PC 01-10-72 CIT�' Or CUi.'�i;TINO Stat•^ o£ C�iifornia PC�S�:? 1030J ?'orre �ver�ue Cllr't'Y'tl: Calizornia Page 1 Tel_ephone; 2 �2�45U5 I-iINUTES QF T::L REGUI�AR i�ETING OF TI-:E PI�ANNIi1(', CO.����ISSION HELD �:V JAiVUAP,Y iC ,' 97 �: , T� THE COINCIL CH ufi�ER, CITX H1�LL CUi'EP:TI�O, CALIFO°.:dIA SALUTE TO THE � As T:.e r..eeti_ng was called to order at 3:00 F`'I by C:.a�r_nan I��yer ;����.tt1 t'cie Sa�ute to the :�ag. ROLL CALL Co:-.�r„�ssioners pre:�ent:Buthenuth, H�r�':on, 0 iu`t�.:, C.�a �.�e< .:r� Co�::~��_ssioners C: Noze Staif. �re�ent: Director of Plannin� and D�-��lop�.e�t Sisl� Cit� �:ttcrney �,da:is Ass�stant ?lan.�er �c-•.an Traffi� �:�gir_eer G Recording Secretar�; i,ci� Inwar�s APPROVAL 0�' i�:Il`�UTES : i�ir.utes of Regular '�eetir.� ot Dec. 13, 1971 �linutes of P.egular '����t�no r�i Dec. 2; ,_n71 Mcved b; Ca.�-;:iss;_oner But'�enut�, sQconde � b.� Ca.-�iss�oner �':�ee�e D�c, i- "�n� �_� � to a rove t�iz �1i;:.u�e;� of Decenber i3, �9%? , as sub-�itted. a; ^rcved a_ ' �u�_:_ �ted �Iot�on carried, 3-0 Co-�.^.i�ssioners H�rsnon & Puetz ab�taired 0:: page 14 of t;ie :�linutes oi Decer;�er 27t?:, Co_�-aissioner Puetz �aa�t ed to add to the las� para�rapn ti�at ile :��els tne ot:�er alterna.te route was safer. [°�oved by Co�:�issioner Puetz, srcoaded by Cor�u�issioner F�irshon, to D-�c. 27 �tir.utvs • approve the Minutes of Deceroer 27, �.ti71 as corre�ted. uY?r�ved as corre�ted Motio� carried, 4-0 Cors:issioner But`�enuth abstained � pC-:�a MINUTES OF THE JANUt1RY 10, i97� PI�a?�NING COl`1�i�:SSI0�1 MEFTING � Pa�;e � �1cC�ellan Road To furti.er clari�y �he Minute �rder sent to the Council last t�m�, �arety t'.ze Plannin� Co:i.«iss:�oz reouesteci t:�e City Council to ask the Slieriff's Depart:�ent to in�estigat� accidents, safet}�, c�tatio� �.rocedures in r_I�e area, a:d monitor the sp�edin� bet�?een £i and. 9 AM, :� and 3;30 PM, and 7:30 to 10 PM, Tt:ere �aas so?:Ze �eeling t::at this � s:iould be a part of the fur:ction of th� Trafiic �ngir.eer. POSTPONEL�NTS, etc. -- There were none. :vRITTE�I C0��1iT1ICATIU�+S -- There �aere none that did not relace te ite:zs on t:ze agzr.da. ORAL COrti'�i'UIvICATI0�1S -- '!'here ��ere rio�e. PL'BLIC HEARINGS 1. App�:�cat�or.s �6-Z--71, 10-Tu-71 , 15-U-71 and 15-U--71 of A1do and 1�1ary A:Idreatta -- G& E Cal�fornia Prop-rty Land Corpany for , {�_1 pr��o�ing approxi�ate:Ly 3.5 acres frc�l Cour.cy C�v' (Neigiz'�or�ood Co:-:_r.�:rcial) to City of CurertiL�o Cv (General Co:� • � (�) Tentativ� �1��� to d�.vitie said �ropzrtl� iato ���o parcels; ;3) Use ?er-:it =c �ervice scation on Parcel One; and , �4) U5e Per-i�t �or coc�ctail 1oun;e o:� � arc�l Two, , Said pro�ert} is �ar_at=c� at t=:° north���est cor�:er o� t�e irtersectioz o� St�vens Crc`:c =�i�,-�, a.�d root:�ill Blvd. F�_rs� ?iearir_g conti��ued. C �airmar� :�Leyers an..auaceci ti�at tne ag;�licant �.isnes to ��ithdra�a these apx�l� cations . o�missioner Puet� ask.ad tne City Attorney if thi_s t�ieans the property aill not co:.ie under anize�:aticn also. The Cit;� A*_tor �ey sa�d t:�at since tne app�icat�..... ::a� bee:. wwt:.draT-�n it is �resu-labie t:ze .iLzexat�on is also ina�tivated. li;-Z-;.1_ ��Ioved b} Co:;i:aissioner �ut.ier:�!t:�:, seconded '._�y Cc.��:;iss?or.er Puetz '�� TiT-71 o withdraw a��licatio..;� lu--Z-i �, 1�-TTi-71, 15--U--7i an:: 1'u-U-71 trori i� i� 317�.� i72 3o �nda, ll�0:1 TeC�:li'St OF �:iG aprl�ca _t 6 �- i1- 71 :, itli:iY'c'�i4:� ��'j'.S ; CO:�L:1, �ll�P.°iltti.�: � I�:iY'�ClOi7 � Q� i;� ei E'. ��LlE-'tZ � C:�c'I].TT:t3I1 :�1e5 S �iOES ; None Mc�t�:i.on cairied, S--G r1IidUTES OF THE JANUARI 10, 1972 PLt'�NNING C01�''S'IISSION MEETING PC-50 Page 3 � 2, Request o£ CuYertiao Sar.itar-� District for anendment to Use Per,^.iit S--U- 69 to al' o�•r tze use of an e�isting building for public :aeetin�s of the Board of Directors of Cupertino Sani- tary District. Sa�d prepert�� �s located at the north�rn ead of Florence Driv� , i: an R�-i�� Zone. First �Iearing continued. Tize Planning Dire�tor said tae District has found anot:zer ^lace for t�ieir meetings so t�.ey are as:tir:g for T�it. of t::eir ap�lication. I�oved by Cor.�:.issio.�er H�r �.�on, seconded b�: Co::i.�issior.er Puetz to 5-U-69 witndra�o application �-U-69 fron ta� aoenda, �er the raquest of TJitr�'ra��n the applicant. AYES: Co�__m. Buthanut:�, Hirshon, 0'Keefe, Puetz, Chairr.ian '�Ie;.•er.� :10i� : Ivone ��'otion carried, �-0 3. Ap�licatio:� 32-Z--71 of C'_ty of Cu�ertino for rezczing '�.3i+ acre fro� R1�-22 (,in�,ie rar:lily �e�i:e�:tiai - 22,��0 sa, -t lots) to Rl-i0 (S�.ngle FaTM��ly Res;der.tiay �- 1�,000 sn. .-�. lots) or to otzer zon� dee::�d a�;�rorriate '�y �:e Plann�_n� Ce.i.