PC 07-26-66 , 10�21 �outn Sara �o�a-Sun��y-�ale 'rZoau
Cupertino, Californ��.a, �5G1L ;, ^���_1��^=,
LIZOI._.. -/�- /��
C I 1 T�' 0 i C ti __:, _�'; 0
Caiir'or: �u
''iII�JT'.=.5 Oi T :?: JOTI��T I�R��:��..'..��:^ OF' Ti'L' C� �':' �0"_. . � _ -_ . -" _�-.
, i �a
1�.ND ARCHITECTURAL A:�1D S1^L, r+�'P iOVAI. CC ...�_ t _., -. - .-> �_:� . � . .,, " _ ....
Held ir, the Mal�i-Purpose i?oor,;, Portal ��.:��- . _;;;,0;� i�,. �la:��f avcnuc,
Cuper�ino, Cali:f'orn;�a
Councilmen presen'c: Dempster, ritz�eral�l, J,�i..'i�on, St�'•:e�
Councilmen absent: Noel
Plannin� Cornm, presen�:: ' Br.yson, �uth�:�t.c:., : Hor�an, Hirsizon
Plannin� Comr�, absen�: I�lone
�� ' ;
H-Contr. ol Comm. pres�nt : 1{orai �z, S�:,all, :� �._.--> .� i ��.
H-Cortrol Coram, a:�sen'r,: i������:?
Staff presen�: Cit;,; _.-�r:�. __: ��; . _. _ _
C:..'L";y` �..,�.G�._� ', ..,._.. .... :_ .�,,--
�1�'�C;,G= O�. . "i;_= � �_ .., , _ _ __..., _ ._....::��'
l � ,.�!:��inl:C�i � `:,;� i� ,...:�1�._ ,.
D J�l l:� UV1 OL l.�l.l�.N, it'(_ .�.�� _.`. ` ....�,Il _.:
A,:�s.....S�Lan:. i ZUnill".z'� J�.... .... _..a...
Reccrc:ir.� Secretary, .:..��..� �.: �:�_.-�
I�ayor St;olres' open�rr• st�.�e;: ��r_:; inu� _ �.';eu t;��= �; �: e::��et �n� ��� -�
an informal. mee�in� o� t'r.e C�t�r Cov.nc�_:�, i la: ..��� �� o��,::��y:�N-'_o:.
and ArchiLectur•al a:�d Si':.e Ar�prov�.l Co;:..�ittee Lo �::,,
and all ii,ems L'nat tne Commissione;�s, Co�.�mi�t�eer:�en ar.d C���':�,ci=-
men desire�. He fur�her stated that :��e did nct i n-�i:�r ���a�'
wisrz to establis"r. arf set of' standaL�ts tr:aL t��ould in :'-'i�c�
� pre-jud�e any fui,urc app�ications, :�ut that each applic�::�
should have i:is op�ortur�cy �o b�: h��r� and polled by t::e
respective �:O:Oli11.JS�0ii �'L' vOi:�:?';l��i;�:� c_::�� u� Lli2 l�.i�y C.C�:iiCr.i
if ap�lica�ion t�aer�: mace �o do so 0
The Direc�cor of Pu'pl 'rlorits �ave G`r�r;-ci' out:�i n��� cn t?ze �»c-
posed Phase II Cour.'c� L:�:pT'eSS�r•:u; PNo�;����m, :.r.;�.��.cu�i:^; tc �'.:�:
City Council the various projec;,s i._ �,: i� s�u�iy that ti
c�irectly arfect t:�e City of Cur��'cir.o. In �r` or�.�i:^.a1 cor.-
, C@pt fOY' �i'le L'i{pT'�SS:�JaJ Pro�r �:.1:7, ��`7� 1.17CT'�3: C:� Y'8.1..�' Gi
inflation was noL con�em�,�la'ced an:� L:�_u sccor.d N:iase i�thic: !�:ac.
bcen antici;�ated at �'�70 million �ai11 rr,ore than lil.elf rur: to
�100 million ,or �110 rni"llion.
