PC 11-14-66 10300 Torre Avenue � Cupertino, California, 9501� Phone: 252 - �505 ---------------------- - -- , PC�R21 . 80, 000. � C T T Y 0 F C U P E R T I N 0 California MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION November 1�, 1g66 8:00 P.M. Held in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California I SALUTE TO THE FLAG II ROLL CALL: Minutes of previous meeting, l0/2�+/66 Comm. present: Buthenuth, Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon Comm. absent: Bryson (due to illness) Staff present: City Attorney, Sam Anderson Director of Public Works, Frank Finney Director of Planning, Adde La.urin City Engineer, Bob Shook Assistant Planner, Jim Nuzum Recording Secretary, Lois Inwards Comm. Frolich noted a typographical error at the bottom of page 5: It should read: "Motion carried, 3_2�r Moved by Comm. Horgan, seconded by Comm. Buthenuth, to approve the Minutes as corrected. Motion carried, �+-0 III ANNOUNCEMENT OF POSTPONEMENTS, etc. A request has been received from the Marchese family for � postponement of application 10-Z-66. So moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Horgan. Mo�ion carried, �-0 Due to the long agenda for this evening, the Planning Director asked whether the Planning Commission would care to postpone for two weeks the hearing on the Sign Ordinance. So moved by Comm. Horgan, seconded by Comm. Buthenuth Motion carried, �4-0 Cha.irman Hirshon called attention of the audience to '�he above act�.on, so those in the audience spec3.fically present for this hearing could leave if they so desired. -1- PC-R21 November 1�+ �9��9 Pl�,r��in�; Cc�:���ss�c�.n T���� :ino --------------------------------�___------------------------------ IV WRITTII�T COMMUNICATIO�FS A. A letter in re�a�d �.� y��;-6r��, whic�i will be brought up at the tim� of' th�,� 1 V VERBAL COMNNl�TICATIO�jS There were none. VI HEARINGS SCHEDITLED o 7-TM-66 A. WARD CRUMP DE�TE�OPPn�:N'�� o Tentative �T�.p ad jacent to and westerly of SteZling Fa�nk, ����.c:t ��1E, �+ acres. First Hearing con��nu.e�.n The Planning Dir°ec;tar ly�.d. no ��urthe:�� r�eport o The Director of Public Works had �.o t"�:rtrie� �a�p�r� a He stated that the questions r�.�.��d at �ne �'i����t ����,��.�o are covered in the Standard Conc�it����, Nre �'�ump had r_o further comments. Moved by Comm. Butherlu��i� �econc�e�. bLr Cocnm Frolich, to close the Public rI�ar:in�s o AYES : Com.m o �;athe�ra�;� �h� r r. o1.ic��.� Horgan, Hirshon NAYS : None ABSENT: Comme Br.y��r! ��ot:�on c�,�r�ed, �m0 Comm. Horgan asked trl� app:�..�.cant w����.t he had in mind in that portion of his :�ette� c7�ali.r�.g wi�h. under�ground utilities. Mr. Crump said he w�11 k��e g a�. �CO put �n urzderground utilities all th� �ay It ��u.st; �:eemed more logical to con- tinue with the s�,me type a,ccar,�rnadat:ion on the property adjacent to th;� �,lrea,dy-�s�ak.�1.�..shed p�oprrty This would involve streamlin�d fa��liti�s about 300' on ��.rdena. That portion of Mr o Crurr.�p °� Oc'c�k��r V� Oth letter was quoted by the Assistant Pl�.n�er Moved by Comrn. Ho:�g�,n� �e�;on�.�d by Comms �'rolich, to approve application 7-TM-66 v�:�t'ri th.e 12 Stan�.ar�. Con�.itions and Condition 13: sTnder���t�n� izt�.liti�� shal3. be provided ex- cept as stipulated. �ii �,1�pliG�.Clt e � lef;ter°, to be included as Appendix B in th� R��c�:ltzt��� n cf' thF Plann� ng Commission. AYES : Cornm, �3�,.t ri� r���� ��a, F":�o1.�ci�, �ia� g�n, �iirshon NAYS : Non� ABSENT: Comrn. �r�r�o�l Mo'ciori carried, �--0 13-U-66 B. WARNER WILSOTJ: U��� �'�rmi� �' ;r automabile accessories and appliarice stor� on �t�ver�� C'r�2k Blvd. ,�-87 feet east of Cupe rtino Fost 0� f�ce o �'3r�'� Hearing continued. _2m PC-R21 November 1� 1966 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Planning Director referred to comments in his memo of November llth and of the Assistant Flanner in his memo of November 9th. The Planning Staff f�els this proposed use would be detrimental to the area and would inhibit develop- ment of a high-class commercial cen�er in this area. It is a matter of the use rather than �he architecture of the building. The opinion of the staff is that this area should be preserved for a first-rate development rather than be down-graded. Mr. Warner Wilson wondered why an �uto