES: Cor.i.-nissioners $uthenuth, 0'Keefe, Chairrian rleyers NOES: Cor.ti�issioners Hirshon, Puetz Motion carried, 3-2 WiFINISHED BUSINESS � 3, Discussion of work program concerning Zoning Qrdinances Revie PC-51 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING �F THE PLANNING COMMISSION 1/24/72 Page 6 The Planning Director asked to have this matter discussed along with Agenda Item S. Conbine items So moved by Co:nmissioner Hirshon, seconded by Co:nmissioner 0'Keefe. 3 and 5 Motion carried, 5-0 i1EW BUSINESS 4. Discussion of future develop�nent pattern of properties south of Rodrigues Avenue and west of Blaney Avenue. A property owner asked the opinion of the staff as to nis dividing his property in this area into two lots ana building duglexes. ]3ecause of tne location of t.le propert}-, its acc�ss and the effect of his proposed cievelopment on adjoining properties tne stafi told iiira tnat the natter would be in�ormally discusseci beiore the Planning Co::?�ission. D�velog:le:lt The staff =elt that perhaps some deveiopr.ient criteria could be dis- �riteria cussed for t'tiis.area. The Assistant Planner �resented four sche::iatics: 1} existing zoning 2) existino d�,e�iin�c 3� �o*_ential developr�AnC 4; shows :ow property could ue deve�oped entirely as R2. The existing single-fa��ly ho�es would b� r�located. it was felt this is t:�e southern gate,�ay te Cugertino. T.zey s�zould lir:iit the curb cuts to Biane . There presently are a nu:�ber of �lag lots. Roc3rigues �aiil �e a bus}� strzet. I.t is a CitS� polic} that a11 lots ��ave direct access to a publ�c street. Czairn:an Meyers asl:.�d if tllere is evi.dence of the property owners in t:�e area agreeing. 'r��e �s�istant Pianner said ti:ere was. They �vant to �et so���e direct � or. fro:: t:�e Plannirig Co:�mission �s to the deveiop:lent of th�ir property. Co�.ni_ssi�r�ers' Commissioner �uthenut�z noted that a portion of tizis property is in ��inions the To�an Center. Co�, 0'Keefe feels this is an integral part of the Towa Center and believes this should be a part of the overal� To�an Center program. An oT7erall approach to the property is necessary. Cor�missioner Hirshon said t�zere have been no guidel.ines there. ;ve s'tiould ta�.e a lon�, hard 1001: at putt:�.iz; any .''.'iOrP_ :�u]_tistozy ho�es in that area. cIe �rould be opposed to an increase in the density in tY�at area because of the con�estion. MIidUTES QF THE REGULEIR M:�ETING �F TH� PLAN�IING COI�IMISSION 1/24 f 72 PC-51 Page 7 CoM::�issioaer 0'Keefe feels t:;at tlie more acce�s�s you have to the More accesses Toom Center t'.Ze more accessible it �ecomes . He would like t'rie to To�an Center Cor.Llission to giv� the plan .ed deveiop�:�ent so::�e direction and desirable guidelines . He believes t':�is shoiild be plan;Led develop:nent . The entire parcel should be iooL;ed uYon as one plar.ned develop�er.t. Tne As�istar_t Pianner said all but one individual would iike to do so.netaing witz the property. Commissioner But�ienuth said it does not a.11 ?