�ission. Sa�d �roYart;� - �s �ocated �•;esterl-. ei a�d adjace�t to ?iount Cr?st Drive, a�p�ox�.:�ateiy i5� fe°t sout;z o� L-nda Vista Drive. Fir:t Hear�r.g. Tne Pla^.ning Director r�.vie;aed tne Tentative ��ap. He said tilis Parcei B:.s a ^atter ;aas heard by t�e � la�nin� Cor�-aission about a year a�o. b�_�ildaule 1ot Parcel A:zas a 20' acc`ss road to ��ount Crest Drive . T�e o�a�er of Parcei B is co:�cerred a��out ac::iev�.ng a'�u� lda�le sit°. T:ze Assistant Pla�ner przsznted so�e scher.iatic dra--ings de�onstra�iz� t:�at Parcel B i� a bu_ldable Iot. Colorea sli��s of Li1e area c��ere sho�a:L . Mr. Sam ;�Iarcnese said h2 is the o-vner oF Parcei A. He said Parc�i A et�,.i�r the reason the owner of parcel B wants the Tentative Map wants to bui?d changed is that LiZP coafiguration o� tize ho:ze t'zey -aant to buil�? won't fit on t:�e oId pad. :1r. ?�farczese is anxious to build �_�is hone; it �aill cost $8,OU0 r.,ore to build t��is ':ione no,�� than it would izave cost t=.�o years a�o. H� said �e had to chain across t:ie road because tnere was evidenca oT peopie going u� rhere and usin� his pro�erty for s.�:o�cing an�� -�hatnot, and he -Ya� a�raid of so�aecne going over t� side of his building �ad. He said tne ease�ent, sanitary drain and sewer �aere all in �ahen he and Mrs , tvillia:-is purchased these lots. PC°�0 MINUTF.S OF THE JELJUAR° 10, 1972 PLANNING COiu2I5SI0N NIEETING Pax � 4 1�1rs. 4�illiams' Attorne; said the lot is triangular shaped and very small. Tnere is a 20' ease-�ent and �1rs . 4?�llia:�s is no-a i:� doubt as to what can be Uuilt on this property, due to the requirect set�acks. 'ir5. ��;illia�s Cnairman Meyers asked if r1rs, j�;illia-ns �aas aiso tne owner of Parcel C. ai� o oca�s Ti:e Attorney said that she ;�as. Yn added that the i::t�roved 20' road �arc�l C is set inside t�e property liae about 15 feet. �ase�;e.�t to Mr. �1arc:lese :iade the same offer I:e said �e :�ade two years a�o; Parcel �ar_c�l B A offe�ed to give Parce:i :i easement to Parcei B to parallel the drive�aay. ;`Lt2r2� iic S31Q fii iS roaci :ti'3S ti". 3t ti7E'_ ti.:.� :ir3, l'��'ll�Z�S b011�:7t �:le propzrty H�_ advised her at t:�at ti�:e to ge� ar� attorne� . �ro��_rt�.� o�:�ners Co��:issioner Euthenuth felt that this �aa� a proble-1 betT�een ti:e pro�erty �' :>or:: it o�m�ers �ahic'� they snould agree upon before the}- co.:�e �erore tae Planr.ing �:ut Co-:.-iyssion. � Co:•._. Hirsiion dJKA : i~� it is feasAbie to use this road; is taere adecua:� �ane�.�ver�ng space For e: �rgency ve:�icles, Th� attorr.ey said t::e Fire De�art�:�r_t :�as been out there t.o c't�eck it out. �?YC�� L� O':�_:°T' CO^_??'i?iS Buti�enut 3SL:2C1 GJ'�clt T�T'OV1Si0:7 1.S raaae fOr �;t12S� �drKlri�. . _:lY'�1:�Si:1� a.� T.'?? Pianning Director S31Cj t'.12Y'� ' S Y00`I SOr tiv0 cars lIl t�.P ;arage ad :i�io.-.al 2G�' T:� building pad ior narc�l A �_s c0�0 seuare �eet; the re�ainder is hi1�.s�de. �1r. Marc:.ese said t�ey are purc:�asi�g an a�?c�tional 20 f2et y to t� e righ� becaus� they ���osl3 l�Lce a larger pad. T�ze;� ::ave ��air.r_.an rie}7ers asked tne City Attor:;e} if t::e City vaas partially ���i��abl� pad� res?cns��le =or t��is i:� pas�i�� �'t1� Lirst T�ntative TZap. The City Attcrney saia r.ne_v nave bu�l:iable pads here. Cc-_;zi�sio. ers' Co�m?ssioner Butnenuti: sa.id t'r.e applica��t pr°viously came in �vitn a tC!O'1z'; �tS OII Tentat �ve �fap -. !iiC�. :�110G.'E.'d 2� ��iJ SCilaY? �E°t � �L1�7 'S�J�.�' IOtS', tii�s ~atter Co-�:lissior�`r ?�=rs �on sai�' t:.is is t::� :�etter o� the t�,�o alteraatives. Co�:-ii�sio�,er Puetz tee�s this :!�'.tLET st.ou�.c, b� r�so1�-°d in th� courts, Co.:�_aissio� er �-?�rszo.^. r.oteC t� at t:: 3p7 1icant ':ias �_ndicateu t:�e roaa 15 useab .�2. C�2.lY?'la_� i 1e��ers i�?3S 1T1 Sy:..73t:.^ �Cit;l �ile OW�2Y oz Parcel L� but questior�ed w:et:�er anot_��er ientacive i��a,. s:loula be a�pro at this t,OlIlt . �0�1.�1i5:i�Oil.�I liil�:i°_�1llC�i GiC: I":Ol= SE.'e �J11Y �•Z �'7�V; tG r220RE OI72 �iEC2 Oi �rOp2Yi j SG a.I:Qt!1?i C31i u�ll!'� O� :7�_S �rO�eYt,'. Co:�-issioner Puetz does not like to sre iots �n t;ze hii�sides of iess t:ian 1 acre, '�I. `iarc�_�e�e Chairnlan iKeyers 2BK2� i1�. !`i£iiC�12S? _� :e SIl'� �ii5. �;1� �.:_�c^�^1S COU�G get �a� ;t t r tO�zt .2Z' t0 Y'�?SO! Je ti1iS. TZr. T�3iC.1ES° S8_Ci �� E' have trie i repeatedly "rs .'i?�Llia.ns �o get in touci� t-rith P�1rs .[�Iiilza.r�s . I or �o::e reason or otner , she will to resolve not cooperate. t��e r.,atter MINiJTES OF THE JANU�'�RX 10, 1972 PLANNING CONINIISSION MEETIi1G PC-5�J Page � Mrs. Willia�s' Attorne�� said she ;�rants to build on one of her lots and sell the ot:;er, Anoc:zer alternativ2 :•�o�sld be to let the pro�erty revert oac:� to t'.:e seller s�nce she was not aware that sh had an i1l�gai lot a� t:.� ti;ne s..e purchased it. Mov �d b;� Ce. :issicn�r :ut:.°:.�.�t:�, seco:.c�d b;� Co_:� Hir�:ZOn Public ?izari�: �"� to close t:�e �,iblic iieari.1�:; , ciosed AYES: Co:i. BuL Hirshon 0'i�eefe, nuetz, C:�air:�an Me�ers NOES : �ione Notio� carried, 5-0 CO�:L'11SS�Oi.Er Puetz sa�d �`lE �'O'.:1� ilke t0 r°:;:OV2. ti11S �atter ir0:1 R°r:0'J2 1�2"R the aoenda. The t:�;o part��s s::cu=d :;or:: out a settie-:e:�.�. fro� t'ae ag�:��� Mrs. i�;illiar.is said sh� is no* pr��ared to bui�d at +�:zis t�,=e. CO.:�:.'11SS10:1°_Y' ��ti22�e T2VlET.J2� �172 Ort�0115, i :�oted ti72 '2� �v�S reco�:.znded for a��roval "b� t�:e �iannin� Depart-:ent. Co�:-2issioner , Pu�tz a�reed . C�:air���an i`!