accessory and ap- pliance store is ob�ectionable her� when there are two similar uses, one recently having been granted a Use Permit, and the other �ust across atevens Creek Blvd. Comm. Horgan said that certain uses require Use Permits because they do not belong �ust an�where in a Commercial Zone. He does not feel this type of business should be allowed to get any closer to the C�llege area. Mr. Rick Anderson, of Gunn-Miller P�ealtors, asked that the Commissioners discuss the matt�r with Mr. McCue, the Firestone representative. Mr. H. F�� McCue said the Fire- stone store is directed toward the �etail sales of auto accessories, electronics, appliance�, etc. The facilities are used for the installation of th� accessories only; they do not do any of the repairing done in tire shops. The operation is neat and c�ean. The building is modern. They are not a service sta�ion. The architectural design will conform to the desires �f the City. The busi- ness is opened and closed, consister',t with the rest of the shopping center. Hales, the Broadw�y, F�nporium, etc., all operate auto centers in connecti�n with their depart- ment stores, and this operation is n�rmally located on the perimeter of the property they serv�. Comm. Frolich asked, in regard to t�e Broadway, Hales, etc., what percentage of them have this type business out on the main frontage towards a heavil� traveled road. Mr. McCue admitted that locally, most �f them did not. Down South they are locating them in th� parking lots and keeping them separate from the dep�rtment stores. It is to their advantage �o locate them Where the cars are. In Fremont, they are being located or the Boulevard. ; Comm. Horgan stated he has never seen one of these operations that was neat and clean; it is impossible with this type of work. , � Mr. Rick Anderson said Firestone h�s spent considerable time and money in surveying the area and feels there is a definite need for this type operation here. Comm. Horgan feels the need is adequately covered in the area by already existing service stations and auto service shops. -�- ' � �r✓_ PC-R21 November• 14, � ���wyi:t-�i��; ;��.u�:.r�ui.����� ���"°:����.�:G s�iir�utes Chairman Hirshan T,vas :;o���;����r�:u. f,:%:.at� tr�is k�u.�in�ss would be detrimental to th° �.es�;� o:� �:r.�.� �.re�. �ie feels there are ot�ier pla�es ir�. �';��.�P�r���,�o ti�Tnzre this business might be loc�.ted, but :rl�� _Lrl ��1�� �_rirr�� �"or�7rn�racial area. One of Comm. Hor��,:� 9 s o�}� �c ry�r�� �..� �:rt� �o��tiori of the building on the property, P�riza�� �.�' �t were placed in back of 'che jun.ior c�e��.r�rr�ez�t s�o��e :if, rnign.t not be so objectionable. Mr. Wilson ri��;zc�. t�:.�.�. ir�. ��a�� ��x_���,:��a ra��e �o trzan here, tire accessory s��c��� �l�a �1? � in f'za�r?�;, �f: asked that the Commissionez�U not �� foo cor�� e�n�::� about a multi- plicity o�' sigris; z�� s wi11 r� controll�d by the Sign Ordinance. H� f'eels �hat; rig:rl.� n�w, r�o�t of Cupertino's need for tYiis k�r��d of' svrT�ic°�� i� Y�ne� �y si'�op� outside of the City. There a��e now g;, 0����:� �people �n G�e�.ter Cupertino, and he believes we sh�u�.d t���;r tc� keep c��.�.r� bus�.ness at home. Comm. Buthenuth �.sy�Qd. if' the �"�i���t�n�. �.���c�p1e would be willing to put t�ie b�.y� ir� tr�,� ����.r so �:ney� are not seen from the other �ha�s ar`�. �a��� ng traf'i'�� . Mr. McCue said they try to direc�; �h���� .se�vic� tot�1ard the traffic, locating on �, hi�;h-t�a? �'ic k��ul.evarc�. �; n�� feel they can justify a���as�.rl��s ir1 �,la.p��r�ino �.n�. W�oul� like to locate here, but ur!l��s trle� can 1�car� �.�� a traffic area, they cannot est�,bli�ii tl���.r business h�� a Comm. Hirshon askzr3. ii' t���.e;r 'r��,ve �ia.��ve� ed �.ny o�;her loca- tions in Cu�ertin.o, 2i��s ��1a��f;_LO�x w�rif uri�,nswered. Comm. Horgan wanteci �;o r,��.k� it c°1��.z2 t,h�.t r�E� TnT�.� no�: saying that he thought F�restorle c�.�d noz belon�; in Cupertino; just that this W�,S no� thF� xaig��t s�at� ior it. The Planning Director said trlere is pl�n�� oi s�ace suitable for this purpose availak�le iri C;u.�er��no, c�t1 rr?a�jor h�ghtivays, in areas which alread.y have sta��te�:�. f�o c�.ev�l.op as ���,uto rows, Moved by Comm. Tr�ol�cl�, secari��.