PC 10-10-66 10321 South Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
Cuper�ino, California Phone: 2�2-��05
PC-Rl �________._------------------��---______ - 80,000.�
OCTOBER 10, �.g66 8:00 P.M.
Held in the Boarcl Room, Cupertino Elemen�cary School District Offiee,
10301 �Tista Dri�r�, Cupertino, California
II ROLL CALL: Minutes of pr�vious meetin�, 9/26/66
Comm. presen'c: Bryson, Buthenu'c17, Frolien, Horman, Hirshon
Comm. aY�sent : None
Staff present: Director of Public 1+'orY,s, Fran?; FiniZey
Dir.ector of Plannin�;, Adde Laurin
Assistant Planner,.Jim Nuzum
Recordin� Secrefar��; , Lois Inv�rards
The Ci'c�; A��corney was ill, and una��le �o attend �his
Moved F�y Comm. Buthenuth, seconc�ed by �Comm. Hor��;an, �hat
Lhe Minu'ces of the September 26 1g66 meetin� i�e
AYES: Comm. Bryson, Buthenu�h, Horgan, Hirshon
N�YS: None
ABSTAINED: Comm. Frolich
Mo�ion carried, L'-0
The Plannin; Director rerninded �l�ie Planning Commissioners
of th� for'ciz��omin� join'c mee cin� va�_�h tl�e COUY1L�r Planning
Commission on tilednesday, October 12, 8:00 P.M., a� the
County PlanninJ Departmen�'s Conierence Room.
There were none.
PC-R19 Minutes of the Oct. 10, 1966 Plannin� Commissian Meeting
l. Mr. ManFord 1��. Smith, 8099 Presidio Drive, Cupertino,
80,002.3 representin� the Yorktown Hon�eowners Associai,ion (forming),
enlisted zhe aid of the Cuper�ino Flanning Commission
the followin� night, October 11'ch, at the San Jose
Planning CommissioM :in regard �Lo the five acres at
McClellan and Bubb Roads,
Mr. Smi�ch said the homeowners in ��lle ,Yor?ctown subdivision
�'eel very s�rongly that commercial zoning ri�;�z'� up a�ainst
our elementary school, as well as so close to �he other
schools in the area, vaill cause 'croubles. He said Dr.
Knigh�, Superint;enden't of the CUpertino School District, has
written a l�tter to tl�e San Jose Planning Commissi on, asking
them to �;ake into consideration t.�e youn� people Uahen
they ma',e their decision. Mr. Smi'ch submi�c�ed 11is letter
oi October 10, 1966, to the Cupertino Planning Commission.
The Plannin� Director stated that he brought �his up before
the Ci�(;y Council at their last meeLing. C-1 would be more
advisaUle than C-2 because San Jose's C-1 is comparable to
Cupercino's CG zonin� across the s�reet, and 'cne fact i,hat
the General Plans of San Jose and Cupertino�indicate a
neighborhood shopping center in �cllat area. The City Coun-
cil believed, however, that the Cotinty would rezone the
ten acres at Stelling and McC3ellan �o commercial; that
area, plus Cupertino's, plus San Jose's would be over-
zonin�. The Council instructed �c11e Plannin� Direc'cor to
�o, to che meetin� of San Jose's Planning Commission and
recommend abainst t��e co.mmercial zonin�;.
MINUTE ORDER: Moved uy Comm. Frolich, seconded bST Comm. Hor�an,
that Lhis Planning Commission is also a�ainst �r?is parti-
cular rezonin� on the same �;roundu as the Cuper'�ino City
AYES: Comm. Br�rson, Bu�henu�h, Frolich, Hor�an, Hirshon
NAYS: None
�Zo�cion carried, 5--0
hei�;hi; of a transmission line (exceeding hei;;ht
specified in Ordinance 220(�) See�cion 69.5),
adjac�n'c to and sou�herl�T of Junipero Serra Freeway
from Stelling Road easterly �o Blane�* Avenue,
First Hearing.
PC-R19 Minut�s of the Oc'c. 10, 1966 Plannin� Commission Meetin�
Mr. Herb I��Teavill, of P,G. & E presented the proposed
plan and supplemental sheet 'co the Plannin� Com�nissioners.
He explained thai, this line is �o provicle service to
Vallco Par?.. It will '�e constrl�c �ed in 1967 and is de-
si�ned �o ultima�el,y carry 115,J00 volts.
The Plannin�; Director said a Use P�rmit is needed because
of the H��.�ht Ordinance. The Under�;round Utili�ies Ordi-
nance does not provide that transmission lines tnust be
under,;rourzd . There are no oU j ec cions .