�ti-ers ti�ou�ht t:ze �est soiutioz �•70ll'1G�. �2 to co�:�ine Parcels � and C. Cor.L--�issioner Puetz felt a precedent is being szt. Co��:iss�oner Trying to rec-- 0'Keeia ciisagr�ed because th�s Te,.tativ� :�?ap :?as done in error. ti�Y aa error Chair:-�an Meyers felt t�at t'r:2y �aer� try;n� to rectify an error rather than set a preceden�. Moved by Coru 0'Keefe to approve applicatio� 32-Z-71, as �lotio� reco::unended by the staff. This �otion r�7as r�ithdrati•m. -ait::�ra�m Moved by Co:i::�issicner HirsY?on, seconded �y Chair,nan =ieyers to Tubi�_c �:.ar'_: ._ � reope,i tc�a Public Hearings, reoper.ea AYES: Cor��issioners zirshon, 0'Keefe, Chairr_ian :•leyers i10ES : Co:�-nissior.ers Butaenuth, Puetz Motion carried, 3-2 Mrs. Sdilliar�ts ` Attorney asked if i::iprovea access to Parcel B is Council taill required. The Planning Director said tlxey would 'nave co come back r�aKe �ina1 with a Tentative i�iap. The City Attorne� noted tnat the Planning decision ' Commission is anly �aking a recor.unendation to the City Council at this tirae. Chairman Meyers a,,ked for further comments fro:n the audience. There were none, � �-�0 riINUTES OF TIiE JA.�`IUARY 10, 1972 PLANNIriG C0�1�:ISSION ME�TING �'ag� 6 Public M�ved by Conr.issioner Hirshon, seconded by Co�n1i_ssioner 0'Keefe to '�e�rings close the PuUl�c Hearings. � closed AYES: Co�,�:�. Buthenuth, Hirshon, 0`Keefe, P�etz, Chairr2an i�ieyers NOES: None i^;ction carried, 5•-0 �2-Z-71 :�.oved by Co:-��issioner 0'Kee�e, seconded by Co�*�� ssioner Hirshon to a�rroved a�pro��e applicatio.z 32•-Z•-71. AYES: Ccr�.:_z. Hirshon, 0'Keefe, Chairman Meyers i ivO�S; None Buthenuth, Puetz � Ptotio:� carriei, 3-2 � =� . App�_ication 37--U-7� o� Dear.e an�? D°a:�e �or TJse Per~iit to alio:� t�;� def�rr.:�::t o� u..der�rou:.di:�� oi certa�n po;-er poles on 43 dcres �ocat�_� saut �er��� ot and a�7ac�nt t:o S�ev�ns Cr��.: Llvd. , approxi~:ately 1�:;�� ���t t,�st ci ruotLzi? i B�_v�:. ,�n a P (?lanned D�V°ZC�.-:_�?i� j Z�ri� �:?1i.:1 r'vS1Q°i.ti1r31 ll�E.' 1ic�°i.�2� , r�TSt ti23 _'�T?= cor.tinued. �o�.ored siidv� of tiie ar?a T:ere s:�o;��n, F.;�, & i=�, rzpre�entativ�� W�T2 110t 3���� tO 3tt°i:�. r'L11S :1::2tlric + O dy�CUSS �:1S ;'3tt?Y The A��=st�an�_ p;a.n sa�o. �'� �as un�crt�.nat� t:_at �i�� 1;�n�s ,.-hic:� �erve t ar�a --ere on the nort:�er �� rat�.er tr:an t��� �.outll�r�_y s� �e of the str��t. T-�o � r�l�s :ai_il '��, :�cved northeri5-. Q r_: e soat::erly sicie, , tn� arL:. po��� at t:ie corner .�i�1 remain. C��air;:a�z �1�°y�r.= suggest�d tiie possi� ilit�� or goink: uad�rg at anot�ier �oi,:�t; :Lea•�� t-•7o poles oa t:-�.e �aes�erl�- sid�. Co^-�ission�r Pu�tz sLgg�sted sucting so t:i��� �•.'iil be pr�pared �or und�r�r.eu :din; tanen t:�e ti:<<e co:_�es . .'.r�11C3_:� f°_l� MY'. �`1L�211.� O� �,'T� S31cj spea:ci :� �Tl ��I:�Ta.��t=_?S � t?lE:' L,;:��1 UT2�2T° t::ey ar� do�ng ground ev�rything t:�at _s en. ti�eir s�de. T'�:° c�Tct :�:�r:� � a_11 the -.-_--",_ ��:3!7 �70`�i°Y �S eOJ_I��Q L2T.1'��T�?YOU_':Ci O?Z t�12 u0'_'_��i Sl...c.. ..� .:<��!� �:Z Dit�cto �.: ._� 5har� of Pub1 .:OTK� Sll��ti3t°Q L�ZE.' Tf::E? �i� �ir � 1�. _'..°_ �.:P_ �. t;';°�' a�2 �02I1r � li��!rOV2".':r_'ritS COI1S1��2Y'S'�lj� 'pE:JO:1� �':.e CET:�r:z':_�_--�°_ i;:. .:'F'_T?A��i°_?lt"_ R08.�. �ti1 t11E.' �Clit:i :i =CiE.' *_; �fl�_ � �U � 1I1 t:11 Cl:1C i� ;.'02"_: t�.:i�� t:t° ..3:.�_101eS . T<':1'I1 Ci13ZY'Li3 ;�'��� 3Si:.u1 :�ii:�' :1° �OUi_ .:1� ��;s} Y_iA�' (:8.1)1? :.:1 Li"1P t�UCt� �,;. ,. � � -� �- �: . _ „s;� c � �- �aid tilat t G.ould co.�t $._0,00�. Ci:�.lr:r:�� ._, r„ then .�u �t:.ey nake a riser out of tne pole on t:�e :�nrtii s�.1� of t�e s*r�et. � � MIi1UTES QF THE JA.'�1UARY 1_C, 1c72 PLE1Iv�?I�IG COrL�1ISSI0`T MEETIiiG F'C-50 Page 7 Chairman Meyers asked the staf� if there are �ur.ds available `or Are fan�s this sort of t:�i:�� =ro.:� t�.� -�one�- P.G. &�:. gives the City for availaoie? ur.dergroundiciv. T:�e ?la.��in; Director dici not kr�ow about tnis. , CO::li:ll :°u c�.tZ '.'OI1C°_r�°.:: i� ttl�' COS� W0111Cl ]L'St.lf� the :�eans lA t�.is cas� to -�:o �:1_ �e�_�� on t:e north sid�. The Cit� At.torney� SSl� �i12 a.��lIC3�1C.: i� tC G'�L2T ui?C� O� certair. �O:J2r poles on the -:e:�ter�_}� por*ion a�id in r.�+_ul',i t:zey are go�ng to put in ducts alo�.; t'_.e si.de. T'r_er` :�rould be t:ie addit�or_al duct �:�or':, on t��e :.orti�erly side, C?lairman Meyers � to kno-•� if there ?•�a� any �aay to get th� Is t=zere an,� :�a_.- pO�P_S C�.O:7�i. �i�. tt1�I1 SS:Z°!1 1� lt ti'OLl�:i 'J2 f2�S1:�� e r0 re�o tl':2 t0 T°":C�:e t�12 po? e o.i th� ea�terl;� por*_�on and put t:ie r� ser o� t'�e oti:er side, poles Tiiere �aas :zo d�rect re�por.se to thcse qu",ticns. There tYas a l�I�nutQ Order d�.rec*�d ta tt.� Cit� Counc� 1 to reco^sz�nd �iinute �rder t:�ey co: sider r�searc:�i:zo through t:ze U_.dergrou:�ding Co^;.