�c3. ��y�� Cornm Horgan, to close the Public Hear�_���;s m AYES: Cor��r:n �u.t�iznutt�, �+'rolich, Hor�an, Hirshon NAYS: Non� ABSENT: CoYn�n. B�ysoYl I'�Iot.3.on c�,rYdie�., ���0 Comm. Buthenu�h c�mr�ent�d t���.t tr�.� i'ui�ction of this body is to get the be�t us� of �r�e l�,ra�. anc� rie c�oes not agree that this woulc� be the ��.se ix fihis a�plicatiori were granted. Chairman Hirshozl dic7 n.ot i e�l t?7�.� �J�.s f�h� �°ight kind of business for this properf ;;�. _1�_ .• PC-R21 November 1� Zg66 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes -------------------------------------------------------------- Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Horgan, that application 13-U-66 be denied. AYES: Cormn. Buthenuth, Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon NAYS : None ABSE�TT: Comm. Bryson Motion carried, �-0 The City Attorney advised the applicant of his right � to appeal, 9-V- C. J. DENNTS WHITE AND SHIRLEY JEAN WHITE: Variance to permit relocation of side fence line to five feet from sidewalk, 22067 Clearcreek Court. First Hearing. The Assistant Planner referred to points raised in his memo of November gth on this matter. He said this situation of fencing corner lots has come up before. The Ordinance should be upheld in cases where the side yard abuts what would be the front yard of the ad�acent lot. In the interest of safety, we should preserve a line of sight. In this case, visibility from the ad- �acent lot is restricted. For the above reasons, the Assistant Planner recommended against this application. A letter from Mrs. Frances Hislop, 22137 Clearcreek Court, Cupertino, was introduced at this time. Ob,jec- tions to this fence variance were that it would obstruct the view from the Hislop kitchen window. Mr. Dennis White, 22067 Clearcreek Court, said the reason they want to extend their fence out is that they need more outdoor living area; his house being on a corner means most of their yard is in the front. The house is quite large, which leaves little back yard. This was going to provide a play area for his small son. It is at the end of Clearcreek Court and no traffic vision would be impaired. He said there are 10 or 11 homes in the Court and none of the people have complained to him, except for the person who wrote the letter. He said he planned to use a grape stake fence and put shrubs in front, which will actually enhance the area. Children and dogs seem to naturally congregate at the end of the cul-de-sac, where his home is situated, and rocks have been thrown and one actually broke a window. Mr. White was rather surprised to hear of this letter ob,jecting to his pro- posal. He would rather his neighbors had come to him first. Mrs. Frances Hislop, 22137 Clearcreek Court, presented a petition with nine signatures of neighbors who were ob,�ect- ing to this fence variance. She said nobody said anything to Mr. White because he did not ask the neighbors what they thought about it. -5- PC-R21 November l�, 195c�, ��,arir��r1�; t;o�r�n2s��.c��� ���a �i��g Minutes -------------------------------�_--------------------------------- Mr. White said he �calke� witr� t'rie liomeowner of lot �-`92, next door, and he na�. no o���2ct.�ons. Sincz there are ob- viously objections t'rom oth�rs he askec� it' there could be a compromise. Perh�,ps ne could put the i'ence at 7t back from the sidewalk. Chairman Hirshon s�.i�. he w�,s t,o��cernea abaut light and open space as well as safet� anc�. ti�isibilit�. Comm, Frolich commented that tre I�'ence Ox°ca.inanc;� is no� onl�r for the sake of the neighbors, �u�: � or t;'rz� o�rerall �oc�:�. of the City. Comm. Buthenuth feels if° vu�� st,art; letting fences go 'way out in front w� ch�,n�� th� cr�ara�:ter of th� area. Chair- man Hirshon c�id nat �eel su.ff icient ��iardship has been shown, and Variances a�e base�. on h�.rdship. Moved by Comm. Frolich, ��r.c�r�a���. b�r Comrn. Horgan, to close the Public H�arings. AYES: Corr�tn. �3uti�eriz�th, �+'�olicYi, Horgan, Hirshon NAYS: None ABSENT: Gomm. Bryso�7 l�oti�ri c�.��°ied, �-� Moved by Commo H��a�an, se^�n�.��. ��r Comrn, ButhPnuth, to deny application 9 AYES: Carnm. �u�;h�nt�t�. I1':�°�,Iic��� Horgan, Hirshon NAYS: None ABSENT: Commo Fryson Motion c;�.rr�ied, �-�0 9-Z- D. PAGE PROPERTTES, INC R�zon�.ng from R1-10 to Planned Development (P� of �.pprox 3'� ac��es located south of Junipero Serra Fre���a.y b�tti�eer� 1�lary Avenue and Garden Gate School. First He�.