The Nafor noLed inclus��on ol cl.� ���ic.�ning of Stellin� Rc=�d
from Stevens Cree?�c Blvd, to Y;o~.�.�,stc�.c: :;cad ar.d opene�' t'r,�: d���-
� cussion wi�h re;ard to �he pcss:i�il�.�� o� cr�an�inLr �:z� rx'°�;��,�m
� to include Mary Avenue iror�, S�cev�r�s C�^eelt �ilvcl, to I-icn,esr-e .d
� Road rather tihan Stellin� Road. Coun'cilr,�an ri�z�;erald fel�
that 'aoth rou�es would b� r.ecu :sa��•; .
. -_ , _ ,, aen�ed a Z'r��:��'i�v,ays Pl�.n for the . .
__�'_c<,.;,�n� th�,t, c:�� plun is prcmatu.re, and
__ _ ..:,_mai,es" r•a�i_.._ t� ,°�tati�i;�ics, but it ,
��,,- �.:,-�µ �:,�ecause i� i_as a. hearir.� on Lhe express-
. , -„ „�,,.�, pJ.r�n ��lc��..� �.�; '���. .,;a.aea �r� ana.lys��
� � � � . � ^�� ��enst , -, ^n� --r,vcraLor;�, �.�opu�.���.on �
, . . . ,
,` , ,� � ..,-:����s'��.r!��.��� �» �uz�vey
_ . , , _ _ ;_�c'r, :.�ata �-���.11 be
_ ::.�.:....�n �.: �i ,;r,;�.�n� t� �11 i;rien star� ,
„ _�
�. .:, � . ; . : , .. . : - ,,_?� docume irafficwaJs Plan, .
„ _ _ . _ _ . �._ � ci'ie rcvi �ed C;cncr•tt�..l Yla.n, ?.nd px�egenti
__ . ,� �.,� .,.--., . ,, .__ �..
TYie Plannin� Director ? ndicated a sys�cem of existin� and pro- .' �-
posed local s�reet;s, ma�or streets and freeways, l��There new ,
construction �.s invol.ved; ; ra�hex ,than ; completion of half- �
� finished st;reet;s, automobile a�e sL of • capacity �and:- ��=� "-''?
safety should Ue applied, and still us�d concepts 1'rom the '� '�' -�'-'?
�: : hor: e-�and--Uu��� era, should, be, abandoned. ' �
. . . . . � ....,. ... ... . .. �. �... � ,1 ... . _ ..� .1•I�` �
I� has been the concern of other Plannin� Di'rectors in 'the '��-� �-^� ,;
County thaL �;he, second phase of the expre�sway pro�;ram would '
pre- judge �he Coun�y's plannin� and Lraffic study� now. in ��-'�`- ` . �'�
progr�ss. A desirable concep'c of ci�a.es with ident and • �
focal points may lead to other locations of expressvrays, and
a mass Lransrortu.tion system r�i�;ht rnal:e some of �hem un= ��', `�
necessar�r. In the case of Cuper�ino, however, the proposed �
part of the expressvaay program ���ould fit into.any conceivable
ccncep� o�' i.he ,future city. � , ' �' ''
�rhe Plann�.n� Direc�or suggested thaL the� Council talce no .
positi.on to the plan, but he thou�h� �ii; proper to le� the
County knoT,1 thai, ti��e have a tenta�ive plan which mi�ht serve
as a basis for dlscussion, when details of the expressvaay �
progra.m come up. . . . . _ ;
Comm.. Frolich asked about��the pos�sibil3,by of.the northbound . I
: on ramp and s.outhbound off, ramp. �,f _ Stevens Freeway, .a�c.; � ; '
, ,�,McClellan..,There has be'en no furLher aetion on
T�ere was some discussion about the unreallstic speed limit
, on ti�lolfe Road and Stevens . Creek Blvd. Mayor �S�okes felt �
this spcc�i li!nit; �rould be revie�aed af.ter the .improvements� -, .
are comrletcd.
