PC Reso 358 80,000.6 5-z-66 RESOLUTION NO. 358 OF THE PLANNING CUMM7SSZON OF THE CIi'Y o� LUPERTINO RECOMMENDING THE GRANTINU oF R LuNE CHANGE from R1--10 to OA (Administrative and Prof�ss3onal Offices) APPLICANT: Franklin-Windsor Development Co�. ADDRESS: P.O. Box 911, Campbell, California SUBMITTED: M�rch 17, 1966 LOCATI4N: 500 feet east of corn�er of Saratoga-Sur�nyvale Road and Bollinger Road ZONE: R1-10 AREA: 1/6 acre CONDITIONS: 1-12 Standard Conditions (listed on Page 1) 13 Scr�ening between the parking areas and adjacent residential prop�rt,y be provided to the satisfaction of the "H-Control" Committee. 14 The building be :restr�.cted to onz story and a maximum height of 16 feet. PASSED AND AD4PTED this 27th day of June, 1966, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission.of tha City of Cupertino, S�ate of California, by the following roll call votz; M AYES: Commissioners Bryson, Buthenuth, Hirshon NAYS: Commissioners Frolich, Horgan APPROVED: ' /s/ Jack T. Hirshon Chairman, Planning Commission � ATTEST: � Y �� ���' . � ���� � _ � � Adde aurin Director of Planning -2- • G T T� �J F � T? �' �' R T I TT 0 ?'=�:'.c�nhone: � �:'j?__t;���� � City I�all, 1.0321 So, Sarato�;a-Sunnyvale Ro�d, C'up�rtin�, C-_:.iif., �5C;1� RFSOLUTIQi�' OF �1���L P?�AAd`�7=NG COM:�iISSIOI�T OF TI-�y CI`]�J G�+' �UPER�'Ii�iO I�LLC::t�i- T��:NDING THE GRANTING OF A ZOT?E CHfiNGE, �n1HL_REAS, the attached application ha.s been subr�ittEd to �h� City of Cupert�no requesti.n� a change of zone in the z�ning regulations of' the City, as stated on Page �wo; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has held at least one public hearing �n re�a.rd to the application �n the date as noted on said ap�licat?on; and �f1HLI�EAS, the Plannin� Co�nmission has duly considered -and heard all e�ridence submit�ed in regard to said a�plication; and ti�1H�R�!�S, the nece5sary public notices have '��en �iven as required by �che Zoning Ordinance of 'chp Ci�y of Cupertino; NUW, THEREFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1� �1hSj: the Plann�ng Commission finds tnat the proposed zone charl�e : a. ��:�couragPs the most approp.riate use of land, 'o. Co:c�serves ar�d stabiliz�a the va i.U.�' of property, c. Pr°ovides for adequate open spaces �or light dn� air, do Percnits ad�aL�a�e con�.;i�ol of f�.rea, e, rromozes t�ze hea,_th, aaf.ety and publ:tc welf2.re, f, Provide � for tr�e o?''de?"� y development oi the Gity, g, IN a�van�sge�us to the prope� �y and iii�prov�r�,ents in the zoni�a �iutrict and ne�ighb��rrood in t the i roperty is located � 2. Th��.t sa3_d Pl�.nn�_no Commission, therefore, r�eports favorably to tl:e ��.ty Council �� th� matter of granting said �one c?zange. °aid ap�roval to be subjcct to the follosaing condiLions: :::�hi.bi'c "B", :�ahich is comp�sed of Condi�ions 1-12 quoted below: 1, Install ornamental ��;reet lights. All lightin� shall be designed to in no v�.ay �:�terfere i�lith ad jacent resi_dent �_^ 1 d.iatric� . 2. S�rezt trees taill be planted in thA public r�ghi,-of-�n��.y an� shall be of a. �ype approv�ed by �he CitS� in places design�ted by the City. 3, Traff�c concrol signs will be placed at Iocation: to b� specyfied by the City. ��, Fire hydrants shall be located as requested by the Ci�ty, 5, A ma�or_ry wall wi11 be built separating any commercial area from any residential area; which wall sha:il be six f'eet high above trie highest adjoinin� finished grade. 6. All par�king arEa� ana driveways will be �aved as �hovrn on the plot plan. � 7. Curbs, gutters, sidev�alks, and st�^uctureu sha,l� be installed to grades arld be ccnstructed in aecordance Tr�ith si,andards spec�.fie� by the City �ngineer. 8s Drainage within and with�ut the develop��ent shall be to the s�?tis- faction of the Ci'cy Engineer. 9. Street imnrover�ents abutti��g the applica�it' s prop�r�;y shall �e accordi�zg to City standards and specificutions. � � 10. The applicant shall be responsible for cor��leting °ite as shr�wn o�� appr�ved plot plan and shall be required to �ay for requii�ed er.gineering, checking and inspection fees pr�or to issudnce of Building Permit. 11 s Lar�scapin� srall be as approveci. ar_d maintair.ed as shcwn on �lot ,�1�._� , �2, Street wiaening and dedica'r,ions shall �e in accordance vaith stree�t �.�Tiatha ap�roved by City Engineer. �cont:inued on Page 2) -I-