� in�� ���an���� 15-U-66 E. PAGE PROPERTI�S, I?'dC o : Use Permit to �.11ow Residential One-family C1ust;er (R1C ) l.lse with an over�.11 density not to exceed sev�n dwellin� units per g�oss acre. Approx 3� acz°es locate�. �ou�h of Junzpero Serra Free- way between Ma�y Av��.ue �,ra�. Garaen. Ga.te School. First Hearing Mr. Irwin Mittelman, of' P�.ge Pr•opez�ti�s, reviewed and oriented the Commission with what they tiaarYt to do with this area, which contains th� ma�jor p�.�°t of trie Natr�anson property. It is ad�acent to C�11eg� Park, f'ar v�7hi�h Page Properties got a Use Permit last r��rtaary �� plan of th� street system was put on. th� k�ulletin boa��d togethe�.� with a similar plan �'or College Par�� m�o PC-R21 November l� 1966 Planning Commission Meeting ----------------------------------------------------------------- A 22 acre area is excluded because Mr. Nathanson plans to retain his home there. Mr. Mittelman said the project consists of clusters of single-family homes, with a homeowners' association with a firm legal obligation to maintain the common green, walkways and recreation areas. The street widths of the current proposal are identical with those approved for College Park. He added that College Park is not going ahead at this time, and that the Use Permit for that area runs out in February. Page Properties would like to have an indication from the Planning Commission as to their receptiveness to this proposed rezoning, Use Permit, and street pattern. Mr. Mittelman offered to bring back the colored slides of similar developments in the area, for the benefit of the new Commissioners. The Planning Director referred to his memo of November 11, and commented first on density. He said there was con- siderable controversy on this matter during discussions of College Park. He had recommended the proposed density of 7 dwelling units per gross acre for that area, partly because it was an improvement over the original zoning permitting 16 units per gross acre, and partly because he believed that with careful design one can get a good one--family cluster development with 7 units per gross acre. In the case of this application, we do not have the pressure of an existing high-density zoning, but he still recom- mended that the Planning Commission agree to this proposed development in principle. A Use Permit expires after one year but a rezoning does not; for that reason the limita- tion of density should be a condition to the Rezoning rather than to the Use Permit. The Planning Director further commented on problems regard- ing the street pattern, mentioned in his memo. He said that these problems could be worked out, but that this time a fairly detailed development plan should be made for the entire area. Comm. Frolich is concerned about the traffic generated in the area. He would be reluctant to see more than �.� dwelling units per gross acre here unless there is a guarantee that the density of College Park is kept down. He asked why the applicant is asking for P Zoning in this instance, rather than a straight Cluster Zoning, since the application is for one particular use rather than a composite. He feels strongly that we do have to have an understanding of what is going to happen to the College Park property before a decision can be made on this appli- cation. It is important to know whether College Park will revert to 16 units per gross acre when the Use Permit expires, -7- PC-R21 November 1�+ 1966 �'larrir:.�; ���rYa�..����:; r� �,' ,::� ;.� Z!r�.���.tes The City Attorney s�.id t'r�at T,n�r�.�.t we do �aith College Park would have a bearing on tr° �,TatY�,n�oss �.?�eae A traffic pattern is needed. �n tl,e *_�'xao���� to �u��iy th�t needed in the rear. Chairman Hirshon called t'or �, �°e�:ess at � e�+5 P.M. Meet- ing reconvened at 10:C0 P.�!