�ave to be deve.loped Overa�l plan at one tir.ze but it should be an overall develop^�ent plan. is necessary 5. Discussion of �aork grogra:� relative to General Plan Revieca. Tne discussion of �;oric progra:� concern�_ng Zoninb Ordinances Revie�•� �aas disc��ssed in conjunctio :�•;ith tilis Ge:�eral Plan F,eview. The Senior Plan:�er d�scussed tize General Pla�i He said planning General Plan is thinking and doing so-:�et��ing about the future. It should co:�- cern t.ie functio;: ot the �ajor �art of t:ie City. It coes concern the physical, tt�e environ-:ental� and t: e econo:lic factors of t^e City. A rrecise plan co:�es after the general plan. Zoning in�le:.ients Zonino i~:ale- the generai plan. A general plan shouid not be too generai or ne�ts Genera' vague. For exam�le, our general plan sho�as co:��.:�ercial :aith a dot. Pian Hoca muc:z property does this dot represent? The Senior Planner used a f10-J chart to define the co^:position of Time fra.�e icr a general �lan. He then ,ti�ent over the ti�e schedule for i::: 17°S•T Genera �enting t'_ze ger.eral plan, includinS drafting, typzng, discussion Plan groups, Planning Cori�issior. discussion, City Councii discuss�on, public hearings before t:ze Planaing Co;�rmission, and public nearing before the City CoLacil. He esti:lated all this would take fron February 1972 to Septe:iber 1973. It was established the ne�•� general plan �aill be well advertised so Pro�osed the public will have t.ze cnance to cor.ie in and vo�ce ti opiu�on joint ::�eeti:.� A joint :Zeeting between the P�anzing Co:��:tissio:�. and tize City Council was proposed to sit do:an and taL'c a'oout direction, etc. A nousing eler.ment and open space conservat�.on policy have to be adopted by Juiy l, i972. T:Ze S�.^.ior Pianner said any general pla, is continually being revised and/or anended. A j oint :.►eet�n� witn the Council should be scheduled for the f irst part of Marcii, if possible. PC-�l MINUTES OF TI-IE 1Z�GULAR �''�I:ETING OF THE PLA.'�NIPvG C0:^1ISSI0;1 1/24/72 Pag2 8 Sub-co,n:aittees The Co:nr�ission see:�ed to like the idea of woricing out the details in to t,-or� out sud-co:�:�ittees. T:le a�er�da should include specific items to �e discussed cetails regarding t�e general plan. There sha11 be t�ao Planning CorL-�issioners (.zut necessarily ti�e sa. ones eacn time) at tiiese study sessions. . u. Discussion of possible adjourn�ent o� r�eetins to revie;a the Goals Cor.1. reco��endat�ons. �oa�s discus- T:_e Planning Director sug,gested setting a separate neeti^.g for this sior. on discussio�. Tne adjouraed �^.eetir.� of tr.e P:La.nnin� Co�nission �,as set Fe�, 2 for Z4ednesda� , Februarj- 2, 1972 at 7:00 PM. REPORT QF PLANNIN� CG:�.'�`�IISS10:1 -- There was none. R:,POR.T OF PL_ DIRECTOR 7. COI1S truction of deci�s i:� t^e ��, D�velopnent �_`__� �?p,� �'- 1_7° Assistant �13T:P.Er S?1G ti72 r213t� ORS:;l.P Oi t�7? COF Oi the �ence t0 : 2�G Jll�;.Q�i1b tll° �i00Y' Ot t: ° CI�C_� crea a privac•� pro'�1 ��;ltil �il°. :�2:.�i:bOY'S • Y011 �,��- c:on`t need a bu��c?ng per��t tor a ciec'.:. A�ter jC�:lP discussio�, it ;cas � esta�iish�d tiiat si, ce tiiis �s a pianned dEVelo�..�nt, t:zis ��ust be settled t�it�in tze Ho= Association. 8. Vallco Par�. 1ar.dscaping � �J�� ZCO t0 CO �:'1SS''_Ori°r i�Ut:ieTlllt!i aSi�E�j t:le StSfr �Q r�-'���uYCil t�1t? L'SP_ i�22i?.lt iOr �a:�dscape t:�� Val�co Par�:. It ���as IZis u:dersta�zdi�� t��at t::ey are r:.�uired to land- �an'.: scage t:�e ban'c. If thi� is t�.e case, :Ze ��ouZd l�ke t:,� see it accor��Iished. . ADJOUR,v. �NT :�:ijo�.lrn�d to :!oved by Ccr.i:zissioner i3:ithenuth, seconc:ed b�* Cor.i_;issioner Puetz to adjourn F��. 2nd the ::ie�tin� to rebruary 2, 1972 at 7:Od P`�1. Ti:e r::e�ting adjourned at i0:37 Pi�i. � � :�iotion carried,5--0 ATTEST : AI'PROVED: /s/ Wm. }.: Ryder /s/ Ro'cert W. Meyers City Clerk � Chairman