, ...... i . .
Ii2 Iv'iIGIIBORiI00D BO'JT��/�RIES AND �,'AMES ; ,. , . , � �
� � �2'= , , , . l , �. .
�-�� j .
��layor Stoices s���;�;est�d '�h� Council, Plannin�r Commis�ion, •
�a.rchit�cL;�ra1 �:nc� S� te ^:pprova� Commi �cez and the Park and .. :��
., �rc�a �i.o:� Co:..�,,-ss_o��_ .:.�h appoin�c one person to � a commit�ee
_ r� �r no� . ,�" , _ "� r.eit�;hborhood boundaries and �
. �: r,r.,,, .. ,_ � �_�m�.n i?oc1 Lo this con�mit�ee, �
The i�lan�:�n,� Direct,c� sta;,ed that the purposes for these
n�i�hborhood bouru;�.x� � �s and names is: 'co �create safe stre�ts,
tr� to �e1; cerLair. fac�ilities within' �aalking distance, and
because �there is G theory �that�peopl� will be be�ter citizens
if they can identify with the ne.3.�huorhood they.live in. .
�he nei�hborhoods r�lll probably be . 9.n half-mile square .�rlds.
Mayor Stolces a�k�d '�h� Commissioners and Committ�eemen if they
had any specific qucstions of Lhe Cii:y Co�ancil.: Comm. Bryson ;;
sa�.d he ct�.d no� se�� a neeu ior names ot' nei�hbor.hoocis. IIe
felt �here Vr'('.Z'C r:,o�•�� !�r�;en� maLcers 'co talce eare of. Mayor �
Sto..es 1'e ;.'� �.;'�:i;s ;; �udy could be �r�rappetl up in a relatively
�'�iort tir,c,
� . .. __. ;o vo� ce ni� cr�nio�� on a 1'eva rnatters.
:'.. � �or,;;�� Usi qne�s :�::ou;�:: ,a � •��e the�.x� ind.e�en-
� � � , .;,' i!��.i��i�i. f � ���t:.: �J,��U�C:�1! V11 �11�
,,� . ��r � v;ant ��e Coun4�.�,
':, :n��1� :��o�: a�.4v��'�
-- ._ _�_ ._ .. .;o�nt. Cot�nci�
_ ..._.,>�::__c:.._ �.:cu::1 no� have �oo much
� . _ � ._ ,- . I-,� �.�av � �ec, ��tie Plannin� Com-
. , . . , - . _ _.�� m�ri',;� oi �che current case, not
___ , ;, t , , , c: r;i_Ly t.tr�ut'�� l, c�n :,im lar ��i
H-Control Cha�_rman, Fitch v�ould l�.ke �o� request thai,,,.as. much
as posslble;' the applicants have their �Use � Permits� �ranted �
before H-Control review. Mayor Stokes said .Lhe sL'a�'f has been -
directed to malce the de�erraina�ion i�lhether a Use Per�nit is
necessary and ii the applicant does noL like the deci�ion, he ,
can then appeal to the City Council. 'The Plannin� Director�_�;
said that the applican� is supposed to have the Use Permit ,,
- before �o:Ln� to H-Control,'but 'che applican�s usually plead �
�hardship i:,o �e�; on �he H-Control a�enda earlier. It is ,
w�.thin the povrcr oi i;he H-Control Committee to no�: allow them
on the a�enda unL the Use Permit is granL The City
Attorriey said a.f:Lr;�, fixed policy is needed that the Use _�
Permi� be o'a�alned before goin� before H-Control. Mayor
� Sto'.ces direcLed the Building Departmen� to check with.the
Plannin� Depar�men� to determine wizo needs Use�Permi�s or
rezonin�. .
. . .. . : . . _ .' . ... . , . - _-,; .
