PC Reso 336 UD RESOLU�l'ION PJo 335 2-U-�� OF �i'HE PLAI�tNING COMP�fISSION OP THE CI'.I'Y OF CUPER'rII�O REC01�51ENDII�G THE GRAN`1�ING OF A USE PZRP�7I'r `r0 ALLOti�I CONSTRUCTION OI' A SHOPPITIG AND COMM:�Fi.CIAL CEI3TER II�J A P ZONE APPLICAN`1�: Vallco Parl� ADDRESS: Cupertino, California SUBMI l'l�ED : February 25, 19vb LOCA'1�IOTd: Sou�hwesi. Corner� of Homestead Roacl and �Jolf� �'�oa� ZONE• P AREA: 10.8 acres COTIDI':PIOI�IS : 1-I2 Thc 12 Stiandard Condi�ions, included zn Exhi.Ui� "B", co i,he ex�enL they are applicable and have not been si�persede� by any other con�ition. 13 Linne'c Lane shall be improved to provide on� 8-foot parkin� lane on 'che z�ae s t s ide and tt�ao moving lane s eons'crueted ico City of SunnyvaJ.e S'can�ar�.s . I�- '�he �Yrivev�ray from 'che parking area to Linnet La.ne shall be located at �he nor'chei�ly end of �he parking area, L!- nar.�t�_ng apaces from Lhe proper'cy of �he Good Samaritan Church. 15 The ariv�way cite�. in Con�i'cion 1� is no� to be opene� to any vehicular traffic prior 'co the opening of tl�e Safecaay store for business. 1� The 1riveti�aay ci'ce� in Condition 1L� is no� to be used by any i;rucks or �.elivery vehicles (serving any of the comrnercial or proiessional uses in the sllopping cent;er) and sha1.1 be marlce� appropria�ely. 17 If L� Should be determzned by �Che Ci�y Counci�. tha� the use of the driv�way ci'ced in Condi�ion l�l� preseni.s a hazard c� safety and/�r public �rrelfare, �he driveway shall be closed, an�. ai'cer an elapsed Lime of 6 months, if i'c is determined �cha'c the con�.i�cions hav� been im- prove�. by the closin� of t;he driveway, che pavement shall be removed, and �he landscaping exzended �o the proper�y line oi 'che cizurch property. 18 A barrier slzall ve construc�e3 be�vaeen the parking area and Linnetc Lane . A comb��nacion of berm, tivall or fence ana p1an�Cing accep�a'ule �o the Archii.eccure and Site Control Commit�ee :�J3_11 be deemed sui'ficienc, provided cer�ain minimum r.equirerzents are mei,. 'The �otal hei�nt oi �he ;aall and Lerm must be af; least �' above �he level of �he parkzn� area, and landscapin� must �� provi�.ed on bo�h si�es of ..tize v�all. 19 Prov:ision shall be macle for signalizac�.on ac the main en�rance to the shopping center at 'che me�ian break in 1rJolfe Road. These signals shall if needed, be ins�calle�. aL a time speciiied by Lhe Depart,ment of Public Works. -2- RFSOLUT�ON NJ 336 continued 8�.OGU.6 2-U-66 20 In the event that the applicant sh�ll �esire to ma':�.e any change, alteration or amendment in th� Development Plan after �_t ha.s been approved by the City Council as a condition to this Use Perm�.t, a written re�uest �nd a rev:ised Development Pl�n shall be submitted to th2 City Planner. If the size and general locat�on of builc3ings is not increa.sed, and the City Plcnner ma:r:es a f�.nding that the changes �re minor �nd do not �ffect �;he general .�ppear�nce of the area or the �nter2sts of owners of' property within or adjoining the DeveloPment Ar�a, the City Planner may certify the change on th� revi_sed plan. If such approval is withheld, the appl�_cant ma.y appeal to the Pl�nning Commission. If changes are ma�er�al, but the rz:�ui.r�ments in the Zonin� Ordin�nce and previously imposed conditi�ns are st�ill adhered to, �nd the total floor area of buildings is not increas2d, the City Planner shall subm.i.t th2 change �o the Pla.nn.ing Corr�nission. If the change is d2nied by the Corrunission, the a.pplicant may �.ppeal to thz C; ty Cot�nc=i..i, �s provided in Ordinance 002(a ) ot' the City of C�xpertino. A change �n the Development P1an includ�ng change of re- quirements or condi �:i_ons, or �n increasz of the total floor area of buildings, shall b� processed as � new application for• a Use Pzrm.� t. 21 Adher2nce to the presented Development Plan i.s a condi- t�_on to the granting of �th�.s Use Perm�_t. . PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of March, 1 ;66 , at a regular meeting of the Planning Cor,lmission of the City of Cupertino, State of Calif'orn�,z, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Corr,missioners Frolich, Hirshon, Horgan, Traeumer, Johnson NAYS: None APPROVED: /S�� Rober� C. Johnson Ch�irm�n, Plannin� Comm3_ssion ATTEST: r .�f` -��'E-� � _ �;�f�' ` � �:,n.:-� . Adde Laurin Director of Planning S�i: alsc� Resolu�ion No. 3�.7 -3- C I T Y 0 P C U P E R T I N 0 City Hall, 10?21 South Saratoga-Sunnyv�le Road Cupertino, California 95oi� Telephone: (�08� 252-�505 RESOLUTION OF T�iE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO G�RANTING A USE PERMIT. �3�HEREA� the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino received an application for a USE PERMIT, as stated on page two; and WHEREAS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support his said application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that the application meets the following requirements: a. Encourages the rriost appropriate use of land, b. Conserves a.nd stabilizes the value of property, c. Provides fo� adequa,te open sp�.ces for light � nd air, d. Permits adequate control af fires, e. iromotes the health, safety and public welfare, f. Provides for the orderly development of the City, and �. Is adT,ran�ageous to the �roperty and improvements in the zoning district and neighborhood in which the property �s located; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of ma,ps, facts, exhibits and other evidence submitted in this matter, the application for the USE PEt�MIT be, and the same is hereby granted, subject to the conditions stated on page two; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the aforementioned findings be a�proved and adopted, and that the Secretary b�, and is hereby directed to notify the parties affected by this decision. (continued on page 2) -1-