�ittee the to Co�ancil �70SS1 lt�' O� uncterfirou�ising t_:E tran �::15S10I1 '1ii12S t: r011n.'1 t�ie ducts. T.�er� ;�las no vote oz t;is, The City Attorn�-�- said t::e ?.�:�. & �. :_�one; is usuall;� used in P�� &_. ::oney alrealy dev�lo�ed ar.eas. goes ~_o C2V eio��e. areas, usuall Cnairrlan �leyers asked for co:_:.:.ents fro:: the au�ience. Tner� �cere none. �ioved by Co�-^.issioner Puetz, seconced '�y Co��issioner 0`Keefe to PubiiL �iear �. -; � close t7e Publ�.c Hearings, clesed *�Iotio� carr�ed, 5-0 Moved by Co.�.liss�oner Puetz, saconded 'uy Ccra-:issioner Buth�nut': 37-U�-7_l to a�prove application 37--U-71 ;:ith the condit�ons suggested by aapro the Planni��g Stari. w/condir_�_ons AYES: Co:-ur�. ButYienuth, Hirshon, 0'Kee�e, Puetz, Czair�an ?�Ieyers i10ES : �vone Motion carried, 5-0 MINUTE ORDER: ?`4ove1 by CL:air.:�an :�`eyers y secozded b;� Conn�ssioner Minute Order puetz to reco:.� end t:�e C:ty Council re�uest tze Undergreunding to Council Co:amittee to r2searc.z the possibilit�� t:�rough negotiation : Oak Meadows CoMpan}- and tne propert}' oT��ner o� tne �arcel northerly ot the Oa�c Meadows d�velo��::�at to i.mriediatel��� u: the P.G. & trans:;ission lines �aralleiing t'.ze r:ortherly side or Stevens Creek i31vd. in conj unction r�it:; t:ie con5truct? on o� t;ie afore:�entioned Qa:�c Meadows develop::��nt. Motion carried, S-0 PC-50 r:INZJTL'S OF THE 3ANC�ARY 10, 1972 PLANNING CJP��ttSSION p��e $ . b 5. Agplication 39-U-71 of C�arles bro�,r.z, d.b.a. Divers Dock, tor Use Perr.iit to allow scaba and s�vira~:ing in�truction in a CG (Generai Co.�:�m�rcial) zoi�e. Said property is lacated soutizerly of and adjacent to Hor.lestead Road, approxi:aately 2�0 f�et westerly of Stelling Read. First Hearin6. TLe site pian and an ar�a raa� siiowin�. tl�e ��oaerty that is in th° process of b�inF a_ to ti�e City were placed on *�.e board, Co__,::. �aouid li��c .Co:�:�3_ssioner Puetz a�k�d :it a Tentati-�e "ap shouid not be reviewed to see pr�_or to tile Use Per�it. Tne Pla:�ning Dir�ctor sai� in this case, the T�n �2t1V2 "i� T°_ntative '�1ap �-�s ap�rov�d b� tne Cou:�t--• Uia :�in� Co�:aission. :;o:�,_l�ssion�r Puetz said he ti-�ould li:ce to �ee t'Ze :fa� before :zanin� a decisioz on this. Par�:.ir.c Par::ing �,�as disc�iss�d �e�t. Since t�zeYe is :�c par�.iLzQ o� Hor�estead Roa�, LR pari:ing spaces -�?�11 be re�uired on t:Le �ro�ert�-. Re�ail e:-:pLo}°e?s ��r�.11 r�quire 3 spaces, �nstructors -.�iil n�e� 2 sp�.ces, and ;_t is antici�ated t;�ere ,�a,- ue accur_ l� peo:ale on �:.112 site at one ti�e. ii'3i: tVr�S S-.Q �O."�'"11SSi0ilE.'T' ��':�_=f° Fi33 1T1tP_Y'2St°r� in t:l° t��T�°S 2?1.'�i 21t1:":'��rS Of people :�.u=.�ers of t�:iis =:ir.:� of �p�ration attract�. It T�as pointed ost tr.at fart:�er down �:.c��_�. ���� -_ thi Ho��:�st�ad Road t�2re is anot'ner �-�ir:-:��g i�s tYllC�1G�1 o,�eratio�� that has attract? �aen t.:ere ro y;�ars . H� jaas toid t:ze pooi r,�i i� be co�.�?1�t�1;: enciosed, ��an:�sca;:inR Co-�-_�issio:!er 0'K�efe ncted. t::�t t_ie �ta�f r�port irdica=es a recom- ':�;i.i?�r'10'_i Y�'_c3.L �:O .icG;� ti12I1 tE,'II i��� Ot ISit:.��Ca^1P.? C�2 ?TOV1Ci2� 111 . fro:z? cf t:�.e s�_de;•�a'k. In erd�r to con�or:z to t�.e lar.dscaping re- �uir�-�z::�, th� �.�ild�:.;_; -•�i��l .1�].J to �e Y2C1llC°Ci �I1 de�t::. Th� a,piicant's arc�zitect ind _cat�.i t:�at t::e r^duction is aossi�ie, D=rector S sain t;..� s�_dewa�:c a�.� ianascaYi:i� should �oo� so�:�t�.;rL, I�xe tha� at Payless at I'.o-._��st�a : n03:1 and 'rii�:h-,cay 9. r �tc_� aa�i 2�1r. Charles :.;ro:•T:� said ::e orese:.tlj� '�a.� a snall s+�cre in Suzn�,�val�, �cs_ o_�� :L��.rs ?�'a�t �f tn�ir cla�szs are � at nigi..t, a�d t;ie r�tail bu:,in�ss is :iOli- Cl'1r1i1� L:° CjB�'. T.7�y ilO�Ey �O :OT:. i?1 COii]�1iiCJt=O'1 ;-::iL;i D� HR23 �.'OlI�Ge. �'Oi�_=i_L�S10:7EY' 't�llct.Z ZSi�-L'(a 3�0'1L SStllY'C;3�':�. �T'. �rOTi��l Sal� t�°y hav� bOt� r�tail Sdicil 3i.:�i 1_�.�SJT1S �Tl �a�:lY:i3� S� �: G t:12y' ar 2 closed on Sunua1s. rOry'.'11SSlO: .._�y :'_TS S�i�nG I�Y' CO:' �.YO-:? �:1° 8t:G1°T:C°. --::i=`-_S ; ZO�C� 'i"L� ..TU�1:130II � 8 C 3!_O �ii.0 l�Z'�1.7_t°C:�. � udJ_il �:��� CO; �"'ZGt�? �?�T'C�l 1S Q1V1d2Cl �O �`2Y'CC1:� .�� 1?1tQ �Ilt?_� ZOi.S ;11�.17 C��:I::tU'il �.17ti;Z'E'S+= l�l ti:f :3CC;;',_�:_�, `I'i:2 TO.a..Q CO_ t5 Wlll �r.d C �� snared b;� t.���� ��arcel:. � ar.,� C. T��i �,� are ��resentl}' i�vol�red in the �.ior::in�; drawings , y i MIi�VI'ES OF Tti?�. JANUARY 10, 1972 Pi,Aiv:dll�G CO'.�'I`1ISSION MI.' PC-7U Pa ;e 9 Mov�d by Co�:::�issio.?�r 0'::�e�e, s°conded b; Ca:�tais�ioner �3utnenuth P�:b1i.c ?iea�i::G _; ta close t'c.e ;?u�l�_c �iear :_: gs , closed :`Iotio� carr�ed, 5-0 COiL';1jS1_OII?�' ��.���__ �c:`i_., i_i:ut C:'ti:: ;vl�i D2 �.il '_P_t?_TfS=:�IlG ��V210� :_.e:.t. Co�.,.:�:�s��o:�e.r ilirs:�o�z =�a ii - .;c �nave �o _.ave co-�nercial Co.-..�-�n*_s o�i �_._ t:�er� t:�i� s�:�-_•_s to ue a��o:: u.�:� �or t:�e �ro�ert; . CoM:^i�sioner ��oro:al Puetz .-as stili co.�c�_ .ed a;.out t.�e par'_�i_�� si:�en �'.