�. Mr. Mittelman said tharc �,T����e no ok�je�t�on� to 'cheir College Park applications �y �.nv r.r�ern��ers of the public. He stressed that what is �efore the Planning Commis- sion now is not Colleg� Fark �ut tre �,rea north thereof and that this project stands on its own feet. He asked if this pro j ect meets t_I��e desire� of the Cit�r. If not, Page Properties v�ill not spend any more time or money on it. The City Attorney was askad to prepare �, r�port on where we stand on the density of College Fark vuhen the Use Permit expires. Moved by Comm. Frolich, �econd��. by �omrn. Norgan, to con- tinue the First Hearing o�n �.p�li�ations �-Z-66 & 15 -U-66 . Comm. Frolich asked th� Flanning Director for a copy of the final version of wk�,t was voted upon for College Park. He feels there is a more direct �.pproach to this rezoning than Planned Developmento Chairman Hirshon suggest�3 tre �,ppli�:ant �v'or°k out the street problems with the staff. Access by local streets to the Nathanson property should be shown; Greenleaf and Gardena Drives shoizld both go through. Mr. Mittelman said he could riot speak f"or Mr. Nathanson, but he believes Mr. N�.�harison would likP access to Mary Avenue. Mr. Mittelman also thin.k� the Planning Director's suggestion for Greenleaf is a teniporary one. He noted Cupertino's bad experip�ces witrl footpaths to school pro- perty, and said the walkw�,ys he proposes vuill not have fences on both sides, but ��i11 ��e located in a landscaped area. Mr. Mittelman �lso t.xpre�sec�. his �iish for one rather than two t.hrough ea�t-w�st streets, whlch would give a more cohesive char�,cter° to �;he �.evelepment. Motion carried, �+-0� Mr. Mittelman was asked to brin.� the previous exhibits of College Park and the colored slides o� other similar deve- lopments to the next meetin� at 7�30 Po1�7. _;S_ PC-R21 November l� 1966 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------ 10-Z-66 F. J. MARCHESE & SON: Rezoning from A1-�3 to Planned Development (P), with Planned Industrial Park (MP) use, of approximately 20 acres located at intersec- tion of Pruneridge Road and Tantau Avenue extensions, west of Westwood Oaks subdivision. First Hearing. This item was postponed. 11 -z-66 G. WILLIAM NORTON: Rezoning from A1-�3 to Light Industrial (ML) of approximately one acre on the east side of Blaney Avenue, approximately 360 feet south of Homestead Road. First Hearing. Patricia Phillips, 11167 Linda Vista, of Cupertino Realty, stated she was representing Mr. Norton at this meeting, but that he would be present at the next one. They have no building plans to present. They would like to get the zoning now and H-Control approval later. This property is practically surrounded by P.G. & E. When the Cali property is sold, the Cupertino Courier office might have to move with short notice. The Planning Director said this is a part of an area that he has suggested rezoning to Light Industrial. It would have been more desirable to rezone the adjoining property at the same time. However, he would recommend approval of this application. He proposed the conditions that all pick-up and delivery take place in the back rather than the front of the building, and that the facade should extend the entire width of the lot, except for the necessary driveway or gate. Mrs. Phillips said the applicant is willing to cooperate. Comm. Horgan noted there is already a Light Industrial use in the area. The Commissioners felt that a Second Hearing would give the public a better chance to express opinions. Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Horgan, that the First Hearing be closed. Motion carried, �-0 12-Z-66 H. RICHARD J. KEHRIG: Rezoning from A1-�3 to General Commercial (CG) of approximately two acres located at the southeast corner of Homestead Road and Blaney Avenue. First Hearing. Mr. Kehrig said there is light industrial land available in other areas he believes are more suitable. He believes this parcel is too small for industrial use. He went over the types of uses that do not need a Use Permit in a light industrial zone, but might not be desirable in this loca- tion. -9- PC-R21 November l� 1966 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------ The plans for commercial development of the area include single story buildings, 30' setbacks, 20� building coverage. The property across Blaney Avenue is already zoned commer- cial. A small convenience commercial center with a service station, a restaurant, and small markets can be supported in the area for which the rezoning application now has been made. Mr. Kehrig said he is talking about top-grade