The Director of Public UJorks.said zhis line is manda�ory.
They hav� redesi�ne�l their equipment, and i'c is a ma,�or
- improvemei�t over the ald. He recommenE3ed ap�roval of
this U�e Permi�t,
Mr. John Bur��n, of the General Oifice of P.G. & E. in
San Francisco, said this trans.mission line mus� have a
minimucn clearance of 25' . The 7���-80' will be no more
�than is necessary, for econocnical rea�ons, if nothin�;
else. Ii; i-1i11 be no higher � tl��an t.l�at required U��;r the
Publ� �: U�ilif�ies Commissiori. . ,
Moved by� Comm, Buthenuth, s�conded b;� Comm. Frolich, to
close 'che PuUlic Hearin�s.
A�ES: Comin. Bryson, Bufclzenu�h, Frolich, Hor�;a��, Hirshon
NAYS : �None
Motion carriea, 5-0
� A�oved '►��,r Comm. Frolich, seconded 1_;�r Comm. Hort;ail, t�11a;,
applica�ion 12-U-66 be recomrnendecl for approval, �errni��ing
the hei�Mht required by the Public UtiliLies Cor���i�ission
and no �rea�er than that required �o meet 'che requirements
of �he P��u1ic Utilit3.es Commission9 and inclul:in� Exhil�it
AYES: Comm. BrSrson, Buthenuth, I'rolich, Horgan, Hirshon
NAYS: None
Mot ion carried, 5-0
81,00!F.12 B. SIGN ORDINANCE N0 350 Revision of exist�n�; Si�n
Ordinance No. 89. First �iearing continued.
The Pa_annin�; Director said U�e can �xpect commen�s from
'che Cup�rtino Chamber of Commerce in Lhe near fu�cure and
he wondered if, on that basis, this item should be post-
poned either until November 1�l�h or tabled until 'che
, Chamber's comments have been s�udied. I'c was decided
that i;i.e Plannin� Commission would �o over the revisions
su��ested as a result of a mee�ing Uetween the Planning
Director and Mr. Chris Chrisf,iansen, oF ti:lesi,ern Oil and
Gas Associa��;ion. The Publ3c Hearin� would be k��t on the
a�enda for Oci,. 2�,, even if commeni,s by the Char��u�r of
Commerce have not come in.
PC-R19 Minutes of the Oct. 10, 1966 Plannin� Commission Meeting
Section 5.02d,: It taas agreed �ha�c displays of inerchandise
for bona iide sale should el�pressly be excepted From sion
re�ula c:�ons .
Section j.10: Comm. Er�son and Horgan�were 3.n favor of the
two-y�ar s�ipul�tion. Comm. Bu�henuth and Frolich were
more r�cep�i�ze to the five--Jear Iimita�ion, as compromised
by the Plannin� Director. Mr. Christiansen had proposed
seven �co 'cen years .
Section 6.021: Comm. Frolich fel� some phrase sl�.ould be
included ior the situation vaher� �here would be a split
frontae,� e; perhaps somethin� lii�e : "Only one �round si�;n
is perrni c'ced in. cases vahere �che fronta�e is spli'c, and
�chat si�all Ue insi;alled on the lon�est por�ion." The
Plannin� Director poin�ed oui, c�7a'� �che deep, narroti•a lots
ar� perllaps �ne ones that nced t�7� adver'cisin`<; r:�cre �han
'che wide, sha11oU1 lots. I�c was decided this poini, sY�ould
have fur.'�l�er s�udy before a decision is made.
Sections 6.022 and 6.02�: Coma�. FroTi.ch su�ges�ed adding
a phrase: "....except Lhai, j_n cases where,.." a� the end.
The Direc'cor of Public Works did not �feel it ti�ras a �ood
idea to allova si�ns over the puUlic ri�ht-of-v��ay. Mr. Bob
Scott, of Scott Auto on Stevens Cr�ek B1vd., said Mountain
View el�rn�.na�ced the para�rap?z re�ardin� setUac?{s (corres-
por�din� 'co 6.022 and 6.023) from 'cizeir Ordinance. It v�aas
decided 'c��ia'c Section 6.022 would Ue left as the Plannin�
Direc�or has su;gested; excep�ions can be made �n
individual cases.
Section 6.02�; : It was decid�d - co le� it stand ai. 20' .
S°ction 6.026: Additional wo�din� is needed.
Section 6.131: Additional t�rordin�; is needed.
Sectio�� 8.13: This section is �o be retained as is.
