PC 07-19-66 10321 SouLh Sa��a�o��-�'unny=Tale P.oad
Cupertino, Cali.fornia, 9�G1'� Pi�one : 2;�-L150�
PC wW3
C I T Y 0 F C U P E R T I N 0
Comm. present: Ez°yson, $uthenutr., Horgan
Comm. absen�: Frolich, Hirshon
�taff p�esenz: Planning Director, Adde Laurin �
Assistant Planner, Ji�n Nuzum
Chief Building Inspec�or, Bill Benevich
� Recoi�ding Secret� ry, Lois Inwards
The Chief Buildirig Inspector reported f3.rst, using Portal
Pla.za as an e:iample. Portions of the Sign Ordinance need-
�ng chan��s, to ma�;e it more workable, were pointed out by
use of �ra�hs, �tc showing the sign surface allowed under
present re ;ula'cions .
Decisions made: Minimum sign surface: 20 sq. ft. :for
anyone entitlec� to a szgn. Zt vaas f�lt the �round signs
should be l�ep'c to 20' maximum height; perhaps shopping
cen�er signs should be allowed to go 35 '.
It was then decided to review the various sections of the
Sign Ordinance listed in the Assistant Planner's memo of
6/30/66, �
2.9 "Shopping Center" shall mean a commel°cial development with �
a miniin���m��of 00 lineal feet f'ron�a�e facing u puuiic ri�ht
of way or five acre minimum land area, owned in fee, or
controlled by a single entity.
2,11 "Ground Si.�n" shall mean any free standing sign supported
�y upri�hts or braces placed upor� the ground.
2,13 "Roof Si sha11 mean any sign erected, construcf�ed or
maintained wholly upon the roof of any building.
PC-W3 Minu �es of JulsT 1�, 1966, � tudy Sessior, or� Sign Ordinance t�y
Planning Commission
L�.11 "Shopping Center Si�n A shopping center may be p�rmi�ted
a shopping center sign as follov�s:
a� Height Maximum hei�ht of 25 fee'c.
b, Surface area : Not more �han two surface areas taith
neith�r sur ace exceeding 150 sq. ft.
c. rlumber of signso One shopping cenver sign shall be
al�owed on eac`�i side of the property bordered by a
s�;reet; but no shopping center si�n may be nearer than
200 fee� to any �ther shopping center sign.
�,32 "Sign Area For Commercial, Office, and other Land Uses"
A, The maximum perm�.ss�.ble sign surface area shall no�t
exceed 500 �qo ft. and no applicant shall have more
than �wo si���s.
B: Remains �he sameo
'C, Remains the same,
Do The maximum perm3.ssible sign surface area for an� single
sign surface sha11 not exceed 250 sq, ft.
E I�egardless of limitations expressed in Section A above,
every business or commercial venture shall be entitled
to a minimum si�n surface area of 20 sq. ft.
F, � No ground sign shall be allowed for an�T zone v�rith lesa
than 210 lineal feet frontage on a public right of way.
5.5 Space betvaeen sign, ground and other structure
A11. ground si�ns ...�.. No ground si�;n shall be nearer than
5 feet to any building.
7.1 Height No roof sign shall have a surface or facing ex�end-
ing more 'chan 10 feet above Lhe highest point of �he roof
and in no case may the total height oi the sign exce�d the
height for �he particular.��strict in which the buildin� is
located, as shown in Ordinance 220(�;).
7,2. Loca'�ion: All roof signs shall be o�rer or on tl�e roof of
the structure with all supports witliin the vert3.ca1 exten-
sion of the foundat3.on lines.
7.3 Is the same as (.2 in the present Sign Ordinance.
PC�ti�'3 Minutes of Jl,ly 19 1956, Study Sess� on on Sign Ordinance
by Planning Com��niss�on
Additional notes:
�! .12 2 f wi'ch a minimum of 20 sq. ft , and maximum of 500 sq. ft .
2� of the building area and add lo for second floor, if
an;r, with a minimum of 20 sq� ft. and maximum of 500 sq. ft.
Ground si�ns: Double faced si�ns shall be called one si;n, but
the si�n surface on both sides shall be computed. (Le'c's
discoura�;e ground signs for individual businesses; they
properly belon� with shoppin� centers.) If there is a
shopping cen�cer sit�n, there sha11 be no additional �;round
sign. There shall not be more than two �round si�;ns on
a sin�le piece o:C property, includin� shopping cen��er
si�ns. Al1 'chrough the Ord�nance, replace the word
"variance" Vai'ch "exception" .
3.17 Si�ns at'caci�ed to veh� cles : No si�;n of any �cind sY�all be
affixed 'co any vehicle or trailor provided, however, �ha'c
a bona fide delivery vehic�e may have paj_nted upon 'che
vehicle Uhe name, �ype of busin�ss, and telephone nur��ber
of the business, and nothing more."
The PJ_annin� Direci,or had sent ou� a four-pa�e memo dealing vai�h
procedures fo.r the Si�n Orc�.inar�ce, vaith provisions collected under
� proper headlines and in lo�ical order. The only proposed chan�e
in content, and a very important on�, v��as ti�a � Si�n :��r;e�tions
would be �zeard by 'che Architectural and Site Conf�rol Commi�i,ee,
not }�y the Plannin� Commission, The Commissioners a�reed;
regarding Section 13.7 they pref�rred the "Al'cerna'cive proczdure
1�1.so, Section l�! .� sl��ould retain bo �h paragraphs .
It was unanimously a�reed to adjourn at 10:35 P.M.
�s� J. t�:i. Buthenuth
� Vic�--Chairman
�`' � j���'r „�� i��r.' ;1;, �°� �`�
Ad e Laurin
Direc'cor of Plannin"