��r� �:; z�o �8i%:iil� a� 0:1� :_C�':': �t°3 Roa . C:�a�r�a.. i�'l2y�r3 �.'SS C0:1C�ri1eC1 ab 011t t:1C CO".p3t1bl1.lt.�' C� �.i:? G��".`:�210�::1°?7� GI: ti�A L:1;'c'.°_ parc� .:.S . Tne F�a:z:�i:� D�rec�or sa_d ...:at - ,:n��:� t:.i: c�_��s �e�ore t::: Arc_:itec��:r�_ and J1t�E' A� rova- C .^-`.-:1tt�° t: °'y' "•��.�� 1 S:il.,`c? tilct t_t2 de-�el.o�-:,en Oi �'L1ESt pro?erti°s ;�i_� �`2 CO�:t^3t".:J�'_e. C.iB-i:",a":? '"t� 531:1 il� feels th�s is an appropr�at� use `or t'.:e �ro�ert;-. :�"iOV�d �y CC-��115�10 :eT G�'it2�i_° , S2C:��i�: �C1 �� CO".-•----.:S10rL; R �1 �..2:i�lr_"! �i' � to ap?rov` aarLicut�o� 39-U-i' ,�e, �__�(�!,) _;tan±ar� ca:��:it ?,d a_,�r�•.��� (i�) T:�� Us� P�r:�:i� ys granteci �or t:�e __...�. as a��cri�:=d i�, �:;� s Tti �C�__'_:�.r �C;'_ a� �11C8.tlO.. 3'7u cT':V 3.`.t2C:.�-:ci1�S .:�2Y'2'.'".C� c�,.... n.: ..:�C�,__ Oi: �i_2 �lot plan �u�_.._t�ed la�el�:a ixi��.�i� A 39-'J-7,_ .� �t__ �i�� EIC�?tl.^�:1 t_�13t c� i'_11I2;__=iilr`i O� {��ie ��'E.� O� IG �_.SC`r _II: �:al� '."'i� proviued aiana the rront �.ro��rt-.� �.}_i.:. �16) T�e ��ahi. ciass s��2 for tze -�ropos�a d���;no �c�ioo� ac_�vi- ties shail �e si�.te�n stu�ants . �17) Access road�•:ay shal'i be ap�ro���°1. 1��'F.G: CO:P�::. ::L'tr1cI"ill�::� i�1TS�10T1� ��i�2E.T2� F'L'2tZ� C�731Y.'?'i8.ri .^ yers NOr.S : i�o.�e Motion carried, 5--0 5. Application 40--U-7i oF Paci�ic �as anci �lectr� c Co:-i�an> �or Use Per�it tc aiiow t:�e cont�nu�d '1SE o� ov�r';�a�l ut'_l�ty faci�ities. Sa 7ro; �rt�� is lccatec ea�ter�_� of a:�d ar�jacent to Nortn �13ne}� Avezu�, scut:� �i "tlo�lestead Roa:'. a.d nor�a of Juni?ero Serra Fr�e:aay, in a.. ;�, (L Iadustrial) zone. First Hearin�. A-�ap of the area :•;as placed on the ooard. T:�e Pla:uiing Director said a:�aster develop�ent plan i��as ap�roved for th` entire P.G. & E. service facility in Ju.ie o= 1970. Colored s�id�s of tae area were sho::*n. ?C°5G .tI:vU�ES OF TNt� J.�'�1UA,'Z`� 10, i972 PI�lLNNIAT� CGi�•1ISSIGN I�II:ETING ?a��': 1.0 �- The �ssistant nlanner said the poles rTin along t��� east side of Blaney, Tlzey ilave included a schedule for rer:�val. Mr. I-:�rb tde�ver, of P.G. &:. ���as �reseri� to discLSS the II13ttPY Chairr_.an T"eyLrG as'.ed i� the pcl��; along �laney l�vent.e on�y s�rvice P.G. & E. ___. ���a saic: t^ere is al.se a t°le��'riorie cable tlie��. Th�re is a nc;•, ;_nstal�ation to service tile s'zop� c��?ter on H�-:=�ste�d, �ha�r��;an TReyers ;a^ndered i� th�y ^_oulci at least �alce out a courle cf t�� po�es. �?� & i� Co.:.-_:issi�ner But1�e :utn asked ,-�hat :;as*�r plan th�; �a�re referrir.g ta `';aSt�r -r�-all �3Y1.?P_L. i`'�1". W eaver 331.C� Y.u. �: L.. 'L12o S::.33t°� Yi:II i0Y' � ver5•thir.� - �;iti , .w:, �: eir =ro=erty. r:+� said � lct d:�a�. ds on t:.� D�.tz--Cra:�.� �TC^°Y'�� acros.> t.ie street, n.G. &.,. �_� .:i�l��L to partici^ate i�. an asses�- ~:e.:t di��.r�ct to accory�l�sh t'_�� u��'�rgro�_�nd�._��. :_e adu�ci that *_h` __:3iOr Jorti��l � f th.- O'✓ei'_:�;:d i:�ner e�l 3ia .Pt� ar�:. i-�ie�"�:le C �.u'12 � _ � :�;:i_c:� ccntir_.�cs alan� a.:: uny�r t�.i� rr�e;�ay. �r1,� -_t :"_i�' ''_`� . eaver :�'�'i1t. ^'.i t0 SSy ti::lt ti:° _ GiC� 3t �iIP_ i�0'_"F't:°_2ot COYSl°x' �.S '�� �;'T.��i �`: SL:ili�iv T��i� ar ° t:C T:02"2 �O �_� 3_Ori� �iOr.�;�}2�C� ;..?1C�;1r.�1T1� thP_ ��� ��� c:.nt:r: :�:. sa�a ��,:� T -� ,-� -:� --� ?;��_ r-, ��, _-.x "�; 3 a }• ;.-ou1.�: �, �`aa. to ,_� ad � en ��r a �`�_.S'�r'=_Ct. i; Ln�_.:°:i B�011:!'; ._:i`_ . C-°-'t�r �'�'''_--=ZS�iO1.G�i _';U:�:i°-:1'lt'_7 � �O�'��. t:,�� r' :._ SC ._�ll1.� :?�j ��1��' :1�_1 ��2 '�°::OV�?_i ��" n CF_' Ci`1�'. �ti'r. ,-a-. �r sa=u� t��e; : opp t�:�.� i97� ���_:ge� :;i'._i �-_�l��ae t�.is. � Co J i��io ier C�'K �:� �� :.�:i i� e::ust ai` : or t y; � f� r.oac'L S�a*ic�^ to �a � _._y�� � _ . .'`av._r .: a� __ t_��� <<,�.�_ _ c� ��a:zrL._ a a L!u�b�r of , �ars p ,n ad „�cau� _ .�_� �_� a ��ajor �:.�enci!�ur.:. 1 .'�=,L=_, :7cy.'.YIT1�5 ��•�G �V CC._.:'J_.,�'_�I1�T Hii_,_:0:7 S?CO:.i�2Q �iJ�� CC._.::1��ZOL_P_Y ��Kti��2 t0 C7 - � } J .�._os�d cicse the �u�lic �earin�:. � 'iotic�.z c�rried, 5�-�U Co.:�.:: H�rsi�o« ieit ���� _:�ost i--�nor. t�:�.t part of this pro,j ect is t�.� �ertion rE'�HY�j1.T'i� COi1�:i:11�1C3�lOP_ 11;��=; {YOI:� �T'Ji��YLj� O:1 ti0": i:01� S�7C ,�� 3i1 =�' rV!=P.ii2 t0 �:� :1`.1�cYQrOli:iG":Cl GY� iG::iOVG'Cl ?•.'�1F'?7 11:?2;3 LTO:1t�I1�, S::jG7:i_i�;_ ir7�°T'rl�� 3Y�: llii:i"i?r011:l':;°� I_� �::.COYQSi10E.' �•;lr�i � �?ast�r alan. �?� :-oul�.� I��.e �� s�e �`:.� C� .-o:._. to •�� ±�his 8CC0'."J? l��'1�:1• �O:':1:1.t,=SlOi1.' _.'?�'�!EI1il:.i Li .:i� . �3i!: C)L�1"Z' :�51"�S O� �i12 C1tj� ;vii°T'E lt 1S I:^iO�F� U]'�`.-?:iJ Tl�'2Ct�:'.i, ` ;ilI�UTES OF THE J�'VUARY 10, 1972 PT Ai.1NING COT�`^�ISSZON 1'?�ETING YC-50 Pa�e 11 i�ioved by Co:-r._issioner �Iirsno �, seconded by Cos:-�issianer Puetz to 40-U--7 � approve appJ_icati.^,:� +O-U--71 ��ith CC��a it_ons attached, subject te a�: ro��e..' plans su'�.:itt�d _r. L.:l._�'��_ts A an:� II(sc:: and that tizQ app�i . :dit�.cns cant go along :��th +�:z� C:_�y a� tc conditio: C. A�Y�C. �0:�;=:1. :ll;.:1�^':t:.