PC Reso 340 r 80,0�0.6 �-U-66 (Original numbEr of apulica�.:� on o 3-Z-66} RESOLUTIGN N0. 340 OF THE PALNNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTIl�TO GREINTIDtG A USE PE�MIT for a Child D�y Car2 Center APPT�ICANT: Roy K. Hiram and Audreen K. Hiram ADDRESS: 1758 Andrea Pl��c��, San�� Clara., Califox�ni�:; SUBMITTED: March 16 1966 LOCATION: 103�2 Blaney Avenue, Cupertina, California ZONE: R1-10 �REA: 1/� a.cre --------------------------------------_------------------------ CONDITI01`dS AND FURTHER FINDINGS : 1-12 Sta,ndard Condiiions. 13 Fences shall be provzded as follows: A. The fences on the northern and eastern property lines shall be six fee� high and shall be of a solid nature. T�ey may be of either ma�onry construction or wood9 but if of wo�;d, they cannot be of a"basket weav�" type. B. The fence un the western (street) side shall be 6 feet hi�,h. It sha11 be wooden and shall not be of a"basket �,�eave" t�ype. This fence slza.11 be at least 3 fe2t from th� sidewalk; shall terminate at the north bounda.ry of.the house as per the plot plan r�hich is inc�rporated herein by r�eference; and shall be screened from th2 street by plunti_ng. C. The fences connecting thz buildin�s to each other and �v the a.bovementionzd fences may be of wire . l�F One parking space shall be prcvided for ea.ch emplo�.=ee, three parL�ing spaces shall be providzd for customers, and a turnin� area equal to one parking space shall be provided between the parking area a.nd the street. 15 The parking and turnin� area shall be screened from the street b�� larldscaping. 16 There sha2.l b� no signs on thz building, but a location sign at the entrance is permit.ted. 17 A development plan incarp���ra�ing the above co nditions must be submitted to and recorrunended for approval by the Architectural and Site Approval Committee. -2- CIT�r OF CUPEF.TI�?_0 City Ha11, 10321 S�uth Saratoga-Sun.n.yvale Road Cupertin�, Califor�ia 95�1� Telephorie: (�08) 25� RESOLliTTON OF THE PLANI�IING COMMISSION OF THE CITY 0� CUPERT�NO G�RANTING A USE PERMIT. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino received an application for a USE PERNIIi, as stated on t?age tvao; and �r)HEREAS, the applic�nt has met the burdern o�' proof required to suppor't his saia application; and W�?EREAS, t"�e Plann3ng Commission .finds that the aPplication maets t'r.� follo�n�ing requiremer�ts : a. EncoL?rages tihe most appropriat� use of land, b. Cona�rves a:�d utabi?.�.zes the value of property, c. P^o�ri�es for adsqua'ce �pen �paces for light and air, d. Per:nii:;� ad�auat� control of fires, e. Promoi;e� the h:�alth, safe�t�r and public welfare, �'. Prcv:td�s for the orclerly development af �he Cit;y, and g. Is advanta��ous �o the pro�erty and in^�proveMents in ttle zonin� distr3.ct and neigr�b�;:�hood i:� wYiich th� property is located; Sv'O��I, T� LREFOR �, BE IT RESOLVED : That after car�ful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits and other evidence submitted in this matter, the applicat3.on for the USE PERMI�' be, and th� same is hereby grantEd, sub,�ect to the conditions stated on page two; and LE IT FURTHER RFSOLV�D: That the aforementioned fin�ings be a�?�roved and adopted, and that �Che Secretary be, and is hereby d3rected to notify the parties affect�d by this decision. ( conf;i nueci on page 2) -1- 80,000.6 RESOLUTION T10. 3�0, continued �-U-66 18 This Use Perr�iit expia es after 5 years fro;n the aate of approval by thz Planning Commissi�n. ly If the pruperi,y is not properly maintained, the City Coundil may, aft2r written notice and public hearing, revoke the Usz Permit if the Planning Commission, after notice and hearing, has recommended such action. and aft�r hearing before �he City Cour�cil the City Council decermines that the deficiencies exist and should be corrected;and the applicants fail to correct the deficiencies within a reasan�.ble time period thereafter. 20 The hours uf operation for this Child Day Care C�nter will be from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 21 This Us2 Permit c�vers the entire parcel of properi,,y as sh�wn vn the plot plan, and no change in use shall be allowed f'or any portion thereof . P1ISSED AND ADOPTED t'�.�� llth day of April, 1g56 at a re�ular meeting of th2 Planning Commission of the City of C��nerti.no, State of California, by thz following roll call vot;e : AYE'S: Comr�. Frolich, Hirshon, Horgan, Traeumer, Johnson NAYS: None ,�',�'PROVED: /S/ Robert C. Johnson Chairman, Planning Commission ATT�ST: � , V . A..� �`� r.' � �'v'-�� T �' /h Adde Laurin Director of Planning -3-