Seci,ion 8.�Ib: This must be s�udi�d furLher. The Buildin�
Department is reques<ced i,o ma�ce a survey on which to base
fur�her s'tudy. Comm. Frolich s��� ;ested tha� service
� sta�ions should have several basic signs. Comrn. BLlthenu�h
su���si,ed the Commission evplore tne four basic�signs that
Mr Raf ?�.Thi�e, of Shell Oil, was talkin� aUout di.zrin� �he
hearins�s ior the Val.],eo Parl; Shell Sta'cion. Comm. Bu'chenu�h
sugges��d �he si�n area be based on a combina'cion of f loor
space of i,l�e buildin� and lot area. Comm. Frolich felt
that Seci,ion 8.61c should be similar to Section 8 .61a.
The Buildiri� Inspec�or �.s as�ced to check this ou'c.
� L� _
PC-R19 Minutes of the Oc�. 10, 19�6, Plannin�; Commission Meeting
Section 3. The Plannin�; DirecLOr sta�;�;ested service
stations should be excluded from this sec'cion.
Section 6.05�-! : T�r. Bob Sco'c� qucs�ioned �he reason for
the req�.�.�remen� of illumination. He did not relish the
idea cha � a businessman tivoL�ld have Lo �o down to liis
store every nif;h'c a� 10 P.M. and �curn off his si�n.
The Flannin��� Director said 'chis req?-irem�nt had been
copi�d �'rom the . pres�nt Ordinance; l�e did not l:nocv
the rQason behind it. C�omtr�. Bryson su�ges�ed elimi-
� nazinJ Sec'�ion 6. 05� . :
Moved b;r Comm. Frolicri, secondecl 1�� Comm. Hor ;an, f�o
eon�cini�� che f3.rst hearin� on i.ize r�vised SiUrz
Ordinance uritil. t�1e riex� reE;ular mee'cin�; of the
Plannin& Cornmissian.
AYES : Coram. Bryson, Bu�henui,l;�, Frolich, H�r�;an, Hirshon
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
o:i Parlcin� Space Widths.
The Plannin� .Director sair� that cars �rotN fasf;er than
parkin,r� spaces. He feels - �hat g' ti•?idth mi�,h� be per-
� mii,ted in� industrial parks, throL?�l� Use, Permii; or
Develol�m�n'c Plan procedures, � bui �cha.�, i;hey shoulcl remain
10' in commercial zoMes, �A?��ere people are encurnl�ered
trai�h par:els, �shoppin� ba js and c��iil.dr�n.
Comm. Bu'cilenuL�z feels Z�1e shoulcl �;E� �he 4rdinance dov��n
� �o sot7�e�nin� We can enforce. He feels the finaneial
� aspect should be co�sidered here. The Plannin� Direc�or
said �tha'c hi�h Zonin� s�candards sueh as adequat,e parl�ino
� are li?-:e1y to resl?It in lotiver land price per acre, rath�r
� t�ian lli�;�zer price to 'che cons�imer.
The Plannin; Dil^ector sug�ested �ize Archi�ec�cural and
Site Approval Committee should ci�ec�c can tne size of the
proposed purlcin� spaees, Comm. Hor�an saici �he 10' wide
�� requirernen� is upheld by �he Arc.hi�cec�ural and Site
Approval Commitf;ee in �h�ir 10 si,ancaard conditions. He
fe�1s no f�nal inspection appro�ral shotzld be �ran�,ed
� unless �11e a�plicar�� conforms to ��le parltinU rec�uirements.
' .. Moved by Comm. Frolich, secondec? by Cocnm. Hor;an, 'chat the
. parl�in� space width requ:ir�men� rema�n standin� as is.
i AY�S: Comm. Bryson, Frolich, Horgan
NAYS : Comm. Bu�cl�enu�h, Hirshon
Motion carriecl, 3-2
PC -Ri9 Mirnites of - che Oc'c. 10, 1966 Plann3n� Com���ission Meeting
A. The Plannin� Direc�or indica�ed �hat there ti��rere 'cwo dif-
81,005 feren� i�cems to be discussed a�� the ,�oint me�tin; Uaith
81,025.81 the Coun�c;� Plannin� Comrnission: A policy for the already
buil��-up old Monta Vis'ca ar�a, east of Stevens Creelc;
and a policy and nei�hborhoocl plan for the lar�;ely
uncleveloped area. around the in�cersection of Stevens
Creel� Blvd, and Footl�ill Blvd. He referred to his
memo oi Oetober lOth re�;ard�n; "Planning Policy in
Old Mon�a t�ista (connec v Coun'cy Rezonin�; 6z66 .6) .