� I�i��.i0.1� ��K:�i�� :'ll°tZ� C�"iSlx".'.STl :'� iT��C . .'� iiOClOi! CSTY.�n�? � 5__n 7. spp'.;.cation 37-Z--71 ^` 1`��rle a.�d ?tuthann Loney ;�er prezoning of l+ acre fro,: Cos�_t} R3-�?_.4 (.T�it�^le ?��s�cler_tiai_ - 2400 sq. ft. per d�aell�n^ un? t} to Cit,� ot Cu^°rtii�o �t3--2.2 (?�lulti-- ple R°�i.deZtial -- `L200 s^. tt. p�r �;ae�l_�n� unit) . Said propert;� �s located at t.le nort:�east cor::�r o� tl:Q __._�er�ectio. of Palo Vi.sta Road a�:d Janice t1v�r.u�. Firs* :ieari:��. � p ., t ,- �' ; ,-t- F A: aer�_a1. .nar �vas Ylaced on t�.e �eard. Tr�. 1a_�r.in� Direc_o._ .._sro_ o� stat.°_d t�.at at t�e ti�e t:�� er�'_sti-.^ Co:��.tv zon�n� ��as approv�d, zor_aJ on r:.'_� ti7c"' C�t�i 3�iC� �'.OU'_Zt�' P�r3:?�11.I1r?, �iO:?:T`11SSlOi1� ?�11 :,ta::f_ W�'r° viOY:�:i_:14Z �Y'0�=_'rt�T joirtly en tile Olc ``en*a Vista 1er.eral P� a_�. The Cu��er`i.:o Plan�_i_� _ Co:^.-nis�ion unan�-:ous1•,� a�iopt°ci a position t� re�ae�t t;= Co•�.�:ty to deray thP a�p:��cat�_o::. The Co�.a�:t�- P' an::_n� Co^?^�cs�e:� sta.'�2d t': would ta�ce t:�e re:�uest into co�_:�id^ra_tion. T`.�v _o? - the rezo:�ing appl�cat�or to t:e 1 oard c* Su�ervisors �:�itr their reco:�r�.n�?atio:� for a�pro��ai. T::� Co�snty zor.i:��. a' -.o, :L9 d�•�e=_1-- ing units; Cuper�i� o's R3-2.2 �.�oulu a11o�•� 22 units. �:e said the applicant is proposin� t��o 4-u.zit structures. Colored s'_ides o� the area �aere shcwn. Nr. Merle Lone; , 1137 ��r�:ardo, Sunr.y:�al.�, said he �aas a former �pp�icant` s resident of CuYertino. H� �ias a veste� �nterest in Cu�`rt;��o, sr_at��:�::t� since he .ias anoti:ar dupleY zn Cuperti-�o. He said 'r.e taas in{or:-:ed by tze Cou:�ty ::e would ra�uirQ a ietter fro-t t�e C of Cu�ert�.r�c for �4�ater service. H° -.�as told �ie -��ould :�ave to anne:; to t'�e Cit�T and must apply for prezonir_�. he gave a brier histor�a oT t'ne ownersh�p of t: property and sub:iitted a Resolutioa fro� the Cour.ty Board of Su�ervisors . He si�o�•led a vie����ra�n oT t:�e area. 1`ir. Loney noted the co:��mercial zonir�� acro�s tiie str�et and fei t that dup�_ex zoning is a bood transitioa bet�seen tL_� co::��erc� a1 a�d custon ho:�es. He sa��d there are no builciings at tne present time facing his propert��. He sho��ed sor.:e s�i.des of tne area. He pointed out tr.e wast� Material, etc., an t;ie vacant preperties. Mr. Loney then snowed the site plan and elevatians of his proposal. The proposal There is a 4' difference in elevation fro:a one end to the other of Janice. There ;•rill be a mediu::� shake root, The units will have 1100 sq. �t,, with 2 bedroons and 1-1/2 bat.i, private pat�.o and gate and ?r:.vate util.it; roc:�s. - ,�r-�a riINU'TES OF THE JANUARY 10, 197?.. PLAIVNINr, CO1��IISSION riEETING � �ace 12 M.r. Lone}� said the utilities are readily accessible. They �aill live up to the parki:zg rat�o. The property is large e^.eugh for a pool, cabana, 1a�a:� and see-through fenca. The owner's unit will have 3 bedrooms and 1-1/'% batr.s. Tne develep�:.ent ���ill be professionally landscaped. ' Co:z: In answer to CoTMi; Puetz' question, t��e Planr.ing Director said �xo?ert� that tize co_.��ercia� propert}� was zoned by the Cit��. It is partially zonec: �y t'_:e developed. He abreed t:�at th�re �•aas so::e discussion about closing C�.ty off Palo Vista from Steve�s Creek Road. :;o : ro��e.�: {or :�1r. Loney said he contacted the schools and learned there �aould be ::c: no proble?� Li ith his develop��ent. H�s re.creat�on area would relieve t�.2 park syste��. He did net a:�ticipate an,,• traffic �roble:�s i�ere. Ci:air:�an �leyers 3�ked for co^��ents fro:l t?�° �sdience. _.°=�� d�:1L 1S ' iiT . �uCiv':"!3: � c'? Y°Sl�'�..2rit Gi P.amor.a �Y'�V2 � said fi:�e O^.ly com:-iercial <iFai:�st t::is develcpment is the �as statior:. Ranona goes t�zrough to Foothill. -� palo V_sta at Stevens Cree=� Bl�d, nas a blind corner. There are a lot of verv nice sir.gle fa�i�y .o.-�:es arour�c there. :ie said it :aoul.d 'J:' a sha�:: t 0 F1t d�J11P.��i Oi Cii1St°T .�.0?*1�5 ;ri t:.ere � S?ld t.�GT'2 -� �. c1L�t�r cevelop�e:�� r_n Foot�: 3�vc. �o�,�,n *ze street, and h� �ee1s it is a fut�.:re ghetto. rie :.as ver; rluc:� a�ainst this pro�osal. `:�re .•Zr. C?�arl�.s :'�thersten, 1�25 °alo Vis*_a Dr've, said there is onlv ^.��ositic�: c.�e nodest 'tio~�? i.:: t:.� a=ea a�:d pict�.:res -aere takez, o± it, None . w�re ta�:��n o� t::e nice su:;d�.v�.si�� . T�ey , tco , do net li':e tre r:iuse o.: t�:e ��acant lots. He said t_nere are not encug;z access roads. He re�err�d to the prorosal. as "be�hiv�s"� _.-.�i::��r Rev. Jo�n �onal:;son, Pastor of a nearby c:�urch, sai3 '_ie l.ives on �:s_-: �e t��is ��lle��ue. Iie sa�d there are �-:ost1�: ctisto-� 't in t:�e ar�a. His ,. : ; r ., ._._..��".o�;~�.nt :"�o:ae is va�ued Cetween $4�,QC0 a.�d $�5,0��0. T`�e proposal is not �ndi�enous to tne area. i=�e appiican� has 2 i:°iC!'