B1, 032 ' . . � . . �
� Mayor Stolt-es su��ested service '�ta1;3.on. landscapin� be . require@ �.
to be done by llcensed landscape architects.: A further re-
quix�ement Lo be Lhat they be sprinlclered and all sprinlclers
� to be controlled by one masLer:vale.� This would,tend .to
•'�encoura�e the service stat3on opera'cor to maintain., �'r.e land-
scapin�. , . . .
Chairman F'iLch s��L�mit �ed i:he � follovain� "Su�;�ested Standard
Conditions �:or Ser�✓i_ce Statibns" which the H-Control Com-
mittee 1��or'.:ed up on T�iay 2 ._.
1. Ger.era_ appe�.ra�ce �� .. _ . : .. - . . ... ,
2. Si�r.s . : _ , " � _. . .. . . _ . . i_ '
a . in/en ���indoti� , . . .. . _ . .
�J. S'.��1'.'?C�-'..lj?� ,. ": �._
C, �)O�C • .. .
Ci , .; i iO N � f;1J.'.`� �� �„ i � r � �
- . n'''�°._ _.� _'l� ^;�'l;� r`_�
_. �l
. _' �_ _ � ' - ' . . .
4 `�� - -- i�-� l --._ ' _..... .. � . .
5. Land;�cap� ri; . . . : .;, �
6. Used cars
7. Canopy • � . , _. . , .. . . •� .
�8. Continuation of Use Permit con�in�ent� upon:�he.maintenance
of tne lanclsca�;�?n�;.
(Items 7 anc� 8 abc��e were added a� th�s meetln6: ),
Counc . Demr.��cer a�:cc� the City Attorney wrlat the proper p.ro-
cedure woulci I�� 1'o.r ma��inU vp this �et of standard conditions. �
� The Clt�r A�cL ;_�aid Yie �aould revie��� the Gas Sta�ion Ordinance
to sne, po�s��?J.,,�, _f it could be 1;ancLLed as an amenamenL Lo it. "
Tli� alte��z�_<i,�_���:� �.:o�,•.lci be ��o pass a Resolution Lo this effect.
� � � � � _ - r._.^,or.� �-^o � C;o�r,�r,� '�o mak^ up trie
_. :,;��e Ci �y �. �, �:o r��z�y, anci s�ab;��i � 3_L to
_ �:: �'or � cv�� e�,. ,
� ,;�� �•�, ;�� �z:;�i�.i���t,x:�'�:��; ���:�v�.�1�� fi'�x� tl�� �'��-
, �'.
. � � copy �{' ,�;c��tern
._ . , LL � _ :;cr� sor�e ar�a_��n
: � . . _ _ . :?e �a:�d. �..cse uarne consic;era �ions
. _. �_ , . �cr �ma1.1, ��nc�.�.vldua.l bu�incsses.
_ -_- _ _ ,�,:�:����lca a.lso 'oe a consiclera'.;ion. . �.
Comm.. Fro"lich su�;estecl: Liz�,.P7.�nn�.n� DeparLment, as �v:e�.l� as
�the Bulldin,•'Department, take ,a� Lhe H-C.ontrol, ,-. , �
. � aPPlicaLions'. . ,,� , . . i, . f .... .�.:c, � �. � .. .... • .
�. t3 i,.. _.,. ?i, _ . . .;r�� .`.� ;; :. .., _.....
.. .. .. � ,. . i:(' �, .... .J: ��., f:<.'�_.._.
VI . ADDITIONAL � BUSIN�SS . . . _,'�_� .. ':; - - �.. �-�.: � .:,: ��
�1,00� ' . , �_ �l'� !,, ' , �, ,', . ,,;. �. .`:
--The Plannin� Director_stated that the County P,lanniny.�,Com-
mi �sion h�.s �.�eferrecl to us for � commen�; , an appllca�ion �'or a
� Use P�rmlt For a �e.rvice station at Lhe SW corner o�' McClella.l
Road and Scellin� �oad. The_ Boarc� oi Supervisors has� recently
rezoned i;his ��,e1J.-discLtssed property xor such or similar,
puxpose. The Plan:�in� Director saa.1 I�e would rather not :
s�;a�e a prei'erenee be'cween a�as sta'cion or, for � in�Lance, a
_��PofSbie DLner,�� .__.., ... ,. , ; „ . ,.. _
• , �_ ,. . ..