Chairman Hirshon tieondered. if tlle reali�nmen�c of r�IcClellan
Road sizould be incorpora�ed into these discussio�zs.
Mr. Noor Billavaalla, 9 Fort Ba�:�r Drive, San Jose, asked
if �che Plannin� Commissioners received i;he Oc�colier �rd memo
from i,he Planrlin� Director in r��;ard �co the nei�;i�borhoo��
plan for the Foothill Blvd. area. It was decid�cl they
Uaould first discuss item 1; �chcn Mr. Billawalla ti?ould be
permi �co enter �he cliscussian ti�ahen item 2 corr�es up.
The Plannin� Director no �ed �hai, landotivners toould frequ�ntly
'cry to �e'c a r�zoizir�� from the County be anne�:in ; to
the Ci�cJ because County Zonin� re�;ulations ar� less re-
stric�cive. cllan Cupertino's. .�nnnl�ai;ion has to be made
because i� is not practical �;o supp7.y water fro��� t;he
Cuperti.no t�:ia�cer ti�Jor�cs to areas ou�side C,i�y k�ot�ndaries.
This encumbers the City with non-conz"ormin� uses and
frustrations oi the General Plan. I�c is emphau that
�;he Ci'c;,- does not use the annexation rule as a threa to
achieve conformance with City planning rul�s, Th� problem
is difficult; perhaps the prezo,zin� procedure enabled by
Sta�e lar� tvoLlld be appropriate.
The Plannin� Direcf�or said thai, proper plannin� requires
relatin ;�raffictiaays and other pt�Ulic ai�d quasi-public ,
faeili�cies i,o 'che fu�ure rn�mber of residen'cs in an area,
and r�serve space for f;�lese. Unfortu.nately, it is qui�e
common �ha�i, no real plannin; done; 'chin�s are alloti�aed to
drif;,; si,rip d�velopment is perniitted, ei,c, The cos to
the ta:ypayers for remedyin� �his by .breakin� fre�ti^rays
or expressviays throu�;h already lauili;-up areas, a�quiring
access ri�h'cs, et., is enormous. Ci�cies end u� half'--
developed, c�ahich also is a loss �o the landovaners.
Mr. Billawalla sev2rely critisized the plan, not because he
thought�it'was a bad plan, but because_any unified planning
baszd on cooperation betc�een landowners is impractical in
this country. Comm. Frolich warned t�at if we never try�to �
cha.nge the patterns of the past we are wasting our time here
on the Planning Commission. He would like to have at least j
a chance to explore this thing. A little idealism injected
in here from time to time is good for a community.
PC-Rl9 Minutes of the Oct. 10 1966 Plqnnin�_Commzssion_Meztin�_
Mr. Billawalla said the planned service station for that
corner (Mobil� is of good quality. The planning taking
place is holding up development of the property. Further,
locating six gas stations on two corners, as suggested
by the Planning Director, is impractical.
Mr. Keith Bower, 11116 Linda Vista, asked the relation�-
ship between thz County and the Cit�� of Cupertino with
this property. Chairman Hirshon said Cupertino is
affected; therefore, the City is interested. Also, thz
County requested the opinion of the Planning Commission
on this issue.
Mr. Al1en Humz, Mabil Oil real estate agent, said they
have their Use Pe"rmit now, but in order to put in the
station they want, it necessitates abandonment of a
"paper street and having a lot across this street rezoned
commercial in order to provide �dequate driveways on
both Foothill B1vd. and Stevens Cr2ek Blvd. If they
cannot achieve this, they will prbceed with "second best,
which is constructing the station on the already rezoned
The Director of Public Wor.ks said thz applicants could
have sa,ved time if they had brought their plans and
applica�ion for annexation to the City of Cupertino right
away; they will hav� to annex in any case to obtain water.
To emphasize the importance of the situation, the Planning
Director noted that Cupertino's population in March, 1966
was 12,0�3. In the Foothill Blvd. area we are talking
� about, it is zoned for a population of 10,000.
B. Comm. Frolich asi�ed that the City Manager be notified
' that he will be unable to attend the San Diego meeting
because hu wi11 be away on business. Mr. Bryson said
` he, too, will be unable to attend the San Diego
Moved by Comm. Bryson, seconded by Comme Frolich, to
adjourn the meeting at 10:10 P.M.
� /s/ Jac?� Hirshon
ATTEST: Chairman
Adde Laurin, Director of Planning