=131"� interest i�: � developi-�g the propert•-. Tra�f�c �tizl? be cr=t:�cal ;-rit : 18 :�ore uni*_s here. He said that if th� P'a�:^ing Cod_,���ssion ;;a��ted to pos*_pone this a;:plicatio:�, t:�e.y �ti�ould he3r fr_o:a a lot :�.ore residents in the area wno are oppos�d to t.i i.s d�:v�lop:ae�:� . lra� �i.c Ilr, j�:allace said he has i�ved in t:ze area fc� 1`� vears. He knew �r���:�1�ms ef at least 10 peo�le ���ho �:an�ed ce c�: e to ti:�s =;�et=i�.;, but were 'unable to co.:ie. �:e said t;ie a�p_�icant did not n���e.�it a*rue picture of t:�e c:;aracter of �:7'�_ 1rF? G°ci.�nG out o�to S�evens Creek Blvd, can ba pretty d��ficult, , 1�;II�IUTES OF TFIE JANliARY 10, 1972 PLt�1NIN� CpI�IISSION PC-SO �'age ? 3 � Mr. Art:�ur Hen.iir.� said .Ze 1�ved on ?t�ra Vista. He said three 3 no:.^.es {ace ho:^es on ,TaL.ice face t:1e s;i�iect prop�rt��. Ar�y traffic goin� by this property t::ere �aill be nazarCCUS for the chilr'�rz�.z in the area. Mr. Loney said �e doF�s -„ant to put �n lar�er, quality units. He ��,-�1'_ bu<ld ttiants to be eq::ai. to or br�tter t'na�: the _�o�es in ttie neig�.bor::ood. ^ualit� ur.�` s IMoved b�,� Ca��:.iss:_c :er :.-_rshen, s�condzd 'c�,� Cer:-:.issioner Puetz to Public : ear _..� : c1_ose t'ie Puolic :iearin�s . c�osed ��ot�.on carried, 5-0 Co^�--iissi�aer Puetz said that in 1967 C:���rtino d�terTM�i�.zed t?�is was In 1957 this not t:.e prop�r zo.��no and ^.oth:.ng has ct:ar_zed. I?e agre�d t:�at ��.as not R3 in t:�e cezter o� a� estabiis^�d sin�i� �a:ai�y area could c:�az�e appropriate t:�e c'�aracter of t::e entire area. Co::::�i�sioner 0'�:ee�e said tizis is a sin�le fa�ily res-dential area. Re R� He could r.ot accc�t t��z pro�osal. Co__:�issioner �i�rsY��on a�ree�. Ord�_na.�cz CoM-:�ssioner �ut: ?��st_: ��els t: -�. be spot zor.i�g of '.;� : d�:zsity in 3 ZOiJ densit�; area. C�zair-a� .-'e��ers ��as conczrned �_n that one of the goa�s of t=�e Goa�s Co�.��ttee �= ;�i<�ed zousinb• However, he does ..ot tninlc 16 to 1Z3 units ? be right 'zere . He proposed that the staff 1oo�t into c; g t'.�e R.3 Ordinance. Moved by Co��::�issio:.er Puetz, secondz� '�y Co::� 0'�Ceefe to den;� a�plicat�on 37-Z-71, AYES: Co:im. Butnenuth, H�rshon, 0'Keefe, Puetz, Chair�an .�ie;�er� i10ES : N�ne Motion carr�ed, 5--0 Tne appiicant .,�a� advise3 of his right of ap�eal. C�airman i�?eyers called a recess at 12:20 A.M. The -^eetiag re- co:�vened at 12:30 A.M. Cor.i.*:�issior.er But:�enut:� lef� the *.^.eet:ing at t:�is poiZt. U�IFINISHED BUSINESS: 8. Vallco Park Traffic Study ?'C-5C' TIINUTES OF THE JASIUARY 10, 1972 PLANNING COI�'I�IISSION Pabe i_4 �tu�;� for Mr. Walter L�Zard, General Mar.ager of Va11co Park rererred to previous "�.�orst traffic studi�s on tnis area; one in 19b4 for Varian, ar,d or_e in 1968 �c��dition" for Sears. He sa�d t;�is traffic stud��, done b�� De Leu�a, Catiier and Ceripan;-,, lao�s for "�-�orst conditiorL". It Glsc stud�es ~_'r.� Tantau Brid�e situ3t�c�n. r1r. ttiard said tiie;� are �reser.tly under construction of t::e f�nanc�al GF_llt2Y' at til° riOY�!:�1St c�rr.er Oi 11 iZOd.i an � �LeV2T_'i� Cr2°1� BZVCl, � 1:1t�O�:iCPQ :{r. �:2IIS Korve, �i D2 Le , � :G� , a:1 Co-Zpany Wi10 ��or_r.ed on t:ze groject, �^nsuitant's l��r. Karve said they h�ve ?repared reco�.^�endat�ons for Phase I Financial =*_ate-�ents CPnter ar.� a long rar�ge traff�c stu35�. �?:a�e I aaaiyzea t �e �ntersection of Stevens Creek Bl a�d ?;�olfe Road. T:�°re '. been a �roble^1 at the Saars e:�trance at pea�: ti�_:es. On a 24-hour basis, Stevens Crzek ::lvd. ��aS as :::ucL traf C a5 ' O�f�° P.OSd � L�1t O_"1 t�'Olic R03�. lt ��2'CS lri tR2 '::OY"1'_.l� anc' �3t ° a� t: T?100;:5 . Grap .i� S:'•_G `c '� t�� 2�'_ 3� i 1C 3T? a lanes i Y"c.'�iT11Y'EG� e3.5 'vl�'�� c3S t"1° I1'1��2r O� ap�roac �c.'_".P_� r._' ouired 3tOt1.� ti72 pzri�:.ery 0;= �7a� i:O ?artc ��.°_ S31.;,� ti1� G f1aS SZ ;•�ays reacted tC a eeve"�.op-e:�t -�lan. �1r. ��:ard neted t'.at �:.e tra�iic 1an�s sh�;yn on C'iart 9 indicate traff�_c iia� increased tremen�'ousiy. ���__.._�.�S�O1:°rS � C^^.T:`?1SSlO,lE.'T l:ll'tZ sa��d �:e a;ree�. lri CO:iCET�t r'�t'_^._ t:2? Srli'.i�; . �hS1��!a22 :,�at�:,:�.:ts '���yers a�rzeci, a:�t:�ougiz t�_�°re are s��!e details to �e ��ror�_cec� out. C.:a;r:nan �1�yers feelti �tev�ns Cree;: �lvn, a* F��Ac:: should b� cieveloped Vf_'?" sizortl_y vC`�I:_S: lOi.c"..r '�'�i��P_T� cGiCF? t:�� Tra:�fi L=1�7__^.c.°_Y ii � 3�25 SO'..^.� f°aS�J111�;' 1� tt'�.15 �1Sri. i_":2 Traf `ic ��n�ineer S3�_:�i }2° agree� to a fair d�aree. T:= �rojecl:io�s are just t'zat -�rojec�ions. ___.��-,u to ifoved �y :.oL:�m;_ssioner ru�tz, seconded by Com�issio:.er G'Keefe t� �.c���t t::e reco_�:^�end to t:'ti� Cit�r Council that tne�� accept t:�is Study , �tu�v , Motio� carrierl, 4-0 9, Re�uest of Mar�anist Province o; ttie pacific ._or a furtzer e,ttension oi Use �er::'_t 2--U�-7� to ai.lo; tr�e ccnstruction of an a.Y'C�?1'12S i2� searca ��Tl�°r' 3��3C�Rt tG t1:2 °`.:`..��=i:�� '•;arianisL Provi� ce of t:�e PaciF�.c r�si_dence. Sa;.r. �ro ^rrr�;� 1�� loca_ted at the =ae�terls� r_er^�r�us ar San J�.