architecture: adobe slump stone buildings, generous landscaping. He is prepared to dedicate an additional 5' of street to help the traff ic f low. He will do anything he can to guarantee a first-class development here. Comm. Frolich asked the location of some of his previous developments. Mr. Kehrig said he has done some in Mil- pitas, Fremont Monument Shopping Center and Northwood Park. The Planning Director referred to his memo of November 11. The main point of this memo was that Cupertino is already overzoned with Commercial areas. Additional CG zoning would mean that other areas zoned CG would be left un- developed indefinitely. He further indicated that in case of an approval of the application, two more weeks were needed to study the consequences regarding street access, etc., of an approval. Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Horgan, to close the First Hearing. Motion carried, �-0 81,00�.12 I. SIGN ORDINANCE N0 350 Revision of Sign Ordinance • No. 89. First Hearing continued. This item was postponed. VII UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was none. VIII NEW BUSINESS 81,021 A. STATE OF CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS: Maintenance yard west of Stevens Freeway, south of Stevens Creek Blvd. Mr. B. C. Bachtold and other representatives of the San Francisco office of the Division of Highways, presented a rendering of the proposed maintenance yard. Mr. Bachtold said the policy of the Division of Highways is to give the utmost attention to aesthetics, including landscaping, through all stages of development, and to cooperate with cities and counties. 'I'h.is yard is being designed to take care of all types of equipment, but mostly relatively light equipment will be stored here; no equipment will be left in the open during nights. -10- PC-R21 November l�, 1966 - Planning Commission Minutes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tan Mr. Bachtold said they are thinking in terms of/concrete block buildings and hope to have the building under construction by next year. The Planning Director discussed access to Stevens Creek Blvd. After completion of the freeway, Stevens Creek Blvd. will have five closely spaced intzrsections at Mary Avenue, the northbound freeway ramps, the southbound ramps, Bubb Road-Peninsula Avenue and the railroad. Additional intersections should b2 avoided, and direct access f rom adjacent lots would be impractical bzcause of queuing before traffic lights, turn lanes, etc. For that reason, access to the maintenance yard should be via the Bubb Road intersection and a local street parallel to Stevens Creek Blvd. The local street could either be a frontag2 road or be located at some distance from the Boulevard. In the latter case, there could be private office buildings, for instance, located between the Boulevard and th2 local street, with vehicular access to the local street only. Another important matter is screening by trees between the maintenance yard and thz adjacznt future apartment district. Juanita McLaren, 10101 Blaney Avenue, Cupertino realtor, said she is interested in several points: type of landscaping, noise factor, type of architecture, type of roof on buildings, and what is going in the back; mainly because she is negotiating with acre- ages in the area. It was brought out that the sewagz line would have to be brought down to this property. Mr. David Franklin, of Franklin-Bahl Developers, 2383 Pruneridge Avenue, asked if the frontage road would be a two-way public � street. He was told that it would. There will be sufficient landscaping around the low, single-story buildings, and there will be a low noise factor. Moved by Commissioner Horgan, seconded by Commissioner Frolich, to recommend approval of this program to the City Council. AYES: Commissioners Frolich, Horgan, Hirshon NAYS : None ABSTAINED: Commissioner Buthenuth ABSENT: Commissioner Bryson Motion carried, 3-0 -11- PC-R21 November 1� 1966 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes ---------------------------------------------------------------- IX ADJOURNMENT Moved by Comm. Buthenuth, seconded by Comm. Horgan, to ad�ourn the meeting at 11:20 P.M. A PPROVED: �sL Jack Hirshon � a rman ATTEST: � . �� �� � e ur n Director of Planning -12-