Mayor SLolces 1�roulcl like a system dev�Csed �r�hereby a7.1 past .:
' proceedin�s on a.r,riven appllcant be compiled. and sen't .to thz
- -�Ccuncilmen prior �o.their review,of,�he case. :.__ , __
_ _ . � , �r
The` Clty` At �orney suggested a:.. conL led�er,., wh�.cli. ti�rould have
- a tirne diary anc� a. short �entry. on i•ahat each case ti�as,�abou�.
Tlze City f�tana�er recommended a synopsis of each case, in-
cludin� c�aLe ancl application numbers. �
Comrn. F�'rcl�_eL com�n�nteu on a sys�cem L,sed by a� nearUy� munici- '
pali�y vri�����^cbJ ��_� �'1�nnin;; Cor�m�ssion, aPter thely denial
of an arp� -t ca �io:: and anr.�roval by tl�e City Council seems
liltelf, v�ou.icl m� ::� a r�otion ci inLeni; to asrthroN� , L -
P1�.r..r.in�; Comin�� �.�io,z decision. The application then Uoes baclt „
to LYie Pl��.n��i�:r; Ce:;rr.ission to enable t;hem to throw 1n any
condJ_�ionr� �:�ey �ee fi�. It was �l�o�� ;ht i�hat this� procedure
',�10UZC� U1pnG S^c Y'1�_1i G''.i:_'_u�.�' Lrl@ a,pl��1Cc`1.17��.
T :� _���. �r�: .;;,r ano'.;..��r �; .,, � municipaliLy is Lhat tlie s��.Ff
_ .,.,� ._ �,::;; an�: �;i1e Piannin�; Commj.ssion,
, �' �: � �:1.C:::�S c`�. ' 1a�;, Of' condi'cions
„_._ _ , o�.� ._.. _� �����d l�' tiiey had approvea �hc
app���ica`:,ion. � .. . � . � �
Mayor Stolces su�U�s �ed t;l��e Plannin� Dlrector� vexbally point
-._. o�:t these concl�.tion� GL the Plannin� �Commission meetings.
Counc. Dernp�tei° :���.��,t;cU �ea the a�endas could have a,t-1:Lder
scope, and could i:iclL�de condi�iorls for the applica��ions.
� Plannln` Con;rn .�Ui.or� C�aii;nGn Hirshon i'eels the P].annin� '�' I
Comrni SS].017�.?I;S `�i?'.`,�1�.�: �r7.V^ Ghnlx T'C'£',�SO]1S after the VO'i:e '� S .
taken. C��li��°� i�:� �_'�, ti�^zI siioizld ��ve c�leir r�asoris beiore "
`.;h�� vo�^.
_1! _ '
"':� � __ ,,; c:-_ . , �a _c. ;i�e C,ity Counci�_ coulcl r. eavest a
= ��.�'�' c�: ;�x��_'�_-._ _ ���:,:�:: ., :�� Plannin�; Cornn;ission contair�i.n�; the
col � �ic,; _� �.-.::� ��o��il�: have pUt On �ne applica �]_On if they
.�-�. ; � �, r':;�� ap��iication �•,ould then come ug a�ain
z� ,_ _:�,e ne.,. _ Co��r�.:Ll mee �in�.
, ,_.! _ .�'✓:1 rl �. Z i ,_ ..
' '- g .
i�iG��lrii_; ';1'3. �_��i�o:..:�i., a�� �5 P.M.
/s� ---- - Ga ry _ S t o 1{e s __ __ _ _. _ ___ .
1�Iayo r --
; �� ,Jf a�� � �, . ,
,� �' �` !- �i'���--�:� •�..,�..,.,�
City Engin��r
-5- ,;