��: Ro�,��., �_. a:. P,1-lU Zon�. -•- f0Y �rOti2P_i RO��I'C ,Jllril:'.3rI Sd'_^ �7° ��7�5 �r�`��7 t!� z �ii�;�t 2 Qn �-,ear .--�'ear exter.sion en this Use ��r-::� t. Ti�ep ra��e ha� :�e�; �rai se=bac::s this ��.�:tension past year, but they :�uily ��:gect to °�r��ce� c;:-iLi< t: r pl.ans in 1973. , r I`1IivUT��S OF TIIE JAi�1UARX 10, 197� PLAiv'PlING COi��°1ISSION MEETIN J PC-50 Page i5 Movzd by Co::i:::issioner H�rs'i:on, seconc'ted by Co:;�issioner Puetz to 2-U-70 grant tne one-�-ear e:~te;:tio:� to Use Yermit 2-U--70, based on t:ze eltensian ori�i.zal C011? itic:�s. gran�e� ��r7/ COilCllt 1CI1S :�ction carriA�, 4-� 10. R`auest of 7-E1eve- Food Stores for a f�urt �er e�:tension of tir.ie on Tentative :.ap 20-T:'i-b9 in na�e oL Fr�d E. Rhodes (no:�� deceas�d) . Sa�ci rr�aert�,� is iocate�? a*_ t::e r.ortheast corner of Foot:zill Plvd. and Cu�ert�_:.o, in a CG (General Co^�:ercial) zone. T�"L Planaing Direc�or i10�?�. t'`12t tii1S T�ntative '_`i3r iZSS reC°1V2d a previous e:;.tension. Tney ar� no��T in tae process of pre�ariza their r:1ap . i�loved b5 Co�~issionF�r 0'I:eef�, seco::ded by Co::��issicner Hirshon 2�--T:��-69 to recor:ir.�end a 4-�!onth �xtension o` t-:::� be�ore t:.e 'r'�nay �Iap is rece �Y�ed , due. 4-?-�ontn �xter:sio.n Motion carryed, 4-G 11, Revi�,� of dTaelli:�g unit distr_but o= Ditz--Crane proj��t locat2d in the southT��st cuadrant o� t�z� int�r�ection or Ho:nzsteas Road and Blane�� Avenue, i:. a P (Plan_ied De V°'10*�'.'l ent) zor�e, ��it:� single-fa�� iy raside.�tia?_ cluster use intended. The de-�eloT~e^t plan :aas piac�d on t�e boarl. There are 34 3-bedroo : 1-bedroc:n and de:: u�its, 126 2-bedroo:-� a^d 45 2-bedroo^ and den alt�rnate pia� u:.its. At t:e Arcr.itectural and Si±�� A??roval Co-�--�;ttee neet�n� the developer intrcduced the possibiliti� of �4 units in t}12 =1. rst p�iase being conc�rted to 3-bedroo:� units . T�:ere is t:ze possibility that tn� den/::�usic roo--� could be turned i��to a third bedroo:_� and there :�as so:�e question aoout ,��hether t:iis tnig�?t increase the density i. t��e project. Tne sc :oo� district ��ad no objections to tais pro�osai. Mr. Pat 0'Co::nel, of Ditz--Crane, said there are sr�all units and Aev�loper's people m,oving here fro:� lar�er no�es do:�`t want to part �aith their stat`�:ezts furniture. T:iis is just a t:�i.nor change. The ?�arlcet will still be the same. � ?C-�Q MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10, 1972 pi:ANNING COI�L�IISSION .N:EETING �'age i 6 Cems.lis�ianer 0'Keefe had ti;e follow�_r�g concerr_s about the alternate: i- You can bring �n lareer fa-�ilies w�th r.hildren. 2- It probably would r.�an taor2 cars in the area, �,�ith teenagers . 3- T:is request is not r,onun�ntai, but ho;� �•rill it affe`t the overall d eve lcpr.:ent ? ;c sign�f�cant :�Ir. 0'Connell 3id not �hiL � it �:�oa�� be a s� gnificant factor. He c=.a�ge to p:ian said tize peop:ie wi�l use ti2eir gar�¢es for cars or t:1ey �aill be sued. Tlie e:.tra roo-: cou1� be a:loeby roo�. i�r. 0'Connell said t�nat if tne z1i � is good tne;r ���ill probably use �he sa:-ie nix in t�.e second pizase, whicii i� 2 years awaST. He sa�.d this is not a conceYtual c:aa�e. �o:;�iissioner ��irs�on said his cpizion of t:z overall project � as not cnar�ged one b�.t. C:�air:�an MFyer� agreed t't:is �:a� not a sig :i�icant c:zange, but in Pi:�s� II t:.ey ��ill proba����� be zacee. , ,ait:..z a hi���er parlcing ratio, He �aan*2� to �u} t:�e dev�?oYer on notice ab�ut that. Minate Or1�r '�y Co.-ua�_ssiorL�r 0'�ee�e: T��� Co^-:_ssion has T°VlE??•J2� t.ZiS alternate gro_3osa� a :_� i=^C�� r�i°_ C:13i1Qc. 110t t0 �`e Sl�rilflClllt for t:�z 24 unzt� �n �hase I. This -iotio:� -Taa not seconded or voted upcn. r_4rc:�it�ct in+arren �i�b�rt said it can still be called 2 bedroo:�s and �den for t'rie a�*�r�iate pro�osal. � :.'o �ign__fic.�nt �MI`'UTL CR^�'R: ^��ov�d by Co�-�:.is�ion�r Puetz, seconde�� by Cor: (''�'.d::��2 ��irS.iGIl t:i1t ri12 �i�3 :T1i.I7� i3O'��:t1S��0I1 t°k.'1S �i1S :LS L'i0i: �u S1�T1'��i_Ca:lt 'c�.ar,ge; �:.at it is only a.� ��p:��:sio:� of t:�:e 2-beuroo_i concept. Mo�io : c-�.rried, 4•-0 �1E6I 3iJSIN�SS : :':�b1 stre�t 112, Set pu��iic .1°ar1�lY; to co .siuer sreci.':_ n' �:n �or pro�osed pu'�1ic ;___ �CllSS1G .3 � StY'�E:tS lIl tCi`:' Torre t,VE'_Tli;2 � �T'C)SSr'O?.rl`�= 2:'C1 ''`�2 �?.?71 i° Iail Areas �.�� for � (.�e�ruar, �4, :972) . ,���� . 1/+tn T'rie Ccn:�ission a�ree� on tii� a�ove date �er �':i, P��':_•�lic Hearzngs. 13. Discussioj� ef wor.d: pro€;i•a.-� for r�v�.e;:� o� �onir:�, ord�nances. T:�is was not discussed, due tc� the late tiot.tr. � ti1INUTr:S OF Tfi� Jt1�'�UnR'� 10, 1972 PLt1NNt�yG �OT•utTSSION ;T�ETING PC-5� Fa�e 17 Fu:PORT OF PL�:��.,I'�:�� C0: w•IISSION No furt��er r�acr*_s . REPORT OF �L��.:�:�I:� � D=.U:�C'1'OR No furt�er re�ort�. ADJOUR::�1�NT ?�ioved by Co:~�i�ssion�r �uetz, �eco,-.d�d �}• Co::r:ission�r :-iirshon to adjourn th° r.l°°ti�.� at 2:0� ��.`t. :��otion carr�eu, 4-0 APPROVED: /s/ Robert W. Meyers Chairman ATTEST: /s/ Wm. E. Ryder City Clerk `